MaryM ount 2012/Term... · The Marymount Art Show Gala Opening is tonight from 7.00pm and continues...


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Newsletter 24 Friday 3 August 2012





k Wednesday

8 augustGold Coast Eisteddfod

Debating Semi Finals

Chess Competition St Stephen’s College,


thursday9 august

Gold Coast Eisteddfod

QCS Full Day Rehearsal Day 2

Science Night

Author Simon Higgins visits Marymount

tuesday7 august

Gold Coast Eisteddfod

Rugby Union Gala Day

Year 11 Tourism Excursion Numinbah

Year 11 (2013) Subject Selection Evening

MOnday6 august

Gold Coast Eisteddfod

Friday10 august

Gold Coast Eisteddfod

Primary Schools Science Morning

Years 10,11 & 12 Film, Television & New Media

Excursion to the EKKA

2011 AustrAliAN VocAtioNAl studeNt PrizeFOur MaryMOunt Winners recOgnised

Ministerial advice has been received that Caitlin Logan, Michael Harcla-Goody, Michelle Marcic and Nicholas Kelleher have been awarded an Australian Vocational Student Prize for 2011. Winners of the prize receive a certificate and $2000. The Australian Vocational Student Prize recognises the achievements of students

who completed their senior studies whilst undertaking a vocational education and training in schools program, or undertaking an Australian School-based Apprenticeship. Congratulations to these young people. Congratulations also to our College VET Teachers, and our Careers Office for the wonderful opportunities and support they provide to students in the VET program.

seNior FormAlWith their Formal at the Marriott last Saturday, our Seniors took a further step towards the world beyond school. Congratulations to parents/guardians who are clearly supporting their sons and daughters who presented magnificently, enjoyed the dancing and their evening at the Marriott. Thanks must go to Mr Cornor and Mrs Scott who organised the evening and the Senior Pastoral Teachers who supervised on the night.

Art show oPeNs toNightThe Marymount Art Show Gala Opening is tonight from 7.00pm and continues on Saturday and Sunday from 10.00am. There is wonderful art on show and if you miss the opening, take an hour or so on Saturday or Sunday to drop in. On Sunday there will be Dance and Drama performances in the Theatrette from 11.00am for those looking for added value. Without our sponsors the financial viability of the Art Show could not be sustained. Through their generous contributions it becomes reasonable to take the risk and run the Art Show.

Diamond Sponsors: The Professionals, Black & Young Burleigh and Bank of Queensland Palm Beach

Ruby Sponsors: Boyce Lawyers, Prompt Electrical, Envision Optical, and Teece Airconditioning

Sapphire Sponsors: Marymount Tennis, Marymount Primary P&F, and Marymount College P&F

Emerald Sponsors: AllSigns, Marriott Resort & Spa Surfers Paradise, Bertoldi Architects,

One Plumber, CH Security, Pegasus Environmental, and Interchange Consultancy Group

The momentum provided by our major sponsors ensures we commit to the Art Show costs and the community responds to ensure the social and financial success.

Our appreciation to the very professional committee led by Mrs Pauline Cook, with unfailing support from Mrs Colleen Kinging, Mrs Carolyn Horrocks, Mrs Traci Touzell, Mrs Karen Harrison, Mrs Lynne Bray, and the Art, Grounds, and Secretarial staff of the College and Primary School for all their work to ensure we were ready for the Gala Opening tonight. Finally, to Mrs Evans, Mrs Greffe, Mrs Madden and our Hospitality students who have worked all day to cater tonight, thank you; Mr O’Keefe, Mrs Gair, and Mrs Altoft who have helped out throughout the week, thank you; Mr Turner for the making new plinths for displaying art work; our student musicians who provide the live music tonight and Mrs Ward and Ms Pearse for their assistance, thank you.

YeAr 11 2013 subject iNFormAtioN eVeNiNg7.00pm Tuesday 7 augusT 2012 – doyle CenTre

It is important that a parent/guardian attend this evening with their son/daughter. Senior Subject Selection booklets and Subject Selection forms will be available. Finally, Mr Shaw, Assistant Principal Senior Curriculum, and Mr Murtagh, Careers & VET Coordinator, will provide important general advice. Academic Coordinators will prepare information booths to provide subject information, answer questions and provide advice.

Because this is such an important step in your son’s/daughter’s education we have added an afternoon for Parent, Students, Senior Teacher interviews to finalise student education and training (SET) plans and subject choices for 1.00pm to 5.00pm on Tuesday 21 August. Year 10 students will be permitted to go home if they do not have an interview at 12.30pm on this day or be supervised at school to enable senior teachers to be available for interviews.

sAYoNArA edogAwA gAkueN studeNts

We said farewell to our Japanese exchange students on Thursday evening. This has been another memorable visit, the 8th for this school and teacher Mr Matsushita. Our appreciation to the generous host families and Ms Aki for making the exchange possible.

chris noonan PriNciPAl

M a r y M o u n tART show 2012

YeAr 9 2013 subject iNFormAtioN eVeNiNg7.00pM MOnday 13 august 2012

P&F meetiNg6.00pM tuesday 14 august 2012

Phoebe Cooney and Wisam Dawood, courtesy of the Gold Coast Bulletin



infant saviourBurleigh Heads

Sat. 6:15pm Sun. 7:00am


Sat. 5:00pm Sun. 8:30am

our lady of the WayPalm BeachSat. 6:00pm Sun. 7:00am

st Benedict’sMudgeerabaSun. 8:30am

doyle CentreBurleigh Waters

Sun. 10:00am & 5:30pm

Term Dates

Term 3

last day: 21 Sept

Term 4

First day: 8 Octlast day: 7 Dec

Please be aware that dependant

on what year your child is in, the last day of Term 4 may differ from above. Call 5586 1000 for



Principal’s messageCollege AdministrationArtSportSport/DebatingSenior Formal 2012Senior Formal 2012Student WritingStudent WritingStudent WritingStudent WritingStudent WritingCareers/Voc EdArt Show 2012Art Show 2012Prayer/Olympics



APA - SENIOR APreThe glorious sunshine of the past week added a special sparkle to last week’s Athletics Carnival and highlighted the exuberance and joy of movement and body awareness the students exhibited in their sprints and jumps and leaps and throws.

The Year 12’s Senior Formal was a buzz of colour, sound and youthful beauty from the arrival of the first limousine till all became silence again.

The Doyle Centre, quiet presently except for the soft voices of loyal volunteers hanging the works, is already a noiseless riot of colour, form and imagination and explodes fully to life at the Art Show’s opening. It is Eisteddfod time again and the choirs and dancers and musicians rehearse endlessly for their performances. A Dance class leap, rolls and jetes across the Theatrette stage in readiness for Sunday morning.

Such is the beauty of our community fully engaged in the Arts that only a line from Wordsworth will satisfy this viewer,

”Dull would he be of soul who could pass bya sight so touching in its majesty.”

We are, after all, God’s work of art in progress!

An interesting Random Act of Kindness was noted during the Athletics last week when one of the leading runners tripped over and the boy alongside stopped to help him up. The helper would have won easily but choose otherwise! An eagle eyed teacher made sure this thoughtful act was affirmed.

Students are invited to attend VIVID a Christian Youth event which celebrates our faith with great music, prayer and a powerful message of hope for young people. At St Lawrence’s South Brisbane, August 19 4.00 pm – 8.00 pm, Archbishop Mark Coleridge will also be in attendance.

mrs dolores maitlandAPre

Subject changes for Senior students have now been finalised, with the very few exceptions being follow-ups to parent teacher interview requests earlier this week. Students must be settled in their choices now and remain focused for the remainder of the year. No senior students have a ‘spare’. All students undertake 7 subjects. For those students who have an external, certified achievement course (such as a Cert II in, say, Tourism) they can apply to drop a subject. this is especially the case if they are off campus one day a week, and the double class lesson falls on the day. A very few special needs students also have an alternate program in place of a subject. “Spares” do not work at our College. Past experiences have indicated that students would be unsupervised, often unmotivated and often prone to other issues such as truanting.

A minor extension rule exists at the College for the collection of assignments. It is detailed in the Student Planner, and known as the ‘10:30 rule’. It is designed to, on one level, encourage students to submit drafts of assignment tasks. If so, when the final draft is due, students can request a half-day’s extension. The work must be presented in hard copy form to the SAO office by the end of Morning Tea - a receipt is issued and a register is recorded. There is only one exception to this - and that is an electronic submission, but ONLY through the SBUR email account - again a time is recorded, a receipt issued and the submission is acknowledged. No other form of submission can be accepted - to be fair to all students, teachers and admin staff.

We are currently informing Yr 12 students of an OP prediction, based on the results they attained last semester. This assumes they have completed the QCS test - we use the average score from last year’s cohort. This data is more accurate than the earlier prediction, based on their Year 11 results. Year 11 students can access the same, based on their first semester’s data.

Compulsory QCS days are: Tuesday 7th August (Short Response and MCQ #2). The QCS Test days are: Tuesday 4 September and Wednesday 5 September.

Some changes to important dates:

Yr 11 2013 Subject Evening Tuesday 7 August

Yr 11 2013 Subject Choice Form due Tuesday 14 August

Yr 10 2012 SET Plan Interviews Tuesday 14 August

Yr 11 2013 On Line Subject Selection Monday 27 August

mr peter shawAPA seNior

...the ARTiclestudeNts, PAreNts & FrieNds

hANgiNg works For the mArYmouNt Art show

M a r y M o u n tART show 2012



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1300 JETTS 247 |

OFFER ENDS 31.12.2012

* Offer is only available at the club stated until 31/12/2012. Fortnightly membership options are based on a recurring direct debit from a nominated bank account or credit card and each direct debit transaction will incur a $1.50 administration charge. The minimum amount payable per person for a direct debit membership is $114.40 for a family membership or $122.40 for an individual membership. The minimum amount payable includes a $49.50 Joining Fee, $29 Access Pass and $35.90 or $43.90 Last Month Fee in advance (depending on family or individual membership). ̂ Family membership option is available to immediate family or when two or more members from the same household join the one club. Jetts Fitness terms and conditions apply and are available at or at your local Jetts club.

mArYmouNt college trAck ANd Field cArNiVAl

After what seemed like many weeks of inclement wet weather we were very fortunate that sunshine and brilliant blue skies blessed us for our College Athletics Carnival this year. Congratulations to all students who competed, particularly to those who broke records or set ‘personal bests’.The victorious house on the day was Patanga House. Congratulations to all members of Patanga House and to the House Captains – Patrick Nesdale and Kate Walker, and the House Patrons – Ms Shona Press and Mr Matt Carroll on their wonderful leadership. Points at the conclusion of the carnival were:

1St – PAtANgA – 1189.5 POINtS2ND – AllAmbEE – 1109 POINtS3RD – KAtANDRA – 986.5 POINtS

4th – bulImAh – 726 POINtS

Age chAmPioNs

Age diVisioN

1st PlAce 2Nd PlAce 3rd PlAce

13 Yrs girls

Caitlin Banner70 points

Melissa Micallef51 points

Zoe Allison34 points

13 Yrs boYs

Jordan Gentile55 points

Tom Norfolk44 points

James Munckton 43 points

14 Yrs girls

Grace Thompson38 points

Savana Brunton30 points

Erin Roberts 24 points

14 Yrs boYs

Tristan Seeto45 points

Jack Nesdale 33 points

Jack Adams32 points

15 YRS girls

Madison Schenk 56 points

Siobhan Waldie36 points

Saryna Adamson & Sierra Sweeny34 points

15 YRS boYs

Matt Popovic64 points

Tom Popovic 52 points

Kyle Torok48 points

16 YRS girls

Kiona Kelly60 points

Amy Smith50 points

Kate Thomas39 points

16 YRS boYs

James Stagg70 points

Shane Carroll52 points

Tom O’Connor40 points

oPeN girls

Moni Esmond48 points

Georgia Dittman42 points

Montana Gundry & Kate Walker36 points

oPeN boYs

Patrick Nesdale66 points

Lucas Goodin38 points

Nick Harcla-Goody34 points

s P o rt s N e w sNew trAck & Field records

Four new track and field records were set during the day of the carnival. These included:

cAitliN bANNer 13 Years Girls 800m --- 2:33.91

jAck tAYlor 15 Years Boys Triple Jump --- 12.36m

AmY smith 16 Years Girls 400m --- 1:04.11

PAtANgA house 15 Years Boys 4X100m Relay --- 50.05

Students who have qualified in the college track and field team will now compete at the Oceanic Track and Field Championships at the Gold Coast International Athletics Centre, Griffith University on Wednesday 29th and Thursday 30th August. We wish all of our athletes the very best.

QueeNslANd secoNdArY schools cross couNtrY chAmPioNshiPs

This year three of our students competed at the Queensland Secondary Schools Cross Country Championships at the Maroochydore Cricket Club, Buderim on the 22nd and 23rd July. Competitors ran their individual race on Sunday, and then teamed up with other members of the South Coast Region squad to run in a 4 X 1.5km relay on Monday. Results are as follows:

thomAs mArAis15 Years Boys 4km event – 9th, Relay – 1st

hAYleY thomsoN18/19 Years Girls 6km event – 12th, Relay – 1st

kAthleeN houstoN 18/19 Years Girls 6km event – 16th, Relay – 2nd

Congratulations to all three of our students on their magnificent results.

miss Cherie andersen heAd oF sPort

m A rY m o u N t co l l eg e t r Ac k A N d F i e l d c A r N i VA l 2012

On Wednesday night, three Marymount debating teams competed in the Quarter Finals of the Gold Coast Secondary Schools Debating Association Competition. At this level, the standard is very high and all three teams were very competitive, developing convincing cases with only one hour of preparation time. Congratulations to the Intermediate A and Senior Open teams who won their debates and now move forward to the Semi Finals on August 8.

thE QuARtER FINAlS RESultS wERE:Intermediate division a Team

All Saints 1 (affirmative) lost to Marymount 1 (negative)Liam Larkin, Caitlin McNamara, Caitlin O’Connor,

Nikara Rangesh, and Aisling Waugh

d e bAt i N g Q uA rt e r F i N A l ssenior division B Team

St Michael’s (affirmative) won against Marymount 3 (negative)

Josh Fitzpatrick, Brian Joseph, Jack McLintock, Blake Nicolson and Lindsay Watt

senior open TeamAll Saints (affirmative) lost to Marymount 1 (negative)

Janie Burgess, Kate Coombes, Tom Lock and Lauren Sposato

Our Senior Open team deserves a special mention as they were the Grand Final winners in Years 9 and 11 and they are hoping to finish their high school debating careers with another Grand Final win.

annette mcmahondebAtiNg coordiNAtor

Marymount Senior Formal 2012

Photo courtesy of the Gold Coast Bulletin Photo courtesy of the Gold Coast Bulletin

Photo courtesy of the Gold Coast Bulletin Photo courtesy of the Gold Coast Bulletin

Photo courtesy of the Gold Coast Bulletin Photo courtesy of the Gold Coast Bulletin

Photo courtesy of the Gold Coast Bulletin

Photo courtesy of the Gold Coast Bulletin Photo courtesy of the Gold Coast Bulletin

Photo courtesy of the Gold Coast Bulletin Photo courtesy of the Gold Coast Bulletin

Photo courtesy of the Gold Coast Bulletin Photo courtesy of the Gold Coast Bulletin

Marymount Senior Formal 2012

Photo courtesy of the Gold Coast Bulletin Photo courtesy of the Gold Coast Bulletin Photo courtesy of the Gold Coast Bulletin Photo courtesy of the Gold Coast Bulletin

Photo courtesy of the Gold Coast BulletinPhoto courtesy of the Gold Coast Bulletin

Photo courtesy of the Gold Coast Bulletin Photo courtesy of the Gold Coast Bulletin

Photo courtesy of the Gold Coast Bulletin Photo courtesy of the Gold Coast Bulletin Photo courtesy of the Gold Coast Bulletin Photo courtesy of the Gold Coast Bulletin

The Year Ten TimesNews from Year 10 at Marymount College as reported by Student Reporters

V i A t h e Y e A r b o o k d e s kFrOM the editOr

Catholic Education Week involved (amongst other things), Random Acts of Kindness as so aptly described by our reporters Chantelle Sia and Monnie Esmond. Congratulations to all the wonderful Year 9 girls who worked with Chantelle, drawing and cutting out heart shapes so that others may write a message. May the spirit of sharing good deeds and thoughts stay with us always.

Later this month will be Book Week. Students reading some great books are encouraged to submit reviews of their texts, inspiring others to read.

Living History proved a tremendously inspirational program attested by student reporters Taya Oxenham, Brooke Fraser, Chantelle Sia and Lachlan Grant. Taya has also followed the Dance group to the theater for a performance of ‘The Land of Yes and No’.

Celebrating the spirit of the day, Maddie Dick and Rochelle Johnson bring us their version of the Athletics Day carnival.

Thomas Burbury reminds us about where the Year 10s are, in their pursuit of pathways for the senior years. Opti-mind challenges are on Nikara’s mind as she and her team prepare for the upcoming competition. Bridget Thomas gives us a glimpse of the spiritual journey experienced by SOR students and Tom Lock has summarized the GriffBus program, enabling students to obtain Direct Entries to the University on the successful completion of their program this year.

Happy reading!

mrs Irene scott YeArbook editor / YeAr 12 AssistANt coordiNAtor

OPtI-mINDS Since grade 8, one of the events I have always

looked forward to during the year, is the Opti-minds Challenge, organised by the learning support teachers. Each year, as term 3 rolls around, the Opti-Minds problems are delivered to the school,

and students excitedly read through them and decide which subjects they want to take part

in. Opti-Minds is an inter-school team challenge between schools all over Australia. The first round is

amongst schools on the Gold Coast. Teams have to work together to come up with a solution for a problem and present their solution to a panel of judges. These problems could vary from environmental to humanity issues, but the solutions are always creative and fun to be a part of.This year, I have chosen to take part in the English section of the competition, and the problem we were presented with was very unique and creative – the world has turned black and white, and we have to come up with a legend describing what and how colours will be introduced back into the world. The legend is to contain elements of different cultures from around the world. Along with this, we have to find an interesting way to present our legend to the judges, as well as perform the ritual of bringing the colours back into the world itself.It seems like a monster task, but with a strong team of 5, I am confident that we will be able to do well. We are scheduled to have our first meeting soon and hopefully, we will be able to succeed in the competition this year. The goal at the moment is to win the first round and then travel to Brisbane to compete in the next challenge round. I am eager to get started and I can’t wait to start putting together our ideas and presentation.

nikara rangesh rePorter

cAreers meetiNg rePortWith Term 3 well underway at Marymount College, students of all year levels are under pressure to perform at their peak in both areas of academic study and sporting endeavors. More recently, the Year 10 students had a meeting about that big unknown, your future career. For many people this topic is one that can be

very daunting but with the valuable knowledge and insight from teachers such as Mr. Carol for the Religion department and Ms. Callum for the Science department as well as many other teachers. At the helm of

this presentation was Ms. Ward, guiding us through a wealth of information on things such as OP Eligibility, Queensland Certificate of Education and QTAC Rankings. All of this at first looked like gibberish but Ms. Ward did an excellent job of explaining the information and helping us to understand just how important all these things were to our future. As mentioned above, various teachers from all kinds of departments gave up their time to come and talk about their area of expertise. We learnt about the differences between Study of Religion and Religion and Ethics, the many branches of Science that were available for the students in senior school and the many kinds of certificates that could be achieved by completing courses in the Hospitality industry. We gained knowledge about being OP eligible for further study such as Tertiary Education at a University of our choosing or how our QTAC ranking would effect our admission into the wide variety of courses. With a much greater knowledge of these things, the students of Year 10 are now much better prepared for the trials and tribulations that they will face in senior school. While on the topic of senior school I believe I should mention the upcoming Subject Selection night and the Set Plan interview, both happening on the following two Tuesdays at the College in the afternoon and evening. Both are very important events in the Year 10 school calendar, as they will directly impact the future of all the students. The decisions that are made in the coming weeks are both exciting and daunting as they will play a big part in the future career paths of all the students. After attending the Careers Expo last semester, many of the students will have a good idea on what they might be interested in doing in the future but for some, the options are still being weighed up. By the end of these two meetings hopefully everyone will have a better understanding of what they want to accomplish at the end of their schooling and beyond.

Thomas Burbury rePorter

Y EA R 9 - l I v I N g h I StO RY Au St R A l I A v I S I t

Knights, armour, swords, castles, kings and queens… you guessed it, The Medieval Times. Year 9 was taken down to the theatrette for a program all about the Middle Ages. We watched four different typical Medieval characters that were brought to life; we were shown common weapons, household items and clothing from the era and we were given extremely useful information.A few hours were spent listening, laughing and smiling at the amazing things that were shown. They were able to explain everything in great detail and they gave us realistic examples of what every day life was like in the Middle Ages.

We were presented four great characters that were acted out so well. Each of the characters had such strong personalities and so much humor that kept everyone intrigued the entire time. It also included students in the audience getting involved. People were chosen at random to stand at the front; they were given a costume to dress in and a character to act out. It was very enjoyable as the characters from Medieval Times were so different to people in our present society.We were given the chance to observe and touch a variety of items, armor and shields that were shown throughout the room. You could sense the feeling of excitement from all of the students wanting to hold swords or wanting to try on special gear. Common items such as combs, chess pieces and cutlery were displayed. There was also a wide collection of shields, helmets, armor and there were even replicas of weapons from the era!It was tremendously informative as well as entertaining and has surely helped many of us in understanding every day life in Medieval Times.

Chantelle sia rePorter

Year 9 students were lucky enough to participate in a workshop about the Medieval times. In the first semester the Year 9 studied Geography so this semester we will be learning about the Medieval times. This workshop came at a good time as a test is quickly approaching – all the information we can get is information that is greatly appreciated.

We learnt about squires, knights, armour and diseases. The Year 9 students were lucky enough to wear or hold the weapons/ armour. It was a surprise to many how little you can see out of the helmets and how heavy the armour was!On behalf of the Year 9 group we would like to thank Mrs Fraser, Mrs Parker, Mr Fren and the Admin team for organising this valuable workshop.

lachlan grant rePorter

We were taken back to the Middle Ages, where knights, lords and their ladies, squires and wise women were the common culture. We explored the way in which people lived in Medieval times: how lunacy was cured, how squires became knights and ladies in waiting spent their time.

All this happened when the Living History team visited the Year 9s, who are currently studying Medieval times. Exact replicas of items from this time were shown to us, most of which we were later able to hold or wear during the performance.

We learnt so many new things and it was an amazing experience that taught me a lot.

Taya oxenham rePorter

Living History Australia is an organization that travels from school to school, teaching students history in a unique way: by acting as a variety of characters from the Middle Ages. They showed us the life of a French noble woman, a knight, a wise woman, who discussed the diseases and odd cures used during the Middle Ages, and a sergeant who was in charge of law enforcement and torture.

The show was interactive with the audience – students were called upon to be part of the show, and even though they may have been embarrassed to get into costumes and be part of the act, they kept their cool and did a great job.

The cast had a range of costumes, shields, weapons, armour and daily artifacts that were exact replicas in design and weight, of those items from the Middle Ages, and we were lucky enough to handle these and the cast answered questions, showing a detailed knowledge and appreciation of this era.

The show was very useful from an historical point of view. The monologues were filled with snippets of information that may be useful for our Middle Ages test – such as the age that most girls married (13 or 14) and the role of knights and squires, and the types of jobs in the Middle Ages.

The information on medical cures was disgusting – once every one or two weeks, people were cut and bled by the barber, to let out the bad fluids and keep the ‘humours’ in balance – yellow and black bile, blood and phlegm. Those with a mental illness, or lunacy, had a segment taken out of their skull to let the evil spirits out! Hideous - and very different from today. The red and white poles of modern day barbers represent the blood and bandages that made up their daily work – as they were surgeons as well as hair cutters.

The superstitions and fears, diseases and harsh punishments from those days, make me glad I live in the current era!

We had an excellent time and had many laughs.

Overall everyone had a great time and it showed that, while learning history from books can be very interesting, making history live is also a great way to learn.

Brooke Fraser rePorter

Vibrant colours of red, yellow, green and blue decorated the fields of the College last Friday as the spirit of eager and enthusiastic athletes filled the air in anticipation for the College Athletics Carnival and the day ahead. The crowd was amped in preparation for their various events which included running and sprints, javelin, shot-put plus many more, and great positivity was even exhibited in the involvement of the fun, more relaxed sports such as the sack racing and wheelbarrow racing. Plenty received recognition for their strenuous efforts that lead to great achievements of placing in their races and the selection to represent Marymount College in the up and coming district events; a big congratulations to all who made it.

Any sport or athletic carnivals are good opportunities for students to experience and be apart of the supportive and captivating energy of the College community as many get into the spirit of the day and demonstrate commendable traits of sportsmanship and encouragement. It is a day where we as students are able to let our hair down to feel the light breeze of the air and cheer on our friends as they attempt to and usually score several points for their house colours. Brilliant costumes that students willingly turn up in never lack to exude house team pride and just add to the overall

Dance students were lucky enough to go and view the production of The land of yes and no by the world-renowned Sydney Dance Company on Wednesday 25th July. This amazing performance revolved around street signs and how they can relate to human emotions and our lives.

‘The performance evolves from calm beginnings, with every exquisite movement picking out the irresistible intensity of Ezio Bosso’s score, and builds in tempo to a frenetic finale. The Company’s magnificent dancers are placed against a vibrant set made of neon tubes and a rich wall of

constantly changing colour.’ - Sydney Dance Company

Members of the Sport Dance Team were given an extra special surprise when we were told that we had been given permission to go and watch the Company’s afternoon rehearsal before we saw the full show. This was an experience that allowed us to see what it takes to be a professional dancer on tour; it also helped us to understand the night’s

m A rY m o u N t co l l eg e t r Ac k A N d F i e l d c A r N i VA l 2012effectiveness and positive mood of the day. The music lineup is never a let down either and always adds to the fantastic atmosphere throughout the day, exciting those who take an avid interest to compete.

Many thanks go to the teachers and students who give up their time to make fun days like these possible. On behalf of my peers in the community, I would just like to say that we really appreciate being able to escape from class work for a day to have a simultaneously relaxing and energetic break, which we love taking part in. A big congratulations to the house team Patanga, who achieved the largest score and took out the title of Best House group of the day, it was a well-deserved effort. A final thank you must go to all who were there on the day and contributed to the success of yet another memorable and joyous Athletics Carnival!

rochelle Johnson YEAR 11 - REPORtER

BANG! The gun goes off and legs are a blur as bodies fly down the 100m straight. Look a little further and there is a javelin whistling through the air, whilst the sand in the long jump pit flings out with the impact of

someone’s jump. No, it’s not the Olympics I am talking about, but another, slightly smaller sporting event; the Marymount College Athletics Carnival.

Last Friday the Marymount ovals were filled with students ready for a day of athletics and fun. Dressed in the colours of the four Houses; yellow for Allambee, blue for Bulimah, red for Katandra and green for Patanga; there were a number of interesting and original costumes to be seen. Students from grade 8 to 12 got involved and put in their best effort, whether it was running the 100m in “E” division or cheering the athletes on, it was what made the day such a success.

“I’m not really that sporty, but I really like Athletics days because I feel like I can get involved in everything and just do it for fun” said Opal Brookfield, a Year 10 student at the College. The students who are the athletic type go on to the Oceanic Districts in a few weeks’ time to compete against other Gold Coast Schools and the others, who probably won’t ever be Olympic athletes, well, they have already started planning their costumes for next years Athletics Carnival!

maddie dick YEAR 10 - REPORtER

danceperformance better as we had the explanation of the story from the artistic director! It was extraordinary how the dancers were able to perform such extravagant movements with incredible intensity and perfection. All dance students saw the final performance and many had varying opinions on the work, some loving it and others not, which was just another experience for these girls to understand about which styles of dance they prefer. Thank you to Ms Press for organising the excursion and taking us to see this event.

Taya oxenham rePorter









cAtholic educAtioN week sAw rANdom Acts oF kiNdNess

It’s always nice to get a little something, be it a smile, genuine compliment, or maybe even a cupcake, when you weren’t expecting it. And that is what Random Acts of Kindness Week was all about. Just doing the little things that brighten someone’s day. It has a ripple effect. If one person does a random act of kindness for someone else, that someone then feels inspired to share the spirit. At school, we expressed this concept by handing out lollipops with an inspirational quote and an attached Random Act of Kindness challenge. The treat would add an unexpected smile to that person’s day, along with the quote and then they would pass on the kind act by completing the challenge – something like “open the door for someone”. It was so lovely to be able to see the effect such an act could have. From a group of Year 8 girls handing out the lollipops, to then be able to talk to a friend who had been a recipient and was wearing a glowing smile simply because of the random act.

As part of Random Acts of Kindness in Catholic Education Week, we delivered cupcakes that were attached with notes of appreciation to each of the teachers. We thought it would be a splendid way to say thank you to our teachers on behalf of their students. Numerous people delivered them around to their classrooms with a personal note that recognized what they truly appreciated. It might’ve been a simple “Thank you for helping me with my work.”

We’d like to say a special thanks to everyone who helped deliver the cupcakes and especially to Kate’s mum for spending her time baking! Thank you also to all the students who distributed the cupcakes and lollipops and the staff members who put their time and effort into organising the week.

It’s important we take the time to reflect on how simple little acts can improve anyone’s day. And while Random Acts of Kindness Week was a fantastic opportunity to raise awareness and bring people’s attention to the idea, it doesn’t have to be only one week of the year – we can perform random acts of kindness everyday – like the lollipop challenges instructed, “give a stranger a smile” or “say thank you to your parents”.

monnie esmond REPORtER - YEAR 11

sor excursioNYear 11 SOR students went on an excursion to two different places of worship: a Buddhist Temple and a Jewish Synagogue. This excursion corroborated what we are currently studying, which is ritual in religion.

We arrived at the Buddhist Temple in Rochedale and it was one of the most beautiful places I had ever seen. There was a large building that was enamoured with beautiful design. As soon as we walked in, we were made to feel welcome. We then split into groups and my group went into a meditation room first. Immediately a sense of calm washed over me and our guide, Karen, taught us how to meditate and then explained how important meditation is as a ritual within Buddhism. We then went into the actual temple and presented our offering, which had to be some sort of fruit, rice or vegetarian piece of food. We witnessed a Buddhist nun do a few chants, which was extraordinary! After that, all Marymount students had to ring a bell, and give a wish for someone other than ourselves, which really put things in perspective: to be able to think selflessly for others can be an easy thing to do if you put your mind to it.

Up next was the Jewish Synagogue, situated right on the Gold Coast. We walked into a room that was covered in the colour blue, which we came to realise symbolises a calm atmosphere and the history of Judaism. Rabbi Levi, was helpful and gave us a large insight into his religion and the history of it, too. We even got to look at Torahs dating back to Nazi Germany, which they had rescued and cared for meticulously.

What we learnt in this excursion is that there is a great deal of symbolism and ritual within a religious tradition. These things can’t be arbitrary; they have to have some sort of meaning or depth, which is what makes it profound.

Bridget Thomas rePorter

Chantelle sia REPORtER - YEAR 9





































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Thanks to the staff, students and families of Marymount College for your co-operation and ongoing support in creating your children’s beautiful smiles!

gRIFFbuS: hOw DO YOu mANAgE PeoPle iN A globAlised world?

That was the question asked by Griffith lecturers on Monday 16 July when a selected group of Year 12 College students participated in the GriffBus Year 12 Program hosted at the Gold Coast Griffith University Campus. The Year 12 GriffBus Program is a welcomed initiative in which the Gold Coast Griffith University campus offers high achieving Business and English students the opportunity to study on campus for three days during Year 12. Upon successful completion of these three days and associated preliminary tests, students are offered Direct Entry into a Business undergraduate degree of their choice, commencing in 2013. Students who participated included Carly Ruiz, Hannah Scott, Phoebe Cooney, Sarah Millington, Chloe Marchmont, Montana Gundry, Laura Mallett, Ayla Purdon and Tom Lock.

Monday (16 July) was the third and final preliminary test in which we undertook a lecture, tutorial and assessment on Strategic Management. Our lectures and tutorials surrounded management styles, concepts and strategies relevant in today’s corporate world. We then commenced a multiple choice test to further apply these theoretical skills. Overall, the day was a huge success in which we were given further insight into university life, how the university functions and what we can expect as participating students when we complete the Year 12 Program.

If we apply to QTAC to study Business at Griffith University next year our Direct Entry will be forthcoming as a result of our achievements through this program. The knowledge gained will help us to meld easily into university life through having this experience and having already made friends from other participating schools. It will also help us to jump difficult hurdles which non-participants will find challenging. All in all, a very worthwhile program.

On behalf of the participating students, we would like to offer a huge thank you to Ms Organ who has assisted in preparing and arranging these days for Marymount students.

Tom lock rePorter

seNior FormAlCongratulations to all our Year 12 participants in the Formal last weekend.

You were all young men and women of grace, beauty and respect. It was a thrill for Mr Cornor and Mrs Scott to witness the elegance and sophistication evident, the moment you stepped on the ‘red carpet’.

* * * * *

Qcs secoNd dress reheArsAl A reminder to all students sitting the QCS test, that Tuesday, August 7 will be the next full day of practice. You are expected to bring the correct equipment, which will be put away for you for the real test.

The tests involved will be the Short Response test and Multi Choice Two. It is vital that all required students attend on this day.

* * * * *AFter the FormAl

Girls have been granted permission to have their manicured nails until Monday of next week – 6/8/12.

After this time, students are expected to come to school dressed appropriately, including no make-up or accessories. Fingernail extensions are not permitted after this date.

Students who do not comply with the wearing of the correct uniform are letting the College down. Please think about your commitment to your school and those who share your space and time.

mr Kevin Cornor and mrs Irene scott YeAr 12 coordiNAtors







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High school students and parents are invited to attend the Engineering Careers Evening held

at The University of Queensland on Thursday, 30 August (5.30pm-8pm). The event will include presentations on the Bachelor of Engineering, Bachelor of Information Technology and the Bachelor of Multimedia Design. Also, information will be provided on Information and Communications Industry scholarship opportunities. For further information, visit or


Open Day at the Gold Coast Griffith University campus is being held on Sunday, 12 August from (9am-2pm). It’s

the perfect opportunity for prospective students and their parents to visit the campus and find out about the programs and meet current students and staff. NOTE: Main access to the campus is via Engineering Drive off the east end of Parklands Drive and parking is FREE during Open Day. Visit for further details.


The Southern Cross University STAR Entry Scheme is designed to assist Year 12 students gain admission on the basis of their school Principal’s recommendation. The Scheme

benefits can include an early offer to your chosen degree. Online applications are now open. For more information, go to NOTE: Closing Date 23rd August.


Aviation Australia is presenting Australia’s LARGEST and ONLY aviation dedicated expo, targeted towards

careers, training and employment. The event is scheduled for Saturday, 25 August (10am-4pm) at the Brisbane International Airport (25 Boronia Road) and is FREE.


Bond will be hosting their Open Day on Sunday, 19 August. Students considering applying are encouraged to attend.


Although application deadlines recently passed, gap year placements are still available in a wide range of countries next year. Funding options are also available to assist with costs, especially for placements in the Asia/Pacific region. To apply or for further information, visit


Students interested in securing a School Based Traineeship are encouraged to consider the below list of vacancies, and are welcome to visit the Marymount College Careers Office for further details on the positions and application process:

QuAliFicAtioN orgANisAtioN locAtioN

Cert III Retail Lenards Chicken Robina

Cert III Retail Chevron Island Bakery Chevron Island

Cert IV IT (MMedia) ACIT Broadbeach

Cert III Bus Holmes & Partners Varsity Lakes

Cert III Bus Post Office Elanora

Cert III Bus Naturopath Mermaid Waters

Cert III Bus Fuel Station Miami

Cert III Bus/Admin Real Estate Burleigh Waters

Cert III Bus/Admin Remedial Massage Miami

Cert III Bus/Admin Publishing Palm Beach

Cert III Hospitality Coffee Shop Burleigh Waters

Cert III Hospitality Café Miami

Cert III Hospitality Bakery/Café Robina

Cert III Hospitality (CC) Café Burleigh Heads

Cert III Retail Ice-Cream Parlour Mermaid Beach

Cert III Hospitality Red Rooster Ashmore

Cert III Hospitality Crepe Café Broadbeach

Cert III Hospitality Mrs Fields Broadbeach

Cert III Hospitality Red Rooster Burleigh Heads

Cert III Disability Endeavour Foundation Mermaid Waters

Cert III Hospitality Muffin Break Robina

Cert III Hospitality Red Rooster Robina Food Court

Cert III Hospitality (Ops) Gloria Jeans Surfers Paradise

Cert III Bus AIOL Web Des/Tourism Nerang

Cert IV Multimedia Intouch Harbour Town

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If you have any details of your child’s achievements, please

email with information,

and we will include it.

M a r y M o u n tART show 2012

M a r y M o u n tART show 2012

Calling all business mentors The Year 12 Business Organisation Management students are preparing their business plans this term, their major piece of assessment. They will need several business mentors to provide advice for them along the way. People from small and large business, retired or currently working in the field would be appreciated. The students may run their ideas past you, asking for your opinions or seek your knowledge and use your information as a source within their business plan.

If you are brave enough to be a guest speaker for the class, or willing to make yourself available as a mentor for a student’s business plan proposal, please call Mrs Organ or Mrs Mathers on 5586 1000, or email

Are you working in business? Do you own a business?


Sponsors of Marymount Art Show 2012 Overall Winners

EMERALD SPONSORS ALLSIGNS 3/12 Ern Harley Drive, West Burleigh Ph: 5522 1788 Fax: 5522 1159

MARRIOTT RESORT & SPA SURFERS PARADISE 158 Ferny Ave Surfers Paradise 5592 9800

BERTOLDI ARCHITECTS 13 Railway St Mudgeeraba 5530 4660

ONE PLUMBER 13 75686

CH SECURITY 15 Galeen Drv Burleigh Waters 5520 4951

PEGASUS ENVIRONMENTAL MOB: 0417 786 339 FAX: 075535 8003

INTERCHANGE CONSULATANCY GROUP Ph: 5535 2022 Fax: 5535 2033 E-mail:



People’s Choice Award

MARYMOUNT PRIMARY P&F —Marymount Primary Students Encouragement Award MARYMOUNT COLLEGE P&F —Marymount College Students Encouragement Award


11 West Street Burleigh Heads 07 5535 2360

Drawing Category Sponsor

ENVISION OPTICAL Burleigh 5535 2344 Treetops 5593 7844 Nerang 5502 1277 Tweed 5524 9659

Photography Category Sponsor


5535 6642 3D Category Sponsor

TEECE AIRCONDITIONING Unit 2/37 Township Dr West Burleigh

0411 517 420 Painting Category Sponsor


Tracy WillcocksBegin Bright Burleigh

Early learning and primary school education program


a Suite 3, 30 James St Burleigh Heads, QLD 4220m 0427 955 528e

a c n e managements car management

p igmentat i o n managementc hem i ca l f i l l er s

m i c r o der mabr as i o ns k i n n e ed l i ng

w r i n k l e r e l a x er sc o smet i c f i l l er s

r e a l i z e y o u r s k i n ’ s p o t e nt i a l

s am k e im 0404 09 1 49 4 r eg i st er ed n ur s e v o c g r ad c er t i n c o smet i c n ur s i ng

Bless the creators, O God of creation,

who by their gifts make the worlda more joyful and beautiful realm.

Through their laborsthey teach us to see more clearly

the truth around us.In their inspiration

they cal l forth wonder and awein our own living.

In their hope and visionthey remind us that life is holy.

Bless al l who create in your image,O God of creation.

Pour your Spirit upon themthat their hearts may singand their works be fulf il ling.


Prayer for Artistsken wallaceCanoe/Kayak

Graduated 2000

jacob clearCanoe/Kayak

Graduated 2002

ryan NapoleanSwimming

Attended 2005

brittany brobenDiving

Currently in Year 11

Good Luck to the “Marymount Olympians”
