Mary, the Mother of God: Through her we see God Like her we follow Christ


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Mary, the Mother of God:Through her we see GodLike her we follow Christ

The Church Honors Mary

Biblical. • “What is needed is that texts of prayers and

chants should draw their inspiration and their wording from the Bible, and above all that devotion to the Virgin should be imbued with the great themes of the Christian message.” MC 30

• Presented in relationship to her Son, never for her own sake.

Apostolic Exhortation Of His Holiness Paul VI “Marialis Cultus” For The Right Ordering And Development Of Devotion To The Blessed Virgin Mary (February 2, 1974)

The Church Honors Mary

Liturgical• “ is necessary however that such devotions with

consideration for the liturgical seasons should be so arranged as to be in harmony with the sacred liturgy. They should somehow derive their inspiration from it, and because of its pre-eminence they should orient the Christian people towards it."(SC 93)

• She looms large during Advent, Christmas, Good Friday and Pentecost. Even on days designated to Jesus, such as the Presentation of the Lord and the Annunciation of the Lord, Mary figures large in the scripture. Mary is honored in every liturgy in the Eucharistic prayer as our heavenly hope.

Apostolic Exhortation Of His Holiness Paul VI “Marialis Cultus” For The Right Ordering And Development Of Devotion To The Blessed Virgin Mary (February 2, 1974)

Mary and the Liturgy

1. Mary, Mother of God (January 1, solemnity); 2. Our Lady of Lourdes (February 11, optional memorial); 3. Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (May 31, feast); 4. Immaculate Heart of Mary (Saturday after the Second Sunday after Pentecost, optional memorial); 5. Our Lady of Mt. Carmel (July 16, optional memorial); 6. Dedication of the Basilica of St. Mary Major (August 5, optional memorial); 7. Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (August 15, solemnity); 8. Queenship of Mary (August 22, memorial); 9. Birth of Mary (September 8, feast); 10. Our Lady of Sorrows (September 15, memorial); 11. Our Lady of the Rosary (October 7, memorial); 12. Presentation of Mary (November 21, memorial); 13. Immaculate Conception of Mary (December 8, solemnity); 14. Our Lady of Guadalupe (December 12, feast)

The Church Honors Mary

Ecumenical“Every care should be taken to avoid any exaggeration which could mislead other Christian brethren about the true doctrine of the Catholic Church. Similarly, the Church desires that any manifestation of cult which is opposed to correct Catholic practice should be eliminated.” MC 32.

Apostolic Exhortation Of His Holiness Paul VI “Marialis Cultus” For The Right Ordering And Development Of Devotion To The Blessed Virgin Mary (February 2, 1974)

The Church Honors Mary

Anthropological. Mary is “the disciple who builds up the earthly and temporal city while being a diligent pilgrim towards the heavenly and eternal city; the disciple who works for that justice which sets free the oppressed and for that charity which assists the needy; but above all, the disciple who is the active witness of that love which builds up Christ in people's hearts.” MC 37.

Apostolic Exhortation Of His Holiness Paul VI “Marialis Cultus” For The Right Ordering And Development Of Devotion To The Blessed Virgin Mary (February 2, 1974)

Preaching Mary

Pitfall #1

Many of the Marian feasts are conceptual and focus on an attribute of Mary.• Mary, the Mother of God, is about Mary as the mother of

the newly born Savior. • Our Lady of Sorrows reflects upon Mary’s presence at the

crucifixion of her son. • The Immaculate Conception commemorates the doctrine

that Mary was conceived without the stain of sin. Like Trinity Sunday, these conceptual and devotional feasts are hard to preach well.

Preaching Mary

Pitfall #1

Karl Rahner said that preaching Mary can be like “a mother singing the praises of her daughter, hoping her words will move the young man to consider the daughter as a worthy candidate for marriage.”

The young man hears the message but no love is quickened in him. Even though the daughter is worthy of love, the young man does not necessarily love her.

In the same way, one may preach the glorious attributes of the Virgin Mary but not necessarily quicken the assembly in its devotion to her.

Preaching Mary

Pitfall #2

A second difficulty in preaching Mary is the collision of the devotional excesses of the past and the theological corrections since the Second Vatican Council. • Feminist and liberation theologies emphasize Mary the

prophet, Mary the first disciple, and Mary the strong woman.

• This is in contrast to the traditional pieties where Mary embodies quiet subordination or is elevated to a fairy queen, the “lovely Lady dressed in blue.”

Preaching Mary

Through Mary, we see God (Stained Glass)

Like Mary, we follow Christ (Role Model)

Megan Marlatt’s fresco “The Annunciation” in St. Michael’s Chapel at Rutgers University
