Marvell, A Dialogue Between the Soul and Body



Andrew Marvell

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A Dialogue between the Soul and Body (1681) / Andrew Marvell (1621-1678)Soul. O Who shall, from this Dungeon, raiseA Soul inslavd so many wayes?With bolts of Bones, that fetterd standsIn Feet and mana!led in "ands#"ere blinded with an $ye and thereDeaf with the drumming of an $arA Soul hung u%, as twere, in &hainsOf 'erves, and Arteries, and (eins#)orturd, besides ea!h other %art,In a vain "ead, and double "eart#Soul. What *agi!+ !ould me thus !on,neWithin anothers -rief to %ine?Where, whatsoever it !om%lain,I feel, that !annot feel, the %ain#And all my &are its self em%loys,)hat to %reserve, whi!h me destroys.&onstraind not only to indureDiseases, but, whats worse, the &ure.And ready oft the /ort to gain,Am Shi%wre!+t into "ealth again#Body.O who shall me deliver whole,From bonds of this )yranni! Soul ?Whi!h, stret!hed u%right, im%ales me so, )hat mine own /re!i%i!e I go!And warms and moves this needless frame.0A Fever !ould but do the same#1And, wanting where its s%ight to try,"as made me live to let me dye#A Body that !ould never rest,Sin!e this ill S%irit it %ossest#Body.But /hysi!+ yet !ould never rea!h)he *aladies )hou me dost tea!h!Whom ,rst the &ram% of "o%e does)ear.And then the /alsie Sha+es of Fear#)he /estilen!e of 2ove does heat. Or "atreds hidden 3l!er eat#4oys !heerful *adness does %er%le5. Or Sorrows other *adness ve5#Whi!h 6nowledge for!es me to +now And *emory will not foregoe#What but a Soul !ould have the wit)o build me u% for Sin so ,t?So Ar!hite!ts do s7uare and hew-reen )rees that in the Forest grew#
