Mars' Hill Newspaper Vol. 18 Issue 2



Trinity Western University's Official Newspaper, Mars' Hill

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    9 A Laymans Islam 10 Why do we care? Why should we?3 Truth & Reconciliation

  • October 2, 20132

    It is essential to ac kno wle dge the past and the present, and hold on to the

    -iation event, as well as the purchase


    ing the need to hold on to the past to

    -ous sins against the earth and each





    through, and repeat the entire pro-

    close and personal with a record to


    a record, our walk with Christ is a



    and the realization that we cant skip

    will never be realized through the


    What makes your heart sing? Clean laundry - Julia Kutyn

    MARS HILLMars Hill is a student publication of

    Mars Hill seeks to be a professional and






    Opinions expressed in Mars Hill

    -torial board, Trinity Western University,



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    Travis Heide


    7600 Glover Rd. Langley, BC V2Y 1Y1

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    MIKAELA FUQUAvisual editor

    BRYCE PERRYmanaging editor

    ERIN BLACKABYadvertising manager

    NICK ZATORlayout editor

    MICHELLE KARSTphoto editor

    HANNA WASWAchief copy editor

    NANCY TIMMERMANSillustration/layout editor

    LIAM ABBOTTfinance manager

    The Prayer-agraphNightShift Ministries:


    to serve the people in the downtown

    chocolate bars, and a listening ear to -

    desire to give love and kindness to

    and show Christs love through ser-

    Prayer Requests-

    people use to cope, like drugs and

    Cover Statement

    GET IN



    with MA

    RS HIL




    |andrew PARKER


    would the world be like without us, without the horrors we have done to each other, and this creation that has


    Nick Zator

    Christ in Antique Polyvinyl Chloride



    ChvrchesBloc Party

    The Lumineers

    Johnny Cash

    Nat King ColeThee Oh Sees

    Tame Impala

    Icona Pop

    5 Finger Death PunchTegan and Sara

  • October 2, 2013

    S e p t e m b e r marks the be-ginning of fall and the return to school. Be-

    sides the usual reluctance for sum-mer to end, for some this month brings terror, sadness, and grief. For residential school survivors, the over-whelming sense of dread of this time of year still persists to this day.

    This September was hopefully dif-ferent for many, bringing in a new season of hope as the Truth and Rec-onciliation Commission (TRC) held its national event in Vancouver, BC from September 17th-22nd. It was the sixth of seven events held across Can-ada to address the legacy of the In-dian Residential School (IRS) system. Government-funded and church-run schools were designed to assimilate Aboriginal children by eradicating their culture, language, and spiritu-ality. The 150-year regime of the IRS left generations wounded through forced labour, physical, sexual, and emotional abuse, and the disruption-of family ties, community, and tradi-tional ways of life. In all, over 150,000 children were taken and an estimated 3,000 died.

    TRC events foster and support healing for survivors, educate the public, and acknowledge past wrongs in a way that will bring Aboriginals and non-aboriginals together. TWU suspended classes on September 18th and arranged transportation to en-able students, faculty, and staff to at-tend the opening day. Nine buses of Trinity Western University students,

    This is a true story of my lost backpack and Gods di-vine planning.

    Rest eludes me when the soft glow and steady vibration of my phone

    dont recognize the number. Again I

    When morning comes I read the text, Found your backpack in a park-ing lot. Let me know who I can give it to so you get it back. Puzzling; Im certain I brought my backpack home with me. How did this person get my number? Its probably a freak coincidence that theyre looking for a student. Just in case, Im doing a


    What makes your heart sing? Prince Zuko - Mikaela Fuqua


    |cheri BROWNfaculty and staff traveled to the Van-couver PNE grounds. Two elders in the audience spoke of their approval of the many students present, They cancelled classes at the Universities. Thats very respectful.

    Reconciliation Week began in Vancouver with the All Nations Canoe Gathering on September 17th. First Nations leaders, elders, and survivors paddled dozens of canoes up False Creek to formally ask permission to step ashore before being welcomed to Coast Salish territory. The lighting of the Sacred Fire and a prayer for strength and peace marked

    -cession of survivors and supporters

    -seum. TRC chair Murray Sinclairs open-ing remarks, This is not an Ab-original problem. This is a problem for all of Canada. This country has been damaged as well, received a standing ovation. A Squamish Na-tion Chief asked, What is reconcili-ation? I dont think theres an answer to that. Its whatever lies within your heart.

    -ciliation, Minister of Aboriginal Af-fairs, Bernard Valcourt said, Policies like the IRS have no place in Canada and can never be repeated. It is im-portant that the truth be known. Our government has committed to pre-serve the historical records. All sur-vivor statements, public or private,

    Other TRC events included state-

    ment gathering, church archival dis-plays, sharing circles, face-to-face apologies to survivors, an education day for high school students, screen-

    -mances. With resilience and quiet dignity, a few survivors faced the crowd of thousands and told their stories. Sainty Morris described how a priest forced him and his cousin to drown a puppy and the later punishment they faced for having a pet: They brought me down into a dark place and made us kneel from 7 am to 10 pm with no food or water. Before that I was never afraid of the dark. Now I cant sleep without a light. I live in fear of the dark because of the IRS system. Leonard Alexcee was taken from Prince Rupert to Port Alberni at 11 years old. After being sexually mo-lested and experiencing years of alco-holism, he advises Aboriginal youth on how to approach moving forward: If your parents or grandparents want to tell you their story, listen to them. They are getting sick and tired of keeping it way down. Margaret Commodore, who at-tended the same school, also suf-fered sexual abuse. In counseling I screamed in agony to try to get rid of that man. My healing journey goes on and it will last for the rest of my life. Reconciliation? I cant forgive my abuser. Someday I will forgive. I was just a little girl and he took so much away from me. I wont apologize for my tears because I deserve them! Im very grateful to the resources avail-

    able to survivors. A lot of mistakes were made in the past but now a lot of good has been done. The event closed with the Walk for Reconciliation on Sept 22. Ber-nice King, daughter of Martin Luther King Jr., spoke to a crowd of seventy thousand. The period of residential schools is a sad chapter in Canadas

    history. Amongst heartbreak of the past, a new attitude of hope is being embraced. Government, church, and community have come together to acknowledge and show support for survivors as we transition into a new era of reconciliation. As Canadians, Aboriginals and non-aboriginals, we walk this journey of healing together.

    it. I check the car. Its not there, any-where. Im getting this sinking feeling as I realize the situation: someone is in possession of my backpack including my wallet, all my I.D., my laptop, and I have class in a few hours. And how

    So I call back but no one answer. I recognize the name on the answering machine as someone from school. I begin texting this person back and forth, and let them know where they can drop off my backpack. I get to school, enter the arranged building, and there I see my backpack on a chair. I walk closer and notice my TWU agenda lying open on the table with only my name and number

    |logan PAULGAARD

    Brandon Took the Bate

    Truth and Reconciliation


    This story seems to speak volumes about the strength of my backpack-rescuers character and Gods plan-

    in a parking lot and goes to such lengths to return it, intact and so readily? Its as though this whole incident was a cosmic set-up; a scene or a trap, if you will. Like God created a golden opportunity: for one to trust and an-other to do the right thing. He had me, the worrier, and all he needed was someone to step into the scene, an actor. All it needed was someone to take the bait and get it all rolling. My backpack rescuer did that. His name is Brandon, and Brandon took the Bate.


  • October 2, 2013 NEWS.

    If youve fallen into a pool of oatmeal, in-gested a soapy banana, been

    dazzled by carnival lights, or watched sweaty men play soccer, then youve gotten a tasteor even a mouthfulof what TWUSA has in store for you this year. We are your Trinity Western Stu-dent Association. But what does this mean? It means that we are respon-sible for providing each student with events, services, and advocacy based on the funding we get from student fees. We run various events all year from Banana Challenge and Late Night to CANAM and Hootenanny. We offer services such as free coffee, printing, and bike rentals, as well as the famous Cube. This year so far, weve hit an all time record in Cube salesover $20,000 in revenue has been made! Our recent addition of a credit card machine is most likely the contributor to the in-crease in sales. So if you missed the rush this semester, be sure to get those books on the shelves so you can put some cash back in your pocket. The turning of the leaves and the date of add/drop come and gone means that we have just ended Op-eration Survive Septembera whirl-wind of events that have left us tired

    Long-time Langley resi-dents Ann Blaauw and her adult children, John, Ja-net and Jennifer, recently donated 2.5 million dol-

    lars to Trinity Western University, allowing the school the means to purchase a 25-acre parcel of Glen Valley forest from the Township of Langley. Blaauw, the Township of Langley, and TWU have entered into an agreement to see the land protected from future development. Instead, it will be used as an educational resource for fac-ulty and students of the Natural and Environ-mental Science departments at the University. The deal was announced on September 11 with the dedication ceremony and ribbon cut-ting taking place on September 24. The event featured speeches by Langley may-or Jack Froese and TWU interim president Bob Kuhn, made acknowledgements made of the historic St:lo territory, and saw a healthy turn-out of residents, students, and local conserva-tion groups The Glen Valley land parcel is covered in dense forest, and boasts a network of deer and


    What makes your heart sing? Observing the mating patterns of llamas - Matt Blackaby

    |nick ZATOR


    A 15-day take-over of a toilet paper factory in Venezuela has been or-dered by a national agency, Sunde-cop, in order to maintain consistent supply. The country struggled greatly to maintain toilet its paper supply earlier this year, in light of price con-trols. National Guard troops will as-sist to safeguard the factory during the takeover.

    Over 20 purebred goats were stolen from a Honolulu farmer at night, using duct tape to silence them. Many of the animals were preg-nant, and their combined value is approximately $10,000. It was devastating to us, the goats own-er stated.

    In an effort to crack down on dis-tracted driving, New York state announced that it will create des-ignated Texting Zones for driv-ers who need to pull over and chat. There will be 91 such zones throughout the state. Over 21,000 tickets were issued this summer in NY for distracted driving.

    man-made trails that wind through the Doug-

    among local residents who are happy to see the plot preserved. Professor and Coordinator of Environmen-tal Studies, David Clements, and environmen-tal science student, Curtis Abney, plan to close off certain problem trails that lead to sensitive habitat. Abney discovered two endangered species while doing his thesis work on the property:

    re-establish the need to protect vital wildlife habitats in the Fraser Valley region. The property was to be sold by the Town-ship for the development of a new community centre, ice rink and public pool in Aldergrove, until Blaauw approached TWU in early spring about adopting it for the ethical planning and management of its resources. Blaauw and her late husband, Thomas, were frequent visitors of the land; they came to love the serene, peaceful qualities that the forest possessed and, to the family, it will stand as a memorial to him.

    TWU Acquires Parcel of Glen Valley Forest

    around campus (they are the metal

    To utilize these anchors you will need to purchase a cable lock. Once your laptop is locked in you can

    -ing that your laptop is secure if you

    -attended. We want to remind you that while we have a phenomenal campus community, thefts unfortu-nately do occasionally happen and we would be heartbroken to hear about your loss! Not only would it be unfortunate to lose an expensive piece of essential student gear, you may also risk losing that twenty page paper you have been working on. If you leave your laptoplock up!

    On the topic of losing school work, prevent the loss this year by

    way you can do this today for free is with the ever-popular Dropbox

    Oh boy... The semes-ter grind has begun. The h o n e y m o o n

    excitement of returning to another school year is quickly fading as we face upcoming midterms, papers, and class projects. As you tackle your school work, dont let technol-ogy issues amplify your stress levels. TWIT has hired student helpers to man the Help Desk and they are ea-ger to assist you. Half IT specialists, half counselors, Erin Blackaby and Andre are ready to help you out! The Help Desk downstairs in Mattson is open 9am-5pm Monday to Friday. The library help desk is open Tues-day 5pm-8pm, Wednesday 5pm-7pm, and Saturday 10am-1pm. Many will remember that last year our campus experienced numerous instances of laptop theft. You may have noticed that we now have lap-top anchors installed at study desks

    but with proud, smiling faces. From the chaos of Banana Challenge and Dorm Skits, the magic of the carnival Late Night with TWUSA, to the vic-tory of CANAM Soccer, we have seen

    their faces with bananas, cotton can-dy, and donuts. Along with events and services, TWUSA is also an avenue for advoca-cy. As part of this area, there are sev-en faculty representatives on council who represent all majors on campus. They are in charge of creating events and facilitating opportunities to im-prove the individual educational ex-perience at Trinity. They are in charge of not only bringing in speakers and creating academic events, but are also a voice for your faculty. If you would like to know who is representing you this year, get in touch with them, or want to learn more about TWUSA, check out our swanky new website:

    Monday through Friday to take ad-vantage of our services:

    -Free coffee, hot chocolate, and tea

    -Free Newspaper-Bike Rentals-Free Smiles

    |alex PLENITS

    Whats Up WithTWUSA?|erin THORPE


    surprised with how many of your friends are already using Drop-box. It essentially gives you your own storage space on the internet

    be accessed from any device with

    way to use Dropbox is to download it to your computer. You will be able to use it as a normal folder and it will update whenever it is connect-ed to the internet. Dropbox also has a Smartphone app allowing you to have quick access to your school

    Finally, iPhone users, we know about your pains trying to connect to Trinitys WIFI! Hit up our TWIT

    connectivity issue. Have any complaints, suggests,

    or praise? We want to hear from you!

    The TWIT Team




  • October 2, 2013 5

    What makes your heart sing? Let me think about it after I check my snapchat Anonymous



    Navy Yard ShootingA contract employee of Washington Navy Yard entered the premises and began shooting. The 34-year-old man killed 12 and wounded 3 people before being shot dead by police. The gunman is said to have suffered from a sleep disorder, hearing voices, and paranoia. There has been no evidence that religion or terrorism were motivations for the shoot-ing.

    Pakistan EarthquakeA 7.7 magnitude earthquake hit a remote area of south-western Pakistan. Casualties have reached 330 people. The earthquake caused a small island to appear off the coast. An excess of 1,000 Pakistani troops have been deployed to aid in relief and rescue.

    children rescued in chinaIn China, 301 suspects are being held for charges of human

    have been known to kidnap children across China and sell them in other regions of the country. Abducted children, and even women, have been sold for labour, brides, or prostitution. This is not a new problem in China: over 24,000 women and children were rescued from human

    KENYA MALL ATTACK Al-Shabaab terrotists killed 67 people in a Nairobi mall while holding the mall hostage for four days. Though all hostages have been released, the Kenyan military is still in-vestigating.

    Gates Foundation starts invest-ment fundBill and Melinda Gates Foundation have partnered with Americas largest bank by assets, JPMorgan Chase & Co., in starting the Global Health Investment Fund (GHIF). The fund will be used to bring a diverse group of investors to-gether around the shared objective of developing life-saving

    -gan Chase CEO, Jamie Dimon.

    Alumni Weekend ReportOn September 13-15th, stroll-ers could be seen alongside backpacks as

    the Alumni Association (AA) of Trini-ty Western University celebrated their

    The layout of the event was remi-niscent of Trinity Western Univer-sitys 50th anniversary on a smaller scale: a pancake breakfast, Kids Fun Zone, an Annual General Meeting, department and class reunions, soc-cer games, SMART Talks and the widely successful Hey! Ho! Alumni Show. The purpose of the event was primarily to unite and welcome old and new alumni, ultimately creating a stronger body of alum.

    Entering its third year, the AA comes across as young and person-

    report features a welcoming, chil-drens-style comic that depicts their statistics from the past year. This is

    Campbells, energized and focused leadership. Im here because Im an

    The most notable change in

    |logan PAULGAARD

    Cat was always a surprise, danc-ing and switching languages mid-sentence. She always had something crazy to talk about that left the team searching her out just for another one of her wild conversations Even though most residents have a hard time remembering faces, its still worth it for both the elderly and the Trinity team. Its starting from

    But every week they are so excited to

    jewelry, big sweaters and purses, even if all they are carrying is the

    laughs. The two ladies love when the Trinity group comes, always ready for some young excitement. Whats

    ask. Even just some light conversa-tion makes them thrilled to have guests. Especially Cat. Without missing a beat, at the end of every night, Cat would lock her door before running down the hall and sending the team off, each with a big kiss on the cheek.

    Sunday night is always a


    c l o c k w o r k , the Trinity team walks through the front doors to a group of elderly just waiting to play a good game of Go

    years team, says of her past couple years serving. It never stops them from enjoying a game though, espe-cially two best friends by the name of Betty and Dorothy. They love costume

    leadership for the association came this past May, when AA president Bob Kuhn stepped down from his role in order to become the interim president of TWU. Richard Taylor

    president. Although the AA focuses on

    alumni, current students are high on the priority list. For greater effec-tiveness with current students, the association has aligned themselves with the efforts of the Trinity West-ern University Student Association. They do this through interning the upcoming student president. Current TWUSA president, Mackenzie Dunn, is the second to participate in the in-ternship.

    The association also has a men-toring program, which matches alumni in the workplace with current TWU students. The program is a key stepping-stone for students success in entering the workplace, as it cre-ates a strong network which facili-tates opportunity.

    |colleen LITTLE

    KKK to host RallyOn October 5, the Ku Klux Klan will host a rally at the civil

    group, located out of Maryland, received a permit allowing them to host the rally. Because of free speech rights, park

    spoke with regards to freedom in America.

  • October 2, 2013

    By now every-one on cam-pus has heard about the Truth and Reconcilia-

    tion Commission, even if only in the capacity of we got a day off for it. For those who did not attend, the week incorporated many different events focusing on the effects of Res-idential Schools on Canadas First Nations with a general celebration of West Coast First Nations culture.

    It was powerful. For many survivors, this was the

    -sured of himself, break down on-stage as he shared his story of being unable to express love to his children and his wish for a second chance. I watched the children of Residential School survivors tell their stories of longing for their parents love, of their anger at the wounds of their parents, and of their paths to heal-ing. Other minorities who have been oppressed stood and expressed their solidarity with First Nations.

    My experience of being visibly First Nations in Canada has not been devoid of racism. Ive been person-

    What makes your heart sing? A sexy man with a guitar - Monique Gutjahr



    |hanna WASWA


    |peter WOEKEL

    A Striving WindAmong Chris-tians, the Bible is generally taken to be the greatest source

    of wisdom available to us. If divine revelation is seen as the wellspring of all wisdom, then the Bible is its largest brook. But when it comes to straight up advice for life, not all of the books were created equal, for

    -ally referred to as Wisdom Litera-ture: Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Song of Songs, and Ecclesiastes. Today I want to dive into Ecclesiastes, one of the

    Ecclesiastes can be a hard book to read, and for that reason, I love it. In Mere Christianity, C.S. Lewis talks about how we must leave behind a six year olds Christianity. Ecclesiastes certainly presents us with something beyond a six year olds belief. Within twelve chapters it somehow manages to hit upon nearly every major subject of thought within human history: the purpose of life, the purpose of death, the role of wisdom, what we value, attaining happiness, and the list goes on.

    The greatness of Ecclesiastes is in the depth of its aim. It does not deal with the individual circumstances of

    and that for every time of greatness, there is a time of sorrow.

    This is a profound message, and in the wrong context can seem de-pressing. But I see it as a source of great hope, for the book also prom-ises us that within these seasons, there is always a path for us to make the road a little easier if we are able to look back towards those timeless parts of the human experience. We

    -faction in hard work, and, ultimately,

    God. The real beauty of Ecclesiastes is

    its ability to strip away what is unim-portant. In the world we live in, it is extraordinarily easy to get distracted. Our hearts and minds are constantly assaulted by the lure of social media, of technology, and of the dominating ideologies of our day. Im not saying we should completely abandon these things. However, when, from time to time we take a look at our lives and the things that we place value on, we should take a cue from Ecclesiastes and make sure to remember that the most valuable things are also those most unchanging of things, the ones that have been with humanity since the beginning.

    life covered within Psalms or Prov-

    emotions and states of being experi-enced by the authors of Job and Song of Songs. Instead, it shoots straight for the heart of humanity, asking what is, perhaps, the most funda-mental question available to us: In light of our place within Gods King-dom, how shall we live? As an answer we are given an equally fundamental piece of advice: live in remembrance of what is truly important.

    From the beginning of the book, we are reminded that this life is tem-porary, and theres nothing that can be done to change that. The life of the wise man will pass away just as easily as the life of the fool. The author calls himself The Preacher, and he tells us that to cling too tightly to this life is a vanity of vanities and a striving after wind. It is useless, a complete waste of time and energy we have been given. It is a thought revisited often by Jesus himself. Rather than holding onto life, The Preacher says, we must simply expe-rience it. One of the biggest themes within Ecclesiastes is the seasons of life. Throughout our lifetimes we will be brought pain and hardship as well as joy and peace. We are promised that there is a time for everything,

    ally harmed and wounded as a re-sult of Residential Schools, though I never attended one. I see the effects of multi-generational family break-downs every time I go home. This isnt academic to me; this is my real-ity. I go through periods of anger at the church and at Canada for putting my family and I through this. To hear the stories of others voiced in a pub-lic arena, to hear the apologies of the church and their acknowledgement of the hurt they have caused, was vali-dating and cathartic. Reconciliation isnt an abstract idea. Its forgiveness and healing.

    At the end of the week, Reconcili-ation Canada hosted a walk through the downtown area of Vancouver to express commitment to a new way forward: collaboration over antago-nism. As the event got underway, Ber-nice King, daughter of American civil rights activist Martin Luther King, Jr., gave a speech to the thousands gath-ered. She inherited her fathers abil-ity to move a crowd along with his commitment to long term progress, and that moment would have been the emotional high of the day for me, had not the actual walk occurred.

    The event organizers planned

    the route to double back on itself over two bridges near the BC Place Stadium. This allowed the people on one bridge to see the people walking in the opposite direction on the other bridge. Walking towards the middle of the crowd, I was able to see both ends of the crowd. The number of people was staggering. Con-servative estimates put the total number at around 10, 000. People held signs above their umbrellas: Japanese Cana-dians stand with you.

    In that moment, the detractors and the hecklers (easily found with a cursory search of First Nations news articles) were all put in their place. Thousands

    and dry feet to march in the rain in sup-port of reconciliation; no internet forum can compare.

    The overall attitude of the Truth and Reconciliation events was realistic op-timism. There was acknowledgement both that things are changing and that there is so much more yet to be done. The personal and communal wounds were aired and recorded, but so were ex-pressions of moving forward as Canada becomes a society that is both just and successful. That is what true reconcilia-tion looks like, both for myself and for Canada as a whole.

    Reflections on the TRC

    ourselves, fully and without reserve. You are bearing His image, you are showing Christ, even in romance.

    A romantic relationship, espe-cially one of marriage, is a precursor to our union with God in heaven. It is, essentially, a microcosm of the redemptive story of the entire cos-mos, a shadow of the reconciliation of all things, and a mirroring of the marriage between the mystical body of the Church and our Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ. This is what a se-rious romantic relationship entails.

    a greater reality. Recognizing this should add to the richness of what we have, and what we do when we court, date, or marry someone.

    May you come to see that your desire to live out a true, beautiful and good relationship is only a frac-tion of what Christ desires with you. May you walk in the knowledge of

    may you use the relationship you are in to echo this love, in all of eternity, through His Grace. Amen.

    For now, this is what the Rev says.

    ever Rev. Says! My name is Nicho-las Lee, and I am a double major in Biblical Studies and Philosophy. I am currently on the track for Ordination in the Anglican Network in Canada, and will be using this space in the Mars Hill to convey my thoughts, add my two-cents on debates, and to otherwise talk about rad theological stuff.

    I have been thinking recently about romantic relationships. In par-ticular, my thoughts have been on what it is we do when we enter into a relationship with someone.

    What some people may not real-ize is that a romantic relationship is one in which we can most exemplify Christ. Healthy relationships often bring vulnerability. We share things within a romance; we spend unusual amounts of time together, we are in-timate, and we share love.

    There is beauty in the small processes we go through together.

    we can extend forgiveness. Through talking and understanding, we step inside each others shoes and prac-tice empathy; we can love the other as

    The Rev SaysWITH Nicholas Lee

  • October 2, 2013ACADEMY.

    It seems that at l e a s t once a semester


    What makes your heart sing? Homemade handicrafts - Darby Arens


    A Light in the Darkness


    Confessions of A Mammas Boy|bryce PERRY

  • October 2, 2013

    Leah Cameron gave an a b s o l u t e l y w o n d e r f u l lecture on

    Thomas Merton, the 20th century author who wrote No Man is an Island and the incredibly popular auto-biography The Seven Storey Mountain. Within her talk, Leah focused upon Mertons conception of the relationship between man, wisdom, and God.

    Central to understanding this relationship, she said, is the idea that fallen man is characterized by two personas: the false self which is ensnared by its own ego, and the true self that is found in the light of the divine. When we embrace this true

    Brett David P o t t e r started the conference with a

    presentation on the history of appropriation and its affect on narrative. He says that we must begin to see appropriation (the artistic use of pre-exist ing objects or images) in light of improvisation. To create anything, you must be inspired by something: an idea, an image, a sound, etc. That notion must come


    Arts + Narrative

    When we take a look at our school and ask what the use of a liberal arts

    education is, the answer we come to should be wholeness, the idea that

    study, we are able to understand and interact with all of Gods creation. It is exactly this idea that is behind the Trinity SAMC departments annual Verge Conference, a place where scholars and artists come together to explore the arts and their place within the Christian life.

    The beauty of the conference is that it is not just artists speaking to artists. Rather, it is people from

    |peter WOEKEL

    |nancy TIMMERMANS

    |peter WOEKEL

    |kierstyn MARLOW

    from somewhere. So when you are inspired by something in the external world, he asks, are you simply appropriating that idea, or are you improvising upon it in order to add to the existing conversation? Potter made the point that because of digital advancements, everyone is an artist but that enters into another conversation altogther. The real question at hand is how do we tell our narratives? Potter debunks the notion of the secluded genius artist in favour of communal and public art.

    The Verge: A Christian Narrative

    Relational Aesthetics and Re-Narrativization - Telling Stories in an Age of Post-Production

    G r e g o r y Wolfe, author of Beauty Will Save the World, writer in residence

    founder and editor of IMAGE magazine presented a very insightful article on the state of narrative. Wolfe explained how the current crisis of postmodern narrative has to dosurprise, surprisewith postmodernity.

    Wolfe explains that the postmodern instinct is to throw out all meta-narratives and to focus solely upon individual story lines. They create a narrative foreground without a background. This is dangerous, Wolfe explains, because it allows people the opportunity to retreat into private worlds that do not have a larger social, philosophical, or political connection with one another.

    He references Santiego Ramos belief that postmodern narratives are only really offering us characters who learn to cope without a centre, in a world that has no freedom. The postmodern view is an attempt to deconstruct mastered narratives, such as the Judeo-Christian biblical story. The removal of meta-narratives is intended to give a character freedom, and yet it actually does the opposite, removing any goal from that persons story other than that of coping with lifes obstacles.

    The highlight from Wolfes presentation is in his reminder that we are all characters within a grand story, and that we need to check our narrative centre from time to time. The postmodern perspective rules out a central focus: Christ. Wolfe shows us that without a dependable centre, without Christ, we end up wandering pointlessly, living for nothing but to try and cope with lifes struggles.

    The Realism of Distances

    self, we fully recover and embrace imago dei, the image of God in man. In order to do this, Leah said, we must encounter divine wisdom, that

    name Sophia.Merton believed that art is

    something within the material world that holds onto the spiritual, and it is wisdom that allows us to see this transcendence. If we see humanity as the greatest piece of art, that object of materiality in which He has placed the greatest piece of Himself, then it is only by encountering wisdom that we can fully recognize the imago dei. We must enter into a divine romance with this Sophia if we are to truly appreciate Gods creation.

    Singing with Sophia: The Theological Imagination of Thomas Merton

    together to dig into what is shared between us. It is exactly what the liberal arts was intended to enable from its beginning.

    For this latest Verge conference, Trinitys campus was visited by theologians, authors, scientists and others who were all seeking to uncover the role that narrative plays within our lives. Each speaker brought forth a new perspective on what it means to be human and how a correct understanding of narrative can move us a little farther along the road to true knowledge. What follows are a few short synopses of some of the talks given and the ideas shared. Enjoy.

    Art is now a network of improvised stories and a collective elaboration of meaning. We all want our narratives to have meaning-making elements in them, even within the context of postproduction. The question we must then ask ourselves is this: Does this new vision of appropriation and artistic community add meaning to our work, or take it away?


    What makes your heart sing? Merlin - Eleanor Felton


  • October 2, 2013 9ACADEMY.

    What makes your heart sing? Fake smoke break. - Hanna Waswa

    |travis HEIDEThe Muslim creed (inscribed on



































  • October 2, 2013

    What makes your heart sing? Unicorns - Dara DeJong



    WHY ??

  • October 2, 2013

    What makes your heart sing? People - Emily Palmer


    them back because you know how

    amazing they are. You understand

    their problem and what it stems from,

    but it doesnt drive you away. And

    when the problem is dealt with, you

    both end up better for it.

    Though we may never truly, deeply

    care about every issue, we can care for

    the ones we love. As you begin to care,

    you discover that behind your passion

    to see the world change for the bet-

    ter is a love for humanity. We value

    the environment because we imbue it

    with intrinsic worth and because we

    desire for our children to receive an

    unspoilt world. We care about those

    in the sex trade because we empathize

    with their humanity. We believe that

    humanity can be better. The Christian

    worldview is that Jesus came to earth

    and died so that humanity can be re-

    deemed. The most Christ-like mo-

    ment is found in acting on the belief

    things can be changed. This is why we


    ing for.

    Its easy to dismiss our ability to

    enact change for the things we care

    about. But true love isnt about cyni-

    cism or despair; its found in the little

    moments of small decisions. The

    things and people you care about

    make you who you are. They are worth

    your time and effort. Why should we

    care? Because the whole of human

    history is bound in the choices of

    men and women who cared enough

    to allow their passions change their

    worlds for the better. The world does

    not need more apathy; it needs your

    passion, your effort, and your care.

    cal government, or maybe even the

    Western Protestant church. You may

    not have realized it, but you are in a

    relationship with this issue much like

    the one you thought of earlier. You

    have well-researched and informed

    opinions on it. You understand the

    contributing factors that have cre-

    ated the issue and you desire to make

    it better. Through your engagement

    with the issue, youve been changed

    and shaped as well. Though you may

    hate the current state of affairs, what

    motivates you to action is the convic-

    tion that things can change for the

    better. Youre passionate. You have an

    emotional attachment to the issue.

    We care because we love.

    Yet it is so easy to become cynical.

    The number of issues to care about in

    the world is almost beyond counting.

    A quick glance over todays headlines

    adds a couple more to the list. It is

    things to care about:

    The state of the arts in North

    America needs revitalization. Lets do


    The Protestant churches Ive ex-

    need to change.

    The sex trade is the worst prob-

    lem of our time. Im going to take ac-


    Each of these positions results

    from an understanding and a love for

    the history of each of these things, not

    from a position of cynicism.

    When a person you love goes

    through a rough time, you dont aban-

    Let me tell

    you why to

    care. This is

    the premise of

    many articles

    on every topic imaginable, from glob-

    al items like the environment, the sex

    trade, or poverty, to localized issues

    like First Nations rights, Syria, or cen-

    sorship in China.

    Why do some of these end up

    catching our attention more than oth-

    ers? And why should we care about

    any of these issues at all?

    To answer, lets do a thought ex-

    periment. Think about a person you

    love who has been in your life for

    more than a year. This person has

    shaped you and affected your life for

    the better, but its been challenging as

    well. There have been times that you

    have not seen eye to eye. Maybe youve

    or even just the natural drifting apart

    that happens at some point in every

    relationship. Your emotions are en-

    gaged with this person.

    Caring about an issue is like caring

    about a person. You care because you

    have an emotional attachment. The

    things we care about are important

    to us, even if objectively there is no

    value in something. A teddy bear from

    childhood, a sticker on a lunchbox, a

    weathered old copy of your favourite

    book. You attach value to these things,

    even if it seems like junk to others.

    Now think of a topic that lights

    trade, or maybe its accountable lo-

    |hanna WASWA



  • October 2, 2013



    WITH Erik deLange

    Budge t Beat s


    What makes your heart sing? Nutella and a spoon. - Margaret Thorpe

    Those of us who were fortunate

    enough to see Josh Garrels down-

    town when he came to Vancouver

    got the extra perk of witnessing his

    friends Loud Harp play a beautiful set

    before his.

    Available for free on Noisetrade.

    com, Loud Harps self-titled debut

    begins with the strum of an electric

    guitar that will send chills followed

    by peace throughout your entire

    musical prowess; these are songs

    that intercede for their listeners.

    Beginning with Hold Me To-

    gether Loud Harp begins medita-

    tively slow and ends up with a cre-

    scendo that carries straight into the

    rest of the album.

    Themes of rest, safety, and trust

    carry throughout the album provid-

    ing a perfect space to study, sleep, or

    just breathe. Areas where the album

    appears to fall short are in its lyrical

    simplicity and the fact that every song

    sounds similar, but I think thats ex-

    actly what Loud Harp was going for


    Gervais new show Derek is free for

    the streaming. Unfortunately, the

    episodes, but these seven episodes

    will never fail to make you laugh and

    make you cry, sometimes right after

    each other, sometimes at the same

    time. Whether he knows it or not,

    Gervais has tapped into something

    true and beautiful about life.

    Apparently tired of his cyni-

    cism and contempt for his charac-

    ters, Gervais has created a character

    who loves life. He enjoys the simple

    things like banana pudding; loving

    each person deeply at the elderly care

    home he works at, crying over every

    single death that happens but never

    getting bitter or calloused.


    and diverse characters, including the

    earnest but somewhat tragic charac-

    ter of Hannah, played by Kerry Godli-

    man, as well as the blunt, cynical, but

    ultimately good man Dougie, played

    by Gervaiss friend Karl Pilkington.

    Gervais has stumbled upon some

    real magic, largely popularizing the

    mockumentary style. With shows like

    and now with Derek, it is

    clear that his more sentimental side

    medium as well. Where many shows

    try to play up the dramatic moments

    for the sake of tears and catharsis, it

    ends up being far more emotionally

    resonant to see characters try to hide

    their emotions and avoid being seen

    on camera, as that is the way we hu-

    mans more often deal with our emo-

    tions, making the eventual catharsis

    that much more emotional and beau-


    here. The lyrics could be dismissed

    as simple, but they cannot be dis-

    missed as shallow. The simple words

    of each song layer deeper and deeper

    until the inevitable triumphant decla-

    ration at the songs end.

    My personal favourite, Like a

    Dove, after exploring some of the

    darker elements of faith, ardently de-

    clares Ill trust in you! as if from the

    top of a mountain.

    If you want innovation and maxi-

    milism, look elsewhere. If you want

    transcendence, look no further.


    Erik deLange

    Ceilidh Hughes, post praise chapel, in her Fridays best. Who doesnt love a good ol cozy sweater, high- waisted shorts and a crop-top, finished off with some irresistible wrist candy? Megan Beyer

    W I T H

  • October 2, 2013A&C.

    Are you an artist? Well exhibit your work. Do you like music?

    Were bringing bands from across the country. Do you like good food, wine, and local beer? Youll get lots of that. Do you want to meet people? Were bringing you together. Do you like doing things? Well, join us then.

    You may have heard rumblings of an ageist organization held in the hallowed halls of The Reach Gallery Museum Abbotsford, but the Young Contemporaries are really a group of 18-35 year-olds with big dreams of serving the Fraser Valley community. We believe that this communitys young people, if given the chance to work together, can encourage a more vibrant, creative, and fun environ-ment.

    While working as a summer stu-dent at The Reach, I had the privilege, along with my other millennial colleagues, of advising Gabe Kirkley, creator of the Young Contemporaries organization. Inspired by the 37,000 Abbotsford young adultsand more throughout the rest of the Fraser


    |diana HIEBERT

    What makes your heart sing? Babies. Lots and lots of babies. - Arianne Soehardi

    Valleywithout a centralized hub,

    need by making our facility welcom-ing to this demographic of creative individuals.

    event, the University of the Fraser Valley CIVL Radio Gala fundraiser, was a hit this summer, with a battle of the bands featuring You Say Party, Oh No! Yoko, Little Wild, The New Atlas, Casey Ambrose, and The Parish of Little Clifton. The bands performed against a backdrop of SANDSTORM paintings by artist Chris Woodsart

    from Darth Vaders perspective.This successful evening served as

    a blueprint for our upcoming events.

    begins Thursday October 17 at 7pm. Come and listen to bands Boys Who Say No and Oh Village, visit the cu-rated, one-night only exhibition of Young Contemporary member artwork (including paintings from Trinity Westerns own Tara Spencer), and enjoy great food and drink! Stay tuned for future events like our Star-bucks Coffee Thirstday, Young Pro-fessionals Night, and exhibition op-

    portunities for artists at The Reachs A-grade facility.

    On top of free or discounted ad-mission to awesome events and ex-hibitions, a Young Contemporaries membership includes opportunity to nominate or be nominated for The Reach Young Artist of the Year Award,

    fun workshops and classes, an exclu-sive Contemporaries Exhibition Pre-

    to a Friend of The Reach! (Please see

    Whats this fantastic member-ship going to cost me? you may ask. Get the cheapest price on your yearly membership by signing up for our Quad+ membership (you and 3-8 of

    each!This project is just beginning, but

    I am happy to say it is already taking off with young people in this com-munity, and hope to see TWU well represented!

    For information on events or to sign up for your membership, visit or email

    Young ContemporariesWhy you should be one



    u epcoming3rd Student Appreciation Day Musicians, cupcakes.11:30-3:30 p.m. The Bookstore.


    O C T O B E R


    Micheal Coughlan with Jay Bowcott 8 p.m. Watershed Caf. Admission by donation.

    Trinity alum Craig Ketchum

    & Jonathan Hers 8 p.m. Watershed Caf.

    Admission by donation.

    9thFaculty Exhibition:

    Tangles + Glory by Doris Auxier

    8-4 p.m. Presidents Gallery, 2nd Floor RSC

    T h r o u g h1stnovember

    Oct. 9thO p e n i n g

    N i g h t

    4-6 p.m. Free.

    9thBc Songwriters Association Open Mic Night. 7:30 p.m. McBurneys Coffee and Tea House. Free.


  • October 2, 2013 A&C.14

    What makes your heart sing? Chocolate, Disney music, and the sun...or mangoes. - Kathleen Westin

    : Mars Hill Melodies :

    Tom Odell Long Way Down You may remember Tom Odells song Another Love if you listened to CBC Radio 2 Drive this sum-mer. The devastatingly beautiful earnestness he presented to us purged all of our deep love frustra-

    Long Way Down expands upon Odells repertoire with a raw and honest portrait of suffering that expands on his former EP. With Hold Me we hear what could be an old Arcade Fire song, and he even begins to wink at future hope. Just listen to Heal and youll see what Im talking about.

    Jordan Klassen and his friends are taking the Vancouver music scene by storm, in many ways

    got nothing on me, thats the best place that youll ever be/ Come beside me/ With the pen in my hand and your hand in my hand and a triumphant melodic chorus on The Horses are Stuck, Repentance resonates somewhere far beyond mere words. If you only hear one album for the next two weeks, make it this one.

    John Legend Love In The Future Coming in at the end of the summer, Love In The Future comes just in time for fall lov-ers, declaring This is a new year for love and follows it up with 19 of the most emo-tionally resonant love songs I have ever heard. Possibly the most striking thing about John Legend is the dignity with which he writes his songs. Where his friends like Kanye West tend to be digni-ty-taking in their sexualized love ballads, Legend is dignity-giving. On All Of Me Legend sings, Whats going on in that beautiful mind? And then turns to pon-der, All your perfect imperfections. But, to stay on the safe side, this album should be enjoyed by couples who are married.

    CHVRCHES - The Bones of What You Believe This past March, as you headed into that time at the end of the semester marked by all-nighters and 10-cup coffee days, you may have tuned in to Recover, the three song EP of Scottish synth-pop band CH-

    the versatile electronic sound the band is capable of, Recover turns out to have just been the welcoming mat for the bands debut album, The Bones of What You Believe. From the electric ambience of the guitar and strings led Tether, to the almost Tron-like synth melody that drives Sci-ence/Visions, CHVRCHES has proven itself to be an electronic heavy-weight worthy of staying on your radar.

    Janelle Mone - Electric Lady The

    ArchAndroid, I was blown away by her ability to mix so many different musical genres into one beautifully polished al-bum. I was even more blown away when I read that the album was in fact only two parts of her seven part concept series, Metropolis. The series, continued in Elec-tric Lady, follows an androids journey through a social enlightenment fueled by dance and music. It sounds crazy. Truth be told it is a little bit crazy, but it is also

    extraordinarily talented musician who has managed in Electric Lady to create a gorgeous blend of jazz, R&B, and dance sounds all carried forward by her wonder-fully soulful voice. Do yourself a favour and give the album a listen, even if only to hear the sound of musical genres being

    Jordan Klassen Repentance


    PETER &


    W O E K E L

  • Most boys have big dreams: to make it to the big leagues, to be selected in

    even to be the coach one day, lead-

    season. For one boy, all these dreams came true.

    named at the time.


    -tian throughout his career as a



    During his career in Montreal, -

    What are you most excited for this year? Events like the Banana Challenge - Jen NewmanWhat makes your heart sing? Oh boy. Asking the deep questions this year. - Justin Smith


    |andrew PATTERSON


    October 2, 2013 15


    give you one example: My roommate -

    backed out and decided not to join

    But at the same time they should



    the greatest person that ever lived, the


    things that are really good. Focus on

    every level in hockey (minor hockey,

    in his second year is comparable to



    the skates. From there, he developed

    has motivated people through his books and public speaking.

    -ship positions and, until he suggests


    anyone involved in a team environ-


    A Follower of Christ. A Leader of Athletes.A Mars Hill exclusive interview with former NHLer Ryan Walter


    Jersey Number:

    Year of Study:


    Pre-game Ritual:


    Favourite ProfessionalSports Team:

    Future Goal:




    Human Kinetics

    Napping and music

    Family and friends from home

    Toronto Raptors


    MARK PERRIN rock climbing/camping overnight/

    Upcoming Events...

  • TM

    The smell of the ice is in the air as the Spar-tans hockey club prepares

    for a promising season this year.In the previous three seasons of

    Spartans hockey the team has been mediocre at best. Their best year was the inaugural year of Spartans hockey back in 2010-2011 when they recorded a 12-15-2 record.

    Welcome Back, HockeyIts the most wonder-ful time of the year - for hockey fans! After a long summer, we are just sick of the heat and are ready

    for some non-stop action on the ice. Heres what you need to know about the NHL this sea-son:

    1. The realignment:

    Instead of having two conferences with three divisions, the NHL will now divide into four


    what?). The purpose for the realignment was for geographic reasons. This will allow teams

    geographically friendlier division.

    2. Making the playoffs:

    The playoff scene also changes. The top three teams from each division will automatically

    two spots from each conference will be a lot like the wild card format from baseball, where the next best two teams from each conference will make the playoffs regardless of what divi-sion they are in. Phew!

    3. The full package:

    If you have season tickets, I envy you even more!

    team will face every single team, both home and away. This is a dream for hockey fans on

    Crosby, Alex Ovechkin, and Steven Stamkos play in Rogers Arena - in the same season! Great job, NHL!

    What makes your heart sing? Watching Titanic in a onsie! - Larissa Kroeker

    What you need to know about the NHL this season


    |andrew PATTERSON

    4. Smaller goalie pads:

    The NHL has shrunk the pads of goalies for this coming season. A goalies leg pads are not to be more than nine inches above the centre of

    wears smaller pads he has to change his entire -

    ing. A puck can easily squeeze through a four-inch opening between the legs with the accu-racy of NHL snipers.

    5. Mandatory visors:

    For all the rookies entering the NHL this sea-son, it is now a requirement for them to wear a

    in the league, the NHL and the NHLPA have agreed to start grandfathering visors into the league. Like helmets back in 1979, NHL players who are not rookies can choose to not wear a visor. Eventually, all NHL players will be wear-ing a visor.

    October 2, 201316

    In the years after they have com-pletely dropped the ball. The Spar-

    last season. Changes were certainly needed to turn this team around.

    the team was undoubtedly the hiring of the new bench boss. Barret Kropf will be the new head coach for Spar-


    gram, Kropf says. Excitement is the key thing for me and Im looking forward to the season.

    The hiring of Kropf creates a fresh atmosphere for the team, something

    past few seasons, Lowdermilk and the team did not ever seem to be on the same page. The team lacked communication and leadership from Lowdermilk, both of which are key to a winning team.

    of leadership in the past, the team is bound to improve under him. Accountability is key, Kropf says.

    are putting in their time they need to in the classroom, weight room, and

    changes up front in the roster. For-wards JP Villeneuve, Josh Bruha, and

    mix. Villeneuve, a veteran of Junior A

    level hockey, quickly raised eyebrows when he decided to join the Spartans. Villeneuve is bringing elite skill with him, coming from a very impressive season with the Powell River Kings of the BCHL, recording 37 points in 52 games.

    JP is a player who is intense on both sides of the ice. Hes got offen-sive talents and he takes cares of his own zone, Kropf says. Everyone can look up to him.

    Bruha is also a good addition as he brings a good two-way game. He

    -ing up his career as a chaplain for the Saskatchewan Roughriders, has much experience in coaching hockey with almost two decades of coaching experience in a variety of leagues. Kropf was also the Alberta Colleges Athletic Conference mens hockey coach of the year with Briercrest Col-

    Im pretty excited about the opportunity to build onto the pro-

    is a veteran in this level of hockey as he spent the last four years playing

    also brings a lot of grit and tough-

    games in the SJHL.

    playing in the NCAA for the Universi-

    pound winger certainly brings size to the team along with his playmaking skill.

    The Spartans also added Swiss

    highly touted goalie who joins a com-petitive training camp for the starter

    experience in European leagues, and his great work ethic, it looks like he could be a frontrunner.

    The Spartans simply cant get any worse than last season, which would be completely unacceptable. There is nowhere to go but up at this point.

    bench it is very likely that we will see the team improve.

    Of course, a .500 record is an enormous improvement considering how this team has performed in the past, and that is a reasonable expec-tation. Heres to hoping they reach

    hockey again.The Spartans will open the sea-

    son October 4 at Thompson River University. They will have their home

    The New and Improved?Key changes create optimism for Spartans hockey


    |andrew PATTERSON


  • What makes your heart sing? Olivia Stephen - Adam Zonneveld

    The Spartans mens soccer issues continue

    off the week-

    the Saskatchewan Huskies at home.

    course of the season. With these aw-




    chances to score.




    this season.





    October 2, 2013 17


    The Trinity Western Spar-tans womens soccer team









    Plagued Spartans Take a TumbleSpartans draw with Golden Bears; lose to Huskies

    |andrew PATTERSON


    |katie MARYSCHUK-





    A Win That Changes MomentumSpartans sweep early season game over UNBC

    Upcoming Home Games

    Womens soccer

    O C T O B E R








    Canada west QuarterFinal

    Upcoming Home Games

    mens soccer

    O C T O B E R






    Mount Royal

    Northern bc

    Northern BC


  • Dear Amy,A lot of people say its a bad

    but me and my boyfriend also knew each other in high school. Why do people think we should of waited?-DatingHimAnyway

    Dear Dating,You know what I cant understand is the phrase should of. I mean, when have you ever seen this in literature? Should of is not short for should have. Youre thinking of shoulda, which Im okay with, in the right set-ting.

    got a question?!

    |amy DAUER

    |janelle LOWEN

    MSN Cant Buy Me LoveIts safe to say that from a young age, I have been boy crazy. Its

    important to note that even though I always had these huge crushes, I wouldnt actually talk to the boys. This all changed with MSN. I was one of those kids who would sit online for hours talking to my friends that I had just seen all day at school. When I was in grade 7, there was this one boy that I thought was the only guy on earth. We would type back and forth for hours on MSN, but never actually talk in real life. It was a wild, endless game of cat and

    A virtual chemistry safe from the claws of in-person awkwardness. A few weeks after our relationship began, there was a school dance. I was going to the dance, but was disappointed because my special MSN friend couldnt come because he was at a

    I would de-scribe myself as a connois-seur of all things funny

    and awesome on the Internet, be-cause Im a twenty-something and 85% of my life is spent online. I was there when Myspace came out. We all went nuts over programming our own backgrounds and layouts, something our Xengas and Bebos seriously lacked. I honestly had my

    switched from a boys #2 friend on Myspace to his #7. That was a tough day. Insert sad emoticon. Youtube videos were being posted, and let me tell you, my friends, to see the growth to see my old pal Mr. Youtube being quoted in national news its like seeing your old war buddy being elected president. Ive

    -book to the ultra-mega-beast it is now, and fought for the peoples rights through the status wars to get the old version back. Or to get a dis-like button; that war never did die. I got a Google+ when it was an invite only extravaganza, and hung my

    And most of all, dear reader, I re-member the days when one had to be involved with the internet to know it. I had to be one with the people; speak, converse, discuss with the people. We had to put effort into getting to know the world around

    HUMOUR. youre allowed to laugh at this page.


    What makes your heart sing? Ryan Gosling playing in a meadow in a litter of puppies - Ilze Burger


    Hey Amy,I read your article about up-perclassmen cooking last is-sue and I was wondering if you have any advice for glu-ten-free options?-BreadlessInRobson

    Dear Breadless,Oh jeez, youre one of those. Alright

    to have a good long talk with your-

    youre doing this to yourself. If the answer is for the fad, then honey you go get yourself a donut right now! As for the cooking advice, I suggest you write to Erik in the Arts & Cul-ture page. Cooking is culture, right? Even if its not, gluten-free diets cer-tainly are. But honestly Im not the one to ask. Sometimes I leave an egg to fry on the stove and go read a book while I wait, only to remember it ten

    minutes later and come running. And then sometimes I forgot to ac-tually turn on the burner. Facts.

    Dear Amy,What does the fox say?-Anonymous

    Dear reader,Im glad you asked, as the immense ignorance on this topic has become shockingly disturbing to me as of

    basketball game. I was determined to still have a good time, so I danced around in what Im sure was the most awkward way possible to Cotton Eyed Joe and Hey Baby with my friends. The last slow song came on: Just a Dream by Nelly. By some miraculous timing, my MSN friend arrived right at the beginning of the song. My girlfriends made a tunnel with their arms, he walked through it, and we slow danced with our arms locked for a solid 2.5 minutes. After that, our MSN relationship really heated up. I remember even sending him a heart emoticon quite scandalous for a 12 year old. A few weeks after our MSN relationship began, I went to school on a muddy spring day wearing blue

    out of windsuit material (I know youre all wondering the answer is La Senza Girl). Later that day during recess, all the boys in grade 7 called me over to their little group where they were standing. In the middle of


    I Hate; their thoughts, their belief, their fears. This, dear reader, is how memes were formed. Frankly, the very word leaves a bad taste in my mouth. There was a time when you had to work to know what the internet is interested in; you had to take her out, talk to

    her because you, too, my friends, were the internet. And thats how it was molded. But now we treat it just like one of those thousands of singles in your area pop-ups. There was a time when a so-called meme wouldnt reach the world unless a grand number of people found it clever enough to pass it on with their seal of approval. Nowadays, we get memes like that moment when you hit your toe on something in the dark. Super clever, guy. Your In-ternet ancestors have just drowned in their own tears. But just when I didnt think it would get worse, it did. Now, anyone can go online and

    -ing the picture of Business Cat and writing Vote Sherry Pinkets for Prom Queen on it. This is the lowest of the low. Business Cat was created to pass along puns asso-ciated with the white-caller work force and being a cat. For example, mouse on your desk, you earned it. We have dumbed down the beauty of shared human experience enough to that thing you call a meme, please, please, dont sink lower. Thank you.


    the circle stood my MSN boyfriend. We started talking, and more people gathered around. When it seemed like everyone in the school was listening, he proceeded to tell me that it was over. Im pretty sure I didnt fully acknowledge the fact that he had just dumped me in front of the entire school, because, unfortunately, the

    old brain told me to do was chase him. I thought of myself as a pretty fast runner, and I was sure that I was going to catch him. However,

    in was completely saturated with water, and just as I was beginning to catch up with him we both rounded a corner. We turned, I saw his feet beginning to slip, my own feet

    on our backs. Ive never heard such loud laughter, and I got made fun of for the rest of the year. Dont worry, my MSN friend still remembers this incident 8 years later.

    Dear Amy,What does the fox say?-Anonymous

    Dear reader,Im glad you asked, as the immense ignorance on this topic has become shockingly disturbing to me as of late. Foxes bark. A member of the canidae family, the fox is cousin to many well-known barkers such as domestic dogs, wolves, jackals, and coyotes. If this knowledge is for-

    late. Foxes bark. A member of the canidae family, the fox is cousin to many well-known barkers such as domestic dogs, wolves, jackals, and coyotes. If this knowledge is for-eign to you, it is because you either, a) have terrible parents, or b) were brainwashed by a Nordic internet icon who ponders life through viral song and dance. Youd think with all their triumph online, the broth-

    Youtube search fox and turn their volume up. I mean, seriously, the fox? Why not the turtle or the rabbit? These animals make only one sound in their life, and its when they make love (turtles), or right before they die (rabbits). I do not encourage Youtub-ing either one of these unless you are a horrible masochist. All-in-all, Im very glad the brothers are bringing this lack of awareness to the light. Foxes bark, welcome to university.

    October 2, 2013

  • October 2, 2013

    As Winters death is by Spring, so too does Summer give birth to Fall; All must change.

    Sometimes the winters here get cloudy. And with the clouds come gloom. And with the

    The past is where I swim when the times get dark. So many memories too! Its like a thousand drops in a metal pail, a thousand daisies in a

    the past only catalyzes gloom about the present. Like dogs chasing tales, were constantly chasing happiness, telling ourselves we had it once, and well have it again. Then the gloom


    David BrynjolfsonWhen Winters Here Get Cloudy

    Ben WaswaSeasoned

    Nancy TimmermansUntitled

    brought to you by


    What makes your heart sing? Going swing-dancing after a long week - Jordan Schroeder


  • October 2, 201320

    DE-CLASSIFIEDS.Best part of fall: The puddle is back. Commuters you know what Im talking about!

    Nothings classier than turning into Trinity and being greeted by a gaggle of smokers. #t-dubsneedsasmokepit

    Sodexo needs to serve breakfast all day long. #realtalk

    What I planned to do on the RA-less weekend: PRANKSPRANK-SPRANKSFUNAHH.. . .What I actually did:eat.sleep.dohomework.

    Romeo & Julie"e TWU edition: H-KIN major meets Theatre Major. Are you a fine male specimen?

    Looking for a double date?Got an a"ractive guy friend?Are you a Spartan?If you answered yes to these ques-tions, e-mail us

    sweater weather is be"er weather!

    Chris Chu why are you friend zoning us.- Sincerely your female friends.

    You guys are hilarious. Seriously. But could you be hilarious somewhere other than right outside my window when its late?

    Walking though the tunnel of SOS leaders was almost as intimidating as walking out of chapel surrounded by Spartans handing me sheets of paper.STOP IT WITH THE TUNNELS.

    Has anyone else noticed you cant start fires with the paper mars hill uses?

    If you ever want to learn how to beat box, just think about boots and cats and boots and cats and boots and cats and boots and cats..

    To you hunters who kill animals for food, shame on you; you ought to go to the store and buy the meat that was made there, where no animals were harmed.

    Whos the random hot blonde guy telling terrible jokes? #marryme #yourjokessuck

    David Giesbrecht,Your hugs are amazing...just so you know ;)

    No, no I shouldnt of had a V8 be-cause V8s are DISGUSTING.

    Does anyone know what actually ended up happening to Tyson Lamar? Hill editors reserve the right to edit or reject submissions based on content and/or length. A printed submission does not necessarily reflect an endorsement of any kind, nor does it necessarily reflect the opinions of Mars Hill staff, the Student Association, or that of the University. In fact, probably not.

    What makes your heart sing? Whitespot burgers and Notorious B.I.G. - Brooke Higginbotham


    kevinschimdt age: 23 year: 5th-ish height: 62

    Is it bad that I just made a Christmas playlist?nahhhh..

    Students of Trinity,Shouting your names out my creeper window and watch you gaze around in confusion brings me more happi-ness than you could ever know.Sincerely, Emily Joy Robertson.

    Anastasia cutie patootie.Sincerely, Every Guy on campus

    major: Communications

    Tim and Rachel:so that finally happened-everyone at the collegium

    Danny Grant we agree that you have right and the duty to go shirtless in your own home- Your Faithful Audience

    Does Dallas Fontaine actually do any work or just walk around in suits?

    No, it was purely coincidence that I knew you were having dorm meeting at menchies. #Findingtheone

    Dont mind me touching my body in places. Just trying to study for my Hu-man Anatomy class.

    Whens the next bible rave? Go"a stock up on some pop rocks.

    Anybody else have a problem taking the new campus security-mobiles se-riously?

    If I see one more guy shave the sides of his head and comb the top over, I will lose my mind

    Freshmen Tip: If a guy tells you he is praying for you, he is either hard core hi"ing on you or just loves Jesus. Good luck figur-ing it out!

    That awkward moment when youre about to get naked at the beach with your dorm and a girls dorm comes by....

    Has anyone noticed the way Bob Doede says ok?. It kills me every time.

    You maybe called a hipster outside of Trinity but youre mainstream when your on campus.

    First floor Fraser 13/09/13 9:55pm, why do you bob back and forth when you kiss in the corner?

    Hometown: Turlock, California Denomination: Nom-DomFave Bible verse: 2 Timothy 1:7 God did not give us a spirit that makes us afraid but a spirit of power and love and self-control.

    Favourite man in the bible:

    How long before you propose? -


    Idea of a perfect date: DisneylandBest pick up line? Hi, have you ever heard of going to dinner with Kevin Schimdt?

    Good age to get married? 23-25Best place for a first kiss?

    more physically or anything)

    Top quality in a future mate?That she loves Christ more than me

    How would you win the parents over? Just being me and dressing betterHow do you know if its love:

    Skill that makes you the one:Husbands role in marriage is to serve his wife

    Domestic talent: Reaching high things

    How many kids? 2love language? Physical touch

