Marquette Service Learning Presentation


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Service and Reflection:Designing and Facilitating Powerful Discussions for Student Learners

Marquette UniversityOctober 5, 2014

Quinton D. Cotton, M.S.S.A.

Session Objectives

1. Increase understanding of human difference to support self-awareness and sensitivity to others.

2. Learn to design effective reflection sessions.3. Develop skills to manage tough conversations in

group settings.

Participant Interests

•What skills, information, etc. do you want to be included as part of the training to help prepare you for leading reflection sessions?


•Power Point Presentation.•Facilitation Reflection Checklist.• List of Reflection Activities.• List of Example Reflection Questions.

Difference and OTHERSetting the Stage

Aspects of Positionality

•Meaning: Purpose and significance of something. Can be individual or shared.

•Context: Background and set of circumstances and conditions that surround and influence particular events and situations.

•Power: Ability to walk populations down a course; ability to act out one’s will.

•History: Record of events.•Possibility: Vision.

A Look at The Other

•The Sneetches

National Origin

Citizenship Status



Ability Gender

Economic Status

Ethnicity Religion

Family Status



Primer Discussion

Think – Pair – Share •How do you react OTHER?•What attitudes/beliefs do you have about OTHER?•How might OTHER feel?•How might OTHER react?•What will you do to support OTHER?

Designing Reflection SessionsThe Basics

Responsibilities of The Facilitator•Design, manage and navigate the group through a

process.•Ensure process is inclusive and democratic.•Stimulate and challenge thinking.•Summarize discussions and conversations.•Evaluate the process for improvement.•Actively learns and hones facilitation skills.

Facilitation Challenges

•Managing group dynamics.•Handling information overload.•Handling ambiguity.•Handling misperceptions and emotional reactions.•Focusing too much on process and not content.

What is the Reflection Session Not?•Time to practice your skills as a therapist.•Opportunity to fix people.•Space to make more people think just like you.•Space for complaining about service experiences.

Group Process








Every group process has a beginning, middle and end.

Important Information

•Facilitators design, lead and schedule sessions.•Generally, each reflection session is 90 minutes.•The group has fluid participation by design.•Sessions must serve a stand alone and as part of a

package of reflection sessions.

Before Reflection Session

•Review and address feedback from previous session.•Develop outline/process and handouts, including

timing.• Identify technology needs.•Secure room arrangements.• Identify participants and organize contact info.•Send reminder to participants well in advance of the

reflection session. •Update virtual space.•Archive all materials.

During Reflection Session• Start and end on time.• Review outline/process with group.• Encourage full participation.• Keep discussion focused based on process.

▫Sequentially move through the formatted question (what happened, why is this experience important, what did you learn and what will you do differently in the future?)

• Summarize discussion at the end.• Discuss information for next meeting.• Evaluate session. What went well? Improvements?

After Reflection Session

•Debrief.•Archive notes and any communications.• If needed, conduct appropriate follow up (discuss

issue with supervisor, make a referral, etc.).

Planning Your Reflection SessionUsing a Visual Outline, identify the following:•Outcomes•Objectives •Activities•Questions

Draft Visual Outline

Outcome: Participants more deeply understand homelessness and challenge their biases.

Objective 1: Participants aware issues that might result in someone experiencing homelessness.

Objective 2: Participants reflect on their experience with persons experiencing homelessness.

Activities: Watch video clip on homeless, Large Group Discussion, Testimonial.

Activities: Partner Pair Discussion.

Questions:What:So What:Now What?

Questions:What:So What:Now What?

Draft Written Outline

In a narrative and outline form, identify outcomes, objectives, activities and questions.•Provide more information and details in narrative


“Partner Pair Activity: Explain exercise to participants. Spend three minutes writing down your thoughts about the issue. You and your partner will then both have three minutes to share your comments. When it is to switch from partner A to B, I will let you know. After both partners have shared, we will ask the entire group to share for about five minutes. This exercise should take about 15 minutes.”

Traditional OutlineAgenda Item Time

Review Purpose of Reflection 6:00 pm

Discuss Today’s Process 6:05 pm

Remind Group of Engagement Principles 6:10 pm

Ice Breaker 6:15 pm

Discussion Period 6:25 pm

Summary of Discussion 7:20 pm

Adjourn 7:30 pm

Review of Outline and Process

•Review and discuss with team before finalizing.

•Ensure that outcomes and objectives are meaningful and will add value to the learning experience.

•Ensure that questions and activities allow you to meet objectives and outcomes.

Practice Skills

•Break into small teams and design a reflection session.

Skills and the ArtNavigating Challenging Waters

Establishing Common Ground

Example Engagement Principles (Rules Are Broken)• Listen with curiosity.•Every voice respected.•Welcome new ideas.•All-star cast, no lead actors.•What is shared here, stays here.•What is learned here, leaves here.

Constructive Behaviors

•Cooperative.•Clarifying.• Inspiring.•Harmonizing.•Risk Taking.•Process Checking.

Destructive Behaviors


Active Listening Skills

•Encouraging.•Reflection of Content.


•Reflection of Emotion.

Example Techniques

•Establish common ground.• Ice breakers.•Parking Lot.•Fish Bowl.•Change format/composition.•Change location.•Assign Tasks.•Use visual aids (flip chart, video clips, etc.).

Responding to Challenging Content



Feeling Acting

Courageous Conversation

Deciding How to Handle Conflict




Low-Level Intervention





Level Intervention

Options for Handling Conflict

•Be honest: Say what’s going on.•Use the agenda and ground rules.•Use body language.•Have the group decide.•Accept, deal or defer.•Take a break: speaking with disrupters privately.•Confront in the room.

Courageous Conversation 1.0

Stay engaged

Experience discomfort

Speak your truth

Experience and accept non-closure

Courageous Conversation 2.0





Practice Skills

•Students lead abbreviated reflection session.

Other Thoughts

•Seek to improve your skills.•Use a co-facilitator, until you feel comfortable with

content that you are uneasy about (if possible).•Plan as much as you can.•Expect some of your plans to be broken.•Be flexible. •Know your style and how you come across.•Enhance your skills by facilitating more discussions.

Contact Information

