Marking Guidelines for Prac Reports




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Basic: abstract present that displays some attempt to summarise the content of the report. Satisfactory: abstract summarises main findings with some omissions or inaccuracies. Good: abstract summarises work reasonably well and precisely. Very good: clear and accurate summary of the content of the report.


A. BACKGROUND Basic: student attempts to address the topic. Satisfactory: reasonable attempt to address topic but some information absent. Good: most areas of importance covered in addressing the topic. Very good: comprehensive tackling of topic with evidence of original thought. NB: The background should lead logically to the aims / statement of expectations. B. AIMS / EXPECTATIONS Basic: loosely defined. Satisfactory: reasonably well defined but lacking detail. Good: well defined with the most important aspects covered. Very good: clearly defined with all aspects covered.


Basic: present but lacking detail and some major omissions. Satisfactory: mostly present but may lack clarity. Good: largely present but perhaps minor omissions. Very good: fully presented.


A. DESCRIPTION OF DATA Basic: most described in text but lacks detail and limited use of tables and figures or Results are just a series of tables and figures with no commentary text. Satisfactory: tables and figures supplement text but not in all cases appropriately or sufficiently. Good: text, tables and figures used in most cases appropriately and sufficiently. Very good: intelligent and appropriate use of text, tables and figures to convey information. NB: Tables and figures should not repeat the same data. If they do, then only a satisfactory mark will be returned.

B. PRESENTATION OF DATA Basic: tables and figures present but of limited quality and lack attention to detail. Satisfactory: most tables and figures contain appropriate information but some omissions and errors in presentation. Good: tables and figures generally well presented with appropriate figure numbers, labelling, legends etc. Very good: high quality tables and figures with no errors or omissions


A. INTERPRETATION OF DATA Basic: student attempts to interpret data but there may be major inaccuracies. Satisfactory: reasonable attempt to understand data but some misinterpretation or inaccuracy. Good: most of the data accurately interpreted with a few minor inaccuracies; evidence of critical appraisal of available information. Very good: data accurately interpreted and analysed critically and compared with the existing literature. B. CONCLUSIONS Basic: some conclusions present but largely weak. Satisfactory: reasonable conclusions drawn from the work but no real depth. Good: well thought out conclusions that on the whole are supported by the data. Very good: excellent conclusions fully supported by the data.


Basic: no or very little appropriate literature consulted. Satisfactory: appropriate literature consulted but of limited range i.e. mainly general textbooks. Good: clear evidence that different types of appropriate literature have been consulted. Very good: a good balance between basic text, review articles and current primary literature. NB: If you have used numerous websites as their references, you will be scored as satisfactory, at a maximum.


NAME OF STUDENT: …………………………………………………………………………… REPORT TITLE: ………………………………………………………………………………….. Marks are assigned on a scale of 0 to 10 as follows: 0, 1, 2, 3 = fails to meet basic criteria for the report 4 = meets basic criteria but nothing more 5, 6 = satisfactory 7, 8 = good 9, 10 = very good
