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Mark Scheme (Results) June 2014 Pearson Edexcel International GCSE Chemistry (4CH0) Paper 1C Science Double Award (4SC0) Paper 1C Pearson Edexcel Level 1/Level 2 Certificate Chemistry (KCH0) Paper 1C Science (Double Award) (KSC0) Paper 1C

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General Marking Guidance • All candidates must receive the same treatment. Examiners must

mark the first candidate in exactly the same way as they mark the last.

• Mark schemes should be applied positively. Candidates must be rewarded for what they have shown they can do rather than penalised for omissions.

• Examiners should mark according to the mark scheme not according to their perception of where the grade boundaries may lie.

• There is no ceiling on achievement. All marks on the mark scheme should be used appropriately.

• All the marks on the mark scheme are designed to be awarded. Examiners should always award full marks if deserved, i.e. if the answer matches the mark scheme. Examiners should also be prepared to award zero marks if the candidate’s response is not worthy of credit according to the mark scheme.

• Where some judgement is required, mark schemes will provide the principles by which marks will be awarded and exemplification may be limited.

• When examiners are in doubt regarding the application of the mark scheme to a candidate’s response, the team leader must be consulted.

• Crossed out work should be marked UNLESS the candidate has replaced it with an alternative response.

Question number Answer Accept Reject Marks

1 (a) B – (filter) funnel D – test tube/boiling tube E - pipette F - beaker

teat pipette/dropping pipette

1 1 1 1


M1 - A M2 - E

1 1

(Total marks for Question 1 = 6 marks)

Question number Answer Accept Reject Marks

2 (a) (i)

D - hydrocarbons 1

(b) S U R V T First mark for S in box 1 AND R in box 3 Second mark for V in box 4 AND T in box 5


(Total marks for Question 2 = 3 marks)

Question number Expected Answer Accept Reject Marks

3 (a) (i)


12 M1 – 2 M2 – two electrons in outer/valence shell Award M2 if M1 missing but not if incorrect Ignore references to magnesium and 2.8.2

roman numeral

1 1 1

(iii) X2+

Mg2+ 1

(b) M1 – (79 x 24) + (10 x 25) + (11 x 26) M2 – divide by 100 M3 – 24.3 Mark M2 and M3 csq on M1 if one minor slip in numbers in M1 (eg 97 instead of 79 or 25 instead of 24) M3 dep on M2 Correct answer with no working scores 3 IGNORE units

(0.79 x 24) + (0.10 x 25) + (0.11 x 26) for 2 marks 24.32 with no working scores 2

1 1 1

(Total marks for Question 3 = 7 marks)

Question number Answer Accept Reject Marks

4 (a) to increase the rate/speed (of the reaction) IGNORE to start the reaction/to provide energy/references to the copper(II) oxide will not react without heat / to make it dissolve faster / to give particles more energy

to overcome the activation energy/to provide activation energy (for the reaction)

Answers referring to copper instead of copper(II) oxide


(b) it stops disappearing

OR there is a (black) suspension/solid /copper(II) oxide

OR the mixture/it turns cloudy/black IGNORE crystals

stops dissolving precipitate/ppt

any colour other than black


(c) to remove (unreacted/excess) copper(II) oxide IGNORE references to impurities/crystals

to remove (unreacted/excess) solid to obtain a solution (of copper(II) sulfate)

to separate copper(II) oxide from sulfuric acid


(d) copper(II) sulfate/the crystals are less soluble in cold water (than in hot water) OR solubility decreases with temperature IGNORE reference to water evaporating

reverse argument ions join together (to form a lattice) ionic lattice forms

references to freezing 1

(e) blue IGNORE shades of colour

any colour other than blue


(f) on filter paper/kitchen towel/tissue paper OR leave / in a warm place / in the sun / on a radiator / near a window / in a (warm/drying) oven

OWTTE desiccator

heat / hot oven 1

(Total marks for Question 4 = 6 marks)

Question number Answer Accept Reject Marks

5 (a)






lower case letters 1 1 1 1


M1 - (a substance) containing (two or more) elements

IGNORE atoms for M1 only M2 – bonded (together) /chemically combined (in a fixed ratio)

chemically joined

mixture for M1 only molecules/particles bonded, etc for M1 and M2

1 1



M1 - Na loses electron(s) M2 – Cl gains electron(s) M3 – Na becomes 2.8 AND chlorine becomes 2.8.8 If incorrect number of electrons transferred, max 2 IGNORE references to full shells max 1 for mention of covalent bonding All 3 marks can be scored from correct dot and cross diagrams showing electron transfer

1 1 1

(ii) M1 – Na = 23 AND Cl = 35.5 M2 – 58.5 M2 dep on M1 IGNORE units Correct answer with no working scores 2

1 1

(Total marks for Question 5 = 11 marks)

(Total marks for Question 6 = 6 marks)

Question number Answer Accept Reject Marks

6 (a) (i)



13(.0) 1.4 25(.0)

1 1 1

(b) indigo red

1 1

(c) NaOH + HCl NaCl + H2O IGNORE state symbols even if incorrect

H+ + OH─ H2O 1

Question number Answer Accept Reject Marks

7 (a) magnesium chloride/MgCl2 oxygen/O2 sulfuric (acid)/H2SO4 IGNORE hydrogen sulfate If name and formula given, both must be correct

carbon dioxide/CO2

1 1 1


Mg + H2O MgO + H2 IGNORE state symbols even if incorrect Penalise incorrect symbols and failure to use subscripts


(Total marks for Question 7 = 4 marks)

Question number Answer Accept Reject Marks

8 (a)

M1 – for both electron diagrams correct

IGNORE inner electrons of N even if incorrect

M2 – for both charges correct

M3 – for correct ratio of ions

any combination of dots and crosses


(b) 6Li + N2 2Li3N M1 – all formulae correct

M2 – balanced M2 dep on M1 IGNORE state symbols even if incorrect

multiples and fractions 2

(c) (i)


l aq g M1 – any number from 8 to 14 M2 – LiOH/lithium hydroxide is a base/alkali OR hydroxide ions/OH— formed/present

ammonia / metal hydroxides / Group 1 hydroxides are bases/alkalis

1 1 1

(d) ions cannot move OR ionic compounds only conduct when molten/in solution IGNORE references to electrons

ionic compounds do not normally conduct when solid


(Total marks for Question 8 = 9 marks)

Question number Answer Accept Reject Marks

9 (a) (i)




Methane Ethene Ethene

1 1 1

(b) M1 – (molecular) C4H10

M2 – (empirical) C2H5 ECF from molecular formula



CH3CH2CH2CH3 1 1

(c) (i)


M1 – (name) alkane(s) M2 – (general formula) CnH2n+2

IGNORE bond angles

missing Hs and bonds

1 1 1

(d) M1 – incomplete combustion/insufficient oxygen M2 – toxic/poisonous/causes death IGNORE dangerous/harmful

M3 – reduces the capacity of the blood to carry oxygen

IGNORE references to suffocation/cannot breathe

IGNORE blood carries no oxygen

lack of oxygen /less oxygen / only 1½ oxygen (in equation)

correct references to haemoglobin

/blood carries less oxygen/blood does not release oxygen as easily

1 1


(Total marks for Question 9 = 11 marks)

Question number Answer Accept Reject Marks

10 (a)



Any two from: ● good conductor of heat ● high melting point ● malleable Apply list principle M1 – ductile M2 – good conductor of electricity Apply list principle Answers can be given in any order

2 1 1

(b) (i)


strong(er) IGNORE references to density and rusting lower density / resists corrosion IGNORE lighter

other correct descriptions does not rust greater strength to weight ratio

1 1

(c) (i)


heat / thermal energy / heat energy is given out OR transferred/lost to the surroundings IGNORE references to bond formation and breaking M1 - (aluminium/it is) more reactive M2 – (aluminium/it) displaces iron (from

its oxide) M2 DEP on M1

produced produces an increase in temperature it gets hot iron is less reactive replaces it/aluminium takes oxygen away from iron (oxide)

1 1 1


M1 – aluminium M2 – gains oxygen M2 DEP on M1 IGNORE references to magnesium

loses (three) electrons /oxidation number increases combines with oxygen / forms aluminium oxide

1 1

(d) temperature reached ≥ of iron

IGNORE exothermic / heat produced / lots of energy produced

high temperature reached / gets very hot


(Total marks for Question 10 = 12 marks)

Question number Answer Accept Reject Marks

11 (a) large hydrocarbons/alkanes/molecules become small ones

IGNORE references to forming alkenes/ethene/ more useful molecules

(large) hydrocarbons or alkanes or molecules become smaller ones long chains become short chains

references to polymers



M1 – (add to) bromine (water)/Br2 IGNORE Br M2 – (bromine) decolourised/turns colourless

IGNORE starting colour and clear

M2 dep on M1, but can be scored for a near miss in M1,eg Br or bromide (water)

(acidified) potassium manganate(VII) decolourised/turns colourless

1 1

(c) M1 – (catalyst) silica / silicon dioxide / alumina / aluminium oxide

N.B. if both name and formula given, mark the

name only M2 – 600-700 ºC

correct formula aluminosilicate / zeolite

any value or range within this range

equivalent temperatures in Kelvin

1 1

(Total marks for Question 11 = 5 marks)

Question number Answer Accept Reject Marks

12 (a) (i)


M1 – divide all the masses by respective Ar M2 – to give 0.02 : 0.02 : 0.04 M3 – (mole) ratio is 1 : 1 : 2 Correct ratio or empirical formula with no working scores 0/3 M1 – 204 ÷ 102 = 2

OR 102 x 2 = 204 M2 – C2F2Cl4 Correct answer with no working scores 2 marks

(2 x 12) + (2 x 19) + (4 x 35.5) = 204 symbols in any order

division by atomic number/division upside down for all marks Fl for F

1 1 1 1 1


M1 – all four bonding pairs correct M2 – rest of diagram correct M2 dep on M1

Fl for F any combination of dots and crosses


IGNORE inner shell electrons even if incorrect Award 1 mark for similar molecules, eg CCl4 and CF4

(Total marks for Question 12 = 7 marks)

Question number Answer Accept Reject Marks

13 (a) covalent


(b) (i)


M1 – giant covalent / giant structure/lattice/network M2 – strong (covalent) bonds/many (covalent) bonds M3 – lot of (thermal/heat) energy required M4 – to break bonds M1 –intermolecular forces(of attraction) / forces (of attraction) between molecules M2 – are weak / little (thermal/heat) energy

required (to overcome the forces) M2 DEP on M1 Weak bonds on its own = 0

macromolecular giant molecular intermolecular bonds in place of intermolecular forces

Max 1 if bonding stated to be intermolecular/ionic/metallic any indication that covalent/ionic/metallic bonds are broken scores 0

1 1 1 1 1 1


theory B AND since there are no/fewer gas molecules in space OR there is no/less gas in space OR space is a vacuum

fewer gas molecules at high altitude/less gas at high altitude air/specified gas in place of gas ORA


(d) high temperature AND since (forward) reaction is endothermic/absorbs heat IGNORE references to le Chatelier’s principle


(Total marks for Question 13 = 9 marks)

Question number Answer Accept Reject Marks

14 (a)

M1 –

M2 – any suitable use, eg:

• plastic bags • buckets/bowls • storage bottles (for food, drinks, chemicals) • garden furniture • gas pipes • rubbish bins • storage tanks for fuel • cling film • packaging • clothing • insulation (for electric cables)

Please research any unfamiliar use M3 – poly(propene) M4 -

IGNORE bond angles

continuation bonds not going through brackets polypropene polypropylene methyl group attached to any carbon methyl group displayed

just plastic

1 1 1 1

(b) Any two from

M1 – (many) small molecules/monomers join up

M2 - double bond becomes single bond/ it becomes saturated

M3 – increase in mass/chain length/size

OWTTE double bond breaks and single bond forms


(c) (i)


inert(ness) IGNORE strong bonds / long chains M1 – produces greenhouse gases/toxic

gases/poisonous gases

M2 – (landfill) uses up land / takes up space

OR new sites hard to find

unreactive/non-polar carbon dioxide

1 1


(Total marks for Question 14 = 9 marks)

Question number Answer Accept Reject Marks

15 (a) (i)


M1 – Mr (NaOH) = 40 M2 – 10(.0) ÷ M1 M3 – 0.25 (mol) Correct answer with no working scores 3 M1 – 0.25 x 1000 ÷ 250 M2 – 1(.0) (mol/dm3) Correct answer with no working scores 2 Mark csq throughout

M3 from (a)(i) ÷ 250 / 0.001 for 1 mark

1 1 1 1 1

(b) (i)



M1 – (reading at end) 25.20

M2 – (reading at start) 1.65

M3 – (volume added) 23.55 Award 1 mark for correct end and start readings in reverse order Mark M3 csq on M1 and M2 Penalise lack of two decimal places once only in a correct answer M1 – (colour at start) yellow M2 – orange/pink different volumes can be measured /continuously graduated / addition (of acid) can be controlled / volume required is not known IGNORE references to precision or accuracy

red pipette measures one volume only



1 1 1 1

(c) (i)


M1 – 2(.00) x 200 ÷ 1000 M2 – 0.4(0) (mol) Correct final answer with no working scores 2 marks M1 – n(CO2) = 0.2(0) / ½ of M2 from (c)(i) (mol) M2 – mass(CO2) = 8.8(0) (g) / M1 x 44 Correct final answer with no working scores 2 marks

400 for 1 mark

1 1 1 1

(Total marks for Question 15 = 15 marks)
