Maria Heneghan, Rural Tourism Specialist, Teagasc Rural Development Centre Athenry



Maria Heneghan, Rural Tourism Specialist, Teagasc Rural Development Centre Athenry. What is Rural Tourism ?. Providing a Holiday Experience in a Rural Area. What is a holiday experience ?. A place to stay. Something to do. How does Tourist Euro Get spent ?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Walking Angling

Mountain climbing Water sports/ sailing/Kayaking

Heritage Cultural Dancing

Sheep track walk



Army Jeep assault coursing

Catering and meeting facilities on the farm



30 tea cosies @ €10 each €300

40 crochet and patchwork table centre pieces €15 each €600

100 pots jam @ €3 each €300

€4,000 @ 10% local gift shop sales €400 Income from Extras €1,700

Total Income before tax from Bed and Breakfast €26,068

Income 50% occupancy over 7 mths €35,320

Less 30% costs - €10,956 Income €24,364

Less 10% marketing € 2,436 Income less costs €22,928

68 days boat hire@ €100/day €6,800 Less maintainance and fuel €1,960 € 4840 Bait €3000 @10% € 300

Income from Self- catering 

1. Self-catering income Self- catering Cottage 70% occupancy over 52 weeks

€500/week x 36wks = €18,000 50 Dinners @ €16/ meal = € 800

80 Breakfasts @ €8.50 = € 680 € 19,480 Costs 15% = € 2922  Income from Self- catering €16,558

Borrowed €150,000 @ 3.75% x 25 yrs €518.75/month

Income €26068Repayment € 6,225 per /annum

Income after repayments € 20,843(before tax) + asset worth ?
