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Book of Abstracts - Knjiga sažetaka



OCTOBER 12TH - 14TH, 2018 12. - 14. LISTOPADA 2018.

International Conference - Međunarodna znanstvena konferencija



Pula, October 12th - 14th, 2018 12. - 14. listopada 2018.

Editors / Urednici: doc. dr. sc. Nada Bulić

mag. philol. Maria Mariola Glavan

Graphical design / Grafički pripremila: mag. philol. Maria Mariola Glavan

The photographs on pages 16 and 63 were graciously given by prof. dr. sc. Klara Buršić-Matijašić Fotografije na stranicama 16 i 63 su ustupljene ljubaznošću prof. dr. sc. Klare Buršić-Matijašić

Fotografija na naslovnoj stranici / Cover photo: Orlovic

SVEUČILIŠTE JURJA DOBRILE U PULI FILOZOFSKI FAKULTET I. Matetića Ronjgova 1, 52100 Pula tel. 052/377 500, fax 052/211 713

JURAJ DOBRILA UNIVERSITY OF PULA FACULTY OF HUMANITIES I. Matetića Ronjgova 1, 52100 Pula tel. +385 52 377 500, fax +385 52 211 713


ORGANIZACIJSKI ODBOR Presjednik: Doc. dr. sc. Zvonimir Milanović, Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli Tajnica: Doc. dr. sc. Nada Bulić, Sveučilište u Zadru Članovi: Doc. dr. sc. Violeta Moretti, Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli Doc. dr. sc. Martina Damiani, Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli Mag. educ. Ana Mihaljević, Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli Mag. philol. lat. et graec. Maria M. Glavan, Sveučilište u Splitu

ZNANSTVENI ODBOR Prof. dr. sc. Klara Buršić Matijašić, dekanica Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta Jurja Dobrile u Puli Prof. dr. sc. Valnea Delbianco, Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli Prof. Paolo Mastandrea, Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia, Italija Prof. dr. hab. Andrzej Borowski, Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Poljska Prof. dr. sc. Ivan Jurković, Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli Dr. Géza Pálffy, Institute of History, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary Doc. dr. sc. Zvonimir Milanović, Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli Doc. dr. sc. Nada Bulić, Sveučilište u Zadru Doc. dr. sc. Violeta Moretti, Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli Doc. dr. sc. Martina Damiani, Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli DPhil (Oxon.), Krešimir Vuković, The British School at Rome, Italy / Great Britain



ORGANIZING COMMITTEE President: Doc. dr. sc. Zvonimir Milanović, Juraj Dobrila University of Pula Secretary: Doc. dr. sc. Nada Bulić, University of Zadar Members: Doc. dr. sc. Violeta Moretti, Juraj Dobrila University of Pula Doc. dr. sc. Martina Damiani, Juraj Dobrila University of Pula Mag. educ. Ana Mihaljević, Juraj Dobrila University of Pula Mag. philol. lat. et graec. Maria M. Glavan, University of Split

SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY COMMITTEE Prof. dr. sc. Klara Buršić Matijašić, dean of the Faculty of Humanities of the Juraj Dobrila University of Pula Prof. dr. sc. Valnea Delbianco, Juraj Dobrila University of Pula Prof. Paolo Mastandrea, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy Prof. dr. hab. Andrzej Borowski, Jagiellonian University in Cracow, Poland Prof. dr. sc. Ivan Jurković, Juraj Dobrila University of Pula Dr. Géza Pálffy, Institute of History, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary Doc. dr. sc. Zvonimir Milanović, Juraj Dobrila University of Pula Doc. dr. sc. Nada Bulić, University of Zadar Doc. dr. sc. Violeta Moretti, Juraj Dobrila University of Pula Doc. dr. sc. Martina Damiani, Juraj Dobrila University of Pula DPhil (Oxon.), Krešimir Vuković, The British School at Rome, Italy / Great Britain




Uvodna riječ 8Foreword 9Uvod 10Introduction 11Conference Program / Program skupa 12Plenary Speakers / Plenarni izlagači 17PAOLO MASTANDREA (Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia, Italia), Per la conservazione (e lo studio) della letteratura poetica latina


IVAN JURKOVIĆ (Juraj Dobrila University of Pula), Family Ties and Written Multilingual Heritage of the Frankapani at the Dawn of the Early Modern Period


First Session / Prva sesija 20

ALEKSANDER SROCZYŃSKI (University of Warsaw, Poland), Per Adriaticum navigerem… Spatiality in Ceserea laus by Cyriacus of Ancona


ÁGNES MÁTÉ (University of Szeged, Hungary), Textual Tradition and Translations from Eneas Silvius Piccolomini’s Historia de duobus amantibus across Europe – a New Monograph


ZVONIMIR MILANOVIĆ (Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Croatia), Friendship and the Concept of Paideia in the context of Mare Internum Cultures


JAKUB KORYL (Jagiellonian University in Cracow, Poland), By Grammar Alone? The Humanism Overcome and the Hermeneutics of Matthias Flacius Illyricus


Second Session / Druga sesija 25MARCO FERNANDELLI (Università di Trieste, Italia), Ovidio e le ambiguità dell’Eneide


LUISA SECCHI TARUGI (Istituto Studi Umanistici Francesco Petrarca, Milano, Italia), Etica e politica in Lorenzo il Magnifico


JULIA KRAUZE (Università Cardinale Stefan Wyszyński di Varsavia, Polonia), La letteratura maccheronica e le sue ripercussioni europee: testimonianze, esponenti, curiosità


ELISABETTA SELMI (Università degli Studi di Padova, Italia), Spigolature fra i carteggi inediti di monsignor Ludovico Beccadelli: fra le ‘Lettere’ e gli ideali di riforma della Civitas cristiana; fra Roma e Ragusa


IVANO PACCAGNELLA (Università degli Studi di Padova, Italia), Lo “schiavo” nel teatro veneto Rinascimentale



Third Session / Treća sesija 31MARIA MARIOLA GLAVAN (University of Split, Croatia), Jason as a Subversion of the Hero in Light of Archetypal Criticism


KREŠIMIR VUKOVIĆ (The British School at Rome, Italy), The Mystery Lies Within: subterranean spaces of the Forum and the consecration of Marcus Curtius


NADA BULIĆ, DANIEL NEČAS HRASTE (University of Zadar, Croatia), Hannibal’s Elephants and the Liburnians


SEADA BRKAN (Sveučilište u Sarajevu, Bosna i Hercegovina), Rimski antički izvori o Ilirima


ANTE MATAN (Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Croatia), The Authority of Frontinus’ De aquaeductu urbis Romae and its Audience


Fourth Session / Četvrta sesija 37

ALDO ČAVIĆ (Muzej Staroga Grada, Hvar, Hrvatska), Hvarska renesansna intelektualna polja


VALNEA DELBIANCO (Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli, Hrvatska), Ogled Hvaranina Jurja Carića o Mavru Vetranoviću


LUKA ŠPOLJARIĆ (University of Zagreb, Croatia), Jerolim Kršava’s Aegloga in creatione Leonardi Lauretani principis Veneti illustrissimi


MILENA JOKSIMOVIĆ (University of Belgrade), Rediscovering the Greeks - The Impact of Intensified Contacts Between Western Europe and Byzantine World on Shaping the Humanistic Thought


IVAN ARMANDA (Miroslav Krleža Institute of Lexicography, Zagreb, Croatia), Bishop Vincent Arrigoni (1599 - 1626) in the religious and cultural life of the Šibenik diocese


Fifth Session / Peta sesija 43VIOLETA MORETTI (Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Croatia), One genre, two languages – bilinguism in P. Vitezović's (1652-1713) Otia metrica


ANA MIHALJEVIĆ (Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Croatia), Italian and Latin Elements from the Oldest Croatian Dictionaries to Thesaurus Linguae Illyricae by Jakov Mikalja (Cultural and Lexicographic


PETRA ŠOŠTARIĆ (University of Zagreb, Croatia), Bernard Zamanja’s didactic poem Echo in the context of 18th century didactic poetry


LUCIANA BOBAN, JELENA JURČIĆ (University of Mostar, BiH), The stylistic features of Mikulić´s Latin language


TAMARA TVRTKOVIĆ (Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Hrvatska), Opisi jadranske obale u hrvatskoj latinističkoj historiografiji



Sixth Session / Šesta sesija 49

ANNAMÁRIA MOLNÁR (Università di Szeged, Ungheria), Tradizioni letterarie contrastanti e le interpretazioni del Boccaccio filologo


ISTVÁN DÁVID LÁZÁR (Università di Szeged, Ungheria), Il cinghiale Marsus in terra della Pannona. Controversia tra Marcus Pitačić e Péter Beregszászi


JOANNA PIETRZAK-THÉBAULT (Università Cardinale Stefan Wyszyński di Varsavia, Polonia), Fonti estranee, istituzioni proprie – le strade della diffusione del pensiero filosofico nella Polonia del Rinascimento


GIANLUCA MASI (Università di Firenze, Italia), Rapporti fra Firenze e la Croazia nel Cinquecento


MARTINA DAMIANI (Università Juraj Dobrila di Pola, Croazia), La centralità politico-culturale di Venezia negli scambi epistolari del primo Cinquecento


Seventh Session / Sedma sesija 55DRAGO ŽUPARIĆ (Sveučilište u Sarajevu, BiH), Latinski jezik u ugovorima srednjovjekovnog Dubrovnika s osvrtom na povezanost s Bosnom


GREGOR POBEŽIN (University of Primorska, Slovenia), Hinting at nationalism? Pier Paolo Vergerio the Younger and his pamphlets


DARIUSZ ROTT (University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland), Mapping the Early Modern World. Ptolemy’s Cosmography in Sixteenth Century Cracow


GABOR PETNEHAZI (University of Szeged, Hungary), A less heroic gesture? Nikola Zrinski giving the finger before his heroic death (1566)


DAWID BARBARZAK (Adam Mickiewic University in Poznań, Poland), The Humanist at the Table. About the Pleasure of Eating in Renaissance




KLARA BURŠIĆ-MATIJAŠIĆ (Università Juraj Dobrila di Pola, Croazia), Il sito archeologico di Monte Ricco presso Orsera


Index of Autors / Indeks autora 64


Poštovani sudionici Međunarodnog znanstvenog skupa „Kultura Mare Internum“,

pred Vama je Knjiga sažetaka našega skupa koja sadrži osnovne podatke o programu, o svakom

izlagaču posebno te o temi izlaganja. Nadamo se da ćete, kao i mi, biti zadovoljni predloženim temama, kao i rasporedom izlaganja.

Dakle, Skup će se održati u zgradi Filozofskog fakulteta u Ronjgovoj 1 u Puli, kao što možete

vidjeti na našim web-stranicama: Na istoj stranici naći ćete podatke vezane za smještaj koji si možete organizirati po vlastitom nahođenju i


Organizatori Skupa pokrivaju troškove ručka i večere u petak 12. 10. te ručka u subotu 13. 10. Subota navečer je slobodna za individualna druženja i razgledavanje grada (po želji također s

organizatorima Skupa), a za nedjelju 14. 10. planiran je izlet na trošak organizatora – razgledavanje

arheološkog lokaliteta kraj Vrsara te zajednički ručak u obližnjoj taverni. O karakteru Skupa u najkraćim je crtama rečeno u Pozivu koji ste dobili na samom početku,

kada smo tek ostvarili naše kontakte. Želja nam je da ideja Mare Internum u formi ovoga skupa

postane tradicija u našem gradu Puli. Nadamo se zatim da je ovaj susret početak novih humanističkih druženja u ovom dijelu Europe, koja u perspektivi kanimo proširiti također i na predstavnike-kolege iz

ostalih europskih zemalja, u skladu sa već predloženim tematskim cjelinama. Ne sumnjamo da će

predložene teme biti poticaj za nova istraživanja i refleksije u našem humanističkom radu, te da će isto tako otvoriti nove prostore za promišljanja o tom tako važnom razdoblju u povijesti europske kulture i

civilizacije. U ime Organizacijskog odbora želim Vam ugodan boravak u Istri i na našem Filozofskom fakultetu

u Puli.

Predsjednik Organizacijskog odbora:

Zvonimir Milanović



Dear participants of the International conference “Mare Internum Culture”,

you find in front of you the Book of Abstracts from our conference, which holds basic information

about the program, each presenter, as well as the topics being presented. It is our hope that you will

enjoy the topics to be discussed, as well as the timetable. The conference will be held in the Faculty of Humanities building, at Ronjgova 1 in Pula, as

listed in our website: The website also

offers information on accommodations, which you may plan according to your needs and at your discretion.

The organization board of the conference will be covering the cost of lunch and dinner on Friday,

October 12th, as well as lunch on Saturday, October 13th. Saturday evening is open for socializing and sightseeing, and an excursion is planned for Sunday, October 14th, which will be covered by the

organizing board, which will include a tour of the archaeological site at Vrsar and a communal lunch at

a nearby tavern. The nature of the conference has been outlined in the conference invitation letter which you have

all received. It is our hope that the idea of the Mare Internum in the form of this conference becomes a

tradition in our city of Pula. We also hope that our meeting will usher in the beginning of new, humanistic contact in this part of Europe, which we would like to spread to representative colleagues

in other European countries, in keeping with the already suggested thematic ensemble. We do not

doubt that the suggested themes will be a stimulus for new research and reflexion in our work on humanism, and that it will also open new areas for reflexion on that period of history which was so

important for the history of European culture and civilization.

In the name of the Organizing Committee, I wish you a pleasant stay in Istria, at our Faculty of Humanities in Pula.

The President of the Organizing Committee:

Zvonimir Milanović



Ova knjiga sadrži sažetke koji će biti prezentirani na Međunarodnom znanstvenom skupu Kultura Mare Internum koji će se održati od 12. do 14. listopada 2018. godine na Filozofskom fakultetu Sveučilišta Jurja Dobrile u Puli (Hrvatska). Konferenciju organizira Odsjek za klasičnu filologiju, Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta Jurja Dobrile u Puli.

Cilj je konferencije omogućiti prezentiranje i razmjenu ideja o sljedećim temama:

I. ANTIKA – GRČKA I RIM: povijest, književnost, arheologija II. NEOLATINIZAM: književnost i scripta diplomatica III. VERNACULARIA: književnost na narodnim jezicima IV. RES PUBLICA LITTERARIA – HUMANISTIČKI KONTAKTI I VEZE. V. ETNOS, HUMANITAS I POLITIČKE STRATEGIJE VI. RENESANSNA FILOLOGIJA: jezična i kulturna prožimanja

Planira se okrugli stol na temu “Položaj klasične filologije i Studia Neolatina”. Jezici skupa su hrvatski, engleski i talijanski. Predviđeno je 15 minuta za svako izlaganje.



This book contains abstracts to be presented at the International Conference Mare Internum Culture that will take place in Pula at the Faculty of Humanities from October 12th - 14th, 2018. The organizer of the event is the Department of Classical Philology, Faculty of Humanities at Juraj Dobrila University of Pula (Croatia)..

The objective of the conference is to allow for the presentation and exchange of ideas on the following topics:


A round table is planned with discussion on the topic “The Position of Classical Philology and Studia Neolatina”. The languages of the conference will be Croatian, English and Italian, with speakers allotted 15 minutes.




I. Matetića Ronjgova 1, 52100 Pula tel. 052/377 500, fax 052/211 713

JURAJ DOBRILA UNIVERSITY OF PULA FACULTY OF HUMANITIES I. Matetića Ronjgova 1, HR-52100 Pula, Croatia tel. +385 52 377 500, fax +385 52 211 713

KULTURA MARE INTERNUM Humanističke ideje, veze i paralele u ranome novom vijeku

MARE INTERNUM CULTURE Humanistic Ideas, Relationships and Parallels in the Early Modern Age

PROGRAM SKUPA - CONFERENCE PROGRAMME 12. listopada 2018. / October 12th, 2018 8.00-9.00 REGISTRACIJA / REGISTRATION 9.00-9.30 POZDRAVNA RIJEČ / WELCOMING ADDRESS (Svečana dvorana Tone

Peruško / Tone Peruško State-room) (otvaranje skupa / the opening of the conference)

9.30-10.15 PLENARNO PREDAVANJE / PLENARY LECTURE (Svečana dvorana Tone Peruško / Tone Peruško State-room)

PAOLO MASTANDREA (Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia, Italia), Per la conservazione (e lo studio) della letteratura poetica latina

10.15-10.30 PAUZA / BREAK 10.30-11.45 Svečana dvorana Tone Peruško / Tone Peruško State-room

Voditelji sesije / Session moderators: Nada Bulić, Krešimir Vuković

ALEKSANDER SROCZYŃSKI (University of Warsaw, Poland), Per Adriaticum navigerem… Spatiality in Ceserea laus by Cyriacus of Ancona

ÁGNES MÁTÉ (University of Szeged, Hungary), Textual Tradition and Translations from Eneas Silvius Piccolomini’s Historia de duobus amantibus across Europe – a New Monograph

ZVONIMIR MILANOVIĆ (Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Croatia), Friendship and the Concept of Paideia in the context of Mare Internum Cultures

JAKUB KORYL (Jagiellonian University in Cracow, Poland), By Grammar Alone? The Humanism Overcome and the Hermeneutics of Matthias Flacius Illyricus


11:45-12.00 PAUZA / BREAK 12.00-13.30

Svečana dvorana Tone Peruško / Tone Peruško State-room Voditeljice sesije / Session moderators: Martina Damiani, Joanna Pietrzak Thébault

MARCO FERNANDELLI (Università di Trieste, Italia), Ovidio e le ambiguità dell’Eneide

LUISA SECCHI TARUGI (Istituto Studi Umanistici Francesco Petrarca, Milano, Italia), Etica e politica in Lorenzo il Magnifico

JULIA KRAUZE (Università Cardinale Stefan Wyszyński di Varsavia, Polonia), La letteratura maccheronica e le sue ripercussioni europee: testimonianze, esponenti, curiosità

ELISABETTA SELMI (Università degli Studi di Padova, Italia), Spigolature fra i carteggi inediti di monsignor Ludovico Beccadelli: fra le ‘Lettere’ e gli ideali di riforma della Civitas cristiana; fra Roma e Ragusa

IVANO PACCAGNELLA (Università degli Studi di Padova, Italia), Lo “schiavo” nel teatro veneto Rinascimentale

13.30-16.00 ZAJEDNIČKI RUČAK / ORGANIZED LUNCH 16.00-17.30 Dvorana Slavka Zlatića / Slavko Zlatić Auditorium

Voditelji sesije / Session moderators: Zvonimir Milanović, Julia Krauze

MARIA MARIOLA GLAVAN (University of Split, Croatia), Jason as a Subversion of the Hero in Light of Archetypal Criticism

KREŠIMIR VUKOVIĆ (The British School at Rome, Italy), The Mystery Lies Within: subterranean spaces of the Forum and the consecration of Marcus Curtius

NADA BULIĆ, DANIEL NEČAS HRASTE (University of Zadar, Croatia), Hannibal’s Elephants and the Liburnians

SEADA BRKAN (Sveučilište u Sarajevu, BiH), Rimski antički izvori o Ilirima

ANTE MATAN (Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Croatia), The Authority of Frontinus’ De aquaeductu urbis Romae and its Audience

17.30-17.45 PAUZA / BREAK 17.45-19.15 Dvorana Slavka Zlatića / Slavko Zlatić Auditorium

Voditeljice sesije / Session moderators: Ana Mihaljević, Tamara Tvrtković

ALDO ČAVIĆ (Muzej Staroga Grada, Hvar, Hrvatska), Hvarska renesansna intelektualna polja

VALNEA DELBIANCO (Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli, Hrvatska), Ogled Hvaranina Jurja Carića o Mavru Vetranoviću

LUKA ŠPOLJARIĆ (University of Zagreb, Croatia), Jerolim Kršava’s Aegloga in creatione Leonardi Lauretani principis Veneti illustrissimi

MILENA JOKSIMOVIĆ (University of Belgrade), Rediscovering the Greeks - The Impact of Intensified Contacts Between Western Europe and Byzantine World on Shaping the Humanistic Thought


IVAN ARMANDA (Miroslav Krleža Institute of Lexicography, Zagreb, Croatia), Bishop Vincent Arrigoni (1599 - 1626) in the religious and cultural life of the Šibenik diocese

19.30 ZAJEDNIČKA VEČERA / ORGANIZED DINNER 13. listopada 2018. / October 13th, 2018 9.00-9.45 PLENARNO PREDAVANJE / PLENARY LECTURE (Dvorana Slavka

Zlatića / Slavko Zlatić Auditorium)

IVAN JURKOVIĆ (Juraj Dobrila University of Pula), Family Ties and Written Multilingual Heritage of the Frankapani at the Dawn of the Early Modern Period

9.45-10.00 PAUZA / BREAK 10.00-11.30 Dvorana Slavka Zlatića / Slavko Zlatić Auditorium

Voditelji sesije / Session moderators: Maria Mariola Glavan, Dariusz Rott

VIOLETA MORETTI (Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Croatia), One genre, two languages – bilinguism in P. Vitezović's (1652-1713) Otia metrica

ANA MIHALJEVIĆ (Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Croatia), Italian and Latin Elements from the Oldest Croatian Dictionaries to Thesaurus Linguae Illyricae by Jakov Mikalja (Cultural and Lexicographic Influence)

PETRA ŠOŠTARIĆ (University of Zagreb, Croatia), Bernard Zamanja’s didactic poem Echo in the context of 18th century didactic poetry

LUCIANA BOBAN, JELENA JURČIĆ (University of Mostar, BiH), The stylistic features of Mikulić´s Latin language

TAMARA TVRTKOVIĆ (Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Hrvatska), Opisi jadranske obale u hrvatskoj latinističkoj historiografiji

11.30-11.45 PAUZA / BREAK 11.45-13.15 Dvorana Slavka Zlatića / Slavko Zlatić Auditorium

Voditelji sesije / Session moderators: Luisa Secchi Tarugi, Drago Župarić

ANNAMÁRIA MOLNÁR (Università di Szeged, Ungheria), Tradizioni letterarie contrastanti e le interpretazioni del Boccaccio filologo

ISTVÁN DÁVID LÁZÁR (Università di Szeged, Ungheria), Il cinghiale Marsus in terra della Pannona. Controversia tra Marcus Pitačić e Péter Beregszászi

JOANNA PIETRZAK-THÉBAULT (Università Cardinale Stefan Wyszyński di Varsavia, Polonia), Fonti estranee, istituzioni proprie – le strade della diffusione del pensiero filosofico nella Polonia del Rinascimento

GIANLUCA MASI (Università di Firenze, Italia), Rapporti fra Firenze e la Croazia nel Cinquecento

MARTINA DAMIANI (Università Juraj Dobrila di Pola, Croazia), La centralità politico-culturale di Venezia negli scambi epistolari del primo Cinquecento


13.15-15.00 ZAJEDNIČKI RUČAK / ORGANIZED LUNCH 15.00-16.30 Dvorana Slavka Zlatića / Slavko Zlatić Auditorium

Voditelji sesije / Session moderators: Violeta Moretti, Luka Špoljarić

DRAGO ŽUPARIĆ (Sveučilište u Sarajevu, BiH), Latinski jezik u ugovorima srednjovjekovnog Dubrovnika s osvrtom na povezanost s Bosnom

GREGOR POBEŽIN (University of Primorska, Slovenia), Hinting at nationalism? Pier Paolo Vergerio the Younger and his pamphlets

DARIUSZ ROTT (University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland), Mapping the Early Modern World. Ptolemy’s Cosmography in Sixteenth Century Cracow

GABOR PETNEHAZI (University of Szeged, Hungary), A less heroic gesture? Nikola Zrinski giving the finger before his heroic death (1566)

DAWID BARBARZAK (Adam Mickiewic University in Poznań, Poland), The Humanist at the Table. About the Pleasure of Eating in Renaissance

16.30-17.00 PAUZA / BREAK 17.00-18.00

Dvorana Slavka Zlatića / Slavko Zlatić Auditorium OKRUGLI STOL: POLOŽAJ KLASIČNE FILOLOGIJE I STUDIA NEOLATINA / ROUND TABLE: THE POSITION OF CLASSICAL PHILOLOGY AND STUDIA NEOLATINA László Szörényi (University of Szeged, Hungary) Éva Vígh (Accademia d’Ungheria in Rome; University of Szeged, Hungary) Zvonimir Milanović (Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Croatia)

18.00-18.15 PAUZA / BREAK 18.15-18.30 KLARA BURŠIĆ-MATIJAŠIĆ (Università Juraj Dobrila di Pola, Croazia),

Il sito archeologico di Monte Ricco presso Orsera 18.30 ZATVARANJE IZLAGAČKOG DIJELA SKUPA / THE CLOSING OF

THE PRESENTATION PORTION OF THE CONFERENCE 14. listopada 2018. 10:00-17:00 IZLET: ORGANIZIRANI POSJET ARHEOLOŠKOM NALAZIŠTU U BLIZINI VRSARA (Istra) uz stručno vodstvo profesora s Odsjeka za povijest Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta Jurja Dobrile u Puli. ZAJEDNIČKI RUČAK October 14th, 2018. 10:00-17:00. EXCURSION: AN ORGANIZED VISIT TO THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE NEAR VRSAR (Istria), expertly led by professors from the Juraj Dobrila University of Pula’s Department of History. ORGANIZED LUNCH


Arheološko nalazište u blizini Vrsara, fotografija ustupljena ljubaznošću prof. dr. sc. Klare Buršić-Matijašić / Archaeological site near Vrsar, courtesy of prof. dr. sc. Klara Buršić-Matijašić

ORGANIZACIJSKI ODBOR / ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Presjednik / President: Doc. dr. sc. Zvonimir Milanović, Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli Tajnica / Secretary: Doc. dr. sc. Nada Bulić, Sveučilište u Zadru Članovi / Members: Doc. dr. sc. Violeta Moretti, Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli Doc. dr. sc. Martina Damiani, Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli Mag. educ. Ana Mihaljević, Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli Mag. philol. lat. et graec. Maria M. Glavan, Sveučilište u Splitu ZNANSTVENI ODBOR / ADVISORY COMMITTEE Prof. dr. sc. Klara Buršić Matijašić, dekanica Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta Jurja Dobrile u Puli Prof. dr. sc. Valnea Delbianco, Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli Prof. Paolo Mastandrea, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy Prof. dr. hab. Andrzej Borowski, Jagiellonian University in Cracow, Poland Prof. dr. sc. Ivan Jurković, Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli Dr. Géza Pálffy, Institute of History, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary Doc. dr. sc. Zvonimir Milanović, Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli Doc. dr. sc. Nada Bulić, Sveučilište u Zadru Doc. dr. sc. Violeta Moretti, Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli Doc. dr. sc. Martina Damiani, Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli DPhil (Oxon.), Krešimir Vuković, The British School at Rome, Italy / Great Britain


October 12th, 9:30-10:15 12. listopada, 9.30-10.15

Paolo Mastandrea

October 13th, 9:00-9:45 13. listopada, 9.00-9.45

Ivan Jurković



Paolo Mastandrea Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia, Italia,

Professore ordinario di latino a Venezia dal 1995; condirettore della rivista Lexis. Poetica e retorica della tradizione classica; fa parte del comitato per la Nuova edizione commentata delle opere di Dante (Centro Pio Rajna, Roma); coordinatore dei progetti MIUR: Poeti d’Italia in lingua latina (1999, 2001); ‘Musisque deoque’. Un archivio digitale dinamico di poesia latina, dalle origini al Rinascimento italiano (2005, 2007) < >; ‘Memorata Poetis’. Ricorrenze lessicali e tematiche nella versificazione epigrafica e nel sistema letterario (2011); responsabile del joint project Ca’ Foscari – SUNY Buffalo ‘Tesserae Musivae’. A Common Infrastructure for Digital Approaches to Classical Intertextuality (2016-18).

Principali lavori a stampa: Cornelio Labeone (Leiden 1979), Massimo di Madaura (Padova 1985), Lettori cristiani di Seneca filosofo (Brescia 1988); De fine versus (Hildesheim 1993); Giulio Ossequente, Prodigi (Milano 2005); Pio Magenta, Epigrammi di Marco Valerio Marziale (Roma 2006); per le parti in latino, Niccolò Tommaseo, Scintille, a cura di Francesco Bruni (Parma 2008). Titoli recenti: I dogi nei ritratti parlanti di Palazzo Ducale a Venezia (Verona 2017, con S. Pedrocco) e Sui principî della poesia, la ricerca intertestuale con strumenti elettronici (Roma 2017).


Illustrazione delle iniziative in corso a Venezia per la digitalizzazione di opere letterarie in lingua latina prodotte nelle diverse aree culturali europee (anzitutto nelle regioni adriatiche) a partire dal XIV-XV secolo. Appare necessario, in tempi di epocali trapassi, di innovazioni tecnologiche come non si vedevano dagli inizi della “età di Gutenberg”, favorire la migliore conservazione del patrimonio librario esistente, ma insieme creare grandi corpora digitali che permettano una salvaguardia di lungo periodo delle eredità del passato. Occorre oggi studiare insieme le vie migliori per effettuare l’interrogazione metrico-verbale, l’indagine storica, l’analisi concettuale dei testi contenuti negli archivi. Si illustreranno in particolare le caratteristiche dei siti collegati a Musisque Deoque (Poeti d’Italia in Lingua Latina) e a CroALa (Croatiae Auctores Latini, Bibliotheca Electronica).



Ivan Jurković Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Croatia,

Born in Pula in 1961. He began his studies at the University of Zagreb in 1979, studying mechanical engineering and ship-building, as well as pursuing studies at the Catholic Faculty of Theology and the Faculty of Humanities’ Department of History. He began his postgraduate studies in 1994 at the Department of Medieval History at the Central European University in Budapest, where he completed both his master’s and doctoral degrees on topics concerning the fate of Croatian noble (and common) exiles during the Ottoman menace. Since 1994 he has received scholarships from the Central European University in Budapest, the Steiermärkische Landesarchiv in Graz and Yale University, been a collaborator in projects both in Croatia and abroad (NSK, HAZU, CEU) as well as a participant at academic conferences in Croatia and abroad. From 2007 - 2013 he was the head of the project “Medieval Istria: A Locale of Community and Contrast (6th - 16th century)”. He has taught courses on Croatian medieval history from 1996 to the present day, first for the Department of History of the Faculty of the Humanities of Pula at the University of Rijeka from 1996 to the end of 2006, then for the Department of Humanities (today the Faculty of Humanities) at Juraj Dobrila University in Pula. He has been a full professor since November 30th, 2015. His academic writing and editorial opus (books and academic, scholarly, and review articles) for the most part deal with the thematically defined fate of Croatian nobility during the Ottoman threat (15th - 16th cent.), as well as medieval narrative sources and Istrian medieval and Early Modern Age themes.


In the second half of the 15th century and the first half of the 16th century the Frankapani of Krk, Senj, and Modruš were at the peak of their power. This family of Croatian counts was connected to Italian, Hungarian, Austrian, and German royal and aristocratic families by marriage in a network extending from the Adriatic to the Baltic Sea. Their presence in the courts of their first of kin, as well as their in-laws, is therefore not surprising, whether it be the Roman Curia or the Hohenzollern Branderburger Palace in Berlin. In such a wide communications system, the Frankapani presented themselves to the European public as a multilingual family ready to promulgate not only the written heritage nurtured during the Middle Ages in Croatia (Latin and Glagolitic), but also ready to adopt, promote, and disseminate the written heritage of their spouses (Italian, German, Hungarian). The following examples attest to this statement:

– the Roman breviary translated into the German language by Christopher Frankapan and his wife Apollonia Lang printed in 1518 in Venice,

– the anti-Turkish speech in Latin of Christopher’s father, Bernardin, delivered before the German assembly in Nuremberg and printed in 1522 for the occasion,

– the translated epistles of Saint Paul, from Latin to Hungarian, donated by Catherine Frankapan married to Gabriel (Gábor) Perényi, printed in Cracow in 1533, and

– the first Croatian-language breviary written in the Latin, rather than in the Glagolitic, script of Catherine Frankapan married to Nicholas Zrinski, published in 1560 in Padua.



October 12th, 10:30-12:00 12. listopada, 10.30-12.00

Session moderators: Nada Bulić, Krešimir Vuković Voditelji sesije: Nada Bulić, Krešimir Vuković



Aleksander Sroczyński Faculty of “Artes Liberales” University of Warsaw,

Aleksander Sroczyński is a PhD candidate at the Faculty of “Artes Liberales” University of Warsaw. He obtained his MA in Polish Philology (specialization: Comparative Literature) at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, attended Medieval Studies at the University of Utrecht from 2014 to 2017, and was a co-moderator for the interdisciplinary research project Rex nunquam moritur ( The end product of the project, the book Premodern Rulership and Contemporary Political Power: The King's Body Never Dies, was published by Amsterdam University Press in 2017.

He has published articles on the history of rhetoric in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. His current research is focused on the Neo-Latin literature of early modern Dalmatia.


Cyriacus of Ancona (1391-1452) is best known for his travels in Greece and for his role in stimulating the interest of humanists in the physical remains of Antiquity. Some of his letters are devoted to the intermediary stages of his travels between Italy and Greece. The most prominent of these is the description of a dream vision that he allegedly experienced while visiting Zadar, transmitted in his letter to Leonardo Bruni. This letter was Cyriacus’ contribution to Poggio’s and Guarini’s debate on the superiority of Caesar over Scipio. It has attracted some attention (e.g. Ch. Hankins, H. Schadee), but the question why it was the Dalmatian city of Zadar which became the background for Cyriacus’ Caesarean vision has not yet been addressed.

The aim of this paper is to analyze the spatiality of the vision and the events directly preceding it. I intend to shed new light on the goals and argumentative strategies of the Anconan merchant by examining topographical references to the city and the geographical localization of particular episodes of Cyriacus’ dream.




Ágnes Máté University of Szeged, Institute of Literary Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences,

Budapest, Hungary,

Ágnes Máté (born 1983, doctoral degree completed in 2011) holds two master’s degrees from the University of Szeged, one in Italian (2006) and one in Hungarian studies (2007). She wrote her first dissertation on Neo-Latin Studies under the supervision of Prof. László Szörényi. Ágnes acquired her second doctoral degree in 2015 at the Faculty of Artes Liberales, University of Warsaw. Ágnes is currently working at the Renaissance Department of the Institute for Literary Studies RCH HAS. Ágnes’ areas of research include Hungarian-Italian cultural relationships and the development of the Neo-Latin short story. She has two books set to be published in 2018, one on the textual tradition and translations of Eneas Silvius Piccolomini’s Historia de duobus amantibus, the other on the image of Hungarians in 14th - 16th century Italian and Neo-Latin sources.


Not long before his fortieth birthday in 1444 the Sienese Eneas Silvius Piccolomini (the future pope Pius II) committed to paper one of the most successful short stories in humanistic literature: The Tale of Two Lovers. This work was translated into German, Italian, French, Spanish, English, Hungarian, Polish, and Danish by the end of the 16th century. In my upcoming monograph (to be published in August 2018) I discuss the textual history of the Latin and vernacular versions of Piccolomini's Historia. Its results are based on a sample of ninety-two Latin copies and all of the sixteen early translations of Historia.

In this presentation I would like to call attention to the most important results of my book concerning similarities and differences with regards to different translators towards their basic texts. Specifically, I would like to show some common readings of the Historia which have posed problems of interpretation and translation to a number of translators.

On a global scale my book contributes to the history of Neo-Latin literature. Moreover, in the case of twelve of the translations of the Historia, the volume offers the first attempt at identifying their Latin sources, thus its results specifically relate to Italian, English, French, Danish and Hungarian national philologies.



Zvonimir Milanović Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Croatia,

Zvonimir Milanović (1960) completed his both his elementary and secondary school school education in Split, his secondary school education being completed at the Classical Gymnasium. He began his university studies at the University of Zagreb at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in 1980, completing them at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, where he studied Classical Philology. He defended his master’s thesis in 1989 at the University of Warsaw. He taught classical languages at the Gymnasium in Pula and the Pazin Collegium until 2000. He has been engaged in the popularization of ancient culture and its heritage; he has published many books translated from Latin, Greek, Polish and Spanish, introductory studies, essays, and technical and academic articles in journals. He was employed as a lecturer for the Department of Classical Philology at the Juraj Dobrila University in Pula from 2000. He defended his doctoral thesis entitled Polish and Croatian Humanism in the Early Modern Age: Ideas, Relationships, Parallels at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow in 2013, attaining a distinction of summa cum laude. He became an assistant professor in 2017, as well as the chair of the Department of Classical Philology. He is the author of the Latin textbook Hereditas linguae Latinae, used at both the secondary and university level.


In this work the author will attempt to cover the most important aspects of the interpretation of the phenomenon of friendship in the period extending from antiquity up to and including the renaissance. The author begins his deliberation with Plato’s and Aristotle’s premises which postulate its ethics and in friendship, inter alia, seek a common relation towards virtue, claiming, as did Cicero, that it is important in obtaining moral perfection.

In deliberating on the reception of the ancient interpretation in the context of “the philosophy of man” in the era of humanism and the renaissance the conclusion is reached that renaissance humanism emphasizes even more the meaning of friendship in philosophical cognition, as is its role in the wider formative and upbringing process seen through the prism of the idea of paideia or humanitas. I base my deliberations on selected examples beginning from Plato, through important fragments from the Gospel of John through to Callimachus’ doxography on Gregorius Sanocensis (in which, inter alia, Petrus Paulus Vergerius is mentioned) and Marulić’s correspondence with Jacopo Grassolari, a Venetian notary. Marginally, the phenomenon of friendship between men and women is touched upon - in marriage, as expounded on by Leon Battista Alberti, or in a stricte love relationship, as exemplified in the letters of Antun Vrančić to the Venetian noblewoman Magdalena Milaversi.




Jakub Koryl Faculty of Polish Studies, Jagiellonian University, Poland,

Assistant professor at the Faculty of Polish Studies, Jagiellonian University, with a doctorate in human sciences. Awarded a prize from the Polish Prime Minister for his doctoral dissertation on Polish Erasmianism. Studied Polish Studies, Classical Philology and the Hebrew language at Jagiellonian University. His research involves the intellectual and cultural history of the Early Modern era, the philosophy of Lutheranism, hermeneutics, twentieth-century German protestant theology and philosophy. His most recent publications include the following articles (all in Polish): 1) Was Erasmus a German? On the Collective Identity of Northern Humanists; 2) Tradition and Understanding: Hermeneutical Epistemology in Hyperaspistes I of Desiderius Erasmus; 3) Introduction to the Hermeneutics of the Polish Brethren; 4) Socinian λόγος of the Johannine Prologue: Philology – Doctrine – Confessional Identity; 5) Basel: The Birthplace of German Erasmianism; 6) Fundamental Question Concerning Human Being: Luther, Heidegger and the abandonment of the animal rationale.


Wilhelm Dilthey once admitted that Matthias Flacius Illyricus either appropriated the fourth book of Augustine’s De Doctrina Christiana in detail or took advantage of all of the early Christian exegesis in general in his Clavis Sacrae Scripturae. The aim of this paper is partly polemical. While Flacius himself frequently proved Dilthey’s unfavourable judgment to be correct, he also followed the innovatory footsteps of biblical philologists such as Gianozzo Manetti, Lorenzo Valla and Desiderius Erasmus in order to reaffirm and concretize the Lutheran principle of the intelligibility of Scripture based on its strictly immanent, that is to say grammatical, investigation. Consequently, I would like to discuss the Clavis Sacrae Scripturae as the confessional yet deliberate outcome of the grammatical and rhetorical curriculum of studia humanitatis. All of this, however, will not lead to the conclusion that the Clavis should still remain the enterprise of a less distinguished follower. For decisions made by Flacius regarding the tradition of patristic, medieval, and humanistic exegesis was constantly founded upon the heuristically critical and genuinely hermeneutical principle. Therefore, it is worth asking what this principle was, or more precisely, how can man use philological tools that do not deprive God of his unconditioned sovereignty?



October 12th, 12:15-13:45 12. listopada, 12.15-13.45

Session moderators: Martina Damiani, Joanna Pietrzak Thébault Voditeljice sesije: Martina Damiani, Joanna Pietrzak Thébault



Marco Fernandelli Università di Trieste, Italia,

Marco Fernandelli è professore associato di Lingua e letteratura latina presso l’Università di Trieste, dove tiene gli insegnamenti di Letteratura latina, Retorica latina, Tradizione e ricezione della letteratura latina. Ha svolto la sua formazione a Trieste, Torino, Oxford.

I suoi principali temi di ricerca sono l’alessandrinismo romano, l’epica latina, la ricezione dei testi classici, la storia della filologia classica, la ricerca didattica nell’ambito del latino. Tra le sue pubblicazioni: Catullo e la rinascita dell’epos. Dal carme 64 all’Eneide, Hildesheim-Zürich-New York 2012; Via Latina. Studi su Virgilio e sulla sua fortuna, Trieste 2012; Chartae laboriosae. Autore e lettore nei carmi maggiori di Catullo (c. 64 e 65), Cesena 2015. Ha fondato e diretto la European Summer School of Classics; è condirettore, con Lucio Cristante, della serie editoriale «Dicti studiosus. Classici della filologia in traduzione», pubblicata dalle Edizioni Università di Trieste (EUT); fa parte del Collegio dei consulenti del Centro di studi sulla fortuna dell’antico «Emanuele Narducci».


Ovidio è uno studioso penetrante dell’Eneide. Di fronte alle ambiguità che ne costellano il testo egli ha un atteggiamento duplice. Da una parte quando tali ambiguità rappresentano una messa in questione dall’interno del significato ufficiale del poema, Ovidio vede in esse un’anticipazione del proprio stesso metodo di lettura e ne trae spunto per la ‘riscrittura’ di quel testo già classico. D’altra parte la disambiguazione di passi virgiliani difficili o particolarmente densi rientra in quei procedimenti (razionalizzazione, semplificazione, provocatoria banalizzazione) per mezzo dei quali Ovidio prende le distanze dall’Eneide o si sottrae alla sua autorità trattandola semplicemente come ‘materiale letterario’. Esaminare da vicino alcuni esempi di questo modus operandi è utile a illuminare non solo questa prima fase della ricezione dell’Eneide, ma anche la tecnica, la funzione e il significato stessi dei luoghi virgiliani che il poeta imitatore implicitamente commenta.



Luisa Secchi Tarugi Istituto Studi Umanistici Francesco Petrarca, Milano, Italia,

Laureata in lettere classiche con specializzazione in archeologia ha svolto attività archeologica a Milano e a Castelseprio (Sibrium romana) poi ha insegnato materie letterarie al Liceo Marcelline di Milano per venticinque anni. Dal 1988, su consiglio di Paul Oskar Kristeller che già aveva seguito l’attività della madre, Giovannagiola Tarugi fondatrice del Centro di Studi Umanistici Angelo Poliziano, ha dato vita all’Istituto di Studi Umanistici Francesco Petrarca, fondato con Lionello Sozzi, Accademico dei Lincei e Sesto Prete della Columbia University. L’Istituto dal 1991 è membro della FISIER (Fédération Internationale des Sociétés et Instituts pour l’Etude de la Renaissance), sono stati attuati 52 corsi aperti al pubblico e gratuiti a Milano, presso l’Istituto Lombardo Accademia di Scienze e Lettere e l’Università Card. Colombo concernenti il periodo dall’Antichità al Rinascimento e 29 convegni internazionali a Chianciano, Montepulciano e Pienza, di cui sono stati pubblicati regolarmente gli Atti da lei curati. È autrice anche di diversi articoli e ha collaborato e collabora con varie università italiane e straniere, con la Biblioteca Ambrosiana di Milano, tenendo relazioni per convegni e corsi specifici. Ha lavorato anche con la Rai per una trasmissione radiofonica culturale negli anni 1990-91-92 e da trent’anni tiene lezioni per varie Università del Tempo libero a Milano e nell’hinterland.


Lorenzo de’ Medici (1449-1492) uomo di profonda fede, data la mirabile educazione avuta in famiglia, accetta il governo della città alla morte del padre, Piero il Gottoso, come dovere, sentendone il peso, data la sua giovane età, 21 anni, come lui stesso dice «mal volentoieri accettai». Ma in tutta la sua vita, non molto lunga, privilegiò come fine il conseguimento del bene comune e non il proprio interesse. Attento anche alle situazioni dei meno fortunati, come il popolo fiorentino e i contadini del Mugello, si rivelò un abile politico che riuscì ad equilibrare la politica dei vari staterelli italiani, ma non dimenticò mai quale fosse il traguardo vero della vita dell’uomo e cioè il guardare verso Dio staccandosi dalle ambizioni della vita terrena. Soprattutto raccomandò ai figli di saper governare diventando esempio perché il «signore deve essere servo de’ suoi servi» come scrive nella Sacra rappresentazione di Giovanni e Paolo, messa in scena il 17 febbraio 1491 nella Compagnia del Vangelista.




Julia Krauze Università Cardinale Stefan Wyszyński di Varsavia, Polonia,,

Laureata presso la Facoltà di Filologia Classica e Cristiana della Pontificia Università Salesiana di Roma dove nel 2009 ha concluso i suoi studi con il dottorato di ricerca dal titolo De Insania. Pervestigatio in re linguistica ac ethnographica. Membro della Società Filologica Polacca, autrice di pubblicazioni di profilo linguistico, letterario e culturale. È anche una traduttrice dal latino, italiano e russo. Gli interessi scientifici e di ricerca oscillano intorno all’etimologia, linguistica storica e comparata, dialettologia e la filosofia del linguaggio. Dal 2011 lavora presso la Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia dell’Università Cardinale Stefan Wyszyński a Varsavia e dal 2015 nel Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici dove insegna latino, italiano e storia della lingua italiana.


La lingua maccheronica è una lingua estremamente “vigorosa”, a causa di un’incisività linguistica spesso molto marcata, ottenuta in modo particolare attraverso una graffiante caricatura dei personaggi ed è caratterizzata dall’uso della lingua dialettale latinizzata. I motivi che diedero origine al maccheronico furono numerosi, tra cui l’avversione nei confronti dello stile solenne classico e l’inclinazione all’esperimento linguistico con finalità di parodia letteraria e di satira sociale. La sua fortuna in Italia e nei paesi europei assume una forma più definita e diffusa solo alla fine del XV sec., trovando in Teofilo Folengo la sua massima espressione e creando varie sfumature locali in Francia, Spagna e Polonia.




Elisabetta Selmi Università degli Studi di Padova, Italia,

Elisabetta Selmi è professore associato (con abilitazione alla prima fascia) di Letteratura italiana e Letteratura teatrale del Medioevo e del Rinascimento presso il Dipartimento di Studi linguistici e letterari dell’Università di Padova. Nei suoi indirizzi di ricerca si è dedicata allo studio della letteratura dell’Umanesimo-Rinascimento, del Barocco e dell’Arcadia. Ha pubblicato varie edizioni di testi (fra cui si ricorda l’edizione dell’Estratto dell’arte poetica di Aristotile di Pietro Metastasio; del Pastor fido di Battista Guarini; della Magia d’amore di Guido Casoni), monografie (ultima in ordine di tempo: Torquato Tasso: il ‘filosofo cortigiano’ e il poeta senza confini, Alessandria, Edizioni dell’Orso, 2017) e saggi, in Atti di Convegni internazionali e riviste, sull’epica e la trattatistica del Cinquecento, sul teatro dell’Umanesimo, del Seicento, del Settecento, con escursioni ottocentesche. Si è altresì dedicata alla letteratura religiosa e alla diffusione degli scritti di Erasmo in Italia a Venezia e nei territori della Serenissima. È condirettice di diverse collane di Studi sul teatro rinascimentale e fa parte del comitato direttivo delle riviste «Critica letteraria» e «Rivista di letteratura religiosa». Ha insegnato in diverse università europee ed è stata visiting professor presso l’Università di Yale.


La figura di Ludovico Beccadelli, vescovo di Ragusa, letterato, scrittore poliedrico e riformatore nel gruppo degli evangelici al seguito del card. Gasparo Contarini, è una delle presenze eminenti nelle relazioni che intercorsero fra gli ambienti intellettuali e religiosi della cultura e dell’umanesimo cristiano delle due sponde dell’Adriatico nel primo Cinquecento. Il vasto corpus dei suoi manoscritti, dei suoi carteggi e della sua Biblioteca di letture e frequentazioni letterarie, in parte editi nei volumi curati dal Morandi (Monumenti di varia Letteratura), in buona parte ancora inediti, rappresenta una delle fonti primarie per la ricostruzione della storia e delle istanze di riforma della società e delle ‘lettere’ che contraddistinsero il dialogo fra i territori della Dalmazia, della Serenissima e le realtà italiane ed europee nell’età segnata dall’avvio del Concilio di Trento. Il contributo si prefigge di apportare, attraverso alcuni carteggi inediti del Beccadelli, qualche nuovo tassello a tale complessa pagina della storia culturale del primo Cinquecento..



Ivano Paccagnella Università degli Studi di Padova, Italia,

Professore emerito di Storia della lingua italiana presso il Dipartimento di Studi linguistici e letterari dell’Università di Padova.

Interessi principali: Lingua, dialetti e letteratura plurilingue nel Rinascimento. Teatro veneto cinquecentesco. Teoria e storia della traduzione nel Rinascimento.


La relazione intende tracciare un quadro della figura dello “sciavo” – dalmatino, raguseo, albanese, comunque personaggio proveniente «de là da mar» - nel teatro plurilingue veneto, fra Ruzante, Calmo, Giancarli, Marin Negro, in relazione ai poemetti editi in stampe popolari veneziane, con le ricadute in opere come quelle di Marin Držić.



October 12th, 16:00-17:30 12. listopada, 16.00-17.30

Session moderators: Zvonimir Milanović, Julia Krauze Voditelji sesije: Zvonimir Milanović, Julia Krauze



Maria Mariola Glavan University of Split, Croatia,

Maria Mariola Glavan has a B.A. in Latin and Greek language and literature (University of Zadar), a B.A. (Hons.) in French and Italian (blended specialist, University of Toronto), an M.A. in Italian language and literature (University of Toronto), as well a master’s degree in Latin and Greek language and literature (University of Zadar). She is currently in the final semester of her doctoral studies at the University of Split. She has taught university courses on Roman literature and the History of the Latin language. Her research interests include Romance philology, historical linguistics, Vulgar Latin, and comparative mythology.


The most complete retelling of the story of the Argonauts comes to us not from the Classical age, but from the Postclassical period, in the age of Alexander. This is surprising, as the Argonautica represents the oldest of the epic cycles, a fact noted by the ancient Greeks themselves. Jason is, presumably, the hero of the narrative. He is overshadowed, however, in the second half of the poem by Medea. This work will examine to what degree Jason corresponds to the archetypal hero of the high mimetic mode, as outlined by Northrop Frye, both by examining Jason’s role in the narrative and contrasting it with that of Medea. Along with Frye’s theories about the high mimetic mode, his theories concerning the romantic and mythical strands will also be examined, in order to provide a more complete picture of the heroes of the Argonautica.

The first section of this paper will examine the theoretical framework that I will use to discuss the archetypal hero of the high memetic mode, which will serve to elucidate the manner in which Apollonios of Rhodes deconstructed the image of the hero with the protagonist of the Argonautica, Jason. A non-protagonist hero of the epic poem is examined in light of the theoretical framework in the second section of this paper, namely Medea. Following this, I will attempt to use textual evidence in the concluding section to support the idea that Apollonios of Rhodes used Jason to deconstruct the traditional literary representation of the epic hero.




Krešimir Vuković British School at Rome, Italy,

Krešimir Vuković completed his BA and MA studies in Classics and English at the University of Zadar. He wrote his doctoral thesis on the Roman festival of the Lupercalia at the University of Oxford, where he subsequently lectured for several years. He was Rome Fellow of the British School at Rome in 2017/18.


This paper addresses the mythology of Lacus Curtius and the surrounding sacred places of the Forum Romanum. Scholars (Versnel 1983, Oakley 1998) have noted that the Livy's description of the sacrifice of Marcus Curtius at Lacus Curtius follows the religious pattern of devotio, a consecration that makes Marcus sacer to the Manes. I will connect the space of Curtius' pool and its myths to other subterranean spaces in the Forum, all of which were considered sacred: the mundus was sacred to the Manes while several other wells (puteal) in the Forum also had a similar structure and were linked to the act of expiating a lightning strike. Although there are some differences in the function and conception of these places on an individual level I argue that they all attest to a belief in a mysterious subterranean world, for the most part hidden beneath the pavement of the Republican Forum. Ultimately, this belief can be traced to the construction of the Cloaca Maxima and the archaic period when the Tiber flooded the area on a seasonal basis.



Nada Bulić and Daniel Nečas Hraste University of Zadar, Croatia,

Doc. dr. sc. Nada Bulić is an assistant professor at the Department of Classical Philology at the University of Zadar, and has worked as a guest professor at the University of Sarajevo and Jurja Dobrila University in Pula. She completed her undergraduate degree in Classical Philology at the University of Zadar, where she later worked as a researcher on the project “Hermannus Dalmata’s De Essentiis”. She completed her master’s degree in literature at the University of Zagreb, and completed her doctoral degree at the University of Zadar with a thesis entitled „The Significance of the Origin of the Philosophical Worldview of Hermannus Dalmata”. She completed a program in Modern Greek at Faculty of Philosophy in Athens. Her areas of research include the transmission of Greek philosophical thought, classical literature, the Latin language, and Indo-European religion.

Daniel Nečas Hraste is a senior lecturer for the Department of Classical Philology at the University of Zadar. He completed his undergraduate degree in Classical Philology at the University of Zagreb. He is a distinguished translator, translating from classical languages to Croatian. His areas of research include Indo-European religion and historical linguistics.


The second Punic war is a relatively well-known episode from Roman history. Reliable, detailed ancient sources such as Livy and Polybius, however, don’t say much on the topic of Hannibal’s provisions.

One of the questions related to the provisions is where Hannibal’s elephants came from after the battle of Cannae, as after traversing the Etrurian swamp Hannibal only had one elephant left (Livy XXII 2). Immediately after the victory at Cannae Hannibal sends a delegation requesting logistics and the Carthaginian senate decides to send him military aid, among which were 4000 Numidians and 30 elephants (Livy 11-13). Soon after, Hannibal penetrates Campania already accompanied by elephants (Livy 18).

The authors of this paper believe that Hannibal’s path to Cannae was part of a premeditated military plan, according to which the Carthaginian army needed to pick up supplies near Cannae, with the Liburnians playing an important role. Several facts support this theory, most importantly the following:

• one of the few suitable ports that Hannibal could count upon to be less guarded by the Romans than more northern ports, such as Ariminum, is found near Cannae; • an enormous amount of money from Africa is sent to Liburnia right at the time of the war with

Hannibal; • it is known that political entities on the eastern coast of the Adriatic had an anti-Roman political

agenda during the time of the second Punic war, coordinating themselves with Macedonia among others, which became an ally of Hannibal and with which Rome went to war in 214 B.C, with which the two Illyrian wars right before and right after the war with Hannibal are related.



Seada Brkan Univerzitet u Sarajevu, Bosna i Hercegovina,

Rođena 1966. god. u Zenici. Nakon završene gimnazije upisuje studij Francuskog jezika i književnosti i Italijanskog jezika i književnosti na Filozofskom fakultetu u Sarajevu, gdje je i diplomirala 1990. god. Nakon toga radi u gimnazijama i strukovnim školama predavajući francuski i latinski jezik. Akademske 2012. god. upisuje studij Latinskog jezika i rimske književnosti na istom fakultetu, gdje je diplomirala 2017. god. Nakon toga ostaje raditi na Filozofskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Sarajevu, na Odsjeku za romanistiku, na Katedri za latinski jezik i rimsku književnost u zvanju asistenta.


Brojni su rimski pisci spominjali Ilire u svojim djelima, obrađujući ovo podneblje s različitih aspekata. Informacije koje su ostavili prilično su vjerodostojne, mada ponekad obojene ličnim, subjektivnim stavom, potaknuti vlastitim domoljubljem a nerijetko i koristoljubljem. Članak obrađuje neke od njih, primjerice Plinija Starijeg, Veleja Patercula, Tacita, Tita Livija, Varona, i dr. Svaki od njih imao je svoj vlastiti pristup pisanju o historiji, svaki je želio ostaviti svoja vlastita svjedočanstva dešavanja na ovim prostorima vjerujući da su ona pouzdana i dodajući im, ponekad nesvjesno, a ponekad i svjesno, svoje lično viđenje uzroka i posljedica nekim dešavanjima.

U pogledu metodologije rada činilo se da je tematska metoda najpogodnija za sistematsku raspodjelu i obradu raspoložive građe, tako da je rad strukturiran u poglavlja koja obrađuju pojedinačne teme od geografske podjele Ilirika pa sve do kulture i utjecaja Rimljana. Komparativna metoda se nametnula kao logičan način izlaganja građe s stanovišta više različitih pisaca, od iznošenja konkretnih podataka do različitih pristupa obrađivanoj tematici. Shodno tome rad sadrži informacije, potpuno objektivne, zasnovane na službenim podacima s jedne strane, ali i one nerealne obojene ličnim interesima i subjektivnim zapažanjima s druge strane.

Vanjska i unutarnja kritika izvora su neophodne u članku kakav je ovaj, jer se on prije svega zasniva na citatima iz djela navedenih autora. Kvantitativna i kvalitativna metoda su također nezaobilazne, jer upravo one pokazuju koliko je građe bilo na raspolaganju i od pomoći pri izradi ovakvog članka.



Ante Matan Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Croatia,

Ante Matan was born in Pula in 1982. He completed elementary school in Rovinj and completed his secondary education at the Classical Gymnasium in Pazin. He began his university studies in Classical Philology at the Faculty of Philosophy in Zadar in 2000. He won the chancellor’s award in 2001. He completed his undergraduate degree at the University of Zadar in 2004, after having written a bachelor’s thesis entitled The Life and Work of Sextus Iulius Frontinus. That same year he begins his graduate studies in linguistics. He successfully defended his doctoral thesis entitled The Stylistic Determination of Frontinus’ De Aquaeductu Urbis Romae in 2010. He worked as a teaching assistant at the University of Pula from 2005-2010, as a senior teaching assistant from 2010-2015, and has been an assistant professor at the same university since December of 2015.


As the author of a commentary on the institution of Roman aqueducts, Sextus Iulius Frontinus was the first to be taken into more serious consideration with regards to scientific dialogue at the beginning of the 18th century with Poleni’s monumental edition of the text De aquaeductu urbis Romae. In the past two decades the natural desire emerged to reconsider and critically reexamine all prior facts and points of view, starting with the works of Eck, Bruun, and DeLaine and leading to recent works from Blackman and Hodge, raising doubts about Frontinus’ authority as a person, inevitably extended to the data offered to us by his text as a trustworthy source. In close connection with this is the question of the audience, recently inspected by Peachin and identified as senatorial, or at least patrician, as many of the explanations given in those reconsiderations were based on having had in mind such a type of audience. This paper offers other possible explanations for the matter in question based on the author’s perspective, showing that it is impossible to judge someone’s work and his personality without taking into consideration the manner of his writing and style. The scope of this paper is to attempt to prove that there is no reason to alleviate the value of Frontinus’ commentary nor its authority and to show that its audience was much broader than simply the patrician class, and in fact included all of the literate population of Rome.



October 12th, 17:45-19:15 12. listopada, 17.45-19.15

Session moderators: Ana Mihaljević, Tamara Tvrtković Voditeljice sesije: Ana Mihaljević, Tamara Tvrtković



Aldo Čavić Muzej Staroga Grada, Hvar, Hrvatska,

Na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zadru diplomirao 1982. godine Hrvatski ili srpski jezik i jugoslavenske književnosti i Filozofiju. Doktorirao na Poslijediplomskom sveučilišnom studiju Humanističke znanosti Sveučilišta u Zadru, s temom Predodžba identiteta hvarske komune u književnosti XVI. stoljeća.

Od 1988. godine profesionalni javni radnik u kulturi. Osnivač i voditelj raznih kulturnih ustanova: Gradske knjižnice i čitaonice Stari Grad, Osnovne glazbene škole u Starome Gradu, Centra za kulturu općine Stari Grad, Agencije za upravljanje Starogradskim poljem i Muzeja Staroga Grada, čiji je i danas ravnatelj. Organizirao i postavio brojne umjetničke i baštinske izložbe. Organizator ili suorganizator više radionica i skupova iz područja baštine. Vodio obnovu Tvrdalja Petra Hektorovića, te drugih spomenika kulture.

Od 1996. godine do danas urednik i izdavač brojnih knjiga i kataloga izložaba. Objavio Povijesni vodič Staroga Grada (2004.), s poljskim fotografom Pawelom Jaroszewskim

monografiju „Otkrivajući Hvar“ (2010.), te u koautorstvu s arheologinjom Sarom Popović knjigu Starogradsko polje (2012.). Zbirka Politeo objavila mu je zbirku pjesama „Catalepton“ 1987. godine.


Dalmatinske su komune u XVI. stoljeću bile zasebni politički organizmi, strukturirane kao aristokratske republike, a njeni su stanovnici osjećali komunu kao jedinu domovinu. Ipak, postojao je i širi društveni prostor u osnovi čijeg su integracijskog procesa bili ljudi, njihove veze i bliskosti duhovnih struktura, a koji se može podijeliti na veći tzv. „jadranski društveni prostor“ koji se ostvaruje na cijelom Jadranu – i hrvatskom i talijanskom, i onaj uži – „istočnojadranski“ – u zemlji Schiavona, kojeg su stvorili svojom intelektualnom djelatnošću, vezama i komunikacijama plemići dalmatinskih komuna, a najočitiji je u kreiranju prostora humanističke i renesansne književnosti, prostor dalmatinske rei publicae litterariae. Ova „književna republika“ nadilazila je uske granice komuna – domovina, ali i staleške podjele unutar komuna – u njoj su ravnopravno sudjelovali književnici plemići i pučani. Kao svaka republika imala je unutar članova hijerarhijsku ljestvicu i uloge koje su pojedini članovi „republike“ zauzimali. Ovaj društveni prostor dalmatinske književne republike istražen je u svjetlu teorije francuskog sociologa i filozofa Pierra Bourdieua o intelektualnim i kulturnim poljima, polazeći od premise da su u svakom činu intelektualnog i umjetničkog stvaranja skrivene veze između stvaratelja i njegovog djela, uvjetovane društvenim odnosima unutar kojih se događa stvaralački čin kao čin komunikacije, odnosno da je samo djelo uvjetovano položajem stvaratelja u intelektualnom polju. Analizirano je 47 komunikacijskih tekstova (prije svega poslanica) napisanih od početka do sedamdesetih godina XVI. st., a kojima su pošiljatelji ili adresati hvarski književnici. Iz toga su proizašla dva hvarska intelektualna polja te uočene centralne ličnosti u svakom od njih.



Valnea Delbianco Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli, Hrvatska,

Kroatistica, književna povjesničarka, sveučilišna profesorica. Diplomirala je na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zagrebu, Odsjeku za talijanistiku i Odsjeku za jugoslavistiku, 1979. godine. Kraće je vrijeme radila kao nastavnica te više od desetljeća kao novinarka i komentatorica u Informativnom programu Hrvatske televizije (Dopisništvo u Puli). Poslijediplomski studij književnosti završila je na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zagrebu i magistrirala 1995. godine te na istom fakultetu doktorirala 2002. godine. Od 1997. godine zaposlena je na Odsjeku za Kroatistiku Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta Jurja Dobrile u Puli, gdje je nositeljica i predavačica na kolegijima iz hrvatske srednjovjekovne, renesansne, barokne i prosvjetiteljske književnosti. Na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zagrebu izabrana je u zvanje docentice 2003. godine, izvanredne profesorice 2009. te redovite profesorice iz područja humanističkih znanosti, polje filologija, grana kroatistika 2015. godine. Objavila je dvije knjige, sveučilišni priručnik te četrdesetak izvornih znanstvenih radova u kojima se bavi temama vezanima uz razdoblje hrvatskoga ranonovovjekovlja, s naglaskom na hrvatsko-talijanske književne i kulturne doticaje.


Poznat ponajviše kao pomorski pisac, Juraj (potpisan kao Giorgio) Carić (Svirče na Hvaru, 1854. – Jelsa, 1927.) za svog je boravka u Dubrovniku 1895. godine, kao predavač na Nautičkoj školi, objavio na talijanskom jeziku zanimljiv ogled o dubrovačkom pjesniku Mavru Vetranoviću, prikazujući ga kao prvoga potpunog renesansnog pisca, teologa, filozofa, fizičara, botaničara, pa čak i astronoma, oslanjajući se na relevantnu bibliografiju (izvori na hrvatskom, talijanskom i njemačkom jeziku). U radu namjeravam ocijeniti Carićev filološki doprinos u kontekstu njegova vremena i ukazati na metafore plovidbe i, šire, pomorstva, kojima se koristi da bi ukazao na iznimno mjesto koje Mavro Vetranović zaslužuje u dubrovačkoj renesansnoj književnosti i kulturi.



Luka Špoljarić University of Zagreb, Hrvatska,

Luka Špoljarić (PhD completed in 2013 at Central European University) teaches medieval history at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, having previously held fellowships at Harvard University, the Warburg Institute, and Villa I Tatti, The Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies. His research explores intellectual and political dynamics in the world of the Renaissance Adriatic. He is currently completing a biography on Nicholas bishop of Modruš, one of the leading figures of the Illyrian national community in Rome during the 1460s and 1470s.


In 1501, in the midst of a bitter Venetian-Ottoman war that had catastrophic consequences for the economy of central Dalmatian cities, Leonardo Loredan was elected the new Doge of Venice. Loredan’s election, much like those of his predecessors, prompted humanists from all parts of the Venetian empire to write congratulatory panegyrical works. Dalmatian humanists were no exception. As has long been established, two months after Loredan’s election, the collection of panegyrics written by Toma Niger, canon of Split, was published in Venice under the title Divina electio ac tempestiva creatio serenissimi principis Veneti Leonardi Lauretani. Niger, however, was not the only Dalmatian to dedicate his work to the new doge. Jerolim Kršava, the Zadar-born humanist, whose life and works remain little studied, dedicated an eclogue to the doge, Aegloga in creatione Leonardi Lauretani principis Veneti illustrissimi, preserved today in the manuscript copy prepared for the doge by the author himself. This paper will give a brief overview of Kršava’s life and works, and analyze the Eclogue in the context of Venetian panegyrical literature and political circumstances at the time of writing.




Мilena Joksimović Independent researcher, Croatia,

Milena Joksimović completed her undergraduate degree in 2005 and completed her doctoral degree in 2016 at the Department of Classical Studies of the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Belgrade. She taught courses in the Latin language at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade and taught a number of courses in history at the Faculty of Geoeconomics in Belgrade, among which the History of European Civilization. She has been living in Pula since 2014. Her main areas of scientific research are Latin linguistics and Latin palaeography.


The Crusades, the founding of the Crusader states in the Near East and, finally, the exodus of the Greek population to the West due to the Ottoman conquest of the Byzantine Empire intensified contacts between Western Europe and the Greek world. During this process the West better acquaints itself with Byzantine civilization and rediscovers classical Greek and Hellenistic culture, inherited by Byzantium. All of this new knowledge, including the renewed knowledge of the Greek language, affects the shaping of humanistic thought, the content of Renaissance art and, indirectly, the formation of a new secular European identity. The author observes mentioned historical phenomena from the perspective of Istria and Istrian historical sources, especially in the context of the immigration of Greek inhabitants who, being refugees from the Ottoman conquest, fled to the Istrian peninsula.




Ivan Armanda Miroslav Krleža Institute of Lexicography, Croatia,

Ivan Armanda was born in 1984 in Split. He graduated in 2009 from the Catholic Faculty of Theology in Zagreb where he completed his Licentiate with a specialization on the History of the Church in 2013. He has been employed at the Miroslav Krleža Institute of Lexicography since 2011 in the editorial office of the Croatian Biographical Lexicon. He is a member of the Society for the History of the Zagreb Archdiocese "Tkalcic", and a member of its managing board since 2016. He has participated in domestic and international conferences and is the author of a number of popular and academic articles on the topic of Church History. He is the author of the following books: Istaknuti hrvatski dominikanci, in two volumes (1 Zagreb 2012, 2 Dubrovnik, 2016), Dominikanke u Šibeniku. Povijest samostana Gospe od Ružarija (1865 - 2015) (Šibenik 2015) and Nadbiskup Stepinac i franjevci konventualci (Zagreb 2018).


Vincent Arrigoni, Dominican Friar from Italy, doctor of theology and inquisitor in Verona, was appointed bishop in Šibenik in 1599. He worked on the moral, cultural, and intellectual renewal of the diocese in the spirit of Tridentine Renewal. He held seven synods dedicated to the discipline of monks and clergy, and to the education of the clergy. In 1603 Arrigoni founded a diocesan seminary and entrusted his administration to his close associate Ivan Tomic Mrnavić, and in 1604 he brought the Dominican friar Reginalda from Bologna to teach theology in the seminary. In 1618 he introduced a mandatory three-year education for glagolithic priests. In 1602 he ordered priests to catechize children during holidays in order for the impoverished to receive a better education on religious teachings, and in 1623 he encouraged urban teachers to teach Christian doctrine instead of profane, and to give children instructions in grammar. The education of children was particularly important because he was aware that both the state and the Church would benefit from it, and he emphasized this in the synods which he held. He ordered the organ in the cathedral to be renewed and for a wooden, carved pulpit to be constructed. He built the altar of St. Vincent Ferrer in the Dominican church in Šibenik. In 1612 he opened an orphanage for children born out of wedlock. During his bishopric, two Apostolic Visits were conducted in the diocese of Šibenik. Their records, the records of the Arrigoni pastoral visits, his reports to the Holy See, other documents from the Archives of the Šibenik diocese and the reports of the Venetian authorities in Šibenik are the main sources of knowledge on Arrigoni's work in Šibenik. His bishopric is placed in the context of social and ecclesiastical events, analyzing his influence on the religious and cultural life of Šibenik, presenting his connections with prominent personalities in Dalmatia and Italy.



October 13th, 10:00-11:30 13. listopada, 10.00-11.30

Session moderators: Maria Mariola Glavan, Dariusz Rott Voditelji sesije: Maria Mariola Glavan, Dariusz Rott



Violeta Moretti Juraj Dobrila University, Pula, Croatia,

Violeta Moretti was born in Pula, Croatia, in 1977. She completed her undergraduate degree in Croatian language and literature, History, and Latin language and Roman literature. She was a proof reader and subeditor (2001 - 2006), and later a research assistant at the Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Croatia (2007 - 2014). She completed her doctoral studies at the University of Zagreb at the Faculty of Philosophy. She is currently an assistant professor at Juraj Dobrila University in Pula. Her interests include classical philology and linguistics. She is the author of various scholarly papers published both at home and abroad, and the co-author of a book. She is fluent in Croatian, English, Italian and Latin.


Latin and vernacular bilingualism or multilingualism has been referred to for decades by Croatian scholars mainly in the context of preserving Croatian national identity in the realms of the Hungarian-Croatian Kingdom and the Austrian Habsburg Monarchy, and on the other hand, in the context of transfer of style and motives from models in Latin literature. The question remains of whether or not this was really the case with Paulus Ritter Vitezović (1652 - 1713), who worked and wrote before the question of nations and languages arose in the cultural climate of a national romanticism (he himself being the creator of the proto-national set of ideas for the Croatian nation). This paper aims to show how Vitezović's Latin-Croatian bilingual writings may be viewed from the perspective of recent sociolinguistic theories on bilingualism, through a case study of his Croatian verse poetry from his collection Otia metrica (manuscript R 3461 in the National and University Library in Zagreb). While we shall only be dealing with several examples of his Croatian commemorative poems – two verse epistles, one love poem, and one epigram – even such scarce material can be used to address certain important points in the Latin-vernacular relationship that have so far been neglected.




Ana Mihaljević Juraj Dobrila University, Pula, Croatia,

Ana Mihaljević is a teaching assistant for the Department of Classical Philology at the Faculty of Humanities at the Juraj Dobrila University in Pula. She has a master’s degree in the Latin language and Roman literature and the Croatian language and literature. She is a doctoral student of linguistics at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb. The title of her doctoral thesis is The Syntax of Croatian Glagolithic Texts Translated from Latin. She has authored papers on the linguistic contact of Croatian and Latin and the influence of Latin on Croatian. Her scientific interests range from the metrical and stylistic features of Latin poetry (Ovid) and Neo-Latin topics to syntactic analysis (Latin syntax, Croatian Church Slavonic syntax, Croatian syntax, and the contrastive analysis of the three languages), theory of translation and translational influence of Latin on Croatian and Old Church Slavonic, and languages in contact.


This paper analyses Italian and Latin influence in dictionaries with a Latin and Croatian column from the early modern period, i.e. dictionaries which give Latin and Croatian equivalents. The analysis takes into consideration dictionaries dating from the first lexicographic works in which Latin and Croatian equivalents appear up to the dictionary Thesaurus linguae Illyricae, in which Croatian is the source language and Italian and Latin are target languages. The corpus of dictionaries analysed in this paper consists of Sigismund Gelenius’ Lexicon symphonum quo quator linguarum Europae ...concordia ...indicatur (1537 - Basel), Bartul Đurđević’s dictonary, which is a supplement of the work De aflictione tam captivorum quam etiam sub Turcae tributo viventium christianorum (1544 - Anvers), dictionaries compiled by Juraj Dalmatin Biblia, tu ie, Vse Svetu Pismu, Stariga inu Noviga Testamenta, slovenski, tolmazhena.... (1578 - Ljubljana), Hieronymus Megiser’s Dictionarium quatuor linguarum, videlicet Germanicae, Latinae, Illyricae (quae vulgo Sclavonica appelatur) et Italicae seu Hetruscae (1592 - Graz), Faust Vrančić’s Dictionarium quinque nobilissimarum Europae linguarum, Latinae, Italicae, Germanicae, Dalmaticae et Ungaricae (1595 - Venice), which is considered to be the first Croatian dictionary, lexicographic works by Bartol Kašić, the dictionary by Petar Loderecker Dictionarium septem nobilissimarum Europae linguarum, videlicet Latine, Italice, Dalmatice, Bohemice, Polonice, Germanice et Ungarice (1605 - Prague) as well as Mikalja's Thesaurus linguae Illyricae (1649 – 1651 - Loretto – Ancona).

In compiling a dictionary of a non-standard language, as Croatian was at the time, it was necessary for the author to form new words. Word-formation was sometimes the only way to fill in the empty places in the Croatian column of a dictionary. The authors sometimes filled these empty places through loan translation (semantic loans) or by adopting loan words, mostly from Latin and Italian. This analysis will focus on this influence, which sometimes reflects cultural interconnection and mirrors conceptual bonds.



Petra Šoštarić University of Zagerb, Croatia,

Petra Šoštarić, born in 1983 in Brežice, Slovenia, completed her doctoral degree at the University of Zagreb in 2015. Her thesis, Types of Homeric formulae in the Latin translation of the Iliad by Rajmund Kunić, focused on two 18th century translations of Homer into Latin by Jesuit poets. She was awarded a scholarship by the Austrian Academy of Sciences to spend the summer months of 2017 at the University of Innsbruck where she studied Neo-Latin didactic poetry written by Brazil-based Jesuits in 18th century, namely the so-called „Brazilian Georgics.“

She is a member of following learned societies: Renaissance Society of America, Croatian Classicist Association, and Association internationale des études homériques. She is fluent in English, Modern Greek and Spanish.


Bernard Zamanja’s two-book didactic poem Echo, published in 1764, is a description of various natural and astronomical occurrences. This talks aims to set the poem in the context of 18th century didactic poetry, with a special focus on Jesuit literary output, including the opus of Zamanja’s contemporaries and confrères Ruđer Bošković, Rajmund Kunić and Benedikt Stay. Structure and classical influences will also be discussed.



Luciana Boban and Jelena Jurčić University of Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina,,

Luciana Boban (née Bilić) was born on June 10th, 1983 in Mostar. In 2006 she completed her undergraduate degree in Latin and Croatian. During her studies she was rewarded twice with the Chancellor's award for best student (2003/2004 and 2004/2005). In autumn of 2006 she enrolled in the postgraduate study program Languages and Cultures in Contact, which she completed on December 17th, 2010, defending her doctoral thesis entitled Syntaxis linguae Latinae fra Stjepan Marijanović. She has been the chair of the Department of Latin Language and Roman Literature since 2015. She is the author of a book entitled Latin Grammars and Bosnian and Herzegovinian Franciscans.

Jelena Jurčić (née Ostojic) was born on October 7th, 1987 in Mostar. She graduated from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Studies of the University of Mostar in 2010 and completed a master's degree in English Language and Literature and Latin Language and Roman Literature. During her studies she won the Chancellor's Award twice (in 2006 and in 2010). From 2010 to 2011 she worked as an English and Latin professor at the International Private Grammar School in Mostar. She has been working as an assistant at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Studies of the University of Mostar since October 2011, where she has enrolled in the Postgraduate Study program Languages and Cultures in Contact. She has been working as a secretary for Mostariensia: A Journal for Social Sciences and Humanities, published by the University of Mostar, since October 2014.


Friar Martin Mikulić wrote three works in Latin: Rhetorica ad annum accommodata diligentia P. Martini Mikulić magistri novitiorum in Conventu Široki-brig 1867., Schematismus almae Custodiae provincialis Sanctissimae assumptionis B. M. V. in Hercegovina fratrum minorum observantium S. Francisci ad annum Christi MDCCCLXXXII. and Schematismus almae missionariae Provinciae Ordinis minorum S. P. Francisci in Hercegovina ad annum Christi MCMIII (Mandetrii, typis typographiae Societatis croatae, 1903.) The Rhetoric was written at the beginning of his teaching activity, and its manuscript is kept in the Franciscan Archive in Humac, near Ljubuški, Bosnia and Herzegovina, under the signature 62/4. His Rhetoric was based on the famous book De arte rhetorica by Dominique de Colonia.

As a Latin expert, he was ask to write two schematics of the Herzegovinian custody / province and thus describe all geographical, demographic and religious determinants of that area. While they share almost the same title and the same author, these two schematics are two completely different works that show the uniqueness of their author.

Many authors who have already written about Fr. Martin Mikulić call him one of the best writers in Latin from Herzegovina. As Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Latinism is not a defined term, every study of latinists from Bosnia and Herzegovina contributes to a clear definition of the quality, duration, and genre of this insufficiently researched Latinism. The aim of this paper is to show Friar Martin's style and examine the linguistic-stylistic methods he uses to realize it.



Tamara Tvrtković Hrvatski studiji Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Hrvatska,

Tamara Tvrtković, izvanredna je profesorica na Odsjeku za hrvatski latinitet na Hrvatskim studijima Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zagrebu diplomirala je klasičnu filologiju (1994.), magistrirala (2000.), a zatim i doktorirala (2006.). Predavala je latinski i grčki jezik na osnovnoj školi i u Klasičnoj gimnaziji u Zagrebu, a od 1999. do 2013. bila je zaposlena u Hrvatskom institutu za povijest, gdje je bila i voditeljica Odjela za latinističku historiografiju i voditeljica projekta MZOS-a „Civilna Hrvatska ranog novovjekovlja: društveno-kulturno-politički odnosi“. Trenutno je suradnica na istraživačkom projektu HRZZ-a „Tekstualne mreže ranonovovjekovne Hrvatske”.

Autorica je monografije „Između znanosti i bajke – Ivan Tomko Mrnavić“, „Životopis Petra Berislavića“, urednica je i jedan od priređivača knjiga Zapisnik Franjevačkog samostana u Našicama, knjiga I. 1739.-1787. (2010), knjiga II. 1788.-1820. (2012) i knjiga III. 1821.-1842. (2018), koautorica je sveučilišnog udžbenika „Latinitas iuridica – Latinski za pravnike“ te autorica niza znanstvenih članaka i prijevoda.

Dobitnica je godišnje državne nagrade za znanost u području humanističkih znanosti (2009). Područja njezina znanstvenog interesa su hrvatska latinistička historiografija, latinistička književnost i žanrovi 17. i 18. stoljeća, stilistika.


U djelima pojedinih hrvatskih latinista pojavljuju se opisi istočne jadranske obale i gradova koji se na njoj nalaze. U izlaganju će se analizirati opisi u djelima Jurja Šižgorića De situ Illyriae et civitate Sibenici, Vinka Pribojevića De origine successibusque Slavorum i Ivana Tomka Mrnavića De Illyrico caesaribusque Illyricis i odredit će se koja je njihova funkcija unutar historiografskog diskursa. Bit će navedeni i gradovi koje autori spominju te će se usporediti njihovi (p)opisi u navedenim djelima. U središtu opisa uvijek je locus amoenus – rodno mjesto svakog od autora i polazište za opis obale. Utvrdit će se i postoji li obrazac po kojem su opisi sastavljeni i mogu li se žanrovski uvrstiti među periegeze kakve poznajemo iz antike. Na kraju će prozni, historiografski opisi biti uspoređeni i s opisom dijela jadranske obale u jednom pjesničkom djelu autora iz 17. st. Kajetana Vičića, rodom iz Rijeke, koji je u svojem epu Iesseis detaljno opisao Kvarnerski zaljev i mjesta koja se u njemu nalaze.



October 13th, 11:45-13:15 13. listopada, 11.45-13.15

Session moderators: Luisa Secchi Tarugi, Drago Župarić, Voditelji sesije: Luisa Secchi Tarugi, Drago Župarić



Annamária Molnár University of Szeged, Hungary,

Annamária Molnár has been an assistant researcher at MTA-SZTE Antiquity and Renaissance: Sources and Reception Research Group since 2017. She has been teaching courses in the Italian and Latin languages at the University of Szeged since 2015. Her field of research is Giovanni Boccaccio, mainly his Latin prosaic works, De mulieribus claris and Genealogia deorum gentilium.


Giovanni Boccaccio, as a precursor of Humanism composing his Latin prosaic works De mulieribus claris and Genealogia deorum gentilium at the dawn of the Renaissance, had to face the different and contradictory traditions of Ancient and Medieval literature. How could he synthesize these ambivalent sources and choose from them? Are his choices always consistent? My lecture proposes to present the most problematic questions which the philologist Boccaccio had to face, particularly his concept of the goddesses of Greco-Latin mythology, because in this case the preference of tradition is not the only point of view. For this reason researchers must compare the various descriptions of goddesses appearing in different sorts of Boccaccio's works, for their descriptions change as the conception of the given work demands; thus, significant differences on the topic can be traced among the written versions.




István Dávid Lázár Università di Szeged, Ungheria,

Professore associato di seconda fascia presso il Dipartimento di Filologia Classica e Studi Neolatini dell’Università degli Studi di Szeged. Vicepresidente della Società Neolatina Ungherese - Hungaria Latina -, membro dei comitati redazionali di varie riviste scientifiche e di diverse collane editoriali. Il suo principale campo di ricerca è la letteratura del primo Rinascimento, con particolare attenzione alla filosofia morale di Francesco Petrarca. Ha pubblicato numerosi studi e saggi ed ha tradotto in ungherese due opere petrarchesche, il Secretum e il De sui ipsius multorumque ignorantia. Si occupa inoltre dell’Umanesimo ungherese all’epoca di Mattia Corvino, dello studio dell’attività della Compagnia di Gesù nell’Ungheria della seconda metà del secolo XVI, e soprattutto della letteratura d’invettiva del tempo. Pubblica regolarmente sin dal 1988, e i risultati delle sue ricerche sono presentati ai convegni nazionali ed internazionali nonché pubblicati sulle riviste ungheresi e straniere, e in vari volumi tematici.


Appena nominato, il nuovo vescovo della diocesi di Győr, György Draskovich, aveva convocato il sinodo per l’estate dell’anno 1579, nella città di Szombathely. Nel primo giorno del sinodo, su invito del nuovo vescovo, il gesuita croato Marcus Pitačić pronunciò un discorso che trattava dei criteri per divenire prete, della morale che la comunità esigeva da parte del clero e dell’istituzione del celibato, attaccando e confutando le relative dottrine dei protestanti. La reazione al discorso di Pitačić da parte dei protestanti non arrivò subito ma si fece aspettare per un decennio e mezzo. Nel 1585 uscì il libro di Péter Beregszászi, Apologia pro ecclesiis reformatis, actis impiis Synodi Sabariensis opposita, che contiene sia l’Oratio di Pitačić sia la risposta di Beregszászi, in cui egli smentisce punto per punto le asserzioni del gesuita. Il fatto che, due anni dopo, venne pubblicato a Basel il volume De controversiis religionis hoc seculo motis adversaria quaedam scripta, in quibus utriusque partis dissidentium argumenta, ad Scripturae divinae canonem explorantur et Iesuitis potissimum respondetur, mostra l’importanza dei due testi dell’Apologia che, assieme ad alcuni libelli apparsi negli anni ’80, viene interamente riproposta nel detto volume.

Nel mio intervento, a seguito della breve presentazione riassuntiva della vita di Pitačić, voglio offrire un quadro sintetico della sua controversia con Beregszászi, ricca di argomentazioni e di mezzi retorico-linguistici che servivano al predicatore protestante per rendere ridicoli i gesuiti e contestare l’autenticità delle parole del suo avversario.




Joanna Pietrzak-Thébault Università Cardinale Stefan Wyszyński di Varsavia, Polonia,,

A partire dal 2009 insegna al Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici dell’Università Cardinale Stefan Wyszyński di Varsavia e fa parte della cattedra di studi della lingua, cultura e letteratura italiana, creata nel 2015. Si dedica allo studio dell’editoria italiana del Cinquecento e della circolazione delle idee in quel periodo. È autrice di numerosi articoli (tra i più importanti: Lettere scritte una volta, molte volte lette. La fortuna degli epistolari nell'Italia del Cinquecento, in Pio II nell'epistolografia del rinascimento, red. L. Secchi-Tarugi, Firenze 2015; La presenza del libro italiano a Lione nel Rinascimento. Un caso particolare dell’italianismo francese, in L'Italia e la cultura europea, red. A. Klimkiewicz et al., Firenze 2015). Ha pubblicato di recente (in polacco) una raccolta di saggi Una gatta che caccia le parole. Immagini, funzioni, evoluzioni del libro italiano nel Cinquecento (Cracovia 2018). Si occupa inoltre delle edizioni e delle traduzioni delle opere dei romantici polacchi scritte in lingua francese (ed. Mickiewicz 2013, ed. Krasiński 2017).


L’analisi delle fonti filosofiche utilizzate in Polonia durante il lungo periodo tra l’ultimo Trecento (il momento della fondazione dell’Accademia di Cracovia) e il primo Seicento (il periodo dell’estensione delle correnti eterodosse) rivela una forte presenza di testi venuti da fuori, soprattutto dall’Italia. Inserite nel cursus dell’insegnamento aristotelico all’Accademia di Cracovia vengono collegate in un modo unico e particolare alle correnti umanistiche. L’insegnamento realizzato all’Accademia di Zamość, anche se priva di una cattedra di teologia, sarà importante per la vita del Paese in quanto rappresenta un contro-peso alle ambizioni gesuite. Nel Nord invece un ruolo importante all’insegnamento della filosofia e della critica del testo veniva affidato ai collegi di stampo protestante. Si deve accennare anche all’originale Accademia Soziniana e a una forte attività di traduzione che contribuisce alla circolazione delle idee umanistiche e sbocca su una traduzione aristotelica nei primi del Seicento. Tutti questi scritti, ma anche la storia delle istituzioni della Polonia rinascimentale, permettono di rintracciare alcune caratteristiche comuni: la coesistenza del ‘moderno’ e dell’‘antico’, un costante interesse ‘cittadino’ e politico, un dibattito filosofico vero e proprio presente ma ‘nascosto’ nonché i diversi modi di pensare e di scrivere nei centri della vita intellettuale, per lo più geograficamente distanti delle capitali del vasto paese.



Gianluca Masi Università di Firenze, Italia,

Gianluca Masi ha conseguito il Dottorato di Ricerca in Filologia Greca e Latina (Università di Firenze) e in Storia Moderna (Università Babeş Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca, e Ca’ Foscari, Venezia).

Si segnalano alcuni suoi articoli sulla storia della Dalmazia: La relazione di viaggio dall’Egitto di Pellegrino Brocardo, pittore ligure, in Actas del VII Congreso

Cultura Europea (Pamplona 23-26 octubre 2002). Cairo (24 agosto 1556), la carovana diretta alla Mecca e il “Mahmal” nel reportage di Pellegrino

Brocardo…, in «Quaderni della Casa Romena di Venezia», III (2004). Un dono di Michelangelo a Vittoria Colonna, in Mecenati, artisti e pubblico nel Rinascimento. Atti

del XXI Convegno Internazionale (Pienza-Chianciano, 20-23 luglio 2009), a cura di L. Secchi Tarugi, Firenze 2011.

Scoccibucca (Skočibuha) and Faccenda (Fačenda), Two Families of Shipowners and Merchants in Ragusa (Dubrovnik) between 16th and 17th Century, in L’Italia e la frontiera orientale dell’Europa, 1204-1669. Atti del Convegno Internazionale (Roma, 25-27 novembre 2010), a cura di J.M. Damian et al., Peter Lang ed. 2012.

The Maritime Trade from Ragusa (Dubrovnik) between 16th and 17th Century, in Studies in Turkish Maritime History - Seapower, Technology and Trade, by Dejanirah Couto, Feza Günergun, Maria Pia Pedani, Istanbul, Piri Reis Univ. Publ., 2014.


Verranno analizzati alcuni documenti inediti dell’Archivio di Stato di Firenze relativi ai rapporti fra Firenze e la costa dalmata all’epoca del Granducato di Toscana.



Martina Damiani Università Juraj Dobrila di Pola, Croazia,

Martina Damiani è docente presso il Dipartimento di Italianistica della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia dell’Università Juraj Dobrila di Pola. Nel 2014 ha conseguito il dottorato di ricerca presso la Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia dell’Università di Zagabria, con una tesi sulla rappresentazione femminile nell’opera di Pietro Aretino. I suoi studi sono incentrati sulla letteratura del Rinascimento e sulla letteratura italiana diffusa in Istria tra Ottocento e Novecento. Ha partecipato a più di venti convegni internazionali e pubblicato numerosi saggi in Atti e riviste. È coautrice del libro I contenuti letterari nei periodici italiani dell'Istria (1846-1918), uscito a Pola nel 2017.


L’intervento si propone di approfondire la centralità di Venezia in alcuni scambi epistolari del primo Cinquecento partendo dal contributo dell’editore e tipografo Paolo Manuzio nel raccogliere e pubblicare le Lettere volgari di diversi nobilissimi huomini et eccellentissimi ingegni (1542). Manuzio inserisce in quest’antologia alcune lettere scritte da Pietro Aretino e altre indirizzate a quest’ultimo che si trasferisce a Venezia nel 1527, dopo aver quasi perso la vita in un attentato a Roma. Una volta ottenuta la protezione della Serenissima ne promuove la potenza nelle sue opere e in particolare nei sei libri di Lettere che escono dal 1538 al 1557. Roma e Venezia diventano per il letterato posti simbolici in cui identifica nella prima la sede della corruzione e della violenza, mentre della seconda elogia la pace, la florida cultura e l’agiatezza. Sostiene la politica veneziana spedendo lettere ai più importanti personaggi del periodo, tra cui vari ambasciatori, duchi, marchesi, cardinali, papi e tra i suoi corrispondenti troviamo addirittura l’imperatore Carlo V e il re di Francia Francesco I. Considerando la fitta rete di contatti e il tentativo di intrattenere rapporti diplomatici con diverse nazioni appare importante analizzare la funzione che assume Venezia nell’epistolario aretinano in relazione alle lettere di altri scrittori rinascimentali.



October 13th, 15:00-16:30 13. listopada, 15.00-16.30

Session moderators: Violeta Moretti, Luka Špoljarić Voditelji sesije: Violeta Moretti, Luka Špoljarić



Drago Župarić Univerzitet u Sarajevu, Bosna i Hercegovina,

Rođen je 1964. god. u mjestu Vidovice (Posavska županija), Bosna i Hercegovina, gdje je završio osnovnu školu, a klasičnu gimnaziju u Dubrovniku. Teologiju je završio na VVTŠ u Sarajevu. Magisterij iz teologije završio je na Papinskom sveučilištu Gregoriana u Rimu. Od 1998. - 2002. god. studirao je klasičnu filologiju u Zadru i diplomirao 2003. god.

Doktorirao je na KBF-u Sveučilišta u Zagrebu 2009. god. s temom Teološka poruka u dijalozima Knjige o Tobiji, iz znanstvenog područja humanističkih znanosti, znanstvenog polja teologije, znanstvene grane dogmatske teologije.

Od 1996. - 2008. god. (s prekidima) predavao je u katoličkim školskim centrima u Sarajevu i Travniku predmete: Povijest religija, Latinski jezik i Grčki jezik.

Od 2003. god. djeluje na Filozofskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Sarajevu, najprije kao vanjski suradnik, a sada u zvanju izvanrednog profesora na Katedri za latinski jezik i rimsku književnost, na Odsjeku za romanistiku.

Objavio je nekoliko članaka, poglavito u časopisu za teološka i međureligijska pitanja Vrhbosnensia, KBF-a u Sarajevu. Bio je, ili aktivno sudjelovao, na nekoliko simpozija, znanstvenih skupova i kolokvija u zemlji i inozemstvu.

Od 1996. god. do danas predavač je i na KBF u Sarajevu, gdje predaje Duhovno bogoslovlje i Latinski jezik. Izdao je dvije knjige: Teološka poruka u dijalozima Knjige o Tobiji (2009.) i Kršćanski latinisti (2016.).


Članak obrađuje neke značajke jezika od 12. – 15. st., kao i osobitosti u leksiku, morfologiji, sintaksi, i sl., što bi trebalo doprinijeti boljem uvidu u jezik i stil ugovorā napisanih za pojedinu priliku kao i razumijevanju trgovačkih odnosa Dubrovnika s okolnim susjedima. Rad sagledava trgovačke ugovore, i one privatnopravne, notarskih i kancelarijskih knjiga u srednjovjekovnom Dubrovniku.

Izvor za ovaj rad je građa iz serije Dubrovačkog arhiva, kao npr.: ugovori o kreditnom zaduživanju (Debita Notariae), zapisi državne kancelarije (Diversa Cancellariae), razne isprave notarije (Diversa Notariae), itd. Sadržaji ugovora su veoma različiti: kupovina olova, prijevoz robe (olova, platna, soli), posluživanje, majstori i šegrti, zidari, poljodjelci i stočari, podstrigači sukna, poslovni ljudi, itd. Budući da je Dubrovnik bio veoma privlačan za poslovne ljude, trgovačka razmjena Dubrovčana zasnivala se na uvozu i izvozu. Tako su brojni ugovori Dubrovčana s Vlasima koji prevoze sol iz Dubrovnika u bosanska mjesta (npr. Borač, Prača, Foča, Goražde).



Gregor Pobežin ZRC SAZU & University of Primorska, Slovenia,;

Gregor Pobežin is a researcher at the Research Center of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts and a professor at the University of Primorska. His main fields of interest include Greek and Roman historiography, medieval and Neo-Latin epigraphy and humanist authors from northern Istria.


Pier Paolo Vergerio (the Younger) wrote his two Treatises of the Papal Secretary (Duae actiones secretarii pontificii) as a fictional debate, intended for Pope Paul IV. The satirical texts, to which Vergerio subsequently added a third, are not essential reading, yet they do create the impression of a serious debate. The second of the two texts addresses implicitly nationalistic viewpoints, to which Vergerio – a former papal nuncio to Ferdinand’s court – could be no stranger, yet he could not have developed any intimate inclination towards them as a humanist of the universalist type. This paper will address both Vergerio’s debates and their hinted-at nationalist observations.



Dariusz Rott University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland,

Professor Dariusz Rott graduated from the University of Silesia in Katowice (Poland, 1989) and the Derzhavin Institute in St. Petersburg (Russia, 2016). He studied Polish philology and the Russian language. In 2008 he was nominated Best Professor of Humanities by the President of the Republic of Poland. He is currently an associate professor at the University of Silesia in Katowice (Institute of Polish Literature). In 2010 - 2015 he was a visiting professor at the University of Saints Cyril and Methodius in Trnava (Slovakia). He is a member of several scholarly societies (e.g. Polish Academy of Arts and Science Commission on the Evaluation of Textbooks and Polish Communication Association). He is also head of the Collegium of Regional Research Institute in Katowice. He is a historian of Old Polish literature, an educator, an editor of Polish literature, and an academic teacher. He is the author and publisher, among others, of: Staropolskie chorografie. Początki – rozwój - przemiany gatunku (Katowice 1995), Bracia czescy w dawnej Polsce. Działalność literacka – teksty – recepcja (Katowice 2002), Piotr Wachenius, Utwory zebrane (Warszawa 2011).


Around 1490 there was a development of humanist interests in geography in Cracow, as well as in the works of Claudius Ptolemaeus (circa 100-147) and other ancient geographers. The stay of the renowned German humanist, Conradus Celtis, in Cracow (1446-1495) most likely contributed to this shift. Laurentius Corvinus (circa 1465–1527), Silesian humanist and Neo-Latin poet, who from 1484 - 1494 studied and then lectured in Cracow as docens extraneus non de facultate, belonged to Celtis’ circle. Also here, as a result of the geography lectures of the author, the textbook entitled Cosmographia dans manuductionem in tabulas Ptolemai was published in Basel in 1496. Corvinus’ work played an important role in developing geographical knowledge among the humanists of Cracow. It also influenced humanist circles in Basel, Nuremberg and Tubingen.



Gábor Petneházi University of Szeged, Hungary,

Gabor Petnehazi is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Szeged Department of Classical and Neo-Latin Philology. He completed his dissertation in 2013 which dealt with the life and political publications of Farkas Kovacsóczy, chancellor of Transylvania from 1578 - 1594. In 2011 and 2012 he edited and published two volumes from the Colloquies of Erasmus in Hungarian. He worked as postdoctoral fellow at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Literary Studies (Budapest) from 2013 - 2015. His scholarly interests include 16th century politics and historiography, the Neo-Latin literature of the period, and the dynamic between early modern popular and elite culture. He is currently working on a new project dealing with popular legends and public opinion in 16th century historiography, and especially in the Commentarii of Ferenc Forgách written in the 1570s (first publ. 1788). He has also translated a new volume of the political writings of Erasmus, which is also being published.


The Croatian Ban and Hungarian nobleman Miklós Zrínyi / Nikola Zrinski (1508 - 1566), who defended the fortress of Sziget against the Ottoman army led by Suleyman the Great until a last desperate sortie in which the whole garrison perished, is a national hero of both the Croatian and Hungarian pantheon. His story was subject of many literary and artistic works, from his great-grandson Miklós Zrínyi's (1620 - 1664) epic poem up to the romantic dramas of August Werthes (1790) or Theodor Körner (1812). The mythologisation of the story had already begun by 1587 when Zrínyi's son-in-law, Imre Forgách, published a well decorated volume in Wittenberg, collecting Latin poems and histories about his father-in-law which were censored: omitting e.g. from the excerpt of his brother, Ferenc Forgách's (1535 - 1577) Commentarii Zrínyi's negative characterization and adding to it purely fictional moments such as the story of the "amazon" of Sziget or the heroic last speech of the Ban. One less heroic particularity, however, escaped his attention: in the Historia Sigethi of Samuel Budina (1st ed. 1568) also published in this volume, Zrínyi exhorts his soldiers with these words just before his death: "Let out from here soldiers, let us show our middle finger to the enemy and die valiantly." Giving the middle finger held the same meaning that it does today, at least in Latin. But how was the sentence translated to the other languages into which Budina's Historia was published (Italian and German), or was it translated at all? Did it appear in Budina's Croatian source, Ferenac Crnko's Povijest Segeta grada? What is the possibility that it had really happened? And finally: was it really a less heroic gesture, or could it have a reasonable purpose an epic sense?



Dawid Barbarzak Adam Mickiewic University in Poznań, Poland,

Doctoral candidate at the Faculty of Polish and Classical Philology of the Adam Mickiewicz University (AMU) in Poznań. Born in 1988, a graduate of Mediterranean Studies and Ethnology. Completed a postgraduate degree in Didactics of the Spanish Language (PCML College in Poznań). His master’s thesis was devoted to the role of Christian relics and legends in Old Polish travel diaries from Spain. He has written several articles about the reception of ancient culture in Spain (corrida, Hercules in founding myths) and the history of food in travel. He works with tourists and visitors daily at the Porta Posnania – Interactive History Centre of Cathedral Island in Poznań, at the place where the Polish state and Christianity were formed, near the former Collegium Lubranscianum, the first Polish Renaissance school. His current interests and work on his doctoral dissertation (under the supervision of prof. Piotr Bering) are focused on the role of culinary experiences in Old Polish travel diaries from Italy and Spain. An enthusiast of the Mediterranean region and its cuisine.


The interest of Italian humanists and their discoveries of ancient texts caused a great change in renaissance philosophy and customs. Printed editions of such works as Lucretius’ De rerum natura strongly influenced the renewal of the Epicurean category of pleasure (voluptas) and the edition of Apicius’ De re coquinaria created a new approach to eating. Many Italian humanists began to comment on the body’s needs and stress their importance. We can find these ideas in works of Lorenzo Valla (De voluptate, 1431), Marsilio Ficino (De voluptate, 1457) or Bartolomeo Platina, who was also a cook (De honesta voluptate et valetudine, ca. 1465 - 1468).

Similar ideas also appear in 16th century Polish literature in the works of Mikołaj Rej (Wizerunek własny, 1558, inspired by Palingenius’ Zodiacus vitae), Łukasz Górnicki (Dworzanin polski, 1566, inspired by Baldassare Castiglione’s Il corteggiano) and Filippo Buonaccorsi “Kallimach” (Quaestio de peccato to G. Pico della Mirandola). Both Italian and Polish humanists began setting up gourmet associations. The table was the place of humanistic debates as it had once been at the Greek symposium. Wine and food could also serve as remedy for the transience of life (vanitas), according to the tradition of Horace’s poetry, which can clearly be seen in the Foricoenia of Jan Kochanowski (1584), written in part during his studies in Italy. Nevertheless, there was confusion of understanding between the real Epicurean pleasure (spiritual and moderated) and its stereotypical version with its hedonistic and immoderate voracity. Furthermore, the renaissance cooks and philosophers had to reconcile voluptas with medical beliefs (such as the theory of four humours), with other currents of philosophy (as stoicism), and, most importantly, with Christian doctrine. While the pleasure of food was known by both Catholics and Protestants, they attempted to exploit this topic in religious conflicts, showing their different approach to eating or presenting their adversaries as drunks and gluttons.

There are studies about renaissance cuisine (DeWitt 2007; Quellier 2013; Schino, Luccichenti 2007) and about pleasure in Renaissance philosophy (Reale 1999; Greenbalt 2012; Krokiewicz 1961). This paper presents how the category of Epicurean voluptas influenced the Renaissance philosophy of eating or feasting from the point of view of Renaissance literature. It is a comparative study between the Italian and Polish sources mentioned above.






Lászlo Szörényi (University of Szeged, Hungary)

Éva Vígh (University of Szeged, Hungary)

Zvonimir Milanović (Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Croatia)



Klara Buršić-Matijašić Università Juraj Dobrila di Pola, Croazia,

Klara Buršić-Matijašić è professoressa ordinaria presso il Dipartimento di Storia dell’Università Juraj Dobrila di Pola, dove insegna dal 2001. Dal 1981 al 2001 ha lavorato al Museo Archeologico dell’Istria di Pola. Nel 1981 si è laureata in Archeologia e Lingua Italiana alla Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia dell’Università di Zagabria, presso lo stesso Ateneo ha conseguito il Master nel 1997 e nel 2001 il Dottorato di Ricerca in Archeologia. Si occupa principalmente dello studio dell’Istria nell’Età del Bronzo con particolare accento alla cultura dell’insediamento. Nel suo lavoro in ambito accademico usa soprattutto metodi archeologici non invasivi, approfondendoli mediante ricerche interdisciplinari (linguistiche). Dirige un progetto di ricerca finanziato dalla Fondazione Croata per la Scienza. Ha pubblicato tre libri, di cui uno è coautrice, un manuale universitario e più di 44 saggi scientifici. Dal 2007 è titolare della Cattedra di Storia Antica, mentre dal 2009 al 2013 ha svolto il ruolo di direttrice del Dipartimento di Storia. Dal 2015 ricopre la funzione di Preside della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia. Nel 2010 ha dato nuovamente avvio alla rivista «Tabula» di cui è stata caporedattrice per sette anni.


La Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia dell'Università di Pola ha portato a termine un progetto scientifico nel campo dell'archeologia che è stato finanziato dalla Fondazione scientifica croata per un periodo di 4 anni: “La trasformazione romana e il riutilizzo degli insediamenti preistorici in Istria – analisi e casi di studio", responsabile del progetto prof. Klara Buršić-Matijašić.

In questo progetto pluriennale è stata analizzata la località di Monte Ricco, nei pressi di Vrsar, dove i resti di un insediamento preistorico e i resti di una cisterna romana erano noti già alla fine del XIX secolo.

Parte integrante del progetto è stato lo studio della topografia dell'area circostante, con lo scopo di contestualizzare il sito di Monte Ricco nell’ambito del paesaggio naturale e dell'insediamento umano dalla preistoria ai giorni nostri.

Attraverso una breve presentazione e la visita del sito sarà esposto l'obiettivo principale del progetto, che prevede l'identificazione dell’alterazione del paesaggio antropico con lo scopo di ottenere una nuova visione dell'organizzazione spaziale dell'insediamento e la relazione con l'ambiente.

Utilizzando un approccio interdisciplinare – studi del paesaggio, archeologia, topografia, GIS e archeologia – si è tentata un’innovativa interpretazione olistica delle dinamiche del paesaggio nel passato.

La ricerca colma il divario nella nostra comprensione dell'interazione tra uomo e paesaggio e la trasformazione umana dell'ambiente, con un'enfasi sulla fine della preistoria e sull'età romana.

Durante i quattro anni di ricerca sulla collina a 77 m sul livello del mare, fatta eccezione per i lavori sul perimetro della cisterna romana divisa in tre navate, dalle dimensioni di 16,50 x 7,10 m, sono stati aperti due saggi che ci hanno fornito reperti archeologici grazie ai quali è stato possibile datare la


prima popolazione della collina nella Prima età del bronzo. I ritrovamenti successivi hanno mostrato l'arrivo dei primi coloni romani nel I secolo a.C., quando una lussuosa villa rustica (affreschi) fu costruita sui resti del castelliere.

La collina fu abbandonata durante il I secolo d.C. Il sito è stato soggetto a devastazione naturale e umana con la rimozione di pietre e la costruzione di un serbatoio per l’acqua. Oltre al valore scientifico, il progetto è utile perché rafforza la consapevolezza del patrimonio storico dell'area di Vrsar e si prefigge di coinvolgere i residenti locali nella ricerca storico-archeologica. I risultati del progetto saranno utilizzati come database per la pianificazione territoriale.

Fotografija je ustupljena ljubaznošću prof. dr. sc. Klare Buršić-Matijašić / Photograph courtesy of prof. dr. sc. Klara Buršić-Matijašić




Armanda, Ivan 42

Barbarzak, Dawid 60

Boban, Luciana 47

Brkan, Seada 35

Bulić, Nada 34

Buršić-Matijašić, Klara 62

Čavić, Aldo 38

Damiani, Martina 54

Delbianco, Valnea 39

Fernandelli, Marco 26

Glavan, Maria Mariola 32

Joksimović, Milena 41

Jurčić, Jelena 47

Jurković, Ivan 19

Koryl, Jakub 24

Krauze, Julia 28

Lázár, István Dávid 51

Masi, Gianluca 53

Mastandrea, Paolo 18

Matan, Ante 36

Máté, Ágnes 22

Mihaljević, Ana 45

Milanović, Zvonimir 23

Molnár, Annamária 50

Moretti, Violeta 44

Nečas Hraste, Daniel 34

Paccagnella, Ivano 30

Petnehazi, Gabor 59

Pietrzak-Thébault, Joanna 52

Pobežin, Gregor 57

Rott, Dariusz 58

Secchi Tarugi, Luisa 27

Selmi, Elisabetta 29

Šoštarić, Petra 46

Špoljarić, Luka 40

Sroczyński, Aleksander 21

Tvrtković, Tamara 48

Vuković, Krešimir 33

Župarić, Drago 56
