March– April · It...


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March– April 2017

3 Adar—4 Iyar 5777 Vol. LXXVII—No. 3


Oneg sponsored by Susan & Stephen Medoff in memory of Joseph Adelman

and the life together of Joseph and Cecelia Adelman

SATURDAY, March 4 at 9:30am 6th grade class Shabbat Followed by a Kiddush

Sponsored by 6th grade class parents

FRIDAY EVENING SERVICE CBOI goes to Persia at 7:15pm

March 10 at 8:00pm Oneg sponsored by our Sisterhood

SATURDAY, March 11 at 9:30am Followed by a Kiddush sponsored by

Marc and Sherrie Hawthorne in memory of Sandra Hawthorne

Dr. Seuss Purim Dinner at 5:30 pm MEGILLAH READING 7:00pm

FRIDAY EVENING SERVICE Tot Shabbat at 5:30pm

March 17 at 8:00pm Oneg sponsored by our Sisterhood

SATURDAY, March 18 at 9:30am Followed by a Kiddush

Bar Mitzvah Harris Manuel Lichstein FRIDAY EVENING SERVICE

March 24 at 8:00pm Oneg sponsored by his parents,

Amy Lichstein & Japhet Martinez SATURDAY, March 25 at 9:30am

Followed by a Kiddush sponsored by his parents, Amy Lichstein and Japhet Martinez


Oneg sponsored by our Sisterhood SATURDAY, April 1 at 9:30am

Followed by a Kiddush


3rd, 4th, & 5th grade class Shabbat Oneg sponsored by class parents

SATURDAY, April 8 at 9:30am Followed by a Kiddush

(Continued on page 2)

Please contact the office if you wish to sponsor an

Oneg or Kiddush

Shabbat Service Schedule

Page 2 Congrega on Brothers of Israel

From the Rabbi Dear Friends,

Through the years, I have marveled at taking a group of young children to the sanctuary, taking a Torah out for them to explore. The wonder in their faces is clear. The joy of touching the Torah and knowing they are touching something important is evident and profound for them and for me as well. Those same young chil-dren begin asking questions about the Torah, about how it is written, how it is rolled and how I know where to find a particular section when there are no page numbers and no chapter headings. I have ex-perienced that same feeling with adults as well and the same joy and wonderment is present for adults and children alike.

On March 29th, we will have a Sofer or scribe with us for the day. He will be examining each of the 14 Sifrei Torah (Torah scrolls) that we have and will pro-vide us with a report which will guide us on how we will be able to restore, maintain and preserve our scrolls. This is the first step for a yearlong project to ensure that our Torah scrolls will remain in great con-dition for the next generation and beyond. More about our Torah Restoration project will be coming out later in the spring and late summer.

Just a bit of information that we have on the scrolls, we know that almost all of our scrolls are probably well over 100 years old. In addition, we are blessed to hold a scroll by the Algazi family that was brought to the United States from Cairo, Egypt and the Great Ibn Ezra synagogue. It has a story. Our Holocaust Scroll comes to us from a small town called Vladim in the Czech Republic. Preserved by the Westminster Synagogue Torah Scroll Memorial Soci-ety, it is a link to our past in Europe and helps us pre-serve a memory of a community which ceased to exist during the Holocaust.

Each of our scrolls have a story, a story of Jewish communities using that particular scroll to read from on Shabbat mornings and holidays. If our scrolls could speak, they would tell about the Bar Mitzvah boy or Bat Mitzvah girl who worked hard to reach that moment? They would tell us about the joyous moment a couple was called to celebrate their forth-coming wedding and for some in our congregation, that same scroll was there when they celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. Perhaps our scroll would tell us about the birthday blessing or the Gomel bless-ing for someone who had survived a life threatening illness or perhaps it would even share with us the love of an individual who was remembering the

Yahrzeit of a loved one. If our scrolls could tell their story, what would they share with us today?

We are blessed to have entered into a covenant with God and Israel, the Torah is the symbol of that intimate and emotionally charged connection. The Torah contains the basis for our ethical and ritual sys-tem. It teaches us how to live our daily lives as good and menschlich people who seek to make our world better for everyone.

As more information is learned about our scrolls and as the Torah Restoration project will get started, we hope that every family and every individual in our community will get involved. As the Sofer said to the steering committee – the more we touch Torah, the more the Torah will touch us.


Rabbi Aaron Gaber

PASSOVER SERVICES MONDAY, April 10th at 7:30 am

Service of the First Born

Last Chance to Sell Chometz

TUESDAY, APRIL 11 at 9:30am Morning Minyan for 1st day

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12 at 9:30am Morning Minyan for 2nd day


SATURDAY, April 15 at 9:30am Followed by a Kiddush

MONDAY, APRIL 17 at 9:30 am Morning Minyan for 7th day

TUESDAY, APRIL 18 at 9:30 am Morning Minyan for 8th day Yizkor Service at 10:30 am

FRIDAY EVENING SERVICE Tot Shabbat at 5:30 pm

April 21 at 8:00pm Oneg sponsored by our Sisterhood SATURDAY, April 22 at 9:30am

Followed by a Kiddush


April 28 at 8:00pm Oneg sponsored by his parents, Melissa and Howard

Victor SATURDAY, April 29 at 9:30am

Followed by a Kiddush sponsored by his parents, Melissa and Howard Victor

(Continued from page 1)

Page 3

TORAH TOTS Sun., March 5th and April 2nd 10-Noon

OPEN TO THE ENTIRE COMMUNITY! For all preschoolers WITH an adult buddy!

Interactive, multi sensory program to learn about the Values in our Torah utilizing creative drama, crafts, songs movement and

story telling. LET THE JOY BEGIN!


TO REGISTER—215-579-2200 or Contact us for any additional information needed.

Our gift to the community in partnership with the Ber-ger Network and jkidphilly

From the


Andrew Berezin Brandon Wind

Shalom! Purim is fast approaching. When I think about Purim, I think about one of my favorite pastries. Hamentaschen or Hamantash. Cherry being my favorite. We also think, about the grogger and all the characters in the story. Esther, Mordechai, Ahas-uerus and of course (Everyone with a loud boo) Hamen. Purim is the story of Esther living in Persia with her cousin Mordechai who raised her like his own daughter. Esther was take to King Ahasuerus to join his harem. The king loved her more than any other in his harem and made her his Queen. The king though did not know she was a Jew. Hamen (boo) his advi-sor told the king that there were certain types of peo-ple in his kingdom that would not obey the laws of the king therefore they were not befitting of the king. The king told Hamen (boo) to do what he need to have them obey the laws. Hamen (boo) planned to exterminate the jews. Mordechai persuaded Esther to speak to the king about Hamen’s (boo) plot. The king stopped him and executed Hamen (boo) and his ten sons. Now this is the short and dirty version of the story. One thing I found surprising is that in the book of Esther there is not one mention of G-D. G-d does not help the Jewish people in this story. G-d sometimes works in different ways. Luck, chance, or coincidence. In modern times, the story of Purim draws a similar parallel to World War II and the holocaust. The following is from an article I was reading about Purim that I thought interesting. Could be a little far fetched but interesting. “Many have noted the echoes of Purim in the Nuremberg war crime trials. In the Book of Esther, Haman's ten sons were hanged (Esther 9:13); in 1946, ten of Hitler's top associates were put to death by hanging for their war crimes (including the crime of murdering 6 million Jews). An 11th associate of Hitler, Hermann Göring, com-mitted suicide the night before the execution, a paral-lel to the suicide of Haman's daughter recorded in the Talmud (Megillah 16a). There are rumors that Göring was a transvestite, making that an even more accurate parallel. One of the men seems to have been aware of the parallel: on the way to the gallows, Jul-ius Streicher shouted "Purim Fest 1946!" See: The Execution of Nazi War Criminals. It is also interest-

ing that, in the traditional text of the Megillah (Book of Esther), in the list of the names of Haman's sons, the letters Tav in the first name, Shin in the seventh name and Zayin in the tenth name are written in smaller letters than the rest. The numerical value of Tav-Shin-Zayin is 707, and these ten men were hanged in the Jewish year 5707 (the thousands digit is routinely skipped when writing Jewish years; there are no numerals for thousands in Hebrew number-ing). They were not hanged on Purim, though -- they were hanged on Hoshanah Rabbah. As Jews we are always faced with adversary. Thought the bible Jews were persecuted. Through-out the centuries this continued with the Spanish In-quisition and the Holocaust to name a few. In the end, we always find a way to endure. Whether it is directly through god or by other means. As a Jew or a person don’t give up. If something doesn’t go your way there is always another way and a reason it doesn’t. I tell my kids that everything in life is not going to work out. It’s just the facts of life. You make the best of it by perseverance, hard work and dedication. Don’t sweat the small things and don’t let the big things take over your life and family.

Andrew Berezin

Page 4 Congrega on Brothers of Israel

Donation Cards for All Occasions

Why shop at the card store when your synagogue can send out cards for any occasion? There is no better way to remember a loved one or com-

memorate a special occasion than to perform an act of charity.

Contact the office to send a greeting, get well note, a mazel tov or to express condolences. $5 minimum donation

When requesting by phone or email please let us know the recipients ad-dress (if not a member), which fund you are donating to, how much you are

donating, and how you would like to sign your card.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Bar Mitzvah Harris Manuel Lichstein

March 24 & 25, 2017

Harris Lichstein is a 7th Grader at Tohickon Elementary School in Doylestown PA, he lives outside the town of Carversville, PA with Mom, Dad, Jake and Bennett. His brothers Jake and Bennett have both celebrat-ed their Bar Mitzvah’s at CBOI. Harris has a love for Basketball and has played the game for as long as he can remember. Early in his basketball career he was a defensive dynamo, he has relinquished some of that ef-fort to focus on his outside perimeter shot. He can be counted on to sink a few. Harris enjoys spending time with his family and while being picked upon by his brothers, because he the youngest… he maintains a good healthy attitude. For his bar mitzvah project, Harris is raising money and gathering lightly used basketball sneakers and basketballs for The Philadelphia Youth Bas-ketball Organization, . This organization help kids in the Philadelphia area by providing them with an after school

basketball program that teaches math skills by way of a basketball board game as well having all participate in physical basketball drills. Harris was able to attend an after school program and was delighted by the warmth of the boys and girls who instantly integrated him into the program as the “new kid”. The instructors were super supportive and answered every question that came their way. When Harris left the after school program one could see the joy and proudness he felt in his choice of mitzvah project. In early March Harris will visit The Kenderton School in Philadelphia where he will meet with the school’s principal and tour the facil-ity and meet the very kids his work will help. Below is part of an email sent by Diana Venezia (to the principal of Kenderton), from PYB and (she) is coordinating the efforts of Harris’s Mitzvah project with the Kenderton School. With your help we can all feel good about this CBOI Mitzvah Project. For donations please visit for a direct link to giving.

“It is with much appreciation and excitement that we share with you some great news regarding Kenderton School's participation in the Middle School Partnership Program. A little less than three weeks ago, PYB was contacted by Harris Lichstein and his father, Japhet Martinez, who were looking to learn more about PYB's mission, programming, and young people. Harris is a 7th grader from New Hope who loves the game of basketball and values his education. As Harris's Mitzvah project, Harris de-cided to give back to his community by raising money to support the athletic and academic experiences of boys and girls within PYB's after-school program. Furthermore, Harris has committed to funding an entire school's participation. “We are delighted to inform you that Harris's efforts will support the work at Kenderton School! Thank you, Harris. We are sincerely grateful.”

Harris has enjoyed his studies and the friendships he has made while at CBOI and hopes to continue his stud-ies. CBOI has been a place of growth and transition as Harris embraces his ascent into Jewish adulthood.

During the Month of March

CBOI Caring Committee will be collecting toiletries for

Jewish Family & Children’s Services

(Full size only) Place items in the blue bucket in the synagogue lobby

Page 5

Friday, March 17th and

April 21st 5:30-6PM

A special Friday night Shabbat Service for preschoolers led by Rabbi Gaber

Join friends for a musical, story filled 30 minutes of fun! Email

or call 215-579-2200

Bar Mitzvah Noah Shane Victor April 28-29, 2017

Noah Shane Victor, the youngest son of Melissa and Howard Victor, broth-er to Adam and Josh, was a very sweet, loving, curi-ous child who has grown into a fiercely loyal, lov-ing, and sweet young man with a very kind heart. He is presently in seventh grade at Maple Point Mid-dle School and has been

attending Congregation Brothers of Israel since he was six years old. As the youngest of three boys, Noah spent a lot of time volunteering for the P.T.O., his brother’s vari-ous teachers, and their many sporting events. When not at school or Hebrew school, his interests are wide and varied and include gaming, space, swimming, drums, and hanging with friends. For his bar mitzvah project, Noah is collecting new and used books from people and donating them to an organization that will take those books and distribute them to military bases all over the world. When he was younger, Noah struggled with reading and did not understand why people appeared to enjoy it. As he got older and after much hard work, he began to realize that books could open a whole new world to him. He could escape, go on adventures, and learn how to do anything his mind could think of. He real-ized how lucky he was to have the exposure to books that he did and wanted to share some of those books with others who did not have the same access.

Sun., March 5th & April 2nd @ 2:00pm

The Caring Committee is visiting The Birches of Newtown, PA Everyone is welcome to join


Shalom, The school year is quickly flying by and as I am plan-ning for a spectacular Purim triple header, I am al-ready thinking about getting my house ready for Pass-over and the treasured celebration with Family and Friends! ! As you read this issue of the Voice, you will see notices of the many activities planned and all the ways we are celebrating the cycle of Jewish life together. Please mark your calendars and plan on sharing each event with us. As I have said many times before, Jewish education is my passion! I am constantly evaluating what we are doing, how successfully are we doing it and are we doing our best to insure to Jewish futue. I recently read an article written by a colleague and friend, Rabbi Cherie Koller-Fox. Her words echo my thoughts. "My hope that each person feels that his/her Jewish education is relevant to the issues s/he faces as an adult. I learned the importance of this from reading a speech that Rabbi AJ Heschel gave in 1953, in which he suggested that as a goal of Jewish education, every Jew should be aware that Judaism is an answer to the ultimate problems of human existence and that our goal must be to teach Judaism as a subject of ultimate personal significance." We will teach our children the skills and understand-ings needed to be knowledgeable members of the Jewish community. We will help our students discov-er, appreciate and understand the core values of To-rah, the beauty of our tradition and to make it their own. The purpose of Jewish education today is to ensure that Jewish tradition empowers people to thrive in today’s world. Warmest wishes, Joan

Religious School

Page 6 Congrega on Brothers of Israel


GENERAL FUND In memory of Shirley Piper Ira & Judith Marks Abraham Sturm Madeline Sturm & Bruce Belovin In honor of Brandon Wind, Wendy Nowicki and fam-ily, and Bob Sweed for all their help Mark Bresler Dan Schreiber for being Man of the Year Scott & Diane Gilinsky Jaclyn Kessel’s Birthday Natalie Desmond’s Birthday Dr. Daniel & Jody Kessel’s Anniversary Jennifer & Dean Smith’s Anniversary Hinda & Harvey Goldberg YAHRZEIT FUND In memory of Vernon Rosenberg Beth & Bruce Rosner Sylvia Cytron Harris & Gail Myers Ruth Salama Josiane & Daniel Morgenstern Murray Rosenfeld Leonard Rosenfeld Arthur Gometz Miriam Gometz Joyce & Marty Gometz Anna Hayden Gizelle Kauf Larry Byer Rick & Mary Lou Byer Michael Feinstein David & Ann Feinstein Gertrude Fishman Sheila & Jerome Katz Jennie Gladstone Arthur Gurney Gad Salama Josiane Morgenstern Myriam Banin Harold Weinberg Dr. Auren Weinberg Harriet Schafer Samuel Gripman Erwin Gripman Alice Gripman Mildred Agree Alan & Nancy Agree Leonard Sonshine Harriet Sonshine Bertha Medoff Myer Medoff Stephen & Susan Medoff Martin Siegel Dr. Lawrence Siegel Ramon Lerit

Shari Leichter Ruth Hoffman Michael & Barbara Soroker Edward Gross Ann & David Feinstein Mildred Rosenblatt Dr. Barry Rosenblatt Mel Freedman Paula Freedman Allen Beckman Cynthia Beckman Hyman Rubin Sydney Silverman David Kohn Martha Friedman Albert Young Helen Young Regina Einhorn Stephen Einhorn Rose Feldman Sol Feldman Paula & Melvin Feldman Jacob Seavey Seymour Henenberg Esther Siegel Dr. Lawrence Siegel Rachel Shanfeld William Shanfield Norman Torf Phyllis & Jordan Warshafsky Herbert Spector Dr. Ira & Donna Spector Rose Gale Gale Family MARTIN BELOVIN MEM. FUND In memory of Rebecca Green Harriet Belovin and Family Elva Schwartz Ronald & Sue Schwartz Elka Koniuk Martha Friedman In honor of Dan Schreiber being named Men’s Club’s Man of the Year The Belovin Family Best Wishes to Harriet & Robin Belovin Martha Friedman ALVIN BERGER MEM. FUND In memory of Lillian Berger Alvin Berger Bessie Simon Jay M. Roberts Philip Snyder Rebecca Green Florence Berger Melanie Pearlman

Arthur Gertzman Gloria Berger Melanie Pearlman Beth Berger Rifka Geser Sylvia Geser Alvin Berger Fred & Craig Berger Willard Cohen Florrie & Metz Berger Jill Hoffman In honor of The birth of Julia Grace Stern, grand-daughter of Gene & Barbara Stern Gloria Berger and family Dan Schreiber named “Man of the Year” Gloria Berger Speedy recovery Francine Bourne Susan Leeds Gloria Berger and family GEORGE WEINER SCHOLARSHIP FUND In memory of Efrem Brauer Jay M. Roberts Arthur Gertzman Maxine & Brian Goldsmith Efrem Brauer Harry Golluber Ellen Weiner Anna Schulz Andrew Schulz MELVIN KUSHNER MEM. FUND In memory of Jewel Kushner Peninna Kushelevitz Nati Kushner MARCI SCHARF MEM. FUND In memory of Marci Scharf James Tator Fred & Carole Tator Efrem Brauer Mark & Holli Nemiroff Stephen & Susan Medoff Renee Widerman Harris & Riselle Lilienfeld Arthur Gertzman Stephen & Susan Medoff ANNA & EDWARD DUBROW MEM. FUND In memory of Edward Dubrow Linda & Michael Dubrow Fay Levine

Page 7

David Levine CHASIN MEM. FUND In memory of Rebecca Green Robert Kaufman Rabbi Howard & Joan Hersch In honor of The birth of Julia Grace Stern, grand-daughter of Gene & Barbara Stern Rabbi Howard & Joan Hersch MARTIN ROGOFF FUND In memory of Sandra Dauer Lewis Dauer Seymour Blaustein Ruth Blaustein Joseph Rogoff Art & Caroline Rogoff Speedy recovery Eric Barbesh

Art & Caroline Rogoff MILLIE MINSKY MEDIA & TECHNOLOGY FUND In memory of Jay M. Roberts Rebecca Green Arthur Gertzman Judy & Steve Minsky FRAN RUSS SCHOLARSHIP FUND In memory of Tillie Gunther Robert & Linda Gunther Frances Russ Nason & Maud Russ RUSS EDUCATION FUND In memory of Efrem Brauer Ellier Russ Frances Russ Nason & Maud Russ Ruth Borger Alan & Nancy Agree DR. SEYMOUR COHEN MEM. FUND In memory of Hinda Perlin Vivian Cohen DR. WILLIAM COHEN MEM. FUND In memory of Michael Kohn Evelyn Azarchi Jean Goldstein CARING COMMITTEE FUND In memory of Meier Lowenstein Julius Wartenberg Robert Wartenberg Stan Cohen Susan & Jim Wartenberg Efrem Brauer

The Caring Committee Michelle & Eddie Goldberg Paul & Lauren Cell Rita & Len Schultz Jay M. Roberts The Caring Committee Judi & Fred Young Sylvia Schottland Robert & Susan Winter Joan Zirilstein Bernice Rosenthal Arthur Gertzman The Caring Committee Barry & Surelle Wind Donna & Seymour Nowicki Irving Carr Leonard & Rita Schultz Louis Rosenthal Bernice Rosenthal In Honor of Jodi Wartenby for tremendous work on Caring Committee

Surelle Wind Speedy recovery Harris Lilienfeld Donna & Seymour Nowicki KIDDUSH FUND In memory of Edith Joseph Harlan & Joann Joseph WAYS & MEANS In memory of Jay M. Roberts Paul & Lauren Cell Donna & Seymour Nowicki In honor of The birth of Sklyar Reese DiDio, Victor Giuffré’s new granddaughter Donna & Seymour Nowicki Speedy recovery Sandy Dash Donna & Seymour Nowicki KIDDUSH & ONEG FUND In memory of Abraham Sturm Madeline Sturm & Bruce Belovin Herbert & Ruth Rivkin Judith Rivkin Herbert Kauf Gizelle Kauf EDUCATION FUND In memory of Archie Packer Ruth Lutzky Barbara & Stuart Packer Stanley Solomon Martha Axe Francesca Axe Rose Freeman Karen & Ed Marcus In honor of Joyce & Martin Gometz’s granddaughter, Nicole, becoming a Bat Mitzvah

Donna & Seymour Nowicki GENERAL FUND In memory of Karen Ring Sheila Hayes PRAYER BOOK DEDICATION In memory of Bessie Factor Arthur Factor Phyllis Leventhal Efrem Brauer Robert & Susan Winter Herbert & Ruth Rivkin Judith Rivkin Abraham Flesher Rose Flesher Barbara Flesher Lynn Laskin Isabelle Laskin BUILDING FUND In memory of Roslyn Perla Roberta & Greg Kenwood CEMETERY FUND In memory of Lorraine Kalland Mark & Michele Cooper PASSPORT TO ISRAEL Scott & Diane Gilinsky Iris & Jonathan Gold Gloria Berger In memory of Alvan Gilinsky Scott & Diane Gilinsky

RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND Rick & Mary Lou Byer In memory of Lilli Hochschwender

Karl Hoschschwender Sarah Salosky Morris Salosky Robert & Bernice Chast William Young Judi & Fred Young Jay Morton Roberts Karen & Leonard Rosenfeld Morris Feuerstein Jacob Feuerstein Rhoda Strulowitz Esther Geller Dr. Henry Geller Maynard Barker Bette Epstein Steven Deutsch Craig Deutsch Speedy recovery Rabbi Howard Hersch

Rhoda Strulowitz Harris Lilienfeld Marvin & Adrianne Love

Page 8 Congrega on Brothers of Israel

Yahrzeits M A Y T H E M E M O R Y O F T H E R I G H T E O U S E V E R B E A B E N E D I C T I O N !

8 10 Leonard Finkle 8 10 Rose Gale 8 10 Rebecca Leichter 8 10 Ruth Levy 8 10 Heinz Rosenbush 8 10 Lisa Strulson 8 10 Jack Sweed 9 11 Anna Campbell 9 11 J. Louis Finkle 9 11 Ida Friedland 9 11 Alfred Gurney 9 11 Morris Hersch 9 11 Bernard Oransky 9 11 Eva Schwartz

10 12 Walter Asnin 10 12 Alfred Brickman 10 12 Mordechai Buchman 10 12 Israel Elitzer 10 12 Laye Etel Flesher 10 12 Lynn Laskin 10 12 Sonia Schenke 10 12 Anna Small 10 12 Herman Wagner 11 13 Lyla Barondess 11 13 Edward Blumin 11 13 Herman Esko 11 13 Jacob Okean 11 13 Emma Poloyko 11 13 Estelle Shapiro 11 13 Rose Teitz 11 13 Daniel Trause 12 14 Edna Axe 12 14 Albert Chasin 12 14 Gertrude Dauer 12 14 Harold Gherman 12 14 Sophie Gordon 12 14 Samuel Lavine 12 14 Jacob Newman 12 14 Joseph Steingesser 12 14 J. Leonard Weiss 13 15 Pearl Aldouby 13 15 Roberta Batshaw 13 15 Isaac Finkle 13 15 Saul Marcus 14 16 Conrad Druker 14 16 Bessie Glick 14 16 Marion Hyman 14 16 Sarah Kirman 14 16 David Nusbaum 14 16 Joseph Rothschild 14 16 Sophia Saperstein 14 16 Sadie Weinberg 14 16 Irving Welger 15 17 Albert Blumgold 15 17 Sylvia Goldman

15 17 Reuben Levine 16 18 Leon Bernard 16 18 Anna Goldstein 16 18 Moshe James 16 18 Isadore Rutkin 17 19 Harriet Feuerstein 17 19 Rachel Glazer 17 19 Robert Goldsmith 17 19 Rose Hershkowitz 17 19 Morris Himmelstein 17 19 Morris Laskey 17 19 Arthur Laskin 17 19 Pearl Levy 17 19 Rose Siegel 17 19 Nathan Siegle 18 20 Shirley Ableman 18 20 Franklin Axe 18 20 Esther Bletter 18 20 Sally Feldman 18 20 Harry Fine 18 20 Sophia Fried 18 20 Martha Kaplan 18 20 Sylvia West 19 21 Lester Debren 19 21 Hyman Friedman 19 21 Alvin Geser 19 21 William Glaser 19 21 Tobias Goldman 19 21 Florence Goldsmith 19 21 Doris Lubitz 19 21 Dora Rauch 19 21 Ida Stern 19 21 Jennie Wolk 20 22 Leon Flesher 20 22 Ada Gurney 20 22 Helen Jaffey 20 22 Hyman Lidsky 21 23 Louis Fishman 21 23 Edna Greenspan 21 23 Ronnie James 21 23 Jacob Kodner 22 24 David Etzcovitz 22 24 Bertha Karklin 23 25 Anna Berkofsky 23 25 Stanley Dubin 23 25 Emanuel Geller 23 25 Lynn Lutz 23 25 William Nass 23 25 Herbert Posner 23 25 Irwin Rosenthal 23 25 Jose Vistoso 23 25 Gwendolyn Weiner 24 26 Isidore Alter 24 26 Judith Biro 24 26 Masha Blumgold

Mar Adar 1 3 Elizabeth Levy 1 3 Rosalind Nadler 1 3 Aaron Pakman 1 3 Harry Rom 1 3 Jacob Seavey 1 3 Abraham Weiner 2 4 Joseph Adelman 2 4 Rachel Goldberg 2 4 Erwin Gripman 2 4 Philip Kirman 2 4 Bernard Liss 2 4 Dorothy Milder 2 4 Morris Palefsky 2 4 Molly Rubin 2 4 Leah Weintraub 3 5 Max Elitzer 3 5 Sarah Greenblatt 3 5 Ida Lidsky 3 5 Nehemia Popkin 3 5 Aryeh Sloshberg 4 6 Melvin Freedman 4 6 Benjamin Hershkowitz 4 6 Allan Plapinger 4 6 Karen Ring 4 6 David Schulman 4 6 Esther Siegel 5 7 Harry Aronsberg 5 7 Howard Cohen 5 7 Gitel Danis 5 7 Stanley Hirsh 5 7 Jennie Lipitz 5 7 Harry Mausner 5 7 Goldie Pollack 5 7 Beatrice Rothenberg 5 7 Shirley Solomon 5 7 Charles Stern 5 7 David Sumholz 6 8 Lena Belovin 6 8 Isador Cuttler 6 8 Isaac Lavine 6 8 Bessie Levenson 6 8 Rose Ring 6 8 Hilda Sommer 6 8 Samuel Stein 7 9 Samuel Berkowitz 7 9 Fannie Bernstein 7 9 Bertram Burak 7 9 Stanley Friedman 7 9 Harry Hersch 7 9 Mamie Levine 7 9 Richard Rosenthal 7 9 Bessie Siegel 8 10 Mabel Bensky 8 10 Laiber Draifinger

Page 9

Yahrzeits M A Y T H E M E M O R Y O F T H E R I G H T E O U S E V E R B E A B E N E D I C T I O N !

24 26 Michael Cohen

24 26 Pearl Fine

24 26 Liba Heller 24 26 Max Janoff 24 26 Hilda Kushner 24 26 Norman Schottland 24 26 Samuel Urken 25 27 Charles Algazi 25 27 Sadie Berkelhammer 25 27 Margaret Herman 25 27 Joseph Shein 26 28 Beulah Bresler 26 28 Sylvia Kodner 26 28 Nathan Litt 26 28 Mary Lubis 26 28 Henry Marshall 26 28 Paul Romanoff 26 28 Robert Sherbekow 26 28 Celine Welger 27 29 Dora Bernstein 27 29 Adele Greenberg 27 29 Evelyn Kallus 27 29 Louis Kalnitsky 27 29 Rebecca Kern 27 29 Louis Krieger 27 29 Anne Litowitz 27 29 Sheldon Moonay 27 29 Merrill Schutzbank

Nisan 28 1 Norman Axe 28 1 Gittel Glick 28 1 Ida Levie 28 1 Alvin Lipitz 28 1 Catherine Rabel 28 1 Mitchell Rosenstein 28 1 Sophie Siegle 28 1 Edward Strauss 29 2 Rachel Bellin 29 2 Samuel Berger 29 2 Ida Epstein 29 2 Arthur Gometz 29 2 Jewel Kushner 30 3 Sam Kornblum 30 3 Anna Rams 31 4 Norman Bishusky 31 4 Haefel Cohn 31 4 Bernard Weiss

Aprl 1 5 Jacob Albert 1 5 Max Albom 1 5 Sophie Litt 2 6 Joan Bulitt 2 6 Yetta Haveson

2 6 Fay Haveson 2 6 Barney Movsovich 2 6 Annie Siegle 2 6 Fanny Tan 3 7 Morris Aranoff 3 7 Sylvia Cohen 3 7 Thomas Diskin 3 7 Samuel Gurney 3 7 Abraham Mallen 3 7 Pearl Marcus 3 7 Salomon Salama 3 7 Morris Tankle 4 8 Israel Albert 4 8 Carl Balk 4 8 Joseph Brownstein 4 8 Edward Edelman 4 8 Freda Stein 5 9 Sophie Elitzer 5 9 Pauline Fogelson 5 9 Sarah Harris 5 9 Mary Raymond 5 9 Samuel Vetensky 5 9 Israel Wagner 6 10 Jennie Abrams 6 10 Tillie Albert 6 10 Mollie Cohen 6 10 Irving Laskey 6 10 Ray Popkin 6 10 Herman Rubien 6 10 Daisy Tolzess 7 11 Hulda Bandmann 7 11 Esther Brodner 7 11 Milton Kaufman 7 11 Meyer Robinson 8 12 Rebecca Barbesh 8 12 Moisey Rubinson 8 12 Beatrice Satz 8 12 Norman Yager 9 13 Albert Cohen 9 13 Sheine Lavine 9 13 Rose Reifan

10 14 Peter Albert 10 14 Fannie Berkovitz 10 14 Felix Giuffre 10 14 Aaron Himmelstein 10 14 Bernard Myers 10 14 Ellen Sachs 10 14 Milton Wind` 11 15 Fannie Bernstein 11 15 Joseph Blum 11 15 Meta Kauf 11 15 Rosine Muller 11 15 Joseph Tyger 12 16 Leo Horowitz

12 16 Annette Sagotsky 12 16 Molly Schreiber 13 17 Rachel Alexander 13 17 Howard Barudin 13 17 Mollye Kulp 13 17 Harry Lewis 13 17 Sandra Smith 14 18 Zelda Blank 14 18 Harry Friedman 14 18 Michael Hanlon 14 18 Bessie Rubin 14 18 Morris Schutzbank 14 18 Minnie Siegel 15 19 Rose Crilly 15 19 Samuel Diamond 15 19 Myron Ioffe 15 19 Peninna Kushlevitch 15 19 Adele Strulowitz 16 20 Joseph Bernstein 16 20 Shirley Inker 16 20 Joseph Klein 16 20 Louis Roth 17 21 Shirley Aronsberg 17 21 Etta Barker 17 21 Martin Belovin 17 21 Annie Deutscher 17 21 Philip Glantz 17 21 Israel Halpern 17 21 Sylvia Kalnitsky 17 21 Elizabeth Klevansky 17 21 Karl Kreely 17 21 Selig Rauchwerger 17 21 Morris Tomor 17 21 Rosy Wartenberg 18 22 Anna Bensky 18 22 Goldie Hoffman 18 22 Thelma Rozansky 18 22 Rosalind Shor 18 22 Rachel Steiner 19 23 Joseph Bogner 19 23 Bessye Elfman 19 23 Tina Lavinson 19 23 Catherine Schwartz 20 24 Ivan Barash 20 24 Abe Epstein 20 24 Abraham Factor 20 24 Gerry Kaminsky 20 24 Miriam Sternman 20 24 Siegmund Wartenberg 21 25 A. William Cohen 21 25 Jennie Elitzer 21 25 Augusta Goodkin 21 25 Muriel Hirsch

Yahrzeits continued on page 10

Page 10 Congrega on Brothers of Israel

BOX TOPS Keep those box tops coming!

Clip them from items you already buy and bring them to the box in the synagogue lobby to help support our Religious School.

It's that easy!

Please continue to bring your register receipts to CBOI (they can be up to 6 months old.) We receive 1% of whatever you spend!

Look for the basket in the lobby. You eat up and we cash in. That’s a pretty sweet deal!

Yahrzeits continued from page 9 21 25 Melanie Kellner

21 25 Samuel Solomon

22 26 Celia Kobrin

22 26 Edwin Levin

22 26 Lena Reckerson

23 27 Moses Barker

23 27 Benjamin Brodner

23 27 Marvin Fromkin

23 27 Sidney Gitterman

23 27 Chaia Goldman

23 27 Anna Kalen

23 27 Martin Okean

23 27 Norma Schulz

23 27 Goldie Scull

23 27 Simon Small

24 28 Lillian Beegel

24 28 Pearl Blumenthal

24 28 Helen Margulies

24 28 Hyman Pollack

24 28 Frank Tyger

25 29 Israel Cohen

25 29 Samuel Kelsey

25 29 Rose Seplow

26 30 Miriam Beckman

26 30 Martin Leichter

26 30 Murray Lertzman

26 30 Louis Litowitz

26 30 Louis Lubitz

26 30 Annette Pitasky

26 30 Anita Rau

Iyar 27 1 Theodore Cooper

27 1 Fannie Golden

27 1 Lorraine Jacobs

27 1 Daniel Kahn

27 1 Irving Tomor

27 1 Esther Zerman

28 2 Leonard Etz

29 3 Helen Blane

29 3 Louis Cohen

29 3 Betty Lavine

29 3 Paul Tomor

30 4 Nellie Blumin

30 4 Judd Flato

30 4 Marion Gilinsky

30 4 Sidney Pressman

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Congratulations Amy Lichstein and Japhet Martinez on your son, Harris,

becoming a Bar Mitzah

Melissa and Howard Victor on your son, Noah Victor, becoming a Bar Mitzah

Gene and Barbara Stern in honor of the birth of granddaugh-

ter Julia Grace and to the proud parents, Philip and Katie Stern

Dan Schreiber in honor of being named

“Men’s Club Man of the Year”

Speedy Recovery Susan Leeds

Condolences Jay Morton Roberts, father of

Margot Sweed

Arthur Gertzman, father of Dr. Sharon Gertzman

CBOI Scholarship Information

Kessel-Young Memorial Scholarship

The Kessel-Young Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in June 1976 by Ida Kessel and the late Joseph Kessel in memory of their parents, Lena and Louis Kessel and Dora and Louis Young. A scholarship will be awarded to a member of our Congregation graduating from high school, on the basis of need, to further the student’s education. Applicants must be “hard workers” who will benefit from this assistance. The intent is to en-courage students to continue their education. Aca-demic excellence is not a criteria for this award. In establishing this special Fund, the Kessel Family has recognized that awards are usually made to outstanding students in either sports or aca-demic work. All too often, many students who show promise and are willing to work are denied assistance. To receive an application for the Kessel-Young Memorial Scholarship Fund, contact the Syna-gogue.

George S. Weiner Religious School Scholarship Fund

The George S. Weiner Religious School Schol-arship Fund has been established to aid youngsters from Congregation Brothers of Israel to attend the Rabbi Howard Hersch Religious School. Scholar-ships will be given out based on need. Contact the CBOI office for information.

PEACE IN OUR TIME Remember 1938 when Neville Chamberlain, Brit-ish PM, met with Hitler and sacrificed Czechoslo-vakia to avoid war and famously said "Peace in our Time". As history has recorded, that lead to WW II and the greatest loss of life over 6 years in the history of the human race, including six million innocent Jews. Many well-meaning Jews and others wishing for" Peace in our Time" want a peace treaty between Israel and the Arab World and of course the Pal-estinians in the form of two separate states. To them, it’s simple: Israel abandons the settlements in the West Bank, it gives East Jerusalem away for the Palestinian Capital, it agrees that the Pal-estinian State will be Jew free as the Arabs have said and does not have to recognize Israel as the Jewish Homeland. Finally Israel would have to agree to negotiate the right of return of Arab refu-gees who wanted to exercise that option. What does Israel get for all this? A Palestinian State on its borders that has one goal, despite a treaty, and that is the eventual destruction of the Jewish State by any means; warfare, economic and political strangulation through the UN and the BDS movement. Imagine the out of control Middle East as is seen in Syria, Hezbollah in Lebanon, Hamas in the South, a dysfunctional Iraq and Iran joining in a peace agreement. A Palestinian State, would it invite Iran or Hezbol-lah in or be overthrown by Hamas. Do you think Israel would be safe under these cir-cumstances? Our Secretary of State said Israel could not be both Jewish and Democratic in terms of their con-trol over a hostile Palestinian people. So if a Pal-estinian State, in the current environment, arises in the fire storm of today what sustainable peace can come about? I'd rather try to improve the quality life for the Palestinians, jobs, housing, schooling and basic services than to entertain a dangerous entity on its borders. When the Arab/ Muslin World joins the family of democratic na-tions and strives for true peace then "Peace in our Time" will arrive. Alan Agree, Israel Forum This article is the opinion of the author and not necessarily that of Congregation Brothers of Israel.

Israel Forum March/April 2017 Voice

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Save the Date! Scholar in Residence Weekend March 31st to April 2nd

Rabbi Mark Novak & Renée Brachfeld -- a dynamic husband-wife performing duo have been enriching Jewish communities with performances and workshops for both adults and families since 1996.

Early Friday Service March 31st at 6:30pm followed by a Shabbat Dinner Refill and Renew: The Creative Sparks Within Saturday Service April 1st at 9:30am followed by a Kiddush lunch, Re-connect to Heart, Mind and Soul An interactive experience to connect us with the Divine. Sunday, April 2nd for Torah Tots from 10:15 to 10:45 and Re-ligious School from 11:00am to noon, Too Much Fun, Stories and Songs for Passover Season

Guests are welcome during Religious School

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Selma Fischer, President (215) 444-9921 Susan Leeds, Vice-President/Treasurer (215) 547-6959

Tuesdays, March 7 and April 4, 2017 10:30am Exercise class led by Judy Monfiletto 11:30am “coffee & cake” and schmooze 12:15pm Business Meeting 12:30pm George Sinkler, entertains and leads in song

The next meeting will be Tuesday, May 2nd

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CBOI Confirmation Class March 22nd | 5:30 pm Meet in the parking lot of CBOI to carpool to Adath Israel Congregation in Lawrenceville to take part in This Is Hunger, a high-impact, interac-tive experience on wheels that illuminates the very

real and preventable existence of hunger in America. Presented by the Jewish Family & Children’s Ser-vices of Greater Mercer County. There are limited tickets to this event. We must have an exact count. Contact Mrs. Hersch to RSVP at

WA R R I O R S W I T H A C A U S E : J E W I S H A R M E D R E S I S T A N C E T O T H E


Presented by Dr. Michael Hayse

Sunday, April 23rd | 10:30am

Don’t miss this educational presentation on Jewish resistance in Nazi Germany! Dr. Michael Hayse, author and Associate Professor of Holocaust Studies at Stockton Uni-versity, will discuss Jews who fought as Partisans and with the Allied armies, especially with the Soviet Red Army.

Wednesday, March 29th Class at 7:00pm

Rabbi Yochanan Salazar Loewe is a master Sofer (scribe), educator and lecturer.

Drop in during the day to see Rabbi Sal-azar evaluate CBOI’s Torah scrolls and say hello. Rabbi Salazar will meet with our religious school classes during school time and give a class at 7:00pm.

Adults $20 Children 6 to 12 $10 Children 5 and under free

Congrega on Brothers of Israel 530 Washington Crossing Road Newtown, Pennsylvania 18940 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED TIME VALUE MATERIAL

The Voice Published monthly by

Congrega on Brothers of Israel 530 Washington Crossing Road

Newtown, PA 18940 (215) 579-2200

Fax: (215) 579-2204

E-mail: Rabbi Aaron Gaber

Rabbi Howard Hersch, D.D., Rabbi Emeritus Dr. Robert Winter, Cantorial Soloist

Joan Hersch, Educa on Director

Andrew Berezin...................Co-President Brandon Wind ..................... Co-President Lauren Cell ....................... Vice President Barry Wind.................Financial Secretary Michelle Goldberg....................Treasurer Amy S nson…..........Recording Secretary