March 2012 Senior HealtH - HealtH...


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Senior HealtH

Conquering Hearing LossArnold Palmer shares how healthy living and hearing health helped his game, and quality of life

An Independent supplement by medIAplAnet to chIcAgo sun-tImes

connect your worldcaptioned telephone services and their benefits

make a differencethe audiologist and their patients

A hidden crisisthe effect of noise induced hearing loss

March 2012



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To GreATer HeAlTH

To GreATer HeAlTHlTHl


2 · mArch 2012 An Independent supplement by medIAplAnet to chIcAgo sun-tImes


The bottom line is that you are an individual and you deserve the care your body needs.

Your healthcare, your way

this is a pretty decent time, all things consid-ered, to be alive and kicking espe-cially in terms of healthcare

options. We have so much infor-mation available to us, quite liter-ally at our fingertips with so many governmental, private, national and international resources bom-barding us daily with the infor-mation we need to get healthy, stay healthy and beat ‘father (and mother) time’!

Aging gracefully is an art and a science…a lot of science. The beauty of the current healthcare environment is that we are living longer because of all the advances in overall healthcare and as this enhances our longevity, it can expose us to more medical prob-lems. We do not, however, need to accept chronic health conditions as a way of life as we age; we need to know how to manage these age effects. Taking the information we receive from our healthcare providers, the internet, television,

friends, family, etc., and integrat-ing it into one’s lifestyle takes dedication and focus—but the payoff can be huge.

Addressing the issuesFor example, neither hearing loss nor imbalance issues need to be accepted as part of aging—there is too much that can be done to evaluate your capabili-ties, diagnose any problems and then prescribe the treatment that will get you back on track to wellness. Together with your audiologist, you can get answers and can work to develop an indi-vidualized program that will maximize your health status. Our ability, as humans, to com-municate is what keeps us con-nected and the easier that task is, the more connected we stay. Hearing conversations with loved ones and with healthcare providers, hearing the news reports on television, hear-ing important environmental sounds and much more are all critical components of effective communication as we age. In

terms of balance wellness, an assessment of your overall sta-bility and inner ear function will help to keep you moving and we know that this will lead to good heart health which in turn has numerous benefits on the rest of the body. Addressing hearing and balance issues early is a key component of guaranteeing suc-cess as one gets older.

There is no question that tech-nology and the internet and things we haven’t even discov-ered yet will continue to help all of us, but the bottom line is that you are an individual and you deserve the care your body needs, not care provided sight unseen by a self-diagnostic test online or through mail-order, fly-by-night operations. Insist on knowing how you can participate in your healthcare, stay connected to your healthcare providers, inte-grate the available information, ask questions and take charge of your healthcare, your way!

Dr. Therese WalDen

Dr. John K. Holtondirector of the Illinois department on Aging, addresses best practices for healthy aging

We recommend

pAge 7

mediaplanet’s business is to create new customers for our advertisers by providing readers with high quality editorial content that motivates them to act.

Senior HealtH, 3rd edition, marcH 2012

Publisher: mark dinglasanmark.dinglasan@mediaplanet.comBusiness Developer: terence Designer: missy Kaykomissy.kayko@mediaplanet.comManaging Director: Geraldine

Contributors: dr. therese Walden, au.d.; dr. tricia dabrowski, au.d., cindy riley, doc Griffin, John K. Holton, Ph.d., Brenda Battat

Distributed within: chicago Sun-times, march 2012this section was created by mediaplanet and did not involve the chicago Sun-times or its editorial departments.

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“Insist on knowing how you can participate in your healthcare, stay connected to your healthcare providers, integrate the avail-able information, ask questions and take charge of your health-care, your way!”care, your way!”

Dr. Therese Walden, Au.D. president, American Academy of Audiology

Be ProACTive




mediaplanet’s business is to create new customers for our advertisers by providing readers with high quality editorial content that motivates them to act.

Hearing loss won’t stop you here…

Voice and data plans are required when using Hamilton CapTel on a smartphone.The Hamilton CapTel phone requires telephone service and high-speed Internet access.

Copyright © 2012 Hamilton Relay. All rights reserved. • CapTel is a registered trademark of Ultratec, Inc. • Android is a trademark of Google Inc.BlackBerry is a trademark of Research In Motion Limited • iPhone and Mac are trademarks of Apple Inc.

or here…or here.

Here’s the point.If you just can’t hear on the phone, with Hamilton CapTel you can listen whilereading what’s said to you – ensuring clarity and confidence on every call.

Here’s how easy it is. Hamilton CapTel Telephone: More than an amplified phone, experience real-time captions of what’s said to you – similar to captions on television.

Hamilton CapTel for PC/Mac: See every word a caller says right on your computer screen. There’s no special equipment to purchase or software to download. All that’s required is a computer, high-speed Internet and any phone.

Hamilton CapTel App for Smartphones: Place and receive captioned calls on a single device with our unique and innovative apps for Android™, BlackBerry® and iPhone®. Hamilton CapTel is now compatible with more smartphones on more networks than ever.

Hamilton CapTel Phone

Hamilton CapTel Smartphone

Hamilton CapTel for PC/Mac

Here’s the deal.Hamilton CapTel is available 24/7 and is a free, nationwide service. All the information you need can be found at So whetheryou’re at home, in the office or on the go, captionsfrom Hamilton CapTel are available for every call.

Seeing is believing.Try the Hamilton CapTel phone risk-free for 90 days. Ifyou’re not completely satisfied, simply return thephone for a full refund.

Hearing on the phone may be a source of frustration for you or someone you care about – but it doesn’t haveto be. Backed by nearly a decade of proven captioned telephone technology, Hamilton CapTel® is dedicated tomaking phone conversations simple and accessible for individuals with hearing loss.

Hamilton CapTel may be used to make 911 calls, but may not function the same astraditional 911 services. For more information about the benefits and limitations ofHamilton CapTel and Emergency 911 calling, visit

For a limited time only, the Hamilton CapTelphone is just $99, plus free shipping! To order call: 888-514-7933Or visit: sure to mention promo code MPA12 when ordering to receive free shipping.

4 · mArch 2012 An Independent supplement by medIAplAnet to chIcAgo sun-tImes

After graduating from Tyler school of Art, Carol saylor’s image of her future did not include the diagnosis of progressive vision and hearing loss.

And yet, 30 years later this sculptor, teacher, public speaker, and mentor, also happens to be blind and deaf. Ini-tially devastated by the fear of what blindness “IS”, Carol continued her work as a watercolorist finding the need to take ‘visual breaks’ by mov-ing temporarily to sculpture. It was during these breaks, with eyes closed, that Carol felt her brain transition from a visual artist to one who saw her art through her fingertips. As her vision impairment progressed to blindness Carol came to understand

that, while her disability does not define her, it was through her blind-ness that she realized all that she could see with her hands.

Carol approaches life with positive energy and humor to appreciate the challenges she faces as a deaf-blind artist who became aware of the levels of touch, smell, taste, vibration, and atmosphere. While blindness did not hold her back, the severity of her hear-ing loss had the potential of derail-ing her dream of sharing her lessons with others. Not one to relinquish independence easily, Carol utilizes multiple amplification strategies to maintain communication and con-tact with the world. Hearing instru-ments allow her to hear voice synthe-sized computers, present PowerPoint lectures, navigate traffic, understand

the words of a taxi driver, and travel independently. Wireless FM remote microphones allow her to hear ques-tions of students or an audience in difficult listening environments, or enjoy listening to a talking book while walking around her home and studio. Most importantly, these amplifica-tion strategies allow her to hear, and

to listen to, those she is teaching.Equipped with these tools, this

award winning artist set out to share her experiences with the sighted, the visually impaired, and the blind. She holds workshops designed to “broaden the horizons of teachers and students by enriching the experience of art through the use of touch, description,

and imagination”. Through her teach-ings Carol asks them to close their eyes allowing instead for their mind’s-eye to “see” by touching. Carol’s vision invites students to view blindness without fear, and to recognize that sighted people are sometimes dis-tracted by sight. According to Carol, “You may find that blindness is a won-derful teacher. You are not a body but a mind and spirit. Your body’s eyes have nothing to do with vision, and your body’s ears have nothing to do with listening”.

To learn more about Carol and her work visit

Dr. Tricia DabroWski

SaluS univerSity oSBorne

colleGe oF audioloGy


Hearing HeaLtH in ameriCa

Tricia Dabrowski, Au.D. director of the pennsylvania ear Institute

“you may find that blindness is a wonderful teacher. you are not a body but a mind and spirit... ”

Does your hearing device hurt your ears?

About 80% of the time that hearing devices ‘just don’t fit right’ or hurt, it’s not the fit that’s a problem, it’s actually your ears. If your ears are not at full health, hearing devices can be very uncomfortable. As we age, our ears are more

susceptible to problems due to poor circulation, disease conditions (like diabetes) and drug side-effects. Fortunately, there is a safe, gentle, natural solution: ProEar™. ProEar provides a sophisticated blend of nutrients and vitamins that your ear needs to return to full health. In as little as 10 days, the skin tissue in your ear can be healthy enough for most hearing devices to fit comfortably, as demonstrated in a study of 960 patients by Max S. Chartrand, PhD.

to return to full health. In as little as 10 days, the skin tissue in your ear can be healthy enough for most hearing devices to fit comfortably, as demonstrated in a study of 960 patients by Max S. Chartrand, PhD.

Helps your ears feel great– wear hearing aids every day!





Contact your hearing professional today for more information about this amazing product.

mArch 2012 · 5An Independent supplement by medIAplAnet to chIcAgo sun-tImes

inSpiration neWS

For Dave Blanchard, speaking with his 70-year-old father-in-law on the telephone had become vir-tually impossible.

“Wayne worked for Wisconsin Motors here in Milwaukee for many years, and experiences some hearing loss at higher pitches as a result of factory work in the years before OSHA required serious hearing protec-tion,” explains Blanchard, who purchased a Hamilton CapTel 800i captioned telephone for his father-in-law seven months ago. “Wayne was one of those blue collar workers who wouldn’t admit they should have worn hearing protection more often. That’s not what tough guys did back in the day.”

Blanchard says it took only a few minutes to set up the new phone for his father-in-law, sim-ply plugging it into his phone line and internet connection. Cap-tioning service is provided at no cost to customers when they buy the phone.

“We immediately called home to speak to my seven-year-old son Dylan, Wayne’s only grand-son. They talked about plans to go fishing up north again before school started. Dylan had no idea

why this conversation went so much better with Grandpa.”

With the equipment, an indi-vidual with hearing loss can read word-for-word captions of what the other person is saying during a call. The captions are displayed in real-time on a large screen, ensuring no speech is missed. Avoiding awkward phone conver-sations with loved ones becomes a thing of the past.

“It’s not just frustrating for the person experiencing hearing loss,” says Blanchard. “It’s frus-trating for everyone around that person too. Wayne readily admits if the rules had been in force way back then, he probably wouldn’t have this challenge today. ”

cinDy riley

Catching up with technology: Captioned telephone service gives people with hearing loss something to talk about

The benefits of a wireless captioned telephone serviceHearing loss should not prevent individuals from connecting to their loved ones. As technological options evolve to combat hearing loss, the use of phones is made possible through captioned tele-phone services or CapTel®. In today’s modern world, mobile and smartphones continue to take center stage in the how indi-viduals and businesses connect. With that, it is only fitting that captioned telephone services would transition into the wire-less arena.

Wireless CapTel services allow users to read conversations with real-time word-for-word cap-tions on their wireless phones. Users place a call in the same way they would when using a traditional phone – by dialing the number directly on the device. The revolutionary application then connects callers directly to the captioned telephone service

when the phone is dialed. Once the receiving party answers, call-ers can listen to what the other person is saying while at the same time, read the captions on the phone’s display screen.

One example of a company spearheading the wireless move-ment is Sprint as it announced Wireless CapTel by Sprint. This free revolutionary app is avail-able on select Android-powered devices running OS 2.2 or higher. This app is designed to be acces-sible for US mobile devices and can be downloaded through any mobile carrier or even tablets.

Customers should check with their providers to find out what services are offered. Wireless technology is now available to help people truly live a life with-out limits.

marc berry

don’t miSS

“We immediately called home to speak to my seven-year-old son dylan, Wayne’s only grandson. they talked about plans to go fishing up north again before school started. ”

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■ Assess abilities. The right phone bridges the gap between your abilities and your needs. To find the best fit, discuss your accessibility needs with your healthcare, rehabilitation or independent living professional, such as an audiologist.

■■ Apps and assistive tech-nology. If a wireless phone doesn’t come with the accessi-bility feature you need, ask the in-store representative if it can be customized by downloading applications, or “apps.”

■■ Choose a service plan.

You’ve picked a phone; now it’s time to choose a service plan. Ask yourself the following: Do you need voice, text or data services? Would you rather have a pre- or post-paid plan? How much are you willing to pay for service? Finally, ask if the wireless carrier offers service plans specifically for seniors or individuals with disabilities.

■■ Know your return options. It’s important to understand the wireless carrier’s return and exchange policies before you leave in case you find another device that’s a better fit.


tips on finding the best phone for you

6 · mArch 2012 An Independent supplement by medIAplAnet to chIcAgo sun-tImes

inSpirationArnold Palmer takes some time away from the golf course and his busy schedule to share with Mediaplanet his secrets for maintaining his active lifestyle and conquering hearing loss.

Be proactive about your hearing health

arnold Palmer is many things to many famous golf immortal and sportsman, highly-successful busi-ness executive, promi-

nent advertising spokesman, skilled aviator, talented golf course designer and consultant, devoted family patriarch and a man with a down-to-earth common touch that has made him one of the most popular and accessible public figures in history.

■■ As a man who is constantly busy and on the go, are there any cur-rent projects or tournaments that hold a particularly higher level of

interest for you at the moment?My tournament (the Arnold Palmer Invi-tational Presented by MasterCard March 22-25 at the Bay Hill Club and Lodge) is certainly always one of great interest to me. It’s a year-around ongoing activity that brings up situations that need to be resolved, commented on and carried out. That’s what I do. I have a particularly high level of interest in my tournament and its charity, which is the Arnold Palmer Medi-cal Center in Orlando. (APMC consists pri-marily of the Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children and the Winnie Palmer Hospital for Women and Babies.)

■■ With such a busy schedule, how do you stay healthy and maintain

such a high degree of energy?I exercise regularly and stay active. I think that helps me maintain a high degree of energy and keeps me going with the interest in all of my business and other activities.

■■ regarding your hearing health, what steps did you take to identify the best possible hearing solution for yourself?I have my ears cleaned frequently and make sure that my hearing aids are tuned properly. I go to a hearing specialist on fre-quent occasions, too.

■■ in what aspects of your golf game do your hearing aids help the most?

I hear the sounds on a golf course that are normal. I hear the click of the ball from the driver to the putter. I like to hear that and it seems the better I hear it the better I play.■ Do you have any advice for our readers on how to ensure greater health in their golden years?I think staying active is the answer to ensuring greater health in one’s golden years. Annual checkups and the positive effects of a good exercise program have a great deal to do with good health in your older years.

Doc Giffin

“I think staying active is the answer to ensuring greater health in one’s golden years. ”Arnold Palmer

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mArch 2012 · 7An Independent supplement by medIAplAnet to chIcAgo sun-tImes


I hear the sounds on a golf course that are normal. I hear the click of the ball from the driver to the putter. I like to hear that and it seems the better I hear it the better I play.

■■ Do you have any advice for our readers on how to ensure greater health in their golden years?I think staying active is the answer to ensuring greater health in one’s golden years. Annual checkups and the positive effects of a good exercise program have a great deal to do with good health in your older years.

Doc Giffin


a positive outlook on aging

there are negative connotations asso-ciated with getting older. But in fact, aging can be a very positive experience.

There are things you can do to age well and make the later years some of your most rewarding.

Of course, good nutrition and physical exercise go a long way toward preserving well-being. Eat-ing right and exercising are keys to

staying strong and energetic. Another key to healthy aging

is an active mind. Participate in problem-solving activities and learn new things. By using your brain, you can prevent cogni-tive decline and improve your mental health.

Stay engaged in your commu-nity. Find a cause you believe in and volunteer your time and tal-ent. In return, reap the benefits that may include personal satisfi-

cation and new friendships. And, perhaps most importantly,

have a good attitude. People with high expectations of their later years are often rewarded with bet-ter health and quality of life. Keep your thoughts about aging positive and remember it’s never too late to start adopting healthy habits.

For information about the Illi-nois Department on Aging, contact the Senior HelpLine at 1-800-252-8966 or 1-888-206-1327 (TTY).

John K. Holton, Ph.D. Position: director, illinois department on aging

Acknowledging noise induced hearing loss■ People of all ages, including children, teens, young adults, and older people, can develop noise induced hearing loss. Approximately 26 million Americans have high frequency hearing loss that could be attributed to exposure to loud sounds or noise. In addition an estimated 12.5 percent of chil-dren and adolescents aged 6–19 years have permanent hearing loss from noise. The reality is that noise induced hearing loss can be prevented but cannot be reversed. A primary objective of “Healthy People 2020”, an HHS-led program to address Ameri-ca’s health needs, is to increase the use of hearing protection

devices and reduce the propor-tion of adults and adolescents who develop high frequency hearing loss from noise.

brenDa baTTaT

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CareLinx Services:

Post & Search caregiving jobs for FreeConnect with compatible caregivers & Run background checksCreate schedules & Validate shifts via GPS time tracking to ensure honest and accurate billingAutomated invoicing & Effortless payment processing via credit, debit and ACH direct depositReal-Time messaging with care providers via a secure online Forum, empowering families to be actively involved while at work or if managing care from afar

Brenda Battatexecutive director, Hearing loss association of america

■ At age 65, one out of three people has a hearing loss.

■■ 60 percent of the people with hearing loss are either in the work force or in educa-tional settings.

■■ While people in the work-place with the mildest hearing losses show little or no drop in income compared to their nor-mal hearing peers, as the hear-ing loss increases, so does the reduction in compensation.

■■ About two-three of every 1,000 children are hard of hear-ing or deaf

■■ Estimated that 30 school children per 1,000 have a hear-ing loss.

Statistics sources: National Infor-mation Center on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, National Institutes of Health, National Coun-cil on Aging, and the MarkeTrak VIII Study by Sergei Kochkin, Ph.D. Source:

17% ■■ About 17 percent of adults in the united Sta-tes, 36 million, report some degree of hearing loss.

60 percent of the people with hearing loss are either in the work force or in educational settings.

Scan to download app or search Wireless CapTel by Sprint in the Android Marketplace.

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* App requires an Android-powered device with OS 2.2 or higher. Although CapTel and Wireless CapTel by Sprint can be used for emergency calling, such emergency calling may not function the same as traditional 911/E911 services. By using CapTel and Wireless CapTel by Sprint for emergency calling you agree that Sprint is not responsible for any damages resulting from errors, defects, malfunctions, interruptions or failures in accessing or attempting to access emergency services through CapTel and Wireless CapTel by Sprint whether caused by the negligence of Sprint or otherwise. . ©2012 Sprint. Sprint and the logo are trademarks of Sprint. CapTel is a registered trademark of Ultratec, Inc. Android, Google, the Google logo and Android Market are trademarks of Google Inc. The HTC logo, and HTC EVO are the trademarks of HTC Corporation. Other marks are the property of their respective owners.

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