Maps For HTML Extending the Web with Maps. Introduction Web mapping today is complicated and...



Why Do We Need Maps for HTML?  To lower technical barriers to use of geospatial information (GI)  Lower barriers are vital  To fairly spread the benefits of existing and on-going public investments in (open) geospatial information and technology

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Maps For HTMLExtending the Web with Maps


Web mapping today is complicated and requires advanced and specialised skills Author must know how to program in a

complex Web / network environment Many development choices, no obvious best

Maps4HTML objective: browser will have specialised skills Author must know how to use basic HTML

Why Do We Need Maps for HTML?

To lower technical barriers to use of geospatial information (GI)

Lower barriers are vital To fairly spread the benefits of existing and

on-going public investments in (open) geospatial information and technology

Why Do Governments Invest in (open) GI? Information

Markets work more efficiently with equal / non-discriminatory access to information

Location is information that facilitates many / most economic “transactions”

Web mapping today

Modern Web Map:

Web mapping in the Future

Maps for HTML Objective:<!DOCTYPE html><html> <head> <title>Future Web Map in HTML</title> <style> #circle {fill: white; stroke: aqua; stroke-width: 5px;fill-opacity: 0.0;} #triangle {fill: pink; stroke: blue; stroke-width: 3px;fill-opacity: 0.4;} </style> </head><body> <map zoom="13" lat="51.505" lon="-0.09" width="600" height="400" controls> <layer label="Open Street Map" src="" checked> <area id="circle" alt="Circle" href='' coords="250,250,25" shape="circle"> <area id="triangle" alt="Polygon" href='' coords="392,116,430,100,441,128" shape="poly"> <area id="marker" alt="Marker" href='' coords="265,185" shape="marker"> </map> </body></html>

Web Mapping History

First Web site: CERN 1989 – still online!

Web Mapping History

First Web site: CERN 1989 First Web mapping site:

Xerox PARC Map Viewer 1994 Oldest Web mapping site:

NRCan (NAISMap) 1994 to present (Atlas)

The Nature of the Web

Standard: HTTP, HTML, CSS, SVG, JS, URI Simple, Declarative: HTML, CSS, SVG, MathML

Open: View source Linked: URI, HTTP, Hypertext Styled: CSS Extensible: JS

The Nature of the Web

Standard: HTTP, HTML, CSS, SVG, JS, URI Simple, Declarative: HTML, CSS, SVG, MathML

Open: View source Linked: URI, HTTP, Hypertext Styled: CSS Extensible: JS

The Nature of the Web

January 2016: 40% of the world’s population – or

3 billion users .25 billion active domains

1 billion registered domain names At least 4.82 billion pages About 2 billion smartphones About 2 billion personal computers

Does The Web Change ? Yes. But… how? Who’s in charge here, anyway? W3C?

Not really. Old way: Browser wars New way: Community groups -> Browser

devs -> WHATWG -> HTML / W3C WG A community of practice is a pre-requisite

to any change to Web standards Community is facilitated, not created by SDOs

Case Study: RICG and the <picture> Element Original proposal: blog post, 2011 RICG crowdfunded fork of the Blink

browser engine early 2014 Chrome 38, FF 33, Opera 25 released late

2014 with <picture> support MS EdgeHTML 13, Nov 2015 Safari/Webkit released <picture> Jan


Maps4HTML Community Group

Maps for HTML Community Group 2014 POC/ Prototype release Github mid-2015 Iteration, community building

Please join, or implement! <web-map> Release 1.0 2016 Crossing the chasm

