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Mapping from HR-XML Resume to a Semantic

Data Model

João Sobrinho

University of Madeira, Department of Mathematics and Engineering,

9000-390 Funchal, Portugal,

Abstract. Nowadays, companies using XML-based standards have the need

of quick and accurate business transactions. HR-XML have developed a

many specifications in the area of human-resources. Companies like

Convergys are using this standard in B2B integration. Although XML gained

a strong importance in providing syntactic interoperability, we believe that

companies have already started to evolve for a semantic level. For example,

Vodafone, Oracle and Microsoft are already implementing semantic features

in their services and achieved good results. To support this evolvement, tools

are already available to allow companies to migrate from a syntactic to a

semantic knowledge models. In this document we propose a solution to map

syntactic schema to semantic models. We start with a HR-XML Resume,

development of an ontology, and present the mappings that need to be

established to automatically transform the syntactic data to an OWL

representation (semantic).

1 Introduction

The increasing amount of data that must be exchanged between companies im-

poses a need for a well defined communication format that allows the parties in-

volved in a transaction to easily understand each other. The most commonly

used format in our days is XML (eXtensible Markup Language). Using XML,

companies can define strict protocols for specific areas which allow accurate da-

ta transactions. Some of the most widely used standards are the cXML[7], Ro-

settaNet[8], ebXML[9], HR-XML[1] and FIXML[10]. These standards are

usually created in a common effort from a set of players. For example FIXML

was created by a group of financial companies that include Barclays, AXA and


HR-XML Consortium is one of the organizations that develop standards

based on XML. This consortium develops standards for enabling e-business and

the automation of human resources-related data exchanges [1]. The HR-XML

standards are developed by the needs and priorities of its members that include

Oracle, IBM, etc. Some of the standards already completed are: Competency

Types, Contact Method, Education History, Resume, Staffing Exchange

Protocol, among many others. All the schemas for these standards can be

downloaded from the HR-XML site at

The HR-XML standard have been chosen for this work due the following

reasons: it has a large number of members supporting the standards, allowing us

to know that it is a widely used standard; it is free, so we would not have to

spend any money consulting it and understanding; its simplicity and easiness of

use, which is better for explaining our work.

On this work will be used an example of a resume, focusing on the details of

the publications. We chose it because it seemed to be understandable for

common people and it is not a specific domain, allowing a bigger range of

people to apprehend our objectives.

We will also do some mappings between the syntactic data in XML to the

semantic data from the ontology with the JXML2OWL [2] tool developed last

year by our colleagues Rodrigues, T. and Rosa, P. (2006). This tool allows

creation and edition of transformations from XML files to OWL files. These

transformations allow enterprises to convert data in an unknown structure into a

well-defined and understood structure to the enterprises.

We believe that in a proximate future, companies will migrate to semantic

data. For that, they will need a tool that allows transforming the data from

syntactic to semantic format. During the change from syntactic to semantic data,

companies still have to be able to communicate with other companies that will

still be using syntactic data. For that job, there is B2BISS [13] that allows

companies to receive automatically XML files and transform them to predefined

OWL instances.

The paper is structured as follows. Section 2 will present an overview about

HR-XML. Section 3 will present the ontology structure and the types of rela-

tionships established among its elements. Section 4 will present the types of re-

lations that exist between the Resume XML elements and our ontology, defining

which mappings should be done. Section 5 presents a brief overview about the

tools used in the mapping. Section 6 will present the results of the mappings in

the form of OWL instances. Finally, the last section will present our conclusion.


“The HR-XML Consortium is an independent, non-profit organization

dedicated to the development and promotion of a standard suite of XML

specifications to enable e-business and automation of human resources-related

data exchanges.” [1]

This consortium creates open data exchange standards in order to minimize

the risk to the companies of adopting ad-hoc solutions, and cut on the expenses

of the negotiation and agreement of a solution. By using these standards,

companies may also spare costs on implementing systems to interchange data.

These standards also provide a valuable resource to communicate and

collaborate on the high-level technology standards that are critical in the

development of Web-based solutions [4].

Today, HR-XML specifications include: Application Acknowledgment,

Assessments, Background Checking, Benefits Enrollment, Payroll Instructions,

Resume, Staffing Exchange Protocol, among many others.

The following code shows a small example of a HR-XML Resume file.





<FormattedName>John A. Example</FormattedName>




<FormattedNumber>+1 404 122 1234 </FormattedNumber>



<FormattedNumber>+1 404 123 1234</FormattedNumber>










This example only contains some data related to the contact information.

By 2003, the Consortium had a membership of more than one hundred

companies [4] represented in twenty two different countries. [3] Some of the

companies with membership in HR-XML are important players on their areas,

like: Convergys which is a global leader in integrated billing, employee care,

and customer care services [4]; Cisco Systems, well known in the networks

domain; IBM, in computer systems; Oracle, one of biggest players related to

data bases.

3 Defining the Ontology

In order to perform the mappings from the XML to the OWL ontology, we

were purposed to find real-world examples being used in companies. For the

XML we were able to find a standard, but then it became hard to find an OWL

ontology that allowed us to do all the mappings we wanted to. Due to these

limitations, we determined that would be better to create a new ontology.

Among the ontologies that have been founded using Swoogle [5], there was

an ontology named „eBiquity Publication Ontology‟, related to publications with

many details that could not be adapted to the XML instance file. This ontology

can be founded at

In order to develop a new ontology, we had available two approaches: the

bottom-up and the top-down approach. In the first one, we would have to study

the real-world in order to understand it, and then, model it in OWL. Using this

approach, we would achieve an ontology that would model a real-world

company, decreasing the amount of simulated environment. Following the

second approach, we start at an example of an XML file and model the ontology

with the details contained in the XML. Using this approach, we do not get as

well close to the real world as the previous one, but it becomes faster and

cheaper to realize, because there is need to understand the world related to the

domain we were modeling. We used the top-down because we could find any

company that were using the XML standard and we had not time to go to a

company that could possibly use it to better understand the details related to the

domain we are studying. We did not find these problems significant because did

not seem important to what we are trying to prove.

To develop a new ontology, we started by analyzing the elements in the

Resume specification. After this, we have chosen the publication part to prove

the concept of mapping between a real-world syntactic data example to a

semantic data one. Then, it was time to develop the ontology related to the

publication domain.

The ontology we created has eight classes:

1. PublicationRecord

2. Publication

3. Article

4. Book

5. ConferencePaper

6. Copyrights

7. Author

8. Employee

In the following sections we present these classes in more detail.

#PublicationRecord. This class represents a set of publications created be an

employee. This class does not have any Datatype property associated.

#Publication. This class represents all the types of publications that exists. This

class has four datatype properties that are common to all publications. Those

datatype properties are: title, publicationName, coments and abstract. Table 1

shows more details about the datatype properties of this class.

Table 1. #Publication Datatype Properties

Datatype Property Description

publicationName The name of the author in this publication.

title The title of the publication.

coments Coments about the publication.

abstract A brief summary of the related book.

#Article. This class represents the articles published. This is a sub-class of the

class Publication. We have defined six datatype properties for this class, which

are: articlePublicationDate, journal, volume, issue, pageNumbers and language.

Table 2 lists all the datatypes, along with some details about them.

Table 2. #Article Datatype Properties

Datatype Property Description

articlePublicationDate The date of publication of the article.

Journal The journal where the article has been published.

Volume The number of the volume of the journal.

Issue The meaning is based on context.

pageNumbers The page number or page range where an article


language Defines the language in which the publication is


#Book. This class represents the books published. This is a sub-class of the class

Publication. We have defined five datatype properties for this class, which are:

edition, ISBN, bookPublicationDate, publisherName and publisherLocation.

Table 3 lists all the datatypes, along with some details about them.

Table 3. #Book Datatype Properties

Datatype Property Description

edition The edition of the book.

ISBN The International Standard Book Number of the


bookPublicationDate Contains the date of publication of the book.

publisherName Defines the name of the publisher.

publisherLocation Contains the location of the publisher.

#ConferencePaper. This class represents the conference papers published. This

is also a sub-class of Publication. We have defined three datatype properties for

this class, which are: eventName, conferenceDate and conferenceLocation.

Table 4 lists all the datatypes, including some details about them.

Table 4. #ConferencePaper Datatype Properties




eventName The name of the conference where the paper was


conferenceDate The date or range date of the conference.

conferenceLocation The location of the conference.

#Copyrights. This class represents the copyrights of the publications. We have

defined two datatype properties for this class, which are: copyrightYear and

copyrightContent. Table 5 lists all the datatypes, along with some details about


Table 5. #Copyrights Datatype Properties




copyrightYear Contains the date the copyright was originally issued.

copyrightContent The name of the copyright holder and a short


#Authors. This class represents the author of the publications. We have defined

four datatype properties for this class, which are: name, phoneNumber,

faxNumber and mailAddress. Table 6 lists all the datatypes, along with some

details about them.

Table 6. #Author Datatype Properties




name Contains the name of the author

phoneNumber Defines the phone number of the author.

faxNumber Defines the fax number of the author.

mailAddress Contains the e-mail address.

#Employee. This class represents an employee. This is a sub-class from author.

We have defined one datatype properties for this class, which is: position. This

property defines the position occupied in the company where he works.

After the definition of the classes, we defined the relationships between them.

Those relationships are defined by the object properties. With object properties

we can define new classes or restrict other classes already defined. In this

ontology we have only restricted the existing classes using cardinality

restrictions. Table 7 shows those restrictions.

Table 7. Object Properties and Restrictions

Name Domain Range Restrictions

publishes author publication Minimum


is 1.

copyrightedBy publication copyrights Maximum


is 1.

belongsToRecord publication publicationRecords Minimum


is 1.

On the first restriction, we are defining that an author must have at least one

publication. The second one says that the publications cannot more than one

copyright. The last restriction defines that a publication record must contain one

or more publications.


article conferencePaper book




subClassOf subClassOf subClassOf subClassOf

copyrightedBy belongsToRecord


Figure 1 - Draw of the ontology

The image in Figure 1 shows the classes in the ontology and the relations

between them. This is a better way to understand the ontology we developed.

4 Establishing the Syntactic-to-Semantic Relationships

In order to map a syntactic context to a semantic one, we need to perform

several minor mappings. We define a mapping as a relation from one XML

node or attribute to an OWL class or datatype property. Mappings can also be

used to establish a rela-tionship between instances of specific classes.

In order to specify the mappings, we will use the concept of XPath. The

XPath lan-guage is based on a tree representation of the XML document, and

provides the abili-ty to navigate around the tree, selecting nodes by a variety of

criteria. In popular use (though not in the official specification), an XPath

expression is often referred to simply as an XPath. More details can be obtained

in [6].

Table 8 shows the correspondence between the XML values (Xpaths) and the

OWL attributes.

Table 8. Object Properties and Restrictions

XPaths from the XML File Ontology Datatype



sonName/FormattedName #author/name


ntactMethod/Telephone/FormattedNumber #author/phoneNumber


ntactMethod/Fax/FormattedNumber #author/faxNumber


ntactMethod/InternetEmailAddress #author/mailAddress


ory/Article/Title #article/title


ory/Article/Name/FormattedName #article/publicationName






ory/Article/JournalOrSerialName #article/journal


ory/Article/Volume #article/volume


ory/Article/Issue #article/issue


ory/Article/PageNumber #article/pageNumbers


ory/Article/PublicationLanguage #article/language


ory/Book/Title #book/title


ory/Book/Name/FormattedName #book/publicationName






ory/Book/Abstract #book/abstract











ory/Book/Edition #book/edition


ory/Book/ISBN #book/ISBN


ory/Book/PublisherName #book/publisherName


ory/Book/PublisherLocation #book/publishLocation


ory/ConferencePaper/Title #conferencePaper/title

















These relations define the bridge for the data between the XML structure and

the OWL classes and datatype properties.

To process the relations list above we used XSL Transformations [15]. XSL

Transformations (XSLT) is used to transform one XML document into another

one, without modifying the first one. The output document is generated based on

the source one. [16]

The following example shows the XSL code needed to transform node

containing the name of the person into the datatype property name from the

class #author of our ontology.

<xsl:variable name="root" select="/"/>

<xsl:variable name="hrauthors0">

<xsl:for-each select=


<xsl:if test="normalize-space(.) != '' ">


<xsl:value-of select="translate(normalize-space(.), ' ', '')"/>





The object properties are also defined in the JXML2OWL tool. These

mappings must be defined after the links between the XML structure and the

OWL classes. In the domain class of each relation, we have to add object

properties to that mapping, and then select which map of the range type we want

to associate as an object property instance. In the purposed mapping, we have to

create three mappings for object properties. Table 9 describes those mappings.

Table 9. Object Properties Mappings

Domain Class Range Class Object Property

#author #publication publishes

#publication #copyrights copyrightedBy

#publication #publicationRecord belongsToRecord

Some of these mappings could not be done. This situation will be explained

in the next chapter.

6 Mapping Results

Previously we have created a new ontology and all the mappings between the

XML file and the OWL classes. With these, it is possible to generate a file with

instances of the mapped classes.

The next example shows a portion of the XML file used to generate the OWL






<Title>XML in a Seashell</Title>


<FormattedName>John A. Example</FormattedName>





<Abstract>A very readable introduction to XML for readers with existing

knowledge of markup and Web technologies. </Abstract>







<CopyrightText>Copyright 2nd edition</CopyrightText>


<Edition>2nd Edition</Edition>


<PublisherName>O'Malley Associates</PublisherName>

<PublisherLocation> Garden City, NY, US </PublisherLocation>





The following example shows an instance created of the class book and also

the instance of the object property #copyrightedBy.

<hr:book rdf:ID="_hrbookXMLinaSeashell">

<hr:copyrightedBy rdf:resource="#_hrcopyrightsCopyright2ndedition"/>

<hr:title rdf:datatype="">

XML in a Seashell


<hr:publisherName rdf:datatype="">

O'Malley Associates


<hr:publishLocation rdf:datatype="">

Garden City, NY, US






<hr:publicationName rdf:datatype="">

John A. Example


<hr:ISBN rdf:datatype="">



<hr:edition rdf:datatype="">

2nd Edition


<hr:abstract rdf:datatype="">

A very readable introduction to XML for readers with existing knowledge of mar-

kup and Web technologies.



<hr:copyrights rdf:ID="_hrcopyrightsCopyright2ndedition">

<hr:copyrightYear rdf:datatype="">



<hr:copyrightContent rdf:datatype="">

Copyright 2nd edition



As we can see on the example, there has been created one instance of each

#copyrights and #book classes. In the second line of the instance of the #book

class, is the reference to the instance of the class #copyrights. This instantiates

the object property #copyrightedBy.

Now let‟s think about a scenario where we need to associate an instance

created from the XML file to an instance that does not have any mapping to the

XML file. For example, in the ontology we developed, there is the class

#publications that is related to the class #publicationRecord by the object

property #belongsToRecord. This relation means that a publication is related to

the publication record. The ontology schema also has cardinality restriction

saying that a publication is always related to at least one publication record.

The instance of this relation cannot be created using JXML2OWL because

this tool does not allow the creation of instances of classes that are not mapped

to the XML File. A solution to this problem could be the creation of an

instantiation of a class without having to map it to the XML File.

Using the actual version of the tool, it is also possible to create the instance

of the object property, but we have to create a mapping for the class

#publicationRecord. This map can be with anything of the XML file, because it

does not exist any datatype property to be added. And then, it would be created

an instance of the class, and the object property could be instantiated.

Applying the previous solution, it would be added some lines to the previous

example of the book instance. In the book instance we would have also this line:

<hr:belongsToRecord rdf:resource="#_hrpublicationRecordJohA.Example"/>

And at the end, we would have to add the following class instance:

<hr:belongsToRecord rdf:ID="_hrpublicationRecordJohA.Example">

</ hr:belongsToRecord>

The last solution seems to be the best to apply at this moment, due to the

limitations of JXML2OWL. But in my perspective, it seems it would be a

„cleaner‟ solution being able to create an instance without having to create a

mapping for a class.

There is another problem to solve. There is the case in the developed

ontology where the class #author has an object property that relates it to the

class #publication. This last class has three subclasses: #article, #book and

#conferencePaper. When we are building the mappings between the XML and

the OWL, it exists correspondences to the classes #author, #article, #book and

#conferencePaper, but it does not exist any mapping to the class #publication,

only to their subclasses. The ontology also has an object property from the class

#author to the class #publication meaning that all authors must write at least one


In theory it should be possible to instantiate the mentioned object property in

JXML2OWL, having mappings to the class #author and to any of the subclasses

of the class #publication. But the tool is not allowing the instantiation of the

object property because it does not find any mapping to the class #publication.

It should be possible to instantiate this object property because the classes

#article, #book and #conferencePaper are subclasses from #publication, and

then they inherit the object property #publishes.

The OWL instance file with the instantiation of the object property should be

like the following:

<hr:author rdf:ID="_hrauthorJohnA.Example">

<hr:publishes rdf:resource="#_hrbookXMLinaSeashell"/>

<hr:name rdf:datatype="">

John A. Example


<hr:phoneNumber rdf:datatype="">

+1 404 122 1234


<hr:faxNumber rdf:datatype="">

+1 404 123 1234


<hr:mailAddress rdf:datatype="">



As we can see in this example, the element hr:publishes states the relation

between the instance of #author and the instance of #book.

The only solution we achieved is to add this functionality to the JXML2OWL

tool because this is one of the basic notions of Semantic Web: inheritance.

6 JXML2OWL Mapping Tool

The mapping from the syntactic to the semantic data model can be executed in

various forms. It can be done by hand, or using the support of software. In our

case, we used a specific tool created exclusively to perform these kinds of map-

pings. This tool is the JXML2OWL[2], that stands for Java XML to OWL.

JXML2OWL is a graphical tool built in Java that performs mappings from

XML to OWL. The tool is easy to use and is based in the drag-and-drop tech-

nique. In order to generate the OWL instances, the tool uses the XSLT technol-

ogy. Therefore, the user might save an XSLT file that when processed in any

XSLT processor will produce an OWL document composed of instances.

JXML2OWL is composed of one main window divided in three major parts.

The Left side of the window presents the tree structure of the source XML. The

right side presents the OWL tree structure. Being so, the OWL elements to be

mapped are almost in front of the XML elements, which facilitates the process

of relating them. In the bottom of the window, there is a section where the user

can specify the parameters of the Datatype Properties and Object Properties

mappings. A screen-shot of the tool can be seen in Figure 2.

The main advantage of this tool is the fact that the user only needs to execute

a mapping once. In the future when the user intends to transform a XML file

that has the same structure as one that has been previously mapped, it only has

to execute the XSLT in that XML file, using an external XSLT processor, and

the instances are created.

Figure 2 - JXML2OWL Mapper

To create a Class Mapping using JXML2OWL, the execution occurs as fol-


1. Mapper selects an XML item or an OWL concept and maps it to an

OWL concept or XML item respectively.

2. System creates the respective mapping rule and updates transforma-


To create a Datatype Property mapping using JXML2OWL, the execution

occurs as follows[2]:

1. Mapper selects one existent Class mapping.

2. Mapper specifies the Datatype property name, and the range XML

item for the selected property.

3. System creates the respective mapping rule instance, and updates


To create an Object Property mapping using JXML2OWL, the execution oc-

curs as follows[2]:

1. Mapper selects one existent Class mapping.

2. Mapper specifies the Object Property name.

3. Mapper specifies the Range Class Association for selected property.

4. System creates the respective mapping rule instance, and updates


Although having a few bugs, this tool facilitates the mapping from XML to

OWL. It comes with a user manual that succinctly describes how to perform the

main tasks. The download can be done from: In

the site the user can also view two videos that show how to use the tool.

7 Conclusions

Today companies are using syntactic data to perform the electronic data

exchange between them. In the domain of human-resources related data, HR-

XML is used by many important companies to transmit the data among them

and their clients and partners.

We believe that in near future companies will need to shift from syntactic to

semantic data in order to increase their profits. Much work has been developed

with this aim, including transforming from XML data to OWL instances by

Rodrigues, T. and Rosa, P. (2006) trying to facilitate the job of the companies

that will try to do this shifting. But still, it has not been already tested with real-

world examples of syntactic data. For that, we used one HR-XML specification

and developed an ontology to simulate a real world scenario.

With the developed ontology, we encountered two problems to be solved and

possible solutions to them.

The first problem has to do with the fact that the used tool needs to have an

instance of every class mapped to the XML file in order to be connected to the

ones we are mapping. With the developed ontology, there was a class that did

not have any match in the XML File, and then, could not be associated with the

classes being mapped and instantiated. For this problem, we founded some

solutions. Without changing anything on the tool, we can link the class that has

no mapping in the XML file with some node, just to create an instance of that

class. We think that this is not the best solution, but is the one that can be used

with the actual resources. A cleaner solution, would be adding the functionality

of linking an instance to other existing instance of that class in other file. This

problem would be also solved if we could just create an instance of a class

without having to map something to it.

For the second problem, we believe it is a basic functionality since it is

connected with inheritance which is in the base of semantics. This problem

became from the fact that, in the developed ontology, we have an object

property that has as range a class that is never instantiated. This class has

subclasses which have mappings to them, having instances then. When we try to

instantiate the object property, we are not allowed to do that because the

instance of the range class from the object property is not instantiated. It should

let us create the instance, because that class has subclasses that inherit the object

properties from the upper-class.

This work shows that the migration from syntactic to semantic data is not

always easy and there is still a lot of work to do on this field.

8 Related Work

For this report, we have identified as related work integration of systems

using semantics.

Michael Uschold and Michael Gruninger (2004?) made a report about the

various existing architectures for integration of systems using semantics. They

have noticed five different types of architectures. JXML2OWL fits better in the

Manual Mapping architecture type. In this paper it is also suggested a hybrid

approach which mixes some of the indentified architectures to produce one that

better fits to a specific scenario.

Thomas Haselwanter et al, present in their paper how the technology of

Semantic Web Service can help overcoming the heterogeneity of data and

processes in a B2B integration scenario. For their case study, they use

RosettaNet for message exchange and message definition, and in the other end

of the communication line, it is used a combination of WSDL and XML

Schema. In their work it is presented an architecture using a middleware

framework conforming to the principles of a Semantic Service Oriented

Architecture. In this work we try to show a similar concept using the HR-XML

specifications to an ontology with B2BISS acting as a middleware framework.

The idea of using mappings to improve interoperability is also used by

Leonid Stoimenov, et al (2006) applied to Geographical Information Systems

(GIS). Their proposed framework, called GeoNis, uses a hybrid ontology

approach mixing the usage of a top level ontology and more specific ontologies

applied to each domain or office within a company. Some mappings must be

made in order to allow the ontologies to communicate among them.

JXML2OWL also uses the concept of mapping to ontologies, but on this one,

from XML files.


1. HR-XML official Site:

2. Rodrigues, T., Rosa, P.: JXML2OWL: An Approach to Semantic Data Integration

3. Cover Pages:

4. HRO News:

5. Swoogle:

6. W3C Consortium Xpath tutorial:

7. cXML official Site:

8. RosettaNet official Site:

9. ebXML official Site:

10. FIXML official Site:

11. USCHOLD, Michael and Gruninger, Michael. (2004?). Arcuitectures for Semantic


12. HASELWANTER, Thomas. (2006). Dynamic B2B Integration on the Semantic Web

Services: SWS Challenge Phase 2.

13. TEIXEIRA, Daniel, SOBRIHO, João. (2007). Advanced Applications for Management,

Integration and Analysis of Medium/Small Companies.

14. Stoimenov, Leonid et al. (2006). Discovering Mappings between Ontologies in

Semantic Integration Process.

15. XSLT Specification Site:

16. XSL Transformations on Wikipedia:

Appendix A: HR-XML Resume Example File

This is the complete code of the HR-XML Resume used on this work.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>





<FormattedName>John A. Example</FormattedName>




<FormattedNumber>+1 404 122 1234 </FormattedNumber>



<FormattedNumber>+1 404 123 1234</FormattedNumber>








<Title>Designing Interfaces for Youth Services Information Manage-



<FormattedName>John A. Example</FormattedName>





<JournalOrSerialName>1996 Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory

Video Reports, K. Pleasant, Ed., </JournalOrSerialName>

<Volume>vol. 2</Volume>

<Issue>no. 3</Issue>





<Title>XML in a Seashell</Title>


<FormattedName>John A. Example</FormattedName>





<Abstract>A very readable introduction to XML for readers with exist-

ing knowledge of markup and Web technologies. </Abstract>







<CopyrightText>Copyright 2nd edition</CopyrightText>


<Edition>2nd Edition</Edition>


<PublisherName>O'Malley Associates</PublisherName>

<PublisherLocation> Garden City, NY, US </PublisherLocation>



<Title>Trends in Employee Benefit Offerings</Title>


<FormattedName>Debra J. Cohen</FormattedName>


<EventName>SHRM 55th Annual Conference and Exposi-





<ConferenceLocation>Orlando, FL</ConferenceLocation>





Appendix B: Publications OWL Ontology

This is the ontology we developed to this work.

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<rdf:RDF xmlns:owl=""



<owl:Ontology rdf:about="">


Ontology version 0.8, 21 May 2007



<owl:Class rdf:ID="publicationRecord">

<rdfs:comment>Record of publications that an employee has made.</rdfs:comment>


<owl:Class rdf:ID="publication">

<rdfs:comment>publication that an employee has made.</rdfs:comment>


<owl:Class rdf:ID="article">

<rdfs:comment>Articles written</rdfs:comment>

<rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="#publication"/>

<owl:disjointWith rdf:resource="#book"/>

<owl:disjointWith rdf:resource="#conferencePaper"/>


<owl:Class rdf:ID="book">

<rdfs:comment>Books written</rdfs:comment>

<rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="#publication"/>

<owl:disjointWith rdf:resource="#article"/>

<owl:disjointWith rdf:resource="#conferencePaper"/>


<owl:Class rdf:ID="conferencePaper">

<rdfs:comment>Accepted papers written</rdfs:comment>

<rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="#publication"/>

<owl:disjointWith rdf:resource="#article"/>

<owl:disjointWith rdf:resource="#book"/>


<owl:Class rdf:ID="copyrights">

<rdfs:comment>copyrights of a publication</rdfs:comment>


<owl:Class rdf:ID="employee">

<rdfs:comment>Informations about who written the publications</rdfs:comment>

<rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="#author"/>


<owl:Class rdf:ID="author">

<rdfs:comment>Informations about who written the publications</rdfs:comment>


<!-- Object Properties-->

<owl:ObjectProperty rdf:ID="publishes">

<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#author"/>

<rdfs:range rdf:resource="#publication"/>


<owl:ObjectProperty rdf:ID="copyrightedBy">

<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#publication"/>

<rdfs:range rdf:resource="#copyrights"/>


<owl:ObjectProperty rdf:ID="belongsToRecord">

<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#publication"/>

<rdfs:range rdf:resource="#publicationRecord"/>


<!-- Restrictions -->

<owl:Class rdf:about="#author">



<owl:onProperty rdf:resource="#publishes"/>

<owl:minCardinality rdf:datatype=





<owl:Class rdf:about="#publication">



<owl:onProperty rdf:resource="#copyrightedBy"/>

<owl:maxCardinality rdf:datatype





<owl:Class rdf:about="#publicationRecord">



<owl:onProperty rdf:resource="#belongsToRecord"/>

<owl:minCardinality rdf:datatype





<!-- Datatypes Properties-->

<owl:DatatypeProperty rdf:ID="title">

<rdfs:label>publication title</rdfs:label>

<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#publication"/>

<rdfs:range rdf:resource=""/>


<owl:DatatypeProperty rdf:ID="publicationName">

<rdfs:label>name of the author used in this publication</rdfs:label>

<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#publication"/>

<rdfs:range rdf:resource=""/>


<owl:DatatypeProperty rdf:ID="coments">

<rdfs:label>coments about this publication</rdfs:label>

<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#publication"/>

<rdfs:range rdf:resource=""/>


<owl:DatatypeProperty rdf:ID="abstract">

<rdfs:label>abstract of the publication</rdfs:label>

<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#publication"/>

<rdfs:range rdf:resource=""/>


<owl:DatatypeProperty rdf:ID="articlePublicationDate">

<rdfs:label>publication date</rdfs:label>

<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#article"/>

<rdfs:range rdf:resource=""/>


<owl:DatatypeProperty rdf:ID="journal">

<rdfs:label>Journal where article has been published</rdfs:label>

<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#article"/>

<rdfs:range rdf:resource=""/>


<owl:DatatypeProperty rdf:ID="volume">

<rdfs:label>volume of the publication</rdfs:label>

<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#article"/>

<rdfs:range rdf:resource=""/>


<owl:DatatypeProperty rdf:ID="issue">

<rdfs:label>The meaning is based on context</rdfs:label>

<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#article"/>

<rdfs:range rdf:resource=""/>


<owl:DatatypeProperty rdf:ID="pageNumbers">

<rdfs:label>Number of the pages of the article on the book</rdfs:label>

<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#article"/>

<rdfs:range rdf:resource=""/>


<owl:DatatypeProperty rdf:ID="language">

<rdfs:label>language of the article</rdfs:label>

<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#article"/>

<rdfs:range rdf:resource=""/>


<owl:DatatypeProperty rdf:ID="copyrightYear">

<rdfs:label>Year of the publication copyrights</rdfs:label>

<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#copyrights"/>

<rdfs:range rdf:resource=""/>


<owl:DatatypeProperty rdf:ID="copyrightContent">

<rdfs:label>Text of the publication copyrights</rdfs:label>

<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#copyrights"/>

<rdfs:range rdf:resource=""/>


<owl:DatatypeProperty rdf:ID="edition">

<rdfs:label>book's edition</rdfs:label>

<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#book"/>

<rdfs:range rdf:resource=""/>


<owl:DatatypeProperty rdf:ID="ISBN">

<rdfs:label>book's ISBN</rdfs:label>

<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#book"/>

<rdfs:range rdf:resource=""/>


<owl:DatatypeProperty rdf:ID="bookPublicationDate">

<rdfs:label>book's publication date</rdfs:label>

<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#book"/>

<rdfs:range rdf:resource=""/>


<owl:DatatypeProperty rdf:ID="publisherName">

<rdfs:label>book's publisher</rdfs:label>

<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#book"/>

<rdfs:range rdf:resource=""/>


<owl:DatatypeProperty rdf:ID="publishLocation">

<rdfs:label>book's publish location</rdfs:label>

<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#book"/>

<rdfs:range rdf:resource=""/>


<owl:DatatypeProperty rdf:ID="eventName">

<rdfs:label>Name of the Event where the paper has been submited</rdfs:label>

<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#conferencePaper"/>

<rdfs:range rdf:resource=""/>


<owl:DatatypeProperty rdf:ID="conferenceDate">

<rdfs:label>Date of the Event where the paper has been submited</rdfs:label>

<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#conferencePaper"/>

<rdfs:range rdf:resource=""/>


<owl:DatatypeProperty rdf:ID="conferenceLocation">

<rdfs:label>Location of the Event where the paper has been submited</rdfs:label>

<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#conferencePaper"/>

<rdfs:range rdf:resource=""/>


<owl:DatatypeProperty rdf:ID="name">

<rdfs:label>Author's Name</rdfs:label>

<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#author"/>

<rdfs:range rdf:resource=""/>


<owl:DatatypeProperty rdf:ID="phoneNumber">

<rdfs:label>Author's Phone Number</rdfs:label>

<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#author"/>

<rdfs:range rdf:resource=""/>


<owl:DatatypeProperty rdf:ID="faxNumber">

<rdfs:label>Author's Fax Number</rdfs:label>

<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#author"/>

<rdfs:range rdf:resource=""/>


<owl:DatatypeProperty rdf:ID="mailAddress">

<rdfs:label>Author's Mail Address</rdfs:label>

<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#author"/>

<rdfs:range rdf:resource=""/>


<owl:DatatypeProperty rdf:ID="position">

<rdfs:label>Position of the employee on the company</rdfs:label>

<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#employee"/>

<rdfs:range rdf:resource=""/>


