Manufacturing-Journal vol. 3/3-2008



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While building success…

To create with imagination

Quality is the only way

page 15 page 39 page 68

The World of BusinessVolume 3/3 - 2008 . €5

okladka_przod.indd 1 2008-05-18 17:39:21


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okladka_przod.indd 2 2008-05-18 17:39:31

PRELUDESuccess:Get It DoneWhat separates the successful from the rest of the crowd: the successful get things done. Basically, the achiever pro-vide results while the unsuccessful offer up excuses. In the path to success, there are no excuses. Ultimately, the task was either completed or it was not. There are no other possibilities. Sports offers excel-lent examples for anything dealing with success. What makes most athletic events attractive is the fact there is a clear cut winner at the end. One team wins while the other loses. Certainly there are times when disputes occur. Perhaps there was a poor call that changed the outcome of the game. It is interesting to watch the caliber of coaches after the game. The ones who are top notch rarely will blame the loss on one play. While they might acknowl-edge that it was a factor, they will also point to a lot of other opportunities that their team failed to take advantage of. Of course, those coaches who do bemoan the officials usually end up out of a job in a short period of time. The reason be-ing is they are in the habit of passing the responsibility on to someone else. This is a losers mindset. Winners, whether it is in sports or life, take responsibility for the outcomes they receive. It is the only way to maintain some power in one’s life. As long as an individual chooses to blame others, those people need to be changed before anything can take place. Of course, this is completely unrealistic. However, when one takes the onus for the outcome upon him or herself, instantly that person has the ability to change the consequences in the future. For example, as long as the of-ficials are the reason that a football team loses, that team will not win until there is a change in the referees. Yet, a team that focuses their attention on all the other ar-eas of the game that they misplayed will be able to make adjustments to move to-wards winning. The same holds true for you in your life. Doing those things that you say you are going to do is a terrific starting point. Too many people fail to up-hold their word by not following through. The highly successful always follow through on those things they promised. This is what builds trust, a vital compo-nent for success. Having the trust of oth-ers will enable you to enlist the services of others. Many people find that they need to

walk the path towards success alone since others cannot depend upon them. A way to avoid this is to get done whatever you say that you will. Resist any temptation to offer up excuses for failing to do this. This places the responsibility on something outside yourself. Put the onus back upon yourself by doing whatever is necessary to complete the task. This is a winner’s mindset. How does one go about making a change in behavior that was fostered over decades. Begin by doing all the little things that you tell others about. It matters little if you can ‘get away with not com-pleting it’. Certainly there are a lot of task that as so unimportant that the outcome impacts us only slightly. However, we are concentrating on the behavior more than the importance of the activity. Keeping our word in all our affairs is a tremendous way to build trust among others. People are always looking for people that they can count on. This is true regardless of the organization. Employers want to have employees that they can rely upon to get things done. Lovers want someone they can turn to in a time of need. Anywhere that people are involved with a common purpose, dependable people tend to stand out. Do you want to be one of those peo-ple? If so, start by adopting this simple philosophy: In everything I do, I either got it done or I did not; there are no excuses.


Manufacturing-Journal 1

wstep.indd 1 2008-05-18 21:43:31

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1 Prelude2 Contents4 News12 Country profile14 Construction Industry:

15 Prochem20 Geofizyka Toruń24 Marbet28 JSC Dneprospetsstal32 Jafar

2 Manufacturing-Journal

spis.indd 1 2008-05-19 12:28:36

CONTENTS35 Leier Tarnów39 Mostobud43 TMM Construction47 Testi Group

50 Food and Beverage Industry:51 Roshen57 Obolon61 Makarony Polskie65 Iglotex68 SM Gostyń

71 Trade Shows

From the cover:

To create with imaginationpage 15

Manufacturing-Journal 3

While building success…page 39

Quality is the only waypage 68

spis.indd 2 2008-05-19 12:28:39

NEWSRice prices

It was speculated that Myanmar may be forced to scrap exports and boost purchases on the international market after a cyclone devastated crops and killed as many as 60,000 people. And this is the reason why rice prices jumped the most in two weeks. The cyclone damages in Myanmar will further tighten rice supplies, especially in Asia. This may drive importers to rush for supplies as the cyclone has made the rice exporter rely on food aid, says Takaki Shigemoto, an analyst at Tokyo-based commodity broker Okachi & Co. `` It is said that Myanmar had been expected to export 600,000 metric tons of rice this year. On May 3, Cyclone Nargis struck the main rice-growing area of Myanmar. It caused global food crisis and set prices to a record this year. The price of 100 percent Grade B White Rice rose to $941 a metric ton, from last week’s rate of $854. The damage from the cyclone was huge and Myanmar may be forced to seek imports of rice, Chookiat Ophaswongse, the president of the Thai Rice Export-ers Association, said.

The World Bank

On May The World Bank urged Ukraine to proceed with immediate implementation of its announced decision to eliminate restrictions on grain exports.According to the World Bank, since Ukraine joined it in 1992, commitments to the country total around US$5 billion for 36 operations. The Bank’s current portfolio there consists of 13 active projects totaling US$1.3 bil-lion, and about 6 additional projects under preparation. Nowadays Ukraine stands in front of the new devel-opment challenges. To sustain growth into the future Ukraine will need to: improve its international competi-tiveness, reform its public finances and the public sector to improve the quality of public services and ensure all Ukrainians benefit from economic growth, and tackle weaknesses in public and private sector governance. On April 23 the World Bank welcomed Ukraine’s announce-ment that it was lifting all restrictions on grain exports with immediate effect. Paul Bermingham, World Bank Country Director for Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova in a statement says: “We now understand that the new regime rather involves a system of increased quotas and licences rather than full elimination. The World Bank believes that fully eliminating export restrictions will both stimulate agriculture production in Ukraine, allow-ing the country to benefit from strong global prices, and

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will increase the global supply of grains thus helping to alleviate the global food crisis. We urge the authorities in Ukraine to imple-ment the announced decision fully and with immediate effect.” He also says: “We are responding to Ukraine’s needs by making our lending cheaper and more efficient. We are also allocating additional resources to bring global knowledge and country-focused solutions to the wide range of development priorities on which there is consensus in Ukraine.”

4-11.indd 1 2008-05-18 16:59:12

NEWSFood prices

Lower agricultural production, more and more consumption, and shifts to biofuel crops – these are the reasons for soaring food pric-es. Obviously in come countries weather shocks have an enormous influence on food prices. Cyclone Nargin, which hit the Myanmar on May, caused global food crisis. According to the Food and Agri-culture Organization 21 of 36 countries in a food security crisis are in Sub-Saharian Africa. The region imports 45% of its wheat and 84% of its rise. World Bank informs that poor families spend up to 80% of their budget on food. An estimated 100 million people have fallen into poverty in the last two years. Food prices are a matter of daily struggle for more than 2 billion people. Hogh prices threaten to increase malnutrition, already an underlying cause of death in over 3.5 million children a year. Wheat prices are up 120%, rice prices are up 75%. Prices are expected to stay high through 2015.

Submarine cable to link Europe, Middle East and India

Telecom major Bharti Airtel will be the only Indian service provider to be part of a consortium of 15 global telecommu-nications majors that will build a high-bandwidth submarine cable system to link Europe, the Middle East and India. The 15,000 km Europe India Gateway (EIG) cable system is a project with cost of $700 million and is expected to significantly enhance capacity and diversity between the regions. EIG is expected to be up and running by the second quarter of 2010. The project involves a group of 16 global telcos: AT&T, Bharti Airtel, BT, Cable &Wireless, Djibouti Telecom, Du Gibt-elecom, IAM, Libyan Post Telecom and Information Technology Company, MTN Group, Omantel, PT Comunicacoes, Sau-di Telecom, Telecom Egypt, Telkom SA and Verizon Business. Thirteen ‘landings’ are planned in the UK, Portugal, Gibral-tar, Morocco, Monaco, France, Libya, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Djibouti, Oman, United Arab Emirates and India. The EIG will also provide seamless interconnec-tion with other major cable systems con-necting Europe, Africa, Asia and North America. The EIG cable system, with its high quality transmission technology, will help meet the present and future growth in telecommunications traffic between the targeted regions. Bandwidth of up to3.84Tbps will be achieved using dense

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wavelength division multiplexing to sup-port video, data and voice services. The EIG consortium has also signed a sup-ply contract with Alcatel-Lucent and Tyco Telecommunications for the cable system’s construction. According to the David Nishball words, president, en-terprise services, Bharti Airtel there is a tremendous rise in use of data and broad-band applications among enterprises and consumers globally, and India is no ex-ception. Whether it is large enterprises

leveraging communications technologies to compete in a truly global environment or consumers seeking real-time entertain-ment over the internet, international con-nectivity has become a vital part of our lives. “As a leading telecommunications provider, we are committed to addressing this demand and providing reliable and resilient global networking solutions for our customers”, says Mr. Nishball.

4-11.indd 2 2008-05-18 16:59:16

NEWSChanges in Guinness brewery

One billion pints of Guinness which is now produced annually at 250-year-old St. James’s Gate brewery. However, soon part of the old brewery production will be moved to a new place in Dublin sub-urbs. Diageo, the brewing and spirits group that owns Guinness, also said that about half the 22 hectares, or 55 acres, of the old brewery will be sold off for development. Guinness also announced plans to close and sell in the next five years the 11-acre Abbey Brewery in Kilkenny City. where brewing has taken place for more than four centuries, and shut and sell a 12-acre site in Dundalk. Other brew-ing operations in Dublin, Waterford and Belfast will be continued. “This is the strongest commitment you can give that brewing will continue at St. James’s Gate. We have no further plans for rational-ization”, said Grainne Mackin, a Diageo spokeswoman in Dublin. About a million pints of Guinness are drunk each day in Ireland, but in recent years the brew has been losing out to lagers and wine. Ire-land is the third-largest consumer of Guinness, after Nigeria, its No. 1 market, which has the world’s largest Guinness brewery, in Lagos, and Britain. In recent years, the St. James’s Gate brewery has become an tourist attraction. Nearly a million visitors a year come and visit the old brewery.

The Bank of London and Middle EastMiddle East investors has now more and more prosperities. Thanks to the Bank of Lon-don and Middle East the European market is open to Islamic capital. The Bank is truly optimistic about the Islamic finance and its growing market segment. Investors from Middle East often want to put their money to work without compromising religious laws. That is why they are constantly searching for regions outside the Middle East to invest their money. At the same time, western companies are looking to investors from outside the Europe. According to the Islamic “business rules” investors always have to rely on profits and rent to make money, as interest payments are considered by many authorities to be sinful. Obviously industries such as tobacco and gambling are also banned as investments. BLME’s chief executive, Humphrey Percy, says: “We act as a gateway for Middle Eastern capital into the European market. Middle Eastern investors are increasingly looking to diversify. There is a great deal of wealth in the Middle East and these investors are looking further afield for suitable places to put their money.” London is the main destination for Middle East investors. Dealing with Islamic inves-tors will bring to UK new investments and market will definitely expand. Mr Percy adds that there are more western companies and institutions wanting to raise money using Islamic finance as they look to diversify or invest in a more ethical manner. BLME is owned by Kuwaiti investors. Total assets of the BLME has been expanding constantly.

6 Manufacturing-Journal

4-11.indd 3 2008-05-18 16:59:20

Ever-changing consumer tastes and trends combined with increasing global-ization mean that breweries face the need for consistent and cost-effective quality and performance as well as proactive new product development in order to sustain and expand their competitive position. Anhydro is a global supplier of a complete range of liquid concentration and powder processing solutions as well as dewatering plant and equipment for the international alcohol, brewery, dairy, food and bever-age, ethanol, starch, pharmaceutical and chemical industries. Anhydro provides a wide range of drying and evaporation so-lutions including spray dryers, spin flash dryers, fluid bed dryers, disc dryers, tube bundle dryers and dryers for pharmaceu-tical applications. Anhydro dryers range from small-scale plant to large-scale in-dustrial manufacturing plant.

Customization and serviceAll Anhydro systems can be tailored precisely to specific customer needs. All plants are supported by Anhydro’s global service organization, enabling customers to achieve optimum throughput and on-spec quality for the entire lifetime of the equipment.

Wide-ranging and documented track recordAnhydro has a documented track record from more than 15.000 projects world-wide. These include new equipment solu-tions, plant retrofitting and upgrades, new processing development, automation up-grading, plant performance optimization, process troubleshooting and environmen-tal applications.

Brewery equipmentAnhydro provides complete solutions for buffering, conveying, dewatering and dry-ing of spent grains as well as yeast drying equipment, such as:

• Buffer tankA buffer tank enables fast emptying of spent grains from the lauter tun using a screw positioned in the flanged-on con-veyor housing. The lauter tun can be filled


Manufacturing-Journal 7

Anhydro – specialists in drying, evaporation and dewatering process solutions

for the next brew after emptying, whilethe buffer can be emptied on a continuous basis• Pneumatic conveying system for spent grainsThe wet spent grains are pneumatically conveyed (plug conveying) from the buf-fer tank to a wet spent grains silo (dis-charge system) or a new buffer tank, be-fore being fed to a screw press and to a spent grains dryer (Tube Bundle Dryer).• Storage silos• Vetter Screw Presses Screw presses are used to dewater materi-als of different consistencies. The purpose of dewatering varies according to the ma-terial: a) improve the material behaviour for further processing b) improve storage life/conservation of the material c) reduce weight and/or volume in order to reduce transportation or dumping costs d) increase gross calorific value Fields of Application: Vetter screw press-es are used to dewater various materialsin different industries, such as corn husks, corn germs and wheat gluten, brewery spent grains, spent coffee grounds (ex-tracted), potato pulp, residues of various

vegetables and fruits, barley mash, com-post, organic waste, reject sludge, ensi-lage material (grass, rye, corn) etc• Vetter Tube Bundle Dryers Tube bundle dryers are used for non-sticky, pourable product that does not clog at the temperatures required for dry-ing and conditioning. Vetter tube bundle dryers are used for pourable product that does not stick to the tubes or tend to clog at the temperatures required for the drying and conditioning process (up to 180°C steam temperature). Fields of application: Starch Industry (corn germs, corn fibres and gluten, as well as wheat fibres with bran and syrup), Distilling and bioethanol Industry (distiller’s grains, DDG, DDGS), Extraction Industry (conditioning of bro-ken soya beans, sun flower seeds, rape), Brewing Industry (Spent grains, mixture of spent grains / yeast), Wood Processing Industry (Wood chips), Environment Pro-cessing (Pig Manure) • Vetter Yeast Dryers Yeast drying plant is used to dry the yeast coming from the fermenting cellar and storing cellar in breweries. Fields of ap-plication: Brewing Industry, Yeast (fer-mentation room/storage cellar)

4-11.indd 4 2008-05-18 16:59:24

NEWSSteel industry caught by surprise.

The Indian steel industry will take a deci-sion on revising its prices after the govern-ment reviews the export duty on the alloy. Tata Steel, known as Tata Iron and Steel Co Ltd (TISCO) and one of the world’s pio-neering steel companies commits to reduce steel prices to contain inflation. Located in Jamshedpur, India, the company has decided to hold prices for three months. The govern-ment pegged the duty on hot rolled at 15 per cent, 10 per cent for cold rolled, five per cent for galvanised steel and 15 per cent for TMT bars. The fact is that the announcement sur-prised steel industry. It is said that if the gov-ernment will go ahead with the notification, the industry can review its price rollback, which it undertook to help the government to moderate the rise in inflation. Obviously

Will peanut allergy gone?

According to the issue of The Lancet it suppose to happen in about five years. Scientists from Duke University say that it is all because of genetically modified plants or immunotherapy which may eliminate allergies to peanut. Peanuts can cause the most severe food allergies, affecting about three million people in US a year. Moreover it is causing up to 150 deaths. The news however may put the dampeners on the free-from food market that has been enjoying sales growth of over 300 per cent in the UK since 2000, according to market analyst Mintel. Allergies have been rapidly increasing in children. However scientists at various groups around the world are working on the development of novel immunotherapeutic strategies, which would alter the immune system’s response to this specific allergen. According to the new research various are based on the principle of curb-ing the immune response of so-called Th2 cells, or by inducing tolerance. Scientists from Duke University say that it is likely that in the next 5 years there will be some type of immunother-apy available for peanut allergic individuals. Genetically modi-fied peanuts may be a potentially life-saving for million people

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many steel companies without captive mines would not be able to absorb the cost. Major steel producers, as a responsible and responsive industry, committed to reduce prices of steel products and hold them for the next three months. Spot prices of flat products were reduced by Rs 4,000 a tonne, in addition prices of rebars and structurals being reduced by Rs 2,000 a tonne. The steel producers also planned the way of the international and national steel price situation and the increase in input costs for the industry before the government. They pointed out that the steel prices in the world are at an all time unparalleled high due to steep increase in the prices of iron ore, coking coal, ferro-alloys and other inputs as well as due to the strong growth in steel demand driven by China, India, Russia and other emerging markets.

around the world. However the fact is that the acceptance of GM peanuts is not guaranteed. The GM tag continues to be one of the biggest challenges for consumer acceptance, particularly in Europe and most notably in the UK. An estimated four per cent of adults and eight per cent of children in the 380m EU population suffer from food allergies, according to the European Federation of Allergy and Airways Diseases Patients’ Associations.

4-11.indd 5 2008-05-18 16:59:28

Work of building a new shelter to cover the ruins of the exploded power plant in Chernobyl has already started. This shel-ter will be stronger and larger that the former one. The project will cost $US505 million and it will be managed by Vince Novak, Director of the Nuclear Safety Department with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. After this project Ukraine will reach the goal of a safe state in Chernobyl. The new shelter is just part of a broader $US11.4 billion ef-fort financed by international donors. The project involves fixing the current shel-ter, monitoring radiation, training experts and building a massive new steel shelter that will slide over the current structure. The old shelter, called a “sarcophagus,” was built in just six months to cover the demolished reactor. But, according the experts opinion, intense radiation has weakened the shelter, according to the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission. It has also been damaged by the rainwater and snow that got inside through cracks in its roof. The first step, shoring up the sar-

Nuclear investments in Ukraine and Belarus

Central and Eastern Europe need to concentrate on healthy conceptsAlthough those region represents good opportunities for healthy ingredients, there is still a need to educate both at industry and consumer level, says Beneo Orafti, which is a part of the Sudzucker group. But the fact is that nowadays it seems that Central and Eastern Europe is a region where more companies invest in setting up factories here, more people become educated about the benefits of prebiotics. More-over many local producers also start to show more interest in health foods. However this market should be more concentrated on the benefits of healthy ingredients. In the prebiotic/gut health arena Beneo Orafti has received a strong helping hand in the CEE market thanks to Dannone’s advertising around its Activia product. It is noticed that on the many shop’s shelfs, near to the Dannone’s foodstuff some pol-ish prebiotic products appeard. They become more and more attractive to the pol-


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ish customers. CEE should also notice benefits such as aiding calcium absorption, potential as fat and sugar replacers, and ability to boost satiety. Products already on the market using Beneo inulin include Swisslion Juvitana biscuits in Serbia DM-Snacks SunChine breakfast cereals in Poland for calcium absorption; and Lotus Fruit ice cream in Czech Republic, for health and balance of the diges-tive system and natural defences. Beneo Orafti said countries in the region showing the most promise and prebiotic awareness were the Czech Republic, Hungary, Croatia and Slovenia. It is said that there is huge potential at the moment in Poland.

cophagus, is almost complete. The length of the new metal sarcophagus is 150 m, its width is around 260 m, height is 105 m, and aggregate weight is 18,000 tons. Itwill be built and slid over the old shelter using railtracks. The confinement will be assembled in the shape of an arch made up of metal structures at a relatively clean location 200-m away from the former unit the 4th reactor. Another nuclear invest-ment is going to have place in Belarus. Post-Soviet country is going to build a Nuclear power station with total electric power capacity of 2,000 megawatt. Be-larus is supposed to start the construction in 2008 and is planned to be launched in 2018. Head of main department of per-spective development and investments of Energy Ministry of Belarus Vladimir Bobrov admits that Ukraine can assist Be-larus in Nuclear power station construc-tion. The same about Russia or Lithuania. Mr Bobrov says. “In case it is not enough, Belarus will address organizations of oth-er countries. Ukraine, Russia and Lithua-nia have the biggest experience,” he said.

4-11.indd 6 2008-05-18 16:59:31

EU solar power invest-mentSolar Power From Africa is the most am-bitious solar thermal plan ever conceived. “Big Solar” architects says they can build a supergrid of concentrating solar thermal plants (CSP) that can meet most of Eu-rope’s current electricity needs by using just 0.3 percent of the deserts of the Mid-dle East and North Africa (MENA) and at a cost less than oil. Thos is an investment of $400 billion. The whole plan is called Desertec. It was developed by the Trans- Mediterranean Renewable Energy Corpo-ration. Desertec could eventually power Europe and about two-thirds of the Middle East and North Africa countries by 2050, while dramatically cutting C02 emissions and phasing out nuclear power at the same time. Obviously it is fuel prices and the mounting reality of a peak oil future have made Desertec economically attractive. However EU is still thinking about the so-lar investment. Deserted was for example asked how it will protect investors from

financial losses when political instability strikes the Middle East region. Let’s hope there is victory for this solar investment and that Europe will show that it cares about its own energy economy. According

to the Prometheus Institute and Greentech Media report in the next 12 years alone companies will spend between $80 bil-lion and $200 billion on CSP installations.


Most powerful brands

Market research firm Millward Brown Optimor produced the rankings based on interviews with more than a million con-sumers worldwide. The results show that “strong brands continue to outperform weak ones in terms of market share and share price during recessions,” Millward Brown Optimor CEO Joanna Seddon said in a statement. Google, General Electric, Microsoft, Coca-Cola, China Mobile, IBM, Aplle, McDonald’s, Nokia, Marl-boro –these are the strongest companies in the world, according to the report.Microsoft once again came in third, with a $70.9 billion brand value. Among the strongest brands appears food and drinks sector. Coca-Cola (including Coke and Diet Coke) gained the number four slot in the 100 ranking with a brand value of $58.2 billion, a rise of 17 per cent on the previous year. The repot says that the combined value of all brands in the BrandZ top 100 2008, that includes Pepsi

and Budweiser, increased by 21 per cent from $1.6 trillion in 2007 to $1.94 trillion in 2008. Millward Brown Optimor creates its final metric available from the BrandZ ranking, Brand Momentum, the index of the brand’s short-term growth potential. The BrandZ ranking also includes beer, coffee, soft drinks, and bottled water. The Pepsi brand (including Pepsi and Diet Pepsi) made it into the top 100, reaching the number 39 slot. It is worth to mention that in the cola sector, diet ranges outsell the full sugar versions and hold 53 per cent of the market. Budweiser (includ-ing both Bud and Bud Light) reached the number 70. Beer sector shows that in developed markets, local beer brands faced stagnant volume sales as opposed

to imported beers that experienced strong growth. Growth in the bottled water cat-egory also seems to be continued. That is because of a consumer focus on healthy-eating. A slice of this growth has been at the expense of the soft drinks sector. The report adds that this category is under the spotlight for environmental reasons.

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4-11.indd 7 2008-05-18 16:59:35

Baltic cooperation

President of the Republic Tarja Halonen said that Rus-sia should be involved in Baltic Sea cooperation. “The Baltic Sea unites, it does not separate.” According to the statistics economic growth in the Baltic Sea region has been strong, largely due to trade and investment. Shipping in the Baltic Sea and particularly transports of oil and chemicals in the Gulf of Finland have increased, which means that maritime safety needs to be improved Finland has a special interest in developing Baltic Sea cooperation, since over 80% of our foreign trade is shipped through the Baltic Sea. Russia must be involved in this international cooperation. The Baltic Sea’s signifi-

cance for Russia has increased in recent years, as evidenced by the development of the eastern end of the Gulf of Finland as a foreign trade centre, the construction of the Nordstream gas pipeline and the rising strategic significance of St. Petersburg. Many of the environmental problems in the Baltic Sea cannot be resolved without Russia’s assistance. “Baltic Sea cooperation must be developed with everyone on the basis of equal partnership, whose purpose cannot be to make someone a scapegoat or to put someone in an isolated position, but to invite them to cooperate. It is also important for Russia to be taken into consideration properly in the Baltic Sea strategy that is being prepared in the European Union, “ President Halonen said. Political commitment at the highest level is necessary to ensure the future of the Baltic Sea, according to President Halonen. Cooperation still needs to be developed and measures should be implemented better.

Higher food import standards – Germany says

According to the Germany’s farm minis-ter, Horst Seehofer, China, India and the US should be forced to adopt higher en-vironmental and health standards if they want to export food products to the Eu-ropean Union. “This does not mean more protectionism. We do not want to isolate the EU but to apply EU standards in other parts of the world. The developing coun-tries need to be able to produce more food [for themselves]. They also need political reforms, better education and less corrup-tion. Steps are also needed against big landowners that think only of maximising profits and not feeding the local popula-tion,” he said. Mr Seehofer said the EU had very high standards on “the environ-ment, on water, on health and social is-sues, that are also expensive for our farm-ers to implement. The EU should move step-by-step to ensure that third-world

countries also have to meet these stan-dards if they want to export to the EU.” A question about Europe’s Common Agri-cultural Policy appears. France is against Mr Seehofer idea. Alistair Darling, UK chancellor, claims it will cost consum-ers in Europe billions of pounds a year in higher food bills. Mr Seehofer said that “Europe needs market liberalisation, but under fair conditions.” He also signalled that Berlin might veto likely proposals from the European Commission to lift a ban on US exports to the EU of poultry products that are processed to lower stan-dards than apply in the EU. He said this idea was broadly in line with France’s proposals on a “European preference” in farm products to reflect higher EU standards. Poorer developing countries would not be affected, but the US, China, India and Latin America would, he said.

Bridge investment

It will be the largest joint construction project ever undertaken by the two coun-tries. A new bridge is planned to be built between the United States and Canada. It will be the second bridge between these two countries connecting the US city of Detroit with Ontario’s Windsor. It is said that the Ambassador Bridge, built in 1929, is too narrow to handle increased traffic between the world’s two biggest trading partners. Public broadcaster CBC said that it will be an investment which is estimated at the five-billion dollar (Cana-dian, US). Span would be built alongside the current Ambassador Bridge, which crosses the Detroit River and links the US heartland state of Michigan to Ontario. A 15-kilometer (nine-mile) freeway will also feed the new link. The CBC said an official announcement is expected in July.


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4-11.indd 8 2008-05-18 16:59:38


Full name: Italian Republic Population: 58.9 million (UN, 2007) Capital: Rome Area: 301,338 sq km (116,346 sq miles) Major language: Italian Major religion: Christianity Life expectancy: 78 years (men), 83 years (women) (UN) Monetary unit: 1 euro = 100 cents Main exports: Machinery and transport equipment, chemi-cals, clothes, wine GNI per capita: US $30,010 (World Bank, 2006) Internet domain: .it International dialling code: +39

Take the art works of Botticelli, Leon- ardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Tintoretto and Caravaggio, the operas of Verdi and Puccini, the cinema of Federico Fellini, add the architecture of Venice, Florence and Rome and you have just a fraction of Italy’s treasures from over the centuries. While the country is renowned for these and other delights, it is also notorious for its precarious political life and has had several dozen governments since the end of World War II.

OverviewThe Italian political landscape underwent a seismic shift in the 1990s when the “Clean Hands” operation exposed corrup-tion at the highest levels of politics and big business. Several former prime min-isters were implicated and thousands of businessmen and politicians were inves-tigated. Italy was one of the six countries which signed the 1951 Paris Treaty setting Europe off on the path to integration. It has been staunchly at the heart of Europe ever since, although in the early 2000s the government of Silvio Berlusconi adopted a more Eurosceptic stance. Mr Berlusconi sought to align Italy more closely to the US, breaking ranks with the country’s tra-ditional allies, France and Germany, in his support for the US-led campaign in Iraq. The Europhile Romano Prodi, who suc-ceeded Mr Berlusconi in 2006, pulled the Italian troops out of Iraq and set about re-storing good relations with other EU mem-ber states. Italy is the fourth largest Euro-pean economy and has one of the highest per capita incomes in Europe. The coun-try’s traditional manufacturing industries suffered a downturn during the final years of the twentieth century, but there have re-

downturn during the final years of the twen-tieth century, but there have recently been some signs that the economy is beginning to recover from its decade-long slump. There is concern over Italy’s birth rate - the lowest in Europe - and the eco-nomic implications of an ageing popula-tion. With the population forecast to fall by nearly a third over the next 50 years, the late Pope, John Paul II, instructed Italians to “rediscover the culture of life and love and... their mission as parents”.


President: Giorgio Napolitano

Giorgio Napolitano, a former Communist Party member, was sworn in as Italy’s 11th post-war president in May 2006.

The Italian president heads the armed forces and has powers to veto legislation, disband parliament and call elections.

Prime minister: Silvio Berlusconi

EconomyAccording to GDP calculations, Italy was ranked as the seventh largest economy in the world in 2006, behind the United States, Japan, Germany, China, UK, and France, and the fourth largest in Europe.

According to the OECD, in 2004 Italy was the world’s sixth-largest exporter of manufactured goods. This capitalis-tic economy remains divided into a de-veloped industrial north, dominated by private companies, and a less developed agricultural south. Most raw materials needed by industry and more than 75% of energy requirements are imported. Over the past decade, Italy has pursued a tight fiscal policy in order to meet therequire-ments of the Economic and Monetary Union and has benefited from lower in-terest and inflation rates. Italy joined the Euro from its introduction in 1999. Ita-ly’s economic performance has at times lagged behind that of its EU partners, and the current government has enacted numerous short-term reforms aimed at improving competitiveness and long-term growth. It has moved slowly, however, on implementing certain structural reforms

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subject to political influence, and Mr Ber-lusconi’s Mediaset empire operates Italy’s top private TV stations. Between them, Rai and Mediaset effectively control Ita-ly’s TV market and are a potentially pow-erful political tool. A media law, passed in 2004, heralded the creation of new digital TV channels and the partial privatisation of Rai. Critics said the bill reinforced Mr Berlusconi’s hold on the media. Romano Prodi’s government wants to replace the legislation. The Italian press is highly-regionalised. Milan in particular is home to a large number of dailies and news magazines. Most newspapers are private-ly-owned, often linked to a political party or run by a large media group. Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp secured a virtual monopoly of the pay-TV sector when it launched Sky Italia in July 2003. The ser-vice was created through the merger of two existing pay-TV services - Stream and Telepiu. Around 2,500 commercial radio stations broadcast in Italy. A few of them have national coverage; most are music-based. They share the airwaves with public broadcaster Rai’s radio stations.

The press Corriere della Sera - Milan-based, major daily La Repubblica - Rome-based daily, owned by L’Espresso group Il Messaggero - Rome-based daily La Stampa - Turin-based daily, owned by Fiat group Il Sole 24 Ore - Milan-based financial daily

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favoured by economists, such as lighten-ing the high tax burden and overhauling Italy’s rigid labour market and expensive pension system, because of the economic slowdown and opposition from labour unions. Italy has a smaller number of world class multinational corporations than other economies of comparable size. Instead, the country’s main economic strength has been its large base of small and medium size companies. Some of these companies manufacture products that are technologically moderately ad-vanced and therefore face increasing competition from China and other emerg-ing Asian economies which are able to undercut them on labour costs. These Ital-ian companies are responding to the Asian competition by concentrating on prod-ucts with a higher technological content, while moving lower-tech manufacturing to plants in countries where labour is less expensive. The small average size of Ital-ian companiesremains a limiting factor, and the government has been working to encourage integration and mergers and to reform the rigid regulations that have tra-ditionally been an obstacle to the develop-ment of larger corporations in the country. Italy’s major exports are motor vehicles (Fiat Group, Aprilia, Ducati, Piaggio), chemicals, petrochemicals (Eni), electric-ity (Enel, Edison), home appliances (Mer-loni, Candy), aerospace and defense tech (Alenia, Agusta, Finmeccanica), firearms

(Beretta); but the country’s more famous exports are in the fields of fashion (Ar-mani, Valentino, Versace, Dolce & Gab-bana, Benetton, Prada, Luxottica), food industry (Ferrero, Barilla Group, Martini & Rossi, Campari, Parmalat), luxury vehi-cles (Ferrari, Maserati, Lamborghini, Pa-gani) and motoryachts (Ferretti, Azimut).

MediaItaly’s heady blend of politics and media has made headlines inside and outside the country, with watchdogs and some politi-cians pointing to former Prime Minister Berlusconi’s influence over both pub-lic and private broadcasting. The public broadcaster, Rai, has traditionally been

12-13.indd 2 2008-05-18 16:57:54

Construction Idustry15-19 Prochem

20-23 Geofizyka Toruń

24-27 Marbet

28-31 JSC Dneprospetsstal

32-34 Jafar


14 Manufacturing-Journal

35-38 Leier Tarnów

39-42 Mostobud

43-46 TMM Construction

47-49 Testi Group

14.indd 1 2008-05-18 20:44:16

PROCHEM Inc. is a flexible com- pany, an enterprise ready to adapt to the needs and the requirements of its cli-ents and to realize the customers’ expec-tations according to the tools they prefer. An important part of our success is then the equipment and the software that we use. However, the most crucial factor behind the company’s current position are its people – their passion to create as well as their visions – says Mr. Marek Kiersznicki, Sales and Marketing Direc-tor and the Member of the Management Board of PROCHEM Inc. The visions of the employees’ are undoubtedly of advan-tage as far as the range of services deliv-ered by PROCHEM Inc. is concerned. What the company does is quite impress-ing – the offer includes not only support in all steps of an investment process but also guidance in pre-investment activi-ties, real-estate management and a com-prehensive system and industrial objects maintenance. Together with other compa-nies forming the PROCHEM Inc. Capital Group, the enterprise is then able to solve all problems, which the investors can face during the conceptualization phase, bud-get estimation, choice of most convenient technical solutions as well as search for an attractive location.

HistoryThe present picture of PROCHEM Inc. is a result of a number of structural changes, which the company has undergone since it was created in 1947. After less then two decades, in 1963, the tentative design stu-dio has been renamed to “PROCHEM”. It was also at the time that the company could boast the leading position as far as system and construction designs for chemical industry were concerned. Eight years later, in 1971 the company wit-nessed a new point in its history – next to the design activity it started to imple-ment and realize its projects. PROCHEM Inc. was also quite quick in the adaptation to the demands of the economical transi-tions of the Polish market and the new international quality demands. Already in 1991 the employees became the main shareholders of the company, in 1994 it had its debut on the Stock Exchange and in 1995, as the first engineering enterprise in Poland, it received the certificate ISO 9001. Thanks to all the transformations, the company successfully managed to grow from a small industrial design office grounded by an architect, Jan Pągowski, to an enormous and modern design work-shop, functioning according to models of similar enterprises in Western Europe.

PROCHEM INC.To create with imagination

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It is also worth mentioning that the uniqueness of the company and its high quality have been recently granted with a number of prestigious trade distinc-tions. PROCHEM Inc. was called the “Leader of Polish Business of 2005”, a year later it was given the title of “De-sign Enterprise of 2006” and, last but not least, it is one of the companies of the prestigious Business Gazelles Club.

Reasons behind the successAs mentioned already at the beginning, human capital has played an inestimable role in the development of PROCHEM Inc. The company is currently employing 270 people and cooperates on a regular ba-sis with another 80. All of the employees are highly qualified experts specializing in technological, architectural, electrical, wiring, pipe, road, construction, cost-esti-mation and mechanical trade. Almost three quarters of the human resources are grad-uates of institutions of higher education, most of whom majored in engineering. As far as the technical staff is concerned, more then one hundred of the employees possess either design licenses or permits to lead the construction works. The staff is a mixture of experience and youth – next to people, who have been contributing to the success of the company for more

then forty years, there is also a numerous group of young and well-educated work-ers ready to face the challenges of the constantly changing trade environment. However, tuned and qualified crew with years of experience is not the only factor, which brought the company to its current position. PROCHEM Inc. is one of the very few Polish enterprises of the engi-neering trade operating with tools, which do not differ from the ones used by the best engineering companies of Europe and the whole world. For more then two decades, the company has been taking advantage of software standing for the computeriza-tion of an engineer’s work – the introduc-tion of CAD in the company goes back to the year of 1986. The number of highly trained workers, active software licenses and the degree of systems integration constitute the power of the company and the potential for further implementation of technologically complex undertakings. State-of-the-art technology and the de-velopment of the personnel’s talent have turned out to be the right track – the company is at present one of the biggest centers in Poland realizing designs in 3D technology, which guarantees not only higher quality and fewer mistakes in the designer’s work, but also a better coordi-nation and visual control of the concept.

Investment in crew and futureThe high demand of the company for ex-perts at ease with 3D modeling software, strength-calculations of complex struc-tures or modeling of chemical processes is not in line with the supply. The com-pany tries then to make up for the short-ages through a system of professional trainings, which the employees have to undergo. At PROCHEM Inc. it is believed that trainings are a long term investment, which will pay back in the future not only in the case of the company itself but also in the case of the whole trade. The positive changes in the latter have been actually already perceived by PROCHEM Inc. For the last few years the revenues and the profits of the company have been relatively high. The record was broken in 2005 – the revenue totaled to 574 million PLN. Moreover, the positive changes of the whole construction industry have also reflected themselves in the share price of PROCHEM Inc. On 7th May 2007 a sin-gle share of the company reached its his-torical maximum – 106,0 PLN for a unit. Thanks to a very good financial result in 2007, the company and the whole capital group came to high positions in a number of diverse ratings. According to a compar-ison prepared by Warsaw Business Jour-nal – “Books of Lists 2008. A guide to

16 Manufacturing-Journal

15-19.indd 2 2008-05-18 14:47:16

ZBAZakład Budowy Apara-tury S.A.

ZBA SA ul.Chemików 7, 09-411 Płock,

Zaklad Budowy Aparatury S.A. It owns 45 years of experience in project design and production of process equipment. Firm supplies apparatuses and fix-ups for petrochemical industry, chemical, refinery and energetic sector in:

- Pressure and storage vessels- Shell-tube heat exchangers- Process columns- Air coolers- Condensers and heaters for power industry- Reactors and mixers- Steel chimneys,- Air and waste gas ducts, - Steel constructions,

ZBA S.A. It has at disposal big creative potential. It executes services in the field of large size treatment technique element, drilling sieve as well as rolling of sheet metal. Experi-ence and high skilled staff, with modern engine park guarantees realization of orders on invariably qualitative high level. We own entitlement and certificates including: ISO 9001, PED – 97/23/EG, ASME,UDT, TÜV.

tel. +48 (024) 365-23-23fax +48 (024) 365-39-76

- Control systems

- Start-up of plants

- Audiovisual monitoring

- Optic fibre techniques

- Technical Design

ul. Kwiatkowskiego 833-101 Tarnówtel.: +48 (014) 637 35 54fax: +48 (014) 637 31 69


ISO 9001:2001


Manufacturing-Journal 17

15-19.indd 3 2008-05-18 14:47:22

the Polish business and economy”, PROCHEM Inc. turned out to be num-ber one in the category of “Archi-tectural Enterprises”. The same rat-ing granted the company the third position in the group of “Companies Managing Construction Projects”. The company expects to draw even more from the optimistic trends waiting for the whole industry in the next couple of years. Interesting enough, the enter-prise believes that the speed-up of the construction trade will continue despite numerous brakes in the form of legal and organizational obstacles and further shortages of highly qualified person-nel. Hopes of the company are first and foremost concentrated on the plausible, large-scale investments in sectors, with which the company plans to cooperate more closely in the future. They include companies of the chemical, pharmaceu-tical, electronical and energy sectors.

Some achievementsBecause of the fact that the company has been present on the Polish market for more then over sixty years now, it is difficult for Mr. Kiersznicki to mention one specific project, which turned out to be of greatest value for the company. So far, the compa-ny had its contribution in a few thousands

of different investment assignments, both in Poland as well as abroad. PROCHEM Inc. had its part in the restoration of post-war Warsaw, the construction and de-sign of new chemical plants in Poland as well as a number of giant plants rep-resenting other industries in the country.As far as the overseas activity is con-cerned, the enterprise made its steps to a number of countries located both in Europe as well as on other continents – Germany, former Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Hungary, former USSR, China, Thailand, Iraq, Iran, United Arab Emirates, France, Saudi Arabia, Georgia, Turkmenistan or former Czechoslovakia. It is in that no longer existing country, where the compa-ny managed to realize its largest export-investment. The giant venture took place in Sala, started in 1979 and spanned for a little less then fifteen years. At the peak of the works, the construction engaged over one thousand workers from Poland origi-nating from 18 different sub-contractor companies. The constructions included around 75 diverse objects, among them the design and realization of Agro II plant-protection workshop, PVAC installation, eco-foil plant, sewage works, magnesium oxide plant as well as modernization of the canteen and office buildings. On the other hand, one of the projects that is

currently being finished up is the launch-ing of two systems made for a Hungar-ian company Nitrogenmuvek Rt. in Petfurdo – the granulation and neu-tralization of ammonium fertilizers. What the company is also proud of is the cooperation with foreign-based compa-nies, which stormed the Polish market after the collapse of communism. The compa-ny served then: Procter & Gamble, Lever Polska, Henkel, Daewoo, Pepsi Food, Coca Cola, Shell, Pilkington Sandoglass, Delphi, Podravka, Toyota Motor Manu-facturing Poland, Bridgestone, LG Philips LCD, Michelin, Toshiba, Wydawnict-wo Bauer Druck, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Shimizu and many others. Further development of export activi-ties is on the top position in the strategic plan of the enterprise. PROCHEM hopes to pave its way to abroad projects con-nected with biofuel production and wide scope of chemistry-based industries.

PROCHEM Inc. and the Euro-pean UnionOne of the most interesting and prom-ising activities of the company are consulting services delivered to cus-tomers interested in receiving finan-cial support from the funds (i.e. ISPA, SAPARD) of the European Union.

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The consultancy focuses not only on the very preparation of the ap-plications – the representatives of PROCHEM Inc. can also be the FID-IC contract engineers of the clients. Generally speaking, cooperation with the European Union seems to be of great im-portance for the company. Its personnel is active in the research conducted by Eu-ropean Business Test Panel. Next to that, from 2004 on - together with the Wrocław University of Technology - the company participates in the works of European Technological Construction Platform. Finally, in 2005 it signed a consortium agreement with 16 European partners

and the European Union on research connected with the integration and automa-tization of business processes in small and medium size enterprises. We can just anticipate that also this part of the corpo-rate activity will turn out to be a success.

- Leading producer of low voltage switchgears in Europe. - Execution of complete electric systems for industry.

Manufacturing-Journal 19

15-19.indd 5 2008-05-18 14:47:32

Geofizyka Toruń (GT) – a quality leader in providing geophysical ser-vices. Hi-tech inno-vations, constant research and new survey methods keep GT ahead of world geophysical competition.

Geofizyka Toruń

GT milestones

Geofizyka Toruń (GT) has been a pro-vider of integrated geophysical services to the petroleum and exploration industry worldwide for over 40 years. Its custom-ers include major international, national and independent oil and gas companies.The Company’s President, Stanisław Zoń, tells about the history of GT and milestones that dates back to the Entity’s roots. “Development of geophysical ser-vices highly depends on technical prog-ress. Therefore, our milestones are strictly related to the technological innovations and modern survey methods”, says Mr. Zoń. He enumerates the company’s mile-stones:

• 1973 – implementation of digital seis-mic technology both for seismic data ac-quisition and processing. The company employed American state-of-the-art re-cording system and advanced hardware equipped with French seismic data pro-cessing system. “These were seventies – at that time such an investment was clas-sified as the world’s breakthrough”, says GT President. • Mid-seventies – seismic and magnetic surveys in the Baltic Sea, Poland. The company used a naval hydrographic ship “Copernicus” equipped with an air-gun seismic energy and satellite navigation systems, both used for the first time in Eastern part of Europe. Seismic data pro-cessing was performed then with the use of a computer from the USA, similar

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to the one which controlled flights to the Moon during the Apollo program. • 1976 – implementation of the seismic vibrator energy source for surveys – the base for modern seismic exploration at present. This technique has minimal im-pact on the environment. For years GT has been known for its contribution to development of the technique and takes active role in promotion of environmen-tal friendly approach worldwide. “Geo – means Earth and we feel obligated by that name”, recounts Mr. Zoń.• 1984-1994 – seismic field operations in India (Gujarat and Tamil Nadu). It was

in 3D seismic technology in Central and Eastern Europe. The technology contrib-uted to discoveries of the biggest onshore oil and gas deposits in Poland and India. • In early years of XXI century the company has introduced breakthrough multicomponent (3C) technology to Po-land and India and has a leading role in research and development of this method. In cases where results by conventional seismic methods are not reliable enough, multicomponent (3C) seismic technol-ogy brings great advantages and bet-ter understanding of subsurface. With this technology, GT takes exploration to

achieved by the company in the recent years”. Self-explanatory are the financial facts. The company’s income increased from 120 million in 2002 to 321 million PLN in 2007, whereas net profit during the last three years doubled every year.

GT customers – export offensiveGT operates across the globe and is proud to deliver its services to the biggest and the most influential companies in the E&P sector, like Shell, Total, CEPSA, GSPC, Repsol, ENI, Cairn Energy and many more. In August 2007 Shell granted GT an extensive 2D seismic data acquisition

the moment when GT team developed an effective platform of cooperation with foreign customers. As a result, the com-pany was able to adapt to the free market economy extremely quickly. “We are the most reliable geophysical contractor in India, one of the most active oil and gas exploration markets worldwide.”, says President Zoń.• In 1993 the company implemented 3D seismic. GT was the first company to conduct seismic field operations in Poland with the use of this method. Moreover, GT is considered as a pioneer

new heights.

Polish Business Leader AwardGeofizyka Toruń received Polish Busi-ness Leader Award in 2006. This presti-gious distinction from Business Center Club, is one of the most important Polish business awards, which has been granted since 1991 to companies that drive their business, focusing not only on profit but also on great care for business ethics and international relations. Mr. Stanisław Zoń says that “GT was awarded the golden statue for excellent economic results

program in Syria. “Standards set by Shell are considered as the highest in the E&P industry so contract with Shell confirms that GT is one of the leading companies in terms of geophysical services” says Mr Zoń. This shall be recognized as a great success when looked from the per-spective of the year 2002, when there was a breakthrough in GT’s key market structure. The export contracts for the services soared then by over 700% in comparison to the year 2001. Strength-ening GT positions on the markets let to keep this ratio while getting more

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20-23.indd 2 2008-05-18 14:55:25

ambitious and challenging programs and at the same time approaching the elite of the E&P sector. Professional approach resulted in huge client portfolio whereas the competence and commitment of GT’s personnel are recognized throughout the industry and have become truly unique strengths of the Company.

Quality, staff & HSEThe mission of GT is to provide profes-sional and innovative geophysical servic-es to the oil and gas exploration industry, in a manner that guarantees client satis-faction and respect for the environment. Committed to this objective the Company is an active member of IAGC (Interna-tional Association of Geophysical Con-tractors) and has obtained ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certificates. One of the fun-damental forces that keep GT on a good track is the Company’s personnel. “At GT, we bring to our clients experience, as well as the best quality, expertise and enthusi-asm”, says Stanisław Zoń. Our Company is one of the world’s most important and competitive providers of integrated geo-physical services. We are aware that the competitive advantage may only be main-tained through flexible and well-trained workforce. At the moment GT employs for full time approximately 600 people. There is also a group of part-time employ-ees (300-600) who take part in projects as they emerge. Additionally, as far as for-eign projects are concerned, the company very much relies on local workforce. The other critical element of GT’s culture is HSE (Health, Safety and Environment) that continues to be an important differ-entiator, not only for its clients but also for its employees. The Company consid-ers preserving the health and safety of its employees, contractors, and neighboring communities, as an absolute prerequisite to other business objectives. No accidents, no harm to people nor damage to the en-vironment. These are the inspirations that drive the way GT conducts its operations. GT’s aspiration is to prevent all accidents through integration of HSE principles in all its business processes by the mean of integrated HSE Management System.

The past and the future In the recent years the company’s activity profile has not changed. Among core ser-vices there are integrated seismic surveys, ranging from survey design through seis-

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mic data acquisition to the processing and interpretation and all integrated geophysi-cal services to the petroleum and explora-tion industry. The only changes that can benoticed are related to the landscape. “We adjust to new climate as well as geo-graphical and cultural conditions”, says Mr. Zoń.

“On one side, GT perspectives very much depend on the petrol market situation. High prices of crude oil create favorable conditions for new geophysical explora-tion programs to execute. On the other hand, the area which we penetrate has been shrinking. We need to work under challenging conditions like mountains, deserts, jungles and transition zones. Challenges arise…” says Mr Zoń. “And for those who look for a success recipe: If you want to accomplish success you con-stantly need to look for new challenges“, adds the President of GT.

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20-23.indd 4 2008-05-18 14:55:37

MARBETSuccess through innovationsMARBET stands for comfort and safety and its products will make your house a place to be proud of. The company was established in Bielsko-Biała, Poland, in 1980 as a Swiss-Polish joint venture. Specializing in man-made materials, it supplied Polish and foreign markets with over a hundred originally developed and tested products including insulated bee hives, inserts for windsurf-ing boards, swimming floats, boats, and road and railway signs. One of MAR-BET’s most successful products was plastering long floats, now widely called marbertki. This diversified offer was

a carefully planned and adequate re-sponse to the needs of the poorly sup-plied Polish market in the early 1980s. In 1984 MARBET devised its own unique method of producing roll insu-lating materials made of polystyrene foam. In this way company focused on advanced polystyrene technologies. The late 1980s and early 1990s were a period of rapid expansion of MARBET’s activi-ties abroad. In order to sell its products on the demanding West European mar-kets, the company had to meet very strict German and EU standards and obtain all the necessary certificates. Since that time

the company has exported hundreds of thousands of baby car seats and cy-cling helmets. In the early 1990s MAR-BET started to produce decorative ceil-ing tiles and mouldings, offered in a wide range of designs and colours. The company sells huge quantities of them, largely in East European countries, thus contributing substantially to strength-ening Poland’s economic contacts with Russia and other eastern neighbours. Since its establishment, MARBET’s objective has been to manufacture top-quality products and supply them to Polish and foreign customers. In 1998

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MARBET was awarded an ISO 9001 certificate. Currently the company is implementing a sophisticated environ-ment management system which stands for eco-friendly production processes, full recyclability or biodegradability of all products, savings on materials used, and everything that is generally called environment-friendly approach. Ambi-tious as it sounds, the task won’t be dif-ficult to bring off as the company has long been using modern CFC-free technolo-gies which ensure that MARBET’s prod-ucts pose no hazards to health or environ-ment and all wastes are fully recycled. Every year the company’s achievements are presented at domestic and interna-tional fairs. MARBET and its products have been honoured on many occasions. Major awards include the title of a Reli-able Company, Business Gazelle, Euro-pean Medal as well as the awards for the Market Leader, Silver Pillar of Building Industry, Best Product and Successful De-sign. All the awards and diplomas confirm the quality of the company’s products, which is a result of persistent work and daringly implemented innovative ideas.

Let’s decorate...!If you want to make your home look el-egant and cosy, MARBET’s products will be the right choice. The company offers an impressive variety of ceiling, wall and floor finishing materials. These include ceiling tiles, decorative mould-ings and rosettes, skirting boards as well as materials for improving heating comfort such as behind-heater screens and insulating tapes, plus a huge range of TITAN® installation adhesives. All

products are available in a wide range of colours and patterns to sat-isfy even the most choosy customer, so if you are one, you’ll be delighted.

Let’s do a little bit of technol-ogy...!Machines and equipment - For many years MARBET has been developing its own machines and equipment used in a variety of production processes. Development and improvement work is done in the com-pany’s own design department and super-vised by qualified staff. The equipment is developed in order to make it even more versatile and useful for any company. Furniture for IKEA - As one of just a few Polish contractors, MARBET supplies products for IKEA, the world’s leading producer of furniture. The cooperation started in 1994 with children’s armchair ‘Mamut’. Over years, the list of MAR-BET’s products for IKEA has grown con-siderably. To meet the market demand, a modern production and storing facility was built in Czechowice-Dziedzice. Soon the company’s own line of furniture, called „Marbet Style”, is to be launched. Like the products for IKEA, it will feature foamed-polystyrene cores and top-quality uphol-stery fabrics. Foamed-polystyrene means low weight, which results in lower trans-port costs, cheape production and higher competitiveness. The furniture is also ful-ly recyclable and environment-friendly as the cores can be reprocessed and reused. Baby car seats - During a head-on colli-sion at a speed of just 50 kph your baby

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is pulled forward within one-tenth a sec-ond by a strength equal to 30 times his or her weight! Sounds terrible, doesn’t it? In order to eliminate the risk of trag-edy, MARBET offers baby car seats which are produced using state-of-the-art technologies. The seats are light, func-tional, elegant and, most importantly, safe as they are highly endurable and excellently absorb mechanical energy.

Let’s package it...!What are the advantages of foamed poly-styrene packaging? There are lots of them. This kind of packaging ensures good pro-tection during transport and storing, high resistance, shock absorption, heat insula-tion, protection against flavour loss and drying as well as low production costs. It also offers elasticity, low weight, bet-ter store management thanks to improved methods of storing goods and – last but not least – elegant look. MARBET has been producing foamed polystyrene shapes and packaging since 1988. While manufactur-ing them, the company uses its expertise, high-quality equipment and cutting-edge, environment-friendly technologies. All production stages as well as ready prod-ucts are strictly controlled. Central to the company’s activities is the technical de-partment, which is responsible for high quality of MARBET’s products and its constant improvement through know-how acquisition. Using client’s patterns or descriptions, the company can design all sorts of shapes and packaging, suggest-ing possible improvements if necessary.

Let’s fly…!Decoration, packaging and insulation arethe only fields of MARBET’s activity. Standing firmly on the ground, the com-pany aims high – as high as several thou-

sand metres. From the very beginning, it has been participating in the construction of the BIELIK jet plane for pilot train-ing and the ORKA two-engine executive plane. Both planes are produced by the ZAKŁADY LOTNICZE MARGAŃSKI & MYSŁOWSKI in Bielsko-Biała. In 2007 ORKA was awarded the title of „INDUSTRIAL DESIGN 2001-2005”. Other awards include Minister of Economy’s „DESIGN OF THE YEAR 2006” and „GOOD DESIGN 2006”. In Gliwice, MARBET-WIL produces special-purpose materials based on sulfur binders. As the first in Europe, it launched the commercial production of this kind of binder known as SULCEM®. It is pro-duced from Polish materials including waste sulfur from oil and natural gas des-ulfurization facilities (Claus installation). The products are characterized by high compression and crushing strength, fast-ness to acids, salts and other aggressive agents. The SULCEM® binder is setting new trends for technologies in the con-struction industry, road engineering and waste stabilization. Using the binder, the company has developed many unique so-lutions such as in-line drainage elements, weights for railway tractions, sewer and telecommunicatio manholes as well as foundations for reinforced quays and oth-er marine constructions. For many years MARBET-WIL has been cooperating with EU institutions to analyse the possible use of this technology for neutralizing and so-lidifying even the most hazardous indus-trial waste. For this purpose, the company has obtained EU subsidies. Every year MARBET’s products and technologies are shown at national and international fairs, conferences and symposia. The company has participated in events such as the BRUSSELS EUREKA Salon Mondial

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de l’Innovation, de la Recherche et desNouvelles Technologies, CONCOURS LÉPINE INTERNATIONAL in Paris and many others. It has won many awards for its products, including the Polish Prod-uct of the Future, the Golden Orbital as well as major awards at the BRUSSELS EUREKA, where in 2006 Włodzimierz Mysłowski, MSc, the company’s founder, was honoured with an individual cross for achievements in the field of innova-tion. Nowadays, MARBET Group (which includes MARBET Sp. z o.o., MAR-BET-WIL Sp. z o.o. and the Zakłady Lotnicze Margański & Mysłowski Sp. z o.o.) is known and recognized in 37 countries around the world. It has more than 560 employees, all contributing to the enormous success of the company.

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JSC DNEPROSPETSSTAL- a success made of steel

Joint-Stock Company DNEPROS TETSSTAL, Zaporozhye-based com-pany, is leading Ukrainian producer of special steels. It manufactures products in stainless, tool, high-speed, bearing and alloy structural steel grades as well as nickel-based heat-resistant alloys. The Zaporozhye Steel Mill DNEPROS-PETSSTAL named for A.N.Kuzmin was founded in 1932. The history of DSS is a story of responsibility and profession-alism, innovative approaches and pro-gressive technological solutions, of so-cially oriented and responsible business practices. DSS still remains true to these

very same principles of its development. Today DNEPROSPETSSTAL holds lead-ership positions in the market-places of Ukraine, the CIS as well as Europe and supplies its products to more than 50 countries. Active efforts are made to de-velop distribution channels in America and Asia as well. The Company’s market-ing strategy is fully oriented towards the consumer - DSS aims to meet customer requirements and expectations. High-quality products, competitive prices and flexible terms of payment combine to ensure that the Company has successful and long-lasting business relationships

with its partners. The vast selection of product dimensions and shapes coupled with the ability to handle package or-ders and small-volume low-value ship-ments ensure a stable high demand for the Company’s products. As part of DSS’ after-sales service package the Com-pany offers technical consultations for customers and ensures on-time delivery and customs clearance. DSS company manufactures highly competitive steel products which meet the requirements of local and international standards includ-ing GOST, ЕN, АSTM, AISI, DIN, BS, JIS etc. DNEPROSPETSSTAL’s quality

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assurance system is certified as compli-ant with ISO 9001. Quality and quantity monitoring for goods shipped is carried out by SGS, a world leader in indepen-dent product inspection, testing and cer-tification. The main thrust of DNEPRO-SPETSSTAL’s development strategy is directed at strengthening the company’s competitive position in the special steels markets and sales growth. DSS aims not only to retain its leadership among manu-facturers from the CIS but also to expand its presence in the world market-place for tool and bearing steels.DSS positions themselves as a company believing in transparent business practices and strive to offer customers high-quality products as well as the best in customer service. In order to achieve the goals set, the Compa-ny is actively introducing new manufac-turing and energy saving technologies.

Products as dependable as...steel!DNEPROSPETSSTAL constantly devel-ops and modernizes production facilities, new technologies developed and up-to-date equipment implemented result in the highest quality product performance. DSS manufacturing process is an opti-mal combination of different technologi-cal procedures, which provide making of high quality products with desired properties, meeting unique customer re-quirements. DSS steel-making process is effected in four steel-making shops equipped with open basic electric arc furnaces with capacity of 30 to 60 tons, one 8-ton induction furnace and ESR-and VAR-furnaces. Ingots applied are 0,215 to 7,4 tons in weight. Steel can be cast in sheet slabs 8,9 to 14,7 tons in weight .The steel -making shop 1 is equipped with a semi-continuous casting unit to

produce consumable electrodes with square side of 370 mm for further electro-slag remelting and round electrodes 405 mm in dia for vacuum arc remelting. In the steel -making shop 2 an argon-oxygen refining converter is installed, which al-lows producing low-carbon corrosion resistant stainless steel by duplex process - open electric arc furnace plus converter (EAF+AOD).In the steel-making shop 3 high quality characteristics of steel are obtained by treatment of semi-product in a DANIELI ladle-furnace with fur-ther degassing of the melt in a MAN-NESMANN DEMAG - degasser.The steel -making shop 5 is equipped with ESR- and VAR-furnaces of various ca-pacities. Ingots for further working 0,9 to 6,0 tons in weight and sheet slabs of 9,3 to 20,0 tons can be produced. Steel products of high quality correspond-ing to strict requirements for metal stru-

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cture and harmful impurities content can be manufactured by ESR-process. For ESR-process consumable electrodes cast in semi-continuous casting units are used, as well as forged, rolled consum-able electrodes made out of semiproducts. DNEPROSTETSSTAL is specializing in manufacture of various section rolled stock. Rolling of ingots 3,6-7,4 tons in weight for section mill and production of rolled stock 130-280 mm can be pro-cessed on “1050/950” rolling mill. Metal conditioning process is fully mechanized and it is performed on peeling machines of high productivity. Metal products can be delivered with total grinding or in turned condition. In accordance with cus-tomer requirements metal product can be US-tested acc. to SEP 1921.In order to improve quality and to increase competi-tiveness of metal products, DSS is going to erect a new shop for metal finishing where two lines for bar straightening, peeling and polishing will be assembled. Thus, it will be possible to machine bars 12-200 mm in diameter with ISO size tol-erance h 9. Depending on purchaser’s re-quest and product type metal products can be delivered in heat-treated condition or without heat treatment. DSS has all cor-responding technique facilities to perform heat treatment procedures and to deliver material in annealed, normalized and so-lution treated condition.

A company as hard as steel, but still warm-hearted towards those in need...The company has assumed land-im-provement / caretaker duties for areas adjacent to the school. It also provides maintenance for and repairs to residen-tial and study rooms and replacement of engineering networks. In addition, DSS does not ignore requests for help made by medical and children’s special institu-tions in the Zaporozhye region and offers necessary financial support. Nor does the Company forget its staff members who find themselves in difficulty. Each of them may count on moral and material support from the DSS. But that’s not all. DNEPROSPETSSTAL take care of chil-dren, who must fight with terrible disease - cancer. DSS makes regular donations to the Oncology and Hematology Ward of the Zaporozhye Region’s Children’s Hos-pital (the Company is actually included on the board of trustees at this hospital). In just the past five months DSS has do-nated UAH 51,274 for drugs and medi-cations. Employees and management of DNEPROSPETSSTAL regularly make visits to the hospital- not official visits-but simply to make a donation of money or fruit or to play with the children. The Trade Union Committee of DNEPRO-SPETSSTAL transferred an amount of UAH 1,000 to the account of the ward

for the purchase of anti-bacterial treat-ment drugs and medications. Another UAH 4,200 will be spent on the purchase of an air-conditioner. DSS also patronizes the boarding school # 2 for children with special needs in Zaporozhye.

What about ecology?Water- and environment-pollution are still big problems in Ukraine. There are not many companies you can call eco-friendly, but DSS is definately one of them. High-priority area on the Company’s strategic agenda is its focus on ecologically-sound processes and practices. The Company has implemented environmental protection programs aimed at reduction of pollution levels and compliance with environmen-tal regulations. According to official in-formation from the Ministry of Industrial Policy in Ukraine, in 2005 the atmospher-ic pollution from DNEPROSPETSSTAL accounted for 1,37% of the total amount in this region. In 2006 DSS’s emissions fell almost by 6% of the total. The steel mill fulfilled the entire package of water protection requirements included in the Regional Council’s Environmental Pro-gram. Now company management have adopted an environmental safety strat-egy outlining the new areas of the Com-pany’s environmental activity. The main thrust of this policy is aimed at meeting ecological requirements and minimizing

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industrial emissions. DSS annually in-vests significant funds in environmental protection. The main project of this kind implements energy saving technologies ensuring noticeable reduction of harmful emissions. The AMIAD post-treatment filtration system, launched in the steel rolling shop, decreases the amount of waste process water discharged in the sludge collection tank by 1 mln. cu.m3 per year. Also the pump systems for return of process water into the mill’s water recirculation system from steel melting shop 1 and the sizing shop were built and put into service. That reduced the requirement for use of clean water by 500 thousand cu.m per year.Joint ef-forts by the top experts of DSS, ecologi-cal protection agencies and the Regional Council resulted in the launch of envi-ronmental projects for construction of gas purification facilities in steel melting shops 1 and 3. This will reduce harmful atmospheric emissions by almost 2,000 tons per year. More than 8 million dollars have been allocated for this purpose.

Did you know that steel can be socially friendly?DNEPROSPETSSTAL is a company with a keen awareness of social issues. Annual budgeting for large-scale social projects forms a significant part of its corporate policy. The Company’s social policies can be described as a package of programs directed at ensuring person-nel social security and expanding incen-

tive plans. The company aims to create the best work-place and recreation envi-ronment for their staff conducive to their realizing their maximum potential for professional and individual growth. As an example, Dneprospetsstal’s staff members are entitled to free qualified health servic-es. In addition, they have health insurance coverage under which courses of treat-ment are covered. Moreover, DNEPRO-SPETSSTAL’s important social policy includes providing employment opportu-nities to the disabled. Today 305 people with special needs are employed at the company. Much attention is paid to their adaptation requirements and to creating a favorable psychological environment at the workplace. DNEPROSTETSSTAL cares for its veteran employees who enjoy the full benefits of membership at the compa-ny. The organization of company veteran employees numbers about five thousand and is actively involved in the company’s life. The Company’s veterans regularly receive a quarterly stipend and have the

opportunity to take a treatment or recre-ation course at the company’s residential health facility and the holiday resort. Reg-ularly the company organizes corporate entertainments at Dneprospetsstal Culture House, which is by right one of the best palaces of culture not only in Zaporozhye , but it also belongs to the best technically equipped concert halls of the Ukraine. Divertissements, festivals, competitions, shows, opera, ballet, drama performances, as well as seminars, conferences and con-gresses are held there. Dneprospetsstal sanatorium is located at the very bank of Dnipro River in scenic nook of Khortitsa Island. Thank to green plantations deliv-ered from the Crimea Botanical gardens, a favorable microclimate allows combin-ing pleasant rest and medical treatment. More than 1300 DSS workers and vet-erans have an opportunity to rest and to improve their health in this cosy nook. All medical rooms are equipped with up-to-date medical equipment.

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Jafar SAFabryka Armatury

A little of history

Fabryka Armatur Jafar SA is situated in the south-east region of Poland. The en-terprise was set up in 1953 as Terenowe Zakłady Metalowe (local metallic plant). Throughout the years the plant was updat-ed and modernised. Its history is connect-ed with cast iron and non-ferrous metal products trade. Production takes place in two factories located in Skołoszyn and Przysieki. In 1994 in order to privatise the company, its workers bought company shares and the plant became the property of a joint stock company. Fabryka Arma-tur Jafar SA specialises in the production of cast iron fittings for water, gas, and sewage as well as of sanitary and house-hold fittings. Since the year 1995 the company has been continously widening its products’ assortment. New goods were introduced into the process of production, and 90% of existing production methods were modernised. High quality products as well as constant implementation of

new solutions enabled the company to assume a leading position on the domes-tic market. Jafar company enjoys a good reputation among its suppliers, and its customer base increases all the time. Ja-far fittings have also won the recognition of foreign customers. At present, about 47% of the production is exported to 30 countries, Russia, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Egypt and countries of Southern and Eastern Europe (in 2006 the company opened its branch office in Romania). In January 1999, as one of the first compa-nies on the Polish market, Jafar SA was awarded ISO 9001 Quality Certificate. Besides, the company may pride itself on numerous other quality certificates.

Quality: our path to success“Quality is the key to our company’s suc-cess,” states the Chairman, Edward Gierut. Jafar SA has succeded although no one was expecting such progress of the company. It is an example that as a result of joint and consistent actions one may succed on

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the market. Common goals, contribution and commitment of all the workers made the company become a solid and thriving enterprise. According to the Chairman, Edward Gierut, company’s success re-lies on comprehensive customer service and proper response to market signals, of which one should take good advantage. Current demands of the market are so great that other than high quality prod-ucts are simply out of the question. That is why Jafar SA has focused on quality.

Consistent improvements make them a leader on the Polish marketThe company makes considerable capi-tal investments in order to introduce new products and modernise production lines. Investment and development of production range aim at providing cus-tomers with a complete trade offer. The company adapts to all norms and trends existing on the global market. It is not only regional demands that make the

company sensitive to environmental care. All standards for handling waste are ob-served, and the company allocates a sig-nificant part of its budget to eco-politics. As a result of the implementation of Solid Edge programme in Jafar SA, project completion time has definitely shortened and product quality has in-creased. The company is able to intro-duce new products into the market much faster than before, which translates into greater sales revenue. In terms of num-bers, it could be presented as follows:- in 2001 sales rates amounted to 21mln PLN- in 2006 sales rates increased twice in comparision to 2001- in 2007 sales rates increased for about 30% in comparision to 2006.It is worth noting that in the current year the sales figures of the company may rise and the leader position on the Polish mar-ket may reinforce. For only in the first quarter of 2008 a new range of products has been introduced including a toroidal valve with ascending mandrel for industri-

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Designer’s imagination: Solid EdgeJafar SA board of directors considers Solid Edge implementation as an approp-priate investment that will pay for itself in short time. Thanks to Solid Edge the following goals have been achieved:- greater accuracy of the designed ele-ments of fittings - contextual design – more precise constructions – smaller material con-sumption- error elimination and construction improvement through collision analysis- independent manufacture of moulds, models, core boxes, injection and vulcanization moulds – with the use of company’s machines

Everything for the customer“Every customer is considered unique and treated individually,” Chairman Gierut confirms his company strategies, “Every customer is valuable for us.” It is customers and their satisfaction that contribute to even greater motivation towards company’s success. Jafar SA is opening to newly emerging markets: not only to those in old Europe, but at pres-ent particularly to eastern ones. It is not afraid of risks but looks forward to sucess.

al and aquatic systems. Till the half of the year it is also planned to expand the range of vent valves and to introduce toroidal valves DN350-600 as well as new types of throttling valves for industrial systems.

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Leier Tarnów Inc.Producer of ceramic building materials

We do hope for the best

“We do hope that the positive effects of the Polish accession to the European Union will become percep-tible by every Polish household and that in the forthcoming years each of us will benefit from the development of the econ-omy. If we take advantage of it and focus on effective work, soon every person will be able to afford to build the house of dreams” – says the President of the Board of Leier Tarnów Inc., Mr. Lesław Pacio-rek, to our reporter, Aleksandra Strojek.

If the hopes of the President will turn into reality, the company can rest assured that its future will be more than bright. Leier Tarnów Inc. serves currently 10% of the building ceramics market in Po-land and anticipates that the investment

boom will reflect itself in the growth of this figure. However, the recent success of the company has been a steady and well-planned process achieved thanks to a number of innovative solutions and structural changes.

Back to the beginningsThe history of the company dates back to 1951, when according to the resolutions of a state decree, the Building Ceramics Plant of Tarnów was established. Un-til the end of the 1960’s the company’s headquarters were located in Tarnów, still at the beginning of the same de-cade the decision to move the works to the neighbouring Wola Rzędzińska had been met. The reasons behind the move were non-accidental – the town, located 6 km from Tarnów, is famous for its rich deposits of resistant silt. In 1968 the new

plant was finally incorporated into the enterprise, which thanks to the increased production-powers, expanded intensively and soon gained a dominant position on the market. The introduction of the new economic system in Poland caused that in June 1998 the company was commer-cialized and subsequently – in December 2000 – taken over by an Austrian entre-preneur, Michael Leier. It was not the first investment of the businessman in Poland. On the day of the acquisition, his Burgenland originating company could already boast a few-years experience gained in the Building Materials Plant of Malbork, located in the North of the Poland. Up to this moment, the Tarnów plant is named after its Austrian owner. It is worth noting that Leier Malbork PLC. was awarded the title of “EUropean Stan-dard 2007” in the competition organized by a Polish publisher, Media Partner Group. The prestigious title confirms the

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high standards of the company’s product and the fact that they meet the require-ments of the European Union.

Potential for further successWhen asked about the reasons behind the success of the company and the stra-tegic potential for the future, the Presi-dent names first and foremost its strong customer orientation. The will of the enterprise to satisfy the clients and to meet their requirements is so large, that it has been chained into the motto of the

company and is painstakingly considered by the manufacturing of the products. The customer-oriented strategy consists of three basic elements: best quality, moderate prizes as well as high avail-ability of the products. The main aim of the company is to provide the customers with technical characteristics of its prod-ucts, which do not differ from the norms typical for the most advanced societies of the globe, still tailored for the Polish wallets as far as the price level is con-cerned. Furthermore, a broad after-sales customer service turned out to be a very

felicitous decision and will most prob-ably still predestine the firm for further confidence and benevolence of its cli-entele. What the service includes is a surprisingly large scope of substantive consultancy, e.g. technical counseling, comprehensive product-information as well as assistance in the adaptation and alteration of original projects. All that is delivered out of charge. Last but not least, the Malbork branch of the Leier company introduced a logistical novelty on the Polish market, which was after-

operate in nearly one third of the terri-tory of Poland and boasts the title of the trade’s leader.

More customer focusPositive relations with all of the custom-ers, regardless of their size, are also on the top of the corporate values hierarchy. The company does it best to pay as much attention to individual contractors as it pays to the bigger and institutionalized ones. What is more, no matter how big the customer is and what building plans

wards positively judged by the clients. The products ordered by the contactors are namely delivered to their premises by self-dumping, crane-equipped ve-hicles. The fleet of these cars resulted in the expansion of the activity territory in northern Poland and further increase of customers’ satisfaction. The Tarnów plant however did not follow the under-takings of Malbork in this area. The col-lection of the order stays in the hands of the purchasers, still help in the loading of the products is guaranteed. Notwithstand-ing, the branch of Tarnów manages to

he has, the quality of the products has to be met in every case. The orders thencome not only from large players of the building industry or representatives of public institutions but also from smaller, private investors. As the supply-chain construction of any company in any busi-ness makes it impossible to have a house outlet everywhere, Leier Tarnów Inc. decided to sign a number of commer-cial agreements with large wholesalers, which help the company in the distribu-tion of its products on the local markets. In order to develop and improve relations

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with the products’ end-users, the firm or-ganizes professional trainings for build-ing crews. Due to that it not only has certainty that the products are used and assembled according to the instructions and guidelines, but also gains on-spot and detailed remarks concerning the product themselves.

Products offered and technolo-gies usedThe flagship product of Leier Tarnów Inc. is Thermopor structural clay tile. The line of this product allows the following thickness of the wall: 8 cm; 11,5 cm; 18,8 cm; 25 cm; 30 cm and 38 cm. The thick-ness of the last tile does not require any additional wall-warming system. Since the tiles meet the norms of the European Union, they can be sold all over the conti-nent. They have also undergone a very de-tailed quality control of the Institute of the Building Technique – next to the basic pa-rameters, also the acoustics, thermic and igneous parameters were checked. What needs to be emphasized, the examination had a practical character integrally, what is not a rule in the trade. To be purchased by Leier Inc. are also: ceramic window- and doorheads, rib-and-slab ceilings of Ceram-type, ceramic-ferroconcrete ceil-ings (trade name: Leier Panel) appropri-ate for loads ranging from 150 kg/m2 up to over 1000 kg/m2 as well as chimney systems with chamotte inserts, both for

fireplaces as well as central heating. In opposition to the branch in Malbork, the Tarnów-located plant does not pro-duce the so called elements of the small architecture, e.g. pillar capitals, bicycle stands or plant pots for gardens. The plant of Tarnów does not also distribute these products, even though they are manufac-tured in the Malbork branch – because of their weight, the transport costs from the North of Poland to Tarnów would make the possible income on these prod-uct close to zero. The building ceramics of Leier Inc. is manufactured according to the BAT (Best Available Technology)

rule. In the production process, the most modern and the best technologies are used and all of the technological lines are automatic. What is more, the tech-nologies are not only environmentally friendly, but can be also characterized as energy-saving. With the three lines for ceramic production, the capacity of 240 millions of ceramic units a year, the most advanced technologies used and a high level of social responsibility, the com-pany is currently the most modern brick-yard of Poland. Not to be omitted is that the products are in line with the European norms and because of the advancement of the technologies used, their quality is very high. The fact poses an unparalleled entry-possibility as far as foreign markets are concerned. In fact, the company has already cooperated with partners in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Ukraine, but since the demand of the local market turned out to be very large, the company decided to concentrate on Poland in the first line and gave up the export activity for the moment.

Financial resultsThe dynamic development strategy finds its reflection in the financial results of the company. However, the years of plenty were proceeded by lean years: the com-pany existed and achieved successes, yet it was not the desired level of attainment. The situation changed in 2007, when the company’s sales amounted to 100 mil-lions PLN and the operations yielded a decent profit. Before the year of 2007, when the whole building trade experi-enced a noticeable slow-down, the profit

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oscillated around zero. From the perspec-tive though, it can be said that the unfa-vorable years were used in the proper way – the company restructured and modern-ized intensively as well as trained its hith-erto employees and recruited new ones. All that allowed it to produce at full speed when the first signs of the building boom appeared.

Meaning of Human ResourcesAccording to the President of the Board, all the successes of Leier Inc. could not be achieved without the experienced and tuned team of its employees. The high qualifications of the personnel are also among the greatest strategic potentials of the company. The branch in Tarnów is currently employing 250 people out of 1500 scattered over all branches in the whole Europe. They employees work not only in the production department, but also support the activities of the technical, design as well as administrative and sales department. The team is fully Polish and has undergone a number of professional trainings, both in Poland and overseas. As a result, the employees have improved their competences, gained diversified licenses and certificates as well as got acquainted with the methods and norms used in foreign companies of the trade. Without the involvement and contribution of all the employees, the company would not be able to implement the state-of-the-art technologies and solutions, which played an important role in its growth and development.

Looking back…Thanks to the wide range of investments as well as in-depth organizational and mod-ernization-directed changes, the company can now produce a lot more than before and at the same time with much smaller means involved. During the last five years, Leier Inc. has also noticed a prom-ising improvement in the productivity of the employees and a considerable growth of energy-saving per each unit produced. Another issue, which the company – next to its customer orientation and employees base – is also very proud of, is the fact that it registers verygood results as far as the natural environment protection is con-cerned. The outcomes are in fact so good, that in some of the categories determined by the institutions for environment-pro-tection, the enterprise settles over tenfold below the threshold.

…and aheadAs far as the most important plans for the next five years are concerned, the company would like to keep up its quick development pace in the first line. Short term includes introduction of an absolute novelty on the Polish market: ceramic-ferroconcrete coupled head. 2008 shall then witness a new product in the offer of the company. According to the feedback from the market, the product can count on a big interest of the investors. Reason

…and aheadAs far as the most important plans for the next five years are concerned, the company would like to keep up its quick development pace in the first line. Short term includes introduction of an absolute novelty on the Polish market: ceramic-ferroconcrete coupled head. 2008 shall then witness a new product in the offer of the company. According to the feedback from the market, the product can count on a big interest of the investors. Reason behind that is the fact that the new prod-uct will substantially decrease the time required for construction works. Next to that, it is light and relatively cheap. Fur-ther investments in technologies are also on the agenda for the next couple of years. In order to cut costs and sustain the com-petitive advantage in the form of the price level, the company will not stop to mod-ernize its production lines and to change the machines frequently. However, the most ambitious plan of the company is the construction of another brickyard in the Podlaskie province, which is located in the northern East of Poland. It is un-known if the location could be explained by new possibilities waiting behind the eastern border. Still, if the plant would be as modern and environmentally friendly as the Tarnów one, the company would not only assure its leader position, but also set development and progress pat-terns for the whole of its branch.

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MOSTOBUDWhile building success…..

The history of MOSTOBUD Open Joint Stock Co. dates back to the years of the World War II, when bridge-building teams erect-ed bridges under fire and actually even

broke world records. A famous story about this can even now be heard in Kiev – in 1943 there was a strong need to rebuilt Darnytsky Bridge over the Dnipro River,

which had been destroyed by the German army before. The construction went on day and night, without a minute of break, with the speed of 81,5 m per day, while being bombed all the time by the enemy’s army. The world had never seen something like that before. Just in 13 days the first tanks went over the bridge from the left bank of the river to the right one. Thus, it’s not surprising that nowadays MOSTOBUD Company is a leader in bridge construc-tion in the whole CIS. MOSTOBUD was founded in 1945 and reorganized into the

Open Joint Stock Company in 1993. For 60 years the company has been work-ing without any complaints from clients.Almost all bridge constructions in Ukraine (i.e. over 5000 objects) have been built by MOSTOBUD Company, including every bridge in the capital city, Kiev. MOSTOBUD constructions have been erected and are successfully used not only in Ukraine, but also in the former Soviet states Afghanistan, An-gola, Vietnam, Lebanon, Syria, Turkey, Finland, Czech Republic…and many

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contracts about bridge construction have been signed with other countries. The high level of MOSTOBUD’s corpo-rate management is supported by DSTU 9001:2001 certificate, which equals to the international quality certificate ISO 9001:2000. The trademark MOSTOBUD has already gained recognition and trust among customers, who appreciate the company for using only the latest tech-nologies and being always ready to ful-fill any order in time. There’s a strong need of new bridge constructions in Ukraine due to the EURO-2012 Cham-pionship, and thus, MOSTOBUD has an opportunity to show its best potential.

Bridges leading to the islands of success… The company has gained unique experi-ence in planning, building and reconstruct-ing of automobile bridges, foot bridges, underground bridges, railroad bridges, auto and railway tunnels, overpasses all over the world in severe climate condi-tions from Polar Regions to hot Africa. Both the Design Bureau in the company structure, equipped with modern technol-ogy and software, and professional and skilled staff allow to carry out especially complicated calculations quickly and to offer new and unique projects of steel and ferroconcrete bridge constructions of

any complexity, to project according to the Euro-codes, the bridge construction norms of the USA and Russia. MOSTO-BUD offers high quality colour printing and animation to demonstrate projects to its customers. 11 universal mobile bridge-teams with their own special-ists and equipment, deployed across all Ukraine, allow to focus powerful indus-trial forces on the most important objects and to react flexibly to region inquiries. But each bridge-team can carry out all bridge construction works independently.MOSTOBUD is the company with the hundred percent national capital. When a new young command of investors came

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in 2003, the joint-stock company began to develop rapidly. Against the year 2002 today’s MOSTOBUD has increased the amount of works by 9 times, the number of employees has grown almost twofold, and average wages (including those in re-gions) have increased by 3 times and now are almost the same as in the capital city. The program of vocational training and retraining of specialists has been intro-duced. At the expenses of the Joint Stock Company young, perspective workers are trained in specialized higher educational institutions. MOSTOBUD’s sharehold-ers steadily increase investments into in-novative technologies and renovation of technopark. Since 2002 such investments have increased by more than 3 times.

The real builder of real suc-cess…There’s always a diligent, devoted and skilled person, who is responsible for every single success in the world of big business. In case of MOSTOBUD, we talk about the holder of the title of the Hon-ored Constructor of Ukraine, the Mikhail Grushevskiy Order “For Development of Ukraine” of the IV degree, the Cross of Honour “For Revival of Ukraine” of the II degree, the Order “Glory for Faithful-ness to Motherland” of the II degree, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church Order of St. Prince Vladimir Equal-to-the-Apostles and many others. Doesn’t it make any impression? Yes, it does. Let us intro-duce Professor Vladimir Prodivus, a per-son, who knows very well what means to fight for one’s dreams, to try hard and do one’s best to achieve everything one has ever dreamed of. Step by step, appoint-ment by appointment, Professor Vladimir Prodivus worked his way into the heart of business. He held executive positions in several companies. Some of them were established from almost nothing and later consolidated into the corporation, headed by Professor Prodivus. Today these companies make up the backbone of the powerful business group Premier-Finance. He also became a shareholder of the largest Ukrainian bridge construc-tion company – OJSC “MOSTOBUD and was elected the chairman of the company Supervisory Board. Due to his activepar-ticipation, the former glory of Ukrainian bridge-contractors has been revived, fun-damental renewal of the company equip-ment has been conducted, and a large-scale social program is being carried out embracing both workers and veterans of MOSTOBUD. Today the company has been entrusted to construct the most im-

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portant strategic objects, among them large-scale, out-of-class bridge construc-tions in Zaporozhye, Podol Bridge cross-ing in Kiev, which is meant for simultane-ous vehicle and underground train traffic. MOSTOBUD frequently receives pro-posals to build complicated constructions abroad. These achievements would have been impossible without radical technical updates of the company conducted by the investors along with Professor Vladimir Prodivus. In the last two years they have increased financing for equipment and machinery renewal by three times. They have bought only the best and the most perspective equipment and mastered ad-vanced technologies. At the same time, they care about the prestige of workers: bridge builders. Those in smaller prov-inces are not paid less than workers in the capital. Transparency and openness determine the new shareholder’s policy. According to this company policy sala-ries are paid out to employees in a fair and legal manner, so deductions into the budget and pension fund are made from each hryvnia earned. Realizing the most important state tasks concerning devel-opment of the country infrastructure, MOSTOBUD has become the most im-portant and permanent tax payer. After all, more than five thousand people work in the company and earn high wages.

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TMM ConstructionWe are an active and dynamic com- pany - we develop steeply and con-tribute largely to development of the real estate market of Ukraine. We aim at the highest standards of construction, imple-menting modern technologies and expe-rience. We preach the new for Ukrainian construction market approach, fully en-suring the production chain on projects construction and its further post-con-struction utility service: TMM does not only purchase land plots and constructs the buildings - the company conducts the full-scope cycle of construction works, including fine finishing works; and af-ter putting the object into operation the company continues to maintain them,

providing post-construction utility ser-vices and maintaining outdoors territory. We provide Ukrainians with the modern qualitative dwelling that meets all inter-national norms of construction and pro-vides our clients with the new quality of life.’ – says Mykola Tolmachov, General Director of TMM Company. At present the total area of 22 projects completed by TMM during 1994-2007 is 384 thou-sand sq. m. About 2 million sq. m. are in the process of construction and develop-ment. The company succeeded in de-velopment and optimization of business processes at all stages of construction and development. Thanks to clear and verti-cally integrated management system, the

company works efficiently, controlling the whole process of construction. At the moment TMM employs 2473 people working on company’s projects in Kyiv, Kharkov, Zhitomir and Crimea.

HistoryTMM Company was founded in 1992 in the form of a Limited Liability Company. Initially the company and its departments were involved in real estate construc-tion, trade of energy-generating equip-ment, realization of projects in the energy, machinery, agriculture, banking, insur-ance and other sectors. Recently TMM Company was restructured; as the result all non-core activities of the Company

Mykola Tolmachov, CEO

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were separated. Two years later TMMbegan the construction of its first proj-ect - residential-office complex in Kyiv and launched its first purely commercial property project of class B. Moreover, in 1997 company founded a department of post-construction utility services, which now provides services to 14 projects, constructed by TMM. The department provides complex maintenance of all en-gineering systems and equipment, current and capital repair of buildings, cleaning and security of complexes, landscap-ing and planting in outdoors territory. In 2001 Company founded an architectural and design bureau, the main purpose of which is to maximize the comfort and aesthetic integrity of the objects, con-structed by the Company. Today the ar-chitectural and design bureau also per-forms individual orders of the clients on design and planning of interiors. TMM purchased a concrete plant in Kyiv in or-der to supply its own projects with con-crete, finished the construction of its first residential project of premium class in Kyiv, took part in the reconstruction of

Bessarabska Square (Kyiv) and constru- ction of the retail-office complex Manda-rin Plaza. In 2003 the Company started its construction activities in Kharkiv and started the construction of the first in Ukraine intellectual residential complex Triumph in Kyiv with the implementa-tion of the latest modern technologies of monitoring and management of the build-ing “life”. Furthermore, in 2004 TMM kept developing the segment of com-mercial property starting construction of the retail-office-entertainment complex KOMOD of the class B+ at Lunachar-skogo Str., 7 (Kyiv). It was the time when the Company issued corporate bonds in the amount of about USD 9 000 000. In order to implement energetic program TMM founded CJSC TMM-Energobud, which is involved in construction of en-ergy generating substations independent energy supply in the buildings. TMM began the construction of the Sun City (Misto Sontsya) with area of 234036 sq. m. - first ultra-modern residential-office complex with developed social infrastructure: park, playground, relation

area, supermarket, cafe, restaurant, of-fice premises (Kyiv). In the last two years the Company began the construction of the first deluxe residential complex in Kharkiv, entered Zhytomyr real estate market and increased its presence on the Crimea market. Also, TMM started cre-ation of the full-scope engineering centre, which will conduct all engineering works on the stages of development, construc-tion and post-construction utility. In 2007 TMM placed 13,11% of its shares on al-ternative platform at Frankfurt Stock Ex-change through its parent company ТММ Real Estate Developments plc. ltd.,Cyprus. TMM Company has completed private is-suing of its bonds having attracted 180.6 million hryvnas for investing of current and perspective projects of the Company. Mykola Tolmachov, General Director of TMM Company was elected as the Pre-sidium Deputy Chairman of the Construc-tion Chamber of Ukraine.

Building Materials ProductionIn 2001 TMM Company founded LLC TMM-Budkomplekt the purpose of which is to supply concrete and metal construc-tions to all construction projects of TMM. TMM has adopted a decision to develop a dry building mixes processing plant in Kharkiv, with an annual production capacity of 100 tons, to be used primar-ily for the company’s own projects. The plant’s anticipated total investment vol-ume is EUR 10 mln, and we plan to put it into operation in 2009. In addition, in 2008 we plan to open a concrete plant in the town of Vishnev near Kiev, which will produce 15, 000 qubic meters per month, all of which will be committed to our development projects. The plant entails total investment volume of EUR 3 mln, with EUR 2mln to be spent on technical equipment. TMM also intends to build a bricks processing plant in Kirovograd, with an annual production capacity of more than 100 mln pieces. The plant is due to become operational 2009, and will engage a total investment volume of more than EUR 33 mln. The plant’s produc-tion will be used mainly by TMM, who currently consumes around 12 – 15 mln brick pieces a year. Considering the scale of company’s development activities, the consumption of bricks is expected to reach 70 mln pieces a year in 2009, when the plant is ready, so TMM will use al-most all the bricks produced by the plant.

Engineering CentreA constant growth in quantity and com-plexity of TMM projects caused the ne-

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cessity of creation its own engineering centre which would optimize the respec-tive processes in Company’s activities at each stage of development, construc-tion and post-construction utility servic-ing The Engineering Centre was founded in 2006. Currently its staff consists of about 100 highly qualified employees who will implement modern technolo-gies of project management, IT, technical resources for realization of complicated architectural tasks in optimal proportion of quality and cost in their work. Among the main functions of the centre are the following: pre-project research, concep-tual designing, design layout preparation, elaboration of technical and economic requirements, working documentation and budget documents, taking decisions on engineering systems and equipment, management of construction works.

Interior Design and Fine Finish-ing WorksInterior design for the projects com-pleted by TMM is developed by Archi

tectural and Design Bureau created by the Company. It also provides services to individual clients on exclusive de-sign and apartments planning. Qualified architects, architects-designers, engi-neers, project coordinators who work in architectural and design bureau, form a team of professionals offering the full-

scope complex of services on outfitting of the apartments to clients: from project design development to obligatory super-vision over the works performed.

Financial dataIPOFirm TMM placed 13,11% of its shares on alternative platform at Frankfurt Stock Exchange through its parent company ТММ Real Estate Developments plc. ltd., Cyprus. Sales of shares took place in the form of Global Depository Re-ceipts. Total volume of placement was purchased by 50 international investment funds. As a result of the placement USD 105 mln were attracted by the company.Purchase price for 1 GDR which equals to 1 share at the time of placement was USD 15,45. Total capitalization of the TMM after the IPO amounted to USD 800 mln.

Local bonds IssueKyiv, December 5 2007 – TMM Company has completed private issuing of its bonds having attracted 180.6 million hryvnas

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for investing of current and perspective projects of the Company. The interest rate on Company’s bonds is 13%. The cou-pon payments are conducted quarterly; the nominal price per one bond is 1000 hryvnas. The circulation period of bonds covers 24 months with the possibility of advance payment in 12 months. 1-year offer is stipulated by bond issuing condi-tions. ‘The attracted funds cover the cur-rent needs of TMM Company in financing and will be directed at the realization of TMM real estate property projects. The issuing of bonds was conducted within the frames of TMM Company financial strategy, which further implies the attrac-tion of 100-150 million US dollars by Eurobonds issuing in the 1-2 quarter of 2008 and consecutive public placement of Company’s shares on the main market of one of the European stock exchanges. Since its establishment, TMM’s goal has been to build properties meeting all the expectations of today’s people. We began our business with construction of residen-tial complexes equipped with additional infrastructure. Today our philosophy has not changed but the projects we realize are much larger: the project we are currently working on in Kiev, Sun City, represents a residential complex with a total built area of 234, 000 sq. m. We are also planning a sattelite town project, a small town pro-vided with a full set of social infrastruc-ture, located in Mykulichi, 22 km from Kiev. Designed for 18, 000 residents, it

will include residential high-rise buildings and houses, recreation facilities, schools, kindergartens, hospitals, shopping and entertainment centers, parks – everything a modern person may need. Our projects include all types of real estate, multide-velopment is company’s strategy for the future.’ – says Mykola Tolmachov, Gen-eral Director of TMM Company.

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Ablurry black and white twenties postcard, a trail of dust in the air which traces the long hard path of an ox-drawn wooden cart full of big blocks of stones, a drop of sweat shedding down the forehead...This is how it all started almost a cen-tury ago when the Testi family, at the time owner of two quarries in Italy, use to supply several local and for-eign companies with his marble. Claudio Corciulo, reporter of manufac-turing-journal, tells how, step by step, Testi Group reached the actual success.Nowadays the TESTI GROUP is the in-ternational leader of the natural stone cut-in-size supplyment and it is composed by

seven companies which allow a complete and smooth cycle of production. But the TESTI GROUP prospective is much wid-er, in fact it does not stop just on the na-tional stone sources. Marbles and granites from all over the world arrive to Italy un-der the strict and professional control of a considerable number of purchase offices. This great stones soon become real mas-terpieces to be admired from everyone.Numerous experienced testers located in different countries all over the world, al-low a constant monitoring and check up of the natural sources. TESTI FRATELLI is the pearl of these original and stylish pieces of art. The company was founded

in the 1920s, almost one century of experi-ence which made of it a trustworthy point of reference for high quality products. In the early 1970s, after the war and post-war reconstruction, Claudio Testi, one of the sons, and his brothers Riccardo and Gusta-vo, founded the TESTI PARTNERSHIP. The company offers a large array of choice which gathers 320 different kinds of mar-bles and granites all competently and har-moniously turned into floor slabs, stair-cases, bathrooms, halls, conference halls, monuments, fountains, columns, inlaying, decorations and outdoor/indoor coating. The partnership between TESTI FRA-TELLI and other six companies such as

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GRANITI MARMI AFFI, COMBUS, SEGRAF, GRANITIKA, SAVOIA e LUGOBONI helps the TESTI GROUP to offer also different services like marble polishing, resin treatment, granite gang-sawing, diamond-cut flooring and modul-granite. All the processes of these commis-sioned works are meticulously controlled from the scratch to the final installation to ensure the total satisfaction of the clients. GRANITI MARMI AFFI Company is mainly specialized in granite. Its presence is significant for the direct control on oth-er very important quarries in India, Brazil, South Africa, Norway, Ukraine and Italy.The group owns two various-granite quarries in different areas off the Ital-ian boot such as the exclusive Lon-don White and Duke White, two of the whitest national granites in the world.The TESTI GROUP suggests the FIDIA collection starting from the 2008: real stone or marble masterpieces (statues, fireplaces, tables, fountains and a lot more. The company flexibility allows even the realization of commissioned articles from pictures or drawings. A gallery with more then 1100 pictures

of the FIDIA collection is available at .

THE ACE-HOLDERS!The high quality selection, the con-stant research investment and a remark-able flexibility are the main basis of the TESTI GROUP’s success. The Theory of the made-to-measure dress has been the most efficient strategy along years and years of hard work which raised this com-pany to the actual highest rank amongst the world natural stone manufacturing firms. The meticulous studying of the details, the new strictly selected materi-als and modern techniques make of this partnership something unique in style and quality. The group gathers 130 employ-ees with an average daily production of 5.000m2, about 1.500.000m2 per annum.

THE SKY’S THE LIMIT...TESTI GROUP springs in the sky with the invention of the “spazzolato pati-nato” (brushed coating), a particular type of natural stone surface manufacture which confers a touch-pleasant antique upshot. The last fashionable proposal of

the stone-carver king is named HYPER-WAVE. It is the result of the latest 3D design techniques which revolutionizes the expressive conception of the whole world of flooring and coating and brings emotional qualities of a unique natural stone texture. It represents a significant innovation which integrates shades of ar-chitecture for the indoor and the outdoor. The project was born due to Christian R. Pongratz’s academical investigation, cur-rently lecturer at the Texas University in Austin, and facilitated by the collabora-tion of the PONGRATZ-PER-BELLINI-ARCHITECTS Studio and the TESTI FRATELLI s.r.l. sited in Verona (Italy). Hyperwave is the customizable line of stone panel surfaces with tactile properties.The traditional coating constant-thickness stone panel made offers variations in the choice of the materials and measures. The design and the 3D process transformation with the most recent technologies CAD/CAM help the architect and designer at creating any kind of building with a rare and fascinating skin-stone, a magnificent blend of art and creativity. The TESTI FRATELLI S.r.l. displays on the inter-

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national market the option of measure-less realizations of sophisticated textures and easy installation. The HYPERWAVE collection offers the choice of six dif-ferent enthralling patterns: “BREEZE”, “DUNES”, “MOON”, “TIDE”, “FLOW-ER” and “STREAM”. Numerous studies of architecture around the entire hemi-sphere appreciated this unprecedented proposal. The capacity of this new esthet-ical language at arousing emotions chang-es the perception of the environment, sat-isfying limitlessly every individual unique desire. These decorative surfaces of high design donate a soul to every masterpiece, giving a life to the stone. It is a tactileexperience unique and sensual. The 3D modern and alternative solution is ap-plicable on a wide range of construc-tions: wall-and-column covering, re-ception desks, malls, fountains, facade, entrance halls and many other options. Moreover the FRATELLI GROUP is ac-tually studying new genertion 3D floor-ing for swimming pools, with beneficial properties for the feet. HYPERWAVE raises surface finishes to new heights of

style. The TESTI GROUP invests approx-imately the 2% of the year income in order to improve day after day the technological aspect of the company. The control system starts from the DNV certification corpo-ration. Certification: UNI EN ISO 9001: 2000. The VISION 2000 certification does not concern only and exclusively the final product but monitors the quality and pro-cess after process until the closing stages.The natural stone carving master of Vero-na scatters his marketing tentacles princi-pally in Central and Eastern Europe, USA and Latin America. It praises a tasteful and high ranked clientele pursuing high class products capable at provoking shivers at the touch and ease your mind at the sight.

ON THE CREST OF THE WAVE...“Through the years the clientele changed along with the changing of the offered products. The actual company tendency is focusing on the achievement of so-phisticated and detail-cared products. Our local and international clients keep choosing us because we don’t just prom

ise, we keep our word”. This is what the TESTI GROUP sale director confessed.

FORESIGHT EXPLORES ALL AVENUES...Although the TESTI GROUP’s actual success, the actual expectation is a con-solidation of the clientele. Constance, competence and humility are the main characteristics of this Maestro of the natu-ral stone carving, which intends to persist on improving day after day and invest-ing for the research and development of products able at arousing emotions and well-being. The realization of important projects teamed up with architects of an international fame, the rescue of the an-tique glamour proposing faithful repro-ductions and natural antique-looking ef-fects curried out by expert craftsmen are the pride of this business. Who spends in beauty draws well-being out of his home...

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Food and Beverage Idustry51-56 Roshen

57-60 Obolon

61-64 Makarony Polskie

65-67 Iglotex

68-70 SM Gostyń


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Roshenthe sweet mark of quality

More than 200 kinds of sweets, choc olate, sugar candies, biscuits, waf-fles, fruit jellies and cakes – the Roshen’s total production volume is 310 000 tons of confectionery products per year. Kyiv, Vinnytsa, Mariupol and Kremenchug cor-poration factories produce about 30% of all home confectionary products. On the Ukrainian sweet market Roshen is unde-niably a leader.

The policy of qualityRoshen Confectionery Corporation is the largest Ukrainian confectionery manu-

facturer. Lipetsk confectionery factory «Likonf» (Russia) joined the corporation in 2002, and in 2006 Klaipeda confec-tionery factory «Klaipedos Conditerija» (Lithuania) became a member of the cor-poration. Consumer orientation is the main postulate of the Roshen Corporation’s policy in the sphere of quality and food safety management within the framework of compliance with the requirements of International standard ISO 22000:2005. With a view to deliver the information about the enterprises’ quality manage-ment policy to consumers and to provide

them with an appropriate proof, Roshenhas introduced quality management sys-tem that meets the requirements of ISO 9001:2000. In January 2008 Kremechug confectionery factory was certificated in accordance to requirements of interna-tional standard IFS (International Food Standard). IFS – is corporative standard of European supermarkets net in such countries as Germany, France, Italy, Swit-zerland, Austria, Poland, Hungary and other countries. As a result of control checking and test audit it was confirmed that Kremechug confectionery factory

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“Roshen” has carried out all obligatory requirements of European supermarketsnet and proved it’s right on cooperation with them. These are other proofs of the Roshen’s quality: Top choice «Hard candy of the year» of the year 2003, Top choice of the year 2003 – Chocolate-waf-fle cake «Chocolate Castle». Apart form that Roshen took the first place in the rat-ing of the most expensive brands of the country of the year 2007. What’s more the company is the winner of the rating of the richest companies of Ukraine of the year 2007.

Well-known (not only for choco-late-lovers) productsAll the confectionery products manufac-tured under the Roshen trademark are made of high-quality natural material. Formulae are improved and state-of-the-art technologies are introduced on a per-manent basis. Every year the corpora-tion specialists create a number of new products. These are examples: Baroque, Renoir, Versailles, Rococo, Grand Toffy, Jelly and Boni-Fruit jelly – pectin can-dies, Esmeralda and Juliana biscuits, improved Artek waffles and brand-new Napolitanki and Crispiki won the hearts of sweet products admirers, proving once again that Roshen means the sweet mark of quality! Such sweet products as Ki-evskiy cake, Chaika chocolate bars and Lishchyna sweets and other things are well-known and loved in many countries all over the world. There is nothing like Roshen, Capri hard candies, Monte Cris-to boxed sweets. All these products are available in Russia, Kazakhstan, Moldo-va, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, the USA, Canada, Germany and Israel.

The secret of the substratesThe company always analyses products of native and European market, invite several tasters and at last finds its “own chocolate after-taste”. Specialists have being toiling over the choice of cacao to get an unique taste. As a result the com-pany has chosen a combination of ca-cao that included cacao from the South America and West Africa and Oceania. Every component brought its own gusta-tory taste: American cacao - light floral aroma, African cacao - true clear taste of cacao and Oceania cacao - light aroma of prunes. This is an unique combina-tion. European professional confection-ers and company’s native tasters consider it to be original and successful. There is no doubt that true chocolate can be made

only of high-quality cacao. The companynever forgets about two more important things: the procedure of frying cacao beans – one of the most important techno-logical key factor that permits to control the final taste of the product. The second one: selection of cacao oil which let con-trol a taste of chocolate bar.

Sweet industry investmentsIn 2007 the corporation acquired new confectionary lines from the leading Eu-ropean manufacturers of confectionary equipment for Vinnytsa confectionary factory. The cost of the purchased equip-ments was estimated at 50 million dollars. The company invests in line for waffle rolls production and chocolate sweets, line for waffle sweets production and line for production of dropped toffee with choco-late glaze and finally line for production of carrageen an jelly candies. Equipment is supplied by the world leading manu-facturers. Upgrading of equipment at Mariupol, Kyiv and Kremenchug con-fectionary factories. The total cost of up-grading is 13.3 million dollars. Purchase of Renault tractor trucks and syrup trucks which cost 1.7 million dollars. All confec-tionary factories of Roshen Corporation have special equipment for monitoring of product quality and for relevant research work. During the recent years more than 400 000 dollars have been invested in the development of the equipment fleet for the Quality Services working at the confec-tionary factories. Confectionary products available on the market were made using the state-of-art technologies. Utilization of advanced high production equipment, strict observation of technological pro-cess, use of nothing else but high quality raw material and supplies for the produc-tion of confectionary products ensure ma-jor advantages of the Roshen products.

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Product rangeDuring the last two years, the specialists of the corporation were purposefully de-veloping the up-to date section for choco-late mass production which has a com-plete set of modern automated equipment from the Swiss manufacturer. Obviously, process of cognition of “true chocolate” technological production, took longer than a year to develop the company’s unique formula for its production. This long-term work yielded their own excel-lent specialist-chocolate makers that have passed training in European confectionery schools. These technologists implemented their knowledge and convictions as to the chocolate products and their experience in the development of the unique Roshen chocolate. As a result, at the end of 2006 Kyiv confectionary factory presented a long-awaited gift to the real lovers of chocolate by launching the production of Roshen Classic elite chocolate. Roshen Classic chocolate collection comprises 12 different flavours which have already won the hearts of the pickiest gourmets due to their unsurpassed flavour notes. It is worth saying that the corporation owns the only (within the Eastern Europe boundaries) line for production of sweets using the Triple shot technology. Hi-tech of confectionary production is represent-ed by the production of Baroque sweets with different kinds of fillings covered with two kinds of chocolate. In 2007 the corporation began making Rococo sweets which are unique due to their texture. Each sweet consists of two different fillings (marzipan or peach ones) covered with unrivalled tasty cover. One more prod-uct, Monte Cristo sweets with different liqueur fillings, is considered 100% ex-clusive product of the corporation. Com-pletely automated line for production of sweets with liquid fillings allows making 50 boxes of Monte Cristo sweets per one minute. Candy, waffle and biscuits group Roshen corporation is the leader of candy industry in Ukraine. Nearly 40% of all the homemade candies are produced under the «Roshen sweet mark of quality». The results of the marketing research among the confectionary products consumer au-dience in Ukraine conducted within the framework of Choice of the Year Festival showed that Roshen became the winner in the nomination «Candy Manufacturer of the year 2003». Candy production at the Kremenchug (Ukraine) and Lipetsk (Rus-sia) confectionery factories is ensured by the high-tech equipment capable to pro-duce more than 20 tons of candies per hour.

Roshen waffle group is represented by a wide range of products. Among the best there are crispy Shtuchka wafers with hazelnut, cream, banana and chocolate-flavour fillings. High production line produces about 500 tons of waffle cakes per month. Special attention should be drawn to such new products of 2007 as «Konafetto», «Crispiki» waffle rolls of different flavours and «Napolitanki» waf-fles. Range of Roshen corporation biscuit products comprises biscuits, rolls and cakes. Crackers are made on three Italian lines. The whole set of cracker equipment is capable to produce 3 tons of product per hour. Among other products of bis-cuit group there are: Biscuit mini-rolls, biscuit cakes, biscuit-chocolate rolls and rolls with fruit cream fillings. New rolls are biscuits with bourbon vanilla flavour, tender filling of cream or two-layer cream and jam filling. Roshen is one of the larg-est Ukrainian of so-called «fresh-cakes», i. e. cakes with a storage life of 48 hours. Such method of production was founded in the 50th of the last century at Kiev con-fectionery plant. However, this method has obtained the present-day industrial production features only starting with the year 2002, when the specialized invest-ments were made to expand and upgrade the cake production that allowed increas-ing the daily production of such cakes up to

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25 tons. Such production works as the «French bakery»: in the daytime the cake biscuits and air-nut products are prepared, at night till 7 o’clock in the morning spe-cial workers provide the cream decora-tion, and in the morning cakes are deliv-ered to the network of stores. There are 5 kinds of cakes in production: Kievskiy, Grilyazhniy, Triufel Roshen, Zolotoy klu-chik, Cappuccino Roshen. Every cake has its lovers, still all of them are common in the opinion that these cakes satisfy the most freakish customer needs.

Still proving successfulRoshen corporation puts its all knowl-edge and soul in chocolate produc-tion. The effort includes experience and knowledge of specialists from Swit-

zerland, Holland and Germany as thecompany has became a part of “chocolate school” thanks to gained experience and modern equipment of the famous compa-nies of Switzerland and Germany and also thanks to a close cooperation with special-ists companies-producers of cacao prod-ucts from Holland, France and Germany. The last thing left for the company is to wait with excitement for an estimation of chocolate-lovers. The company have pro-duced “Roshen” chocolate for a hypercrit-ical consumer. The company believes that it has created a product that will have an effect on a formation of refined taste. “But we still have a lot of work to do as only satisfying growing desires of consumers we can reach real criteria of «true choco-late»” – says the company’s chairman.

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Obol-ON and ON...Not only a beer...

Trademark Obolon means an enor mous success of world-wide known Ukrainian beer. A success, which more than 6000 people work for. Together with development Ukrainian beer mar-ket in beginning of 90s Obolon compa-ny becomes the founder of traditions on the beer market and also on markets of non-alcoholic and low alcoholic drinks. Nowadays, Obolon is a symbol of the modern company that venerates its tradi-tions and at the same time creates them for the developing Ukrainian business. And to the question “What beer do you like most?”, in 33 % cases in Ukraine the answer that follows is – OBOLON.

OBOLON – “a mug” of Ukrai-nian Holy Beer’s history…By Olympics 1980 Soviet government set a task to build such a brewery, that would produce beer meeting European standarts. Czech specialists, who are

known to be world famous masters of brewing, were invited as consultants. It was them who chose the place for the new brewery. The only criterion was availabil-ity of artesian wells. Water is known to be the main component influencing the taste of beer. The place they chose was Obolon, one of Kiev regions, which is situated on Dniper river bank. The word Obolon comes from the times of Kiev Rus, when it meant low river meadows. And it was the name that brewery later chose for itself. The brewery was built from Czech design and started to produce beer that gained popularity yet in Soviet times. In independent Ukraine Obolon was the first company that started to ex-port its products to Europe and the USA. Beer under trademark Obolon started to be recognized as traditional Ukrai-nian beer. Thus, Obolon can be called a founder of new traditions of Ukrainian brewing. In process of time Obolon has

been develohing and promoting its prod-ucts on Ukrainian and foreign markets. The principle of borrowing the newest knowledge and technology has allowed it to create the powerful modern produc-tion potential. As the result, 80 % of beer exported by Ukraine is of Obolon trade-mark, which is Ukrainian beer № 1 sold on the world markets. Therefore, being the company with Ukrainian capital. Obo-lon has founded the new way of develop-ment of Ukrainian brewery.

OBOLON - not only a beer...Among various products of company, ev-eryone can find something that will sat-isfy even most sophisticated gourmand’s tastes. There are, as following: bottled beers like Magnat, Lager, Light, Velvet, Strong, Premium, Soborne or Non-Al-koholic, soft drinks like Zhivchik, Kvas Bogatyrskiy (another famous drink, based on bread acid), Cola Nova or Lemonade.

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SIG Corpoplast

Bottles & Shapes™ and BLOMAX Stretch Blow Molding Systems

Bottles & Shapes™ summarizes more than 30 years of PET competence. The portfolio covers the entire chain of expertise from the initial design and marketing idea for a new container through to the industrial production on our BLOMAX stretch blow molding systems – at lowest Total Cost of

ANHYDRO – SPECIALISTS IN DRY-ING, EVAPORATION AND DEWA-TERING PROCESS SOLUTIONS. Anhydro is a leading global supplier in the field of liquid concentration, powder processing and dewatering technology. With a full product range from components to complete plants we supply to the international alcohol, brewery, dairy, food and beverage, ethanol, starch, pharmaceutical and chemical industries. Our offering to the beer brewing industry com-prises complete spent grains treatment including dewatering and drying equipment and also yeast drying systems.

Further Info: or callAnhydro GmbH, +49-561-500 19-0 or e-mail

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Also a mineral water, called Obolonska, has its admirers among consumers of Obolon.

OBOLON - a pleasure which is enviromentally-friendly...Environmental protection is considered to be a key component of company’s envi-ronmental policy. Together with produc-tion development Obolon’s management implements the newest methods and means to decrease an ecological burden in the region of plant’s placing. Constant radiological control effected at all stages of production process is one of the key as-pects of ecological safety. For this reason a radiological laboratory has been cre-ated. Today it is equipped with the most modern equipment. It allows to do high quality tests of different kinds. Outside from attention to environmental protec-tion connected with production process, Obolon also takes care for salvaging of the wastes connected with its products. In 2002 at its subsidiary in Olexandria (Kirovorgrad region, Ukraine) Obolon launched the line processing used PET bottles. This equipment allows to pro-cess over 500 kg of used PETs per hour that equals IS thousand bottles. Unfor-tunately, material produced by Olexan-dria plant is not in high demand. That is why the enterprise exports it to China, where it is used for production of lavsan thread, toys and other consumer goods.

OBOLON - a beer that makes you cultural, philantrophic and sporty...Obolon takes part in numerous cultural events in Ukraine and abroad. Obolon supports such events as famous music fes-tival “Tavriyskic Igry” in Ukraine, “New Wave” in Jurmala, Days of Ukrainian culture in Sopot (Poland), beer festivals in Kiev and Moscow, Ollesummer in Tal-linn, City days, tours and concerts of pop-ular singers. With the support of Obolon textbooks, scientific books and books for children were published. Obolon invests not only into development of its produc-tion facilities. It also does a lot of charity. Obolon company helped to renew Vydu-bitskiy Monastery that was founded in the second half of XI century by Vsevolod, the son of Prince Jaroslav the Wise. Today it is a part of Ukrainian Orthodox Church (of Kiev Patriarchy). Church of Mykola Prytyska in Podil region of Kiev was also renewed with support of Obolon compa-ny. Obolon also provides help to children, veteran and Chernobyl organizations and organizations of disabled people, which are supported by providing working plac-es to their members. Obolon patronizes one of Kiev schools and a kindergarten, helps 4 children’s homes. Also sports life of Obolon company has many directions. The main among them is football. A few years ago Obolon invested into the First

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League team Obolon. In a short period of time the team has been transformed into a strong representative of major league. This is a unique example of sports spon-sorship. Obolon is the only beer com-pany in the world that owns a football team of the same name, which plays on a high professional level!!! Besides, the company brings up its own football tal-ents in a teenage sports school Zmina and sponsors a junior football team Zhiv-chik. Outside football, Obolon also has beach volleyball team of the same name, which performs rather good in Ukrai-nian championship. A sail, and an air-baloon with Obolon logo participate in national and international competitions.

OBOLON - Ukrainian beer with devoted consumers all over the world...Company cooperates successfully with many countries of the world. Exporting its production, Obolon always take into consideration that every single country has its par ticular micro- and macroenvi-ron-ment. For the time being, costumers of 23 countries all over the world can rel-ish a delightful taste of Ukrainian bever-ages. These countries are: Russia, Belar-us, Moldova, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan Poland, Germany, France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Great Britain, USA, Canada, Austra-lia, Greece, Cyprus, Israel and Vietnam.

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- Italy, and this product can be equally good and tasty? Yes, it can. It’s Polish pasta. As occures, Polish consumers like pasta, and show still more and more in-terest in preparing new dishes made of this simple,tasty and nutritive product. Average Polish citizen consumes 4,44 kg of pasta per year, according to latest research, and this number is bound to grow, as pasta market in Poland increases

its sales indexes for 3-5% every year.MAKARONY POLSKIE S.A. is one of the leading and dynamically grow-ing pasta producers in Poland, with long tradition and reach experience. The reg-istered seat of the Company is located in Rzeszów, whereas the production plants are in Rzeszów and Płock. History of the company dates back to early 90s, when PZZ Rzeszow - a manufacturer of pas-ta - was established. In 1991-1992 two modern production lines were installed at the plant. The equipment was bought from PAVAN MAPIMPIANTI - an Ital-ian leading pasta production line manu-facturer. In 1992-1993 a modern pasta factory was founded. In the middle of 90s, PZZ Rzeszow was privatized and first became an Ltd. Company, than a participant of the National Investment

Funds. The XI NFI S.A. became a major-ity shareholder. In 1998 “Agro-Technika S.A.” acquired the major shareholding. As a result of the transformation, pasta man-ufacturing plant was separated from “PZZ Rzeszow” and became a part of “Agro-Technika S.A.” as a Małopolska Branch. MAKARONY POLSKIE Sp. Z.O.O. was founded by Agro-Technika S.A. (having its corporate seat in Ząbki) in order to takeover “Małopolska Branch”. Since 8 October 2002 all „Małopolska Branch’s” activity has been performed by MA-KARONY POLSKIE Sp. Z.O.O. On 10 May 2004 an extraordinary general meet-ing introduced a resolution on a trans-formation of MAKARONY POLSKIE Sp. Z.O.O. into a joint stock company. At the end of July 2004 MAKARONY POLSKIE S.A. acquired another pasta manufacturer - “Elplast Spółka Cywilna” (private partnership) located in Płock. This fusion enabled further firmness of the company among pasta manufactur-ers. Now the offer of the MAKARONY POLSKIE S.A. includes different types of pasta intended for different consumer groups. There are some types of pasta for those buyers who are first looking for a high quality, which will guarantee the preparation of a successful meal, but also for modern and innovative products, which will allow for a diversification and experiments in the kitchen (Sorenti). There are also the types of pasta which cater for the traditional tastes of Polish consumers, who appreciate the tradition-al recipe for tender pasta, whose quality is stable and repeatable (The Staropol-ski Pasta). MAKARONY POLSKIE S.A. also offer some pasta types in the economy sector, i.e. for those buyers, for whom a low price is the most important criterion while buying a product (Solare).The activities of the Company also in-clude the production of the pasta com-missioned by the sales networks and hypermarkets. The buyers of our prod-ucts include: TESCO, CARREFOUR,

It is widely known that Poland has good beer, good bread and good vodka. But did you suppose that Po-land can also manu-facture a food so strongly asocciated with other country

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AUCHAN, KAUFLAND, E.LECLERC, BIEDRONKA, LIDL, PLUS DISCOUNT, LEADER PRICE, MINI-MALL, NET-TO, CHATA POLSKA, POLOMARKET, INTERMARCHE and EKO HOLDING. Company’s manufacturing process is based on the 4 modern production lines (three for short-length pasta and one for spaghetti) made by Italian companies - PAVAN and Anselmo. The modern THT technology enables company to obtain very high drying temperatures, which guar-antees a very good quality and microbio-logical purity of the pasta. Also, it makes it possible to extend the expiry dates. To ensure the highest quality and the best taste of pasta, both the raw materials and the completed products undergo detailed tests in our in-house laboratory. The pro-duction process conforms to the require-ments of an ISO and HACCP Integrated Quality Management System, whereas each production stage is supervised by our Quality Inspection Department.

POLISH PASTA – A PROD-UCT WHICH SUITS EV-ERYONE’S TASTESORENTI - The youngest company’s product has already became its big-gest achievement. A pasta made from 100% Durum Whole Wheat Flour. The highest quality flour guarantees that macaroni will be cooked to “al dente”. This product is for customers, who are looking both for a high quality, which will guarantee the preparation of a suc-cessful meal, and for modern and in-novative products, which will allow for a diversification and experiments in the kitchen. What’s characteristic of SORENTI, is a packaging with in-novative welding, improving product exhibition on a shelf. Those, who like to try new recipes, will be glad to know that they can find them on a package.Company is planning to en-large SORENTI’s offer, includ-ing souces in the near feature.

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MAKARON STAROPOLSKI - made from selected wheat grown in Poland, which ensures always the same high qual-ity. Product is aimed to the Polish tradi-tional taste consumers, who appreciate the traditional recipe for tender pasta with reliable quality. Large choice of shapes gives a possibility to make a new dish ev-ery time.MAKARON STAROPOLSKI JAJEC-ZNY - made with eggs is available in three most popular shapes: cut noodles, little cut noodles and farfel noodles. This kind of pasta is aimed to those customers who like traditional taste of home-made pasta. MAKARON STAROPOLSKI in 1 KG PACKAGE - due to the family-size pack it’s a meal for a whole family. Product made from selected wheat grown in Po-land, which ensures always the same high quality. SOLARE - it’s an economy sector maca-roni for price-sensitive customers, made from Polish wheat flour and offering wide range of shapes.

A LIST OF ACHIEVEMENTS LONG AS SPAGHETTIWhat always favours company’s suc-cess, is well-prepared commercial strat-egy. MAKARONY POLSKIE S.A. know it, and in by 2005 is focused on selling strong and visible products made of se-lected sorts of durum and ordinary wheat. Moreover, company began intensive pub-lic-relations activity bound to promote a brand. Economic, stock market, business and everyday press start to inform com-munity about company’s current activity. At the same time, commercial campaign of Sorenti pasta in female press began, aimed to built a positive image of a trade-mark MAKARONY POLSKIE S.A. Re-portages about company and interviews with its President of the Board were shown on TVN 24 and BIZNES TV, as well as on regional RZESZÓW TV, confirming com-pany’s stable market position. However, the main proof of customer’ trust and loy-alty are certificates and prizes received by MAKARONY POLSKIE S.A., and they are following:

*“Business Fair Play 2007” Award, won in a competition organised by the Institute Of Researches On Democracy And Private Enterprise

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*GAZELE BIZNESU 2007, won in a competition organised by journal Puls Biznesu

*KNOW A GOOD FOOD, a prize for Sorenti and Makaron Staropolski from the Ministry of Agriculture of Poland

* Grand Prix for Sorenti in a competi-tion “Nasze Dobre Podkarpackie” (Our Good Podkarpackie Region)

* A nomination for Sorenti pasta in a competition “Oscars FMCG”, or-ganised by business journal “Życie handlowe”

The company is particularly proud of its debut on Warsaw Stock Enchange in 2007, which actually was the first such case among Polish companies manufac-turing pasta!

PASTA SETTLED DOWN IN POLAND FOR GOODThanks to company’s constant develop-ment and conducting successfully in-vestment projects, MAKARONY POL-SKIE S.A. consistently enlarge its sales indexes. Annual turnover has been sys-tematically growing, by PLN 14 mln in 2003, to PLN 25 mln in 2005 and PLN 46,5 mln in 2006. There’s worth saying that in June 2007 the company bought 100% of shares of STOCZEK Sp. z o.o. – famous manufacturer of canned food and jams, which enabled to widen company’s former offer. In October 2007 ABAK Sp. z o.o. joined the main capital group, and there are plans to connect both enterprises (ABAK and MAKARONY POLSKIE) into one, what will surely have a posi-tive effect in sales and logistic. For the time being, company’s main goal is to maintain and strengthen its already stable market position, and also to develop new branches at Polish food market. Export’s increase, brand extension, investments in technopark, introduction of new products into market are those factor who will cer-tainly help MAKARONY POLSKIE S.A. to achieve this ambitious goal, and let us, customers, keep delighting in Polish pasta.

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IglotexFREEZING success!

An ice age in poland started in 1983...Iglotex S.A. is one of the foremost pro-ducers and distributors of frozen food in Poland. The Company is based in Skórcz, a town situated in an ecologically clean area in nothern Poland. Iglotex S.A. has continued its activity since 1991. The bus-siness activity was actually set up in 1983 and than changed into P.P.H. Iglotex (the P.P.H. abbreviation means Manufacturing and Commercial Enterprise). In 2000 a new production plant, including a ware-house, came into operation. It was de-signed and built in compliance with all the relevant EU-requirements. In 2005, com-pany began to develop further its produc-tion hall and storage facilities, due to the rapidly growing demand for its products. Now company’s production processes take place in high-tech halls. The produc-tion plant is equipped with fully automated lines dedicated to the production of pizza, French bread pizza, dumplings, pierogi

and Polish ravioli. All the equipment used meets national and EU standards and en-ables further implementation of the lat-est solutions in production technology.

...and reaches more and more european countries...The company’s sales operation and the availability of IGLOTEX products are

continually growing. Thus, the qual-ity and tastes of IGLOTEX productionbecomes increasingly recognised by costumers from a number of Europe-an countries, such as Bulgaria, Spain, Latvia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Ire-land, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Is-land, Portugal, Ukraine, Estonia, Ka-zakhstan, Romania, Hungary, Finland, Lithuania, Slovakia and Great Britain.

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Frozen but delicious...

The core business of Iglotex is production of pizza, French bread pizza and potato and flour food such as different types of dumplings and pierogi. The full range of products offered includes over 100 differ-ent items of various flavours, weights and packaging.

Let’s have a look into frozen kingdom of IGLOTEX production....

MAESTRO - Iglotex offers an unique abundance of different tastes (salami, mushrooms, ham and many more) of this highest quality pizza with Italian base and rich topping.

FAMILY BASE - an economical pizza for the whole family, weight 1kg!

PIZZA BASE - if you’re a type of “I’ll-do-all-by-myself”, IGLOTEX gives you a chance to create your own composition of ingredients.

BISTRO PIZZA - for those who are al-ways in a hurry, IGLOTEX prepared a perfect pizza for every occasion, easy to prepare in only 10 minutes, in 4 sophisti-cated tastes.

PASSIONATA ITALIANA - even if you have no chance to be in Italy, this classic Italian style pizza will make you feel like in the best restaurant in Venice.

DUMPLINGS - dumplings may be any of a wide variety of dishes, both sweet and savoury, in several different cuisines. After being encased in dough, they usu-ally undergo a further treatment by steam-ing them or submerging them in boiling oil. IGLOTEX offer includes this type of old, traditional Polish meal filled with strawberries, blueberries, cheese, meat, sauerkraut, mushrooms and many many more...

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PASSIONATA BAUGETTE - a perfect snack for lunch that can be prepared ei-ther in the oven or microwave. Various tastes (Bolognese, margherita, salami and prosciutto) will satisfy senses of the most demanding gourmet.

RAVIOLI - a traditional addition to Christmas dishes can be served separately as well, specially if it’s offered in 3 tastes (mushrooms, sauerkraut and meat).

Get frozen, get appreciated...The company’s priority objective is to de-liver products that satisfy both quality and legal standards, and meet the needs of cur-rent and prospective costumers. In order to meet this objective, IGLOTEX partners are only those suppliers that comply with the high quality requirements. The com-pany’s microbiological laboratory, tech-nical laboratory and constant production control maintains the high quality stan-dards. IGLOTEX has implemented sever-al quality management systems including HACCP, GHP and GMP as well as being IFS and BRC certificates awarded. Com-pany constantly updates its machinery and technology, with particular attention giv-en to highest health safety requirements and to environmental protection. IGLO-TEX prides itself on the growing number of satisfied customers and contractors.

During 15 years of its activity Młyny Szczepanki Ltd. has turned into com-pany which employs about 150 people. Our milling capacity is about 400 t. of wheat/ day and about 100 t. of rye/day. We want to supply our present and future customers with wide range of wheat and rye flours. Thanks to our modern laboratory we are able to work out every flour recipe, which will satisfy even the most demanding clients. Tendency to healthy diet also reflects in our offer. Our assortment includes whole grain flours, which are particu-larly advised for balanced nutrition.

Our offer includes the following products:- flours for bakers and confectioners- pasta flour- flours in 1kg packages- flours of special properties: pizza flours, thermally prepared flours (the moisture below 7%)- baking mixes

We offer you flours with invariable high-est quality, thanks to developed quality control system which begins at stage of grain cultivation.Młyny Szczepanki has implemented HACCP system and ISO 9001:2000.

tel. (+48 56) 4507900fax. (+48 56) 4507911

Traditionally good flour

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SM GOSTYŃQuality is the only way

The Dairy Company in Gostyń, es tablished in 1889, is a corporation with a long tradition and eventful his-tory. With more than one age of experi-ence nowadays the Gostyn Company, in national rating of dairies associated in a National Union of Dairy Companies, is found at the leading position. The com-pany’s production and sales have been regularly increasing and Dairy Company looks to continues its “milky success”.

From 1889 to 2008As mentioned, the Dairy Company in

Gostyn was set in 1889. When in 1900 the production was run, approximately 5000 liters of milk were used every day to make Gostyn’s products. Nowadays, it is over 400.000 liters. The dairy has always been a noteworthy company. In 1929 it was visited by contemporary Polish president, Ignacy Mościcki. The Dairy Company in Gostyn survived the Second World War, and then, just like the others companies in Poland, it was nationalized. In 1967 the company’s butter was awarded with a prestigious “Q” highest quality mark. Furthermore, Gostyn Company received

right to export its products to different countries. Then, the company became the significant butter exporter. Gostyn’s butter was exported for instance to the UK and to Vatican. In 1979 the place for condens-ing and powdering of milk were opened. Then, the production of unsweetened condensed milk, sweetened condensed milk in can and semi-skimmed, powdered milk was run. The company President, Grzegorz Grzeszkowiak, says: “In 1996 the production of milk and UHT cream in cartons was run. For running cartons production a huge outlay was needed. It

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was giant investment and a milestone in company’s development. If the invest-ment hadn’t been done the company wouldn’t have such significant market power of domination”. In 1998 The Dairy Company Gostyn got a ISO 9001 qual-ity certificate. In 1999, Gostyn Company was found in the group of the first pro-ducers to meet veterinary contract terms (cat. A), which allow for the exporta-tions of our goods to the EU CountriesIn 2004 Dairy Company in Gostyn got powers for exportation to Russian Federa-tion. In June 2005 the company was award-ed with a certificate of BRC Standards (British Retail Consortium) recognized by trading system - certificated again in year 2007. For better effectiveness of manag-ing, the Quality System of international standard norm ISO 9001:1994, and then according to a New Standard Norm ISO 9001:2000, as well as, the HACCP System according to Codex Alimentarius, certifi-cated by Lloyd’s Register Assurance Lim-ited Company in 2000, were introduced.

European and world marketsThe Dairy Company products are being sold in many European countries. Polish distributors sold them mainly to the pol-ish companies in the UK and then they are being sold in shops with Polish food and products. The most popular products are obviously Gostyn’s butter, unsweet-ened condensed milk and semi-skimmed, powdered milk. “These products are also popular in Mexico, Kuwait, Singapore and Croatia” – says President Grzesz-kowiak. Nowadays the company does not provide direct delivery to the foreign mar-kets, but heading these markets is one of the company’s future plans. Moreover, it also care about strengthening its position on both: domestic and Russian market.

A quality that is confirmedAt present, the company is equipped with modern machines to produc-esweetened and unsweetened condensed milk in cartons and cans, unsweet-ened condensed milk (light), sweet-

ened condensed milk in tubes, UHT cream, UHT milk, butter, powdered granulated skimmed milk as well as the whole range of fresh products. The latest technologies for aseptic product packaging allow for the use of car-ton containers of different sizes and multi-pack packaging. Among Polish families a carton of unsweetened con-densed Gostyn’s milk is in fact a well know product. Many will admit that it is ideal for morning coffee or tea.High quality of Gostyn’s products, con-firm many prizes and decorations that company received. In general, Gostyn Company was awarded with, at about, 90 prizes, medals and distinctions. Ad-ditionally its unsweetened condensed milk (500g) got a Golden Medal on In-ternational Fairs in Poznan “Polagra-Food” in 2002. In 2003, unsweetened light condensed milk was awarded with a Golden Medal and in a year 2004 Gostyn chocolate dessert was award-ed with the same prize. In 2005 Di-ary Company for its UHT 30% Carton Cream got Polfood’s ranking award. Later, in 2006 the company’s butter got a prize of Golden Medal. More-over, in 2006, unsweetened light con-densed milk (350g) was awarded for the best quality in “Mleko-Expo” with the statuette of National Union Dairy Company and with a Golden Milk Revue of Milk Fairs an unsweetened condensed milk (350g) was awarded.

2007 – a year of innovationsIn 2007, many new products were in-troduced into market: unsweetened con-densed milk of 10% FAT, UHT creams of 12%, 18% and 36% FAT in cartons with nuts. Besides, drinkable yogurts in tastes: aloe, cranberry or red orange. Moreover, sweetened condensed cocoa cooked milk. For those who are lactose intoler-ant, there is new milk “MINILA” with lowered rate of lactose, which is gaining in popularity. This is the only fresh milk of that type in Poland. MINILA milk is a pasteurized milk. It can be drunk by every

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consumer because it keeps all nutritional values of a traditional milk. It is packed in cartons with a handy cap. Dairy Company guarantees permanent and best quality of the MINILA milk. This quality was con-firmed on the Fifth International Fairs in Poznan when MINILA milk got a statu-ette “A pearl of milk”. Gostyn Company takes also part in welfare: MILK FOR SCHOOL and so since few years it has been giving milk in cartons of 250g to many schools in central and south-west Poland. About 430 thousands cartons of milk are monthly delivered to schools.

Leading position obligates - the company’s strategyIn the national rating of dairies associ-ated in a National Union of Dairy Com-panies, Gostyn Company is found yearly at the leading position. On the whole, The Diary Company in Gostyn offers more than 60 products. In 2004 the Company

was awarded with the prize as the exem-plary producer of food. The company’s motto is “Quality is the only way”. “This motto is also our aim. We would like to continue to make safe, healthy and high quality products. We are known for our high standards innovation. When our cus-tomers buy Gostyn’s products they have no doubts about of its quality. We want meet all of our customers needs and wishes in the best way we possibly can” – says Mr. Grzeszkowiak. Key matter for the compa-ny’s strategy is to keep leading market po-sition, especially in condensed milk pro-duction segment. 50% of the company’s income comes from the sale of condensed milk. Long-term co-operation and a good relationships with warehouses consumers are also secrets of Gostyn’s success. “For our company co-operation and trust, not a confrontation, are the most important and meaning values” – Mr. Grzeszkowiakads. The guarantee of the company’s suc-

cess are also its employees. At the mo-ment Gostyn Company hires 494 work-ers. Many workers were taken on in the seventies, they became great specialists. Nowadays, there have been a number of retirements. Now, the company hires young and educated people. President Grzeszkowiak says: “But education is not the key. We are truly paying an attention at our workers communicability and cre-ativity. Disposability is another value we really appreciate. All these values are im-portant because we want to co-operate with people we can relay on. We know that the company’s development depends on those people”. He also ads: “We are proud of the fact that we continue the history and a success of the diary which was set in 1889 and that we are a team of organized hard-working people. What is more, we are all heading the company’s aims. We are strong and a reliable company and we are in a good position for moving forward”.

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TRADE SHOWSInternational Trade Shows in Europe - May and June 2008Poland:METALFORUMExhibition of Metallurgical and Foundry Engineering, for more info please visit:

ENERGIAPower Industry Exhibition, for more info please visit:

MACH-TOOLMachine Tools Exhibition, for more info please visit:

EUROTABTobacco Products & Accessories Exhibition, for more info please visit:

LTS - TRANSPORTAExhibition of In-house Material Handling and Industrial Trans-port, for more info please visit:

MASZBUDInternational Construction Equipmentand Special Vehicles Fair, for more info please visit:

IFE POLANDInternational Food, Drink and Hospitality Exhibition, for more info please visit:

PLASTPOLInternational Fair of Plastics Processing. Technologies, Equipment and Machines for Plastics Processing, Packag-ing, Industrial design, Plastics, Rubber processing, Recycling, for more info please visit:

MEBLEFair of Furniture and Furnishing, for more info please visit:

HOME DECORTextiles, Table and Kitchen, Light, Interior Design, for more info please visit:

Russia:CITYPIPEInternational Trade Fair “Piping Systems for Municipal Infrastructure: Construction, Diagnostics, Repair and Opera-tion” for more info please visit:

ECWATECHInternational Trade Fair and Congress ‘Water : Ecology and

Technology, for more info please visit:

UGOL ROSSII & MININGInternational Trade Fair for Mining Technology, for more info please visit:,lang,2/oid,715/ticket,g_a_s_t

MIR STEKLAInternational Exhibition of Glass-Making Equipment, Produc-tion of Instruments and Processing Equipment, Glass-Ware Manufacturing and Marketing, for more info please visit:

CTT MOSCOWInternational Show of Construction Equipment and Technolo-gies, for more info please visit:

ROSUPAKInternational specialized exhibition of materials and technolo-gies, machinery and equipment for manufacturing of packages. Packages for all industries, for more info please visit:

SHK MOSCOWInternational Trade Fair for Sanitation, Heating, Air-condition-ing, Swimming-Pools, Pools & Bath Technology, Sauna, for more info please visit:,lang,2/oid,236/ticket,g_a_s_t

DRINK EXPOInternational Specialized Exhibition of Beer and Non-Alcohol-ic Drinks, Components and Equipment. Tasting Contest, for more info please visit:

Ukraine:INTERNATIONAL SPECIALIZED EXHIBITION BREAD / CONFECTIONERY PRODUCTSEquipment and technologies; Raw Stuff, Food Ingredients and Additives; Bakery and Macaroni Products; Confectionery Prod-ucts; Flour-Milling Products, Groats and Flakes, for more info please visit:

AGROInternational Exhibition for Agriculture and Agricultural Ma-chinery, for more info please visit:

CABLING WIRING UKRAINECabling & Wiring International Exhibition,

SHEET METAL WORKING UKRAINESheet Metal Working International Exhibition,

Manufacturing-Journal 71

targi.indd 1 2008-05-20 10:17:11


SURFACE ENGINEERING UKRAINESurface Engineering International Exhibition,

WELDING UKRAINEWelding International Exhibition,

WIRE STEEL ROPES UKRAINEWire Steel Ropes International Exhibition, for more info please visit:

AQUA-THERM KIEVInternational Exhibition for Heating, Ventilation, Air-Condi-tioning, Water Supply, Sanitary and Environmental Technology, for more info please visit:

WOODPROCESSING UKRAINEMachinery for Forestry. Wood Processing Technologies. Instru-ments. Energy Saving in Wood Processing. Utilization of Wood Waste. Glues, Lacquers, Paints for Wood Protection. Joiners and other Wood Products. Furniture and Furniture Accessories, for more info please visit:

RUSSIA/CIS COMPOSITE MARKETInternational Conference dedicated to Composite Industry in Russia and CIS countries (former USSR), for more info please visit:

ODESSA HOMEInternational Forum ofArchitecture and Design, Building, Restoration and Re-construction, Communal Services, Building and Finishing Materials, Sanitary Equipment, Windows and Doors, for more info please visit:

FURNITURE AND INTERIOR ODESSAInternational Exhibition of Furniture Inhabited and Of-fice, Materials and Technologies of Furniture Manufac-ture, Lighting Devices, Design of an Interior, for more info please visit:

MOTOR SHOW SIAInternational Motor Show, for more info please visit:

STONE EXPO UKRAINEInternational Exhibition. Samples of Natural Stone, Technolo-gies and Equipment for Stone Mining, Processing and Produc-tion, for more info please visit:

INTERDESIGNDesigning and Interior Decorating. Materials and Technolo-gies. Decorating Architectural and Construction. Ceramics and Glass. Pools. Decorative Lighting. Artistic Furniture. Land-scape Designing. Floral and Aqua Design. Redecoration and Reconstruction, for more info please visit:

GermanyO&SInternational Trade Fair for Surface Treatments and Coatings, for more info please visit:

AUTOMATICAInternational Trade Fair for Automation: Assembly - Robotics – Vision, for more info please visit:

CHEMSPEC EUROPEExhibition for Performance and Fine Chemicals and Organic Intermediates, for more info please visit:

Czech Republic

AUTOTECInternational Motor Show of Trucks and Utility Vehicles, Parts, Accessories and Service Technology, for more info please visit:


POWER-GEN EUROPEEuropean Meeting of Electric Power Producers, Independent Power Producers, Co Generation Plants, Waste-to Energy Plants, for more info please visit:

72 Manufacturing-Journal

targi.indd 2 2008-05-20 10:17:12

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