Manual Trigger Point Therapy | 14.03.19 - 11:28 Videos


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Manual Trigger Point Therapy | 14.03.19 - 11:28


Video 1 Screening tests, shoulder: overview examination. Video 2 Screening tests, shoulder: differentiation of active/passive structures using the example of the internal/externalrotators.

Video 3 Screening tests, shoulder: differentiation in abductionwith end-range pain.

Video 4 Palpatory diagnosis with flat palpation using theexample of the infraspinatus muscle.

Video 5 Palpatory diagnosis with pincer grip using the exampleof the pectoralis major muscle.

Video 6 Diagnostic provocation test using the example of thesupraspinatus muscle.


688Gautschi, Manual Trigger Point Therapy: Recognizing, Understanding, and Treating Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction (ISBN 978-3-13220-291-7), copyright © 2019 Thieme Medical Publishers. All rights reserved. Usage subject to terms and conditions of license.

Manual Trigger Point Therapy | 14.03.19 - 11:28

Video 12 “Ignition key grip” using the example of thesternocleidomastoid muscle.

Video 7 Illustration of the manual techniques I, II and III byusing a simple model.

Video 8 Basic principle of the techniques I, II, III and IV usingthe example of the infraspinatus muscle.

Video 9 Differentiation of the techniques IIa and IIb, Ia and Ib,IVa and IVb using the example of the infraspinatus muscle.

Video 10 “Pincer grip” and “piercing grip” using the example ofthe sternocleidomastoid muscle.

Video 11 “Grip as squeezing toothpaste from a tube” using theexample of the sternocleidomastoid muscle.



Gautschi, Manual Trigger Point Therapy: Recognizing, Understanding, and Treating Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction (ISBN 978-3-13220-291-7), copyright © 2019 Thieme Medical Publishers. All rights reserved. Usage subject to terms and conditions of license.

Manual Trigger Point Therapy | 14.03.19 - 11:28

Video 18 Sternocleidomastoid muscle: example of a treatmentsequence.

Video 13 Tips for the therapist in using the manual techniques. Video 14 Levator scapulae muscle: palpatory diagnosis andtreatment.

Video 15 Subscapularis muscle: access and treatment fromlateral.

Video 16 Supraspinatus muscle: direct treatment.

Video 17 Supraspinatus muscle: treatment of the insertion site.


690Gautschi, Manual Trigger Point Therapy: Recognizing, Understanding, and Treating Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction (ISBN 978-3-13220-291-7), copyright © 2019 Thieme Medical Publishers. All rights reserved. Usage subject to terms and conditions of license.
