Manifesto for Women 2016


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  • 8/17/2019 Manifesto for Women 2016






  • 8/17/2019 Manifesto for Women 2016


    Scottish Labour was founded on the principles of equality and social justice. It is these founding

    principles that guide us today. We want a Scotland where inequality is a problem of the past,

    where rhetoric is met with real change and where everyone, regardless of their background

    or abilities has a chance in life. We recognise that equality is not a single issue and that any

    individual can experience multiple inequalities. Scotland deserves a Government that takes a

    truly intersectional and inclusive approach to policy making. Scottish Labour is committed to

    equality. We will put in place practical steps to make sure that tackling inequality is at the core of

    all we do, through mainstreaming equality policies and introducing a long term plan to eradicate

    inequality. We have a long term vision which acknowledges there are no quick xes but commit

    to exercising the political will to implement that plan. We will tackle equal pay, seek to end genderbased violence in Scotland and promote equal representation both in private and public bodies.


    We will:

    Appoint a Cabinet Secretary for Equalities.

    Improve Equalities Impact Assessments ensuring they are completed at policy


    Mainstream Equalities Training in the Public Sector.

    Fully implement all 15 recommendations of the Independent Advisor on

    Poverty and Inequality.

    Incorporate international human rights obligations, including CEDAW.

    Develop a strategy to tackle online-harassment relating to any protected


    Improve equality training for front line social security support sta, especially

    in the Work Programme.

  • 8/17/2019 Manifesto for Women 2016


    Women and Opportunity

    To ensure that women get the same

    opportunities as men we will tackle inequalities

    from an early age. We need to make all

    professions attractive to young people. Whilewe want to encourage more women into STEM,

    we also value female dominated professions like

    the caring sector. Childcare provision is a huge

    barrier for women to enter work and Labour view

    it as an economic, not just a social issue. We want

    to see employers in the public and private sector

    provide exible working conditions in order to

    support a diverse workforce.

    We will challenge gender stereotypes at an early age and across all aspects of society. We will take on an

    intersectional approach acknowledging diversity and the multiple challenges that people face. This has to

    happen in a cross-cutting manner, ensuring all aspects of the public sector and government policies are

    focused on tackling inequality.

      Appoint a Cabinet Secretary for Equalities with a specic responsibility for mainstreaming genderequality with Cabinet accountability.


    Introduce a Gender Equality Bill which ensures gender mainstreaming and includes a statutory

    requirement for gender budgeting across all policy areas.

    Our plan

    • We will develop a long-term plan on

    childcare to create a universal system based


    - Flexibility that ts parent lives.

    - Aordability.

    - Well-trained, professional and

    highly valued work-force.

    • We will tackle gender stereotyping in school

    and early years through training for front

    line sta including teachers, childcare

    professionals, and career advisors. This will

    be coupled with a duty to tackle inequalities

    and a zero-tolerance approach to gender


    • We will ensure that women in further and

    higher education have equal maternity


    • We will ensure equal access to pre-

    vocational training, including modern

    apprenticeships and investigate age and

    gender discrimination in apprenticeships.

    • We will set up an occupational segregation

    commission to drive and oversee these

    goals and other eorts to tackle vertical and

    horizontal occupational segregation.

    Our plan

    • We will commit to 50:50 at all political levels

    and public positions including taking an

    intersectional approach when recruiting


    • We will set up a Gender Media Institution,

    and confront gender misrepresentations inadvertising.

    • We will develop a gender action plan

    in politics, which set out a clear code

    of conduct including zero tolerance to

    derogatory and sexist language:

    - Encourage women from all backgrounds

    into politics, especially those in low paid

    professions and ethnic minorities.

    - Ensure accessibility for events including

    providing childcare.

    - Develop political women only training

    and events.

    • We will create a cross-party women’s

    movement such as a women’s caucus or


    • We will promote female role models in

    STEM, business and within the Trade Union


    Women in Public life

    Lack of widespread female representation across

    all aspects of public life is both a symptom and

    a cause of gender inequality. We will support

    women in the public sphere and confrontnegative stereotyping that re-enforce inequalities.


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    Women and the economy

    Gender inequality is an economic issue,

    and tackling low pay in female dominated

    employment is an economic priority. We need

    to ensure all industries are actively tackling

    discrimination and supporting women, including

    ensuring equal pay.

    Too often women are still primarily responsible

    for caring, both for children and adults, and

    penalised for it, not just in earnings, but in

    pension rights. Additionally, current welfare

    changes impact disproportionally on women. This

    needs to be reversed.

    Our plan

    • We will create a duty on all public bodies

    to tackle gender inequality in the Scottisheconomy.

    • We will use new welfare powers to support

    women and help them back to work.

    • We will tackle maternity discrimination and

    support women re-entering the workplace

    through working with employers to create fast

    track promotion schemes, re-training and the

    right to exible working.

    • We will promote shared responsibilities

    especially promoting shared parental leave at

    all levels.• We will pursue a sectoral approach to tackling

    low-pay, and put equal value on female

    dominated professions like care.

    • We will provide better support to carers

    including uplifting and increasing the exibility

    of care allowance.

    • We will create a family friendly business pledge,

    including having all senior jobs advertised as

    part-time or jobshares.

    • We will use the new powers of the Scottish

    Parliament to top up the pensions of womenborn between 1951 and 1953 so they are no

    worse o than men of the same age and we

    will carry on ghting for other women who

    have been aected by Tory pension changes

    for better transitional arrangements are


    • We will consider mandatory gender pay audits

    for employers who do not deliver on equal pay.

    Our plan

    • We will continue to support “Equally Safe” and

    make its implementation a national priority.

    • We will introduce comprehensive legislation

    to tackle all forms of gender based violence,

    especially around commercial sexual

    exploitation.• We will introduce specic domestic abuse

    courts within Scotland’s sheri courts so that

    dealing with these serious crimes is a priority.

    As part of this reform, we will consult and bring

    forward a Bill which sets domestic abuse as a

    specic oence.

    • We will create a 5 year funding stream for

    equalities that focuses on prevention and

    support services.

    • We will remove means testing for legal aid in

    domestic abuse cases.

    • We will introduce a right to sex and relationshipeducation for all children, ensuring every child

    is taught about consent.

    • We will create a national framework for PSHE

    education which focuses on preventing gender

    based violence and tackling wider inequalities.

    • We will incorporate tackling gender based


    • We will aim to tackle commercial sexual

    exploitation by challenging demand and by

    supporting those involved. This will have a

    three-pronged framework: criminalising the

    buying of sex, decriminalising people involvedin prostitution, and providing long-term

    support and exiting services for those exploited

    through prostitution within teacher training and

    provide support for external experts to deliver

    programs in schools.

    • We will create a duty on all education

    bodies, including universities and colleges, to

    prevent gender based violence and gender

    discrimination on campus.

    • We will aim to halve the population of

    women prisoners and will implement the

    recommendations of the Angiolini Commision

    on Women Oenders.

    Women and Justice

    Women face particular challenges, both as

    victims and as perpetrators of crime. Sending

    more and more women to jail isn’t working. It

    has a devastating impact on families that can

    last for generations. There are still gaps in our

    legislation that do not fully protect women from

    gender based violence. We need to do more totackle domestic abuse and the issue of sexual


  • 8/17/2019 Manifesto for Women 2016


    Women and Health

    We need to ensure that health and social care

    services understand gender inequalities have

    a detrimental eect on women’s physical andmental health. It is vital that eorts to tackle

    inequality are embedded within health provision.

    Approaches to reproductive health and sexual

    wellbeing need to address the existing barriers

    that women face.

    Our plan• We will ensure a consistent approach across

    all departments by acknowledging gendered

    issues in access to healthcare.

    • We will improve mental health services

    ensuring a gendered approach, including

    support for trauma caused by abuse and

    sexual assaults.

    • We will continue to take action on Female

    Genital Mutilation ensuring that whilst we

    ensure cultural respect, the protection

    and empowerment of women is of critical


    • We believe that standing up against women’s

    inequality means standing up for women’s

    rights. Scottish Labour is committed to

    ensuring equal access, irrespective of

    geographical location, to contraceptive

    advice, family planning services and abortion

    services. We have no plans to change the law

    on abortion.

    • We will review specialist services for womenwho suer miscarriages and fertility issues

    ensuring that their wishes are taken into


  • 8/17/2019 Manifesto for Women 2016


    Printed & Promoted by Brian Roy, Scottish General Secretary, Scottish Labour Party, 290 Bath Street, Glasgow, G2 4RE
