Mangr Fores Res Est Estoration Mang r o v e


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  • 8/14/2019 Mangr Fores Res Est Estoration Mang r o v e


    MangMangMangMangMangrrrrrooooovvvvve Fore Fore Fore Fore Foresesesesest Rt Rt Rt Rt Resesesesestorationtorationtorationtorationtoration

    in Andhra Pradesh, Indiain Andhra Pradesh, Indiain Andhra Pradesh, Indiain Andhra Pradesh, Indiain Andhra Pradesh, India

    R. Ramasubramanian


    T. Ravishankar

    M. S. Swaminathan Research FoundationChennai, India

  • 8/14/2019 Mangr Fores Res Est Estoration Mang r o v e



    M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation

    3rd Cross Street, Institutional Area

    Taramani, Chennai 600 113


    Tele: 91 44 22541229; 22541698

    Fax: 91 44 22541319


    August 2004

    This publication was prepared with the generous support of

    India Canada Environment Facility (ICEF), New Delhi


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    I am glad that a manual on Mangrove Forest

    Restoration in Andhra Pradesh has been

    prepared by R. Ramasubramanian and

    T. Ravishankar. The manual contains practical

    suggestions which can help to foster

    community conservation and restoration efforts

    in mangrove wetlands. The multiple benefitsconferred by mangrove forests are now being

    recognized widely. What is now important is

    for local communities to undertake propagation

    of planting material and restoration of degraded

    mangrove areas. I hope the manual will

    stimulate a programme on the lines of the socialforestry movement. Unless restoration of

    degraded mangrove forests becomes a

    community movement, we will lose precious

    mangrove areas, leading to enhanced

    vulnerability to coastal storms and cyclones and

    loss of opportunities for sustainable livelihoods.I therefore hope that the manual will be widely

    read and used.

    M.S. Swaminathan


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    We are grateful to Prof. M.S. Swaminathan, Chairman,

    M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation for his encouragement and

    guidance. We thank Dr. M. Velayuthum, Executive Director, MSSRF,

    for his guidance and Dr. V. Selvam, Programme Director, MSSRF

    for his critical comments and suggestions.

    We are thankful to Shri. S. K. Das, IFS, Principal Chief

    Conservator of Forests, Shri. K. Subba Rao, IFS and

    Shri. S. D. Mukherjee IFS, former Principal Chief Conservators ofForests, Shri. T. Ramakrishna, IFS, Shri. Hitesh Malhotra, IFS,

    Additional Principal Chief Conservator of Forests, Shri. A.V. Joseph,

    IFS, Chief Conservator of Forests, Shri. Ramesh Kalghatgi, IFS,

    Shri. J.V.K.T. Prabakar Rao, IFS, Shri. Manoranjan Bhanja, IFS,

    Conservators of Forests, Andhra Pradesh for their support in

    implementing the project. We thank Shri. N. Varaprasada Rao,

    Shri. Thatha Rao, Shri. K. Ravi Kumar, Shri. K. Prakasha Rao, Deputy

    Conservators of Forests, Shri. N. Bhujanga Rao, Shri. C.V.V.

    Satyanarayana, Shri. M. V. Satyanarayana Murthy, Shri. Mallikarjuna

    Rao, Forest Range officers and the staff of Coringa and Krishna

    Wildlife Sanctuaries, Andhra Pradesh for their help during the

    mangrove restoration work from 1996 to 2003.

    We acknowledge the contributions of Dr. D. Sridhar and

    Shri. D. Ramakrishna in the restoration and hydrological studiesrespectively.

    We thank Dr. Ujwal Chaudary and Dr. Jaya Chatterji of India

    Canada Environment Facility (ICEF), New Delhi, for their support

    in making this work possible.

    We extend our thanks to the members of the EDC and VSS

    committees of Godavari and Krishna mangroves for theirparticipation and involvement in the restoration. We thank

    Shri. R. Satyanarayana, AFBO and Mr. D. Srinu, for their help and

    assistance in the fieldwork and the boat drivers Shri. Satyam and

    M. Srinu.


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    1. Mangrove forests - an overview - 12. Mangrove forests in Andhra Pradesh - 3

    2.1 Riverine systems in Andhra Pradesh - 5

    3. Causes of degradation - 7

    3.1. Past management practices - 7

    3.2. Hydrological and geomorphological causes - 8

    3.3. Anthropogenic causes - 9

    4. Restoration methods - 10

    4.1. Restoration of degraded mangroves in the past - 10

    4.2. Methodology for restoration of degraded

    mangroves at present - 11

    4.2.1. Geomorphology and hydrology inmangrove restoration - 13

    4.2.2. Hydrological studies in Godavari - 15

    4.2.3. Hydrological studies in Krishna - 16

    4.2.4. Dimensions of canals - 17

    4.2.5. Selection of species and planting - 18

    4.2.6. Desilting of canals and casualty replacement - 19

    4.3. Mangrove area restored - 19

    5. Impact of mangrove restoration - 20

    5.1. Cost of the restoration activity and long-term

    benefits - 22

    5.2. How the restoration work has improved thesocio-economic condition of Bhairavalanka village in

    Godavari mangroves - 24

    References - 25


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    M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation

    LisLisLisLisList of At of At of At of At of Acrcrcrcrcronononononymsymsymsymsyms

    APFD - Andhra Pradesh Forest Department

    EDC - Eco-Development Committee

    GIS - Geographic Information System

    GPS - Global Positioning System

    ha - Hectare

    MMU - Mangrove Management Unit

    MSSRF - M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation

    NGO - Non-Government Organization

    ppt - Parts per thousand

    PRA - Participatory Rural Appraisal

    RF - Reserved Forest

    Sq km - Square kilometres

    VLI - Village level institution

    VSS - Vana Samrakshana Samithi


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    Mangrove Forest Restoration in Andhra Pradesh, India

    Mangrove Forest Restoration in

    Andhra Pradesh, India

    1. Mangrove forests - an overview

    Mangroves are the plant communities occurring in inter-tidal

    zones along the coasts of tropical and sub-tropical countries. They

    are one of the most productive ecosystems. Mangroves represent a

    rich and diverse living resource and are valuable to both the economy

    and protection of coastal environments. Mangrove plants belongto several families but possess marked similarity in their physiological

    characteristics and structural adaptations to similar habitat

    preferences. Mangroves have been variously described as coastal

    woodland and inter-tidal forest. The term mangrove is loosely

    used to describe a wide variety of often-unrelated tropical and

    subtropical trees and shrubs, which share common characteristics.

    The total mangrove area of the world has been assessed to beapproximately 18.15 million hectares. India's mangrove wetlands

    range from 6,81,000 ha (Sidhu, 1963) to 5,00,000 ha (FSI, 1998).

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    M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation

    Mangrove forests perform multiple ecological functions such as

    production of woody trees; provision of habitat, food, and spawning

    grounds for fin-fish and shellfish; provision of habitat for birds

    and other valuable fauna; protection of coastlines and accretion of

    sediment to form new land. Mangrove areas have high biological

    productivity, associated with heavy leaf production, leaf fall and rapid

    decomposition to form detritus. The mangrove ecosystem is dynamic,

    changing in both location and composition, and has great resilience

    with the ability to restore itself after heavy damage, as long as seed

    sources and water flow are maintained. There are also many economic

    benefits from mangrove resources; like as a source of firewood, self-

    replenishing areas of fishery resources, for collecting honey and for


    Despite the benefits that they offer, mangrove forests are

    increasingly under threat and are getting degraded, due to pressures

    from growing populations, which lead to changes in land use and

    over-utilization of the resources. The depletion of mangroves is acause of serious environmental and economic concern to many

    developing countries.

    Until recently, tropical forests have been used as a renewable

    resource. With the burgeoning human population, urban areas

    expanded and more land area for agriculture was needed. As a result,

    forest areas started declining at an alarming rate. Efforts were taken

    up by the Forest Departments and other agencies to restore, develop

    and conserve forest resources for sustainable use and management.

    Nevertheless, these conservation programs were concentrated in the

    upland forests and not undertaken in mangroves. The Andhra

    Pradesh Forest Department started restoration activities from 1994


    M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF) started itsactivities of mangrove restoration and management in Andhra

    Pradesh from 1997 and restored 520 ha of degraded mangroves and

    facilitated community participated mangrove management in

    9,442 ha.


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    Mangrove Forest Restoration in Andhra Pradesh, India

    This publication reflects the process and results of restoration

    activities carried out over seven years by the project Coastal Wetlands:

    Mangrove Conservation and Management, implemented in

    Godavari and Krishna wetlands by MSSRF with its field centre at

    Kakinada. Hence it will be necessary to make modifications as per

    the site conditions, mangrove ecosystem, tidal amplitude and

    topography of the area chosen for restoration. This publication is

    meant for foresters, field technicians, researchers and others

    interested in restoration of degraded mangroves.

    2. Mangrove forests in Andhra Pradesh The mangrove forests in Andhra Pradesh are located in the

    estuaries of the Godavari and the Krishna rivers. The Godavari

    mangroves are located in Godavari estuary of East Godavari district

    and the Krishna mangroves in Krishna estuary of Krishna and Guntur

    districts. Apart from these estuaries, mangroves are also found in

    small patches along the coast of Visakhapatnam, West Godavari,

    Guntur and Prakasam districts. The total area under Godavari andKrishna mangrove wetlands are 58,263 ha of which 33,263.32 ha

    are under Godavari and 24,999.47 ha are in Krishna. However, the

    dense mangroves in Godavari and Krishna are only 17,000 ha and

    7,347 ha respectively. The rest are distributed between mudflats, water

    bodies, sand bodies and casuarina plantations. The Coringa Wildlife

    Sanctuary has three Reserve Forests, namely Corangi RF, Corangi

    Extn. RF and Bhairavapalem RF. Most of the mangroves in theSanctuary are not directly connected with the Bay of Bengal. The

    mangroves of Coringa Wildlife Sanctuary receives tidal flushing

    through Matlapalem canal, Corangi river and Gaderu river. The

    Gaderu and Corangi rivers are the distributaries of the River Godavari.

    The other six Reserve Forests namely Rathikalava RF, Masanitippa

    RF, Matlatippa RF, Balusutippa RF, Kothapalem RF and Kandikuppa

    RF are situated on the southern side of Nilarevu River and fall undernon-sanctuary area -Map 1.

    Krishna Wildlife Sanctuary is 19,481 ha, which includes

    Sorlagondi RF, Nachugunta RF, Yelichetladibba RF, Lankivanidibba


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    M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation

    Map 1. Location of Godavari Mangroves

    Map 2. Location of Krishna Mangroves


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    Mangrove Forest Restoration in Andhra Pradesh, India

    RF, Molagunta RF, Kottapalem RF Bit-1, Kottapalem RF Bit-2 and

    Adavuladivi RF (Map 2).

    2.1. Riverine systems in Andhra Pradesh

    Andhra Pradesh has a geographical area of 2,76,000 sq km, of

    which 63,770 sq km are under forests. Mangrove forests account

    for only 582 sq km, representing only about 0.9% of the States

    total forest area. An advantage Andhra Pradesh enjoys is that most

    of the east-flowing rivers pass through the heart of the State and

    bring in copious sediments from the Western and Eastern Ghats

    and the Deccan Plateau. 40 major, medium and minor rivers flow

    through the State. Of these, the most important rivers are the

    Godavari, the Krishna, the Pennar and the Vamsadhara. Mangroves

    are found in the estuaries of these rivers but extensive mangrove

    wetlands are present only in the Godavari and Krishna deltaic


    The Godavari river originates in Maharashtra near Nasik andflows towards east into the sea. The Godavari river branches into

    the Vasishta and the Gautami near Dowleswaram (Map 3) which is

    considered the head of the delta. The Gautami Godavari river joins

    the Bay of Bengal at two places one near Bhairavapalem and the

    other near Kothapalem. The Gautami-Godavari river is connected

    to the Kakinada Bay by two distributaries, namely the Corangi river

    which rises at Yanam and Gaderu river which has its origin atBhairavapalem. There are numerous tidal channels and creeks which

    feed the mangrove areas and eventually flow into the Kakinada Bay.

    An important feature determining the health of the Godavari

    mangroves is the Kakinada Bay, which is very shallow.

    The Godavari deltaic region falls under the category of tropical

    humid climate. The monsoon season commences from June andextends up to December. This area receives fresh water during

    monsoon season, during which period the salinity is low. From

    January onwards, the weather is mainly dry and progresses gradually

    to the hot summer months of April and May.


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    M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation

    Map 3. Distributaries of River Godavari

    The Krishna river has its origin in the Western Ghats at an altitude

    of 1,337 metres, north of Mahabaleshwar, about 64 kilometres from

    the Arabian Sea. It flows across three states, namely Maharashtra,

    Karnataka and eventually into Andhra Pradesh, before emptying into

    the sea. The Hamsaladeevi distributary is the first to branch out, 60km downstream from Vijayawada, near Avanigadda and flows

    northward into the sea near Machilipatnam. Mangroves have been

    reported to be less abundant here. The Gollamattapaya and Nadimeru

    distributaries branch out 25 km downstream from Avanigadda and


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    Mangrove Forest Restoration in Andhra Pradesh, India

    flow northward to join the sea. The main Krishna canal flows

    southward to join the sea near False Divi point. Mangroves are mainly

    prevalent around tidal creeks, channels, lagoons, tidal flats and

    mudflats of the three distributaries namely Gollamattapaya, Nadimeru

    and main Krishna canal. The area has a warm, humid and tropical

    climate with an annual rainfall of around 110 cm.

    3. Causes of degradation

    The mangroves of Andhra Pradesh are being degraded due to a

    variety of causes, some of which are similar to those in other

    mangrove areas in India. As in other places, vast areas of land

    adjoining the mangroves have been converted to aquaculture ponds.

    Apart from these general causes, some site-specific reasons also

    contribute to mangrove loss. The causes of mangrove degradation

    are described below:

    3.1. Past management practices

    The mangrove forests were coup felled by the Government

    agencies for revenue generation till 1972. Some of the clear felled

    areas could not be regenerated due to topographic changes. Moreover

    all mangrove species are not of the coppicing type. Chart 1 shows

    how a chain reaction triggered by coupe felling - caused degradation.

    Clear felling throughcoupe system

    Exposure of the

    mangroves Evaporation ofsoil water

    Stagnation of the

    tidal water

    Development of trough

    shaped topographySubsidence of sediment

    Development ofhyper saline

    No natural


    Chart 1. Changes in the biophysical condition of the coupefelled area leading to degradation of mangroves


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    M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation

    3.2. Hydrological and geomorphological causes

    Reduction in fresh water flow

    The Krishna river is one of the highly utilized rivers in peninsular

    India, for a variety of purposes. As a result, there has been a reduction

    in fresh water flow over a period of time, which has had a telling

    impact on the growth and regeneration of mangroves.

    Decrease in sediment load into the mangroves

    The decrease of sediment load has also had an impact on the ecosystem

    by way of reduction in sediment supply, due to which the nutrients which

    are needed for the health of the mangroves have also been reduced.

    Cyclones and storm surges

    The Krishna mangroves have borne the brunt of two severe

    cyclonic storms in 1977 and 1990. Though the destruction of

    mangroves due to these cyclonic storms have not been properly

    documented, the surges associated with these storms have caused

    extensive sand casting resulting in the area becoming unsuitable for

    growth and survival of many mangrove species. It has also resulted

    in the siltation of many drainage channels that were feeding both

    fresh and tidal water, as a result of which the mangroves have

    become degraded.

    Geomorphological changes

    The sand spit in the Kakinada Bay has undergone changes in its

    morphology with a rapid rate of growth. The spit which had just

    shown up in the year 1851 has now extended to about 18 km in

    length. In addition to this, the Kakinada Bay has been undergoing

    rapid siltation, as evidenced by the hydrographic study. With

    increased developmental activities and the setting up of fertiliser units,

    some effluents are being discharged into the Kakinada Bay. The bay

    waters are now characterized by high amounts of ammonium and

    nitrate which may contribute to degradation. As the present depth

    of the Bay is very low, there is hardly any lateral mixing of waters, as


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    Mangrove Forest Restoration in Andhra Pradesh, India

    a result of this, there is lot of stagnation of bay waters which may

    also contribute to degradation. The movement of pollutants in the

    bay is still not properly studied.

    Geomorphologically, the Gautami River has undergone some

    changes, after the construction of the Cotton Barrage at Dowleswaram

    in 1852. In 1893, Kothapalem mouth had deepened and widened

    considerably and hence the major flow of fresh water was takingplace through the Kothapalem mouth. By 1985, the Kothapalem

    mouth had gradually silted up and after 1986, the major outflow of

    fresh water started taking place through the Bhairavapalem mouth

    and only very little flow now takes place through the Kothapalem

    mouth. Due to the change in flow pattern, mangroves occurring in

    the Kothapalem RF, Masanithippa RF and Balusithippa RF have

    been affected.

    Formation of topographically elevated areas

    The land has become relatively elevated at a few places along the

    river banks and creeks due to silt deposition during floods in the

    monsoon period. Once the land becomes elevated, the area is unable

    to have any tidal flushing, as a consequence of which only the fringe

    areas support mangroves, while the interior areas are devoid ofmangrove vegetation.

    3.3. Anthropogenic causes

    Increase in population, coupled with activities related to economic


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    M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation

    growth, lead to the use of mangrove lands for various purposes such

    as construction of roads, ports, harbours and industries.

    Alternative uses ofmangrove lands, especially

    conversion of mangrove

    forests to aquaculture ponds

    has been increasing. Since

    1980, large tracts of

    mangroves in India are being

    converted to aquacultureponds which bring in higher monetary returns within a short period.

    At the same time, conversion of mangrove forests for salt pans and

    paddy fields have increased.

    Effluents discharged from

    factories, direct dumping of

    municipal wastes into the rivers

    and pesticide run-off from

    agricultural fields eventually

    result in the accumulation of

    heavy metals in the mangrove

    wetlands, affecting the health of

    the mangrove ecosystem. Oil pollution is increasing in mangrove

    areas from shipyards, ship breakers, offshore oil wells, spillage form

    oil tankers due to accidents and from cleaning of cargo vessels.

    Coastal villagers utilize mangroves for their genuine basic needs

    such as firewood, fodder, fencing, house construction, thatching

    and fishing poles.

    4. Restoration methods

    4.1. Restoration of degraded mangroves in the pastRestoration of degraded mangroves was being carried out in the

    tropical and subtropical estuaries throughout the world (Field, 1996;

    Qureshi, 1996; Snedaker and Biber, 1996; Soemodihardjo et al., 1996;


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    Mangrove Forest Restoration in Andhra Pradesh, India

    Untawale, 1996). Restoration of mangroves started in Indonesia in

    the early 1960s (Soemodihardjo et al., 1996) and an area of about

    38,923 ha of mangroves were restored till 1992. Macnae, (1968)

    planted Rhizophora apiculata in the newly accreted soils in Sri Lanka

    for better stabilization of the area and to facilitate the trapping of

    sediments. Goforth and Thomas (1979) have reported the planting

    of mangroves in Florida for reducing the erosive action of the sea.

    In Andhra Pradesh, the Forest Department initiated restoration

    of mangroves in Godavari by canal digging during 1991. The canals

    were dug perpendicular to the river and the side canals were at rightangles to the main canal. The staff of the Forest Department were

    taken on an exposure visit to the Pichavaram mangroves where

    restoration was done by MSSRF. After observing the restoration at

    Pichavaram, the FD started digging canals at 300 from the main

    canal from 1999 onwards. This reduces the rate of siltation of canals

    and also facilitates easy flow of tidal water. Till now an area of 2,000

    ha have been restored by the Forest Department in Godavari andKrishna Mangroves.

    4.2. Methodology for restoration of degraded mangroves

    at present

    A survey of the entire Godavari and Krishna mangroves was

    carried out to identify the degraded areas. Floristic studies and

    vegetation survey were undertaken in nine Reserve Forests in Godavarimangroves and eight Reserve Forests in Krishna mangroves using

    remote sensing FCC images. The floristic study helped in determining

    the nature of degraded areas and the species composition to include

    species for genetic composition while planting seedlings in the

    degraded areas. In this process, degraded patches of mangroves have

    been identified to an extent of 4,195 ha in Godavari and 12,629 in

    Krishna. These degraded patches have been plotted with GPS and aGIS database has been developed.

    Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) was also conducted for

    identifying the degraded areas through various methods, namely


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    M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation

    transact walk, resource mapping and historical analysis. Microplanswere prepared in the respective villages for the restoration of these

    degraded mangroves. Hydrological and geomorphological reasons

    for degradation were discussed with the community to enhance the

    scientific awareness of the community on mangrove restoration. The

    Mangrove Management Units (MMU), which include both degraded

    area for restoration and the pristine mangroves for management

    were identified for each Village Level Institution (VLI). The restoration

    activity was carried out with the VLI, namely Eco-Development

    Committee (EDC) and Vana Samrakshana Samiti (VSS). The VLIs

    were trained in nursery raising and digging canals. The topography

    survey was carried out using theodolite instrument. Contour levels

    were collected at an interval of 25 m (25x25 m) and the contour

    map was prepared for 5 cm level, using a computer aided package.

    The main canals were dug at an angle of 450 to the natural creek.

    The side canals were dug at an angle of 300 to the main canal. Pegs

    and chalk powder were used for marking the canals.


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    Mangrove Forest Restoration in Andhra Pradesh, India

    Canals were designed like fishbone in order to facilitate easy

    inflow and outflow of tidal water. The design for the canal for

    mangrove restoration is given in Fig.1. The canal dimensions were

    Fig. 1. Aerial view of fishbone type of canal

    determined as per the contour levels and the tidal amplitude of the

    degraded area chosen for restoration - Fig.2. The canals were dug in

    a trapezoidal shape in order to plant the saplings at the mid level of

    the canal. This is to ensure that the plants receive tidal water, but at

    the same time they are not submerged.

    4.2.1. Geomorphology and hydrology in mangrove


    Based on the contour survey and hydrology study, the canaldepths and dimensions are fixed, corresponding to the topography

    and tidal amplitude of the selected restoration site. The topography

    study revealed that the areas lying close to the bunds of creeks /

    rivers are elevated (levee) compared to the areas inside. The levees


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    M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation

    are formed due to the deposition of silt during floods. Secondly, asshown in chart-1, the soil subsided in the clear felled area due to

    changes in bulk density, making the topography saucer-shaped. As a

    result, tidal water entering in during the highest of the high tides

    stagnates in the saucer shaped area due to the elevation of the edges.

    The temperature and the salinity of the stagnant water increases and

    shoots up to 114 ppt during summer. This phenomenon prevents

    natural regeneration of the mangroves and thus enhances the processof degradation. The area gets flooded only during the monsoon period

    and cyclones and storms-Figs. 3 and 4.

    Restoration of the mangroves can be done only when the salinity

    of the degraded area is brought down. In order to reduce the salinity,

    fishbone type canals were dug and tidal flushing and draining of

    stagnant water was facilitated. This has resulted in brining the salinitylevels to 60 ppt in summer to fresh water level during monsoon

    seasons. After a buffer period of three months, the nursery-raised

    mangrove saplings were planted along the trapezoid shaped canals

    in the degraded areas.

    3.0 m.

    1.25 m.0.6






    2.0 m. 2.0 m.

    0.4 m. 0.4 m.

    Distance between two side canals

    Planted mangrove sapling

    Fig. 2. Cross section of canals with dimensions


    12.5 m0.4






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    Mangrove Forest Restoration in Andhra Pradesh, India

    Fig. 3. Tides

    Fig. 4. Spring and neap tide

    4.2.2. Hydrological studies in Godavari

    Hydrodynamic processes in the mangrove creeks were studied by

    deploying self recording tide guage in the creeks. Tidal data were

    collected during the south-west monsoon and fair weather seasons

    in the Saveru creek in Rathikalava RF and in the sanctuary area. The

    variations in salinity and temperature were also studied with the

    help of an in situ salinity- temperature probe over a day in the Saveru

    creek in Rathikalava RF, during the south-west monsoon and fair

    weather seasons. In the Coringa Wildlife Sanctuary area, salinity-

    temperature variation was studied in the Matlapalem canal, during

    fair weather and pre-monsoon seasons.

    In the Saveru creek of Rathikalava RF, in Godavari mangroves

    the maximum tidal range was 0.6 m during the south-west monsoon.During the pre-monsoon season the minimum tidal range recorded

    was 0.1 to 0.2 m with the maximum range being 0.6 to 0.65 m. In

    the Sanctuary area, the maximum tidal range was 0.5 m during the

    south-west monsoon and 1.3 m during the pre-monsoon season.


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    M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation

    Salinity variation in the Saveru creek, Rathikalava RF, varies from

    6 ppt during the south-west monsoon to 31 ppt during fair weather

    season. In the Coringa Wildlife Sanctuary area, at Matlapalem canal,

    salinity showed a variation from 4.6 ppt during the south-west

    monsoon to 30 ppt during fair weather season.

    Based on the hydrological studies, the depth of canals for

    restoration was decided to be 0.65 m with reference to mean sea

    level so as to have adequate tidal flushing (Fig. 5).

    4.2.3. Hydrological studies in KrishnaIn the Krishna estuary, water level and current data were recorded

    in the estuary and in the creek at Sorlagundi RF and Nakshatra Nagar

    during the monsoon and pre-monsoon seasons respectively. One

    day tidal and current measurements were carried out during the fair

    weather season at six locations along the three channels of the

    Krishna river. Measurement of cross sections was carried out using

    echo sounder. Position fixing was done using GARMIN GPS.Measurement ofin situ salinity and temperature was carried out along

    the axis of the three channels of Gollamattapaya, Nadimeru and

    main Krishna river during monsoon and fair weather seasons at

    selected stations.

    Fig. 5. Topography of a canal bund in non-sanctuaryarea of Godavari mangroves

    Over burden

    0.3 to 0.5 m.





    MSL0.3 m.

    0.3 m.

    MSL = Mean Sea Level

    L A N D


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    Mangrove Forest Restoration in Andhra Pradesh, India

    The tidal range along the three main channels of the Krishna

    varies from 0.7 to 1 metre. Current velocity shows a variation from

    0.13 to 0.72m/s which was the maximum velocity that was recorded

    at Avulaganta. In the creeks adjoining the mangroves, the tidal range

    was 0.15 to 0.6m at Deenadayalpuram during monsoon. In the creek

    at Nakshtranagar in Kottapalem RF, the tidal range had a maximum

    value of 0.25m during pre-monsoon.

    During the monsoon season, salinity varied from 8.5 ppt to a

    maximum of 35ppt near the mouth. During fair weather, the salinity

    varied from 17 ppt to 36 ppt. Temperature showed a variation from27 to 30oC along the three channels of the river during the monsoon

    season, while during fair weather season it varied from 28 to 31oC.

    Based on the hydrological studies in Sorlagondi RF, the depth of canals

    for mangrove restoration was decided to be 0.6m for the main canal.In

    other RFs adjoining the three channels of Krishna river, namely, Nachugunta

    RF, Yelichetladibba RF and Lankavanidibba RF, the depth of the main

    canals was decided to be at least 0.7m .

    4.2.4. Dimensions of canals

    The dimensions of the canals were determined based on the

    contour levels and tidal amplitude. The canals were constructed with

    a depth of 0.7 m to 1.0 m near the bunds of the creeks or the rivers

    and 0.45 m inside. The depth of the main canal varied from 0.45 to

    1.0 m and the side canals from 0.6 to 0.45 m as per the contour. Thetop width of the main canal was between 3.5 m and 2 m and the

    respective bottom width was between 1 m and 0.4 m The dimensions

    of the side canals were 2 m top width, 0.4 m bottom width and 0.45

    m depth. The distance between the two side canals was 12.5 m during

    the first year of plantation. The planting of mangrove saplings was

    done 2 m apart along the canals at about 20 cm down the slope.

    In the subsequent years, distance between side canals was reducedto 8 m in order to ensure dense canopy. As the canals were dug

    closely the dimension of the side canals was reduced accordingly to

    1.25 m top width, 0.2 m bottom width and 0.4 m deep.


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    M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation

    4.2.5. Selection of species and planting

    Based on the salinity levels of soil, mangrove species namely

    Avicennia marina, Avicennia officinalis and Excoecaria agallocha wereselected for planting in the degraded areas. Reason being that these

    species could tolerate wide range of salinity. Normally the soil salinity

    of the degraded area is about 140 ppt during summer. To reduce the

    high soil salinity, tidal flushing was facilitated by constructing canals

    as described in the previous pages. Due to this, the soil salts are

    slowly leached out and the soil salinity is reduced gradually. The

    reduction in salinity improved the survival percentage and alsoreduced the saline stress to the young seedlings. The planting was

    done during October and November, after the southwest monsoon.

    During that period the rainwater reduces the salinity further. The

    salinity of the creek water is also low (about 10-15 ppt).

    Mangroves namely

    Aegiceras corniculatum,

    Bruguiera gymnorrhiza,

    Rhizophora apiculata,

    Rhizophora mucronata

    and Xylocarpus

    moluccensis were alsoplanted to ensure genetic diversity. Eight-month-old mangrove

    saplings raised in the nursery were used for planting. The mangrove

    saplings were planted along the slopes (20-25 cm from the top) of

    the canals with a gap of 2 m.


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    Mangrove Forest Restoration in Andhra Pradesh, India

    4.2.6. De-silting of canals and casualty replacement

    The bunds formed by the deposition of the excavated soil during

    canal digging will silt the canals during the monsoon seasons. Thesilted canals have to be de-silted before the onset of summer, because

    during summer the tidal amplitude is generally low. Tidal flushing

    is very important during summer because the soil salinity will shoot

    up due to high temperature and cause damage to the roots of the

    seedlings. Such seedlings will be replanted in the following monsoon

    season. The survival percentage is measured in the initial period for

    better monitoring. Initially the growth rate was slow and after 2 to 3years the seedling growth rate was faster. The natural regeneration

    of the seedlings also occurs simultaneously. After four years, the

    planted saplings start bearing fruits, which will regenerate, and the

    density of the area will increase.

    4.3. Mangrove area restored

    A total area of 520 ha of degraded mangroves was restored in theGodavari and Krishna mangroves. Restoration was carried out in

    the Mangrove

    M a n a g e m e n t

    Units (MMU) of

    M a t l a p a l e m ,

    D i n d u ,

    Bha i rava lanka ,Gadimoga and


    in Godavari and


    Zinkapalem and

    Nali in Krishna Mangroves. An area of 9,442 ha is under the

    management of eight village level institutions. The area restored byeach VLI and the management area allotted to respective

    demonstration village for mangrove protection and management is

    given in Table 1.


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    M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation

    Table 1. Details of area restored and the area under MMU

    S.No Demonstration village Area Restored (ha.) Area under MMU (ha.)

    1. Matlapalem 5 5022. Dindu 25 9003. Kobbarichettupeta 35 3,9254. Gadimoga 25 9005. Bhairavalanka 75 6156. Dheenadayalapuram 236 2,0007. Zinkapalem 114 600

    8. Nali 5 ----

    Total 520 9,442

    5. Impact of mangrove restoration

    Degraded mangroves are being restored to increase the mangrove

    cover all over the world. In Andhra Pradesh, MSSRF, jointly with

    eight village level institutions (namely Sri Vigneswara EDC,Matlapalem, Sri Nookalamma EDC, Dindu, Sri Devi EDC,

    Kobbarichettupeta, Sri Kanakadurga EDC, Gadimoga and Dr. B.R.

    Ambedkar VSS, Bhairavalanka, Dheenadayaljee EDC,

    2004 2004



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    Mangrove Forest Restoration in Andhra Pradesh, India

    Krishna Mangroves

    Godavari Mangroves

    1986 2001

    Dheenadayalapuram, Zinkapalem EDC, Zinkapalem and Sri Sita

    Rama Lakshmana EDC, Nali) and Andhra Pradesh ForestDepartment, has restored 520 ha Restoration of mangroves has

    arrested further degradation of mangroves adjoining the degraded

    patches and also increased the fishery resources. The bio-diversity of

    the area has improved. The crab population in the restored areas has


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    M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation

    increased due to the increased water regime. Since the work involves intensive

    labor, the members of the village level institutions were benefitted by getting

    employment opportunities. NGOs, namely Sravanthi and Action in

    Godavari area and Sangamithra Service Society and Coastal Community

    Development Program in Krishna, were trained in restoration techniques

    and in participatory approaches in community mobilization and mangrove

    management. These NGOs have restored 215 ha of degraded mangroves.

    5.1. Cost of the restoration activity and long-term benefits

    Restoration cost for canal construction and planting of seedlings

    per unit depends on

    extent of area

    nature of the soil and

    distance between the village and the restoration site

    The number of main canals needed for a larger degraded area is

    less when compared to smaller areas. For example, if the extent of

    the area is 30 ha it needs only 2 or 3 main canals. The number of

    main canals needed will be the same even if the area is smaller, that

    is between 5 and 6 ha.

    In the Krishna mangroves, the restoration site near Zinkapalem

    is very close to the village and the soil is sandy clay. Hence the cost

    for canal digging was only Rs. 12,000/- per ha. However, in Godavari,the restoration sites are far away from the village and the soil of the

    degraded area is clayey (hard). Therefore, the cost for canal digging

    for one ha was Rs. 18,000/- including transport of labour through

    boats to the restoration sites.

    The participatory methods of community mobilization and

    organization, planning and implementation have to be undertaken

    before the restoration work is started. The Group formation, PRA,

    Socio-economic benchmark survey and Microplan apart from

    awareness generation and entry point activities, have to be

    undertaken. These exercises involve a cost of Rs. 50,000/-.


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    Mangrove Forest Restoration in Andhra Pradesh, India

    A further budget requirement for the socio-economic

    development of the communities would cost an amount of Rs.

    1,00,000 to 2,00,000/-, which has to be leveraged from developmental

    schemes of the government and the constitution development fund

    of the peoples representatives and also from the Panchayat Raj

    schemes. Therefore, the cost of restoration of degraded mangroves

    in an area of 10 ha which includes survey, nursery raising, advance

    work in canal construction and planting would require

    Rs. 2,00,000/- and for desilting in the first three years, it will cost

    Rs. 1,00,000/-. Hence, Rs. 3,50,000/- will be the total cost for

    restoration of 10 ha of degraded mangroves through community


    Even though as an initial investment the cost appears high, the

    ecological and socio-economic benefits to the local community will

    be rewarding in the long run. This is evident from the fact that due

    to the established water regime, the population of edible crabs has

    increased in the restored areas,which is a livelihood benefit to thelocal communities. There is a good growth of fodder grass which

    has helped the local community in feeding their livestock.

    As the biodiversity has come back and the denuded patches have

    been covered with mangrove restoration, populations of larger

    animals like otters have increased substantially. In addition to this,

    the bird population has also increased.

    As the water regime has been established, the further degradation

    of mangroves has stopped. This has resulted in the natural

    regeneration of mangroves. In addition to this, the canopy cover

    has become denser which is evident from the remote sensing images.

    Hence, as far as restoration of mangroves is concerned even

    though the initial investment appears high, the delivery cost has tobe calculated from the angle of long-term economic benefits that

    accrue to the local communities and the ecological goods and services

    that are enhanced due to restoration.


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    M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation

    5.2. How the restoration work has improved the socio-

    economic condition of Bhairavalanka village in Godavari

    mangrovesThe villagers of Bhairavalanka started canal digging during 1999, but

    due to lack of practice of digging canals, they could not undertake the task.

    The work was done with the help of Chollangipeta villagers who have been

    doing canal construction for a long time for the Forest Department. The

    wages were given to them at a small function, in the form of demand draft

    after the completion of the work. One of the village elders, who is also a

    traditional leader, gave the Demand Draft to them and said that if hispeople had done the work, this money would have come to their village. It

    was a huge sum, which they were very much in need of, because of the

    failure in agriculture and aquaculture sectors. This made them think and

    come forward for the field training in the following year. They were trained

    by the experienced labour from Chollangipeta. They procured similar types

    of spades and crowbars and started digging the canals. The timing of work

    also changed. Earlier they used to work between 9.00 a.m. and 3.30 p.m.But after seeing the nearby villagers go to work at 4.30 a.m. they also

    changed their timings, which helped them to avoid work under the scorching

    sun. After this, they have completed nearly 65 ha of mangrove restoration

    and the money got from the wages was used for house construction, which

    was started with the help of ARTIC - NGO with the support of OXFAM

    and State Housing Corporation. Most of the houses were unfinished due

    to financial problems, which they have to contribute as beneficiarycontribution. After this they also got similar type of work from the Forest

    Department and from Sravanthi an NGO. In the Food for Work Program

    they could execute tasks like pond renovation, laying roads in the village

    and earned a large quantity of rice. The district administration has appreciated

    this work and the change the project has brought.

    They also undertook restoration work for the forest department

    and other NGOs which has fetched them more money. The Forest

    Department also provided 15 ha ofCasuarina plantation for the

    VSS. The revenue form this plantation is being shared by the

    community through the Village Development Fund.


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    Mangrove Forest Restoration in Andhra Pradesh, India


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