Mandatory Nation Military Service Speech Outline



College Persuasive Speech (Outline)

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English 1

COMM 301

Persuasive Speech

Monroe’s Motivated Sequence: A Persuasive Organizational Pattern

Specific Purpose: By the time my speech is over, the audience will be motivated to support a

congressional bill to make national military/public service mandatory.

I. Attention Step

A. Grab audience attention

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What does being an American mean? Paying taxes and voting, which everyone

pays taxes but not everyone votes. When we look at the divisiveness in our

politics and society, there are many problems we have to fix, but is it even

possible to fix them? Many older American believe our great country is

experiencing a critical decline in our social and moral values. The question was

answered a half century ago by one of our greatest President, who was admired by

a majority of Americans – Democrats and Republicans alike.

On Friday, January 20th, 1961, JFK had his inaugural speech. In his speech he

spoke the words: “So my fellow citizens: ask not what your country can do for

you - ask what you can do for your country.” (Eidenmuller) At the time, these

words touched many Americans, but it is evident that they are slowly fading


B. Introduce topic

The developing and enforcing of a mandatory national service requirement for all

young people between the ages of 18 to 25 is what America needs to honor those

famous words from our late President John F. Kennedy, and restore the faith

many generations, old and young have in the greatest democratic republic the

world has ever witnessed.

C. State your thesis

Mandatory national military/public service would ensure all Americans share the

sacrifice for their country from all levels of society; it will increase national

patriotism, and teach the hard life-lessons needed for all young United States


D. Preview body of speech

My Speech will cover the history behind the National Service movement. I will

define the purpose of such actions. I will go over the current demographics of

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who's presently serving. I will explain the benefits for our country, and the way

we can make it work for everyone. I will conclude my speech with what actions

you can personally do to make it happen.

I. Need Step (develop the “problem” with the current situation. Educate the audience.)

A. First problem is with an increasing war effort today, and for any possible future

endeavors, our all volunteer military force needs help. The united states military is

suppose to be a proportional slice of all people, but it fails to be just that; for

example, the all-volunteer force is mostly manned by the rural poor and

minorities; way above their national population ratios. Minorities make up more

than 30 percent of the ground forces in the Army, and this is way above their

national representation. This service would ensure everyone sacrifices for our

country, not only a few. Only four members of the 107th congress had children

actually in the military, but were willing to support the two war fronts the United

States is currently involved in. (Schmidt)

B. Second problem is within our very own country; for instance, there has been a

dramatic decrease of national patriotism and social order. Many people today

have forgotten, or maybe just don’t know what it really means to be a good

citizen. Almost every evening news broadcast is filled with crime stories, gang

violence, and people just doing bad and dishonest things. There is fighting in the

political arena and unruly hooligans in sighting riots in the name of social justice.

Our country is severely ill and is in need of healing.

C. Third problem is today’s unemployment rate has reached record heights, and it's

not just because of the lack of our potential job market. There is thousands of

Americans who simply lack the social skills and aptitude to compete in the future

growth of our nation. America has a drug problem within our youth which stems

from the lack of leadership, honor, discipline and a number of other life lessons

they need before they become an active member of society.

Transition: These problems exist now, but there is a solution. The national service would

ensure all young adults, with no exemptions unless physically unqualified, would have to

commit 2 years towards the national service requirement. Other democratic countries do this

in an effective and efficient way to ensure it is equitable and fair.

II. Satisfaction Step (offer a solution that will overcome the problems above)

A. We need to ensure the program is fully funded and supported at all levels in the

government. As JFK said this back in 1961 and it President Obama stated the

need in 2008. Congressman Rangel of New York actually put bills together in

2003, 2005, 2008 and 2010. Although they didn’t become law, they show there is

an interest in these programs.

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B. We also need to ensure the young people understand why they are needed and to

ensure they know their contribution to their country is needed, not a punishment.

Being a part of the country is important, not just an observer.

C. This is what the solution should be and having the mandatory national service

would ensure projects were completed to help communities, neighborhoods and

the country as a whole would benefit, along with all the population.

Transition: The process of moving in the direction of rebuilding our national pride will reap

rewarding benefits.

III. Visualization Step (create word pictures what it will be like when audience adopts your


A. A mandatory service requirement would help eliminate the many problems our

armed forces encounter with their current shortages; consequentially, it would

free up resources to help in the event of issues such as national disasters relief,

rebuilding our national infrastructures, and protecting our own border. A leading

conservative columnist wrote in an article “National spirit increases, national

unity improves, neighborhoods become safer, and society grows healthier;

troubled teens who normally head to street corners enter the military and receive

the training, discipline and experience that propel them to a stable and secure life.

They unite with people of all sexes, races and religions to work toward a common

good. This allows neighborhoods to become safer and society to become stronger.

The workforce gets better workers, families get better mothers and fathers, and

the country gets a more unified citizenship.” (Williams)

B. If we do this we will restore our nations hope for pride and patriotism, and

restore hope of a bright future for young people because they can benefit from the

educational opportunities that can only be learned through the proven military

system. Technical skills to help ready the workforce for the changing and

innovative job market. The discipline, good order, and social skills that is learned

through traditions of honor and selfless dedication. Furthermore, to carry the

torch lit during our nations beginnings when if it were not for our nations patriots,

our country would have never been born.

C. If we don’t then our country will continue to be divisive and fragmented, and our

national unity would remain weak.

IV. Action Step (Summarize essence of speech and provide a call to action – something you

want the audience to do that will begin endorsement of the solution)

A. The United State’s all-volunteer force isn’t enough to ensure the ongoing

conflicts and any future conflicts arriving. The nation as a whole could benefit,

with very little cost, with an effective, mandatory national service program for all

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18 to 25 year-olds with no exemptions, except for physical ability, to ensure our

national defense is equitable displaced among all levels of society. It would

improve national unity and patriotism by uniting everyone with a common goal

and purpose they are working on together to ensure a stronger, healthier nation.

The young citizens learn life-lessons together and become better, informed,

productive, honorable members of society. The United States have a win-win

situation with a mandatory national service program targeted to each person

participation and strengths.

Works Cited

Eidenmuller, Michael. Great Speeches For Better Speaking. New York: The Mcgraw Hill

Company, 2008.

English 5

Steffen W. Schmidt, Mack C. Shelley, Barbara A. Bardes. American Government & Politics

Today. Boston: Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2009-2010.

Williams, Armstrong. Mandatory Military Service. New York: New York Amsterdam News,

