Mandate Biennial Report 2010/2011



Mandate Trade Union (Ireland) Biennial Report 2010/2011

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Industrial Relations Environment Overview

Industrial Relations Company Specific


Union Developments


Training and Education


Organising, Recruitment and Campaigns


Appendix 1 – Membership of NEC 2010/2011

Appendix 2 – Attendance of NEC 2010/2011

Appendix 3 – Affiliations

Appendix 4 – Mandate Staff at 31 December 2011

Appendix 5 – Membership of Locals at 31 December 2011


The theme of the 2010 Biennial Delegate Conference could hardly have been more appropriate for the Ireland in which we find ourselves in today. Thousands of Mandate members and activists throughout Ireland made the conscious decision to wake up and take action. They fought back for what was right and just, they gave a voice back to workers and they stood by their union in our fight for a better fairer way.

There were many watersheds over the last two years for workers, we marched in our hundreds of thousands, we lobbied politicians, and we took the fight to those who would seek to destroy organised labour. We have had victories; we reversed the minimum wage cut, restored the JLC Committee system and changed the Government. It has been a long hard road and there have been many casualties - the 450,000 of our brothers and sisters who are unemployed, 70,000 citizens who leave Ireland each year seeking a better life and the thousands of ordinary people saddled with massive mortgages without any sign of relief.

The last four years of austerity policies which our Government slavishly follows to satisfy European banking empires and private institutional bondholders are cutting the soul out of Ireland. These policies are wrong; they are killing our economy and our society. We are facing a lost decade of long term unemployment, despair and emigration.

The Trade Union movement has been virtually the only organisation over the last four years to publicly say that these policies are not only wrong but are adding to our problems. We have been attacked by vested banking and political interests; we have been pilloried in the media because their agenda is not our agenda. Their agenda is to restore a failed system which creates vast wealth for a privileged few while condemning the majority to poverty. They have no problem supporting the payment of €200,000 in bonuses to senior bankers while at the same time advocating that the minimum wage rate be reduced. It is wrong and immoral and the trade union movement and worker power is the only thing standing in their way.


We have travelled a long hard road over the last four years. Many of our members have paid the ultimate price with the loss of their jobs. All our members are financially worse off, many are afraid for their future and the future for their children, but we must continue to be the voice of the people, we must continue to be the sword of justice, we must continue to make a stand, we must continue to protect and nurture a vision of a better Ireland, an Ireland in which all our citizens have the same opportunities to shelter, health, education and work. Mandate members and activists, no matter what the Government of the day, will not stand by and allow injustice in society. We owe no favour nor do we seek favour, we seek only what is the right of all workers – a decent income and a better future.






The industrial relations environment in the retail sector reflects the difficult economic circumstances facing the Irish economy and the retail sector. The continued contraction of the domestic economy fuelled by austerity measures arising from the bailout agreement with the Troika has caused consumer confidence to plummet resulting in falling consumer spending and pressure on margins.

Such a negative retail environment makes progress on the industrial relations benefit agenda very difficult and on many occasions our engagement with employers has been around cost savings and job retention. Nonetheless, Mandate Trade Union has in the majority of cases been able to protect existing terms and conditions of employment for our members, and in a small number of cases where cost savings have been conceded, it has been done to protect employment.

Mandate has managed to minimise the negative impact on members through skilful negotiations and ensuring that all such agreements have time-bound review clauses. Mandate’s policy has continued to be one which defends members against employers who would seek to take unfair advantage of the current recession by opportunistically passing on cuts to workers while continuing to milk the recession.

The company specific reports which follow are testament to the determination of Mandate’s army of shop stewards and activists working with Officials to ensure fair play and a fair deal. It further demonstrates that workers are better served in trade unions where collective strength and solidarity can make real change happen. It continues to be Mandate’s policy to seek annual meetings with all major retail companies to discuss pay and conditions of employment.




The economic slump and the property bubble burst certainly impacted on one of Dublin’s premier department stores. The acquisition by Arnotts at the top of the property bubble of a large property portfolio to develop the new but now abandoned Northern Quarter drove Arnotts to the brink of collapse. Enormous property debt and its eventual write-down reflected in record losses in 2010 of nearly €295 million resulted in the main banks lending to the company stepping in to take control. Subsequently the banks appointed a management team of consultants to restructure and restore Arnotts retail. All these developments are continuing to be of great concern to Mandate members in Arnotts who have made a massive contribution to keeping the company afloat through cost saving measures and redundancies. Ongoing discussions are continuing on the viability of the current Arnotts pension fund and future pension coverage for Arnotts employees. We are by no means out of the woods yet but Arnotts members are strong and resilient, they will not be taken for granted and will not carry all the costs for the property gambles of management and their lenders.


After some difficult discussions at the Labour Relations Commission and the Labour Court, agreement was finally reached with the Arcadia Group on a redundancy package and changes to bonus schemes. The company later announced because of unsustainable upwardly only rent reviews it was closing all of its outlets in the Blanchardstown retail complex with the loss of over 100 jobs. Following a successful campaign by Mandate in the media the company reversed this decision. Mandate and the company also agreed new more effective industrial relations structures which should see an improvement in working relations between all parties.


A number of meetings were held between Argos management and Mandate regarding pay and conditions of employment. A satisfactory agreement was reached which protects our members’ earnings. Mandate successfully represented Argos members who did not receive their back week on termination of employment. Argos also announced the closure of one of its outlets in the Blanchardstown Retail Complex with the loss of over thirty jobs. Again, the company blamed upwardly only rent reviews for this closure.


This company ran into trading difficulties across all its brands and eventually the company was sold to a venture capital group called Sun European. Mandate engaged both companies to ensure that all our members' terms and conditions were protected. Subsequently an agreement was reached on cost saving measures which included a deferment of the Christmas Bonus and a reduction in working hours.



An Administrator was appointed to this company in 2010 and eventually all retail outlets closed with the loss of jobs.


A national shop stewards’ meeting was held to consider the trading profitability of the Brown Thomas Group and management’s proposals to cut overheads and costs including a freeze on pay and increments. Negotiations with the company resulted in an agreement which was accepted by the members in a national ballot. A review clause in this agreement was triggered in 2011 which resulted in a continuation of the pay freeze but a lifting of the freeze on the payment of increments. As a result, our members’ increment payments were restored with full retrospection. Discussions also took place on a new procedural agreement with Brown Thomas. Mandate also represented members in Angelique Jewellers which ceased trading in Brown Thomas and Whistles concession which changed its trading format. Mandate continues to review the financial progress of Brown Thomas and will shape its approach to future pay improvements and conditions of employment based on the company’s profitability.


The period under review sees Boots continue to perform well in a difficult economic environment. The company remains profitable and is expanding with new outlets across the country. The Union/Management relationship has improved greatly and has allowed the parties to discuss often difficult agenda items such as pay freezes and restructuring of working hours. Boots national shop stewards met on a number of occasions to consider and reflect on the industrial relations agenda before meeting with management. This has had very beneficial outcomes for members including an increase in bonus payments, a new incentive scheme, incremental progression restored, a union facility and training agreement and the introduction of work life balance initiatives. Mandate members are still on a pay freeze in this company but our ongoing engagement and reviews continue to deliver for our members and pay increases are still part of our ongoing agenda.


Following a major company restructuring over thirty Mandate members lost their jobs through redundancy. Discussions at the Labour Relations Commission secured a satisfactory agreement on voluntary redeployment options and redundancy payments.




Mandate members engaged in a very successful industrial action against this employer who terminated unfairly the employment of a Mandate member. A satisfactory settlement agreement was reached and accepted by the member concerned.


If ever a dispute typified the greed and ruthless nature of some employers towards their employees, then Connolly Shoes is a prime example. Four workers who gave over one hundred years’ service to this employer were simply cast aside, dismissed and replaced by cheap labour. Mandate is proud that we are defending the rights of these four workers and after two years of

pickets, Labour Court Hearings and referrals to the Employment Appeals Tribunal, the struggle continues. Our members have been awarded substantial compensation by the Employment Appeals Tribunal and we intend to do everything in our power to secure these awards on behalf of our members. We are as determined to succeed today as we were nearly two years ago. This injustice must not go unpunished. A line has been drawn in the sand – if other employers attempt to engage in similar exploitation and immoral behaviour, Mandate will react in the strongest possible terms.


A Labour Court Hearing was held to consider a claim on behalf of our members seeking compensation for loss of allowances.



As a result of difficult trading conditions in the retail grocery sector, Mandate shop stewards and Officials engaged in discussions with Caulfield’s management on a range of cost saving measures. Mandate secured independent scrutiny of the company’s accounts before progressing with these discussions.


There continues a difficult relationship with this employer who seems to ignore good industrial relations practice and agreements. On a number of occasions during the period under review, our members have been balloted for industrial action so as to restrain the behaviour of this employer.


Mandate continues in our attempt to engage with this company on a national basis and numerous requests for national meetings have been met with the usual stalling tactics and letter writing by the company. We are once again fast approaching a critical juncture in our relationship with Dunnes Stores. The continued blatant denial of their employees’ wishes to be collectively represented by Mandate Trade Union cannot be ignored any longer. Mandate Trade Union in conjunction with Dunnes Stores activists has established a small working party to develop a strategy for dealing with Dunnes Stores in the future. Negotiations are ongoing. In the meantime, Mandate shop stewards and Officials continue to be highly successful in representing our members in various tribunals against unfair and unjust employment decisions taken by the company.




Agreement was reached with the company on a collective agreement covering all Mandate grades in the new Dublin Terminal 2. Also, late in 2011 the DAA notified Mandate that it was seeking to reorganise/outsource the Distribution Centre. There have been extensive discussions with the company regarding the future of the Irish Aviation Superannuation Scheme which is in serious deficit. At the time of writing, no final proposals have emerged regarding the pension scheme.


Following disappointing trading figures across all stores in the Republic of Ireland, the company sought a five year cost saving plan including one hundred and fifty redundancies,

a wage freeze and other flexibilities. The company also unilaterally froze incremental payments to our members. Following discussions with the Mandate National Negotiating Team, the company accepted that any agreement would be temporary in nature and for a maximum of one year, subject to review. Final cost saving proposals were put to members in a national ballot late 2011 and narrowly accepted. The proposals include a pay freeze, the introduction of a new pay scale, reduced Christmas bonus and other flexibilities. Once again, Mandate secured independent financial advice to scrutinise the company’s financial position.


Due to poor trading conditions, Eason’s sought agreement on a set of proposals which would yield savings in the region of €8 million from its cost base. Following numerous meetings and a referral to the Labour Relations Commission, proposals finally emerged which were accepted by Mandate members in a secret ballot.


Following an industrial dispute with this employer some issues were addressed to the satisfaction of our members but it was not possible to successfully address all the concerns of Mandate members on this occasion.





Compulsory redundancy settlement terms were referred to the Labour Court for adjudication.


During 2010, Hickey’s Fabrics and Mandate members agreed a set of cost saving proposals to secure the future viability of the company and the retention of jobs.


Discussions on a cost cutting programme and job retention programme commenced with Heaton’s in mid 2010. The company is experiencing very difficult trading conditions and has examined every aspect of its cost base including rents etc before approaching Mandate and its members. A national shop stewards’ meeting selected a national negotiating team to engage with the company. A set of proposals emerged which included a pay and increment freeze, which were put to members and accepted in a ballot vote. It is a sign of how deep the austerity measures are impacting on retail, as the company was back to Mandate in early 2011. The company’s trading position had not improved and there was a real danger that hundreds of jobs were in jeopardy. At the time of this report, a second set of proposals are being considered by Mandate members and will be balloted on nationally.


Once again the decline in consumer spending and the race for value for money is impacting on the independent Grocery Sector principally in stores such as Centra and Supervalu where Mandate has members. The major discounters such as Aldi and Lidl have expanded market share and as price conscious consumers are switching their shopping patterns from quality plus value to value, this is impacting on the stores in which Mandate has members. Mandate continues to recruit members in the discount sector with a view to collective negotiations or collective action if necessary in the future.


In 2010 following the decision by the company to close its Grafton Street store, Mandate members entered into dispute with this company on the terms of the redundancy settlement. Despite a protracted dispute and a referral to the Labour Court, it was not possible to improve the position for our members. Credit must be given to the Mandate members who bravely mounted pickets on the Grafton Street Store for a number of weeks.


In 2010 the company announced its intention to close a number of outlets. Issues arising were referred to the Labour Relations Commission. It has since become clear that Lifestyle Sports is attempting to de-unionise the company and has engaged in a systematic plan to marginalise the union, our stewards and members. A national shop stewards’ meeting was called to develop a strategy to fight back and despite the ongoing attacks by the company, Union organisation within Lifestyle Sports remains healthy.




The bar trade in Dublin has been suffering a severe downturn in business over the last five years which has resulted in thousands of job losses. This is reflected in the union membership numbers in the Dublin bar trade which are seriously in decline. A small group of activists and Officials are working to restore union organisation and build union density in the bar trade in Dublin. A survey of all bars has been conducted to examine the extent and nature of current employment practices and trends in the trade and to monitor the application of union agreements. Many hundreds of individual cases involving representation by Mandate Officials have been taken on behalf of bar workers, the majority of which have been successful.

During the period under review, the LVA Bar Workers’ pension scheme was wound up because of a serious deficit issue and falling employer participation. Active and deferred members will receive transfer values and pensioners will have annuities purchased on their behalf. A new defined contribution scheme will replace the old scheme and Mandate is actively encouraging all members to join the new scheme.


In 2010 Marks and Spencer members rejected a pay offer of 2.5% from management because of concerns surrounding ongoing change and flexibility. Also, the company decided to downsize the Tallaght store with the subsequent loss of a number of jobs. In 2011, a national shop stewards’ meeting decided to seek a national meeting to review pay and conditions of employment with the company. It was agreed that negotiations should seek an end to the current pay freeze.


Mandate successfully secured a 1.5% pay increase for our members in 2010. In 2011, Mandate attempted to engage Penneys management on our agenda which included a pay review, conditions of employment and hours of work. The initial response to our representations was disappointing with the company refusing to meet the union on the basis that it was inappropriate given the current economic circumstances facing the retail sector. However, further contact with management leads us to understand that a national meeting is possible. Therefore, a national shop stewards’ meeting will be called to develop a union agenda on which we will engage management.


Our members in the Permanent TSB like other banking sector workers are under severe pressure because of the ongoing banking crisis. A large number of national meetings have been held with senior bank management to ascertain the consequences for our members and our members’ job security as a result of major bank restructuring. It is estimated that over three hundred and fifty jobs could be lost across the Permanent TSB Bank. Discussions are ongoing and the banking environment is still volatile.


Agreement was reached with this company in a major restructuring programme which impacted on over fifty Mandate members.



It has been a busy two years on the industrial relations front with Shaw’s. 2010 kicked off with discussions on a company restructuring agenda including bonus payments and the staff pension scheme. Finally in 2010 proposals brokered at the Labour Court were put to the members in a ballot vote. Significant discussions emerged surrounding the restructuring of the company’s pension provision. The pension scheme deficit is substantial and has been dealt with by novel proposals agreed between the company and the Mandate national negotiating team. It is true to say that the vast majority of members’ pension entitlements have been protected. Independent pension advice was taken by the

Mandate negotiating team throughout the discussions with the company. In 2011 Shaw’s national negotiating team once again met with the company to discuss a pay review and a new national procedural agreement. During these discussions, agreement was reached on the temporary extension of the current pay freeze and also a new national procedural agreement is close to being finalised including the standardisation of various contracts of employment.




The period under review has been one of turmoil for Superquinn including a number of store closures such as Dundalk and Naas. The purchase of Superquinn from the Quinn family by Select Retail Holdings heralded a period of major property gambles which following the property bubble burst meant that the company debt was unsustainable leading to the company entering receivership in late 2011. All this occurred despite the unselfish sacrifices made by Superquinn staff in a number of major cost saving agreements which delivered millions in savings to the company. Our national shop stewards and the national negotiating committee are to be applauded for the often difficult but responsible decisions they had to make. In October 2011 Superquinn was purchased out of receivership by the Musgrave Group as a going concern. Mandate shop stewards and activists played a key role including meeting with senior politicians and ensuring that the company was acquired by a major retailer rather than venture capitalists or remaining in the hands of the property speculators who burdened it with vast property debts. Now that the property debt issue has been resolved, Mandate has engaged with the Musgrave Group to ensure that the contribution of Mandate members is recognised and that staff are identified as a key part of any solution to the company’s trading difficulties.


Due to poor trading performance, the company has closed a number of its underperforming outlets in Ireland. However, another thirty outlets continue to trade. Mandate and the company are continuing ongoing discussions.


2010 and 2011 were busy years for Mandate shop stewards and activists in Tesco. On many occasions the pace of progress was painfully slow and frustrating. Nonetheless, the single minded determination of our national negotiating committee and shop stewards ensured that the members’ agenda was not allowed fall off the table. Mandate has been pursuing this company for a pay review since 2009 and despite countless national meetings and Labour Court referrals the review has not been finalised. When over one hundred and thirty Mandate shop stewards gathered in late 2011 it became very clear that our members’ patience was running out. Nonetheless the shop stewards endorsed the strategy of the national negotiating team and agreed to meet the company in 2012 to finalise agreement on pay and conditions of employment. During this period a number of other major issues were either resolved or are in the final stages of resolution including the final redundancy terms for Chargehands who lost their jobs due to the company’s new management structures. We are happy to report that the company’s attempt to cap the severance agreement at two years’ salary maximum was successfully resisted. Also, the interaction between social welfare payments and the union/company sick pay agreement is now nearing conclusion. The Tesco Forums are continuing to meet regularly at local, regional and national level. Mandate will attempt to breathe new life into some of these forums as they appear to have become somewhat stale. The very important issue of banded minimum hour contracts for part-time members has also been under review. This item is vitally important to maintaining certainty of income for our part-time members. We are also happy to report that two Mandate shop stewards were elected to the Tesco European Works Council – Don Donnelly, Newbridge and Owen Roberts, Killarney.



The minimum wages and conditions provided by the JLC to service workers in retail, hotels, restaurants and cleaning sectors again came under renewed and sustained attack by employer groups, politicians and some media pundits. Decency thresholds which are the JLCs and which protect the most vulnerable workers in the economy are not a luxury, they are a protection against exploitation and unfair competition. In the period 2010/2011, an employer group called the Fast Food Alliance (representing fast food restaurants) challenged the constitutionality of the JLC system in the High Court and their challenge was successful. This effectively meant that the JLC system was unenforceable and rendered useless. Despite this, a number of unions, community groups and some leftwing political parties embarked on a significant lobby and media campaign to restore the JLC system. We are happy to report that despite the present Government agreeing to include a review of the JLC system in the Troika Bailout Agreement, we were successful in re-establishing a JLC framework which will protect once again the most vulnerable workers. The exact details are still being agreed and our group still lobbies to ensure the best possible outcome. Our success is a major victory against all the odds and one which proves that effective lobbying and campaigning by like minded groups can deliver a successful outcome for workers.


During the period under review, the previous FF/Green Government disgracefully reduced the National Minimum Wage from €8.65 per hour to €7.65 per hour on the pretext of creating jobs. Once again a strong lobby group emerged with a single focus of reversing the cut. Mandate and its activists were to the forefront of this campaign making it an issue during the 2011 General Election, eventually ensuring that both the Labour Party and Fine Gael agreed as part of their manifestos and programme for government to reverse the cut in the minimum wage. On forming a Government, the FG/Labour Party Coalition reversed the cut in the minimum wage.









The OTC on Distillery Road Dublin continues to attract thousands of Mandate members, shop stewards and activists to training and educational programmes. We have also developed shared training arrangements with a number of other major unions resulting in union members from across many unions benefiting from these excellent facilities. Mandate continues to offer outreach training and education from major towns and cities throughout Ireland for our members. Our training and Training Centre are FETAC accredited which ensures that our members not only get top class training, but also nationally and internationally recognised certification of their skills and education.


During 2010/2011 Mandate and the Communications Workers’ Union worked closely together on the development of a new joint trade union centre which would provide a new focal point for workers and unions. The plans for the new centre were brought to a very advanced stage, but following further consideration with Mandate’s financial advisors, it was decided that Mandate could not proceed with the project. Financially the project became unviable from a Mandate perspective because of the collapse in the property market and the impact of that collapse on the value of the existing Mandate property assets.


Mandate delegates participated fully in the Irish Congress of Trade Unions Delegate Conference 2011 in Killarney. At this conference Mandate General Secretary John Douglas was elected to the Office of Vice President of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions.


UNI Network International

Mandate continues to play a key role in UNI. Mandate General Secretary, John Douglas is a UNI World Board Member. We have been heavily involved in many global organising campaigns in companies such as Tesco, H&M, Zara and IKEA. We continue to monitor union/company international global agreements to ensure that the interests of Irish workers are protected.

Justice for Colombia/Trade Union friends of Palestine

Mandate is a member of both Justice For Colombia and Trade Union Friends of Palestine and we continue to campaign strongly for justice for the Palestinian people and the rights of workers and Trade Unionists in Colombia.


Our free legal aid scheme continues to deliver for Mandate members who have suffered an injury at work. It is estimated that solicitors acting for the scheme have recovered in excess of €4.5 million in compensation for Mandate members with average settlements coming in at €25,000.

A number of High Court actions pending against Mandate Trade Union have been resolved without recourse to a full High Court Hearing.

Solicitors for Mandate have successfully represented a number of Mandate members at the Circuit Court in various appeals from the Employment Appeals Tribunal.


Retirements (early) Divisional Organisers

The following Divisional Organisers retired early during the period under review:

harry O'Brien – North Eastern Division

Eddie Cassidy – Licensed Trade Division

Brian higgins – Mid West Division

Given the difficult economic climate, it was decided that rather than replace the above members of staff, the union would restructure Divisions to facilitate the continued excellent delivery of services to our members.

Promotions – Industrial Officers

During the period under review, both David Moran and Karen Wall were promoted to Divisional Organiser.

Staff Departures

Darren Delaney, Lisa Farrell and Bernadette Grogan left Mandate Trade Union and Mandate is currently in the process of recruiting replacement Organisers.

Linda Tanham, Assistant General Secretary was nominated and accepted the position of permanent Worker Member in the Irish Labour Court. Again, due to the difficult economic climate Linda Tanham’s position was not replaced.


No general salary increases were paid to Mandate staff during the period under review. The staff continue to be flexible and understanding of the difficulties facing the union at this point in time.

Staff Pension fund

The Union operates a defined benefit scheme for its employees. The scheme is currently in deficit. Discussions are ongoing with staff representatives as to how this deficit might be addressed and the nature of pension provision into the future.


National Executive Council

The National Executive Council endorsed at the 2010 Biennial Delegate Conference carried out all its functions and responsibilities in accordance with the rules of the union and was compliant with all legal and revenue obligations placed upon it.

Sub Committees of the National Executive Council

The National Executive Council elected the following standing sub committees of the National Executive Council at its first meeting after the 2010 Biennial Delegate Conference:


Sub Committees of the National Executive Council:


Joan Gaffney President

Margaret O'Dwyer Vice President

Liam O'Meara Treasurer

Sean Bowe Trustee

Declan Murphy Trustee

Helen O'Keeffe Trustee

Mandy La Combre Member

Lorna Dempsey Member

Kenneth Reilly Member

Gerry Battles Member

Gerry Thornhill Member


Joan Gaffney President

Margaret O'Dwyer Vice President

Liam O'Meara Treasurer

Sean Bowe Trustee

Declan Murphy Trustee

Helen O'Keeffe Trustee

Denise Curran Member

Lorna Dempsey Member

France O'Regan Member


Joan Gaffney President

Declan Murphy Trustee

Pamela Atkinson Member

Noel Dunphy Member

Frances O'Regan Member

Kenneth Reilly Member






Since our last Biennial Delegate Conference the economic downturn has impacted negatively on the funding available for trade union training. Mandate’s National Coordinator for Training, Aileen Morrissey, actively pursued many applications for funding and was successful in securing same for a number of projects. This funding has facilitated Mandate in the delivery of relevant and quality trade union training courses for our shop stewards, activists, members and staff throughout 2010 and 2011.

Introductory Union Representatives Courses

This course was made available for all new Mandate shop stewards. Some of these courses delivered were company specific which had the benefit of allowing shop stewards connect, learn and network with colleagues working for the same company i.e. Superquinn, Tesco etc. Other courses delivered under this heading were generic (mixed group) and in this instance it facilitated new shop stewards from individual employers to enter into the family of Mandate Trade Union. The course gave participants an opportunity to meet and network with other shop stewards and build supports to assist them in their new roles.

Advanced Union Representatives course fETAC Level 5

This course assists shop stewards to develop their skills and expertise and in doing so achieve a national qualification. Again, courses under this heading are offered on a company specific or generic basis. It is recommended that at least one year after completion of the Introduction Union Representatives Course, shop stewards complete the next phase the Advanced Union Representatives Court FETAC Level 5.

The content and design of the training courses adapt and change based on the need and requirements of Mandate Trade Union and our shop stewards. A targeted strategic training plan which involved Mandate Boots Shop Stewards on a SWAT analysis identified specific training requirements. The findings include a workplace mapping exercise and the design of a meeting report book which now form part of the training for all Mandate shop stewards.


A module under this heading forms a vital component of all shop stewards’ training courses. The Mandate Organising department has been proactively engaged in the delivery of this module in all Mandate activists’ based training programmes with much emphasis on member participation at campaign level.

Labour Relations Commission

The Labour Relations Commission has been more than helpful in the delivery of Mandate training courses and has facilitated the attendance of LRC personnel to brief participants on the role and function of the Commission.

health and Safety

The FETAC Health and Safety Level 5 course has been very successful. This course enables participants develop the skills and expertise required for Health and Safety Representatives in the workplace under current legislation.



Train the Trainer

A number of Mandate members successfully completed a FETAC Level 6 Train the Trainer course, some of which have delivered modules under the Introductory Union Representatives course. It is envisaged that Mandate will further develop these trainers to deliver a wide range of courses for our training department.

Joint Partnership Training

Tesco, Superquinn and Marks and Spencer have been involved in this initiative. This training develops the role of forum representatives and enables their participation when attending meetings at company specific forum structures.

Training Courses Completed

Between January 2010 and December 2011 over 1600 members and staff have received training in both Mandate's Training Centre and at outreach centres countrywide.

The following 164 courses have been delivered:


Introductory Union Representative courses 12 5

Advanced Union Representative Course in 7 5

Information Technology FETAC level 3 23 34

Information Technology FETAC level 4 8 6

Information Technology FETAC level 6 4 -

Communications FETAC level 3 4 4

Train the Trainer FETAC level 6 2 -

Personal Development 4 -

Equality Training 4 -

Health and Safety course FETAC level 5 3 2

Social Media 2 -

Global Solidarity Course, ICTU 2 -

Partnership training

Tesco 8

Marks and Spencer 2

Superquinn 4

Administration Staff

Fire Marshall Training 2 -

Shop Steward 1 -

Midas and SharePoint 6 -




LRC Briefing 1 -

Finance 1 -

Social Welfare 1 -

Collective Negotiations 1 -

Redundancy and Insolvency 1 -


Organising, campaigns and recruitment (UNITE)


Midas and SharePoint 2

MS Publisher 1 -

Skillnet Training

Mandate Trade Union has been the contracting organisation for the ‘Women at Work’ Skillnet for the period of 2010 and 2011. Mandate’s National Coordinator for Training, Aileen Morrissey, has been an active member of the Skillnets management team which includes representatives from the IBOA, CWU, INMO, ICTU and SIPTU. The collaboration between these six organisations enabled the delivery of extra courses on a wide range of topics with almost one hundred per cent attendance at each course. The pooling of resources such as match funding, premises, facilities, expertise and materials ensured that Mandate maximised the benefits available through the Skillnet for our members. Mandate members have actively engaged in the training offered through this Skillnet.

In December 2011, following discussions between the Union partners of the Women at Work Skillnet and the Union partners of the Union Learning Skillnet it was agreed to make a joint application to Skillnets for funding for training for 2012 and 2013. The application was successful and a new Skillnet will be formed which will offer training to Mandate members while keeping alive the strategic goals of the Women at Work Skillnet.

Benefit 3

Mandate in conjunction with the Irish Congress of Trade Unions applied for and secured funding under a training initiative called Benefit 3. This funding provides six hours of basic IT training for people with no computer skills. The advertising of the training plus the development of the courses has commenced and the training courses will be delivered in 2012.



Equality issues are a high priority for Mandate Trade Union. Therefore in September 2011 an application was made to the Equality Mainstreaming Unit of the Equality Authority for funding to address a joint Equality Project on behalf of Mandate, CWU and IBOA. This funding was secured for the design and delivery of a three day equality training course for Officials, with a Equality Training Manual for trade unions, an Equality Policy Handbook and an Equality Training Module for shop stewards.


It is gratifying to witness the achievement of many of our members of FETAC Level 3 awards under the Skills for Work Mandate/VEC Education Programme. Countrywide, members attended courses on their own time and in their own localities in order to up-skill, which has assisted them in their everyday working lives with some progressing to achieve major awards. This journey for many members has been a first step back into education since leaving school and an immense accomplishment.

Mandate support members who attend training courses in order that they may achieve a FETAC award. This award is in recognition of the level of commitment and effort that Mandate members are willing to make in order to invest in themselves and in their education. Not all Mandate courses are FETAC accredited, however members are encouraged to progress towards a FETAC award.

Mandate wishes to acknowledge and thank Skillnets, the VEC and the Equality Authority for their funding and assistance over the past two years. Thanks also to Alacoque McMenamin, the Project Manager for the Women at Work Skillnet and our union partners in the Skillnet. Thanks also to employers who granted release in order that members could attend training - thank you for your support.

To the Mandate NEC, Management and Staff, particularly Margie O'Rourke, many thanks as the success of the Training Centre is dependent on your continued support, effort and commitment.









Organisers continued a ground organising campaign in IKEA until early February 2010 when issues with access to the workers and to the IKEA site became problematic for the team. It was decided to strategically concentrate on leverage at international and global level using the auspices of union colleagues at European Works Council level and UNI, the Global Union Confederation. Subsequently a number of key meetings have taken place. National Co-ordinator, Brian Forbes attended a meeting in Stockholm in March 2011 of a UNI sub-group to form an IKEA Union Global Alliance. An important follow up meeting held in Dublin in August 2011 established the way forward for the Global Alliance which is to be launched in Turkey in March 2012 with Mandate involved as a key stakeholder. A number of meetings with IKEA Irish management took place in the IKEA store in June 2011 and significantly with the Head of Global HR, Albert Martens in October 2011. Mandate forwarded the company a draft access and neutrality document and further progress on dialogue and further meetings between Mandate and IKEA are anticipated.


Organisers conducted a series of meetings in a number of stores in the Dublin area. A combination of a referral to NERA and engagement locally with staff saw an uplift in membership at the Liffey Valley store. This has yet to be replicated across the company but ongoing work continues between organisers and industrial relations staff on recruitment and organising in River Island.

fOREvER 21

Several meetings were held with workers of Forever 21 and membership density rose to 10% of the workforce. Contact with members and future members is an ongoing process and organisers remained engaged with contacts and leaders.


A programme of events, meetings and photo calls took place across the country in all divisions from 24 May 2010 - 30 May 2010 promoting the need for ongoing unionisation recruitment and organising initiatives in Mandate. Reports from all divisions were positive and many members and activists were engaged alongside officials and support staff in highlighting the need for collective solidarity in and across unionised and non-unionised employments. The intention was primarily to raise awareness on recruitment and organising and the week’s events served that purpose.


The staff complement of the Organising Department never managed to achieve a steady state during the period of the report. The lack of an experienced Lead Organiser supporting and assisting organisers in the day to day activities of an organiser was identified as a key deficit in maintaining a balanced and cohesive team of organisers.






Mandate organisers attended Union Organisers Training in Eastbourne, U.K. from 1 September - 3 September 2010 facilitated by Andy Snoddy, Unite Training Officer. The SIPTU Strategic Organising Department also facilitated Mandate with ongoing training in September 2010. This ongoing co-operation on organising training continued over the period of the report.


Interviews for a Lead Organiser and Organisers took place in November 2011. A second series of interviews will follow for the Organiser posts. Kathy McQuillan was offered the job of Lead Organiser and accepted the post in December 2011.


Further to the ICTU BDC in July 2011 Mandate, CWU and the IBOA had a number of exploratory meetings in relation to developing closer working and co-operation on organising initiatives. This work continues.


Mandate attended a number of meetings with organising departments from a range of different unions including SIPTU, CWU, IMPACT and TEEU to discuss best practice on organising and to develop closer links and strategies. These meetings are scheduled to continue.


The Strategic Organising Department and the Training Department met on a number of occasions to develop a new concept offering development opportunities for Mandate activists to seek release form their employers to join the Strategic Organising Department for a specified period of time. These joint meetings and the development of the Step Up programme remains an ongoing priority.


Coalition to Protect the Low Paid

Mandate joined an alliance of unions including SIPTU, UNITE and CWU engaging with community organisations NGO’s such as MRCI, National Women’s Council, TASC and the European Anti Poverty Network to campaign and lobby against attacks on the Joint Labour Committee System and the attack on the National Minimum Wage. During the period of the report a number of high profile demonstrations took place, notably Ireland’s Day of Shame demonstration at the Dail protesting at the reduction of €1 per hour in the Minimum Wage and more recently Budget demonstrations in December 2011. This effective and important coalition lobbied intensively all political parties in Dail Eireann and successfully with other lobbyists secured the reversal of the cut in the Minimum Wage. The coalition vigorously defended the need for the JLC system to be retained despite the ruling of the High Court in the John Grace Fried Chicken case that they were unconstitutional. The coalition with many other organisations including ICTU was successful in having new JLC legislation published in December 2011. The coalition’s work continues through intensive lobbying and raising awareness and Mandate has played a key role in the development of this new type of campaign coalition.




Poor Can’t Pay

Mandate contributes to the development of the Poor Can’t Pay Alliance which is ongoing.

Claiming Our future

Three major events took place with Claiming Our Future in October 2010 in the RDS, Dublin, May 2011 in Galway and November 2011 in Cork. Mandate was represented at all three events and several activists and officials acted as co-ordinators and facilitators at these events. National Co-ordinator Brian Forbes represented Mandate at strategy meetings of the Claiming Our Future campaign during the period of this report.

Election 2011

In response to continued attacks by Government on low paid workers and the implementation of austerity measures affecting low paid workers and their families Mandate produced a series of leaflets, questions for canvassers, door hangers and posters supporting candidates of the broad left in the 2011 General Election. A huge effort by staff in Head Office and contributions by staff across the country seen a genuine connection with members on issues that really mattered to them and their families. Feedback on this campaign was extremely positive and augurs well for future political campaigning supporting those broad left candidates who offer most to low paid workers and their families and a better and fairer society.

Clean Clothes Campaign

The Clean Clothes Campaign Ireland involving Mandate, Comhlamh, Redress and ICTU launched in October 2010. Mandate was represented by Vice President, Margaret O’Dwyer in Turkey at the International Global Clean Clothes Campaign in Istanbul. The aim of the CCC is to educate and mobilise consumers, lobby companies and governments and offer direct solidarity support for workers as they fight for their rights in countries such as Pakistan and India which are major textile producers. Presentations on the CCC were made to a number of Global Solidarity Champion Causes by National Co-ordinator Brian Forbes.

Citizens Rally

A huge rally arranged by ICTU convened at Wood Quay in Dublin on 27 November 2010 and was attended by a significant number of Mandate activists. A number of subsequent rallies during the period of this report had good attendance from Mandate members and staff. Mandate was also represented at the N30 public sector strike in Belfast in November 2011.

Respect Campaign

Superquinn signed up to the Respect Campaign in March 2010. Support from other retailers on the issue of respect has not been forthcoming to date.




International Solidarity

Mandate attended a number of international conferences on the issue of increasing austerity measures across Europe and calling for closer co-operation across all countries affected. National Co-ordinator Brian Forbes spoke on behalf of Mandate in Lisbon, Portugal in June 2011 and in Paris in September 2011. Fraternal contacts have been established and Mandate remains committed to supporting workers under threat of austerity across Europe.


Mandate News

During the period of this report Mandate released eight issues of the Mandate News magazine.

Shop floor

The new look Mandate newspaper, Shop Floor, designed in tabloid style had its first edition published in late November 2011 and initial feedback was very positive. Shop Floor replaced Mandate News


Work began on a new design for the website to make it easier for members to navigate. A new look ezine will accompany the website redesign.

facebook and Twitter

Mandate has established Facebook and Twitter accounts and proactively engages with members and subscribers on social networking. Several Facebook campaign pages were developed for industrial disputes including Envy Nightclub, Laura Ashley and Bunratty Castle.

Mandate Membership Services

JLT has been carefully selected by Mandate to provide car insurance, home insurance and travel insurance to Mandate members and their family members. JLT provide a similar service to SIPTU, TEEU, UNITE, INTO and IMPACT.

Communications Sub Group - ICTU

Mandate is represented on the above group by National Co-ordinator Brian Forbes. The sub-group includes communications personnel from a range of public and private sector organisations who provide assistance and strategic advice to the NEC on matters of communication.





President Gaffney Joan

vice-President O'Dwyer Margaret

Treasurer O'Meara Liam

Trustee Bowe Sean

Trustee Griffin Helen

Trustee Murphy Declan


Dublin North La Comber Mandy

Dublin North West Atkinson Pamela

Brogan Morris Eimear

Dublin South & Wicklow Dempsey Lorna

Reilly Kenneth

Licensed Trade Dunphy Noel

Fay Dermot

Midlands Kavanagh Kathleen

Mid Western Battles Gerry

North Eastern Finnegan Desmond

Whelan Ian

North & West Curran Denise

Meaney Anthony

South Eastern O'Regan Frances

Roche Frances

Southern Thornhill Gerard

Western Savage Noel

Tully Jason

Staff Representative O'Hanlon Brendan

Standing Orders Committee

Mid Western Division Dallman Joe

Midlands Division Larkin Mary

Dublin South West Division O'Neill Karl

Southern Division Roberts Owen

Dublin South/Wicklow Division Rooke Peter

Appeals Committee

Mid Western Division Curley Dorreen

Southern Division Mc Sweeney Dan



NEC Sub Committee NfC NEC

Number Present Number Present Number Present

Atkinson Pamela N/A N/A N/A N/A 14 7

Battles Gerry 1 - N/A N/A 14 9

Bowe Sean 1 - 14 9 14 9

Brogan Morris Eimear N/A N/A N/A N/A 14 13

Curran Denise N/A N/A 14 12 14 12

Dempsey Lorna 1 - 14 10 14 10

Dunphy Noel N/A N/A N/A N/A 14 14

Fay Dermot N/A N/A N/A N/A 14 13

Finnegan Desmond N/A N/A N/A N/A 14 13

Gaffney Joan 1 1 14 13 14 13

Kavanagh Kathleen N/A N/A N/A N/A 14 11

La Comber Mandy 1 1 N/A N/A 14 11

Meaney Anthony N/A N/A N/A N/A 14 12

Murphy Declan 1 1 14 11 14 11

O'Dwyer Margaret 1 - 14 14 14 14

O'Keeffe Helen 1 - 14 13 14 13

O'Meara Liam N/A N/A 14 13 14 13

O'Regan Frances N/A N/A 14 9 14 9

Reilly Kenneth 1 - N/A N/A 14 13

Roche Frances N/A N/A N/A N/A 14 7

Savage Noel (Resigned) N/A N/A N/A N/A 14 -

Thornhill Gerard 1 - N/A N/A 14 6

Tully Jason N/A N/A N/A N/A 14 11

Whelan Ian N/A N/A N/A N/A 14 8

SMAUI Representative

Taylor John (26-09-2010) N/A N/A N/A N/A 12 4

Staff Representative

O'Hanlon Brendan (26/09/2010) N/A N/A N/A N/A 12 11


Mc Gouran Joe (26/6/2011) N/A N/A N/A N/A 6 4




Amnesty International

Athlone Council of Trade Unions

Ballina & District Council of Trade Unions

Bray & District Council of Trade Unions

Carlow Council of Trade Unions

Castlebar & District Council of Trade Unions

Clare Council of Trade Unions

Clean Clothes Campaign

Clonmel Trades and Labour Council

Cork Council of Trade Unions

Dublin Council of Trade Unions

Dundalk Trades Council

Galway Council of Trade Unions

International Centre for Trade Union Rights

Irish Congress of Trade Unions

Irish Labour History Society

Justice For Colombia

Kildare Council of Trade Unions

Kilkenny Trades Council

Killarney Trades Council

Letterkenny & District Trade Union Council

Limerick Council of Trade Unions

Meath Trades Council

National Women’s Council of Ireland

People’s College

Sligo Trades Council

Trade Union Friends of Palestine

UNI Europa and UNI

Waterford Council of Trade Unions

Wexford Council of Trade Unions



General Secretary Douglas John

Assistant General Secretary Light Gerry

National Co-Ordinators

Campaigns & Recruitment Forbes Brian

Training & Development Morrissey Aileen

Divisional Organisers Campbell Ciaran Galway

Carty John Galway

Dillon Betty Waterford

Donnelly Joe

Hamilton Willie

Higgins Brian Limerick

Kane Mandy

Kelly Bill Waterford

Meegan Michael

Moran Dave

O'Brien Lorraine Cork

Wall Karen Limerick

O'Hanlon Brendan

Industrial Officers Clifford Caroline Cork

Hogan Jonathan

Miskell David

Pollard Keith

Administrative Staff Anderson Barbara

Brosnan Linda Limerick

Browne Sandra

Bruton Audrey

Costine Veronica Waterford

Curran Ann

Cyranowicz Izabela

Dempsey Anne Waterford

Harvey Yelana (Temporary)


Hobbs Peggie

Gaffney Terri

Maguire Ciara

Maguire Louise

Murnane Anne-Marie




Administrative Staff (continued) Nolan Maria (Temporary)

O'Connell Deirdre Cork

O'Riordan Joan Cork

O'Rourke Margie

O'Sullivan Rebecca

Elizabeth Ryan

Twomey Catherine Cork

Walsh Marese Galway

Porter Wogan Martin

Organisers Sperlina Inga

Except where indicated, all staff are based in Dublin


Membership Number of Delegates

Abbeyfeale 87 1

Airport 442 5

Artane 1210 8

Athlone 245 3

Balbriggan 405 5

Ballina 253 3

Ballinarobe 89 1

Ballinasloe 131 2

Blanchardstown Shopping Centre 1383 8

Carlow 515 6

Castlebar 392 4

City Centre 2774 11

City Centre Baggot Rathmines Ranelagh 1104 8

Claremorris 125 2

Clonmel 410 5

Cork 3030 11

Cork County North 269 3

Cork County North East 166 2

Crumlin Walkinstown Rathfarnham Ballinteer Knocklyon 1188 8

Drogheda 444 5

Dublin South East 2,287 10

Dundalk 565 6

Dungarvan 128 2

Claremorris 265 3

Ennis 242 3

Enniscorthy 95 1

Finglas 779 7

Galway 1164 8

Gorey 196 2

Kilkenny 381 4

Killarney 413 5

Kilrush 97 1

Leitrim 168 2

Letterkenny 313 4

Liffey Valley 1350 8

Limerick 1763 9




Membership Number of Delegates

Listowel 70 1

LTD 529 6

Maynooth Celbridge Newbridge & Naas 1543 9

Monaghan 214 3

Mullingar & Longford 424 5

Navan 506 6

Newcastle West 165 2

New Ross 181 2

Permanent TSB 242 3

Protlaoise Tullamore Athy & Birr 708 7

Rocommon Town 109 2

Shannon 28 1

Sligo 358 4

Swords 522 6

Tallaght The Square Rathcoole 592 6

Tipperary Cashel Thurles 344 4

Tipperary North 295 3

Tralee 716 7

Tuam 67 1

Waterford 1248 8

West Cork 125 2

Westport 158 2

Wexford 464 5

Wicklow 891 7


Hereunder are set out the names of the presiding Chairperson, General Treasurer, General Secretary and venue of each delegate conference since the formation of Mandate.

Year Chairperson General Treasurer General Secretary Venue

1995 Doreen O'Keeffe Mandy Kane Owen Nulty Limerick

1996 Patricia Gaffney Mandy Kane Owen Nulty Cork

1997 Patricia Gaffney Mandy Kane Owen Nulty Waterford

1998 Patricia Gaffney Liam O’Meara Owen Nulty Dublin

2000 Patricia Gaffney Liam O’Meara Owen Nulty Galway

2002 Mary Larkin Liam O’Meara Owen Nulty Tralee

2004 Mary Larkin Liam O'Meara Owen Nulty Ennis

2006 Karen Wall Liam O'Meara John Douglas Killarney

2008 Joan Gaffney Liam O'Meara John Douglas Limerick

2010 Joan Gaffney Liam O'Meara John Douglas Galway







Mandate head Office O’Lehane House 9 Cavendish Row Dublin 1

Tel: (01) 874 6321/2/3 fax: (01) 872 9581
