Managerial Skills


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Date Page No.2014-02-16 1 (2)MS/ S2014/Home Assignment 1

Submitted By:Ujjwal MaghaiyaTel:

Managerial skill is the skill required for managers to manage effectively. It could be anything from managing oneself, day to day task, projects, time, resources or management between teams with the help of effective communication. I believe that it is important for us to learn the managerial skills because it will make us more competent on how we behave as a manager. Learning managerial skills will get us acquainted with effective management skill which will help us to make boost in our career. It will either help us to learn new things or improve the things we are practicing in our day to day life which ultimately helps us in our advancement and achievements.

Firstly in any organization it is important to have the good manager to function well. It often happens that we are technically skilled but poor at managing others. One should be able to properly manage people within the team otherwise team could not work well. For instance, I have seen a unit where the person who should be appointed as the Technical expert is appointed as the manager of the team of four members. Due to lack of people management skill that team is not functioning good and always in rush and not meeting the deadlines. In the country like Nepal in the long run ultimately we end up being a manager. In order to avoid failures due to lack have management skills we have to study and practice the managerial skills.

Management skill teaches us to deal with different people thereby enhancing our interpersonal and communication skills. In order to interact with people we need to communicate either verbally or non-verbally. Studying managerial skill will teach us how to effectively communicate between peers, manager and other employee within an organization. By using the different scientific and practiced method of communication, for example writing emails, we can effectively communicate and obtained the desired outcome.

In addition in any organization we work as a team. It is well know that effective team is the key to success. In some cases team might not be functioning well or there might be some conflict or confusion between them due to which they might not be able to generate efficient outcome. It is utmost important for the manager to identify and analyze the problem in time. Learning managerial skill will be a platform where one will be able to constructively handle the conflict and clearly make team members understand the objective of the team thereby helping us to act as the role model, motivate and build the team and teamwork.

Effective managerial skill will help us to cope with the personal stresses. Stress, these days are the growing issues and affect how people behave in the organization. Employees are not being able to concentrate, make good decisions, solve problems effectively, plan, and generate ideas. That’s why organization has started giving training on stress management. If

Date Page No.2014-02-16 2 (2)MS/ S2014/Home Assignment 1

Submitted By:Ujjwal MaghaiyaTel:

we can develop the skills for managing stress, we can learn how to identify them, eliminate them and recover them so that we can give our hundred percent.

Managerial skill will help us in the areas of problem solving, creativity and innovation. Every organization has its own problem. It is impossible to have an organization without any problem. Therefore managers should be creative and innovative enough and should possess the broader perspective for analyzing and solving the problems. One should be able to define the problem, measure and analyze current performance levels, implement the improvement action and establish the control mechanism to make sure that it won’t happen again.

To sum up, due to aforementioned reason it is very imperative to learn the management skill. It gives us insight on how should we behave as a manger and assist us in our professional as well as the personal development.