Managerial Economics Ch 1


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  • 7/23/2019 Managerial Economics Ch 1


    Dr. Karim Kobeissi

  • 7/23/2019 Managerial Economics Ch 1


    Chapter 1: Introduction to Managerial Economics

  • 7/23/2019 Managerial Economics Ch 1


    K e y w o r d : T h e o r y o f T h e i r m

    A microeconomic concept founded in neoclassical economics

    that states that rms exist and make decisions in order to

    maximize prots. Businesses interact with the market to

    determine pricing and demand and then allocate resources

    according to models that look to maximize net prots.

    The theory of the rm goes along with the theory of the consumer,

    which states that consumers seek to maximize their overall utility.

    Modern takes on the theory of the rm sometimes distinguish

    etween long!run motivations "sustainaility# and short!run

    motivations "prot maximization#.

  • 7/23/2019 Managerial Economics Ch 1


    Managerial Economics ! De"nition

    Managerial economics is concerned with the

    application of economic tools and

    methodologies to the decision making process

    within the rm. $t seeks to estalish rules to

    facilitate the attainment of the desired

    economic aim of management. These economic

    aims relate to costs, revenue and prots.

  • 7/23/2019 Managerial Economics Ch 1


    Economics# $usiness Management and

    Managerial Economics

  • 7/23/2019 Managerial Economics Ch 1


    Managerial %conomics ridges the gap

    etween purely analytical prolems

    dealt within economic theory and

    decision prolems faced in real

    usiness and thus helps out in making

    rational choices to yield maximum

    return out of minimum e&orts and

    resources y making the est selection

    among alternative course of action.

  • 7/23/2019 Managerial Economics Ch 1


    Managerial Economics ! Importance

    Business and industrial enterprises aim at earning

    maximum prots. $n order to achieve this o'ective, a

    managerial executive has to employ decision making. A

    sound decision re(uires fair knowledge of the aspects

    of economic theory and the tools of economic analysis,

    which are directly involved in the process of decision!

    making. )oncerned with such aspects and tools of

  • 7/23/2019 Managerial Economics Ch 1


    Managerial Economics % Importance &con'

    The importance of managerial economics

    relies in the following points:*. $t provides tool and techni(ues for managerial decision


    +. $t gives answers to the asic prolems of usiness


    . $t supplies data for analysis and forecasting.

    -. $t provides tools for demand forecasting and prot


    . $t guides the managerial economist.

  • 7/23/2019 Managerial Economics Ch 1


    Managerial Economics ! (atureThe whole ody of economics may e divided into two segments

    3 Microeconomics and Macroeconomics. Microeconomics

    is concerned with smaller part of the economy such asa "rm &e.g.# )upply and demand# pricing of output# Coststructure' while macroeconomics is concerned with thewhole economy &e.g. +D,# unemployment# in-ation#"scal and monetary policies# business cycles'.

    Although, managerial economics falls within microeconomics as

    it is concerned with the prolems of an individual rm4

    however, it incorporates certain aspects of the macroeconomic

    theory ecause the manager should have a comprehensive

    understanding of the environment in which his rm is working

    efore analyzing alternatives or taking decisions.

  • 7/23/2019 Managerial Economics Ch 1


    %conomics in its roadest sense means what economists do. They

    provide solutions to various economic prolems "in1ation,

    unemployment etc#. The one main root cause of all economic

    prolems is )C/CIT0 and managerial economics is the use ofeconomic analysis to mae business decisions involving the est

    use of organization5s scarce resources. 6uman wants are virtually

    unlimited and insatiale and economic resources to satisfy them are

    limited which give rise to choices " decisions# etween what to

    produce, how to produce and for whom to produce.

  • 7/23/2019 Managerial Economics Ch 1


    What kind and how many products should e


    Howshould these products e produced "production


    For whom should these products e produced

    "targeted segments#7

  • 7/23/2019 Managerial Economics Ch 1


    %conomic 9ecisions for the :irm

    ;hat< The product decision = egin or stop providing

    goods and8or services.

    6ow< The hiring, sta>ng, procurement, and capital

    udgeting decisions.

    :or whom< The market segmentation decision =

    targeting the most enecial customers.

  • 7/23/2019 Managerial Economics Ch 1


    )cope of Marginal Economics

    1! Demand nalysis and orecasting:

    A rm is an economic organization which transforms inputs into output that is

    to e sold in a market. Accurate estimation of demand, y analyzing the

    forces acting on demand of the product produced y the rm, forms the

    vital issue in taking e&ective decision at the rm level.

    A ma'or part of managerial decision making depends on accurate estimatesof demand. ;hen demand is estimated, the manager does not stop at the

    stage of assessing the current demand ut estimates future demand as

    well. This is what is meant y demand forecasting.

    This forecast can also serve as a guide to management for maintaining or

    strengthening market position and enlarging prot. 9emand analysis helps

    in identifying the various factors in1uencing the demand for a rm5s

    product and thus provides guidelines to manipulate demand. The main

    topics covered are< 9emand 9eterminants, 9emand 9istinctions and

  • 7/23/2019 Managerial Economics Ch 1


    )cope of Marginal Economics

    2! Cost nalysis:

    )ost analysis is yet another function of managerial economics. $ndecision making, cost estimates are very essential. The factors

    causing variation in costs must e recognized if management

    is to arrive at cost estimates which are signicant for planning

    purposes. The determinants of estimating costs, the

    relationship etween cost and output, the forecast of cost and

    prot are very vital to a rm. An element of cost uncertainty

    exists ecause all the factors determining costs are not always

    known or controllale. Managerial economics handles these

    aspects of cost analysis as an e&ective knowledge and the

    application of which is corner stone for the success of a rm.

  • 7/23/2019 Managerial Economics Ch 1


    )cope of Marginal Economics

    3! ,roduction nalysis:

    ?roduction analysis fre(uently proceeds in physical terms. $nputsplay a vital role in the economics of production. The factors of

    production otherwise called inputs, may e comined in a

    particular way to yield the maximum output. Alternatively,

    when the price of inputs shoots up, a rm is forced to work out

    a comination of inputs so as to ensure that this comination

    ecomes the least cost comination. The main topics covered

    under cost and production analysis are production function,

    least cost comination of factor inputs, factor productiveness,

    returns to scale, cost concepts and classication, cost!output

    relationship and linear programming.

  • 7/23/2019 Managerial Economics Ch 1


    )cope of Marginal Economics

    4! In5entory Management :

    An inventory refers to a stock of raw materials which a rmkeeps. @ow the prolem is how much of the inventory is the

    ideal stock. $f it is high, capital is unproductively tied up. $f

    the level of inventory is low, production will e a&ected.Therefore, managerial economics will use such methods as

    %conomic rder uantity "%# approach, AB) analysis

    with a view to minimizing the inventory cost. $t also goesdeeper into such aspects as motives of holding inventory,

    cost of holding inventory, inventory control, and main

    methods of inventory control and management.

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    )cope of Marginal Economics

    6! d5ertising :

    To produce a commodity is one thing and to market it isanother. Cet the message aout the product should reach the

    consumer efore he thinks of uying it. Therefore,

    advertising forms an integral part of decision making and

    forward planning. %xpenditure on advertising and related

    types of promotional activities is called selling costs y


    There are di&erent methods for setting advertising udget
