Malachi Knoll 102 106 Revised


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  • 8/2/2019 Malachi Knoll 102 106 Revised


    Research Paper

    Holocaust Overview

    Malachi Knoll

    ENG COMP 102-106

    Larry Neuburger

    2 April 2012

  • 8/2/2019 Malachi Knoll 102 106 Revised


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    Hitler looks out over his troops.

    One can agree a dictatorship is not an ideal form of Government. However, during World

    War II a dictatorship was established quickly, efficiently, and enforced harshly. One may wonder

    how such a brute force of government, that condemns every single person that goes against it,

    came to power so fluently. The government being referred to is commonly known as the Nazi

    Party or Third Reich. This paper is going to go over the rise and control of the Nazi regime, and

    going to show what just one government was able to accomplish in just a few years, and some of

    the aftermath that followed.

    Nazi rise to power

    According to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM), The party's

    rise to power was rapid. (Hitler Comes to Power). It goes

    on to say,the worldwide economic depression, millions of

    people unemployed, Germanys humiliating defeat in

    World War I, and a lacking confidence in the German

    government, provided the chance for Adolf Hitler and the

    Nazi party to become the new leader of Germany. Furthermore, it states the Nazis werefor the

    most partunknown and only had three percent of the vote in 1924. In 1932, they had a 33

    percent vote and in 1933, Hitler was appointed to chancellorafter months of negotiationsby

    Germanys current President, Paul von Hindenburg, in a mostly conservative government. (Hitler

    Comes to Power) Another article on the USHMM website states, Hitler also relied on terror to

    achieve his goals. (The Nazi Terror Begins). It says that the goals he wanted to achieve were

    declaring a state of emergency, removing freedom of press, speech and assembly. Furthermore, it

    says in order to terrorize the citizens into submission, Hitler attracted tens of thousands of men

    with good wages, a feeling of brotherhood, and spectacular uniformsto join the Nazi Storm

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    Troopers, or SA. The SA went to the streets to beat and

    sometimes kill people that opposed the Nazi regime.

    The fear of this brutal police force, put people who did

    not support the Nazis into silence (The Nazi Terror


    Nuremberg laws

    In 1935, shortly after Hitlers appointment to

    chancellor, the Nazi party announced new laws, establishing the Nazi ideology. An article on the

    USHMM website

    says that the laws became known as Nuremberg Laws and The laws excluded

    German Jews from Reich citizenship and prohibited them from marrying or having sexual

    relations with persons of German or related blood. (The Nuremberg Race Laws). Furthermore,

    it goes on to say that the laws defined a Jew as . . . anyone who had three or four Jewish

    grandparents was defined as a Jew, regardless of whether that individual identified himself or

    herself as a Jew or belonged to the Jewish religious community. (The Nuremberg Race Laws)

    The article goes on to read that during the 1936 Olympic Games, in order to prevent international

    critical criticism on his newly established government, and to keep the games held in Berlin,

    Hitler and the Nazi regime moderated its anti-Semitic attacks and even removed signs saying

    Jews Unwelcome from public buildings (The Nuremberg Race Laws).


    Kristallnacht, or the Night of Broken Glass, was a

    pogrom instigated by Nazi officials and members of the SA,

    as well as Hitler Youth according to the USHMM website. It

    also states, In its aftermath, German officials announced

    A visual graph of the Nuremberg laws defining aJew.

    A business after Kristallnacht.

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    Jewish resistance fighters.

    that Kristallnacht had erupted as a spontaneous outburst of public sentiment in response to the

    assassination of Ernst vom Rath . . . (Kristallnacht: A Nationwide Pogrom). The article says that

    Polish Jew, Herschel Grynszpan shot Ernst vom Rath after he and his family, among many

    others, were expelled from Germany and denied entry to their native country of Poland. The

    shooting occurred on November 7, 1938 and Ernst died two days later on November 9, 1938.

    Furthermore, it reads propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels, on that night pronounced the

    Fhrer has decided that demonstrations should not be prepared or organized by the Party, but

    insofar as they erupt spontaneously, they are not to be hampered. and throughout the night

    violence erupted with the burning and vandalism of Jewish homes, business, and synagogues

    (Kristallnacht: A Nationwide Pogrom).


    One may ask why the Jewish people did not fight against the Nazi party, but in fact, there

    were several cases and ways in which the Jews did try to take on the Nazis. Another article on

    the USHMM website says that Nazi opposition by the Jews occurred in a . . . variety of ways,

    both collectively and as individuals. (Jewish Resistance).

    The article goes on to say, Organized armed resistance

    was the most forceful form of Jewish opposition but

    Jewish civilians were not the only ones to oppose the

    Nazi policies. Jewish council chairman Moshe Jaffe

    resisted by refusing to comply when Germans ordered him to hand over Jews for Deportation. .

    .(Jewish Resistance) in Minsk. In some cases the Jews would escape from ghettos and join . . .

    Soviet partisan units or formed separate partisan units to harass the German occupiers. however

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    in some cases the rebellion was quickly put out and ended with innocent people dying to

    discourage more resistance (Jewish Resistance).

    Wansee ConferenceThe Final Solution

    January 20, 1942 officials of the German government and Nazi party met at what is

    called the Wansee Conference to implement what one

    could call the worst, most detrimental scar of the human

    race in history. This became known as the Final

    Solution, which ended up as being the physical

    annihilation of Jews. Another article on the USHMM

    website says at some time in the year 1941, Hitler authorized a plan for the mass murder of Jews

    in all of Europe and the Wansee conference was not to argue about if the physical annihilation of

    Jews was necessary, but rather how to do it (Wansee Conference and the Final Solution). It

    goes on to say that the Nuremberg Laws would define who was a Jew and SS general Reinhard

    Heydrich estimated . . . approximately 11,000,000 Jews in Europe would fall under the

    provisions of the Final Solution. (Wansee Conference and the Final Solution).

    Extermination methods

    The Nazis used three methods of mass killing Jews according to an article on the Public

    Broadcasting Station (PBS) website. Death by firing squad, carbon monoxide, and Zyklon B

    were the methods of extermination. Death by firing squads

    was not a good method due to the fact that it traumatized

    the soldiers shooting the unarmed civilians at close range,

    as well as leaving physical evidence of bodies being buried.

    The house and location of the Wansee conference

    One of the gas chambers inside Auschwitz

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    One reason the Nazis switched to killing with carbon monoxide was Gas would be

    cheaper than bullets, and no Nazi would directly take a life (The Killing Evolution). It goes on to

    say the Nazis took cargo trucks with the exhaust system routed into the cargo area. They would

    then fill the back with Jews and drive the trucks to a destination where the dead bodies would be

    . . . buried or burned (The Killing Evolution). These vans became known as Hell Vans. The

    problem with extermination by carbon monoxide was that there was still physical evidence of

    murder because of the bodies and the Nazis had a hard time figuring out how far to drive because

    on some occasions, the hell vans would stop and there would still be people alive in the back.

    The third killing method the Nazis used was Zyklon B, which was a pesticide used to kill

    lice in the clothing of the prisoners. Nazis eventually made crematoria that housed gas chambers

    and ovens to kill then cremate Jews. The gas chambers would be filled with prisoners, and the

    Zyklon B crystals would be heated to turn into a poisonous gas killing the Jews, then the

    prisoners that were used for labor had to take all the dead bodies into the crematories so there

    would be no physical evidence of the murders. The Nazis used the Zyklon B since it was the

    most efficient killer they had (The Killing Evolution).


    Ghettos were the city districts in which the . . .

    municipal and sometimes regional Jewish. . . (Ghettos)

    were forced to live in according to an article on the

    USHMM website. The conditions in the ghettos were

    terrible and filthy. Furthermore, the article reads ghettos

    were usually enclosed and isolated Jews from the rest of

    the public or non-Jewish population and other Jewish

    A picture of the Warsaw ghetto looking in from

    the wall.

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    An aerial picture of the Nazi concentration camp

    Auschwitz (Main Camp)

    communities. The ghettos were a holding point, if you will, for the Jews while Nazi leaders were

    discussing the final solution as talked about earlier. The article goes on to say beginning in the

    later months of 1941 the Germans began to destroy the ghettos and start deporting Jews, mostly

    by train, to concentration camps, labor camps, killing centers, or the Nazis would kill them in the

    ghettos. Ghettos were a source of Jewish resistance, fighting against Nazi oppression by

    smuggling food, medicine, weapons and sometimes intelligence through the ghetto walls, all of

    which were prohibited by the Nazis and without approval from the Jewish councils (Ghettos).

    Nazi camps

    According to a USHMM website article,

    during the years between 1933-1945 , about

    20,000 camps were established for a variety of uses including forced-labor camps, transit camps

    and extermination camps, of which the latter were made mostly for mass murder, as well as

    concentration camps and . . .series of detention facilities to imprison and eliminate so-called

    "enemies of the state." (Nazi Camps). After the Final Solution was established, the Nazis

    opened killing centers in Poland, which were designed for efficiency with mass murder. The

    article goes on to read Chelmno, the first killing center, opened in December 1941.

    Furthermore,the article says in 1942, Belzec, Sobibor, and Treblinka killings centers were

    opened to murder the Jews of the Generalgouvernment. Three million Jews or more are

    estimated to have been killed in the killing centers alone, not to mention the Jews that died while

    being transported to the camps (Nazi Camps). According to

    a different article on the USHMM website, the first

    concentration camps were established shortly Hitler was

    appointed to chancellor of Germany in January of 1933.

    The article reads. After the SS gained its independence

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    from the SA in July 1934. . . Hitler authorized the Reich SS leader, Heinrich Himmler, to

    centralize the administration of the concentration camps and formalize them into a system

    (Concentration Camps) which allowed the SS to be the only agency authorized to establish and

    manage facilities that were formally called concentration camps (Concentration Camps).


    After D-Day . . .the single largest amphibious

    invasion force in world history. . .(Liberation), as the

    Allies and Soviet troops fought through Europe, they

    inevitably encountered several Nazi crimes including

    concentration camps and mass graves according to an

    article on the USHMM website. Although the liberation

    of Nazi camps was not a primary objective, Soviet and

    American forces liberated several camps and sub-camps

    including Auschwitz, Buchenwald, Dachau, and Ohrdruf, which was a sub-camp Buchenwald.

    On May 8, 1945, Germanys unconditional surrender became official, ending the terrible reign of

    the Nazi regime and liberating all the Jews from the concentration camps and forced-labor camps


    After liberation

    After liberation several Jews, according to an

    article on the USHMM website . . . feared to return to

    their former homes because of the anti-Semitism. . .

    (The Aftermath of the Holocaust). Because they did not

    have many places to emigrate to, thousands of survivors

    Liberation of the Nazi concentration campMauthausen

    A newspaper article on the birth of the State of


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    headed west to other European territories liberated by the Allies, while others went to displaced

    persons camps (or DP camps) like BergenBelsen, located in Germany. Many groups dedicated

    to helping the survivors pressured countries for better emigration chances, but unfortunately the

    United States had restrictions on the quota for legal immigration and the British tightened

    restrictions on immigration to Palestine. Luckily, in late 1945, a directive was issued by

    President Harry Truman that . . . loosened quota restrictions on immigration to the U.S. of

    persons displaced by the Nazi regime. and in mid-1948 the State of Israel was made and

    therefore Jewish people displaced, could immigrate to Israel (The Aftermath of the Holocaust).

    In conclusion, the Nazi regime was proven to be a terrible and unethical rise of a brutal

    dictatorship. The rise of the regime was quick and the forcefulness of the power. Millions of

    Jews and other innocent people were killed, for Nazi beliefs, that were all untrue. In the end, one

    can agree, the fall of the Nazi regime could be considered one of the best things that happened to

    this world.

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    Works Cited

    "THE AFTERMATH OF THE HOLOCAUST." United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

    United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Web. 19 Apr. 2012.

    "CONCENTRATION CAMPS, 1933-1939." United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

    United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Web. 19 Apr. 2012.

    "Ghettos." United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. United States Holocaust Memorial

    Museum. Web. 19 Apr. 2012.

    "Hitler Comes to Power." Unites States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Unites States Holocaust

    Memorial Museum. Web. 13 Apr. 2012.

    "Jewish Resistance." United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. United States Holocaust

    Memorial Museum. Web. 16 Mar. 2012.

    "The Killing Evolution." PBS: Public Broadcasting Station. Public Broadcasting Station. Web.

    28 Mar. 2012.


    Holocaust Memorial Museum. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Web. 18

    Apr. 2012.

    "Liberation." United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. United States Holocaust Memorial

    Museum. Web. 19 Apr. 2012.

    "Nazi Camps." United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. United States Holocaust Memorial

    Museum. Web. 19 Apr. 2012.

    "The Nazi Terror Begins." United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. United States Holocaust

    Memorial Museum. Web. 20 Apr. 2012.

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    "The Nuremberg Race Laws." United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. United States

    Holocaust Memorial Museum. Web. 18 Apr. 2012.


    Memorial Museum. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Web. 19 Apr. 2012.

    Well done Malachi!

    You are probably very glad to have this over and done with, well almost done. I

    enjoyed reading your paper. Fix the areas I have called attention to. The one

    section on the death camps probably doesnt need any revision, but I hope

    you understand the difference between a concentration an death camp.

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    Knoll 1

    Points AvailableScore

    40Content paper demonstrates understanding

    and confidence about topic32

    20Sources uses only primary and secondary



    In-Text Citations integrates sources within

    text with effective use of signal words and



    35 Formatting properly uses MLA formatting



    Works Cited works cited page has the

    required number of sources and is properly



    15Pictures uses pictures to enhance the text

    with effective captions and source information15

    25 Writing Mechanics Paper is free from errorsin spelling, punctuation, etc.


    Total = 200

    Total Score
