Making Tux


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  • 8/8/2019 Making Tux


    I - The body

    1. First of all, open the model, if you haven't done it yet. You should see this (if you

    don't, this tutorial will seem much more difficult ) :

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    Holding Shift while drawing a gradient will give you a perfectly straight gradient !

    Then contract the selection by 6 pixels and delete (you can now deselect by pressingCtrl+D). Reduce the layer's opacity to 60%.

    5. Create a new layer called "Top reflection 2", then, with the elliptical marquee tool,

    draw a selection, as shown below :

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    You can use the "Select > Transform selection" to center you selection (Increasing the

    size of your selection with this function will create a blured selection).Then draw a white to transparent Lineargradient form the top of your selection to itsbottom.

    Then, put the layer's opacity on 60%.

    6. Now, create a new layer called "Top reflet 3", draw a white to transparent Linear

    gradient in the same selection from its top to its middle. Now move the selection by

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    approximately 15 pixels to the bottom and delete. Now, reduce the layer's opacity to 30%

    and deselect. You should obtain this :

    Let's do the same with the TinyTux's wings ...

    7. Open the "Wings" sub-folder, and select the "Left wing" layer. Create a new layer

    named "Left wing reflection". Ctrl+Click on the "Left wing" layer and contract theselection by 1 pixel. Then, draw a white to transparent Reflectedgradient, like on theimage.

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    8. Transform the selection so that it looks like on the image (I've rotated the selcetion by

    8 and moved it) :

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    Delete. Ctrl+Click on the "Body" layer and move the selection by approximately 18 pixel

    to the right. Delet again and deselect. Reduce the layer's opacity to 40%.

    9. Duplicate the "Left wing reflection" and rename it "Right wing reflection". Make itslide over the "Right wing" layer. Select all, then flip horizontal ("Edit > Transform >

    Flip Horizontal" , this will move the new reflection over the right wing.

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    This is it, we've finished with the body :^^:

    If you've followed this part of the tutorial, you should obtain this :

    You can now collapse these two layer groups

    II - The white stain

    1. Open the "White stain" layer group, click on the "White stain" layer and create a newlayer named "White". Put your cursor between the two layers and press Alt, the cursor

    should change. Then, click (do not stop pressing Alt). You should see this (in the Layers'

    window) :

    This is called a Clipping mask, this means that whatever you do on ther "Whitelayer", it won't be able to overflow from the "White stain" layer's shape, this function

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    is reaaly useful sometimes (actually, it's really useful more frequently than sometimes


    2. Then, draw a white to transparent Radialgradient, as shown below :

    3. Create a new layer called "Temp". Use the ellipticall marquee tool to draw a selection

    like this one :

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    Fill it with any color, then reduce itsFill opacity to 0% :

    4. Apply these layer styles to the "Temp" layer :

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    5. Create a new layer called "Black", and move it under the "Temp" layer. Select the

    "Temp" layer again and press on Ctrl+E (this'll merge the two layers). Now, apply a 2

    pixel radius Gaussian blur("Filter > Blur > Gaussian blur" .Drag the "Black" layer between the "White" and "White stain" layers (this will include

    the "Black" layer into the existing Clipping mask). Then change the layer's blending

    mode to Overlay and put its opacity on 80%.

    6. Create a new layer called "Reflection". Move it over the "White" layer and create aClipping mask between the two layers (this will also include the "Reflection" layer into

    the existing [i]Clippinng mask).

    Draw a selection like this one with the elliptical marquee tool :

    Then draw a gradient from the right-top corner to the opposite one. Then, put the

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    selection on 30%. You should now obtain this :

    We're now going to modify the eyes ...

    7. Open the "Eyes" sub-group and select the "Left eye" layer. Create another layer named"Left eye reflection". Then, Ctrl+Click on the "Left eye" layer and reduce the selction's

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    size with the transform selection function, so that it looks like that :

    Draw a white to transparent Lineargradient form the top of your selection to its

    bottom. Then, reduce the layer's opacity to 50%.

    8. Duplicate the "Left eye reflet" layer and rename it "Right eye reflection". Move thisnewly created layer over the "Right eye" layer, then, select all and flip horizontal. The

    eyes and their reflections should become symetrical.

    The white stain is now also finished. You can collapse the two groups we worked in inthis part.

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    You should normally obtain something like this :

    III - The closed beak

    1. Open the "Closed beak" layer group and select the "Beak" layer. Now create a new

    layer called "Left color". Make a new Clipping maskbetween these two layers. Now,

    draw a white to transparent Radialgradient. Then draw a gradient like on the image :

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    Change the layer's blending mode to Overlay and put its opacity to 80%.

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    2. Now, draw a rectangular selection as shown below :

    Then, press on the layer mask icon ( ) located at the bottom of the layers' window. This

    really usefull function hides every pixel of the layer which isn't in the selection.

    3. Duplicate the "Left color" layer, and rename it "Right color". Then add a Clipping

    maskbetween the two layers. Now, click on the thumbnail of the layer's mask, select all

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    and flip horizontal. Put the layer's opacity on 40%. You should see something like that :

    4. Create a new layer and call it "Reflection 1". Add it into the Cllipping mask, then draw

    a white to transparent Lineargradient from the top of the beak to its bottom.Ctrl+Click on the "Beak" layer, and move the selection by 6 pixel or so to the bottom.

    Now, put the layer's opacity on 50%.

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    5. Create a new layer called "Reflection 2" and include it in the existing Clipping mask.

    Then draw a white to transparent Radialgradient form the top of the beak to itsbottom.

    Then, change the layer's opacity to 30%.You should see something like that :

    We're now going to add a drop shadow to the beak ...

    6. Create a new layer called "Shadow" and make it slide under the "Beak" layer.Ctrl+Click on the "Beak" layer and with the polygonnal lasso tool (or with the pen tool if

    you know how to use it), modify the selection and move it so that it looks like on this

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    image :

    7. Draw a black to transparent Lineargradient from the top of the selection to its

    bottom. Then deselect and apply a 4 pixel radius Gaussian blur. Now reduce the layer's

    opacity to 25%.

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    The closed beak is now finished. You should normally see something like this by now :

    IV - The TinyTux's feet when it's standing

    In this part of the tutorial, all the layers created in the "left foot" layer-group must be in aClipping maskwith the "Foot" layer, so I wont repeat it.

    1. Go in the "Foot up" layer-group, then in the "left foot" layer-group. There, click on the

    "foot" layer and create another called "Color 1". Draw a white to transparent Linear

    gradient, from the left end of the foot (dont limit yourself at the visible foot) to the right

    end. Then change the layer blending mode to Overlay.

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    2. Create a new layer called "Color 2". Draw a black to transparent Lineargradient,

    from the right end of the foot to the left end. Then change the layer blending mode to Soft


    3. Ctrl+click on the "Foot" layer, then move the selection by 2 pixels upwards. After that,invert the aforesaid selection and delete the layers "Color 1" and "Color 2".

    You should obtain this :

    4. Keep the active selection, and create a new layer called "outline" then draw a white to

    transparent Lineargradient from the right end to the left end of the foot. Change the

    blending mode of the layer to Overlay.

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    5. Invert the selection, and created a new layer called "Reflection outline". Then, fill theselection with white. Move it by two pixels upwards and delete. Reduce the layer's

    opacity to 50%.Here his the result of this step :

    6. Create a new layer called "Reflection front toe", then use the polygonal lasso to draw aselection like this :

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    Fill with white and reduce the layer's opacity to 75%.

    7. Create a new layer called "Glow front toe". Select the gradient tool and draw a white to

    transparent Radialgradient, as shown on the picture.

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    After that, reduce the layer's opacity to 35%.

    8. Duplicate the two last layers, rename them respectively "Reflection middle toe" and

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    "Glow middle toe". Move it in order that it looks like this picture :

    9. Create a new layer called "Reflection back toe", and fill it with white. Then, Ctrl+Clickon the "Foot" layer, and move the new selection by 4 pixel downwards, and delete.

    With the polygonal lasso, select a shape like this :

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    Then, delete. Reduce the layer's opacity to 50%

    10. Create a new layer called "shadow". Draw a selection as shown below, then fill withblack.

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    Deselect and apply a 6 pixels radius Gaussian blur. Reduce the layers opacity to 20%.

    11. Now, you can close the "Left foot" layer-group, duplicate it and rename it "Rightfoot". Do aflip horizontal(in Edit > Transform). The two layer-groups called "Right

    foot" might superimpose themselves. If that's not the case, move the second in order to

    they superimpose themselves, then delete the one which wasn't in the model originally.

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    You might have this :

    12. Go in "White stain" layer-group and create a new layer-group called "Stand foot

    glow". Ctrl+Click on the "Body" layer and create a layer maskon this new layer-group.Now, Ctrl+Click on the "foot" layer of the "left foot" layer-group, and Ctrl+Click on the

    "body" layer by pressing "Alt" (Like this, the body's form is removed of the shape). Your

    shape might looks like that :

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    Create two new layers, the first name "Left foot glow 1", the second "Left foot glow 2".Fill the selection of the first with #FFFF00, and to the same for the second but with


    Press "shift" during a Ctrl+Click add the layer's form to the shape.

    13. Apply a 8 pixelgaussian bluron the first layer and regulate its opacity on 50%, and

    apply a 4 pixelsgaussian bluron the second. Reduce its opacity to 25%

    14. Duplicate these two layers and rename them respectively "Right foot glow 1" and

    "Right foot glow 2". Select all, and do aflip horizontalof these 2 layers in order for themto correspond to the right foot.

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    TinyTux's feet when he is standing are finished. You should have a result like this :

    V- The opened beak

    In this part, we are going to make the opened beak and the inside of this one. Set the

    layer-group "Closed Beak" invisible and set it visible for the layer-group "Opened beak".

    1. Create a new layer called "Left Color"; create a Clipping maskbetween this layer and

    the "Beak" layer. Draw a white to transparent Radialgradient, as shown on the image :

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    Then change the blending mode of the layer to Overlay and its opacity to 80%.

    2. Draw a rectangular selection like this :

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    Then, create a layer mask.

    3. Duplicate the layer and rename it "Right color". Include the new layer in the Clipping

    mask. Hit Ctrl+A, and do aflip horizontal. Reduce the layer's opacity to 40%.

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    4. Create a new layer called "Reflection 1". Include it in the Clipping mask. After that,

    draw a white to transparent Lineargradient, from the top of the beak to the bottom.

    Ctrl+Click on the "Beak" layer, then move the selection by 6 pixels downwards. Reduce

    the layer's opacity to 50 %.

    5. Create a new layer called "Reflection 2". Include it in the Clipping masktoo. Then

    draw a white to transparent Radialgradient, from the top of the beak to the bottom.

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    Reduce the layer's opacity to 30%. You should have something like this :

    6. Open the "Inside" layer-group, and click on the layer which has the same name. Create

    a new layer called "Color 2" (Logical, I know) and create a Clipping mask. Draw a

    selection like this :

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    Fill it with white. Change the blending mode of the layer to Soft light.

    7. Duplicate this layer, rename it "Color 1" and drag it between "Inside" and "Color 2"

    layers. Apply a more or less 6 pixels Gaussian blur, and change the layer blending modeto Overlay.

    8. Create a new layer called "Reflection"; make it slide under "Inside" layer. Ctrl+Clickon this layer, then increase the size of the selection by 2 pixels. Draw a white to

    transparent Lineargradient from the bottom of the selection to the top. Reduce the

    opacity of this one to 75%.Your beak should look like that :

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    Now, you can collapse the "Inside" layer-group.

    9.Now, create a new layer called "Shadow" and drag it under the "Beak" layer.

    Ctrl+Click on this one and use thepolygonal lasso or the pen tool, modify the selection

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    and move it in order to it looks like this one :

    10. Draw a black to transparent Lineargradient from the top of the selection to the

    bottom. Deselect and apply a 4 pixels Gaussian blur. Reduce the layer's opacity to 25%.

    The opened beak is now finished (so you can collapse the "closed beak" layer-group).

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    You should have something like this picture :

    VI The TinyTux's feet when he is sitting

    Set invisible the "Stand feet" and "Stand feet glow" layer-group and set visible the

    "Sitting feet" layer-group, and expand it. In this part of the tutorial, all the layers createdin the "Left foot" layer-group must be in a Clipping maskwith the "Foot" layer, so I won't

    repeat it.

    1. Go in the "Sitting Feet" layer-group, then in "Left foot". Click on the "Foot" layer, and

    create 3 layers called "Color 1", "Color 2", and "Color 3". Change the layers blending

    mode to Soft Light.

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    2. In the first layer, draw a white to transparent Lineargradient from A to B (red

    arrow), in the second, do the same but from C to D (green arrow). Then in the third, draw

    a white to transparent Radialgradient from E to F (blue arrow).

    3. Now, create a new layer called "Reflection 1". Draw a white to transparent Radial

    gradient, as shown on the picture :

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    Ctrl+Click on the "Foot" layer, then move the selection by more or less 6 pixels

    downwards. Delete and deselect. Put the layer's opacity to 75%.

    4. Create a new layer called "Reflection 2". Draw a selection as shown below, then draw

    a white to transparent Lineargradient from the left end of the foot to the right end.

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    Reduce the layer's opacity to 50% and deselect it.

    5. Create 3 new layers called "Outline 1", "Outline 2", "Outline 3". Change their blending

    mode to Overlay. In the first, draw a black to transparent Reflectedgradient, like this :

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    On the second, draw a white to transparent Reflectedgradient, as shown on the samepicture. Finally on the third, draw 2 black to transparent Lineargradients, from A to B

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    and from C to D, as on this picture :

    6. Ctrl+Clicl on the "Foot" layer, then move the selection by 2 pixels upwards. Delete the"Outline 1" layer and then invert the selection. There, delete "Outline 2" and "Outline 3"

    layers. Invert again the selection, and move it by 2 pixels upwards. Delete these two

    layers and deselect. If you have managed to follow these instructions, you should obtain

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    You should have this :

    Now we are going to add some glows

    8. Go in the "white stain" layer-group. Create a new layer-group called "Sitting feetglows". Ctrl+Click on it, Create two new layers called "Left foot glow 1" and "Left foot

    glow 2". Ctrl+Click on the "Foot" layer from the "Left foot" layer-group (the one inwhich we have just worked). Fill the selection on the first one with #FFFF00, and repeatthe same process on the second one, except that you do it with #FFB300 instead.

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    9. Apply an 8 pixels Gaussian bluron the first layer and set its opacity to 50%, then

    apply a 4 pixels Gaussian bluron the second one. Reduce the opacity of this one to 25%

    10. Duplicate these two layers and rename them respectively "Right foot glow 1" and

    "Right foot glow 2". Select all, and do aflip horizontalof these 2 layers in order for themto correspond to the right foot.

    The tutorial is now finished. If you followed it correctly, you should obtain this :