Making of Surreal Characters



This is an example of an online process book. It features the steps and decisions to create two varied surreal characters.

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Making of Surreal Characters

Picking Up...




Color Combos

get it on paper...


After researching samples of fantasy and surreal character designs, I decided to have my first trial in surrealism. The idea of additional freedom

in shape and features attacted me to this decision.

Only some features were decided on in the thumbnail stage. The first crea-

ture would have abnormally long arms , pointy ears and very muscled legs.

The sidekick was orginally very large in size and a form of transportation, but

the decision was made to have the drastic opposite. The final beast is a

tiny pet/friend.

Here is the compilation

of the features that I knew were final:

ears, legs, and arms.

Taking it to...

Digital Life

Revealing the...

Final Image

The final sidekick/beast image features a background that helps give the char-acter scale. The use of feet in the back allows the audience to understand the

size of the character. The same setting in both pieces help unifiy the series.

Final Image The first creature was modified after “final” stage. There were changes

in the body, background and overall details.

Made by Jency
