Magnificat in A Minor


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Marian Sheet Music Marian Library Special Collections

January 1911

Magnificat in A Minor Magnificat in A Minor

T. Noble

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Recommended Citation Recommended Citation Noble, T., "Magnificat in A Minor" (1911). Marian Sheet Music. 75.

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Obe 6oston · OJustc a ompanp

169. .288. 291. 501. 511. 677. 781. 792.

... 794. 936. 937. 958. 959. 960.

1046. 1057. 1127. 1132. 1157. 1158.


Octabo ~acreb music

Qantitlts -agnificat anb J}unc Dimittis

Smart, Roland InD Turner, E • InF Marks, S. InD Huffmaster, H. T. In E flat Turner, E. In E flat Brown, J. In G (S. solo) Clough-1,eighter, H. In B flat Pettman, E. In F (Orch. ad lib.) Noble, T. T. In A minor Young, F. H. In B flat (A. solo) Calkin, J. B. In F Hall, King In E flat Tours, B. In B flat Tours, B. In D (S. A. T. soli ad lib.) Clough-Leighter, H. InD Clough-Leighter, H. InG Kimmins, G. J. In E flat Barnes, E. S. InD Carroll, M. H. In E (S. solo, Orch. acc. ad lib.) Edwards, F. InF

C5bt 6oston Dlusit Go., 6oston, mass. 6· f!jcbitmtr, Xnt., 1)ttu gork






.20 ·.25 .25 .ll-.2• .20 .21 ,2s .15 .25 .25 .20 .20 .25 .15

Zb ti,. <JAoristers and llon1111en of Yor.t Ninster

Magnif icat in A minor

St. Luke, i. 46

~1 Andante e risoluto


L -Soprano

• My soul, my _l ::Jl[

= :::ii::

~ Alto


er I I



Bass ::!:


Andante e risoluto

~ =-= ~ ..... - J. :.. - - l 1 l ::u: z :I =-:

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cresc . .l .- ~ ,...... 8 ...,

::.: ::2:

el "T T r I ktti soul doth mag-ni -fy the Lord, And my spir- it re - joic- ed in_

:E if

~ el


,,,,-;-... -6' ..t. l ..-.., - 0.1. - l..........J _j_ _j_ .L r :r 1

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~ l. 1 _lick _l r•c. ""'11

T T I I I I -w-r 1 I )'" T l

B. M.Co. 2678 Copyright,19071byHoughton & Co.

OOJl!lrigltl auigned,PJLL, to 6.BcA,rmer Bolllon Printed in U.S.A.

When performing and programming this number on the air, kindly give credit to THE BOSTON MUSIC COMPANY


me bless =--

me bless ~-

me bless

me bless -

B.; M .. Co, 2678

f >

For be - hold, from hence-forth all

- ed.

ed. For

He that is might- y largamente

- cresc


gen - er - ' a-tions shall

- ed

- ed

I I .I I I

1 I l I

motto espressi110 & ==-- ..JiJL --= ~ _}. L _--:----..-==--1; :I ~~ ~ :I = =-_t ~' r · . ~ I

And His mer - cy IS on them that ::!!! ~ ::::!'!'.

-..r 4 Ji ~ _n --= =--- -= :::!!'.

=z ~ 11' = :a eY me, And ho - Iy"-' is His ~ame.

==- -=- =o.---

~· -2__ 1!.

~ --~- ;;; :; ... ----:.. ':J.•

:A ,.... me, And ho - ly __ IS His Name.

! _l l _l J

:a = ::::il::lall[ ... tl ~--r #f- ~ -W._ ~ I--f i-= ~ ~ r:t i~.j _L ::r ...1 _jJ. ...... =--~. = ...,,,.


r t y 1 TT(,

-------~r~~'--------seu•a Ped. '

r4 ~ =- =-· ~ ~

~ fear Him through - out_ I I ~ ::::i:i:I ~ "'"I all __ gen-er - . a - - tions.



" ~ 1 cresc. -

= ::::!'!'. ::::!'!'. = :::;[ :::;[ rs: '""--f :'II"

tl H~h;th shew - ed _L_cresc. -= •

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3 F He hath shew - ed

:0: L-J ::z: =- ~ -ei

~ 1 -I ll T


I B. M.Co. 2678


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- a - gi -

...._L _...,._ :a: 3 = :E :AA

J He hath put down the might- y 1 ::r = ~ ~ =-= ~

put dciwn , the might - y _n_

He hath

:E :E

He hiih =F =-=

el na - tion ~ ];ir • tn the hearts . put


~ ~ ~ :£ :z: z . ~ z

na - tion of their hearts. He hath put down .the

· ll -- :1 32: l ..1 ~ ~ • =-== ., ~ • -... f .. :~. a i =g_, ;J: FJ;..l ~ ~ ~. . ::!!!:'. ::!!!:'. z

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from __

alt - ed the hum - hie and ==-- -==---




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and the :k ·-'

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eJ ~ .,.-4!- - ·~ .!f!T thl1gs1 meek. He hath fill - ed the bun - gry with g;;Qa . al1d the

J_ -11l./J

:a:. :.: . =- :::J =-= ::Il tl meek. He h1th fill - ed the hun-gry whh good___:_ things, and the

_..,_ ~ - ~ _._

~ ~ _._ -- ....

~ ::e: :I!![ ::...: :::i;;:

:J: ::r r- meek. He hath fill - ed the hun-gry with _good things ,

aJ the

11_ .,.....,_ "'I.. .I --::!:§:

er ~ ~

• !J f -r t , 1:=r' 7 .J -r m-'J = : :::!!!: ..1

::!'.:~· ~ f' I 11 aensa B .M.Co. 2678

Ped. Ped.

6 _AL_ dim.e ipoco rail. __._ riten 11to i ~H

J rich He hath sent emp - }J: 'a ~

seat - tY - way, emp - a -- _LJ dim.e.J!_oco ra . ..-. ri#nuto ..J.


J (I

"""I'" - ...__,, ~ .. - fl -- - -

fl rich_ He_ hi _ sent emp -~ a - way, sent emp - ty a -

_L_ ..J. t!i_m. e .Jl![co t1 I. _.ritenuto

= .... .... ~

- _.C!: -;-~ rich_ He hath sent emp - ty a - way,_ sent emp - ty a -~ dim. ti ..J!..OCo rail. J ..J. ritenuto :..

::E: =i:.: ,.. rich 1}e hath sent e~ -ty a· - way,- sent emp - ly a -

f ~~ poco·ra . ..1 ritenuto

~ :a

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3I = ... Jl HL- ~ - mem-b'ring His mer ,.. ~ - cy, hath d~ .l. JJJIJ.11"

:z ~

CI: .. ·-i} ~ . .. . .....,. -- ~ _...

W!J· He re - mem-b'ring His mer - - - cy, hath _/, ,., ..Jl.Jl ....... JJJ:L

:a:• lie T


er w-;y. re - mem-b'r~ng His mer'!"""" - - cy, hath . .JLi ..:It. ...:::::. 1: .:a --~ :J[ ~ :.J

F' wlty. He~ re -mem-b'ringHis mer - - - cy, hath _ti · r... ...llJl..Piu lento i.J= 60' :ol ~ ' • :::i;:

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~ = ~ ...i::: ..... ~- I ~ I -y 1

1 JlJl . - _._

al I s;;--: ~L.

"". - -- -_A JlJl hol - pen His Is ,.. - ra - el, as He ..... . .., .. --

~~v!t ;;;~-~ .. .._- :::....... ..... -r, JlJl hol - pen His s - - ra - el, as He


., hol - pen His ser - - vant Is - - ra - el, as He

..LL ...... I ..Jl.

~ :::!!'.: =- =-:JI: :::!!!: ~ ::,.; :II:


fl. JlJl hol - pen His ser - vant Is - - ra - .el 1. as He

. ·w t ·- ·:or ._,,. .,, -. T -L. 1: _i_ I 1 r-: _,L L£:1 ~ ...I.I. 11 J -'IL 1.. :.... ~ ~ - ...i::: :::r: - I ' -:-I

B.M.Co. 2678

d .Jl_l ::1' 6:.. . "i: I -1 =-:

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el - prom - ~- ed to· our f6re - fa .; thee. . A - bi-a~ham;a"°J'd his _l _JL.i ... - . '-1

::::.l!I ::15: ~ :JC!: .... ['!!'

el piorri'- fs ... --- --- ' - ed - to our fore - fa , _ ther, A - bra-ham,and his j .JLi . ' _H . ',,,,, .

..... el promT - i;- - ed -lo our fore - fa - ther, A - ~a-ham,and his

~:i - '-1 a: ::r ·::r .... :J -

-F -,..,.__,, ,. -r .

_l _JL.i prom ·- is - ed · · to our fore - ~a - ther, A - bra-ham,and his ,...:...., -J ~ -. r Ir -.: - ..

~ I I !

,,,~ !:i:..Jl .1_ _._ -:HJ· _.._._ -_._ -1. ~ """j: ~- ~ ± ,.

~:a: :::!'. z . :II"

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..!Li ---= -=--=tr :;. /':'\ .. h

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seed for_ ev - - - - er. 1 .JLil

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seed for ev - . /':\It h ~ -- -=-: ::zz ::II: = 3E -::n:

• seed for. ev - - - - er. _..__JJ,_ - ,,,,:. /':'\ ' L ' ~ ::z

seed fo?" T

ev - - - - er. 1 .JLJl.. ..1 .L

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-.r . L i:: T • 7 e:::I 7 T _JJ._ 1-_ ~ 1- ± !!: ~ .,,. • ,._ ==--, I.

± 7 I i...-

;..__t em_p_o e mo 0 argamen e ::r :::!"!'. ::I ~

I It I t

-1 ::r

·::!!!! ::::!'!'.

_I _N,_ - -:a

-.,- Glo ~ ~ - !te ..... -.... -- · be .· Fa - - ther,_ lind t~ the

_H,,,. ... · ~- .. _.. __.. . - 1 • ;:mo - ~ · :i>e ~o "{Ile Ta :-mer,

:-ti - . and. to __ ille .ATempo~e - ~lto largamen~ (ttJ: 12) _

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J, !.. T_ ~ T T 1 1 Ped. B.M.Co . H'f8 r


4 p -====:: ==-:E ~ = I

::!!!!: ::JlllO :I :Ji: ~ ::zz:

1 and to the Ho - Iy Gh;;'°st. -21. --==


el + --.-. + -iF 4

_fl_ and t'.'i,. t~~ - ~ost. _L -__tt_ - -

? +· + =-= =-= ::z; - - ... Son, and to the Ho - Iy Ghost. As it was 1n the be - gin - -

__tt_ -- =-== L ~ _.. 1- J.. . =-= =-= :A

F z I

Ho - -iy it Son, and to the Ghost. As was in the be - gm - -~ .. ~- _A ~_ii - _:i_ _L _l_ .

tr 1':--r L IT

'l =r~

_l_ff~ 7 fl .• Ls J ~~ J. :i l J . ~ -

l'I' r I 'P' r r r I I I r r· ...__ -is now and ev r shall be;

is now and

is now and f.

ev er shatt:: be;


.& poco rall. -=

~==-I:'. '»» -~~ :ZOCi: =-= h· :I :I =-= ~ :n:

_! .J!2CO ;.~l/: - - _ T - men. p --= ~t:°l'.


~wLld with-ou1 efci. A-men, ~- ·~~ :::::=-A - - - - - men.

A :.L _p_oco ra~I ~ :::::::::,_=--/":'. :::ir:: I 1 =-= :& ::ii: =-= = :DI

elwo~Id with - o~t ebd. ~-rtlen, A-I - - - - men.

i poco ralf:::._ ~ -- :._ 1"" _.==--r.-. ~~ •• :Jll z :::!!!: :a: ::!!::

world with-out end. A-men, A- - - - - men.

! poco 'jff. -1-----1 -1 i :::::::a :ii;

:::&: .

e) - ... ~ ~: .. ~ ~~ ~-rrr I J ~ -r:

p pp - ~: ~ ~ _J l ...... D._ l 1_ _1.d ::;J_ L1.u1t 1 _. ~ . . .

z =-= ::I! =-= r.:. l

B. M.Co. 2678 :::r ~y I -r~ -~ -f= -0


Nunc dimittis in A • minor St._ Luke, ii . 29

Lento (J- 46)


mp con·gran espres'sion.e > - TENOR and BASS i»-• ,_... I, •• ,,_ -

Voices z!:ZE = Lord, now - let - test thou Thy

_11_ _l ::I'<;"


= =· :IL I

. ~

:IL •

If _.,,.... j,"7· v ~J1 pp(8'String tone p

I ~ 1-H ¥ ~ =-sen~ri Ped.

I I I I --,.;;::::::::: ::::;::::::"

ser-vant de-part In peace, ac cord word~ ,.---~

-111...poco cresJ'. ..-. _c---1._ 1-- 1- ~ 1!1L -1.1..~~~

..._ : :Ji!'.

¥-¥ have seen_ Thy va-tion, Which Thou hast pre -For mine eyes sal -

J_ .. _I ! J. l ---· I ·1 :JC; ~ =- :.F -II::;;c :.ii'•

el ... • ·- I -,, I 1 -. -...-: -...- -r p poco c resc. ~!I"

~ =:a ~tt ::::0: ~n ":L. -v

r . " ' Ped. sen~a Ped.

of all peo pie; To

B. M.Co. 267R

ed. pp 16' Copyright,1907,by Houghton ;_&-;C~o::-. ____ _:_ _ __.: ____ _

Copyright as.<:ig11e~ 1911., to 6. Schirmer, Boston


be a light to light - - en the Gen - - tiles, __ _ and to

poco rail.

be __ _ the Glo ry of Thy peo - - ple Is - ra- el.

Andante e tranquillo SOPRANO

oco rall.

ry be to the Fa-ther, a d to

ry be to. the

- ry be to the Fa-ther, and to


Glo - ry be to the Fa-ther,· and to

Andante e tranquillo (J=D} ;-:---.. . .

the Son, and to the

the Son, and to the

the Son, and to the

--------B; M:co. i&78

25810 ft

- ly Ghost, As it was in the be - gin- ning is now and ev - er



world with - out


world with - out end,

co rail.


- men. r,.,

- men. r,.,

- men. ocorall. ·-=-- r.-..

C5bt 6oston music a ompanp Octabo @Jacreb rou~lt

€ltntral flntbtms 1. Osgood, G. L. l. Bullard, F. F. 4. Bullard, F. F. 5. Bullard, F. F. 6. Bullard, F. F.

7. Webster, L. 11. Gounod, C. 15. Parker, H. W. 16. Goetschius, P. lO. Goetschius, P. ll. Goetschius, P.

13. Burdett, G. A. 30. Mendel880hn, F. 31. Tours, B. 31. Gounod, C. 33. Gounod, C. 35. Gounod, C. 36. Gounod, C. 37. Gounod, C. 38. Gounod, C. 39. D'lndy, V.

47. Bullard, F. F. 70. Bach, J. S.

165. Rotoli, A. 166. Little, A. E. 168. Churchill, N. 170. Burdett, G. A. 172. Smart, Roland 173. Turner, E.

l74. Turner, E. l75. Maunder, J. H. 180. Burdett, G. A. 190. Beethoven, L. van 191. Harris, C. 191. Whitehead, P.A. 195. Elliott, R. B. 256. Handel, G. F. 160. Dvorak, A. 26J. Colburn, S. C. 27!1. Protheroe, D.

0 blessed are they which love Thee (S. ~o ad lib.) .15 Immanuel's Land (A. solo) · .10 New every morning is the love (S. or T. solo) .lO Awake, my soul (A. or Bar. solo) .15 The King of Love my Shepherd ls (A. T. B. soli

Violin or 'Cello. obbl. ad lib.) .15 Cr088ing the Bar (a cappella) .15 Hold Thou my hand (S. solo, Violin obbl. ad lib.) .lO Grant, we beseech Thee (Collect) (a cappella) .10 Give ear to my words, 0 Lord (S. solo) .lO The Lord is my Shepherd .15 Teach me Thy way, 0 Lord (T. solo, Violin or

'Cello. obbl. ad lib.) .20 The dawn of earth's new Sabbath (A. solo) .15 0 rest in the Lord (Violin obbl. ad Ub.) .ll Now the day is over .15 The Cross of Calvary ~20

The Cross of Calvary (Trio for S. T. B.) .lO The Peace of God (S. A. soli) .lO Rock of Ages .20 The sands of time are sinking (S. B. soli) .20 Gentle, holy Saviour .15 0 sing unto the Lord (S. T. B. aoli. ad lib., Alto

part ad lib.) .15 Eventide .15 Grant us to do with zeal (a cappella) (Chorah) .10 Jesus only .lO Crossinlt the Bar (B. soli ad lib.) .15 I will magnify Thee (Bar., T. or M.-S. solo) .20 Be of good courage (T. and B. soli ad lib.) .lO Praise the Lord, 0 my soul .15 Sun of my soul (S. or Bar. solo ad lib., Violin

obbl. ad lib.) ..l6 0 clap your hands (S., T. or Bar. solo ad lib.) • 20 0 worship the-King (S. solo ad lib.) .16 From every stormy wind (A. solo) .15 Hear, 0 Lord, when I cry .lO I will pour out my Spirit (S. B. soli) .20 Blessed of the Lord (S. or T. solo, B. solo ad lib.) .lt 0 how amiable (S. or T. solo ad lib.) .15 Holy art Thou (Largo) (S. solo ad lib.) .1~

149th Psalm .30 0 Lamb of God (A. B. soli) .lO The Trees and the Master (a cappella) .15

C5bt eoston Olusit ao., e.>ston, mass. €1. @jcbinntt, X nc., QelD gork