Magnetic therapy for pain relief




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Magnetic therapy has a very ancient history

dating back to thousands of years. It

is said to have originated in China and later became

popular all over the world.

Magnetic therapy was used by people of the olden times to

alleviate pain because magnets were believed to

possess therapeutic properties.

Magnetic therapy was found losing its

popularity towards the end of World War II, the

reason for this being the discovery of


However, by the end of the nineteenth century,

magnetic therapy was revived and became a

popular method of alternative medicine. This

was because of the effective performance of the magnets on the human body without

causing side effects.

The medical fraternity has yet to approve of the use of

magnets in the health industry, but users of this

therapy firmly believe in its efficacy in healing pain and

promoting good sleep.

Magnets help in reducing joint pains.

People suffering from arthritis, fibromyalgia and sciatica have

gained immense relief from these painful conditions by

sleeping on magnetic mattress pads and toppers.

If you have been suffering from

sleepless nights, try using a magnetic mattress pad or

topper and you’ll see the change within a

reasonably short time.

Magnetic mattress pads refresh your body by reducing

the stress level that is an unavoidable part of everyone’s


A uniform distribution of high strength magnets

embedded in mattress pads or toppers facilitates direct

contact with your body thereby assisting in pain

reduction and better sleep.

Woolrest Biomag specializes in the manufacture of

super soft woolen mattress pads and toppers with and

without magnets.

The mattress pads and toppers are made from the finest wool got from Downs sheep in Australia and New

Zealand. The rare combination of luxurious wool

and high strength magnets provide comfortable sleep and gives you excellent pain relief.

For more information about magnetic

mattress pads and toppers, visit