Magazine Part 1



This part of my magazine is my first few pages and then half of the principles of design

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Life at the

Crystal Coast

Featuring:Emerald Isle

Atlantic BeachMorehead City


90 ShapesExploring shapes by negative and positive spaces and color contrasting between objects.


Crystal CoastContents

74 LightLighting rooms and spaces of the crystal coast.

14 BalanceShown through the equilibrium of architecture and designs.

28 EmphasisSeen with contrasting colors and emphasizing an object.


  On the Cover - Beaufort Waterfront

4 Principles of Design Scale Proportion Balance Rhythm Emphasis Harmony Massing

46 Elements of Design Line Shape Volume Texture Color Light Form Contents Photographs Locations:

Contents Left: Atlantic Beach, NCContents Top: Atlantic Beach, NCContents Middle: Fort Macon, NC

In this magazine, the principles and elements of design will be shown through many examples of beach interiors and architecture. The beach is such a relaxing and calm place and design seems to be every where you look! Design is every where from the stores to the sea shells. The concepts of the elements and principles of design can be found anywhere and it’s great to find it at the beach and on vacations.

Concepts of Crystal Coast: November

1 Atlantic Beach, NC

WWhen I was 14 years old, my parents decided to redesign and add on to a section of our home. They let me redesign my room how I wanted while also helping with their part of the house. I had a blank room that I could do whatever I wanted to; to me the possibilities were endless. I’ve always been good at drawing, designing and hands-on projects ever since I could remember; and when I got to help redesign our house I was so excited. I began to realize that I was being inspired by everything I saw. I had so many ideas filling my head that I just didn’t know what to do with myself. That’s when I decided I’d love to design for the rest of my life!

I’ve also grown up around the beach, every summer since I was an infant we spent weeks there. Playing in the water, building sand castles, going to the cute stores, and tanning has been my summer goals every year since I can remember. I absolutely love the beach and traveling any time I can. I hope through this magazine we discover together the principles and elements on design while experiencing the relaxation and beauty of the Crystal Coast of North Carolina.

Until next time…

From the Editor: November

For whatever we lose,It’s always our self we find in the sea.

~ e.e. cummings




EmphasisHarmony Massing


PPrinciplesOf Design


ScaleCrystal Coast

Defined as size in relation to an accepted unit of measure. Scale can be actual or relative size and visual weight. Scale is generally categorized as small or light, medium, large or heavy weight. Selecting furnishings that are in scale with one another is a main goal of interior designs.


6Fort Macon, NC


Crystal Coast: Scale

Human Scale


Emerald Isle, NC

Human scale is defined as the size of a structure compared to actual human size. You can see how big this green chair is compared the human in this



Crystal Coast: Scale

Symbolic Scale


Atlantic Beach, NC

Symbolic scale is defined as the structure or item showing significant size to symbolize importance. This house is very large showing the importance of the structure.

ProportionDefined as the size relationships of parts within a whole. Also proportion is closely related to scale and is usually expressed in terms of the size relationship of parts to one another and to the whole

Crystal Coast



Atlantic Beach, NC

Crystal Coast: Proportion

Good Proportion


IIn this above image the windows are in proportion with the rest of the building. The building is a taller,

thinner shaped building and the windows show direct proportion by repeating the tall and thin


Beaufort, NC

Objects not in Proportion


Crystal Coast: Proportion

TThe picture above shows a house that’s windows are not in perfect proportion with the scale of the


Atlantic Beach, NC

BalanceCrystal Coast

Defined as equilibrium, or the arrangement of objects physically or visually to reach a state of stability and poise.



Swansboro, NC


Crystal Coast: Balance

Structural Symmetry


Salter Path, NC

In this image structural symmetry is shown in the building because the structure on the left side is a

mirror image to the right side of the structure.

Atlantic Beach, NC

Crystal Coast: Balance

Visual Asymmetry


Atlantic Beach, NC

AsymmetryAlso known or defined as an informal balance. Even though not formally balanced by the mirror image of the other side of the structure, the structure can still be balanced by contrast. Contrast in weight, color, brightness, or size can balance an asymmetrical structure.

Atlantic Beach, NC

TThis image shows asymmetrical balance because the structure is not a direct mirror image of the left and right sides. The structure however is balanced

by weight in the size of sections of the structure.

Crystal Coast: Balance

Visual Radial Symmetry


RRadial symmetry is shown by a circular structure with a central

point. Even though structures show many elements, sea life and natural things as well can show elements in

their structures.

T The image above shows radial symmetry in the sand-dollar. There is a center focal point, while the rest of the shell radiates out from the center.

IIn the above image all of the sea shells have radial symmetry in their own ways. All have particular central points, however not all are

perfect symmetrical balance.

Crystal Coast: Balance

Structural Radial Symmetry


Cape Hatteras, NC

Cape Hatteras, NC

TThe image above, of the inside of Cape Hatteras Lighthouse, shows

structural radial symmetry because the center of the image is a focal point and

the stair case radiates outward. The right image is a sky view of the

lighthouse showing the full lighthouse, which shows the radial structure.

Vertical BalanceCrystal Coast: Balance


I In the above image shows the vertical balance through the repetitive vertical lines in the structures. Even though there is mostly vertical lines in the image the amount of vertical lines in the structure balances.

Beaufort, NC

Crystal Coast: Balance

Horizontal Balance


Fort Macon, NC

T The above image shows horizontal balance through the relationship of the structures weight

and horizontal repetitive lines in the structure. Like in the left image, even though there is mainly

horizontal lines in the image there are enough vertical lines to balance out the structure.

RhythmCrystal Coast

The concept of rhythm is familiar in music as the beat that continually carry along the melody. Also defined as a regular pulsation. Can be made by repetition or contrast of principles and elements.



Fort Macon, NC

Crystal Coast: Rhythm



Emerald Isle, NC

Emerald Isle, NC

R Repetition can create rhythm by repeating the same elements in a row. In the left image the benches create rhythm by being repeated.

The image on the left is a photograph of the seats on the Emerald Isle, Bogue Inlet Pier, where people can sit and go fishing.

Crystal Coast: Rhythm



Fort Macon, NC

Fort Macon, NC

T The image to the right is showing a climatic rhythm because the door ways are

repeating up until a climax, which is also the focal

point of the image. These door ways lead to secret rooms the soldiers used

during wars at Fort Macon.

Crystal Coast: Rhythm



Atlantic Beach, NC

I In the above image the houses show a contrast in color but are also unity by their differences, which is another way of creating rhythm.

Crystal Coast: Rhythm



Fort Macon, NC

T The repetition of the small window cut outs in the wall structure creates a flowing rhythm from window to window.

Fort Macon Construction FactsFort Macon was built out of brick and stone, designed with five sides and houses 26 vaulted rooms. The outer walls are 4.5-feet

thick to protect those inside from intruders and pirates.

Read more: Fort Macon, North Carolina Facts |

Defined as the creation of a focal point. In visual design, the point toward which the eye turns immediately. Can be created through any element of design, light, lines, or contrast.

EmphasisCrystal Coast


28Atlantic Beach, NC

Crystal Coast: Emphasis

Visual Focal Point


Beaufort, NC

T The flower pot in the above image creates a visual focal point. This is created by the color contrast, almost centered point, and line structure created by the image.

Crystal Coast: Rhythm

Structural Focal Point


Fort Macon, NC

T The entry way of the structure in the above image creates a structural focal point. This is created by line, color, and textures making this area the focal point of the image.