MAGASCENE February & March 2015




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The lively FREE magazine for Epping, Theydon Bois, Loughton & Buckhurst Hill FEBRUARY & MARCH 2015

MEET THE FURRY FACES of St Clare Hospice Winter Walkies




In this issue

4 And another thing….Liar, liar, parents on fire

6 Epping-Eppingen town twinning

8 Fitness Yoga expands

10 New Stage One theatre school opens at DNA Studios

12 Children’s puzzle fun

14 The secret to sleek and shiny hair at Tikadi

16-17 Ask Brenda. Chores

18 Win tickets to Soul Legend at Harlow Playhouse

20 Ask Brenda. Is my husband having an affair?

26 St Clare Hospice spring raffle. Win a Suzuki car. COVER STARS Meet Peanut and Daisy, furry faces of Winter Walkies

27 St Clare Hospice Winter Walkies

29-31 Clubs, societies and event listings

April & May 2015: Deadline The deadline for advertisement bookings and submitting club or event listings is March 13th. For details call 01992 814621 or 07738 383299 or email to request a media pack.

W elcome to our first edition of 2015. Christmas seems a distant memory, although the prospect of long, balmy evenings seems a long way off. A very

long way off.

Still, the next couple of months are chock-full of occasions, enough to keep any stationer busy, with a card for every one. (Wasted on me, I am afraid, as I prefer a blank card every time. Just blank on the inside, mind). If anyone is reading this and wondering what occasions are coming up, let me make this very easy for you. There is Valentine’s Day on February 14th and Mothering Sunday on March 15th. If you have children, you might also be persuaded to get the frying pan out on (… hastily checks calendar) February 18th for Shrove Tuesday. You won’t find me searching the aisles of Tesco for a quick mix, no siree, as the proportions of milk, flour to egg are indelibly marked in the recipe section of my brain. And let’s not forget the clocks going forward an hour on the last Sunday in March, which this year is March 29th. There goes the lie in, but all hail the longer evenings.

St Clare Hospice has a very special spring raffle this year, in celebration of their 25 year anniversary. They are offering a top prize of a Suzuki car, and a second prize of £1,000 cash. There are over 20 runners up prizes too, so please be sure to support the hospice, as they would like to raise £40,000. We are also really pleased to be featuring two special pooches on the front cover, Peanut and Daisy. They were voted winners via the hospice’s Facebook campaign, to find the furry faces of this year’s Winter Walkies. The event takes place on Sunday February 22nd and please see pages 26 and 27 for more details.

If you have any event in April or May you would like to promote, please submit your listing by email to no later than March 13th. Thank you. Jane

Editor / Publisher Jane Smith

Proofreading Amanda Green Grammatically Correct

Contributors Sue de Nime Brenda Clowes Joyce Eldridge

Email Telephone 01992 814621 Mobile 07738 383299 Web

Magascene is published independently. Whilst every care has been taken to ensure that the data in this publication is accurate, neither the publisher nor its editorial contributors can accept, and hereby disclaim, any liability to any party to loss or damage caused by errors or omissions resulting from negligence, accident or any other cause. The publisher does not officially endorse any advertising material included within this publication. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be repro-duced, stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted in any form without the prior permission of the publisher. By placing an advert advertisers agree to the terms and conditions (see for full advertising terms and conditions).

6 4


/magascene /eppingmagascene



Q uestions. My five year old is like every other five year old: incessantly interested in stuff that

technically, he has no rights to be interested in. Death. Santa's job for the other 364 days of the year. Who the Tooth Fairy really is. Why a bagel has a hole in the middle. Who made the Earth. What glass is made from. I am being continuously probed for information, opinion and facts that quite frankly, I am ill-equipped to deliver. Who does he think I am, Wiki-flipping-pedia? And on hearing these questions, I am struck by the classic parenting dilemma: to lie, or not to lie? There is a school of thought that says you should never lie to your kids. I have come across these Truth Sayers, and they fill me with dread and a grudging respect. In theory, I think it is a great strategy. However, I seem to have set up my flimsy parenting tent in the field marked 'Make It All Up as You Go Along'. Lies tend to fall out of my mouth like toast crumbs round a toddler's high chair. Firstly, there are the Cultural Lies. I am more than happy to tell these, as it was not me who thought them up and so I am utterly blameless in this particular lie. Cultural Lies are the ones that are part of our deception inheritance. Santa, for example. Most of the population know he does not exist, but still lie about this to anyone under about four foot high. Which is fine by me. And then there are the Functional Lies. These lies are the grease that keeps the cogs of your day spent with your children turning. A favourite Functional Lie involves those wretched children's magazines - the ones with gaudy plastic tat heat-sealed onto their covers with industrial glue, the strength of which is inversely proportionate to the toys themselves, that break within ten minutes of wrestling them out of the packaging. "Oh, sorry," I say to my hopeful son, "I don't have any coins with me today." Hah, in your face CBeebies phone, with your pretend buttons and wonky stickers. I win. And no parental lying armoury would be complete without the Big Them Up Lies. These are the lies we tell when asked to respond to the latest piece of 'artwork' our offspring has created. I am not expecting my son to create masterpieces. But really, some of the stuff he

throws together looks like it has been... well, thrown together. "Look mummy," he says, wielding a crinkled sheet of paper, which is buckling under the weight of three pots of paint applied seemingly randomly and in a great hurry. I do not have the heart to say anything other than a great, fat Big Them Up Lie. "That's great!" There is a pause as I try to think of a good enough Functional Lie to prevent it being stuck on the fridge. And so to another of my favourites: Obedience Lies. This, I fear, is the last bastion of mediocre parenting; they are lies that force your child to behave. One that I used to use regularly was designed to get my son to sit properly in his car seat. "If you don't sit straight and I drive off and a policeman sees you, he'll put you in jail." Now, I am not proud of my reliance on Obedience Lies. But it does mean we get to the shops before they shut. Finally, we have the Ejector Seat Lies - lies deployed as an answer to a question of such profundity that you can see a fatal conversational pile-up heading towards you. "How did the baby get in your tummy, mummy?" I always consider telling the truth with these sorts of questions, but do I really want to explain the mechanics of baby-making to a five year old? I quickly push the Ejector Seat Lie button. "It grew from a seed." The trick with Ejector Seat Lies, given that they are created in haste and do not stand up to further scrutiny, is to then create a diversion. At this juncture, there is only one parental weapon left at your disposal: "Would you like some chocolate buttons?"

Sue de Nime, aka Jodie Newman, also writes a blog at or follow on Twitter for non-parenting advice @MotheringFright

And another thing… Liar liar, parents on fire Sue de Nime



T he Epping-Eppingen Association is a town twinning Epping and the beautiful town of

Eppingen in southern Germany. Members are looking forward to another year of promoting friend-ship between our two communities.

Events planned for 2015 include a language course in Eppingen from 9th to 16th June. As well as German lessons, a visit to Trier and other cultural visits will be included. For those not interested in learning German, a weekend visit for the town festival in July is possible. Epping members will also welcome visitors from Eppingen at the end of September. We hope this will be as successful as 2014 when we welcomed Eppingen visitors. They had a diverse week of events experiencing a backstage visit to Covent Garden, a tour of Cambridge, a Tudor re-enactment at Kentwell Hall, a town sustainability exhibition, bakery lessons and of course a genuine English tea party, all to complement their English lessons. Our Eppingen friends even participated in the Epping Christmas tree event at St

John’s Church by producing home-made German decorations for our Christmas tree.

Social activities are planned throughout the year, often emphasising our interest in all things German. 2015 will be kicked off by a German wine tasting event trying the Wurtemberg wines which are produced in the Eppingen region.

The self-funded partnership, now in its 32nd year, charges a family membership of £5; well worth the fee for the extensive fun and opportunities it provides. New members are always surprised by the over-whelming hospitality and intriguing mix of events offered by our friends in Eppingen.

Interested in finding out more? Visit our website at or give Joy a ring on 01279 428622. Photo: Fachwerkhaus, Eppingen

Twin Peaks Cultural exchange and language opportunities with Epping’s German twin town

By Joyce Eldridge



U nlike the girth of its participants, Fitness Yoga is expanding. The popular class, a firm fixture at Theydon Bois Primary School on

Monday evenings, is now also available at the Youth & Community Centre in the village on Thursday mornings.

Lucilla Sallabank’s Fitness Yoga classes provide a revitalising and relaxing workout, which include a blend of yoga-based posture, traditional stretching, core exercises from Pilates, balance work and a final relaxation section. The classes are taught to relaxing music.

Lucilla has been a fitness instructor since 1991 and has taught group exercise since. Her experience stretches to classic aerobics, step, body conditioning and circuits, as well as spinning, body pump, core stability and yoga classes. She has extensive experience in health clubs and the corporate sector, from working on the gym floor to personal training.

Since 2008, Lucilla has been teaching fitness classes in the community in Chingford and Theydon Bois. Lucilla’s aim is to educate and help participants enjoy the benefits of injury-free exercise, with a strong emphasis on technique, posture, and quality of movement.

Fitness Yoga is available on Thursdays 9.30am to 10.30am at the Youth & Community Centre, Loughton Lane, Theydon Bois CM16 7DY and also on Mondays 7pm to 8pm at Theydon Bois Primary School, Orchard Drive, Theydon Bois CM16 7DH. For more information, call Lucilla on 07956 695077 or visit

Relax. Yoga in the community expands

Theydon Bois Friends of Cancer Research UK


March 20th, 2015 7.30pm for 8pm prompt start


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S tage One Theatre School has been running for 25 years, and is celebrating with the opening of

a new school at the DNA Studios, Gunpowder Mills, Waltham Abbey.

This new centre has the perfect facilities for a theatre school, with two mirrored studios. What’s more, the studio is conveniently located just 10 minutes from Epping, Loughton and Chingford.

The new school will run on a Saturday morning for ages 3 - 18 years. Classes will cover dance, drama, singing, musical theatre, LAMDA, PTD exam work and performance.

To be part of this exciting, new Stage One school, call the office for an information pack on 01992 651222.

Mirror, mirror on the wall. Are you the fairest theatre

school of them all…?




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The secret to sleek and shiny hair is at your local TIKADI salon

T he new KeraStraight KS Complex Treatment, which is revolutionising the hair industry, is now

available at the award-winning Tikadi salons. Recognised as one of the must-have treatments for frizz-free hair, Tikadi is now the latest UK salon offering this innovative same day Brazilian straightening treat-ment to their customers. This now adds to the salons’ smoothing and straightening service offerings, which also includes NanoKeratin. What’s so different about this treatment, when NanoKeratin is already available? Unlike other keratin treatments that are available on the UK market, all three KeraStraight variants use a low PH protein, and take between 2-4 hours, depending on hair length, leaving hair in optimum condition for up to four months, without the use of harsh chemicals. NanoKeratin, a more traditional treatment, is a great option for those who aren’t time sensitive. Owner Michael Mehmet explains, “We’re so pleased to have introduced this ground-breaking treatment into

our salons. It’s a treatment that women have been desperate for; the ability to have salon fabulous hair at home, all the time.” KeraStraight is the ultimate time-saving treatment, which allows you to wake to stunning hair every day. Greater manageability, shine and smoothness are only a few hours away, so what are you waiting for? Banish frizz and fly-aways for good with KeraStraight. Call the team at Tikadi Theydon Bois on 01992 815700, Tikadi Ongar on 01277 366775 or drop in to find out more. The experienced stylist team looks forward to seeing you. Enjoy NanoKeratin treatments from £120 and KeraStraight from £180.


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Lakeside 5 bedroom, 4 bathroom villa - sleeps up to 12 – peaceful, upmarket resort Extra large pool deck with covered lanai, hot tub – WiFi – free phone calls to UK

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Book direct with the owners. We want you to have a great holiday. We are always pleased to share the benefit of our experience on flights, park tickets, itinerary, restaurants, days out.

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Ask Brenda

Relationship advice from Brenda Clowes MBACP COSRT


C an you tell me what it is reasonable to expect my partner to do when it comes to chores? I thought when we moved into the flat he would share the jobs with me but it hasn't worked out

like that. If I ask him to do something he will do that one job and then expect praise for it. I have to do all the thinking, organising and most of the housework, as well as a full time responsible job and if I say something he tells me to stop nagging. Anon, Loughton

Brenda replies

How unjust, frustrating and disappointing. It sounds as though you and your boyfriend had very different expectations on this. Often expectations are things you didn't know you had until they are not fulfilled. You may have thought that equality rules now, and he may have thought that things would be like they were at home with mum. It is time for a serious conversation about how you are both feeling now you have lived in the flat together for a while.

Choose a suitable place, at the table or maybe out walking, and a time when you will not be interrupted (mobile phones off) to talk about what you were each expecting from the relationship, what you are feeling, what you think is working well and what is not.

I suggest you use a listening method that we teach new counsellors. You each take a turn at being Speaker and Listener. First Speaker speaks for 3 minutes, uninterrupted, timed by the Listener, not a moment less, not a moment more. The Listener does not say anything just gives steady eye contact. When the Speaker has taken all 3 minutes, the Listener's task is to reflect back to you what they heard. “I heard you say this and this and this” in words that are as close to the original as they can remember. If something is not repeated back, or has been changed, the Speaker repeats the phrase. Now it is the turn of the other to be Speaker going through the same process. The emphasis on accurate listening in order to reflect back stops the impulse to jump in. It also gives the less vocal person the time to explore what they really think.

When you have been listened to and understood there is often a flurry of ideas about how to change. There is still an assumption that the home is the woman's domain. Is it possible to have an equal part-nership running the home? Is it useful to have one person in charge?

It is an area of living that causes all sorts of strong feelings mostly to do with fairness.

If you are both working and contributing financially why shouldn't the chores be shared? If you are the sole bread winner and your partner is looking after the home and children, you may draw the line at coming home and tackling the housework in a major way. When we play sport or games there are always rules which define what we can and can’t do. How come such a big issue as living together has so few helpful rules or guidelines?

How many of us have a conversation about the management of the home and who does what before moving in? Calling a meeting with an agenda, ‘what, where, who, when, how and how often’ might seem too prescribed, robotic and unromantic.

When my 3 children were in their teens, out of frustration one holiday I wrote down a list of 6 jobs. The rule was that they chose in turn until they had two each and then added their own bedrooms. I was astonished at how competitive they were, how much fun they made of it and how well they did it. Needless to say it lost its spell and wasn't repeated too often but I wonder if somewhere in there are the seeds of an adult system.

What do you think?

What are your views? How would you reply to this reader’s problem? Why not email your thoughts to and we may publish your reply in the next edition. With thanks to Brenda Clowes. T 020 8505 8328 / M 07943 335954.


Couple Counselling in Buckhurst Hill

Brenda Clowes MBACP, COSRT

Individual counselling also available

Tel. 020 8505 8328 Mobile 07943 335954



Last edition’s problem: Readers’ replies

Is my husband having an affair?

“I have a very stressful job which involves some travel and my husband has been taking on more of the childcare. Recently he has been distant and I’m worried because he has been keeping his mobile phone with him all the time, even when he wakes up and goes to the bathroom. Do you think he could be having an affair?”

T here could be a number of reasons why your husband is distant. It may not necessarily be the

case that he is actually having an affair. Your concern that he constantly keeps his phone with him doesn't hold much weight. Most people are glued to their phones these days! I usually always take my phone with me to the bathroom too. So that's not strong enough evidence that he is playing away. You say he is distant. Is he like this with everyone or just with you? How is he in himself? Is he working or has he become a house husband? Sometimes a change in role can be stressful and lead to depression and/or anxiety. This is even more understandable if he was used to being the main breadwinner in providing for his family. Maybe his ego has taken a bit of a dent?

You sound like you are a busy lady doing all this travelling while raising a young family. Is it possible you are a bit stressed? Sometimes when we are stressed our minds can more easily play tricks on us. We are less likely to have anxious thoughts when we are less stressed. And no doubt because of your work commitments there is less time for your family. Relationships do need maintenance I’m afraid, but I do appreciate how challenging it must be for you to be close with your husband what with all your travelling. Maybe the bond has weakened a bit because of this, hence why he seems distant. Perhaps it’s worth investing more effort into your relationship. Could you stay in touch by Skype while you are away? And what about making sure you make quality time for yourselves when you are home? Maybe you could try scheduling regular “date nights” away from your kids to reignite the romance. If the relationship is worth saving, then it’s worth investing effort into, to keep the flames of love alive.

Mrs T, Coopersale

I don’t think your husband’s love affair with his mobile is proof enough that he is having an affair. I

wonder if you are finding yourself in a position of temptation, meeting interesting people through your work and staying away from home in the anonymity of hotels? No wonder you are quick to transfer the feelings of guilt onto him. I agree with Brenda that you have an inkling that something has happened in your marriage. I think it is reasonable to assume his self-esteem has taken a knock and the social benefits for mothers meeting other mothers do not seem to be there for fathers. I always like what Jonathan Ross says, “The family that plays together, stays together.” Park the suspicion and make a life neither of you would wish to lose.

Clare, Loughton


WIN tickets to see SOUL LEGENDS Harlow Playhouse, Thursday 5 March 2015 ~ 7.30pm






B illed as “the feel good show of the year”, brand-new smash-hit, stateside spectacular Soul Leg-

ends is coming to town.

Boasting that it “Features more soul classics than any other production” songs from Aretha Franklin, James Brown, Tina Turner, Wilson Pickett, Sam and Dave, Michael Jackson, Barry White, George Benson, Lionel Richie, Sam and Dave, Eddie Floyd, Chaka Khan, Edwin Starr, Earth Wind and Fire, The Emotions, Kool & the Gang, The Pointer Sisters and many more are among the 32-song score.

Show producer Michael Taylor says: “It’s all aboard the sensational soul train show of the year.

“We embark from soul’s heady Sixties origins, steaming, non-stop, through to the present day via everyone’s favourite seventies and eighties dance classics.”

Michael says that only a production featuring an all-star cast, truly gifted musicians, elaborately

authentic costumes and jaw-dropping choreography could do justice to the passion and fervour of everyone’s favourite soul classics.

These include: Respect, Soul Man, Ain’t Nobody, Knock On Wood, Midnight Hour, Proud Mary, You’re My First My Last My Everything, Best Of My Love, River Deep Mountain High, Ain’t No Stopping Us Now, Beat It, Three Times a Lady, Get Down on It, I Feel Good and many, many more.

For your chance to win a pair of tickets to Soul Legends at the Harlow Playhouse on March 9th, all you need to do is answer the following question:

Which soul legend is known for singing the classic, ‘Midnight Hour’? Email your entry to and include ‘Soul Legends’ in your subject header. Competition closes February 20th. Terms and conditions can be found at


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Smart Net Essex celebrates 4th anniversary

F or those who are personally responsible for building their business, sole traders and small to

medium sized business owners in particular, networking is rarely embraced with anything other than dread. It looks like the days the dandruff-yielding, polyester-suited salesmen who thrust business cards into reluctant palms is long gone, thanks to set ups like Smart Net Essex, that take the pain out of busi-ness networking. Launched in February 2011, Smart Net Essex is a business group for men and women, who meet once a month for a lively, productive and informal lunch. The group’s co-founders, virtual assistant Julie Pearce, accountant Fiona Sagoo and magazine publisher Jane Smtih, recognised that although business networking had helped them enormously, particularly in the early years of running their respective businesses, they knew many men and women in business who could not commit either logistically or financially to membership-only groups. Some couldn’t even find a group they were allowed to join, either because so many are gender specific, or imposed a non-competitive caveat and their profession was already represented. So began Smart Net Essex. The initial aim of Smart Net was to help start-ups, but it soon became clear that the winning format worked for those with established businesses too. Many types of professions and business sectors are represented, from web and search engine experts, through to wellbeing coaches, graphic designers, PRs, copywriters, photographers and plumbers. (Smart Net has got the Jewson lot!). Four years on, Smart Net Essex continues to support people in business, by offering a meeting environ-ment that allows everyone to share business know-how and first-hand experience with each other. The pay-as-you-go set up means that members are not committed to attending every meeting, nor do they pay an annual fee. A ten minute talk, usually from a regular member, adds to the debate and sharing of know-how. Who knew that favicons, the subject of

January’s talk, could spark such interest and debate (particularly as over half the group at the outset did not know what they were). There is always some-thing new to learn, even for those who have been running businesses for many years. The group meets in a private room at the Blue Boar restaurant in Abridge on the second Thursday of the month between 12pm and 2pm, with the exception of August. The fee of £18, payable on the day in cash, includes a hot lunch and tea/coffee. If you are interested in coming along, please book in advance with Julie Pearce, telephone 07843 260186 or email: Smart Net is also happy to add your name to a mailing reminder for forthcoming meetings. To register for this, please visit the Smart Net website at Next meeting: February 12th, 2015, 12pm to 2pm at the Blue Boar restaurant, Abridge, Essex RM4 1UA



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April & May deadline: March 13

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SmartNet Essex

Launched in February 2011, SmartNet Essex business network-ing lunches provide lively debate and support to men and women in business. What’s more, the meetings are Pay As You Go, so there are no nasty membership fees to pay.

We meet on the 2nd Thursday of the month at the Blue Boar, Abridge RM4 1UA. Next meeting February 12th

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Car to be won in hospice raffle

A top prize of a Suzuki car worth £7,500 is up for grabs in the St Clare Hospice spring raffle. The

hospice celebrates its 25th anniversary this year, and so they have pulled out all the stops to offer the best-ever line up of prizes, teaming up with Harlow-based Insight Private Finance, to give away the keys to a silver Suzuki Alto, as well as 24 other prizes (including a £1,000 cash prize).

This year, the Hastingwood-based hospice is hoping to raise £40K from the raffle, meaning every ticket sold continues to provide compassionate care and support to local people and their loved ones.

St Clare lottery manager Caron Lakey said, “St Clare’s passion and purpose is to be there for those facing the difficult journey of living with a life-limiting illness and your support enables us to provide our specialist care.”

The 25 lucky winners will be picked by a special guest during the grand draw at the Harvey Centre, Harlow on March 21st at 2pm. Tickets cost £2 each and are on sale until March 23rd from all eight of the St Clare Hospice shops, as well as St Clare’s reception and other outlets.

Photo: St Clare lottery manager Caron Lakey and Kevin Smith from Hilton Suzuki dealership in Spellbrook

Perfect pooches Peanut and Daisy will be taking the lead when St Clare Hospice holds its popular Winter Walkies on Sunday, February 22nd.

The cute canines are the furry faces of this year’s fundraising event after

they won a Facebook competition to find a top dog to star on the charity’s posters, leaflets and other promotional material in the run up to the sponsored 5km countryside walk. From beagles and boxers, to collies and cocker spaniels, almost

90 handsome hounds and pretty pups entered the online competi-tion, with both Peanut and Daisy winning more than 300 votes each.

They were invited to the Hospice with their owners, Claire Hands and Nicola Parker, for a special photo shoot with Pawtrait of Your Pet photographer, Vikki Lince.

Peanut and Daisy will be setting off at the head of the Winter Walkies pack when the pooch parade leaves the Hospice at 11am. Anyone can join the walk, whether they are a pet owner or not.

Registration for Winter Walkies is £10 for adults, £5 for children or £27.50 for two adults and two chil-dren. For more information, call the St Clare fundraising team on 01279 773750, email: or visit

Peanut and Daisy take the lead for Winter Walkies

Photo: Vikki Lince



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All aspects of gardening

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EPPING QUAKERS Meeting for Worship

Sundays 10.30-11.30

Everyone is welcome to join us

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(Opposite Council Offices)

Hall and Rooms for Hire Details on our website


Supplying transport across the district to the elderly, the disabled or those who are rurally isolated.


Drivers with their own car Office support staff


Call 01992 56515


Alpine Garden Society—Epping Forest Group. Second Tuesday of the month at Theydon Bois Village Hall CM16 7ER at 8pm.

The Avenue Lawn Tennis Club. 18 The Avenue, Loughton IG10 4PT. Club sessions: Men—Thursdays 5.30pm and Sunday mornings; Ladies—Tuesdays at 5.30pm; Mixed—Thursdays 11am to 1pm, Fridays 6.30pm, Saturday and Sunday 1.30pm. The club has teams in both the South West Essex (men’s, ladies and mixed) and Essex leagues (men). Contact Lynda Wyles on 0208 505 4704 or email

Badminton Club. We are looking for (mature) players to join our badminton club. We meet on Monday evenings at 8pm at Debden Park High School’s Sports Hall. Please contact Alan on 020 8508 6306.

Book Club. Meet locally once a month. Call Linda on 01992 571178.

Buckhurst Hill Bowls Club. 72 Epping New Road, Buckhurst Hill IG9 5TX. If you are looking for a local, friendly bowls club, please call the Secretary John Pretty 0208 505 3973. Open 7 days a week.

Buckhurst Hill Community Association. Over 80 classes and work-shops held in the friendly and welcoming setting of Bedford House. Day, evening classes: Aerobics, Art, Bridge, Calligraphy, Creative Writing, Family History, Needlecraft, Piano, Pottery, Printmaking, Rambles, Sculpture in Clay, Yoga/Yoga for Pregnancy/Baby Yoga. Saturday workshops: Abstract Art, Art History, Autumn Light (ART), Beaded Earrings, Children’s Art, Collage, Digital Photography, Flow-er Painting, Portrait Photography, Print into Clay, Printmaking (Woodcut/Silkscreen), Repeat Patterns (Art), Watercolour from the Greats, Watercolour (Tricks and Textures). Tel 020 8504 6668.

Chigwell & Epping Forest Orienteering Club. Bored with just Running? In pain from too much running on roads? Try running through forests and having to work out where to go. There is a local event about once a month. For more details ring Helen on 020 8502 1629, or visit

Chigwell Floral Art Group. Victory Hall 2-4pm every third Thursday of the month. Demonstrations, cream teas and workshops. For further information call Carol on 0208 505 2716, or email

Children’s Yoga Classes in Epping and North Weald. For children aged 2 upwards. Contact Amy Bramble on 07841 378364 or visit for more details.

Dance classes for children from 2 years. Illusions Dance Academy. Melody Bear Ballet, Tip Tap Ballet & Groovy Moves (pre-school classes), ISTD Modern, Tap and Ballet, Street Dance. Taught by professional and qualified teachers. Classes Epping & Loughton. Call 07784 449231 or 07849 946193.

Drum Tuition. All styles: Pop, rock, jazz, Latin, blues...Beginners to advanced. All ages welcome. Call 07803 893722.

Epping Art Society. Art Appreciation evenings, 2nd Wednesday of the month at Pelly Court, Hemnall Street, Epping. Call Robin 01992 572077. Members £2, non-members £3. Practical evenings are run the first Friday evening of the month, at 7.30pm for 2 hours at the Methodist Church Hall, Epping.

Epping Bowls Club, Lower Bury Lane. New members welcome to join our friendly, local club. Regular tuition sessions take place for beginners. Contact Anne Munro: 01992 561164.

Epping Cricket Club. Three Saturday sides and a Sunday team and colts cricket for boys and girls. Contact Matthew Barrett 07877 923151 or email:

Epping-Eppingen Twin Town Association. Exciting cultural, school, musical and personal exchanges with our active and friendly twinned town in southern Germany. Contact Joy Eldridge on 01279 428622.

Epping Football Club, Stonards Hill, Epping. If you are interested in joining the club, contact Steve Allen on 07932 532694, Graham Sly on 07973 530148 or Tracy Wilkinson on 07738 089251. Email: or visit

Epping Forest Centenary Trust. Providing practical conservation sessions in Epping Forest for groups, including special needs groups, community groups and youth groups. Call Epping Forest Centenary Trust on 0208 508 9061, email or visit

Epping Forest District Badger Group. 3rd Monday of the month at Hemnall Street Social club, Epping at 8pm. Find out more about the existence and secret life of badgers, and their preservation. Contact 01992 756038.

Epping Forest & District Stamp Club. 2nd Tuesday of month at the Dining Room, Roding Valley High School, Loughton. New members and beginners always welcome. Keith Smith 020 8505 5620.

Epping Forest Group of the Alpine Garden Society. Non-members are welcome. For further information please contact the Group Secretary: Keith Ballard on 01992 813231 / email:

Epping Forest HP (Walking) Group. We are a walking group who walk in Epping, Redbridge and sometimes London each week. Walks start at 10.30am. There is no charge to join walks, optional membership of £4. Social evenings, coach trips and holidays. Email:

Epping Forest Outdoor Group. Are you a walker or a cyclist? Like to enjoy a more varied outdoor and social life? 8.30pm Thursdays, ROVSCO Hall, 72 Hollybush Hill, E11 1PX. Weekends away, day activities and social events. Call Secretary Ken 020 8524 3960.

Epping Forest Rotary Club. Garnon Bushes, Coopersale on Tuesday evenings for meal and regular speaker. If you want to join other business and community minded men and women please contact Telephone 01992 814105

The Epping Horticultural Society. Share gardening tips and enjoy our social events throughout the year. Annual membership £2 and discounts available at the trading hut on the Meadow Road allotment site (Sunday mornings 10am to 12pm). Contact Christine Burgess 01992 577020.

Epping Tennis Club Lower Bury Lane. 4 all weather courts (3 flood-lit). New members welcome—Lessons and coaching available. Visit or call 01992 575602.

Exercise with Me: Exercise for Free!!! Power walking group in Buckhurst Hill, weekday evenings, meet outside The Toby Carvery, 5k distance approx. Call/text 07706 700 666 or go to for further details.

Forest Creative Writers. 12.45pm to 2.45pm, Thursdays at Loughton Library. Intending new members invited to first free taster session. Contact Pete Relph on 0208 508 6313.

Friends of Swaines Green. Regular conservation days on Swaines Green, Epping. See our website for details or contact Carol on 01992 575366.

Guitar Lessons—Learn to play guitar. All ages, abilities and styles. Experienced local teacher. Christian Karlsson 07958 471083. Email:

The A-Z of Clubs and Societies


Herts & Essex Architectural Research Society. Fourth Friday of the month at 8pm, Church Hall, Loughton Methodist Church, 260 Loughton High Road. Call 020 8508 2512 for more details or visit

Homeopathy. Natural health with Jan and Jennie Fox. Available at treatment rooms in Bababoom, High Road, Loughton (for infants, children and mums-to-be). Also Asyro bio-feedback available. Please call 07988 211977 for information or to make a booking.

Jo Jingles. Monday Epping 10am Over 2s and 11am Babies from 3 months to 2 years. Monday Theydon Bois 3:15pm Mixed ages (babies-5years old). Tuesday Harlow 9:30am Over 2s and 10:30am Walking-2years. Call Lucy on 01279 868410 or email:

Karate. Classes for adults and children in Epping, Loughton, Theydon Bois and Nazeing. Contact Sensei Andy Major 07941 164544, email More details at

Laughter Workout (Laughter Yoga). Laughter is a great stress buster and has many scientifically proven health benefits. The body does not know the difference between real and pretend laughter, you still get the same benefits. We have a Loughton Group and for details of forthcoming workshops, please visit for more information.

Lee Valley Friends Rambling Association Group. Specialising in short weekend walks, mainly in West Essex and some London walks. Call 020 8529 1602 or visit

Loughton Astronomical Society (LAS). New members welcome. Thursday 8pm at Scout Hut, Theydon Bois. Tel. 01992 815804. Also, junior section, Theydon Bois AstroKyds for 6-14 year-olds meet 2nd Friday of month (term time), 6.30pm to 8pm at St. Mary’s Parish Hall, Theydon Bois.

Loughton Bridge Club. Monday and Wednesday at Oak View School, Whitehills Road, Loughton IG10 1TS. 7.15pm for 7.30pm start. We run a host system so you can come without a partner. Further details at

Loughton Camera Club. Lopping Hall, Loughton. Every Wednesday 8pm-10pm. New members welcome. Contact John Banks 020 8508 4199.

Loughton Folk Club. Thursday from 8pm at Loughton Club, 8 Station Road, Loughton IG10 4NX. Parking front and rear. Email: or call Jill Coombes 0776 214 6623.

Messy Days. Mother and Toddler Group, Mondays and Fridays 10am to 11am. St Mary’s Church Hall, Theydon Bois. Come along for some messy fun. £4.50 per session. Discount for second child. Pre-school Learning accreditation. Ring Lindsay on 01992 814487.

Petanque (Boules). Epping Horizons Petanque Club. Saturdays and Mondays at 1.30pm on Stonards Hill Recreation Ground. New members always welcome. To arrange a taster session call Peter Lumb 01992 571744 or visit

Piano Club. Loughton Methodist Church. Wednesdays 10am-12noon. Contact Rea Camus on 01992 571773. We are a group of keen amateur pianists who enjoy making music together and having fun. All standards welcome.

Probus Club of Loughton. Fourth Tuesday every month for lunch and interesting talks from a speaker. For further information please contact Derek Allen on 020 8504 3074.

Probus Forest. Probus Club is actively seeking new members. Monthly meetings and lunch on second Friday 12.30pm at County Hotel, Oak Hill, Woodford Green. Please contact the Secretary or call 020 8529 6500.

Rotary Club of Loughton and Buckhurst Hill. The Blue Boar, Abridge, RM4 1UA. On Thursdays at 1pm (1st and 3rd Thursdays) and 6.30pm (2nd and 4th Thursdays). For further details call A Harvey on 01992 572867 or visit

South West Essex Choir. Welcomes new members. Loughton Methodist Church, High Road, Loughton IG10 1RB on Tuesdays 7.45pm-10pm. No audition is necessary. Please contact Mary McElarney on 01992 812606 or

St John Ambulance—Epping Community First Responders. Help to save lives. Full training given. Please contact Sandra Newman on 01992 572545 for more details.

Tappy Toes. Fun and creative dance and movement classes for girls and boys aged 20 months to 41/2 years. Classes in Epping, Loughton and Ongar. Tel 01992 265306, or email

Theydon Jazz Club. All welcome. Top-flight traditional jazz bands every Monday 8pm to 10.30pm at Theydon Bois Golf Club, Theydon Road, CM16 4EH. For more information call Dave and Sheila Dyer 01992 588325 or visit

Upshire Short Mat Bowls. Upshire Village Hall. Mondays from 2pm to 5pm and Tuesday and Wednesday evenings 7pm to 10pm. Contacts: Monday; David 01992 715129, Tuesday; Fred 01992 711720 and Wednes-day; Dave 01992 711573. Everyone welcome. No experience necessary.

WEA Loughton & Epping Branch. Details from and leaflets in libraries. Phone Bettie Bock, 020 8508 4919 or e-mail:

West Essex Flower Club. Thornwood Village Hall, Weald Lane. Second Monday of each month (except January and August) from 1.45pm. Visitors and new members always welcome. Contact the Club Secretary for further details on 01992 577036.

West Essex Ramblers. Walk every Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday & Sunday. Most walks countryside, some London. About 10 coach ram-bles Apr-Oct. Each year have a British & foreign walking holiday. For a sample programme, call 020 8502 1628.

Woodford and District Floral Arrangement Group. Every third Monday of the month in the Churchill Room at Wanstead Library, Spratt Hall Road, E11. Doors open at 6.45pm for a prompt 7.30pm start. Guest floral demonstrator every month, raffle and refreshments. Visitors always welcome to join for a small fee of £4.

Yoga. Private or semi private yoga classes in your home or work, in and around the Epping area. Please call/text Louise on 07771 995533 for more information.

Yoga. Classes and workshops for all levels in Epping and North Weald, Monday to Saturday. Contact Amy on 07841 378364 or visit for more details.

Yoga (Fitness Yoga). Mondays 7pm to 8pm at Theydon Bois Primary School, Orchard Drive, CM16 7DH. NEW CLASS Thursdays 9.30am to 10.30am at Youth & Community Centre, Loughton Lane, Theydon Bois, CM16 7JY. Yoga based postures, traditional stretching, core exercises from Pilates, balance work and a final relaxation section. Contact Lucilla on 07956 695077 or visit for more details.

Yoga (Vinyasa & Hatha). Private classes in Epping & Buckhurst Hill 07725 653682.

(Ivenga) Yoga. Lindsay Street, Epping. Monday evenings from 6pm. Please contact Dorothy on 01992 574623.

Zumba Fitness. Mondays St Michael’s Church, Loughton 8pm to 9pm; Tuesdays Theydon Bois Primary School 7pm-8pm; Fridays Loughton Club 10am-11am. Email or call Laura 07581 673998 or Lisa 07775 553722.

The A-Z of Clubs and Societies


Community & event listings

Support Groups Al-Anon FAMILY GROUPS. For friends and family of alcoholics Email: Helpline 020 7403 0888 (10am—10pm).

Breathe Easy in Harlow & Epping Forest. Second Tuesday of the month at the Purford Green Community Centre, Purford Green, Harlow CM18 6HP, between 2pm and 4pm. For enquiries, please call 01992 573387. Breathe Easy is the support group of The British Lung Foundation British Lung Foundation direct helpline 03000 030 555.

Parkinson’s UK—Harlow & District Branch. David Livingstone Club, 11 Potter Street, CM17 9AE every Wednesday 11am-3pm. On the first Wednesday of each month there is a speaker from 1pm to 3pm. For more information contact Branch Secretary, Corinne, on 07982 094194 or email: All welcome.

Doctors Surgeries Dr Lowry & Partners. High Street, Epping 0844 5769797. The Limes Medical Centre, The Plain, Epping. Appointments/Emergencies/Cancellations 01992 573 838. The Limes Medical Centre, Theydon Bois Branch. Thrifts Mead 01992 812 450.

Hospitals Princess Alexandra Hospital, Harlow. 01279 444 455. St Margaret’s Hospital, Epping. 01992 561 666. NHS Direct. 111.

Therapies Craniosacral Therapy Clinic. The Limes Medical Centre, The Plain, Epping. Contact Liam Hurley on 07941 621887.

Hydrotherapy. Class run by a Chartered Physiotherapist at Loughton Leisure Centre on Tuesdays 1pm to 1.30pm. £9.00 per class. Call Jayne on 07963 349754 for further details and booking.

Osteopath. Epping Osteopathic & Sports Injuries Clinic, The Limes Medical Centre, Theydon Bois 01992 815 166.

Physiotherapist. Appointments available at Theydon Bois Pharmacy, 10 Forest Drive, Theydon Bois CM16 7EY. Contact Jayne Gould, Chartered Physiotherapist, on 07963 349754.

Station Road Wellness Centre. Osteopathy, Chiropody, massage, reflexology, Reiki. 12 Station Road, Epping. Tel. 01992 570003.

Care Services Bluebird Care – provides a full range of care services from shopping and companionship to full personal care including live-in care 24 hours per day, 365 days per year. Bluebird Care Redbridge Office 0208 989 8444. Bluebird Care Brentwood Office 01277 230 763. Bluebird Care Chelmsford Office 01245 263 962.

Sports Centres & Fitness Studios Concept Fitness UK. 224b High Street, Epping 01992 579050. Epping Sports Centre. 25 Hemnall Street 01992 564 564. Loughton Leisure Centre. Traps Hill, Loughton 01992 564 574. Waltham Abbey Swimming Pool. Roundhills 01992 716 733.

Events EppNet. Business Networking. Wednesday morning for breakfast, 7.15am to 9am at The Bell Hotel, Epping. Email or call Vincent Goode on 07931 580031.

Essex Society for Family History Harlow Branch. First Saturday of the month at 2.15pm in The Arc (St John’s Church) Old Harlow, CM17 0AJ. Meetings consist of a speaker for 1 hour then tea/coffee and questions to the speaker. £1.50 donation for non-members.

FAB—Fabulous and Beautiful. If you are undergoing chemotherapy or have recently finished treatment, charity FAB, which runs a three hour session on the first Monday of the month at St. Margaret’s Hospital in Epping (11am to 2pm) may be just the tonic. Please call Laura Jones on 01279 827396.

Farmers’ Market organised by the Loughton Residents’ Association on the first Sunday of the month. Centric Parade, High Road, Loughton. 9am-2pm.

Music at Marigolds Jazz Club. Harlow Cricket Club, Chippingfield, Old Harlow, CM17 0DJ. Enquiries 01279 414174/421763. Doors open 7.30pm. Price guide £7-£8. Feb 13 Backporch Feb 27 Vasilis Xeonopoulos with the Ted Beaument Trio Mar 13 The Untouchables Mar 27 The Quentin Collins Quintet

SmartNet Essex. Informal, monthly lunch meetings for business men and women at the Blue Boar, Abridge. We meet on the second Thursday of the month, 12pm to 2pm. Call Julie to book on 07843 260 186 or email:

South West Essex Choir. Bach—Mass in B Minor, March 21st at 7.30pm. All Saints’ Church, Inmans Road, Woodford Green IG8 0NH. Tickets 0208 554 2830 or via the website

The Nearness of Spring. Songs Sacred and Secular, Serious and Sprightly by de Merc Chamber choir. Saturday March 14th at 7.30pm. All Saints’ Church, High Laver CM5 0DY. Light interval refreshments available. Tickets £10 on the door, or by calling 01277 890209 / 890241.

Theydon Bois Drama Society presents ‘The Ladykillers’. March 12th, 13th and 14th at 8pm, Theydon Bois Village Hall. Tickets £8.50. Box office 01992 812250.

Theydon Bois Friends of Cancer Research UK. QUIZ NIGHT, March 20th, 7.30pm for 8pm prompt start. Theydon Bois Village Hall. Fish/chicken & chips supper. Bring your own drinks and glasses. Tickets £13.50 from 01992 614008 / 07908 227476.

Please send April and May listings to by March 13th, 2015.

Theydon Bois Drama Society Presents

The Ladykillers March 12th, 13th & 14th at 8pm

The Ladykillers is a classic black comedy; a sweet little old lady, alone in her house, is pitted against a gang of criminal misfits who will stop at nothing. Posing as amateur musicians, Professor Marcus and his gang rent rooms in the lopsided house of sweet but strict Mrs Wilberforce. The villains plot to involve her, unwittingly, in Marcus' brilliantly conceived heist job. The police are left stumped but Mrs Wilberforce becomes wise to their ruse and Marcus concludes that there is only one way to keep the old lady quiet. With only her parrot, General Gordon, to help her, Mrs Wilberforce is alone with five

desperate men. But who will be forced to face the music?

THEYDON BOIS VILLAGE HALL Box Office 01992 812250 Tickets £8.50