Insidemaestros Carlos Rulfi y Jorge Vignales, quienes señalan que “era un anhelo muy grande que...


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Inside6 Eastern Tango32 Central Tango34 Mountain Tango36 Pacific Tango4 Tango Lyrics14 Homenaje16 Tango News20 Photo Gallery24 Mitos y Leyendas22 Face to Face



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ReporTango, The Tango Magazine is distributed bi-monthly free-of-charge. A one-year subscription (6 issues) in the US is available for $24. Interna-tional susbscription for one year (6 issues) is available for $36. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmited in any form or by any means without written permission from the editor. All the information in this magazine is correct at the time of going to press. Please be advised that some events are subject to change. ReporTango recommends to contact the event’s organizers to confirm the information on these pages. Don’t forget to visit us on line at for the most up-to-date information about Tango in the US. ReporTango, The Tango Magazine and are trademarks of ReporTango LTD. All rights reserved. Copyright © 2000/2007 ReporTango

RT STAFF:Publisher / Editor:Carlos Quiroga carlos@reportango.comContributing Writers:Pamela Saichann, Lexa RoséanCorrespondent in Buenos Aires:Sergio Soldati sergio@reportango.comTranslation & Proofreading:Jennifer WesnouskyLayout Design:Pamela SaichannWebmaster:Carcu webmaster@reportango.comContact Us for AdvertisingIn the US: (212) 244-7720En Argentina: Perla Schlosman(15) 5114-2917perla@reportango.comPrinted by PUBLIMAX PRINTING66-15 Traffic Ave., Ridgewood, NY 11385 Tel. (718) 366-7133 Fax (718) 366-7136www.publimaxprinting.comReporTangoPO Box 8122, JAF StationNew York, NY 10116-8122Phone-Fax: (212) 244-7720www.reportango.comreportango@reportango.comReporTango, The Tango Magazine,Your Premier Source for Tangoin North America and reportango.comare trademarks of REPORTANGO LTD.All rights reserved.Copyright © 2000-2009 ReporTango

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Attempting to modernize the offering for tourists in the City of Buenos Aires, six double-decker, roofless bus-es are now traversing Bue-nos Aires’ main attractions. The long two-hour-and-forty-minute voyages, under the direction of the company, Buenos Aires Bus, make twelve stops and have tour guides in different languages.

The complete tour, to which one gains access for twen-ty-five pesos for a one-day pass or thirty-five pesos for a two-day pass, visits Diagonal Norte and Florida, Plaza de Mayo, Congreso, Monserrat, San Telmo, La Boca, the Ecological Reserve, Puerto Madero, Plaza San Martín, Rosedal de Palermo, Plaza Italia and Re-coleta and ends up on Lavalle and Libertad.

The buses have headphones and tour guides in various languages and each unit has a capacity for approxi-mately seventy passengers. There are a total of six bus-es running every half hour every day starting at 9:00 a.m. during high season and from 9:30 a.m. during low season with the last one leaving at 5:30 p.m.


The City of La Plata, the capital of the province of Buenos Aires, has been the origin of quite a few tango references. And now, after its decades of “silence,” it once again has its own Mu-nicipal Tango Orchestra.

The orchestra is directed by the maestros, Carlos Rulfi and Jorge Vignales, who indicate that “it was a very big desire that we had since 1989. We are very happy because we do not only consider tango as a cultural expression but also that as a genre that identifies us in the whole world. Something very much our own that has got to get into the people’s hearts.”

Since its inauguration, the orchestra has already per-formed at more than 30 events, attracting more than


Intentando modernizar la oferta turística de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, unos seis micros de dos pisos sin techo, ya recorren los principales lugares de atracción porteños. El periplo de 2 horas y 40 minutos, a cargo de la empre-sa Buenos Aires Bus, contempla

unas 12 paradas y cuenta con guía turística en distintos idiomas.

El recorrido completo, al que se accede por unos 25 pe-sos por un pase de un día o 35 pesos por el pase de dos días, visita Diagonal Norte y Florida, Plaza de Mayo, Congreso, Monserrat, San Telmo, La Boca, Reserva Ecológica, Puerto Madero, Plaza San Martín, Rosedal de Palermo, Plaza Italia, Recoleta y finaliza en Lavalle y Libertad.

Los micros cuentan con auriculares y guía turística en distintos idiomas y cada unidad tiene una capacidad de 70 pasajeros aproximadamente. Van a circular en total seis micros todos los días, desde las 9 en temporada alta y desde las 9.30 en temporada baja, y el último va a partir a las 17.30, con una frecuencia de media hora.

EL TANGO PLATENSELa Ciudad de La Plata, la capital de la provincia de Buenos Aires, ha sido cuna de unos cuantos ref-erentes tangueros. Y ahora, tras dos décadas de “silencio”, ha vuelto a tener su propia Orquesta Municipal de Tango.

La orquesta es dirigida por los maestros Carlos Rulfi y Jorge

Vignales, quienes señalan que “era un anhelo muy grande que teníamos desde 1989. Estamos muy con-tentos porque no sólo consideramos al tango como una expresión cultural sino que es un género que nos iden-tifica en el mundo entero. Algo muy nuestro y que tiene que llegar al corazón del pueblo.”

Desde su inauguración, la orquesta ya se ha presentado en más de 30 eventos, convocando en marzo último a

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5,000 last March at the Plaza Moreno for the festivities for the 125th anniversary of the headquarters for the newspaper, Diario El Día. “These events serve to test ourselves in terms of what we are able give; what our limit is. Despite having begun not too long ago, we have had great results,” declare the excited directors.


The cities of Buenos Aires and Montevideo united recently to celebrate the show, “Tango en Bares y Cafés de dos Orillas” (“Tango at Bars and Cafés on Two Coasts”). The Uruguayan singer, Malena Muyala, and the group from Buenos Aires, La Vásquez Band, began the run in Montevideo, which continued in notable bars in the cities of Buenos Aires and the Uruguayan capital.

The main goal of this collaboration between Buenos Aires and Montevideo is to preserve and enrich the River Plate tango communities, they explained from the Culture Ministry of Buenos Aires, while indicat-ing that their starting point is to propose tango in the creation of the Representative List of Intangible Cul-tural Heritage of Humanity created by the United Na-tions Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).


Homage will be permanently paid to Astor Piazzolla at the intersection of the avenues, Callao and Del Libertador, through a commemorative sculptural piece. The piece, which will be called “Gotan-go,” was created by Carlos Alberto Martínez, who won the Urban Art Contest which paid tribute to the musician from Mar de Plata.

The awarding of prizes, at which the pre-selected piec-es were exhibited and the winner was recognized, en-joyed the presence of Laura Escalada, the musician’s widow, recognized composer and President of the As-tor Piazzolla Foundation, the maestro Horacio Ferrer and some legislators from Buenos Aires as well.

According to the jury’s criteria, “Gotango” was the piece that best reflected the life and work of Astor Pi-azzolla, the master of modern tango.

más de 5 mil personas en la central Plaza Moreno por los festejos del 125 aniversario del local Diario El Día. “Estos eventos sirven para probarnos a nosotros mis-mos qué es lo que podemos dar; cuál es nuestro límite. A pesar de haber empezado hace poco, hemos tenido muy buena repercusión” manifiestan ilusionados los



Las ciudades de Buenos Aires y de Montevideo se unieron re-cientemente para celebrar el es-pectáculo Tango en Bares y Ca-fés de dos Orillas. La cantante uruguaya Malena Muyala y el conjunto porteño La Vásquez Band inauguraron el ciclo en

Montevideo, que prosiguió en bares notables de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires y de la capital uruguaya.

El objetivo principal de esta integración entre Buenos Aires y Montevideo es preservar y enriquecer las co-munidades tangueras del Río de la Plata, explicaron desde el ministerio de Cultura de Buenos Aires, al tiempo que señalaron que el punto culminante es la postulación del Tango para integrar la Lista del Patri-monio Cultural Inmaterial de la Humanidad, elaborada por la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura (UNESCO).

TIBUTO A PIAZZOLLAAstor Piazzolla será permanen-temente homenajeado en la in-tersección de las avenidas Cal-lao y Del Libertador, mediante una obra escultural conmemo-rativa. La pieza, que lleva el nombre de “Gotango”, fue real-izada por Carlos Alberto Mar-tínez, quien resultó ganador del Concurso de Arte Urbano en

homenaje al músico marplatense.

La entrega de premios, en la que se exhibieron las obras preseleccionadas y se reconoció al ganador, contó con la presencia de Laura Escalada, viuda del músico y compositor homenajeado y Presidenta de la Fundación Astor Piazzolla; del maestro Horacio Fer-rer; y de algunos legisladores porteños.

A criterio del jurado, “Gotango” fue la obra que mejor reflejó la esencia de la vida y obra de Astor Piazzolla, maestro del tango moderno.

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Madero Tango is in a premiere phase. It recently re-launched its dinner show hand in hand with “Puerto Buenos Aires,” a show which is centered on a trip between two archetypes of the tango world, the old and new Puerto Maderos, as well as on nostalgia and renovation, emotions which inspired those times. .

The show, which includes the singers, Raúl Lavié and Patricia Sosa, the dancers, Maximiliano Guerra and Mora Godoy and a quintet directed by the maestro, Humberto Ridolfi, among others- traverses those first places to serve as muses for tango poetry. The evolu-tion continues toward the current more contemporary and modern horizon, and lays out fusions of genres which, hand in hand with technology, anticipate a mix-ture in the digital and electronic era within a futuristic framework.

The show runs from Monday to Sunday (two shows on Saturdays) at 10:00 p.m. Dinner is served at 8:30pm. Reservations (for the dinner show starting from $195 and $95 for just the show) can be made in advance by phone: (011) 5239-3009 or on the internet at


Madero Tango anda de es-treno. Relanzó recientemente su cena-show de la mano de “Puerto Buenos Aires”, una propuesta que se centra en un viaje entre el Viejo y el Nuevo Puerto -dos arquetípicos del mundo tanguero- a través de la nostalgia y la renovación, emociones que inspiraron esas épocas.

El espectáculo -que cuenta con la presencia de los can-tantes Raúl Lavié y Patricia Sosa, los bailarines Maxi-miliano Guerra y Mora Godoy, y un quinteto dirigido por el maestro Humberto Ridolfi, entre otros- transita aquellos primeros parajes que sirvieron de musa a la lírica tanguera. Sigue su evolución hacia el horizonte actual, más contemporáneo y moderno, y divisa fu-siones de géneros que de la mano de la tecnología an-ticipan una mixtura en la era digital y electrónica en un marco futurista.

El show va de Lunes a Domingo (Sábados, dos fun-ciones) a las 10pm. La cena se sirve a las 8:30pm. Las reservas (cena-show desde $195 y $95 por el show únicamente) hacerse previamente por teléfono: (011) 5239-3009, o bien desde

LyricsALMA DE BOHEMIO (Tango - 1929)Música de Roberto Firpo Letra de Juan Andrés Caruso

Peregrino y soñador,cantar,quiero mi fantasíay la loca poesíaque hay en mi corazón!Lleno de amor y de alegría,volcaré mi pasion.

Siempre sentí la dulce ilusiónde estar viviendomi pasión.

Si es que no vivo lo que sueñoYo sueño todo lo que canto,por eso mi encanto es el amor.Mi pobre alma de bohemioquiero acariciary como una florperfumar.

Y en mis noches de dolora hablarme voy con las estrellas,y las cosas más bellasdespierto he de soñar.Porque les confío a ellastoda mi sed de amar.

Siempre sentíla dulce ilusiónde estar viviendomi pasión.

Yo busco en los ojos celestesy en renegridas cabelleraspasiones sinceras,dulce emoción.Y en mi eterna vida errantellena de ilusión,yo quiero dar todomi corazón.

ALMA DE BOHEMIO (Tango - 1929)Music by Roberto Firpo Lyrics by Juan Andrés Caruso

Traveler and dreamer,to sing,I want to sing my fantasyand the mad poetrythat there is in my heart!Filled with love and joy,I’ll empty out my passion.

I always felt the sweet illusionto be living my passion.

If I don’t live what I dreamI dream all that I sing,that’s why my charmis love.My poor bohemian soul I want to caress and like a flowerpermeate with perfume.

And in my nights of painto speak I go to speak with the stars,and the most beautiful thingsawake, I’m going to dream Because I trust in them all my thirst for love.

I always felt the sweet illusionto be livingmy passion.

I look for in the light blue eyesand in black long hairs;sincere passions, sweet emotion.And in my eternal wandering lifefilled with illusion, I want to give allmy heart.

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NationalCelebration!Milonga LA Nacional, an icon of NYC’s Tango

scene, celebrated its 12th anniversary, and we were invited for some cake!

It was April 1997. There he was, Ubaldo “Coco” Ar-regui, in search of that “special place” to make his

dream happen at full force. In the words of Coco him-self, “a place where people feel at ease.” That place turned out to be the Sociedad Benéfica Española de So-corros Mutuos (Spanish Benevolent Mutual Aid Soci-ety) “La Nacional” at 239 West 14th St. in Manhattan.

It was then that Coco invited Juan Pablo Vicente to join the Project to form a team that ended up creating “a harmonious formula” which has allowed them to put on La Nacional every Thursday for the last twelve years. Juan Pablo realizes that he had never done any-thing in his life for so long. “Not a job, not clothes, not shoes; nothing has lasted me so many years as La Nacional”. From then on, New York’s tango lovers have found in La Nacional an almost religious weekly appointment.

And, it is just that entering La Nacional is like entering into a familiar environment, even though one might be there for the first time. There is something that- maybe even more so for those who have had the chance to visit the milongas of Buenos Aires- seems irreparably familiar. Juan Pablo says that the original idea was to put on something “just like a milonga from a neighbor-hood in Argentina”. Although, to get to that point, it to go through various transformations. “When we got

Corría el mes de abril de 1997. Allí andaba, Ubaldo “Coco” Arregui, en la búsqueda de ese ‘lugar es-

pecial’ en el cual dar rienda suelta a su sueño. Según palabras del mismo Coco, “un lugar donde la gente se sintiese a gusto”. Ese lugar resultó ser la Sociedad Benéfica Española de Socorros Mutuos “La Nacional” en el 239 Oeste de la Calle 14 de Manhattan.

Fue entonces que Coco invitó a Juan Pablo Vicente a sumarse al proyecto, para formar un binomio que ter-minó resultando en “una formula de armonía” que les ha permitido llevar adelante La Nacional, cada jueves por los últimos 12 años. Juan Pablo re-conoce no haber hecho nada en su vida por tanto tiempo. “Ni trabajo, ni trajes, ni zapatos, nada me ha durado tantos años como La Nacional”. De ahí en más, los neoyorquinos amantes del tango han hal-lado allí una cita sema-nal casi religiosa.

Aunque se esté allí por primera vez, en-trar a La Nacional es como ingresar a un ambiente conocido. Hay algo que suena irremediablemente familiar. Juan Pablo dice que la idea origi-nal era luciese “igual que una milonga de barrio de Ar-gentina”. Aunque para llegar

Cake? Juan Pablo Vicente & Coco Arregui

a ello, hubo que pasar por diversas transformaciones. “¡Cuando llegamos no había nada! Teníamos 3 cen-tímetros de tierra y un escritorio de metal para que el DJ pasara música y nada más”.

Hoy, las luces que adornan el salón “son la represent-ación de la quermés, o el corso de ayer en mi memoria, y también es lo que encontramos hoy en los barrios porteños” relata Coco, al tiempo que agrega que “las fotos tienen un mensaje porque cada una representa un aspecto del tango: los carteles son los fileteados de los colectivos y los camiones que circulan el Buenos Ai-res de todos los días; hay partituras y fotos de allá; y de

todo lo que pasó por la Nacional en estos 12 años”.

Y con el correr de los años los buenos momentos han ido acumulándose junto a los recuerdos. En su pista deslumbraron dejando el sello de su baile “Omar Vega, Facundo & Keli Posadas, Carlos Gavito, Melina Bruf-man, Miguel Ángel Zotto y muchísimos más”.

Juan Pablo no reniega del tiempo transcurrido ni de los esfuerzos que se necesitan para organizar un even-to semanal como este: “si pudiera volver 12 años atrás y con todos los dolores de cabeza a cuestas, volvería hacer todo exactamente igual”. Coco sostiene que el objetivo de La Nacional para los próximos 12 años es, sobre todo, “defender la esencia tradicional tanguera a través de la música y el baile. Aquí está lo que destaca a este rincón tanguero de las otras milongas. Es un poco -dicen muchos- como estar en Buenos Aires”.

Desde hace 12 años, su música, su atmósfera, sus lu-ces y su comida, y sobre todo, los amigos de La Nacio-nal forman una parte esencial de la geografía tanguera de New York. Coco cree con fervor que “La Nacional fue acompañada desde el comienzo por un ángel. Que para mi ¡también es tanguero!”. En el final, Juan Pablo se permite soñar: “Me encantaría comprar el edificio de al lado pero es imposible. Aunque -sobre todo- me encantaría que a pesar de que cambien muchas cosas en mi vida, La Nacional siga estando siempre ¡caiga quien caiga!”. ¡Feliz cumpleaños La Nacional!


there, there was nothing! We had three centimeters of space and a metal desk for the DJ to put music and that was it.”

Today, the lights that decorate the salon “are the rep-resentation of the popular parties in Argentina, or the course of yesterday in my memory. And, it’s also what we find today in the neighborhoods of Buenos Aires” tells Coco, while adding that the pictures have a mes-sage because “each one represents one aspect of tango: the posters are the fileteados (typical Argentinean styl-ized drawings) from the buses and trucks that circu-late every day in Buenos Aires. And there are musical scores and photos from there and from all that has gone on at La Nacional during these past twelve years.

And throughout the years, the good times and memo-ries have accumulated. On its dance floor, Omar Vega, Facundo Posadas, Carlos Gavito, Melina Brufman, Miguel Ángel Zotto and many, many others have daz-zled, leaving their mark with their dance.

Juan Pablo does not deny the no reniega del tiempo transcurrido or the efforts that are necessary to orga-nize a weekly event like this one. “If I could go back twelve years, even with all the headaches behind me, I would do it all exactly the same way”. Coco main-tains that La Nacional’s objective for the next twelve years is mainly “to defend the traditional tango essence through the music and dance. That’s what makes this tango spot stand apart from the other milongas. It’s a bit, many say, like being in Buenos Aires.”

For twelve years now, its music, its atmosphere, its lights, food and especially, La Nacional’s

friends, make up an essential part of New York’s tango geography. Coco fervently

believes that “La Nacional was accom-panied by an angel from the beginning, who, for me, is also a “tanguero!” In

the end, Juan Pablo allows himself to dream: “I would love to

buy the building next to it, but it’s impos-sible. Although, especially, I would love that in spite of many things changing in my life, La Nacio-nal keeps being there always, whatever hap-pens!

Happy Birthday, La Nacional!

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En un viejo almacénde Paseo Colón...“

Created in 1969 by Edmundo Rivero, this renowned reference for the mu-sic of the people, El Viejo Almacén, has been the stage for various tango legends in addition to being one of

the city’s obligatory destinations. Among others, Aníbal Troilo, Osvaldo Pugliese, Roberto “Polaco” Goyeneche, Horacio Salgán, Leopoldo Federico and the Sexteto Mayor have performed on its stage. And, among its mil-lions of spectators were the King and Queen of Spain, Juan Carlos and Sofía, Marcello Mastroi-anni, Josephine Baker, Joan Manuel Serrat, Julio Cortázar, Juan Manuel Fangio, Rafaella Carrá and Nobel Prize winner, Luis Federico Leloir. Consolidated as a standard for the mu-sic of our people, it was declared a Site of Cultural Interest by the Honorable Deliberating Board of Buenos Aires and honored with a stamp put out by the Argentinean Postal Service at the end of the eighties. Legend has it that in 1798, a military storehouse was erected at the corner of Arce (later Independencia) and Concepción (now Balcarce) which later, in 1840, and following several expan-sion jobs, would be transformed into the Hospi-tal Británico (British Hospital). The hospital later moved and was installed at the National Customs Office, one of Argentina’s oldest institutions. When the Triple Alliance declared war on Para-guay, the premises of the old storehouse were used to provide refuge for wounded or plague-infected fighters. With the Yellow Fever epidemic, the building was used as an asylum for the ill. Later, it began to be a “hideout” for malevos, a brothel and a conventillo with a bar in front prior to becoming a warehouse for different industries, where, in addition to selling alcoholic beverage to neighbors and Argentinean and for-eign sailors, the most diverse merchandise was sold. Around 1900, Paula Kravinik, a Rus-sian immigrant, opened the restaurant, “El Volga,” where, between drinks, singers, musicians and po-ets got together to share chords of a popular music which would make history. When Edmundo Riv-ero came upon the building, he was captivated by its location, structure and history. On May 9, 1969, Rivero founded “El Viejo Al-macén,” and part of the tango, “Sentimiento Gau-cho,” was inspired by its name: ”En un viejo al-macén de Paseo Colón donde van los que tienen perdida la fe…” (“In an old storehouse on the Paseo Colón where the people who have lost their faith go…”).

El Viejo Almacén de Balcarce e Indepen-dencia celebrará sus primeras cuatro décadas el próximo 9 de mayo. Creado en 1969 por Edmundo Rivero, recono-cido referente de la música ciudadana,

El Viejo Almacén fue escenario de verdaderas ley-endas del tango, además de ser una cita obligada en la ciudad. Por su escenario pasaron Aníbal Troilo, Osvaldo Pugliese, Roberto “Polaco” Goyeneche, Horacio Salgán, Leopoldo Federico y el Sexteto Mayor, entre otros. Y entre sus miles de especta-dores se hallan los Reyes de España -Juan Carlos y Sofía-, Marcello Mastroianni, Josephine Baker, Joan Manuel Serrat, Julio Cortázar, Juan Manuel Fangio, Rafaella Carrá y el Premio Nobel Federico Leloir. Consolidado como estandarte de nuestra música ciudadana, fue declarado Sitio de Interés Cultural por el Honorable Concejo Deliberante de Buenos Aires y honrado con una estampilla emitida por el Correo Argentino a fines de la década del ‘80. La historia cuenta que en 1798 se levantó en la esquina de Arce (luego Independencia) y Con-cepción (ahora Balcarce) un almacén de campaña, que más tarde -en 1840- y tras varios trabajos de ampliación se transformaría en el Hospital Británi-co. Luego el hospital se traslada y se instala allí la Aduana General de la Nación, una de las institu-ciones más antiguas de la Argentina. Cuando la Tri-ple Alianza declara la Guerra al Paraguay, el recinto del antiguo almacén es utilizado para refugiar a los combatientes heridos o atacados por las pestes. Con la epidemia de fiebre amarilla, el edificio se utiliza como asilo de enfermos. Luego pasaría a ser “aguantadero” de malevos, prostíbulo, conventillo con un bar al fr-ente, hasta convertirse en almacén de ramos gener-ales, donde además de vender bebidas alcohólicas a vecinos y marineros argentinos y extranjeros, se comercializan las más diversas mercaderías. Alrededor del 1900, Paula Kravinik -una inmigrante rusa- abre allí el restaurante ruso “El Volga”, donde cantores, músicos y poetas se reúnen para compartir, entre copas, los acordes de una música popular que haría historia. Cuando Ed-mundo Rivero conoce el edificio, queda cautivado por su ubicación, su estructura y antecedentes. El 9 de mayo de 1969, Rivero funda El Viejo Almacén, y para su nombre se inspira en la letra del tango Sentimiento Gaucho: ”En un viejo almacén de Paseo Colón donde van los que tienen perdida la fe…”. A través del tiempo, El Viejo Alma-cén sufre intentos de desalojos, amenazas de demolición y la reducción de una parte del edificio sobre la calle Independencia. Finalmente, la quie-

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Over time, El Viejo Almacén underwent eviction attempts, threats of demolition and the re-duction of one part of the building on Independen-cia and finally, its bankruptcy, announced at a con-ference by Jorge and Edmundo Rivero (son). Its founder, Edmundo Rivero, died of a cardiac issue on January 18, 1986 at the age of seventy-four. Ten years later, in January ‘96, Luis Veiga, then President of the Athletic Club, Argen-tinos Juniors, reopened the locale’s doors.

“EL ALMACEN” TODAY: El Viejo Almacén con-sists today not only of the original building, but also a four-floor structure with a street in between. In this recently remodeled building, all types of lunches, dinners and events take place within the tango spirit and environment. Open 365 days a year until 10:00 p.m. every night, El Viejo Alma-cén offers a traditional tango show lead by singers of such stature as Virginia Luque and Hugo Mar-cel and accompanied by a sextet and four pairs of dancers in addition to the participation of the Grupo Antara (music from the Altiplano (high plain region)). Additionally, El Viejo Almacén is the only tango house which produces “Buenos Aires Antiguo”, a show which takes place on Balcarce St. There, a group of actors dressed in antique clothing to recreate the golden decade of the forties, welcomes audience members from antique cars and interacts with them. Tango classes taught by its ar-tistic directors are also provided, as well as show tours within and outside of the coun-try. Visit

bra comercial, anunciada en conferencia por Jorge y Edmundo Rivero (hijo). Su fundador, Edmundo Rivero fallece por un problema cardíaco un 18 de enero de 1986, a los 74 años de edad. 10 años más tarde, en enero del ‘96, Luis Veiga -por entonces presidente del Club Atlético Argentinos Juniors- reabre las puertas del lugar.

EL ALMACEN HOY: El Viejo Almacén se com-pone hoy no sólo del edificio original, sino de una moderna estructura de cuatro pisos, calle de por medio. En este edificio recientemente remodelado se desarrollan todo tipo de almuerzos, cenas y even-tos con el espíritu y el entorno tanguero. Abierto los 365 días del año, todas las noches a las 10pm, El Viejo Almacén ofrece un tradicional show de tango liderado por cantantes de la talla de Virginia Luque y Hugo Marcel, acompañados por un sexteto y cua-tro parejas de bailarines, más la participación del Grupo Antara (música del Altiplano). Además, El Viejo Almacén es la única casa de tango que produce el “Buenos Aires Anti-guo”, una obra que se desarrolla en la misma calle Balcarce, donde un grupo de actores vestidos con trajes de época recrean la dorada década de los ‘40, dando la bienvenida desde autos antiguos e interac-tuando con los asistentes. También se desarrollan clases de tango dictadas por sus directores artísti-cos, como giras del espectáculo por el interior y el exterior del país.

1940 - El Viejo Almacén

... van los que tienenperdida la fe...“


Year of Release: 2009

Genre: ThrillerRating: PendingDirector: Anto-nio González-Vigil (who also wrote the script)Actors: Eduardo Blanco, María Marull, Dalia Elnecavé, Fausto Collado, Veróni-ca Bonter, andConstanza Fiardi Mazza.


Año de Estreno: 2009Género: ThrillerClasificación: PendienteDirector: Anto-nio González-Vigil (también a cargo del Guión)Intérpretes: Eduardo Blanco, María Marull, Dalia Elnecavé, Fausto Collado, Verónica Bonter, y Constanza Fi-ardi Mazza.





Presented at the 2008 annual Mál-aga Film Festival, “Naranjo en Flor” is a thriller co-produced by Spain and Argentina in which the actress, María Marull (who also

worked previously on the series, “Hermanos y Detectives” by Damián Szifrón), makes her cinematic debut along with Eduardo Blanco, recognized for his work on “El hijo de la novia,” “Luna de Avellaneda” and the televi-sion show, “Vientos de agua.”

Malena, an Argentinean psychoanalyst, feels enormous passion for tango. However, her life changes radically when, one night, she acci-dentally kills a policeman and covers up the crime. Carlos, a man of Basque origin who is known as “El Sabina” due to his admira-tion for the Spanish singer, is a man who, due to his confident nature, has been given the responsibility of investigating his colleague’s death.

From the outset, a passionate and boundless attraction arises between Malena and Carlos which drives them into a totally unexpected outcome. The two both know what the other’s role is in the accident but, deep down, they refuse to accept it. The film was written and directed by Antonio González-Vigil, a film maker who has been cultivating his produc-tion, film making and screenwriting since the early eighties.

Presentada en la edición 2008 del Festival de Cine de Málaga, “Naranjo en Flor” es un thriller co-producido entre España y Ar-gentina, en el que la actriz María

Marull (quien trabajó con anterioridad en la serie “Hermanos y Detectives” de Damián Sz-ifrón) hace su estreno cinematográfico junto a Eduardo Blanco, reconocido por su trabajo en “El hijo de la novia”, “Luna de Avellaneda” y la televisiva “Vientos de agua”.

Malena, una psicoanalista argentina, siente una enorme pasión por el tango. Aunque su vida cambia radicalmente cuando, una no-che, mata por accidente a un policía y oculta el crimen. Carlos, un hombre de origen vasco al que llaman “El Sabina” por su admiración por el cantante español, es un tipo seguro de sí mismo, por eso le han encargado investigar la muerte de su compañero.

Desde el principio, entre Malena y Carlos surge una atracción apasionada y sin límites que les conducirá a un desenlace totalmente inesperado. Los dos saben cuál es el papel del otro en el suceso, pero, en el fondo, los dos se niegan a aceptarlo. La película ha sido escrita y dirigida por Antonio González-Vigil, un cineasta que ha cultivado la producción, la realización y el guión desde principios de los años 80.

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Photo Gallery20

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Would you like to share yourTango Moments with us? Please send us your pictures at

Quiére compartir susmomentos Tangueros connosotros? Envíenos sus fotos a

21. R





Poet, journalist, playwright and cinema script writer (4 June 1900 - 24 June 1935)


He was born in Sao Paulo (Brazil) but when he was a two-month-old kid he already was in Buenos Ai-res where, later, he would attend the Colegio Nacional Mariano

Moreno. After his high school studies he began to study medicine but he quit his studies to de-vote himself to journalism. He wrote for the the-ater page of “Última Hora” with Julio F. Escobar; he later switched to El Telégrafo and thereafter to El Mundo. In the meantime he wrote texts and dialogues for different revues.

In the late 1928 Le Pera was sent to the United States and Europe by El Mundo. On his come-back he joined the movie company United Art-ists as author of the so-called subtitles. His first tango dates back to that time, “Carillón de La Merced”, which was premiered by Tania at the Teatro Victoria of Santiago de Chile and later she premiered at the “Cómico” theater of Bue-nos Aires.

In Paris where he settled later, Le Pera again met Carlos Gardel who had sung for the first time in that city on September 30, 1928. The meet-ing promoted by the movie company Paramount took place in 1932 during the third stay of Gardel in the French capital city. Le Pera became the author of all the movies that since then the singer would shoot from “La casa es seria” (Paramount, 1932) up to the respective episode of “The big broadcasting of 1936” (Paramount, 1935). Since then he wrote a great number of lyrics, most of

Nació en San Pablo (Brasil) y a la edad de dos meses se encontraba ya en Buenos Aires donde, más tarde, cursaría en el Colegio Na-cional Mariano Moreno. Cumpli-

da la enseñanza media, inició la carrera médica, pero la abandonó muy pronto para consagrarse al periodismo. Compartió, la página teatral de “Última Hora” con Julio F. Escobar; pasó luego a El Telégrafo y más tarde a El Mundo. En tanto, se iba acercando al teatro como autor de textos y diálogos revisteriles.

A fines de 1928 Le Pera fue enviado por El Mun-do a los Estados Unidos y Europa. De regreso, se vinculó a la empresa cinematográfica Artistas Unidos como autor de los llamados títulos so-breimpresos. De esa época data su primer tango, “Carillón de La Merced”, que estrenó Tania en el Teatro Victoria, de Santiago de Chile, y reestrenó en el “Cómico”, de Buenos Aires.

En París, donde se radicó más tarde, Le Pera se reencontró con Carlos Gardel, que había cantado por primera vez en aquella ciudad el 30 de septi-embre de 1928. El reencuentro, promovido por la empresa cinematográfica Paramount, se produjo en 1932, durante la tercera estancia de Gardel en la capital francesa, y Le Pera se convirtió en el autor de todas las películas que, a partir de en-tonces, rodaría el cantor, desde “La casa es seria” (Paramount, 1932), hasta el respectivo episodio de “The big broadcasting of 1936” (Paramount, 1935). Escribió, a partir de entonces, gran núme-22

. Rep



Poeta, periodista, autor teatral y cinematográfico(4 de junio de 1900 - 24 de junio de 1935)

them for tango music: they are those that Gardel sings in his movies.

In his lyrics Le Pera tried to use a language that would be understood by all the Spanish-speaking world. Then widening, in that way, the geography of tango. In fact, Gardel, with his mim-icry, broke the barriers of the language. Like every great interpreter, his language was universal. However, in spite of that we cannot underesti-mate Le Pera’s contribution, who, by launching the singer beyond the closed localism which surrounded the poetry of tango, he helped his friend by making easier his road to a vast conquest.

Certainly, had not his lyrics borne Gardel’s mu-sic and his vocals today they would not have the popularity and the prestige they have. But it is not a question of what could have happened but of what it is. Today nobody pays attention to the reiteration of his figures of speech, or even to his lexicon in order to focus on the nobility of feelings sung, the adorable nostalgia that im-pregnates many of his stanzas, the decorum of the language and the quite singular ability that allowed the author of “Volver” to reduce the lan-guage of Buenos Aires to a very expressive and, above all, under-standable lingo for all the Spanish-speaking world.aLe Pera died in Me-dellín (Colombia) on June 24, 1935 in the same accident that was deadly fatal for his part-ner Carlos Gardel.

ro de letras cantables, la mayoría de ellas para música de tango: son las que canta Gardel en sus películas.Le Pera trató de emplear, en sus letras, un lenguaje que resultara inteligible a todo el mundo hispanohablante, ampliando, de ese modo, la geografía del tango. Es cierto que Gardel, con su mímica, rompía las barreras del idi-oma. Como el de todo gran intérprete, su lenguaje era universal. Sin embargo, no por eso debe desestimarse la colaboración de Le Pera, quien, al impulsar al cantor más allá del cerrado local-

ismo en que se desenvolvía la poética del tango, contribuyó a allanarle el camino de una extensa conquista. Ciertamente si no hubieran contado sus letras con la

música y la voz de Gardel carecerían hoy de la popularidad y el prestigio que ostentan, pero no se trata de lo que pudo haber sido, sino de lo que es. Hoy no se repara en lo reiterativo de sus figu-ras, y aun de su léxico, para prestar atención a la nobleza de los sentimientos que canta, a la ador-able nostalgia que impregna muchas de sus es-trofas, al decoro del lenguaje y a la singularísima aptitud que permitió al autor de “Volver” reducir a una coiné muy expresiva y sobre todo inteli-

gible a todo el mundo hispanófono el habla de Buenos Aires.

Le Pera murió en Me-dellín (Colombia) el 24 de junio de 1935, en el mismo accidente que quitara la vida a su compañero Carlos Gardel.

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Tango StarsBy Lexa Rosean

In this issue we will use the 8 count basic as a point system to rate how your sign will fair in 8 differ-ent areas of life. Below is the legend to figure out your score. (The basic is being described from the stand-point of the leader but will apply to all)

1/ Backstep. You are sliding in this area of life. 2/ Salida. You are entering this arena in style. 3/ Forward step brushing the partners leg. This feels GOOD! 4/Another forward step. You must be more aggressive or com-petitive in this area in order to move ahead. 5/ Cruzada. Arrival at a crucial point. You are at a crossroads and need to make an im-portant decision in this area of your life. 6/ Forward step out of the cross. You have re-solved an important conflict and are sure of your direction. Guaranteed success. 7/ Side-step. You will have to dodge a bullet. Make a change of plans to get around an obstacle. 8/ Close. Rest. Relaxation. Successful completion of something important in this area of life and time for a pause.

En esta edición utilizaremos el paso básico como un sistema de ocho puntos para calificar que le pasará a tu signo en ocho aspectos diferentes de la vida. La clave de abajo te ayudará a calcular tu resultado (El paso básico se describe desde el punto de vista del hombre pero se les puede aplicar a todos).

1/ Paso para atrás. Te estás resbalando en este aspecto de tu vida. 2/ Salida. Estas en-trando en esta arena a lo grande. 3/ Paso para adelante rozando la pierna del compa-ñero/la compañera. ¡Esto se siente MUY BIEN! 4/ Otro paso para adelante. Debes ser mas agresivo/a o competitivo/a en esta ámbito para poder triunfar. 5/ El cruce. La llegada a un punto decisivo. Estás en una encrucijada y necesitas tomar una decisión importante en este aspecto de tu vida. 6/ Paso para adelante para salir del cruce. Has re-suelto un conflicto importante y estás seguro/a con respecto a tu dirección. El éxito garan-tizado. 7/ Paso al costado. Tendrás que esqui-var una bala. Cambia tus planes para evitar un obstáculo. 8/ El cierre. El descanso. La relajación. El cumplimiento exitoso de algo importante en este aspecto de la vida y el mo-mento para una pausa.

aFamily 4Health 5Love 1Money 3Reputation 8Tango 2Spiritual 7Work 6Best milonga daysMay 1, 6, 20, 29 Jun 2, 17, 25, 29

Familia 4Salud 5Amor 1Dinero 3Reputación 8Tango 2Espiritualidad 7Trabajo 6Mejores días de milonga:1, 6, 20 y 29 de mayo, 2, 17, 25 y 29 de junio

bFamily 5Health 7Love 6Money 8Reputation 3Tango 1Spiritual 4Work 2Best milon-ga days: May 8, 22, 30 Jun 4, 18, 18, 27

Familia 5Salud 7Amor 6Dinero 8Reputación 3Tango 1Espiritualidad 4Trabajo 2Mejores días de milonga: 8, 22 y 30 de mayo, 4, 18, 18 y 27 de junio




cFamily 5Health 3Love 6Money 4Reputation 7Tango 2Spiritual 8Work 1Best milonga days:May 1, 24, 25, 28 Jun 2, 22, 29

Familia 5Salud 3Amor 6Dinero 4Reputación 7Tango 2Espiritualidad 8Trabajo 1Mejores días de milonga: 1, 24, 25 y 28 de mayo, 2, 22 y 29 de junio


dFamily 4Health 1Love 2Money 3Reputation 8Tango 7Spiritual 6Work 5Best milonga days: May 8, 13, 26 Jun 4, 9, 22, 23

Familia 4Salud 1Amor 2Dinero 3Reputación 8Tango 7Espiritualidad 6Trabajo 5Mejores días de milonga: 8, 13 y 26 de mayo, 4, 9, 22 y 23 de junio

CancerTauro Cancer

26. R




eFamily 3Health 1Love 8Money 6Reputation 2Tango 5Spiritual 7Work 4Best milonga days: May 1, 10, 15, 28 Jun 6, 11, 24

Familia 3Salud 1Amor 8Dinero 6Reputación 2Tango 5Espiritualidad 7Trabajo 4Mejores días de milonga: 1, 10, 15 y 28 de mayo, 6, 11 y 24 de junio

fFamily 4Health 8Love 1Money 3Reputation 2Tango 5Spiritual 6Work 7Best milonga days: May 3, 12, 17 Jun 9, 15, 27, 28

Familia 4Salud 8Amor 1Dinero 3Reputación 2Tango 5Espiritualidad 6Trabajo 7Mejores días de milonga: 3, 12 y 17 de mayo, 9, 15, 27 y 28 de junio

gFamily 5Health 8Love 3Money 4Reputation 6Tango 2Spiritual 1Work 7Best milonga days: May 5, 16, 20 Jun 2, 12, 17, 29

Familia 5Salud 8Amor 3Dinero 4Reputación 6Tango 2Espiritualidad 1Trabajo 7Mejores días de milonga: 5, 16 y 20 de mayo, 2, 12, 17 y 29 de junio

hFamily 6Health 4Love 3Money 7Reputation 5Tango 1Spiritual 2Work 8Best milonga days: May 7, 18, 22 Jun 4, 5, 14, 19

Familia 6Salud 4Amor 3Dinero 7Reputación 5Tango 1Espiritualidad 2Trabajo 8Mejores días de milonga: 7, 18 y 22 de mayo, 4, 5, 14 y 19 de junio

iFamily 5Health 8Love 2Money 7Reputation 1Tango 4Spiritual 3Work 6Best milonga days: May 10, 20, 25 Jun 6, 7, 16, 21

Familia 5Salud 8Amor 2Dinero 7Reputación 1Tango 4Espiritualidad 3Trabajo 6Mejores días de milonga: 10, 20 y 25 de mayo, 6, 7, 16 y 21 de junio

jFamily 7Health 3Love 1Money 8Reputation 5Tango 2Spiritual 4Work 6Best milonga days: May 12, 23, 26 Jun 9, 10, 19, 23

Familia 7Salud 3Amor 1Dinero 8Reputación 5Tango 2Espiritualidad 4Trabajo 6Mejores días de milonga: 12, 23 y 26 de mayo, 9, 10, 19 y 23 de junio

kFamily 8Health 1Love 7Money 4Reputation 6Tango 3Spiritual 5Work 2Best milonga days: May 1, 16, 28 Jun 10, 11, 21, 25

Familia 8Salud 1Amor 7Dinero 4Reputación 6Tango 3Espiritualidad 5Trabajo 2Mejores días de milonga: 1, 16 y 28 de mayo, 10, 11, 21 y 25 de junio

lFamily 2Health 4Love 5Money 3Reputation 8Tango 6Spiritual 1Work 7Best milonga days:May 17, 18, 26 Jun 14, 15, 23, 27

Familia 2Salud 4Amor 5Dinero 3Reputación 8Tango 6Espiritualidad 1Trabajo 7Mejores días de milonga:17, 18 y 26 de mayo, 14, 15, 23 y 27 de junio
















Tango Stars

27. R




Ultima Copa...Andrés, the most famous

of the Calamaros, does not want to be out-

done by his brother, Javier, who, with

his unique style, re-

leased Vil-lavicio, a tango

album, some time ago.

Now, Andrés is releasing into the market

an anthology made up of 109 songs, fifty-four of them unpub-

lished. Among his great hits, improv ses-sions and covers, there will be a tango: “El día que me quieras,” sung along with soccer star, Diego Maradona.

EL TANGO DEL OTRO CALAMAROAndrés, el más famoso de los Calamaro, no quiere ser menos que su hermano Javier quien, con su particular sello, publicó hace un tiempo Villavicio, un álbum tanguero. Ahora, Andrés lanza al mercado una antología que compila 109 canciones, 54 de ellas inéditas. Entre sus grandes éxitos, sesiones de impro-visación y covers, habrá un tango: “El día que me quieras” cantado junto al astro del fútbol Diego Maradona.

“Before, many people asked themselves,

“Who is that woman com-

ing from the theater who,

on top of that, has nothing

better to do than to start

singing tangos?” recalls “La Tana” Su-

sana Rinaldi, remembering her career. Of course, I didn’t

dress up like a man to sing. I used to come out in formal attire. That’s why they looked at me funny. But now, even the

taxi driver who likes D’arienzo’s orches-tra greets me with respect. I don’t know if he likes what I do, but he knows that I represent something in the music he loves. Now, I feel recognized.”

TANA, YO TE CONOZCO“Antes, muchos se preguntaban ‘quién es esa señora que viene del teatro y encima no tiene mejor idea que ponerse a cantar tangos’, recuerda la Tana Susana Rinaldi al repasar su carrera. Claro, yo no me dis-frazaba de varón para cantar. Salía vestida de gala. Por eso me miraban raro. Ahora, el taxista al que le gusta la orquesta de D’arienzo igual me saluda con respeto. No sé si le gusta lo que hago, pero sabe que algo represento para la música que él quiere. Ahora me siento reconocida.”



28. R




Ultima Copa...

The Argentinean businessman, Juan

Fabbri, who was able to take

advantage of the boom of

tourism with the


Car-los Gardel

tango house in the Abasto neighborhood

and Tango Porteño in front of the Obelisk, recently indicated in reference to the world economic crisis that “when things are gong well, all of us are intelligent.” He furthermore remarked that

“we must assume that it will be necessary to work with losses for quite a while,” forecasting a strong downturn in the busi-ness of tango.

¿LA CRISIS LLEGA AL TANGO?El empresario argentino Juan Fabbri, quien supo aprovechar el boom del turismo desde la Esquina Carlos Gardel en el barrio del Abasto y Tango Porteño frente al Obelisco, señaló recientemente en referencia a la crisis económica mundial que “cuando las cosas van bien todos somos inteligen-tes”, al tiempo que remarcó que “hay que asumir que habrá que trabajar a pérdida durante un buen tiempo”, pronosticando un fuerte ajuste del negocio tanguero.

La Cumparsita, one of River Plate’s most

representative tangos, is no

longer a child and recently

blew out ninety-two

candles. The piece

was composed by Gerardo Matos

Rodríguez, a Uruguayan pianist and college student

and its initial recording took place at the Uruguayan bar, La Giralda, on April 19, 1917, accompanied by Roberto Firpo’s orchestra. According to Firpo, he himself added in part of his song, “La gaucha

Manuela,” to complete it. However, the one who ended up popularizing it was Carlos Gardel, who recorded it with lyrics by Pascual Contursi.

LA CUMPARSOTALa Cumparsita, uno de los tangos más emblemáticos del Río de la Plata, ya no es tan niña y acaba de soplar 92 velitas. La obra fue compuesta por Gerardo Matos Rodríguez, un pianista y estudiante uni-versitario uruguayo, y su primer registro se dio en el bar uruguayo La Giralda del 19 de abril de 1917, con la interpretación de la orquesta de Roberto Firpo. Según el propio Firpo, él mismo agregó parte de su tema ‘La gaucha Manuela’ para darle la forma final. Sin embargo, quien finalmente la popularizó fue Carlos Gardel, quien la grabó con letra de Pascual Contursi.



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SUNDAY / DOMINGOMaria José’s Practica 3pm to 6pmStepping Out Studios37 W. 26th St. (bt. 6th & Broadway) 9º Fl.(646) 742-9400Mariana’s Practica 3pm to 6pmSandra Cameron Dance Center199 Lafayette St. (bt. Broome & Kenmare) 2º Fl.(212) 431-1825Dardo & Karina’s Practica5pm to 7pmAlvin Ailey Dance Theater405 W. 55th St. (@ 9th Ave.) (646) 342-9910Esmeralda’s Tango and Tapas Milonga6:30pm to 12:30am, Lesson 6:30pmSession 73 - 1359 1st. Ave at 73rd. St. (212) 517-4445La Milonguita Ideal8pm to 12amAmerican Ballroom Dance Studio - 25 W. 31st St. (bt. 5th Ave. & Broadway) 4º Fl.(212) 244-8400MONDAY / LUNESSpark Cafe8pm to 11pm161 W. 22nd Street (bt. 6th & 7th Av.) 1º Fl. - (212) 929-3381Ensueño Tango Salon9pm to 1amLafayette Grill and Restaurant54 Franklin St. (bt. Broadway & Lafayette) - (212) 732-5600Dance Fever Studios9pm to 11pm3009 Ave. J (Bt. Nostrand Ave & E.31 St) Brooklyn(718) 253-0939Luna9:30pm to 12:30amDance Manhattan39 W. 19th St. (bt. 5th & 6th Aves.) 5º Fl. - (212) 807-0802TUESDAY / MARTESSergio & Anton’sLunchtime Practica12pm to 2pmCannon’s WalkFront St (bt. Fulton & Beekman St) - (917) 374-6449Leaders Practica6:30pm to 8pmChelsea Studios151 W. 26th St. (bt. 6th & 7th Aves.) 5º Fl.(917) 374-6449Cielo Heavenly Bamboo Pavilion8:30pm to 1:30am10 E. 39th St. (bt. Madison & 5th Ave)

(917) 841-1771You Should Be DancingPractica Y9:30pm to 12:30amYou Should Be Dancing412 Eighth Ave, 4th Fl. (at 31st St.) - (212) 244-0011Meat Market Milonga9:30pm to 1amTriangulo135 W. 20th St. (bt. 6th & 7th Aves.) 3º Fl. - (212) 633-6445Recuerdo Milonga9:30pm to 1:30amLafayette Grill and Restaurant54 Franklin St. (bt. Broadway & Lafayette) - (212) 732-5600WEDNESDAYMIERCOLESStudio E9pm to 11pmDance Manhattan39 W. 19th St. (bt. 5th & 6th Aves.) 5º Fl. - (212) 807-0802Club Sin Rumbo9pm to 12:30amMambo D Dance Center, 315 W. 36th St. - (@ 8th Ave.) # 1003 - (917) 400-2210Triangulo Guided Practica9:30pm to 11pmTriangulo135 W. 20th St. (bt. 6th & 7th Aves.) 3º Fl. - (212) 633-6445Dancesport Practica9:30pm to 12amDanceSport22 W. 34th St. 4º Fl.(212) 307-1111New Generation9:45pm to 1amLafayette Grill and Restaurant54 Franklin St. (bt. Broadway & Lafayette) - (212) 732-5600Tango Cafe10:15pm to 1amClub 412412 Eighth Ave., 4th Fl. (at 31st St.) - (212) 244-0011THURSDAY / JUEVESRecreation Center12:30pm to 2:15 pm348 E. 54th St. (bt. 1st & 2nd Aves.) - (212) NEW-YORKJean Fung’s FunTango3pm to 6pmDance Manhattan39 W. 19th St. (bt. 5th & 6th Aves.) 5º Fl. - (212) 807-0802Casa de Tango9pm to 1am, Lesson 6:30pmUkrainian East Village Restau-rant - 140 2nd Ave. (bt. 8th & 9th Sts.) - (212) 614-3283Stepping Out Practica9:30pm to 10:30pm

Stepping Out Studios37 W. 26th St. (bt. 6th & Broad-way) 9º Fl. - (646) 742-9400Jeni’s Practica 9:30pm to 12amSandra Cameron Dance Center199 Lafayette St. (bt. Broome & Kenmare) 2º Fl. (212) 431-1825La Nacional Milonga9:30pm to 1:30amLesson 7pmCentro Español La Nacional239 W. 14th St. (bt. 7th & 8th Aves.) 2º Fl. - (917) 691-6399

FRIDAY / VIERNESAfternoon Milonga4:30pm to 8:30pmTriangulo135 W. 20th St. (bt. 6th & 7th Aves.) 3º Fl. - (212) 633-6445Ivan & Sara’s Feraltango Practica 7:30pm to 9:30pmRipley Grier Studios520 8th Ave. (bt. 36th & 37th Sts) 16th Fl.DanceTango.com9pm to 2:30amLesson 7pmUkrainian East Village Restaurant140 2nd Ave. (bt. 8th & 9th Sts.) (212) 614-3283Armenonville9:30pm to 3:00amBeg. & Int. Class at 8:30pmDanceSport22 W. 34th St. 4º Fl.(212) 307-1111Pasión Milonguera1º Friday only1º Viernes solamente9pm to 1amMambo D Dance Center, 315 W. 36th St.(@ 8th Ave.) # 1003(917) 400-2210Blue Moon2º Friday only2º Viernes solamente9:30pm to 12:30amDance Manhattan39 W. 19th St. (bt. 5th & 6th Aves.) 5º Fl. - (212) 807-0802Moulin Rouge3º Friday only3º Viernes solamente9:30pm to 2amStepping Out Studios37 W. 26th St. (bt. 6th Ave. & Broadway) 9º Fl. (646) 742-9400Viernes de TangoLast Friday onlySolo último Viernes10pm to 4amBeg. lesson 9pmDance Studio 101

101 Lafayette St. (bt. Walker & White Sts.) 2º Fl. -(212) 431-7134SATURDAY / SABADOMariela Franganillo’s La Práctica 11am to 2pmDance Manhattan39 W. 19th St. (bt. 5th & 6th Aves.) 5º Fl. - (212) 807-0802Fundamentales @ Dance Manhattan 2pm to 4pmDance Manhattan39 W. 19th St. (bt. 5th & 6th Aves.) 5º Fl. - (212) 807-0802La Practica del Barrio2:30pm to 5:30pmChelsea Studios151 W. 26th St. (bt. 6th & 7th Aves.) 5º Fl. - (917) 374-6449Winter Milonga4pm to 8pmTriangulo135 W. 20th St. (bt. 6th & 7th Aves.) 3º Fl. - (212) 633-6445Armando & Nuria’s Practica4:30pm to 6:30amLafayette Grill and Restaurant54 Franklin St. (bt. Broadway & Lafayette) - (212) 732-5600Adriana & Orlando’s Practica6pm to 7pmDanceSport22 W. 34th St. 4º Fl.(212) 307-1111Practilonga 9396pm to 9:30pm939 8th Ave (@ 56th St.) Suite # 405 - (917) 686-2023New York Milonga9:30pm to 2amLafayette Grill and Restaurant54 Franklin St. (bt. Broadway & Lafayette) - (212) 732-5600Buenos Aires Tango1º Saturday only1º Sábado solamente9pm to 2amLesson at 8pm92nd Street Y1395 Lexington Ave. (at 92nd St.) - (646) 342-9910Jorge Torres’ El Embrujo1º Saturday only1º Sábado solamente9:30pm to 2amLesson 8:30pmDanceSport22 W. 34th St. 4º Fl.(212) 307-1111All Night Milonga2º Saturday only2º Sábado solamente10pm to 5amLesson at 9pmStepping Out Studios37 W. 26th St. (bt. 6th & Broadway) 9º Fl.(646) 742-9400

NYC Tango

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(EST / GMT-5 hs)CONNECTICUTEast HartfordCircle of Life PracticaTuesday / Martes 7pm Circle of Life - Arts for All50 Chapman Pl. - (860) 291-8747Circle of Life Milonga4º Saturday / 4º Sábado 9pm Circle of Life - Arts for All50 Chapman Pl. - (860) 291-8748GreenwichCafe Rue Restaurant MilongaWednesday / Miércoles 7pm 95 Railroad Ave. - (203) 629-1056MiddletownTango Class & Practice PracticaThursday / Jueves 7pm Vinnie’s Jump & Jive424 Main St. - (860) 346-2210MilfordSunday Práctica PracticaSunday / Domingo 2pm Ballroom Experience Studio215 Pepes Farm Rd. - (203) 874-2102New HavenYale Tango Club Practica PractilongaSunday / Domingo 8pm til LateYale University GPSCY’s

204 York St.C.A.T.S. Milonga Milonga1º Saturday / 1º Sábado 8pm New Haven Medical Association362 Whitney Ave. - (203) 874-2102DISTRICT OF COLUMBIAWashingtonWeekly Monday Milonga MilongaMonday / Lunes 8pm Mediterranean Café4629 41St. NW. - (301) 664-9690Leon’s Home Tuesday / Martes 6pm Leon’s - 1249 New Jersey Ave. NW(202) 638-3588Leon’s Home Wednesday / Miércoles 6pm Leon’s - 1250 New Jersey Ave. NW(202) 638-3589DC Dance Collective (DCDC) Thursday / Jueves 8pm 4908 Wisconsin Ave. NW(301) 890-4869Chevy Chase Ballroom Milonga4º Saturday / 4º Sábado 9pm to 2amChevy Chase Ballroom5207 Wisconsin Ave. NW(301) 664-9690FLORIDA

HallandaleInternational Club of Argentine Tango MilongaSunday / Domingo 7pm Hallandale Cultural Community Center - 410 NE 3rd St.Lake WorthRoberto’s Milonga MilongaSaturday / Sábado 8pm American-Finnish Community Centre - 908 Lehto Ln.MiamiMilonga in Miami Beach MilongaMonday / Lunes 7:30pm Tapas & Tintos Restaurant448 Española Way - (786) 287-7260Tango Nights at Novecento MilongaTuesday / Martes 7pm Novecento RestaurantAlton Road at 11 St. -(305) 531-0900Decotango MilongaWednesday / Miércoles 8:30pm 1766 Bay Rd. - (786) 554-2770La Milonga de Gardel MilongaThursday / Jueves 8pm Sabor a Tango Restaurant10827 SW 40 St. - (305) 632-2567La Milonga del Pueblo with Randy & Lydia Milonga

Saturday / Sábado 9pm Best of Dance Studio6255 SW 8th St. - (305) 274-2705NokomisFourth Sunday Milonga Milonga4º Sunday / 4º Domingo 5pm to 8pmLesson 4pm, Gotta Dance Studio303 Tamiami Trail - (941) 907-3923Gotta Dance Studio ClassesTuesday / Martes 8pm to 9:30pmGotta Dance Studio - 7650 S. Tamiami Trail - (941) 907-3923Tango Salon de Sarasota ClassesWednesday / Miércoles 6:30pm to 9:30pm, Gotta Dance Studio7650 S. Tamiami Trail - (941) 907-3923North MiamiRoberto Maiolo’s Milonga MilongaTuesday / Martes 9pm Dance Masters of North Miami12390 West Dixie Hwy.(954) 986-0261Roberto Maiolo’s Milonga MilongaFriday / Viernes 9pm Dance Masters of North Miami12390 West Dixie Hwy.(954) 986-0261OrlandoMilonga of Orlando Milonga

East Tango

Tango Nocturne3º Saturday only3º Sábado solamente10pm to 3amLesson at 9pmDanceSport22 W. 34th St. 4º Fl.(212) 307-1111La Milonga de GardelLast two SaturdaysUltimos dos Sábados10pm to 3am Sandra Cameron Dance Center199 Lafayette St. (bt. Broome & Kenmare) 2º Fl. - (212) 431-1825


All the information in this section is correct at the time of going to press. Remember to visit to access the most up to date Calendar for Tango activities in New York City.

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4º Saturday / 4º Sábado 7:30pm to 11:30pm, The Zebra Room2609 Gowen St. - (321) 229-0973SarasotaSara Dance Center MilongaFriday / Viernes 9:30pm Sara Dance Center5000 Fruitville - (941) 377-1751Tampa BaySavoy South Ballroom Milonga4º Friday / 4º Viernes 8pm 7200 US 90 North 1º Fl., Parkside Mall, Pinellas Park - (813) 205-8801Continental Ballroom Milonga1º Saturday / 1º Sábado 9pm Continental Ballroom6531 Park Blvd., Pinellas Park(727) 933 5285Tampa Bay Club Milonga Milonga3º Saturday / 3º Sábado 8pm Librero’s Dance School150 E. Davis Blvd. - (813) 222-5040West Palm BeachWest Palm Beach Tango MilongaWednesday / Miércoles 7pm Org. Cultural de Argentina de Palm Beach - 6295 Lake Worth Rd., Pine Brook Sq. Shopping Centre(954) 986-0261GEORGIAAtlantaDomingo Tango Practica PracticaDomingo / Sunday 3pm to 6pmThe Studio Atlanta Dance3229B Cains Hill Place(617) 267-5521Milonga a Media Luz Milonga3º Sunday / 3º Domingo 8pm 470 Candler Park Dr. - (404) 454-1177Tango & Tapas at Pura Vida Milonga2º Thursday / 2º Jueves 8pm Pura Vida - 654 N. Highland Ave.(404) 870-9797Tango & Tapas at Pura Vida Milonga4º Thursday / 4º Jueves 8pm Pura Vida - 655 N. Highland Ave.(404) 870-9797Milonga Pasional Milonga3º Friday / 3º Viernes 9pm Piedmont Park Community Center12th & Piedmont - (404) 223-5456Rick & Linda’s Milonga Milonga2º Saturday / 2º Sábado 9pm Atlanta Ballroom Center6125 Roswell Rd. - (404) 325-1360INDIANAWest LafayettePurdue Argentine Tango Club Practica, Monday / Lunes 7pm Purdue University (Locations vary)MAINEPortlandSunday Practice PracticaSunday / Domingo 7pm Casco Bay Movers Dance Studio151 John St.MARYLANDBaltimoreBaltimore Tango MilongaThursday / Jueves 8:30pm Downtown Athletic Club210 East Centre St.BethesdaDivino Lounge Sunday / Domingo 8pm Divino Lounge - 7345-B Wisconsin Ave. - (240) 497-0300Bailatango Milonga Milonga1º Saturday / 1º Sábado 9pm to 2amBethesda Dance Studio4908 Hampden LaneDu Shor Dance Studio Milonga2º Saturday / 2º Sábado 9pm 7800 Wisconsin Ave. - (301) 656-7434TowsonTowson Dance Studio Milonga1º Friday / 1º Viernes 9pm

Towson Dance Studio31 Allegheny Ave. - (410) 828-6116Towson Dance Studio Milonga3º Friday / 3º Viernes 9pm Towson Dance Studio31 Allegheny Ave. - (410) 828-6116MASSACHUSETTSCambridgeSunday Practicas PracticaSunday / Domingo 3pm to 6pmExtreme Dancesport -288 Norfolk St.Wednesday Tango Break MilongaWednesday / Miércoles 8:30pm VFW Mount Aubum Post688 Huron Ave. - (617) 699-6246Bailatango Milonga Milonga1º Friday / 1º Viernes 9pm to 12:30am, Extreme Dancesport288 Norfolk St. - (617) 536-6550Bailatango Milonga Milonga4º Friday / 4º Viernes 9pm to 12:30am, Extreme Dancesport288 Norfolk St. - (617) 536-6550Wednesday Tango Break Milonga3º Saturday / 3º Sábado 8:30pm VFW Mount Aubum Post688 Huron Ave. - (617) 699-6246MedfordTango Lounge Milonga2º Friday / 2º Viernes 9pm to 1amLesson 8pm, Springstep98 George P. Hassett Dr.(617) 771-2554Tango Paradiso Milonga1º Saturday / 1º Sábado 9pm to 1amLesson 8pm, Springstep98 George P. Hassett Dr.(617) 771-2554WatertownBlue Milonga Milonga2º Saturday / 2º Sábado 8pm to 1amPhillips Congregational Church111 Mt. Auburn St. - (617) 393-3772MICHIGANDearbornThe Latin & Argentine Tango Club of Detroit MilongaSaturday / Sábado 8pm 1860 Telegraph - (313) 561-3236DetroitBrickhouse Tango MilongaSunday / Domingo 7pm The Brickhouse - Auburn Rd.MICHIGANOakSangría MilongaThursday / Jueves 10:30pm 411 S. Lafayette Rd. - (248) 543-1964UticaTango Suave MilongaFriday / Viernes 9pm 7758 Auburn Rd. - (586) 254-0560Tango Suave MilongaSaturday / Sábado 9pm 7758 Auburn Rd. - (586) 254-0560WarrenTango Night Club MilongaSaturday / Sábado 9pm Arriba Restaurant - E. 12 Mile Rd.NEW HAMPSHIREManchesterThe Mill-Around Dance Studio2º Thursday / 2º Jueves 7pm The Mill-Around Dance Studio250 Commercial St. -(603) 624-0729The Mill-Around Dance Studio4º Thursday / 4º Jueves 7pm The Mill-Around Dance Studio250 Commercial St. - (603) 624-0729NEW JERSEYBasking RidgeAsada Milonga Milonga2º Sunday / 2º Domingo Asada Grill - Lyons Mall, Lyons Rd.(908) 221-1033Maywood

Firehouse Tango MilongaThursday / Jueves 9pm 105 Grove Ave. - (201) 825-1570NutleyFriday Practica PracticaFriday / Viernes 9:30pm to 11:30pmLesson 8:30pmStarlight Dance Center 7 High Street - (973) 235-9835Hora Cero Milonga4º Friday / 4º Viernes 9pm to 1amStarlight Dance Center7 High Street - (973) 235-9835Paramus2 for Tango MilongaTuesday / Martes 7pm to 11:30pmBergen Museum of Art / Bergen MallRoute 4 East & Forest Ave.(201) 444-2249PennsaukenAtrium Studio Milonga1º Sunday / 1º Domingo 8pm 4721 North Crescent Blvd. (Route 130) - (215) 729-5771WhitehouseLudo’s Ballroom MilongaTuesday / Martes 7:30pm East Whitehouse Firehouse93 Old Route 28 (Off US Hwy. 22)(908) 534-0004Ludo’s Ballroom Practica1º Tuesday / 1º Martes 9pm East Whitehouse Firehouse93 Old Route 28 (Off US Hwy. 22)(908) 534-0004NEW YORKAlbanyArgentine Tango MilongaMonday / Lunes 7pm Lorraine Michaels Dance Studio69 Fuller Rd. - (518) 459-2623Argentine Tango at The Big HouseWednesday / Miércoles 9pm to 10pmLesson 7pm, The Big House90 N. Pearl Street - (518) 478-0335Cher’s Milonga Milonga1º Friday / 1º Viernes 9pm to 1amLesson 8:45pmThe Center for Nia & Yoga4 Central Ave. (Central & Lark)(518) 478-0335Fishkill/HarrimanHudson Valley Tango Milonga2 milongas each month / 2 milongas por mes - (845) 783-6002GenevaFinger Lakes Argentine Tango Society Smith Opera House Dance Studio82 Seneca St. - (315) 536 8340IthacaSunday Night Milonga MilongaSunday / Domingo 8pm The Chanticleer101 W. State Street & Cayuga(607) 280-3102Practica with Dimitri PracticaThursday / Jueves 7pm The Big Red BarnCornell University CampusLong IslandArgentine Tango Lovers of L.I. Workshops, Sunday / Domingo 1pm Fitness Incentive157 Deer Park Ave., Babylon(631) 242-0686Long Island Tango MilongaMonday / Lunes 7:30pm to 11pmLesson 8pm, Club 56Route 110 at Republic Airport, Farmingdale - (631) 744-7777Intl. Society of Dance LoversTuesday / Martes 7:30pm Setauket Neighborhood HouseE. North County Rd. - (917) 282-2589Intl. Society of Dance LoversWednesday / Miércoles 7:30pm

Setauket Neighborhood HouseE. North County Rd. - (917) 282-2589PleasentvilleCarlos and Lynn’s Milonga Milonga3º Saturday / 3º Sábado 8pm Westchester Ballroom177 Tompkins Ave. - (914) 725-3023RochesterTango Dance Encounter MilongaSunday / Domingo 8pm Dance Encounters Studios28 Atlantic Ave. - (585) 739-3120RJ’s Pub MilongaWednesday / Miércoles 9pm RJ’s Pub - 140 Alexander St.(585) 256-1000Tango Red MilongaSaturday / Sábado 7pm Red Social Lounge171 St. Paul St. - (585) 546-3580SyracuseBailaTango Practica PracticaSunday / Domingo 2:15pm Puttin on the Ritz / Shopping Town Mall - 3551 Erie Blvd. East(315) 446-5707BailaTango Milonga MilongaTuesday / Martes 6:30pm Syracuse Sud’s FactoryClinton & Watson - (315) 446-5707WestburyTango Tuesday’s at Mirelle’sTuesday / Martes 7pm to 10:30pmLesson 7pm, Mirelle’s Restaurant170 Post Ave. - (631) 242-0686Westhampton BeachTouch Dancing Milonga1º Saturday / 1º Sábado 8pm Touch Dancing - 86 Main St.(631) 288-5659Touch Dancing Milonga1º Saturday / 1º Sábado 8pm Touch Dancing - 86 Main St.(631) 288-5659WoodstockWoodstock Tango PracticaThursday / Jueves 9pm to 10pmLesson 7pmMountain View StudioMountain View Ave. - (845) 246-1122NORTH CAROLINACarrboroPractica at Carrboro Century Center Practica, Friday / Viernes 8pm Carrboro Century Center100 N. Greensboro St.(919) 872-1445Chapel HillFourth Sunday Milonga Milonga4º Sunday / 4º Domingo 7pm Spice Street Restaurant201 South Estes Dr. - (919) 872-1445CharlotteEva Nove Milongas Milonga2º Saturday / 2º Sábado At various public venues(704) 334-2219Eva Nove Milongas Milonga4º Saturday / 4º Sábado At various public venues(704) 334-2219Monday Practica PracticaMonday / Lunes 8pm RiRa Restaurant - 201 North Tryon St. - (704) 527-7806DurhamTriangle Dance Studio Milonga1º Sunday / 1º Domingo 7pm Triangle Dance Studio2603 South Miami Blvd.(919) 872-1445Pract/Brunch de Tangophilia Practica2º Sunday / 2º Domingo 11am Casa de Tango5814 Henner Place - (919) 361-5145Triangle Dance Studio Milonga3º Sunday / 3º Domingo 7pm 35

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Triangle Dance Studio2603 South Miami Blvd.(919) 872-1445Practica de Tangophilia PracticaWednesday / Miércoles 8pm to 10pmLesson 6:30pmTriangle Dance Studio2603 South Miami Blvd.(919) 361-5145Triangle Dance Studio MilongaThursday / Jueves 7pm Triangle Dance Studio2603 South Miami Blvd.(919) 872-1445Triangle Dance Studio Milonga2º Friday / 2º Viernes 9pm Triangle Dance Studio2603 South Miami Blvd.(919) 872-1445Casa de Tango Milonga4º Friday / 4º Viernes 8:30pm Casa de Tango5814 Henner Place - (919) 423-7681Tangophilia’s All Night Milonga4º Friday / 4º Viernes 8:30pm to 5amLesson 8:30pm, Triangle Dance Studio - 2603 South Miami Blvd.(919) 361-5145Milonga de Tangophilia Milonga2º Saturday / 2º Sábado 8:30pm Talulla’s - 456 W. Franklin St.(919) 361-5145Milonga Tangophilia Milonga2º Saturday / 2º Sábado 8:30pm to 2am, Cafe Parizade2200 W. Main St. - (919) 361-5145RaleighThursday Tango PracticaThursday / Jueves 7pm to 9pmLesson 7pm, North Raleigh212 Dalton Dr. - (919) 872-1445Third Friday Milonga Milonga3º Friday / 3º Viernes 8:30pm A Step to Gold International Ball-room - 6278 Glenwood Ave. # 200 (919) 781-6868Milonga de Tangophilia @ Helios3º Saturday / 3º Sábado 7:30pm to 12am, Lesson 7:30pm - Helios Café413 Glenwood Ave. -(919) 361-5145OHIOClevelandWednesday Nights MilongaWednesday / Miércoles 7:30pm 8778 Gatewood, No. Ridgeville(440) 748-2204ColumbusColumbus Latin & Tango ClubThursday / Jueves 7:15pm The Ohio Theatre / Galbreath Pavilion - 55 E. State St.(614) 898-9119PENNSYLVANIACollegevilleHasta Mañana in Collegeville1º Sunday / 1º Domingo 9pm to 5amLesson 9pm, Dance Depot50 W. Third Ave. - (610) 409-5622Twilight Tango in Collegeville1º Sunday / 1º Domingo 5pm to 8:15pm, Lesson 4pm, Dance Depot50 W. Third Ave. - (610) 409-5622Hasta Mañana in Collegeville5º Sunday / 5º Domingo 9pm to 5amLesson 9pm, Dance Depot50 W. Third Ave. - (610) 409-5622Twilight Tango in Collegeville5º Sunday / 5º Domingo 5pm to 8:15pm, Lesson 4pm, Dance Depot50 W. Third Ave. - (610) 409-5622Hasta Mañana in Collegeville3º Saturday / 3º Sábado 9pm to 5amLesson 9pm, Dance Depot50 W. Third Ave. - (610) 409-5622Overbrook HillsCaminito Cimarrón Milonga2º Sunday / 2º Domingo 8pm

Dancesport101 Dance Studio7584 Haverford Ave. - (215) 473-4569Laburo Canfinflero MilongaSaturday / Sábado 2pm Dancesport101 Dance Studio7584 Haverford Ave.(302) 475-5446PhiladelphiaLa Milonga en Casa Milonga3º Sunday / 3º Domingo 7:30pm 1315 Buttonwood St. - (215) 574-9555Tango Café Milonga4º Sunday / 4º Domingo 4pm Society Hill Dance Academy409 S. 2nd Street (@ Pine St.)(215) 382-6116Solo Tango Practica PracticaTuesday / Martes 8:30pm Temple University - 1515 Market St. # 508 - (215) 634-1101Philly-Tango Jammin MilongaWednesday / Miércoles 8pm to 11:15pm, Lesson 7:25pmTokio Ballroom - 122 Lombard St. 2º Fl. - (267) 625-6678Andrew’s Solo Tango MilongaFriday / Viernes 8:30pm Top Hat Dance Studio3114 Willits Rd. - (215) 634-1101Friday Night Milonga MilongaFriday / Viernes 9:30pm University City Arts League4226 Spruce St. - (215) 574-9555PittsburghPittsburgh Tangueros Practica Prac-tica Sunday / Domingo 6:30pm to 8:30pm, Wilkins School Community Center - Braddock & Charleston Ave. (Regent Square) - (412) 242-2155Weekly Milonga MilongaThursday Jueves 9pm to 12amZooty’s (Upstairs) - 4104 Penn Ave.(412) 242-2155RHODE ISLANDProvidenceProvidence Tango / All Night ‘Dress Down Milonga’ Milonga2º Saturday / 2º Sábado 9:30pm 88 Pleasant St., Pawtucket(401) 273-2855SOUTH CAROLINACharlestonCharleston Arg. Tango SocietyTuesday / Martes 7pm Harper Student CenterCourtney & Bee Sts. - (843) 345-8360VERMONTVermontTango Vermont MilongaTuesday / Martes 8pm Norwich Congregational Church(802) 775-5034VIRGINIAArlingtonCecilia’s Nightclub MilongaMonday / Lunes 7:30pm 2619 Columbia Pike(703) 685-0790FairfaxVirginia Ballroom MilongaFriday / Viernes 7:30pm 8442 Lee Hwy. - (703) 641-1400Falls ChurchLatin Dancer Milonga1º Thursday / 1º Jueves 8pm 1863 Griffith Rd.(703) 841-9375

Latin Dancer Milonga3º Thursday / 3º Jueves 8pm 1864 Griffith Rd. - (703) 841-9375RichmondRichmond Milonga MilongaEvery other Friday / Viernes de por medio 10:30pm to 12:30pmDance Space - 6004 W Broad St.(804) 754-2628

Richmond MilongaSunday / Domingo 4pm to 7pmDance Space - 6004 W Broad St.(804) 754-2627Richmond MilongaTuesday / Martes 7pm to 10pmLa Familia - Northside Street(804) 754-2626CANADAONTARIOTorontoMilonga San Telmo MilongaSunday / Domingo 8pm 2844 Dundas St. W. 2º Fl.(416) 240-0808El Rancho MilongaMonday / Lunes 7pm El Rancho430 College St. - (416) 225-0693Club Milonga MilongaTuesday / Martes 7:30pm Danforth Baptist Church60 Bowden Ave. - (416) 699-0875Practica with Elizabeth MilongaWednesday / Miércoles 8pm 2844 Dundas St. W. 2º Fl.(416) 240-0808Viva Tango MilongaWednesday / Miércoles 7pm 1004 King St. W. - (416) 892-7887Argentine Tango in the AnnexThursday / Jueves 8pm Randolph Academy for the Perform-ing Arts - 736 Bathurst St. # 210(416) 530-1860Viva Tango at Paradiso MilongaFriday / Viernes 8:30pm Paradiso - 353 Eastern Ave.(416) 968-2782Mad for Tango MilongaSaturday / Sábado 9pm 263 Adelaide St. W. # B10(416) 971-7723Tango Club Milonga MilongaSaturday / Sábado 9pm Latvian House - 491 College St. 2º Fl.

QUEBECMontrealAl Sur PracticaSunday / Domingo 3pm 370 Jean Talon E. - (514) 274-9003L’Academie de Tango MilongaSunday / Domingo 8pm L’Academie de Tango4445 St. Laurent - (514) 840-9246Le Dancing Mocha Jo MilongaSunday / Domingo 1:30pm Le Dancing Mocha Jo5175A Avenue du Parc(514) 277-5575Al Sur MilongaMonday / Lunes 8:30pm 370 Jean Talon E. - (514) 274-9003La Gitana MilongaMonday / Lunes 9pm 24 Mount Royal O. # 207(514) 284-6392La Tanguería MilongaTuesday / Martes 8:30pm 5359 Avenue du Parc - (514) 495-8645Le Dancing Mocha Jo MilongaTuesday / Martes 9pm Le Dancing Mocha Jo5175A Avenue du Parc(514) 277-5575Studio Tango Montreal MilongaWednesday / Miércoles 8:30pm Studio Tango Montreal643 Notre-Dame W. 2º Fl.(514) 844 2786Chez Lily MilongaThursday / Jueves 8pm Chez Lily - 4465 St. LaurentLa Milonga du Chateau MilongaThursday / Jueves 8:30pm

4020 St. AmbroiseL’Academie de Tango MilongaThursday / Jueves 8pm L’Academie de Tango4445 St. Laurent - (514) 840-9246La Tanguería MilongaFriday / Viernes 8:30pm 5359 Avenue du Parc (514) 495-8645Le Tango Libre MilongaFriday / Viernes 11pm 1650 Marie-Anne E. - (514) 527-5197Le Dancing Mocha Jo MilongaSaturday / Sábado 9pm Le Dancing Mocha Jo5175A Avenue du Parc(514) 277-5575Le Tango Libre MilongaSaturday / Sábado 11pm 1650 Marie-Anne E. - (514) 527-51971º Saturday / 1º Sábado 9pm Studio Tango Montreal643 Notre-Dame W. 2º Fl.(514) 995-5035Studio Tango Montreal Milonga1º Saturday / 1º Sábado 9pm Studio Tango Montreal643 Notre-Dame W. 2º Fl.(514) 844 2786Les Samedis d’Anne-Lucie Milonga3º Saturday / 3º Sábado 9pm Studio Tango Montreal643 Notre-Dame W. 2º Fl.(514) 995-5035Studio Tango Montreal Milonga3º Saturday / 3º Sábado 9pm Studio Tango Montreal643 Notre-Dame West 2º Fl.(514) 844 2786QUEBECQuébecLes Salons d’Edgar MilongaSunday / Domingo Les Salons d’Edgar263 Rue Saint-Vallier Est.(418) 523-7811L’Avenue Tango MilongaThursday / Jueves, L’Avenue Tango280 St. Joseph - (418) 524-8264L’Avenue Tango MilongaSaturday / Sábado, L’Avenue Tango280 St. Joseph - (418) 524-8264

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(CST / GMT-6 hs)ILLINOISChicagoCousin’s MilongaSunday / Domingo 8pm to 11:30pmLesson 6pm - Cousin’s Restaurant2833 N. Broadway (at Diversey)(773) 880-0063BadaBing RestaurantMonday / Lunes 7pm BadaBing Restaurant1840 W. North Ave. - (773) 395-1000Tango ArdienteMonday / Lunes 9pm Arkadash Café5721 N. Clark - (773) 807-5704Milonga Rubia2º Monday / 2º Lunes 8pm to 1amLesson 7pmMariposa - 346 N. Justine St. # 300(312) 342-4335Milonga del Morocho4º Monday / 4º Lunes 8pm to 1amLesson 7pmMariposa - 346 N. Justine St. # 300(312) 342-4335Tango ArdienteWednesday / Miércoles 9pm Cousin’s Restaurant2833 N. Broadway - (773) 807-5704Milonga LocaThursday / Jueves 9pm - Erie Café536 W. Erie - (312) 266-2300Practica at Dance ConnectionPractica, Thursday / Jueves 8:30pm to 10pm, Lesson 7:30pmDance Connection - 3117 North Clybourn - (773) 575-6906Tango a la Leroy & PhoebePractica,Thursday / Jueves 7pm to 9:30pm, Lesson 7pmMariposa - 346 N. Justine St. # 300(312) 342-4335Lake Street Milonga1º Friday / 1º Viernes 8pm 942 W. Lake St. - (312) 258-6137Milonga Vida1º Friday / 1º Viernes 9pm to 2amMariposa - 346 N. Justine St. # 300(847) 846-5611Lake Street MilongaMilonga 3º Friday / 3º Viernes 8pm 943 W. Lake St. - (312) 258-6137Milonga Vida3º Friday / 3º Viernes 9pm to 2amMariposa - 346 N. Justine St. # 300(847) 846-5611La Luna de San TelmoSaturday / Sábado 9pm to 2:30amLesson 8pm - May I Have This Dance Studio - 6137 N. Northwest Hwy. - (312) 953-0494Nuestro TangoLast Friday / Ultimo Viernes 8:30pm to 12:30am, Lesson 7:30pmLatvian Community Center4146 N. Elston Ave. -(312) 342-4335WheelingTango with ClassTuesday / Martes 8:30pm to 12amLesson 7:30pm Kabak Super Club Restaurant - 1090 S. Milwaukee Ave.(312) 287-8406IOWAAmesTango Salon

Every Thursday but the last / Todos los Jueves menos el último 8pm Cafe Diem - 323 Main St.(515) 232-7374Tango SalonLast Thursday / Ultimo Jueves 8pm Starlite Village Motel2601 E. 13th St. - (515) 232-7374KANSASOverland ParkGuided PracticeSunday / Domingo 4pm Louis & Company Studios10409 Marty - (913) 385-0707LOUISIANANew OrleansPlanet Tango Studio & SalónPlanet Tango Studio & Salón1000 Bourbon St. # 202(504) 894-1718MINNESOTAHopkinsTango Society of Minnesota2º Saturday / 2º Sábado 8pm Dance Sport Studio816 1/2 Main St. - (763) 576-3349MinneapolisMichael Cordner’s Mini-MilongaSunday / Domingo 8pm Four Seasons Dance Studio1637 Hennepin Ave. S(612) 342-0902Sunday Evening Milonga with MandragoraSunday / Domingo 6pm to 10pmLoring Pasta Bar327 14th Ave. SE (612) 378.4849Four Seasons PracticaPractica Tuesday / Martes 9pm to 11:30pm, Lesson 8pm4 Seasons Dance Studio - 1637 Hen-nepin Ave. S - (612) 342-0902Milonga La Murga1º Friday / 1º Viernes 9:30pm to 1amLesson 8:30pm - Four Seasons Dance Studio - 1637 Hennepin Ave. S(612) 342-0902South RichfieldSteve Lee’s Tango Plus3º Friday / 3º Viernes 9pm Lake Harriet Dance Center6438 Lyndale Ave. - (612) 729-5306MISSOURIKansas CityThe Fedora MilongaWednesday / Miércoles 8pm Fedora Café & Bar210 W. 47th St. in the Country Club PlazaMaplewoodFocal Point MilongaFriday / Viernes 8pm - 2720 SuttonMount VernonMurray’s Vintage VenueFriday / Viernes 7pm 202 South Hickory - (417) 471-1001St. LouisSoulard Coffee GardenSunday / Domingo 6pm Soulard Coffee Garden- 910 Geyer Rd.TENNESSEEMemphisMemphis Argentine Tango Society2º Sunday / 2º Domingo 4pm TheatreWorks2086 Monroe Ave. - (901) 327-3522Memphis Argentine Tango Society

4º Sunday / 4º Domingo 4pm TheatreWorks2087 Monroe Ave. - (901) 327-3522Memphis Argentine Tango SocietyPractica,Wedn./ Miércoles 7pm TheatreWorks2085 Monroe Ave. - (901) 327-3522TEXASAustinFandango de TangoWednesday / Miércoles Red Lion HotelHwy 290 at I-35 - (512) 450-0200Glover Gill Live at CipollinaThursday / Jueves 8pm to 10pmCipollina Restaurant1213 West Lynn St. - (512) 477-5211Learn To Dance AustinSaturday / Sábado 8pm to 11pmLearn to Dance Austin Studio8910 Research Blvd. # E-1(512) 450-0200Austin Tango ConnectionTapestry Dance Studio507B Pressler - (512) 480-9899DallasSalón Pavadita MilongaSunday / Domingo 8pm to 11:30pmLesson 7pm - 2714 1/2 Greenville Ave. - (214) 288-5412Salón PavaditaPracticaWedn. / Miércoles 8:30pm to 10pm, Lesson 7:30pm2714 1/2 Greenville Ave.(214) 288-5412Milonga Entre Amigos3º Saturday / 3º Sábado 8:30pm to 12am, Lesson 7:30pmThe Ballroom at Preston11661 Preston Road Suite 150(469) 939-4120Dallas / Fort WorthTango at Zaguán CaféEvery other Monday / Lunes de por medio 8pm, Zaguán Café2604 Oak Lawn Ave.(214) 219-8393Tango Jam PracticaWednesday / Miércoles 8:30pm Salón Pavadita2714 1/2 Greenville Ave.(214) 288-5412La Milonga del Cuarto Viernes4º Friday / 4º Viernes 9:30pm Dallas Opera Rehearsal Facility4301 S. Fitzhugh Ave.(817) 283-0808Tango Argentino Dallas (TAD)3º Saturday / 3º Sábado 2600 Live Oak @ Good Latimer(214) 520-0244HoustonTango HoustonSunday / Domingo Café Matisse - 114 Gray St.Glover Gill Live at The Continental Club, Monday / Lunes 8pm to 9:30pm - Continental Club3700 Main St. - (713) 529-9899Houston Argentine Tango Associa-tion MilongaTuesday / Martes 8pm Stevens of Hollywood Dance Studio2143 Westheimer - (713) 665-3812King’s Dancing CentreThursday / Jueves 8pm

6700 South Rice Ave. - (281) 412-5052Always TangoFriday / Viernes 7pm 2423 Dunstan - (713) 688-1282King’s Dancing CentreFriday / Viernes 8pm 6700 South Rice Ave. - (281) 412-5052Always TangoSaturday / Sábado 8pm 2423 Dunstan - (713) 688-1282HurstUSABDA Milonga1º Saturday / 1º Sábado 8pm to 12amLesson 7pm - 428 W. Bedford-Euless Rd. - (469) 939-4120WISCONSINMadisonTuesday Practica - 3º Wednesday / 3º Miércoles 7pm to 8:30pmMadison Center for Creative and Cultural Arts306 West Dayton St. - (608) 236-0198Wednesday Milonga3º Wednesday / 3º Miércoles 8pm to 12am - The Casbah Restaurant119 East Main St. - (608) 236-0198Saturday Milonga1º Saturday / 1º Sábado 8pm to 12amMadison Center for Creative and Cultural Arts - 306 West Dayton St.(608) 236-0198MilwaukeeMilonga La Conexión2º Saturday / 2º Sábado 8pm to 12amEast Towne Ballrooms614 N. Broadway St. - (608) 241-9544Milwaukee Tango2º Saturday / 2º Sábado 9pm Gary Allen Dance Studio611 S. Layton - (414) 817-6775Milwaukee Tango2º Saturday / 2º Sábado 9pm Gary Allen Dance Studio611 S. Layton - (414) 817-6775Milonga La Conexión4º Saturday / 4º Sábado 8pm to 12amEast Towne Ballrooms614 N. Broadway St. - (608) 241-9544

Central Tango

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West Tango(PST / GMT-8 hs)

CALIFORNIABerkeleyLa Rayuela All Night Milonga4º Saturday / 4º Sábado 10:30pm The Beat - 2560 9th St. - (510) 548-5348BurbankArgentine Association of L.A. Milonga, Thursday / Jueves 7:30pm 2100 N. Glen Oaks Blvd.

Costa MesaNoche del Tango Milonga1º Saturday / 1º Sábado 8pm DanScene Studio - 2980 McClintock Way - (949) 833-1844Noche del Tango Milonga2º Saturday / 2º Sábado 8pm DanScene Studio - 2980 McClintock Way - (949) 833-1844

DowneyMilonga El AdoquínFriday / Viernes 9pm to 1:30pmLesson 7:30pm - Skippy Blair’s Dance Dynamics - 12405 Woodruff Ave. # 103 - (562) 695-7345El CerritoThe Danceasy Milonga1º Saturday / 1º Sábado 9pm The Danceasy - 9951 San Pablo Ave.(510) 524-9100

The Danceasy Milonga3º Saturday / 3º Sábado 9pm The Danceasy - 9951 San Pablo Ave.(510) 524-9100The Danceasy Milonga5º Saturday / 5º Sábado 9pm The Danceasy - 9951 San Pablo Ave.(510) 524-9100Emeryville

(MST / GMT-7 hs)

ARIZONAChandlerPeruanitos Milonga2º Tuesday / 2º Martes 7:30pm Peruvian Restaurant - 2051 W. Warner Rd. - (480) 821-9498ScottsdaleTuesday Night Milonga MilongaTuesday / Martes 7:30pm Hola Café - 2515 N. Scottsdale Rd.TempeJeff & Neri’s Monthly Milonga Mi-longa - 4º Saturday / 4º Sábado 9pm Kyote Ballroom - 4415 S. Rural Rd.TucsonMilonga at the Grill MilongaSunday / Domingo 8pm Wilbur’s Grill at Viscount Hotel4855 E. Broadway - (520) 237-7391Mara’s Practica at Cecily’s PracticaMonday / Lunes 7:30pm 2512 E. 6th St. - (520) 232-9857Mara’s Milonga at Cecily’s MilongaFriday / Viernes 9pm 2512 E. 6th St. - (520) 232-9857COLORADOBoulderTango Colorado PracticaThursday / Jueves 7pm 2126 Pearl St. - (303) 466-3820Dance of the Heart Milonga1º Saturday / 1º Sábado 9:30pm to 2am, Lesson 8:30pmBantaba Studios - 691-B South Broadway - (303) 938-0716Dance of the Heart Milonga3º Saturday / 3º Sábado 9:30pm to 2am, Lesson 8:30pmBantaba Studios - 691-B South Broadway - (303) 938-0716

Colorado SpringsTango Springs Wednesday / Miércoles 6:30pm Rum Bay - 20 N. Tejon(719) 475-0625Counterpoint Studios 1º Saturday / 1º Sábado 3:30pm Counterpoint Studios611 N. Royer - (719) 475-0625Counterpoint Studios 3º Saturday / 3º Sábado 3:30pm Counterpoint Studios611 N. Royer - (719) 475-0625DenverMilonga Brava Milonga3º Sunday / 3º Domingo 3pm Consulate Healing Center East750 East 9th Ave. 2º Fl.(303) 981-8612Tango Colorado Tuesday / Martes 7pm Denver Turnverein1570 Clarkson - (303) 466-3820Milonga Mercurio MilongaFriday / Viernes 9:30pm Mercury Café -22nd St. & California(303) 294-9281The Tango House Milonga Milonga2º Saturday / 2º Sábado 8:30pm to 2am - The Tango House3617 Osage St. - (303) 320-4020The Tango House Milonga Milonga4º Saturday / 4º Sábado 8:30pm to 2am - The Tango House3617 Osage St. - (303) 320-4020Fort CollinsTango Practica PracticaFriday / Viernes 7pm Masonic Temple - 225 West OakSunset Milonga Milonga4º Friday / 4º Viernes 6pm Sunset Night Club

242 Linden - (970) 484-9121MONTANABozemanTango Night MilongaSunday / Domingo 7:30pm Have Fun Dancing Studio111 S. Grand - (406) 763-4735NEW MEXICOSanta FeMilonga MilongaTuesday / Martes 8pm El Meson - 213 Washington Ave.(505) 466-6996


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La Milonga de Nora MilongaLast Tuesday / Ultimo Jueves 9pm Allegro Ballroom - 5855 Christie Ave. - (650) 348-1140FresnoMilonga in Fresno3º Friday / 3º Viernes 8pm Dance Works Studio - (559) 226-8010HollywoodEl Abrazo MilongaFriday / Viernes 9:30pm to 1:30amLesson 8:30pm - Hollywood Dance Center - 817 North Highland Ave.(310) 666-9280Long BeachSur Tango MilongaFriday / Viernes 8pm 530 E. 4th St. - (562) 436-1322Los AngelesTango Soma MilongaSunday / Domingo 6:30pm Studio Gracia - 19 Heron St. (@ 8th St. bt. Folsom & Harrison)(415) 468-8000The Bungalow Club Milonga1º Monday / 1º Lunes 8pm 7174 Melrose Ave. - (310) 625-6501The Bungalow Club Milonga3º Monday / 3º Lunes 8pm 7174 Melrose Ave. - (310) 625-6501Tango Practica PracticaTuesday / Martes 8:30pm to 10:30pm - 3rd Street Dance Studio8558 W. 3rd St. - (310) 275-4683Realtango MilongaFriday / Viernes 8pm MKM Dance Studio - 11401 N. Chandler Blvd. - (213) 625-5054The Spotlight 646 N. Market Blvd. # 100(916) 649-3269ModestoRuby’s Studio MilongaEvery other month / Mes de por medio (Locations TBD)1521 Ohio Ave.MontereyTango Monterey Bay Milonga2º Saturday / 2º Sábado 8:30pmThe House of the Four Winds540 Calle Principal - (831) 394-1520Mountain ViewMilonga at the Masonic4º Saturday / 4º Sábado 9pm Masonic Lodge - 890 Church St.(650) 368-3144North HillsLa Porteña MilongaTuesday / Martes 7pm 16150 Nordhoff St. - (909) 482-0170North SacramentoLa Milonga de los Ríos5º Saturday / 5º Sábado 8pm Young Ladies Institute1400 27th St. - (916) 991-3193NovatoMilonga Novato3º Saturday / 3º Sábado 8:30pm Stars Ballroom - 1559 S. Novato Blvd. - (415) 897-7976OaklandTango Matineé MilongaSunday / Domingo 2pm Lake Merrit Dance Center200 Grand Ave. (@Bay/Harrison)(415) 468-9999The Oakland Milonga1º Sunday / 1º Domingo 8pm Lake Merritt Dance Center200 Grand Ave. (@ Bay/Harrison)(415) 326-6415La Milonga de Jeanne2º Saturday / 2º Sábado 9pm Lake Merrit Dance Center200 Grand Ave. (@ Bay Harrison)(925) 283-0191

Old PasadenaRomanesque Room Tango MilongaMonday / Lunes 7:30pm Green Hotel - (626) 794-8713Old SacramentoTango by the River Milonga2º Saturday / 2º Sábado 8pm 128 J St. - (916) 443-7008Orange CountyClub Danzarín MilongaSunday / Domingo 8pm Londance Studio - 3625 W. Mac Arthur Blvd. # 308 - (714) 837-0440Orange County Tango The Dance Partner Studio347 E. Grove Ave. - (714) 901-4007SacramentoHabanero Cava Latina MilongaSunday / Domingo 7:30pm 2115 J St. - (916) 492-0333Step One Dance Studio PracticaWednesday / Miércoles 8:15pm Step One Dance Studio1920 T St. - (916) 991-3193The Ballroom MilongaWednesday / Miércoles 9pm 6009 Folsom Blvd. - (916) 737-7929San DiegoMilonga at El Mundo del TangoSaturday / Sábado 9pm to 2amLesson 8pm - 6904 Miramar Rd. # 110(858) 689-2422Women’s Milonga PractilongaSaturday / Sábado 8pm to 10pmLesson 7pm - Stage 7 Studio (Back Entrance) - 3980 30th St.(619) 757-6935San FranciscoThe Friday MilongaEvery Friday but the 4º / Todos los Viernes menos el 4º 9pm Monte Cristo Club - 136 Missouri St.(415) 641-0703Ramilonga MilongaSunday / Domingo 8pm El Valenciano - 1153 Valencia St.Metro PracticaTuesday / Martes 8:45pm to 12amThe Metronome Dance Center1830 17th Street at DeHaro(415) 252-9000Cellspace Alternative MilongaWednesday / Miércoles 9pm to 12amLesson 8:10pm, Cellspace2050 Bryant St. - (510) 847-3474La Mariposa MilongaThursday / Jueves 8:45pm Lesson 7:15pm - The Verdi Club2424 Mariposa St. - (415) 239-7002Golden Gate MilongaSaturday / Sábado 9pm Golden gate Yacht Club - 1 Yacht Rd. On the Marina - (415) 332-0935Metro Milonga3º Saturday / 3º Sábado 10pm Lesson 9pm - The Metronome Dance Center - 1830 17th Street at DeHaro(415) 252-9000Santa BarbaraSaturday Night MilongaSome Saturdays / Ciertos Sábados 8pm to 12pm - Lesson VariesEast Beach Studio - 201 South Milpas Street - (805) 884-1049Milonga Santa BarbaraFriday, Saturday or Wednesday / Viernes, Sábado o Miércoles 9pm to 1am - Lesson 7pm - Location varies every month - (805) 884-1049Monday Night Milonga Monday / Lunes 8pm to 11pmLesson 6:45pm - East Beach Studio201 South Milpas Street(805) 884-1049Sherman OaksEl Encuentro Milonga

Saturday / Sábado 9:30pm to 2pmThe Tango Room Dance Center4346 Woodman Ave. - (818) 981-6500SunnyvaleLa Milonga de Nora Milonga3º Thursday / 3º Jueves 9pm Starlite Ballroom -1160 N. Fair Oaks(650) 348-1140WestwoodMichael’s Milonga MilongaFriday / Viernes 9pm, LA Dance Experience - 1941 Westwood Blvd. (818) 244-2136OREGONEugeneThe Tango Center PracticaMonday / Lunes 8:30pm The Tango Center- 194 W BroadwayPetite Milonga PracticaTuesday / Martes 8:30pm to 10pmCafé Perugino - 737 WillametteStudio B PracticaThursday Jueves 8pm, Studio B189 W 8th St.The Tango Center MilongaFriday / Viernes 9pm The Tango Center -195 W BroadwayThe Tango Center MilongaSaturday / Sábado 9pm The Tango Center - 196 W BroadwayPortlandLast Tango in Portland MilongaLast Saturday / Ultimo Sábado 9pm to 2am Lesson 8pmHands-On Healing Massage1635 S.E. Morrison St.(503) 752-3664Viscount Studios West PracticaSunday / Domingo 1pm Viscount Studios West6959 S.W. Multnomah Blvd.(503) 977-5106Viscount Ballroom MilongaMonday / Lunes 7pm Viscount Ballroom722 E. Burnside - (503) 233-7855Corazón de Tango MilongaFriday / Viernes 8pm 8132 SE 13th Ave. - (503) 222-4691Berretín Milonga1º Saturday / 1º Sábado 8pm Salón de Krebs -6305 S.E. Foster Rd.(503) 222-2222Berretín Milonga3º Saturday / 3º Sábado 8pm Salón de Krebs- 6305 S.E. Foster Rd.(503) 222-2222WASHINGTONSeattleSunday Night MilongaSunday / Domingo 8:30pm Sonny Newman’s Dance Hall201 N. 85th St. - (206) 784-3010The Wilsonian PracticaMonday / Lunes 8:30pm The Wilsonian - 4718 1/2 University Way NE - (206) 784-9009Marcha Tapas Bar MilongaTuesday / Martes, Tapas Bar1400 1st Ave. - (206) 903-1474Practica at Velocity StudioWednesday / Miércoles 9:30pm Velocity Studio - 915 E. Pine St. 2nd Fl. - (206) 784-9009Dance Underground MilongaThursday / Jueves 8pm Dance Underground - 340 15th East St.Nonna Maria’s Restaurant MilongaThursday / Jueves, Nonna Maria’s Restaurant - 530 1st. Ave. N.Friday Night MilongaFriday / Viernes 9pm Sonny Newman’s Dance Hall201 N. 85th St. - (206) 784-3010Fusion Dance Milonga

Saturday / Sábado 9:30pm Fusion Dance - 340 15th East St.(206) 781-9553ALASKAAnchorageSalón de Tango Milonga1º Sunday / 1º Sábado 4pm Club Soraya - 4th St. & C St.(907) 227-0820Salón de Tango PracticaWednesday / Miércoles 7pm Club Soraya - 4th St. & C St.(907) 227-0821HAWAIIKauaiAloha Tango Kauai Milonga 2º Friday / 2º Viernes 8:30pm Lesson 8pm - Kauai Village DanceSpace - Behind & Under the Clock Tower - (808) 337-2777Aloha Tango Kauai Milonga4º Friday / 4º Viernes 8:30pm Lesson 8pm - Kauai Village DanceSpace - Behind & Under the Clock Tower - (808) 337-2777OahuIslatango MilongaMonday / Lunes 7:30pm Waterfront Towers # 140419 South St. (across Restaurant Row) - (808) 721-2123Islatango PracticaWednesday / Miércoles 8:30pm to 10:30pm - Honolulu Club932 Ward Ave., 7º Fl. - (808) 721-2123Islatango Milonga1º Saturday / 1º Sábado 9pm Waterfront Towers # 140419 South St. (across Restaurant Row) - (808) 721-2123Islatango Milonga3º Saturday / 3º Sábado 7:30pm Waterfront Towers # 140419 South St. (across Restaurant Row) - (808) 721-2123Aloha Tango Milonga4º Saturday / 4º Sábado 7:30pm Aloha Activity Center725 Kapiolani Blvd. # C101(808) 282-9500

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