Made By: Krzysztof Budzi ński Maciej Krzywkowski 4Ti · In mid-August 1980. in the Lenin shipyard...


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Made By: Krzysztof Budziński

Maciej Krzywkowski


General of polish trade union was created in 1980 for defence a staff law. This one

of main center mass resistance movment against socjalist government of PRL. In the beginning considerable influence of political organization in thirdrzeczpospolita aweakened. „Solidarity” was created trought striked which with

time transformed into committee incorporation independent Local Government

Trade Union „Solidarity”. „Solidarity” was registered 10 November by DistrictCourt in Warsaw.

To create „Solidarity” contributed many factors. Polish polulatioon lived in big lie.

Government with media showed vision of Poland as one of the fastest developing country

on world. Quote: „Polish to grow in strength and people live better” bot show up in

everyday life of polish people. All of them had enough lies, low earnings, lack a basic

products is shops and above all foods. PRL grovenment tried rescue a situation in market.

The web of commercial grocery shops expanded in which goods were more expensive.

This resulted in strikes. They have been prevented by using wage increases.

In November meat price was increased without notice which induce strikes of railwayman

In Lublin. People had enough huge queues in shops where were missing. Media were

censured. Person is not correlated with the government were beaten, thrown into prison

and even killed.

In mid-August 1980. in the Lenin shipyard in Gdansk, a committee

strike created. Shortly thereafter, all regions of the country are covered by workers'

occurrences. In one protest movement united the whole Polish

society, represented by the leaders of the strikes. Shipyard Workers

Gdansk led sit-in strike, and with them some 300 plants on the coast.

16 August 1980. Trade union strike committee was formed under the chairmanship

electrician Lech Walesa.

Two days after memorable strike in Stoczna Gdańsk, Committe Strike presented

21 postulates, express the will and expectations of people:

1. Acceptation independent from parties and employers free trade unions

resulting from ratified by PRL Convention nr 87 International

Work Organization concerns freedom of trade unions.

2. Guarantee law to strike, safty for strikers and people that helps.

3. Observe guaranteed in constitution of PRL freedom of speech, print and publications,

And the same dont victimize independent publications and provide measures

mass media for representatives all faiths.

4. Back to previous law :

a. people that were fired after strikes in 1970 and 1976 r., students expelled

from university for belifes,

b. fire all politicial prisoners (including Edmund Zadrożyński,

Jan Kozłowski, Marek Kozłowski),

c. abolish repression for belifes.

5. Send information in mass media about create International Strike Committe

and publish his tasks.

6. Give real action that will get out country from crisis situation through:

a. give to public information message about socio-economic situation,

b. allow all environment and social strata participation in disussion about reform program

7. Pay money to all workers that strike as salary for holiday, from

Central Council of Trade Unions

8. Raise the basic salary of each worker for two thousand zł per month as

compensation for price rises.

9. Guarantee the automatic wage increase along with increasing prices and decreasing

value of money.

10. Pursue full supply of the internal market in food, and export only the surplus.

11. Abolish the commercial prices and sales of foreign currency in the so-called

internal export.

12. Introduce Managers are selected on the basis of qualifications, not

party affiliation, and abolish the privileges Citizens Militia, Civil Service

Security and party through: alignment of family allowances,

elimination of special sales, etc.

13. Enter cards on meat – food stamps (till take control of the market situation).

14. Lower the retirement age for women to 55 years for men 60 or

worked in the PRL for 30 years for women and 35 men of all ages.

15. Equate pensions of the old portfolio to the level currently paid.

16. Improve working conditions health service, which will provide full medical

care for the workers.

17. Provide the appropriate number of seats in nursery school for children of

working womens.

18. Introduce paid maternity leave for a period of 3 years on the child education.

19. Shorten the waiting time for house.

20. Raise the diet from 40 to 100 złotych and severance pay.

21. Enter all Saturdays off from work. Employees in continuous motion

and the system czterobrygadowym free Saturdays to compensate for the lack

of increased dimension of annual leave or other paid days off from work.

August 30 from a government commission headed by Kazimierz Barcikowski signed

The agreement with striking shipyard workers in Szczecin. The authorities have

Accepted all the demands of the strikers, so that from 1 September to work to reactivate

the plant on the coast. On 17 September during a meeting of delegates from around

the country, was created in Gdansk, the single "Solidarity" and its president is Lech

Walesa. In November, the Supreme Court registered the "Solidarity" and its statute.

Relevance 10 million members belong to the organization.

In August 1980 he participated in the organization's scheduled shipyard strike

Gdansk. After his speech to the Director of the Gdansk shipyard Gniech Clement,

in which he recalled of his release, he became a member of the Strike Committee,

and then stood on its head. After the authorities agreed on the key messages

announced the decision of the Strike Committee voted to end the protest. More

the same day, after consulting such with representatives of other companies,

announced a solidarity strike, and the next became president

Strike Committee. August 31, 1980 signed on behalf of the MKS

with the government delegation in Gdansk Agreement of August. Signed by

characteristic of a large pen with a picture of Pope John Paul II.

August 8, 1980, five months before reaching retirement age,

Anna Walentynowicz fired on disciplinary grounds. The decision sparked Directorate

August 14 strike, which was created during the Solidarity Trade Union. The first postulate

protesting workers were restoring Walentynowicz to work.

The authority has its demands.

After the outbreak of the strike in August 1980 became a member of the presidium of the

Strike Committee in Gdańsk Shipyard. Co-created Trade Union "Solidarity"

September 17, 1980, on appointment of marriage, and was elected

Vice respect as one of two deputies of Lech Walesa.

He participated in negotiations with the government on three postulates MKS:

abolition of censorship, the legalization of independent trade unions and

release of political prisoners. He subsequently represented

Vice-President of Founding Committee,

National Negotiating Committee and National Commission.

In 1980 he participated in the preparation of the organizational August strike

in the Gdansk Shipyard, and the development of strike demands. He participated in

establishment of "Solidarity"

In August 1980 he headed the Commission of Experts Committee of the Inter-

Strike, whose task was to support striking workers in Gdansk

negotiations with the government

In 1978-1981 he was co-founder and lecturer of the Society Courses

Scientific Research. In August 1980 he became involved with social protest movement

of workers Gdansk is one of the experts and advisers formed the Solidarity Trade Union.
