M7U3 Under the Sea Learning about language. Old Tom helped______________________. Old Tom p_________...


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Under the Sea

Learning about language

Old Tom helped______________________.

Old Tom p_________ and s____ a whaler.


the whalers to catch the whales.


Use some words to describe the killer whales




the king of the sea…


Sea World Orlando

People in the Sea World can________a real killer whales show. There are several enormous animals _________us. They can give a lot of performances without________. Sometimes they enjoy______ into the ______ of the water. In order to give a successful performance, the trainers_______ the audience to keep quite while watching.

witness, opposite ,pause, dive, urge, depths


opposite pausing diving


Fill in the blanks

urge+ that sb (should) do sthThe trainers urge that the audience (should) keep quite…

Make a sentence Miss You urges that________________________.

suggest , insist , order , demand , require, request , desire… that sb (should) do sth

witness V. A. be present at and see itB. give evidence about sth

• I witnessed the accident with my own eyes.• No one could witness that he was at home at that time.

witness (n) “ 目击者”、“证人””证据“警察正在寻找那宗谋杀案的目击者 .The police are looking for ____________the



the witness to

It is so violent and strong that almost every trainer is afraid of training it.


Down doesn’t want to give up the training of Shamu. She tries her best to communicate with it and raise it. Several months later, Shamu begins to follow her instructions. So it won’t escape when she comes closer to it. Sometimes, Shamu can lift Down firmly and even assist her when she is in trouble.


help out


hold up

Replace the underlined words with those we have learned in this text.


abandon 放弃,遗弃,抛弃

This baby ___ ________ ___ its parents. an _________ baby

abandon one’s friend

abandon a bad habit

abandon one’s idea




was abandoned by abandoned

Some students abandon themselves to ___________.

A. playing computer games

B. play computer games

C. played computer games

abandon oneself to = be addicted to 沉缅于 , 陷入

look forward to , lead to, pay attention to, stick to, devote to…

phrases followed by v-ing

hold up 支撑,举起;阻碍

hold on __________

hold out __________

hold off ________

继续;坚持;不要挂断 伸出;提出

1.She ___________ her hands to answer the question.

2.John ___________ his hand to her.

3.---- Can I speak to Coco?

---- ___________, I will get her.

4.The manager decides to ______ the killer whale show for some reason.

held upheld out

Hold on


hold off

What’s happening?

Down is _______________Shamu now.

being attacked by

Shamu is attacking Down now.

A piece of Sad NewsA witness saw Shamu attacking Down

at the Sea World. It grabbed( 抓住 ) her by the waist, shaking her so violently that her shoes came off.Down was dead when rescue workers arrived. And Down’s family didn’t want to be asked about this accident. All the audience were sad to see the Down’s body being taken by the rescue workers at that moment.

Down’s family minded_____________ about this accident.

being asked

Passive – ing Form

People are excited about _____________ to watch the whales perform . (invite)

being invited

Shamu is tired of

______________by Down.


being trained

The little girl is afraid of _____________by Shamu. (attack)

being attacked

Exercise1.The thief entered the room without _____. A. noticing B. being noticed C. having noticed D. having been noticed

2. The bird was lucky that it just missed __________. A. catching B. to be caught C. being caught D. to catch 3. The sentence wants __________ once more. A. to explain B. explaining C. being explained D. to be explained it

want, need, require 可用主动 doing 来代替被动的含义

the manager of the SeaWorld

He said: “we are terribly sorry to tell you that we have lost an amazing trainer Down …”

TranslationWe are terribly sorry to tell you that we ha


lost an amazing trainer Down …成为一名驯养师是她一生的梦想 .(being…)

Down 很聪明也很愿意帮助人。 (help out)


交流的机会。 (feed, abandon)

她总是力劝人们去保护动物 . (urge)


(being done,follow)

成为一名驯养师是她一生的梦想 .(being…)

Down 很聪明也很愿意帮助人。 (help out)


交流的机会。 (feed, abandon)

她总是力劝人们去保护动物 . (urge)


(being done, follow)

Being a trainer is her lifelong dream.

She likes feeding the killer whales and never abandons any chance to communicate with them.

She always urges people to protect animals. (She always urges that people should protect animals.)

Down is clever and ready to help others out.

This accident happened due to her instructions without ______________by the killer whale.

being followed


1. Try to combine these sentences together and write a passage.

2. Go over the key words and the grammar we have learned.

3. Try to finish exercise 2 and 3 on page23.
