M. & St. P. R. R.chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83025440/1880-09... · * ' * *- ,...


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: ©anion ^X?T SEPT- »Q i880'

_ . f-nnd on file at Geo. P. i WKB S^i«£f»!5£!i SSft'MWlK' N>w VOBKl

COUNTY OFFICERS. „m„_rr clerk of District Court. f??Ho»8TAi>, Register of Deeds and Ex-f-A.tr Clerk.

B*OOBS, TreMOWr. lYpy, Sheriff.

_7pXKy superintendent of Schools. Judgf' of Probata.

F HOGOBOOJ* ) WHDHASKX, ;-GO. Commissioners. MpflT Mm. Ch'm. I

A. F. & A. M. ISTAB LODGE NO. 4, A. F. & A. M. Regu-

dcation Wednesday on or before the full

meeting every second Wednesday after


M. & St. P. R. R. TIMS TABLE.


glit 4:39 a. m. , 10:33 p. m.

GOING EAST. No. 4. fr't 3:00 p. m . No. 2 Pass 1:40 a. m .

't DAKOTA DIVISION.—Sioux Falls Ext'n.

Distance No. 4. from STATIONS PASS.

SiouxCitV -Arrive.-

$Sioux City.. 11.04 A. M. 7.7 McCook 10 39

12.5 Jefferson.... 10 27 13 2 Davisjuncion 10 25 19 2 Joy 10 08 24 2 Westfield ... 9 54 297 JPortlandville 9 19 43 3 JOa'liope 9 01 517 tEden 8 38 545 Austin 8 37 583 {Fairview 8 20 (A 9 iBcloit 8 02 67 1 iCanton • 7 871 •Sioux Falls. 7 a. 'n. lve

No. 7. passes Canton going north, at Freight No. 8 passes at 3:33 going

GEO. E. MERCHANT, aph Stations. Superintendent.

HEW AD713TI3SHEHT3. of-J. Schmedtgen. of—Wm. Banmann.

'UBLICAN MEETING! i of Lincoln conaty and gurronnding

otry are respectfully Invited to attend a Bepnblican Mass Mettius, on


ot yet decided at what hour the meeting will l place, but will be know in ample time.

R. F. PETTIGREW. [ will address the people at that time.


it. Leon Bcrtrand left for Plattsburg jay.

f>at Cary, wife and boy were in town lay.

.G. Skinner of Sioux Falls is in I this week.

D. E. Blount of Eden, registered at lercbants, Friday.

B. F. Campbell of Mitchell, was a [at the Naylor House Monday.

L. McKay, the Marion attorney ered at the Nay lor House on Fri-

W. Moody and F. H. Treat came bm Lennox Btonday, and returned lay evening.

jfeimeyer, the blind man, will give a tt to-morrow night in the Congre-Dai churcli. We hope the public patronize him as it is lis only means pport.

be free concert last night was well fled, and tlie.entertainment was pleas-

|o the majority. Mollie Buel received brouio by vote.

Sioux Falls Times: The masonic ball at Canton last Tuasday evening was •t delightful affair according to al j

ais. Theo. Pom troy played the

lie first annual exhibition of the ier County Agricultural Society will plu at Parker, D. T., Wednesday and sday, October 13 and 14. The AD-

|TS returns thanks for a complimen-| ticket.

Hancock flag flies in the breeze en Gales' and Hoods'. All honor

|e eathusuastic democracy, but the eVl flag will never give up, it will

kg long after the other is consigned plivion.

ev. S. Wakefield (Universalis!,) wiil ch at the School House next Sabbath

|1 a. m., and at 7:o0 p. m. In the uinghis subject will be "The Garden 3en," in the evening "Everlasting-

ehment" A cordial invitation is ex-1 to all.

[A runaway occured on Tuesday eve • [that came near being a serious one

Garre'tson was driving Mrs. Hew-Bd children from up town to their

Hence, when the horses became un­liable and when nenr the Congaega-1 church capsized and spilled out the (lot. Through the efforts of Billy

1 were hurt, except a slight injury to

jlj's shoulder.

-W. H. Clark was in town Monday "g notes for the first edition of the ®ocrat. We are informed that this

'paper will be devoted mostly to the f Association, and will be well circu-1 thronght the county.

r-Wm. Dunlap has left in this office a lPl|Lof Egyptian corn, which is a curi-

It looks similar to sorbitol. It

—Twenty years ago Dakota contained 4,837 people.

—Hon. R. F. Pettigrew at the Coart House next Thursday.

—Georgie Keeler has been very sick with diphtheria this week.

—Mr. Thickett of Lennox, has lost another child with diphtheria.

--Don't forget the fair at Lennox, Tues­day, Wedneday and Thurday, next week.

- Miss Nellie Pool from Marion Junc­tion, has been visting at the Harlan House the past week.

--We are under obligations to Henry C. Conklin, Secretary, for a fuil report of the County Convention.

—-John Bertrand has issued a call F»r Democratic cacus, to be held at the Court House Saturday evening.

—Mr. Hubbard of Fairview, feas pre­sented the ADVOCATE family witn the finest cauliflower we have ever seen.

—Mr. McBride visited Sioux Falls last Sunday, but will resume his duties in Canton on week from next Sunday.

—Convention day was the warmest known for a number of years—we mean the warmest feelings ever exhibited.

—Mrs. Corson and daughter left this week for Wisconsin. Miss Corson will attend schcol, and expects to graduate, the coming winter.

—The Democratic CouDty Conversion will be held at the Court House in Canton October 9th,1889. Each township is al­lowed three delegates.

—What a pity that our streets are dese­crated by such specimens of the feminine race. Wh-re are our law-makers? A good fire would purify the locality they have chosen.

—Plums, plnms. plums, arc about gone-now the busy housewife will find time to devote a few hours to the family, but they

j want to be watchful or they will b3 pre­served or made into plum butter, for it is

' hard to break up past habits.

j —About two weeks ago a ladv of our j quiet town was frightened nearly out of

her senses by a man--not the man tha' the old maid found at last, but a speci­men of man who chose to frighten a lady just for amusement. It will not do tore-peat the job.

—Mrs. Wells has a handsome sign painted by Chas. Aiken, swinging above her door. Take notice, and call in and look at those taaty and sylish pattern hats, or call and order one put up with equal taste. Mrs. Wells can supply you with anything in ihe line of millinery or no­tions.

— The pound party at the Congregation" al church last Friday evening was an amusing affair. The packages sold brieklv, and caused considerable merri­ment. Sail sold as high as twenty cents per pound, and a small cabbage nicely di,ne up in a paste board box brought 3o cents. Of course some were more fortu­nate. Mr. Nash acted as auctioneer, and gave good satisfaction. The voting for a quilt was the final amusnment, Miss Katie Pendexter being declared the ouccessful candidate. She very generously gave it back, to be sold at some other time, so the quilt will bt quite a ralmble one to the society.








At two o'clock p. m., convention was called to order by Hon. W. M CuppeU chairman of central committee, who read the call for the convention, after which convention organized temporary by elect­ing Isaac Coles of Canton, chairman, and Henry C. Conklin, ot Lennox, Secretary.

On motion the chair appointed a com­mittee of five as a committee on creden­tials. P. H. B. Clements of Eden, Peter Lnkken of Lincoln, G. W. Wiggins of Lynn, John Hewitt of Canton, »nd E" Moscript of La Valley were appointed as said c ommittee. On motion a committee of three was appointed on permanent or­ganization. Geo. Martin of Canton, J-Delve of Fairview and H O Strand of Canton forming said committte.

The committee on credentials reported the following named persons ns entitled

to 3eats in the convention as delegates: Pleasant—R Z Bennett, R A Pierce. Canton- J W Hewitt, I Coles, II O

Strand, Wm Fowler, Ole Thompson and G W Martin.

Eden P II B Clements, J B Bradley and G W Mathews.

Brooklyn—M II White and W W Pal­mer.

nett of Pleasant. After thanking the chairman and secre­

tary the convention gave three cheers for the ticket, three cheers for Garfield and Arthur, and then repared to the Harlan house for supper.

A summer squash was found in Todd county, Minnesota, on which several large tomatoes were growing as parasites. The equash grew uider the tomatoes which had apparantly mixed with the squash.

Agricullure in Rufsia seemr to be in a very bad way. Taxation is exceedingly heavy, the grain crops are deficient, and rinderpest in its most virulent form, pre­vails amongst the cattle.

Mrs. Ilazzard, of Monticello, 111., gave birth to five babies one day last week.

The first annual fair ever held at Dead-wood, in the Black Hills, closed on last Monday. The exhibits are said to be full and varieil.



1. 4th Judicial Dis­trict. District

Court in and for Lincoln County.


General Grant has issued a call for a convention of union veteran soldiers and

sailors at Indi auapolis on the 7th of Oc­tober. The boys in blue will be there by thousands. An order f>oin Grant is suf­ficient to bring them together.—Ex.

A confederate flag was unfurled from the Hancock & English pole i:t George­town yesterday. This was another "mis­take," and one of the most serious of a campaign of blunders. Still they might have made a greater mistake but wisely

Dayton—J D Chapman, Ole Hoken- j concluded not to do it, The first impulse stadt, and F A York. of the men who had charge of the enter-

Grant— II A Skie and Peter A Egge. prise WAS to spread the emblem of the Lynn— Austin Opsal, Geo. W Wiggins, j lost cause on Arlington heights, but it Ilighlan—dPeier Enebo, W II Pelton, j wan within range of Fort Whipple.

Sivert Alness,

For President,


of Ohio.

For Yice President,


of New York.

Territorial Republican Ticket-

For Delegate in Congrea: R. F. PETTIGREW,

Of Minnehahh County.

For District Attorney (Fourth Judicial District): J. W. CARTER,

Of Lincoln County.

TERRITORY OF DAKOTA, County of Lincoln.

Hance Murphy, Plaintiff, AGAINST

Richard Baxter, Defen't, To Richard Baxter, Defendant

In the name of the Territory of Dakota, you are hereby summoned and required to answer the com­plaint of the above named Plaintiff, which was filed in the office of the Clerk of the District court at his office in the Court House in the town of Canton in said county and Territory, on the 10th day of July 1880, a copy of which is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your answer upon the subscribers at their office in the Baid town of Can­ton, D. T., within thirty days after the service of this summons on you, exclusive of the day of such service, and if you fail to answer the said complaint within that time the Plaintiff will apply to the Court and take judgment against you for Thirty-five and 60-100 Dollars, with interest thereon from October 5th, 1877, at the rate of ten per cent per annum up­on your promissory note, and ten per cent for attorney's fees, stipulated for in said note, besides the costs and disbursements of this action.

Dated at Canton, D. T., this 10tl> day of July, 18S0. TAYLOR & RUSSELL,

15 Plaintiff's Attorney.

Democratic Convention. A Democratic convention will be held

at the Court House in Canton, Lincoln count}-, D. T., on Saturday, the 9th day of October, 1880, at 1 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of nominating a county and dis trict ticket, towit:

One member of the Territorial Council. One member of the Territorial House of Representative. A county Commissioner j for district No. 1. A county Commission- ; er for district No. 3. A register of Deeds, j A county Treasurer. A Sheriff. A Pro- ! bate Judge. A Coroner. A county Sur- J veyor. A Superintendent of Schools.

The rat :o of representation is 3 dele­gate fro'c each township.

By order of the Central committee. J. GEHON, Chairman.

Democratic Caucus. The Democratic voters of Canton will

meet at the Court House in Canton, Sat-urdai', Oct. 2, 1880, at 7:30 p. m , for the purpose of electing three delegates to the County Convention to be li::ld Oct. 9, to put in nomination a democratic ticket for Legislature and county officers for Lin­coln county.

J. B. BERTRAND, Chairman,Com.

The Nominees. Elling Opsal is a young man, and a

general favorite. He has always been noted for his faithfulness, and we reco-mend him heartily for Recorder.

Mr. Delong, the candidate for sheriff, has shown our farmers what he can do for the improvement of a new country. We trust he will perform the duties of sheriff with energy, and endorse him on our ticket.

Mr. Ilewittson, the candidate for Treas­urer, we do not personally know, but learn he is a man of integrity and honor, such as one we wish success to.

Judge Wiggin, for Council, is a worthy man, au old resident of this county, for­merly ot New England, and will represent our county faithfully. Principles of hon­or are the requisites of a member of coun­cil. fcluch we will find in his favor.

Clay Parks and N. Noble were nomi-

Delapre—E Parliman, W Aliibone. La Valley -E Moserip, C B Brown, Springdale—W II Hargrove, F Strand. Liucoln—Peter J Lukken, Wm Brad-

sliaw a d S A Ayers. Delaware —T Wright, G Dann, and T

Smelker. Norwaw—Lars P Ilelmo. Ole Oyorsett

and J O bkorheim. Fairview—James Delve and Sven Ole-

son. Perry—II C Conklm and Martin Hot­

ter. On motion the convention pioceeded

to nominate the county ticket first, leaving the legislative ticket fur the last.

On motion convention proceeded to ballot for county commissioner for Dist No. 1.

Edgar Dean, ot Pleasant and W L Mi-not of Brooklyn were the names brought before the convention for saii office. The ballot resulted as follows: Noble, 21; Dean 12, and Minot f>. Noble having the majority of the votes, uas declared the unanimous choice of the convention.

Next in order was n commissioner for Dist No. 3. The following names were proposed for said otfice:

P C Park of Dayton, D S Waldo of Perry, E Moscript of La Valley and Wm Shmidler of Springdale.

On motion convention proceeded to ballot with the following result: P C Park, 21. D S Waldo 4, Wm Shimller 2, and E Moserip 12. j

P C Park Having a majority was dc- j clared the unanimous choice. • j

Eliing Op«al of Lynn, and Thore J j Thonstad of Canton were brought before j the contention as candidates for the office j of Register of Deeds. On motion conveu- • tion proceeded to ballot, which resulted j in giving Opsal 23 votes and Thonstad j 1G votes, wheron Opsal was declared the j unanimous choice of the convention.

Next in order was nomination for the office of Treasurer.

After some delay 5n selecting a good man for the place, the names of Albert Ilewittson of Delaware, li. C. Jacobs of Perry, and G. Fowles of Eden were pro­posed. On motion convention proceeded to ballot, which resulted as follows:

IIewit<son, 23, Jaeob=, 1G, Fowles 2 Ilewittson having the majority of votes

Every man who suffered and starved at Libby, Ar.dersonville, and other rebel prisons during the war should attend the annual reunion of the survivors assooia-ation at Indianapolis next week.

Pioneer Press: Forty thousand people assembled at Warren, Ohio, yesterday, at

| the great Republican demonstration. The j meeting was of the stalwart order. Gen. I Grant presided and Senators Conkiing | and Logan were the speakers. Gen. Grant's ! speech was a frank, shrewd and sensible • His statement of the reason why he is a

Republican is one of the mo.-t etloetive i utterances of the campaign. His arraign-j ment of the Democratic party as the par­

ty of sectionals m and injustice is a r> sary | of pointed epigrams. It is perhaps un- | charitable to remark that the spcech con- I taincd no reference to Gen. Garfield. Gen. Hancock was ignored in the same man­ner. It seems that Cen. Grant chose to discuss principles in stea l of men. 'I'll whole stalwart party went, from Warren to Mentor to pay their respects to Gen. Garfield. The consultation will probably under the circumstances be merely formal.

A large stock of wooden shoes for the Meunonite Russians of the western part of Turner county passed through Swan Luke a short time agt .

A large mountain lion was seen in tlic road i:car Lead City oac ui^h a slior!».i ne ago.

F. M. Rowley is now receiving his ."all stock of goods.

F, 51. Rowley ?s selling goods at bot­tom prices.

Wagons!!! If you want a wagon luy the 51 i I but n, manufactured at Toledo, O. For sale by F. M. Row icy.

Go to Tom Hood's for school books, writing paper, pens and ink, lead pencils etc. eU\,£g";md don't you forget i:.

Ear rings, napkin ri'nirs fi.

Legislative Ticket-

For Co nncllman— G. H. WIGGIN.

For Member of House— D. THOMPSON.

Republican CountyTicket.

For Commissioner, 1st District — NATHAN NOBLE.

For Co mmieeaioner, 3d District. P. C. PARK.

For Sheriff— H. H. DELONG,

Eor Register of Deeds — ELLING OP3AL.

For Treasurer— A. HE WITT SON.

For Judge of Probate— EDGAR DEAN.

For Superintendent of Schools— JOHN ALU BONE.

For Coroner— H. SOUTHARD.

For Surveyor— A L. ARNESON.

F "'5*^ V -- • ?!;


Make a speciality of PURE DRUGS and will positively udnersell

any Drug Store in Dakota Territory.

i coun

TEBBITORY OF DAKOTA, ) Fourth Judicial District, j

In the District Court in and for Lincoln county Emma M. Woodruff, Plt'ff,

against George W. Woodruff, alas George Beck, Def The Territory of Dakota Sends Greeting: To George W. Woodruff, alias George Beck. Dependent.

Yen are hereby summoned and required to ans­wer the complaint in this action, which was filed on the 9tb day of August, A. D, 1880 in the office of the clerk of the District Court within and for the county of Lincoln, Territory of Dakota, at the court house in the town of Canton, county of Liu­coln, D. T., and to serve a copy of your answer on the subscriber at his office on Fifth street, in the town of Canton, D. T., within thirty days after the service of this summoua exclusive of the day of service. If you fail to answer the complaint with­in that tim;, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded m the complaint.

Dated at Canton, L*. T., this 9th day of August A. D. 1880.

20 O. S. GlFFORD, Plaintiff's A'torney.

Resolutions of the Board County Commisioners.



1. Whereap, the praser.t county jcil of Liacoln county is in the opinion of the comity Board con-Kidered insufficient for tha domiud and the require-nifiits of law; and

Whereas, the annual revouuo of said Lincoln county ia insufficient to cover the extra expenses of building a new and for the time a suitable jaU for Lincoln county.

Therefore, bo it upon motion resolved and it is hereby ordered, that the questions b3 submitted to a vote of the peopl# of Lincoln county «t the next general eleetion, to be held in and for said Lincoln county on Tuesday the second day of November 18 '0, as follows, to-wit:

1, Whether or not the Board of County Commis­sioners shall be authorized to build a suitable jail for the county and those of tht: voters at the said election who are in favor of building a jail and au­thorizing said Board to do everything necessary iu carrying it out to completion, shall have written or printed on their tickets as "In favor of

TERRITORY OF DAKOTA, | „ County of Lin join. j

Hance Murphy, Pl'ff, 1 In Justice court, before vs V D. S. GUINTER,

Gabriel Voegeli, Def't. ) Justice of the Peace. To the above named Defendant: In the name of

the Territory of Dasi^a, you are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint of the Plain­tiff, filed in the office of the undersigned at Canton, D. T., on the 7th day of July, 18S0, before the un­dersigned, a J ustice of the Peace in and for said county, at his office in Canton, D. T., on the 17th day of July, 18a0, at 9 o'clock in the forenoon, wherein the Plaintiff claims of you the sum of nineteen and 9J-100 dollar* upon a promissory note executed ond delivered by you to Murphy & Fauss, on the 15th day of September, 1875, with interest at the rate of ten per cent per annum, and the sum of $1.50 attorneys fee for collecting the same, and un­less you appear and answer the Plaintiff will apply to the court and take judgment against you for ntneteen and 90-100 Ooilaas and interest thereon from the 15th day of September, 1875, and one dol­lar and fifty cents, attorneys fee for collecting the same, and costs.

Given finder my hand this 7th day of July, 1880, D. S. GUINTEU, Justice of the Peace.

The above cause adjourned for service of the sum­mons, by publication, to the 3d day of September, 1880, at 10 o'clock A. M., of said day at the office of the undersigned in Canton, D. T.

Given under my hand this 17th day of July, 1880. D. 8. GUINTlill,

Justice of the Peace. TAYLOB k RUSSELL,

Plaintiff's Atty's.

Land office at Yankton, D. T., August 25th, 1830. Notice is hereby glveu that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and secure final en­try thereof, and that said proof will be made before tho Cierk of the District Court in and for Lincoln county at Canton, D T. on Wednesday the 6th day of October, 1"?0, at 2 o'clock p. m. viz: John F. Walil under his Homestead entry No. 5548, Sioux Falls series, for lots 1 and 2 of south-west quarter Section 18, town 99, range 50, and he names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said tract, viz: George Casper, Johnaston J. Bragstaa, Sheldon Smith, Fels J. Bragstaa.

20 G. A. WETTER, Register.

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We carry a full Line of Druggist's Sundries SUCH AS DUSTERS, BRUSHES, CANDY, TOBACCO,


Le-wis & Ho-ase.

Business 'Cards.


a-a,le 1 Wa rcL All business pertaining to Banking

Promptly attended to.

Hours from 9 A, M. to 4 P. M. t3?~Office corner of Main and 6th Street.


Chicago & North Western RAILWAY.




ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR AT LAW Canton, D. T. Office on Maiu St.


ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, Canton, D. T. Office in Court House.


ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW. i Canton, Lincoln county, D

site Court House.

Mortgage Sale.

Whereas, default has been made in the payment of the interest on money secured by a certain rnort gage, bearing date t!»e 12th day of July 1878, mads and executed by Cliaton Burket of the county of Lincoln aud territory of Dakota, as mortgagor to Isaac Emerson, Trustee, of Middlesex county, in the State of Massachusetts, which said mortgage

authriziug the Boai'J of County Couiniissioii'irs to ' was fileu in the office of tho Register of D»ec!s, of

rin L;S, and, in fact, everytiiij^ in tiioj1 vMry line at Jlilcs' postoliice store.

Having spcuml a skilled and experienc­ed dress linker from the east, Mrs. Wells is now prepared tr- do all descrip­tions cf work in this department in the most artistic manner, a fact the ladies of Canton wiil do well to remember and prolit by.

Watches clocks and jewelry repaired at

build a suitable jail for Lincoln county," And thoso of the voters, who at the said electiou shall be opposed to ouiMing said jail, shall havo printed or wriUen on their ticket as follows: "Opposed to au­thorizing the Board of County Commissioners to build a suitable jail for Lincoln county.

2. Whether or not the Bo:ird of County Commis­sioners shall ba authorized throtvjh proper acts passed by the next legislative assembly oi Dakota territory or through any other lawful modeto issue

"bonds on said' county of Liuooln to an amount of net exceeding six thousand dollars, said bonds pay­able in ten years from the dale of issue, aud draw

intere t at the. rate of seven per cent per annum ss»id bonds to be issued for "he purpose of raising uecessary money for building a suitable jail for said eountv, and those who are favoring tiiat said said bond's be issued for said purposes shall have written or printed on their tickets as follows to-wit:

"For the issue of the bond's, not exceeding $6000 payable by Lincoln county."

And those of the voters at B lid election who are opposed to such bonds being issued, shall have printed or -vritt^n ou their tickets: "Against the issue of tLe bonds, not exceeding §G000 payable by Lincoln county."

Dated at Canton, Lincoln Co., Dak. Ter., Sept. 14. 1»I8U. By the Boird of Corn's.

Attest: M. X. HOUOBOOM, THOME J. THOXSTAD, Clerk. Chairman.

cast was declared the unanimous choice. Miles posloftice jewelry store.

s 40 bushels to the acre, and is run ! natet* f°r coun,J Commissioners. Both a thrashing machine to secure j arc clear headed honest citizens of Lin-

kernels. j coin count}'. -W w m . • _ j John Alibonc, the nominee lor county nLeL?.^ ^ 'T ' Superintendent, is a young man of good

ItteltZlTW r bceQ * nS i abililr, and will no doubt fill the office of be DT, n° publication . - Superintendent safisfactory to all. me Dakota Democrat at that place, J

i Citizens of Lennox can be assured of | fog a live paper, that will herald the itions of their locality appropriately.

-Everybody, even the young folks talking politics this week. We over-

a croup jabering -sheriff- conven--•on day- -council, etc. But now mat- \

county Supci D. Thompson, for Member of the House

is a firm Lincoln county man of integrity and energy. Such a one will serve our county faithfully.

By Universal Accord, Ayer's Cathartic Pills are the best of

all purgatives for family use. They are MB decided, let us talk about the ! the product of long, laborious and suc-al candidates. We know they all ' ccssful chemical investigation, and their good qualities. Let us support tliem , extensive use, by physiciaus in their prac-a,j;ojd will, trusting we are "casting j tice, and by all civilized nations, oroyes

^f£ad upon the waters," and wishing j them the best and most eflective purgative to the Republican party. j pill tiiat medica". science can devise. Being

•After the convention Tuesday, the | purely vegetable, DO harm can ar»se f rom

fWes were invited to take supper at j their use. In intrinsic value and curativc Harlan House. The following is a | powers, no other pills can be compared

of names registered: J W Hewitt, G | with them, and every person knowing their artin, F H Treat P Haas T O Bo- j virtues will employ them when needed. TColy, W H Pelton, N C Nash, M ; They keep the system in perfect order,

H C Conklin, T W Smelker, T 1 and maintain in healthy action the whole - * - — machinery of lite. Mild, searching and

effectual, they are especially adapted to ihe needs of the digestive apparatus, de­rangements of which they prevent and and cure, if timely taken. They are the best and safest physic to employ for chil-dren and weakened constitutions, where a mild but effectual cathartic is required.

The office ot Sheriff being next in order the convention proceeded to ballot on the following names: G W Harlan, JJ H Delong, A P Dixon, and A B Fockler.

The first ballot resulted in giving Har­lan 10, Delong 10, Dixon 15, Fockler 7.

Second ballot gave, Harlan, 5, Delong 14, Dixon 16, Fockler 7.

Third ballot rejected by convention. Fourth ballot resulted in giving Delong

19, Dixon 17, Fockler H. Fifth ballot gave Delong 20, Dixon lo.

Fockler 7. Sixth ballot gave Delong 22, Dixon 19,

Focklcr 7. Amid cheers and clipping of hands H.

H. Delong, of Canton, was declared the; unamamous choice of the conventi jn.

On motion Geo. W. Wiggin, of Lynn was nominated for the ofiice of Judge ot Probate by acclamation.

On motion Dr. Southard was n animat­ed at, Coroner by acclamation. A. J. Ar-neson was nominated for the office of Co. Surveyor.

On motion convention proceeded to ballot on the names ot S P Mat-key, John Aliibone ani A. Benjamin for the office county Superintendent of schools.

The ballot resulted in giving Mackey 18 votes, Aliibone 21 and Buijamia3

Aliibone having the greatest numbur of votes was declared the choice of tlic nom­ination.

The county ticket being done with the convention proceeded to nominate for ofiice Council.

The names ot J W Taylor of Canton, Geo H WMggins of Lynn, aud A B Wheel-ock of Eden were brought before the con­vention as caLdidates for ihe office.

The first ballot resulied as follows: i Taylor 11, Wiggins 20, Wheel ock 11. I

jMr. Taylor now took the floor, and j after thanking his friends, withdrew his j name, in favor of Wiggins. At this point I A. i>. Wlieelock withdrew, and Geo H j Wit; gins was made the unamainous choice of llie convention.

Next in order was the nomination for the House of Representee.

The names of Day id Thompson of Day-

Do not fail to try a <iish of those splen­did fresh oysters iit W. S. Corson's

Fresh oysters, by the can or dish kept constantly on hand at W. !5. Corson's.

Taken X7j>. On this farm of F. S. Moulton, on Sad­

dle creek, Seft. 10, one sow and two pigs, winch thf owner can haye by paying charges, also this notice.

AVanted /»()() Tons old iron, copper, zuic, rags, etc., in e; change for goods, at

RICHARDSON'S, 49 Beloit, Iowa.

on Ions estate.

Money to Lo.ui time, at reasonable rates, on real


CASH paid for BUTTER and EGGS, by J. 11 Coulter. Oln< e and store room south side of T. W. Hood's Drug store, Canton D. T. 12

Lost. On Saturday last on the road betwoeen

Fairview and Beloit, a wallet containing money and valuable pntiers. A liberal reward will be paid for the delivery of I lie same to me at Fairvic.v or for informa-matiou where the sain? can be identified.

NATIIAN 15. Ilicxs.

Gale Ward At their Banking House in Canton will pay the highest price for Warrants of any county in the Territory. Also for School District Warrants.

Hoard ol County ^ ommissioners Notice i3 hereby given that the Boanl of County

Commissioners of Lincoln county, D. T., will con­vene in regular session on Monday, the fourth day oi October A. D. 18.-W, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, at the office of the county clerk, for ,ransactiou of general business that properly may come before the Board.

Canton, D. T., Sept. 21st, 1S80. THOSE J. THONSTAD,

County Clerk.

United States Land Oce, Yankton, Dakota, Septbr 15th, 1880. To D. H. McCauley, Sir: You are hcre'ny notified that the Hon. Comn. by his let-ter'C" of the 10th inst., hag adjudKerl yor Eonie-Btexd entry No. 10,108, Sioux Falls series, for the S E ^I, section 3, Township 99, Range 51, forfeited.

You are allowed tjO days from date of thi? notice within which time .to appeal from such decision.

G. A. WETTER, itegistor. LOTT S. BAYLE-S, Receiver

GUNS. K GUNDERSON, dealer in Gnns, Pistols. Am-

VX •munition and Sporting Goods, k 11 kinds of repairs neatly executed. Sioux Falls, D. T.

IN THE DISTRICT OF THE UMTED STATES, I [ Second Judicial Dibtrict of Dakota. (

JiOT 1 CE or APPLICATION FOB A DI8CH IRQE. Notice is hereby given that a petition has been

| Clod in said conn by John H. Holseyof Canton, iu j said dist rict. duly declared a Bankrupt, under the I act of Congress of March 2d 1867, for a discharge | and a certiticate thoreof, from all his indebtedness

I and other claims probable under said act, and that I the 1th day or October 1880, at 10 o'clock a. m., at | the city of Yankton In said district is assigned lor

I the lu-aring of the same, when and where all per­sons who have proved their debts, and othei per­sons in interest, may appear and show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of said petition should not be granted.

ANDREW J. FAULK, 22 Clerk of the District Court.



! Tinware, Nails, Cutlury, Etc.

Lincoln county, territory of Dakota, on the 13th day of July 187S, at it J'clock p. M., and recorded in Book "F"' pages 218-210 anH 220 of mortgages.

And Whereas, it is provided in said mortgage that in case default shall be made in the payment of the sum of money thereby secured, or any part thereof, at the time therein specified for the pay-inont thereof or the broach of any covenant or agreement therein contained, then, in either case the whole principal aud interest of the note thereby secured, shall at the opuon of the holder immedi­ately become due. And Whereas, the said mortgagee who is the owner and holder of said mortg ige aud the note secured thereby chooses and declares the whole of Baid principal aud interest now dueand claims the amoun due on the said mortgage at the date of this notice is the sum of Five hundred aud seven dollars, namely $150.00 for priuciiial, and §57.0j for interest.

Now Therefore, notice ia hereby given, according to the statute iu such case made and provided, that by virtue of tho power of sale contained in said mortgage, the said mortgage will be foreclosed by a

i sale of ihe premises therein described, by tho sub' I scriber, the mortgagee, at public auction on the 18th j day of September 1880, at 10 o'clock iu the forenoon I of said day, at tile front door of the Conrt House | in the vidage of Canton, in said county of Lincoln,

to *ati fy tho amount which shall then be due on said mortgage, together with the costs and expenses

I of sale, and Fifty dollars attorney's fees, as stipula-j ted in said mortgage in cass of foreclosure. I The premises described in said mortgage and so J to be sold are Lots one and two, (1 A 2) North West

•quarter (%i) of Section Thirty-one (31)in Township ! Ninety Eight (Utij of liange i'iiiy (50) situated in I Lincoln countj. Territory of Dakota. { Dated August 2d, 1880,

ISAAC EMERSON, Trustee, BXPPUS & BCYCE, Mortgagee.

16 Atty's for Mortgagee.


DR. J. I, TAYLOR, ~y HRSTCF AN and SURGEON. All professional calls - atteudod to promptly. Office in M« L. Syveruda

JcwcUy store, next to poatofflue, CANTON, D. T.

Probate Notice. In the mattor of tho Estate of Aahiol W. Hub­

bard, (deceased.) Thi undersigned, Administrator of the estate of Ashsel W. Hubbard deceased, here­by gives notice to all persons havi ig claims against said estate to present them with tha necessary vouchera to the undersigned, on or before the 27th day of December, 1880, at his office in Eden, Lin­coln county, D. T.

ABTHCR B. WHEEI-OCK, 18 Administrator.


By his personal friend, Major Bundy, Editor N. Y. Mail, is the only edition to which Gen. Garfield has given personal attention or facts. Beautifully illustrated, printed and bound, '-The best."—N Y. I ommercial Advertiser. "The neatest."—N, Y. Herald. "The most useful, sensible and satis­factory."—N. Y. Tribune. Full length steel por­trait by Hall, from a picture taken expressly for this work. ACTIVE AGENTS N/ANTED. Liberal terms. Seud $1.00 at once for complete outfit. A. S. BARNES & CO., Ill and 113 William Street,

ew York.

Great chance to make money. We need a person in every town to take sub

Jscriptions for the largest, cheapest and best illustrate*! family publication in the worlds Six elegant works of art given free to every sub­scriber. • ne anent reports taking 120 subscriber,

in a day. Full directions and terms free. Eleuant aud expensive outfit free. If you want profitable work send us your address at once. It costs noth ing to try the business. Address GEOBGE SIIKSOM 4 Co., Portland, Maine.

Ja3t Reeaived, a niw lini of

Xotiee lor Publication. Land Omce at Yankton, D. T., S-r,)l 22, 1330,

Notice is hereby given that the follow!ng-naTro-it settler has filed notice of his intention to make fi a proof in support of his claim and secure final entry thereof, and that suid proof by hiinseif and witnesses will be made before the Clerk of tVe District Court in and for Lincoln Co. Dakota Ty, on Saturday the ,'iOih day of October IS SO, at 2 o'clock p. m. viz: William Baumann, under hi* Home°tead Entry No. 0394, Sioux Falls serieK lor Lots 1 and 2 S W Section 1, Town 93, Range 6 ' and he names the following witnesses to prove tus continuous residence upon and cultivation of slid ; tract, viz: Jast Schmetg-:rn, JVr.u 8chm»"'" • •*, j Claus Detzen, Mich liaum^.nn aU of Sioux Fall* Minnehaha county. D. T.

21 G. A. WKTTEB, Register. j

Land Office at Yankton, D. Sept. 22d, 1-180 i Notice, is hereby given that the folloniag-nam.-d j Pettier has filed notice of his intention to make tin-1 proof in support of his cl<iim,aud secure lbial entry |

ton, and Lars P llelme of Norway, R Z i thereof, and that said proof by himself and witnes-T) ,, I,,„„ . i .. .. i , v,e ! scs will be made before the iterkof the District Bennett of 1 lca^ailt, we.e blought before court of Lincoln Co., Dakota T'y. on -jaturda,, thv> the Convention. ! 30dayof October 1M0, at 2io'clock p. in. viz: Jost

" . . * Schmedtgen unQer I lis Homestead entry No. Oii-i Ba.lot resulted ir. giving i hompson 24 j Sioux Fails Scriee for Lots I and a H W hi, section

| 7, town 99 range 50, and he named the following i witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon

choice Of ' and cultivation of said tract viz: Claus Dotkcii, I Wilhelm Bsumann, Mich Uaumtim,,Fritz S-jhaiidt i all of Sioux FaUs, Minnehaha county, D. T.

G. A. WEHKit, Register.

'ght. E Z Bennett, G Barcely, W F Bham, W H Hargrove, M E Holter, A

•*> P J Lukisen, J Lukken, H H De-^ A York, J D Chapman, J C Park,

Waldo, W W Palmer, T Strand, T ^orson, P Q Lom&n, W Brad-haw, E W l^ns, Mr. Fowler, James Delve, H O "»hd, E Moscript, P A Egge.

Holme 12, Bennett o. Thompson was declared th

the convention. G W Wiggin took the floor and asked

to be excused from being a candidate for Judge of Probate, and wished the conven­tion to nominate gone else. His request was granted and the convention made Edgar Dean the unumaniMUS choicc for the office of Judge of Probate.

On motion the convention elected the following named gentlemen as the cen­tral committee: N C Nash, Chairman, D S Waldo of Perry, M H White of J™ Brooklyn, W H Ball of Eden, R Z Ben- • w ,

Land Office at Yankton, I>. T., Miimst 19, 18«0.— Notice is hereby given that the foUowing-nnmed settler has filed notice of his intention to ma':e final proof iu support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof, and that said proof will bo matfe be­fore the Clerk of the District conrt of Lincoln Oo. at Canton, D. T., on Monday the 4th day of Octo­ber 1880. at 2 o'clock P. M. viz: Oarl A Svenson under his Homestead Entry No. 4981 for W '/% S K U 4 8 E S E Sec. 12, Township 90, Range 49, & S i; Lot 2 S W 14, Sect 11 7 Town 99, Range Us, and he name* the folio wing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said tract, viz: Peter J. N eWbtrge, Hans Lunder, Lars

^•under.aiid Andreas Jorgensou,of Canton, Lincoln

a Si Jit, . ......


Jobbing aad Eep&iriag Promptly Done,

Don't fail to give us a call if yon want QosA* at the Lowest CASH pries*. Opposite Coart Hones, Canton D. T.

T. Office Oppo-

H. A . AWYEli, Canton, D. T. ' House.

JERAULD, Office in the Court

C. H. WI2TSOR, ATTORNEY AT LAW, sioux Fails, D. T. of­

fice in Gilbert's building, opposite Cataract House. Especial attention paid to Business in the (J. S. Laud Office. Is :I1BO a Land and Collecting Agent.

ft It is the SHORT, SURE and SAFE Route between 1 COUNCIL BLUFFS



New York, Philadelphia, Boston, Washington, Buffalo, Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Montre­

al, Toronto, Detroit, Cleve­land, Columbus.

It offers the traveling public

Greater Facilities and More Advantages' than any other road in tho West.


Council Bluff's and Chicago Upon which is run

PULLMAN HOTEL CARS, In add:tiou to th#»se and to please all cl&gae* of

travelers It gives tirtit-elass meals at its eating sta­tions, at 50 cents each.

Its track is Steel Hail! rta coaches are tho Finest! It equipment first eluss!

Its trains are all equipped with Air Bra^ehJ* Millers couplers! and all Modem improvements' all of which combined Permit Fastest Speed! Sura and close connections! and everything a passenger can desire to make a journey


Pullman Sleepers 011 all night trains! IX £8 THE

II. SOUTHARD, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Corner Main & A 6111 Sts., Canton, Lincoln county, D. T.


amining Surgeon of Pensions, Canton, D. T. Office at residence, east of school house.


"MERCHANTS HOTEL. t CANTON, DAKOTA. Opposite the OonrtHonse VV0.1 Main St. Free bus to and from all trains.— Newly furnished throughout. Good stabling in connection with the house.

REYNOLDS HOUSE, BELOIT, IOWA; conveniently situated; near

the East end of the Bridge. Stages from Be-oit, depart from this house daily

Merchant's Hotel, SIOUX CITY, IOWA, Henry Kuhlmann, Proprie­tor, Corner Third and Douglass Streets;. Favorite resort for Commerctal men. Good Sample rooms.



pay taxes for non-residents ourt House, Canton, D. T.

Office at the 7tf

15. C. JACOBS. (BOUNTY TREASURER, Canton, D. T. Real J Estate and tax paying business promptly at­

tended to. Office at Court House. ltf

At Council Bluffs with the through trains of tha Chicago & North-western and the Union Pacific Railways depart from, arrivo at and usethe same joint Union depot.

If you want the best traveling accommodations you will buy your tickets by this route f33^*and will tike noae other.

All ticket agents can sell you through tickets v 1 this road, and check usual baggage free of chare*.

Omaha ticket offlcos—1324 Farnam St. corner 14th, and at TTnion Pacific depot.

Council BlufTs ticket offices—Cor. Broadway aud Pearl Street, C & N W R'y depot, and Union Pacific transfer depot.

Denver office—In C olorado Central and Union Pacific ticket office,

San Francisco oifico—2 New Montgomery St. For information, folders, maps etc., not obtain­

able at home ticket offie, address any agent of the company, or


GEORGE WEBB ripoNSORIAL ARTIST. Shops in Barrows & JL Corson's Sample rooms, and also 1 door south

of Hood's store. f^~8having, Hair-cutting aud Shampooing in the best style of the art. The pub­ic are invited to call.

M. L. SYVERUD, ITrATCHSIAKER & JEWELER, and dealer in »» Clocks, Jewelry, Etc., at Gilbert's store,

tanton, D. T. 111 kinds of work in my line attended opromptly »n 1 on short notice.


THORE J. THONSTAD, R > EGISTER OF DEEDS and OOWNTV CLKBK for » * Liucoln county, D. T. Will give Personal atten­

tion to the making Abstracts of title and trans­act a general Real Estate business. Sell tickcts to and from Europe. Agent for ' Home and Ger­man" American Fire Insurance company. Corres­pondence relating to title of Rea' Estate in Lincoln county, etc. solicited. Office court house, Canton, Dakota territory.


PROBATE JUDGE. Will be in his office at'the • court house on the 1st Monday of ©seh mouth

to transact any business in the Probate coart. Taxes paid for non-residents. Titles examined and Real Estate business transacted.


—Manufacturer and Dealer in— HARNESS, HALTERS, COLLARS, RIDING

BRIDLES, Etc., Ac. Constantlyon baud a good assortment of Whips,

Lashes, Brushes, Curry Combs, CoUars, &c. Will sell as cheap as the cheapest. Give him a can. Canton, Oct. 23. T23tf.


ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR AT LAW, and In­surance Agent. Will practice in all the courts

of Dakota, Iowa and Minnesota, pay taxes, exam-ime titles and loan money on real est\te or chattel security. Spocial attention paid to coUecUons, 6,(WO acres of Iowa and Dakota lands for sale

Office on Fifth St., Canton. D. T, 12




Lath, Shingles,


The Pioneer Route from Sioux City to CHICAGO, and al) Points East. : K

8T. LOUIS, aud all Points South. MILWAUKEE, and all Points in Southern

Eastern Iowa. ES MOINES, and all Points iu Southern a tut

Easteru Iowa.

Pullman Palace Hotel and SieepingCars Between Missouri Valley and Ciiicago


The line is now equipped with the improved We>-tingliouse Automatic Air Brakes, and is the only lino l-uuinng two express trains daily between Sioux City and Chicago. THUOUGH TIME TABLX IN EFFECT JAN. 1st, 1980.

| EXPKESS. | EXPBESS. Leave Canton 8:020 A.M. " Sioux City.lley 2:30P.M. 5:00 A.M.

Arrivo MissouVa. 6:00 8:15 " Chicago ..3:40 8:30 " Council Bluffs 7:30 ' 9:35

St. Louis 6:15 7:10 Milwaukee 8:20 i" 11:15 Des Moines 3:20 A.M. 5:40 P. M.

Laave Chicago 10:30 »:15 St. Louis 8:32 9:20

Arrive Sioux City 12:40 P.M. 10:20

CONNECTIONS-. 1. At Council Bluffs (U. P. Transfer) with Uuion., .

Pacific railroad for Omaha and all points West,- • with Kansas City. St. Joe & Council Bluffs railroad for St. Louis aud all points seitb, and all lines di­verging from U. P. Trauofer.

2. At Missouri Valley with the Chicago & North-westerd railway for Chicago and all points East.

3. At Siodx City with the Sioux City & St Paul, Illinois Central an-t Sioux City & Dakota, steamers for Upper Missouri river, during navigation, an! with stages for all points iu tbe Northwest.

4. At Blair with Omaha & Northern Nebraska railroad for Omaha and .Southern Nebraska.

5. At Fremont, Neb.; with Union Pauiflc railroad for all points west aud the Pacific coast.

6. At Oakdale with sta^o? for O'Neill City and, all points in Northern Nebraska. Be sure your ticket real's VIH. Sioux City & Pacific,. F. C. HILLS, P. E. ROBINSON,

Superintendent. Asxt. G.;n'l Pass. Agt. Missouri Iowa.

W. WELLS, General Agcut, Sioux City.

.1 * -i

: % A •

New Jewelry Store!--

New Goods!

Jast Received

. t -r '


Sash. Doors & Blinds- Building Paper

Oak Lumbei* Mis

A larg'e stock of Lu:nber always on hand, at the oweat market prices.


Tlie most elejrant siverwnre atod jewelry ever seen in tlxe west ut Miles' postofljee jewe.-j.lrij -

E. M. Miles & Co. Coualsting of ' • 1$

Clocks Watches Jrtfrjt ipam&g

of all kinds dons on short notiee, and

Satisfaction Guaranteed. 13

P. O. Building,

i- '

Canton, Dakv
