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Medical Exam-Biology  Structural Organisation in Animals  Practice Q & A

1. blood cells that transport oxygen within the body are the ______.

a. Plasma

b. Erythrocytes

c. Platelets

d. Leukocytes

2. Which covers cartilage?

a. Pericardium

b. Perichondrium

c. Perineurium

d. Periosteum

3. Intrcalated discs are found in______.

a. Between neurons

b. In cardiac muscles

c. At the junction of muscles and nerves

d. In striped muscles

4. bone acts as a reservoir for which of the following elements?

a. Nitrogen

b. Carbon

c. Calcium

d. Hydrogen

5. bone marrow occurs in______.

a. Ribs

b. Ribs, sternum

c. Ribs, cranium

d. Ribs, sternum, cranium

6. cancer cells are more easily damaged by radiation than normal cells because they are______.

a. Starved of nutrition

b. Different in structure

c. Non dividing

d. Undergo rapid division

7. glands are composed of which of these tissue types?

a. Epithelium

b. Connective

c. Muscle

d. Nervous

8. cells lining the blood capillaries are called______.

a. Oxyntic cells

b. Endothelial cells

c. Parietal cells

d. Haemocytes

9. The cells that line the tubules of the kidneys are ______.

a. Flat

b. Ciliated

c. Columnar

d. Cuboidal

10. antigens are present in______.

a. Cell surface

b. Cell cytoplasm

c. Nuclear membrane

d. Plasma

11. The longitudinal channels of bone are called:

a. Bone marrow

b. Haversian canals

c. Marrow cavity

d. Lacunae

12. The functional unit of contractive system in striated muscle is______.

a. Cross bridges

b. Myofibril

c. Sarcomere

d. Z-band

13. Notochord develops from embyronic layer______.

a. Ectoderm

b. Mesoderm

c. Endodem

d. Both (A) and (B)

14. Contractile protein of muscle is______.

a. Tubulin

b. Myosin

c. Actin

d. Tropomycin

15. Ends of two bones are connected by______.

a. Muscles

b. Tendons

c. Ligaments

d. Cartilage

16. From which embryonic layer develops the kidney______.

a. Meso-endoderm

b. Mesoderm

c. Endoderm

d. Ectoderm

17. Connective tissue originates from______.

a. Endoderm

b. Ectoderm

c. Mesoderm

d. Endo-mesoderm

18. Which of the following is NOT a function of epithelial tissue?

a. Covers surfaces

b. Secretion and absorption.

c. Support of the body

d. Lining of the digestive tract

19. Myoglobin is found in______.

a. White fibre

b. Red fibre

c. Yellow fibre

d. All of them

20. Which glands secrete hormones directly into the extracellular space?

a. Endocrine glands

b. Apocrine gland

c. Merocrine gland

d. None of the above

21. Which is coiled tubular gland?

a. Villi

b. Sebaceous

c. Sweat gland

d. Testes

22. Which is not correctly matched?

a. Liver-Kupffer cells

b. Pancreas-Glisson‘s capsule

c. Kidney-nephrons

d. Testis-seminiferous tubules

23. Which of the following has slowest growth rate?

a. Connective tissue

b. Epithelial tissue

c. Nervous tissue

d. None of these

24. erythrocytes of adult rabbit and other mammals are formed in______.

a. Kidney

b. Liver

c. Spleen

d. Bone marrow

25. The cells primarily involved in immune mechanism are______.

a. Eosinophils

b. Thrombocytes

c. Lymphocytes

d. Erythrocytes

26. skeletal muscles are______.

a. Endodermal in origin

b. Ectodermal in origin

c. Mesodermal in origin

d. All of them

27. fibrous tissue which connects bones is______.

a. Connective tissue

b. Tendon

c. Adipose tissue

d. Ligament

28. Large number of mitochondria are found in______.

a. Thigh muscle

b. Cardiac muscle

c. Breast bone of bird

d. All of the above

29. Myoglobin occurs in______.

a. Liver

b. Blood

c. Muscles

d. Spleen

30. The junction of two neurons is called

a. Synapse

b. Relay

c. Synapsis

d. Conduction zone

31. Ground substance of connective tissue is mainly made up of______.

a. Monosaccharides

b. Phospholipids

c. Lipids

d. Mucopolysaccharides

32. Haversian canals are found in______.

a. Ascon type simple sponge

b. Long bone of rat

c. Internal ear of mammals

d. Spinal cord of vertebrates

33. Haversian systems are found in the bones of______.

a. Panther

b. Pigeon

c. Python

d. Pipe fish

34. In frog stratum corneum of skin contains______.

a. Living, nucleated, columnar cells

b. Living, non nucleated. flattered cells

c. Dry, non nucleated. flattened cells containing keratin

d. Non living, nucleated, columnar cells

35. Larynx and trachea contain______.

a. Hyaline cartilage

b. Xiphoid cartilage

c. Solid bone

d. Cartilage bone

36. Which of the following substance, if introduced into the blood stream would cause coagulation of blood

at the site of its introduction?

a. Thromoboplastin

b. Fibrinogen

c. Heparin

d. Prothrombin

37. Which one of the following contains the largest quantity of extracellular material?

a. Striated muscle

b. Areolar tissue

c. Stratified epithelium

d. Myelinated nerve fibres

38. Which protein occurs in the matrix of cartilage?

a. Ossein

b. Casein

c. Chondrin

d. Actin

39. Without which corpuscles blood clotting is not possible______.

a. Erythrocytes

b. Thrombocytes

c. Plasmocytes

d. Leucocytes

40. Functional unit of kidney is______.

a. Glomerulus

b. Henley’s loop

c. Nephorn

d. Pelvis

41. Mammary gland is a modified______.

a. Endocrine gland

b. Ecrine gland

c. Merocrine gland

d. Apocrine gland

42. Mast cells occur in______.

a. Nervous tissue

b. Connective tissue

c. Epithelial tissue

d. Skeletal tissue

43. Mast cells of connective tissue contain______.

a. Vasopressin and relaxin

b. Heparin and histamine

c. Heparin and calcitonin

d. Serotonin and melanin

44. The muscles in the eye associated with pupil are______.

a. Unstriated and involuntary

b. Striated and voluntary

c. Striated and involuntary

d. Unstriated and voluntary

45. epithelial tissues arise from______.

a. Ectoderm

b. Endoderm

c. Mesoderm

d. All the above

46. The receptors found in the muscles, tendons and joints are______.

a. Teloreceptiors

b. Proprioceptors

c. Interoceptors

d. Thermoreceptors

47. New blood cells are formed in ______.

a. Adipose cells

b. Bone marrow

c. Liver

d. Matrix

48. Four healthy people in their twenties got involved in injuries resulting in damage and death of a few

cells Of the following, which cells are least likely to be replaced by new cells?

a. Osteocytes

b. Liver cells

c. Neurons

d. Malpighian layer of the skin

49. Basement membrane is derived from______.

a. Ectoderm

b. Endoderm

c. Epidermis

d. Epidermis and connectile tissue

50. Oesophagus, stomach and intestine are lined with______.

a. Transitional epithelium

b. Striated columnar epithelium

c. Simple columnar epithelium

d. Simple squamous epithelium

Answer Keys

1. b 2. b 3. b 4. c 5. b

6. d 7. a 8. b 9. d 10. c

11. b 12. c 13. b 14. c 15. c

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16. b 17. c 18. c 19. b 20. a

21. c 22. b 23. c 24. d 25. c

26. c 27. d 28. b 29. c 30. a

31. d 32. b 33. a 34. c 35. a

36. a 37. b 38. c 39. b 40. c

41. d 42. b 43. b 44. a 45. d

46. b 47. b 48. c 49. d 50. c

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