Lyst 218- Zine


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Dear Reader,

As you read through my Zine you will find many different types of writing pieces

that are centered around the game of hockey. Some things you will find as you read my

Zine are: a poem, interview with a hockey player, and some great pictures for you to look

at. This was a great opportunity for me to use a variety of different writing styles and to

be able to research a topic more in depth that is important in my life. Through my

research I was able to find a lot of brand new information about the game of hockey that I

never knew before. One of my favorite writing pieces was the interview with a hockey

player. In order to write this piece I actually had the chance to interview my boyfriend

who plays hockey on a regular basis. He’s very familiar with the sport so he was one of

best people to go to. I thought I knew so much information before, but after doing this

project it has really opened my eyes to what goes into the game of hockey. There were a

lot of facts and information I found through my research and I really enjoyed taking the

time to learn more about the game of hockey.

The game of hockey has become a very important part of my life, I have grown to

really enjoy watching professional hockey and watching my boyfriend play on a men’s

league. We both love going to these sporting events and cheering for our favorite team. It

has bonded us together and made us much closer.


Marisa Melville


Hockey is a fast and fun sport

Offense and defense

Crash the net

Keep on scoring

Energizing the crowd

Yelling and cheering

What introduced you to the sport?





In 1987 when I moved to my childhood home, I met a family

down the street who were Islander fans. This family took me

to multiple hockey games per year. Eventually, I started

playing hockey with my new friends, and we continued to

play through the years in high school and beyond.

How does it feel to be a part of a team?

Growing up being part of a team you create lifelong bonds

and friendships that stay with you the rest of your life. When

you go through a season of practices it helps strengthen that

bond when you always have each other’s backs.


What kind of mindset do you have to have before a big

game, any pre-game rituals?

For pre-game rituals I believe in putting on my equipment

the same way every time, and going out and warming up. I

stretch my body and warm up my hands by stick handling

the puck. During the games I try to keep it simple and play

within myself.

What kind of challenges do you face during a game?

A lot of the challenges faced during the course of a game are

conditioning, mental aspects, physical aspects, and

positioning. If you find yourself not being in shape you will

tire out very fast and could be a liability to your teammates.

You need to be able to see the ice well. If you’re not able to

pick up teammates to pass to or know where your opposing

players are going to be you won’t be successful out on the

ice. Hockey is a contact sport, you need to be strong, on


your skates, and not get knocked down easily. During the

course of an entire game these types of things will wear you

down. When you play a certain position no matter what it is,

you need to know what your responsibilities are for that

particular position. If you don’t respect those responsibilities

and do your own thing then you will leave your team at a

disadvantage since this is considered to be a team sport.

Ten years from now do you see yourself still being involved

in hockey?

As I get older, I hope that when I have kids I can introduce

them to my favorite sport. I would love to pass my love of


the sport down to them. I believe that having a passion for

something like this can truly bring parents and children


1. Senior Year of High School Playing for the Patchogue Medford Raiders

2. Suffolk County Community College Alumni Game



3. Team AT&T Gold Medal game in Kingston, Ontario

4. Action shot in Kingston, Ontario


5. Action shot at annual Suffolk Eagles vs. Suffolk Corrections charity game


I currently lead a very

busy life. Outside of


All About Me

coming to Hofstra for my graduate program in Literacy Studies, I’m currently a fourth

grade teacher at P.S. 85 Great Expectations Elementary School. This being my first year

as a teacher has led to many challenges such as learning a brand new position which as

well as my undergraduate studies went is a whole other world since I’m now a


From an early age my passion was education. It even showed in the types of positions

I’ve held growing up. From working as a pre-k teacher to recently working as an

assistant director at a tutoring company my focus has always been working with and

helping children excel at their studies.

Outside of my career I am a very family oriented person. I am very close with my

family. Especially my two sisters as well as my mother. We love to spend time together

by doing a variety of activities such as going to dinner together, shows/opera, as well as

the occasional New York Mets game. We make an attempt to have a girl’s day once or

twice a year to make sure that we always have our own special time to spend together.

But the one thing that is most special to me is my relationship with my boyfriend Ron.

We’ve been together for the past year and a half and it’s truly been a special time. We’ve

brought out the best in each other. He’s someone like me that truly cares for the work

that he does in the defense industry as well as for his family. We both care for each other

greatly and have fit right in with each other’s families. This is why I decided to write this

zine article on a subject that he has had me fall in love with. He definitely opened my

eyes to something I wouldn’t have given a second thought.