Lubricants for Rotary Screw Gas Compressor


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  • 8/10/2019 Lubricants for Rotary Screw Gas Compressor


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    Improved gas compressor reliability with Klber

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    rotary screw gas compressor.

    your global specialist

  • 8/10/2019 Lubricants for Rotary Screw Gas Compressor



    Content Page

    No matter where your gas compressor operates,we are specialists for its effective lubrication 3

    Rotary screw gas compressors 5

    1.1 Many compressor shut-downs due to wear? Viscosity and gas solubility are a decisive factor 5

    1.2 Problems with residues, deposits and sludge in the oil?Chemical compatibility may be the cause 8

    1.3 High oil consumption and high oil carryoverto the gas stream? Low evaporation and carryoverfor a pure gas stream 10

    1.4 The art of choosing the right gas compressor oil in three steps 12

    1.5 Specialty oils versus mineral oils an example 14

    1.6 A specialist for every application Klber oils for rotary screw gas compressors. 16

    Our service available worldwide. 18


  • 8/10/2019 Lubricants for Rotary Screw Gas Compressor



    Whether for on- or off-shore applicati-ons, whether for the extraction of oil orgas, for refineries, the chemical orpetrochemical industry Klber offersspecial lubricants that are preciselytuned to your needs and the types ofgases in your compressor.

    We regard the lubricant as an essentialdesign element of the compressor, justas bearings, rotors or slide valves.More than 80 years of practical experi-ence in research, development andapplication of special lubricants ensurea product quality that increases thereliability, availability and productioncapacity of compressors. These bene-fits enable maximum asset perfor-mance in particular in the oil and gasindustry where the cost of downtimeand machine failure is extremely high.

    The outstanding benefit offered byKlber is not only lubrication as such,but also the fact that our lubricants are

    precisely tuned to the particular type ofgas stream that is being compressed.Depending on the composition of thegas stream in your process, it candilute the compressor oil. The gasstream may consist of hydrocarbongases like propane, inert gases likenitrogen or aggressive gases likemethyl chloride, all in varying concen-trations. Under pressure, many gasestend to be dissolved in certain lubrica-ting oils and may reduce their viscositysignificantly.

    Lubricant additives or base oils mayreact with components of the gas,leading to the formation of sludge anddeposits. Premature wear, extra down-time for maintenance, high oil con-sumption and shorter oil change inter-vals are common consequences.

    No matter where your gas compressor operates,

    we are specialists for its effective lubrication.

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    Klber Lubrication help you avoid suchlubrication-related problems. A detailedanalysis of the gas stream in the com-pressor and an extraordinarily widerange of fully and semi-syntheticcompressor oils enable us to offer youa solution that optimally suits theneeds of your individual compressionprocess anywhere in the world.

    After all, the choice of lubricant has adecisive effect on the reliability of yourrotating equipment, your productionand hence also your competitiveness.

    Klber Summitgas compressor lubricants:

    ... benefits for your gas compressor:

    less wear

    longer component life

    longer machine life

    minimum oil consumption

    maximum oil change intervals

    ... benefits for you:

    less downtimedue to maintenance

    lower spare parts cost

    higher reliability in operation andmanufacture, higher availability

    optimum economic efficiency

    Special lubricants: a decisive designelement of process gas compressorsas well as of the reliability of produc-tion and its economy

    Benefits you can use worldwide.With our international organization, we can supply you reliably and on-time anywhere

    around the world any time both on- and off-shore. Being a global player, havingaddresses to contact on every continent and more than 1,700 staff worldwide makethis possible. We can be found in all regions where oil and process gas compres-sors operate, from North and South America to South-East Asia, Australia, Russiaand Europe to Africa and the Middle East.


  • 8/10/2019 Lubricants for Rotary Screw Gas Compressor



    Lubricating oils in rotary screw-typecompressors for process gases fulfilla number of different tasks:

    They lubricate the rotors andthe bearings.

    They seal the gap betweenrotor and casing, and betweenthe rotors.

    They cool the gas stream beingcompressed.

    They remove heat.

    They protect against corrosion.

    An important factor especially for thelubrication of bearings and rotors is theright viscosity of the lubricating oil,

    which should under all operating condi-tions comply with the instructions pro-vided by the compressor manufacturer.

    If the gas stream did not affect thelubricating oil, the choice of viscositywould be a fairly simple task. But cer-tain gases tend to be dissolved in cer-tain lubricants. This effect may consi-derably reduce the oil's viscosity andprevent the formation of an effectivelubricant film. This may in turn lead toreduced service life or failure of the airend and hence machine downtime.

    The composition of the gas streams

    to be compressed is as varied as theprocesses for which they are used.The lubricating oil for the compressorshould be chosen just as individually.

    1.1. Many compressor shut-downs due to wear?

    Viscosity and gas solubility are a decisive factorWith the right lubricating oil you will not only reduce wear and increase the life of individual components as well as that of your machines as a whole, but you willalso boost your operational reliability and hence your profits. But which lubricatingoil will release this potential?

    Rotary screw gas compressors

  • 8/10/2019 Lubricants for Rotary Screw Gas Compressor



    Every gas stream is unique.Klber Lubrication is the only lubricantsupplier to have tailor-developed aprogram to calculate the tendency ofthe individual gases to be dissolved inlubricating oil. All factors determining thistendency are taken into account, inclu-ding the actual operating conditions:

    1. Pressure:The higher the compression, thehigher the tendency of the gasto be dissolved in the oil.

    2. Temperature:The higher the compressiontemperature, the lower thetendency of the gas to bedissolved in the oil.

    3. Molecular weight:The higher the molecular weight

    of the gas, the higher its ten-dency to be dissolved in the oil."Heavy" hydrocarbons such astoluene are more easily dissol-ved than "light" ones such asmethane or propane.

    4. Polarity:When it comes to polarity, theprinciple of "likeness" applies.Polar gases such as ammoniaare easily dissolved in polar oilssuch as polyglycol, while homo-polar gases such as hydro -carbons are less easily dis -solved in polar oils.

    Taking into account these criteria,Klber can calculate the tendencyof your gas to be dissolved in thelubricating oil already before yourrotary screw compressor is filled withlubricant. This gives us valuable infor-mation about the oil's viscosity underactual operating conditions, and wecan suggest a lubricant that will meetthe manufacturer's viscosity require-ments in all real-life situations.

    Klber calculates viscosity

    Mineral oil ISO VG 150High viscosity decrease,viscosity not in line with specification

    Klber Summit PGS 150, ISO VG 150Small viscosity decrease,viscosity within specification

    Running hours of the compressor

    Recommended viscosity range

    Stable viscosityafter initial dilution

    ISO VG 150

    V i s c o s i t y Continuous dilution

    of the mineral oil

    Viscosity too low Risk of bearing damage

    in the compressor


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    A lubricant with a viscosity that is inline with manufacturer's instructionsinevery stage of compressor operationhelps you to extend your productioncapacity. After all, less compressorwear leads not only to

    longer component life and

    higher operational and productionreliability throughout your plant

    but also to

    less production loss due tomaintenance downtime,

    a higher degree of compressoravailability and

    a better utilization

    An example:

    The first step is analyzing the gas stream composition:54 % methane CH 4 16 % C 2H10 , C 5H12 , C 6H1416 % hydrogen H 2 36 ppm hydrogen sulfide H 2S16 % ethane C 2H6 16 ppm hydrogen chloride HCI

    8 % propane C 3H8

    2. The second step is analyzing the operational data of the compressor:

    Discharge pressure: 8.5 barDischarge temperature: 95CSuction pressure: 1.2 barSuction temperature: 28COil temperature to the bearings: 65C

    3. The third step is the viscosity requirement of the OEM: Application example: oil-injected rotary screw compressor

    >12 mm 2 /s at 65C (oil injection temperature to the bearings)> 8 mm 2 /s at 95C (oil injection temperature to the rotors)

    4. The fourth step is suggesting a suitable oil for the application:

    For this operational data, we would suggest Klber Summit NGSH-150.

    We have enclosed a "Technical Questionnaire for Process Gas Compressors",which will help you to quickly and easily compile your application data and sendthem to us so that we can recommend a suitable product. We will also gladlycalculate the lubricating oil viscosity that brings you maximum benefit.

    A calculation that pays

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    The pitfalls of chemistry:reaction products.When mixing under high pressure andtemperature, gases may not only bedissolved in the oil, they may also reactwith base oils or additives. Conventio-nal mineral oils, in particular, containunsaturated hydrocarbons and sulphurcompounds that tend to react withreactive gas components. Furthermore,base oils and additives may be affec-

    ted by acids or humidity contained inthe gas stream. The complex chemicalsystem present in a compressor hostsa vast potential for chemical reactionand polymerization.

    A typical consequence of this type ofreaction is the formation of sludge orsolid residues. Both may severely affectthe lubricity of the oil and lead to consi-derable wear on rotors and bearings.

    Another possible effect is the cloggingof oil filters and separators, which inturn leads to higher oil consumption.So a high consumption of oil filters andseparators, short oil change intervals,

    frequent machine stoppage for mainten-ance, high oil consumption all leadingto substantial costs are inevitable. Ormaybe they arent?

    1.2. Problems with residues, deposits

    and sludge in the Oil.Chemical compatibility may bethe cause

    Reduce your maintenance and operating costs by using compres-sor oils from Klber Lubrication. Hows that possible? Becausewith Klber oils you will need less new oil filters and separators,reduce reaction by-products in the compressor and cut your oilconsumption.


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    Our reaction:low-reaction lubricants.To avoid the formation of reactionby-products and prevent avoidablecostsfor maintenance and spare parts,Klber Lubrication checks the compa-tibility of gas stream and lubricating oilbefore it is used in a particular com-pressor.

    Based on chemical expertise gatheredduring more than 75 years of advancedresearch and development, our team ofexperienced chemists ensure that weknow and understand the possiblereactions between gas and oil compo-nents, and about the conditions underwhich they occur.

    With this background, an accurateanalysis of the gas stream being com-pressed enables us to find a suitable

    lubricant for your rotary screw com-pressor from our range of more than 25different process gas compressor oils.

    This means for you:

    less reaction by-products, depositsand sludge

    lower filter consumption due toless deposits

    lower costs due to longer oilseparator life

    lower oil consumption due tolonger oil change intervals andhigh separator performance

    less wear on rotors and bearingscaused by reaction by-products(consequent longer rotor and bea-

    ring life)

    less downtime for normal andextraordinary maintenance stops

    to replace oil filters, oil separators,bearings and rotors.

    lower operating and maintenancecosts

    In brief you will save a lot of inconvenience and costs.

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    When standard oils beat it. At high compression temperatures, theoil injected into the compressor tendsto evaporate in particular standard-quality mineral oils and is carriedalong with the gas stream. There it ispresent in two forms: as oil vapor andas oil aerosol (small droplets) . Theaerosol is mostly filtered out mechani-cally by the oil separator; the oil vapor,however, can cause problems as itremains in the gas stream, being one

    of the causes of continuous oil con-sumption. Consequently, the more oilevaporates, the more is consumed.

    In chemical processes where the purityof the gas stream is essential, the pre-sence of oil in the gas is highly undesi-

    rable. But a high oil content can alsocause problems in applications in theoil and gas industry. Downstream cata-lysts may suffer damage due to theeffect of certain oils and additives.Components such as heat exchangersor pipes may be clogged by conden-sing oil vapor. In addition, a high oilcontent in the gas stream leads to highoil consumption.

    A lot of problems for which

    Klber Lubrication offer tailor-madesolutions.

    1.3. High oil consumption and high oilcarryover to the gas stream?Low evaporation and carryover fora pure gas stream

    Our special lubricants for the compression of inert gases such aspure hydrogen or nitrogen ensure that the gas stream remainspure. After all it's the compressor that needs lubrication, and notthe gas stream.


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    Klber Summit: synthetic pro-blem solvers.With our Klber Summit oils we offeryou an extremely wide choice of fullyand semi-synthetic products for alltypes of compression processes. Thehigh resistance to evaporation of theseoils comes into play in particular attemperatures above 70C, which ensu-res that the amount of oil vapor carriedalong in the gas stream is kept to aminimum.

    Furthermore, several of our oils havebeen approved by a leading manufac-turer of catalysts in the oil and gasproducing sector: UOP. ConsequentlyKlber Lubrication can supply the idealoil for every application.

    This means for the compression process:

    Highly reliable processes, especi-ally chemical ones

    Less oil carryover, continuouslyhigh efficiency and long service lifeof catalysts and downstream com-ponents

    Less stoppage for cleaning (heat exchanger) and replacement ofcontaminated components

    This means for you:

    Purity requirements are met.

    Oil consumption is lower (refill quantities).

    Downstream components livelonger.

    Need for maintenance as is causedby oil in the gas that makescleaning of the contaminated com-ponents necessary is reduced.

    Maintenance and operating costsare reduced and the availability ofyour compressor increased.

    Lubrication with know-how synthetic special oils.

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    1st step data collection.The following information must beavailable to find a suitable oil:

    Accurate analysis of the gas streambeing compressed

    Suction and discharge temperature

    Suction and discharge pressure

    Viscosity instructions by compres-sor manufacturer

    Operating conditions such as inter-mittent operation, ambient tempe-ratures and other influencing factors

    Important additional informatione.g. if catalysts are used, or limitsfor the oil content in the gasstream

    On the last page, you will find the"Technical Questionnaire for ProcessGas Compressors" as an insert. Goingthrough its questions is an easy way ofcompiling all the data you need

    1.4. The art of choosing the right gascompressor oil in three steps

    Under the name of Klber Summitalone we offer you eight different seriesof special oils for rotary screw gascompressors: they include oils forthe compression of light hydrocarbongases as well as oils for use withaggressive gases such as ammonia.In addition we offer the Klber TyrenoFluid series: inert oils for use with highlyreactive gases.

    Besides the compressor oil of coursewe offer you suitable oils for themechanical seals. As the oil from theseal can get in contact with the com-pressor oil, both oils need to be com-patible. For this task we can offer amechanical seal oil suitable for eachgas compressor oil. The full package.

    Our product range is as comprehensiveas the possible uses of rotary screw

    compressors in oil and gas extraction,refineries, the chemical and petroche-mical industries. For you to obtain thespecial oil that is optimally suited foryour application, the following selectionsteps are recommended:


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    2nd step data evaluation.We will use your data to determine asuitable oil taking into account thefollowing aspects:

    Determination of tendency of thegas to be dissolved in the oil andhence its viscosity during operation

    Selection of base oil and additivestuned to components in the gasstream

    Catalysts taken into account

    Check of particularities of gasstream and operating conditions

    3rd step product recommen-dation.We will make you a comprehensiveoffer for a lubricant:

    We will submit a product sugge-stion together with productioninformation leaflet and materialsafety data sheet.

    We will outline the viscosity beha-vior of the product as supplied andduring actual operation the latterbeing the viscosity specified by thecompressor manufacturer.

    We will provide a summarized ex -planation why Klber is suggestingthis product.

    We will provide a comment regar-ding the operating conditions found

    in the application: what to observefor oil changes, for compressorsrunning with catalysts, how to dealwith the risk of the gas fallingbelow the dew point, or the forma-tion of acids in the compressor.

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    Five years of operationprior to change over to

    Klber Summit PGS 100

    After each 8,000 operating hoursthe compressor had to be repairedor replaced due to bearing failureand high wear; six compressorswere required in these five years

    Monthly oil changes as hydro -carbon condensate reduced oilviscosity and flash point.

    Approx. five weeks downtime forrepair each year

    Approx. 4,900,000 m 3 of gas bur-ned off per year, at 20,000 m 3 /day

    Approx. 840 man-hours formaintenance

    with Klber Summit PGS 100

    Since the changeover, the samecompressor has been running for19,000 operating hours withoutbearing failure

    Oil change was extended to overone year

    No unwanted downtime in overtwo years

    Volume of burned gas reduced to140,000 m 3 since changeover

    Approx. 140 man-hours since thechangeover

    hydrocarbon gases, which are used topower several gas turbines. When thecompressor is down, the gas turbinescannot be used, and the gases mustbe flared off.

    After seven years of numerous break-downs, bearing damage and produc-tion downtime, the operator contactedKlber Lubrication. Following a detai-led analysis of the gas stream, a spe-cial gas compressor oil was suggestedfor this application. Use of the new oil Klber Summit PGS 100 startedwhen the defective compressor hadbeen replaced.

    1.5. Specialty oils versus mineral oils an example

    Operational reliability and availability of the LPVR compressor:

    Naturally quality has its price. But com-parison with other products does notworry us. After all, the high quality ofour special oils will pay in the longterm: by increasing the availability ofyour compressor and hence your pro-duction capacity. Figures are moreconclusive than words, so please havea look at the following calculation.

    One of the world's major oil producersturned to Klber Lubrication in the fol-lowing case. A low pressure vaporrecovery (LPVR) rotary screw compres-sor is used offshore for the recovery of


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    Machine data:Compressor: oil injected rotary screw gas compressorDischarge pressure: 8.5 barDischarge temperature: 95 CGas stream: Hydrocarbon gas of varying composition, from

    methane to hexaneProblems encountered: Oil change every 1,000 op. hrs. because of oil dilution

    and decreasing flash point; yearly exchange ofcompressor due to pronounced wear, downtime andproduction loss

    Lubricant costs- per oil change- per year

    Maintenance time per year

    Maintenance costs per year

    Spare parts and replacementcompressor, costs per year

    Production lossCosts of production loss

    Total costsCosts saved

    before changeoverto Klber Summit PGS 100

    7,400.- US$12 7,400.- US$

    = 88,000.- US$

    160 hrs

    160 hrs 50.- US$= 8,000.- US$

    15,000.- US$

    700,000 m 3 gas/year700,000 m 3 0.1 US$/m 3

    = 70,000.- US$

    181,800.- US$--

    with Klber Summit PGS 100

    16,000.- US$1 16,000.- EUR

    = 16,000.- US$

    65 hrs

    65 hrs 50.- US$= 3,250.- US$

    3,000.- US$ (assumed service life 40,000 op. hrs)

    140,000 m 3 gas per year140,000 m 3 0.1 US$ /m 3

    = 14,000.- US$

    36,250.- US$145,550.- US$

    162,800.- US$ Costs for monthly oil change (22 7,400.- US$)22,000.- US$ Replacement of compressor

    >1,000,000 m 3 Additional volume of gas recovered256 hours Working time for compressor maintenance

    Conclusion: Since it has been changed over to Klber Summit PGS 100, theLPVR compressor has been running much more reliably. Downtime has beenreduced significantly and failure of peripherals minimized. The rig crew called thechangeover a great success.

    Make use of this saving potential and put it into practice!

    The following savings were attained since the changeover:

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    1.6 A specialist for every application Klber oils for rotary screw gascompressors.

    Application, gas stream Klber product Viscosity

    Klber SummitPS 100 ... 400

    Klber SummitNGSH 68 ... 220

    Klber SummitPGS 68 ... 220

    Klber SummitPGS 2

    Klber SummitPGI 68 ... 150

    Klber SummitDSL 100 ...125


    Klber SummitR 100 ... 500

    Klber TyrenoFluid 3/6V, 6/14V and 12/25V

    Klber SummitPGS- 10A

    Klber SummitHySyn FG-15

    Light hydrocarbon gases without acid gascomponents and their mixtures with inertgases or low concentrations (< 21%) of oxygen

    Light to heavy medium hydrocarbon gases

    Especially if acid gas components areexistent like hydrogen sulfide (H 2S)

    Heavy medium to heavy hydrocarbon gases

    Especially if acid gas components areexistent like hydrogen sulfide (H 2S)

    Heavy hydrocarbon gases

    Especially if acid gas components areexistent like hydrogen sulfide (H 2S)

    Refrigeration compressor oils for hydrocarbonrefrigerants like propane, propylene and butane

    Light to heavy medium hydrocarbon gases

    Especially if process catalysts are installed

    after the compressor

    Aggressive gases like ammonia, methylchloride or vinyl chloride

    Refrigeration compressors with ammoniaas refrigerant

    Aggressive gases for special applications

    For pure oxygen or gas mixtures with oxygencontents higher than 21 %

    For applications with very high standardsregarding the oil carryover into the gas stream

    Lubrication of mechanical seal of the gascompressor

    32, 46, 68, 100, 150

    68, 100, 150, 220

    68, 100, 150, 220


    68, 100, 150

    100, 125

    32, 68, 85, 220

    30, 60, 100

    10, 15

    The product suggestions in this table just provide a general basis for the selection of a gas compressor oil. This tabledoes not contain any product recommendations for different applications. For a detailled product selection specific


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    Here is a brief overview of our products. To determine which oil is the right one for you, please send usall relevant data for the gas stream in your compressor and the operating conditions. As an insert onthe last page you will find our "Technical Questionnaire for Process Gas Compressors". This que-stionnaire will help you to quickly and easily compile your application data and send them to us so that

    we can recommend a suitable product.

    Properties and operating range Possible customer value

    Semi-synthetic gas compressor oil based on mineral oil and synthetic ester

    Good oxidation stability especially if oxygen is present in the gas stream

    Synthetic gas compressor oil based on Polyalphaolefines and synthetic ester

    Contain additives to protect equipment from wear, rust and hydrogen sulfide corrosion

    Low pourpoint for starting the equipment at low oil temperatures

    High evaporation stability minimizes the oil carryover into the gas stream in comparisonto standard mineral oils

    Synthetic gas compressor oils based on polyglycol

    High resistance to thinning out by hydrocarbon dilution

    Contain additives to protect equipment from wear, rust and hydrogen sulfide corrosion

    Low pourpoint for starting the equipment at low oil temperatures

    Synthetic gas compressor oils based on polyglycol

    High resistance to thinning out by hydrocarbon dilution

    Contain additives to protect equipment from wear, rust and hydrogen sulfide corrosion

    Low pourpoint for starting the equipment at low oil temperatures

    Not miscible with liquid hydrocarbons in wet gas streams which keeps the viscositystable over a long period of time

    Synthetic gas compressor oils based on polyglycol

    High resistance to thinning out by hydrocarbon dilution

    Contain additives to protect equipment from wear, rust and hydrogen sulfide corrosion

    Low pourpoint for starting the equipment at low oil temperatures

    Controlled miscibility of hydrocarbon refrigerants in these oils allows oil to return fromevaporator at low temperatures and to maintain stable viscosity in the compressor

    Synthetic gas compressor oils based on special ester

    Good compatibility with process catalysts

    Approved by catalyst manufacturer UOP

    Synthetic gas compressor oil based on polyalphaolefines

    High chemical stability against aggressive gases

    Low pourpoint for starting the equipment at low oil temperatures

    Synthetic gas compressor oil based on perfluorinated polyether

    High chemical stability against aggressive gases like oxygen

    Positive BAM approval for the use with gaseous oxygen

    Very low vapour pressure for low oil carryover into the gas stream

    Synthetic oils for mechanical seal lubrication based on polyalphaolefine (Klber Sum-mit HySyn FG 15) and polyglycol (Klber Summit PGS 10A)

    Compatible with Klber Summit gas compressor oils of the same base oil basis

    / Increased availability ofthe process gas compres-sor and of the whole pro-cess

    / Increased operational relia-bility of the gas compres-sor and of the entire pro-cess

    / Economic operation of thegas compressor due toreduced maintenance andspare parts costs

    / High pureness of the gasstream due to reduced oilcarryover into the gasstream

    / Increased effectivenessand lifetime of processcatalysts

    / Long-term partnershipfor consulting, aftersales service and specialgas compressor oilsfor the oil selection ofmany individual andunique gas streamsand applications

    factors have to be considered like a gas stream analysis as well as the exact operating conditions of thecompressor. Please consult Klber Lubrication for an individual oil selection for your application.

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    Regular used-oil analyses.If you wish to accurately time oil main-tenance stoppage and avoid additionaldowntime, you should have the oil inuse inspected on a regular basis. As thegas composition in a compressor isnever the same, any prediction ofcompressor oil life is a rough estimate.Oils may age faster or live longer thanex pected. It is therefore advisable toregularly analyze the compressor oilbeing used.

    Depending on the types of gases, ope-rating conditions and compressor run-time, we will define sampling intervalstogether with you. We will provide youwith standardized sample bottles, whichyou fill and send to our lab at the spe-cified intervals. A few days later, youwill receive a comprehensive lab reportinforming you about the conditions ofyour oil and any steps to be taken.

    This measure will help to preventmachine downtime, reduce mainten-ance costs and increase compressoravailability.

    You can find us where you need us.Having addresses to contact on everycontinent and more than 1,400 staffworldwide, we are never far awayfrom you.

    This will make contacting us as smoothas lubrication with our products. Youwill find the closest partner to contactin all matters regarding lubrication onthe back of this brochure.

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    20 Picture S. 2: FORKARDT DEUTSCHLAND GmbH

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    If your selection criteria are not included in this questionnaire we will be pleased to find a tailor-made solution for you. This questionnairehelps us identify your specific requirements.Please complete, copy and send it to one of the addresses overleaf. We will provide a recommendation as soon as possible.

    Technical Questionnaire Process Gas Compressors

    Please fill in and return to Klber Lubrication.

    Company Contact person/DepartmentPhone/Fax/E-mail

    1. Compressor type

    Reciprocating pistoncompressor



    Screw-type compressor

    Other types:


    Compressor designation/type:

    2. Composition of gas

    Data indicated in:

    % by mol or

    % by volume

    Please enter portions of eachgas or enclose complete gasanalysis.


    Water vapour H 2O

    Helium He

    Nitrogen N 2Hydrogen H 2Carbon dioxide CO 2Carbon monoxide CO

    Oxygen O 2

    Methane CH 4Ethane C 2H6Propane C 3H8Isobutane i-C 4H10N-butane n-C 4H10Isopentane i-C 5H12N-pentane n-C 5H12Hexane C 6H14Heptane C 7H16

    Ethylene C 2H4Propylene C 3H6

    Butene C 4H8

    Benzole C 6H6Toluene C 7H8

    Xylene C 8H10

    Methyl chloride CH 3Cl

    Vinyl chloride H 2C=CHCl Ammonia NH 3Hydrogen sulphide H 2S

    Hydrogen chloride HCl


    3. Operating conditions

    Suction temperature:1st stage: C

    2nd stage: C

    Suction pressure:

    1st stage: bar

    2nd stage: bar

    Compression dischargetemperature:

    1st stage: C

    2nd stage: C

    Compression discharge pressure:

    1st stage: bar

    2nd stage: bar

    Ambient temperature:


    With circulation lubrication:

    Oil sump temperature: C

    4. Screw-type compressor

    Lubrication details

    Lubricating oil used:

    Oil fill quantity: litresOil change interval:

    operating hoursRefill quantity:

    litres/1000 operating hoursChange interval of:

    Oil filter operating hoursOil separator cartridge

    operating hours

    Viscosity details

    Minimum viscosities

    in the bearing: C

    at the rotors: C

    Floating ring seal



    Oil used:

    Fill quantity: litres

    Operating temperature: C

    What do you want to improve?

    Extend oil change intervalsReduce oil consumptionExtend service life of bearingsand rotors (reduce wear)

    Avoid residues/depositsExtend service life of oilseparator and filter


    mm 2 /s at

    mm 2 /s at

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  • 8/10/2019 Lubricants for Rotary Screw Gas Compressor


    Publisher and Copyright:Klber Lubrication Mnchen KG

    Reprints, total or in part, are permitted only prior con-sultation with Klber Lubrication Mnchen KG and ifsource is indicated and voucher copy is forwarded.

    The data in this document is based on our generalexperience and knowledge at the time of publica-tion and is intended to give information of possibleapplications to a reader with technical experience.It constitutes neither an assurance of product proper-ties nor does it release the user from the obligationof performing preliminary eld tests with the productselected for a speci c application. All data are guidevalues which depend on the lubricants composition,the intended use and the application method. Thetechnical values of lubricants change depending onthe mechanical, dynamical, chemical and thermalloads, time and pressure. These changes may affectthe function of a component. We recommend con-tacting us to discuss your speci c application. If possible we will be pleased to provide a sample fortesting on request. Klber products are continuallyimproved. Therefore, Klber Lubrication reserves theright to change all the technical data in this documentat any time without notice.

    Klber Lubrication Mnchen KGGeisenhausenerstrae 781379 MnchenGermany

    Local rst-instance court Munich, Germany Certi cate of registration 46624


  • 8/10/2019 Lubricants for Rotary Screw Gas Compressor


    Klber Lubrication your global specialist

    Innovative tribological solutions are our passion. Through personal contact and consultation,we help our customers to be successful worldwide, in all industries and markets. With ourambitious technical concepts and experienced, competent staff we have been ful lling increasingly demanding requirements by manufacturing ef cient high-performance

    lubricants for more than 80 years.
