LSE SU ISoc '10-11 Booklet



Assalamu Alaikum - Peace be upon you all! WELCOME to the LSE Students' Union Islamic Society! (More commonly known as 'The ISoc') The award winning LSE SU Islamic Society is one of the most active and diverse societies on campus. We offer a wide variety of services for Muslims and Non-Muslims alike; from talks, socials and sports, to interfaith and charity events, as well as mentoring and spiritual activities! An opportunity is provided to gain a greater knowledge and understanding on this much-discussed global faith.

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LSE Islamic Society Freshers Booklet 2010/11

Fresher’s Booklet 2010/2011

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Contents Welcome Prayer Facilities Prayer Room: Rules and Regulations Education and Da’wa Events Charity Mentoring The Committee Who’s Who in the World of LSE ISoc? A Day in the Life of an ISoc Sister A Day in the Life of an ISoc Brother The Students Union Now the Important Stuff – FOOD! Contact Us, Join Us!

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الس�م عليكمAssalamu Alaikum - Peace be upon you all!


to the LSE Student Union Islamic Society! (More commonly known as ISoc)

The award winning LSESU Islamic Society is one of the most active and diverse societies. We offer a wide variety of services for Muslims and Non-Muslims; from talks, socials and sports, to interfaith and charity events as well as mentoring and spiritual activities! An opportunity is provided to gain a greater knowledge and understanding on this much-discussed global faith.

A Voice – Working For You

ISoc also aims to be the voice for the Muslim community of LSE. We work closely with the Students Union and the School to ensure and that your needs are met - whether they be prayer facilities, Halal food or that your opinions are represented on the issues that matter to you. We also strive to provide support to our members by facilitating a forum whereby we can all engage with the teachings of Islam.

Our Members Approximately 250 LSE Students sign up every year to be ISoc members and we maintain strong ties to our alumni who often visit. Our international and diverse membership means you will never be short of interesting friends!


We operate an open-door policy with our facilities and activities regardless of faith or non-faith.

So what are you waiting for…? Come along - see what we are about for yourself!

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Prayer Facilities

Where are the Prayer Rooms? The prayer rooms are located in the basement of Lincoln’s Inn Chambers, across the street from the Library entrance. The Brother’s Prayer Room is L08 and the Sister’s is L09 (don’t worry, there are plenty of signs to direct you - otherwise, there are plenty of friendly ISoc-ers wandering around campus, who would only be too happy to help!). Where can I do Wudhu’ (Ablution)? People give me strange looks when I wash my feet in the Library bathrooms. There are separate ablution facilities for both Brothers and Sisters - waterproof sandals are available near the respective Prayer Rooms. What are the Prayer Rooms like? Student Prayer Rooms are always small and dingy! The Prayer Rooms (or PR for short), as you will soon discover, are the hub of the ISoc. Newly refurbished, they are spacious, clean and peaceful, and often double up as a common room or study area. Come down and have a look for yourself! It’s a great way to meet other ISocers! With an extensive library of Islamic literature and academic books, as well as a CD collection - all available for members’ usage, the PR is also the ideal place for personal study and reflection. The PR also plays host to the Weekly Circles, Tarbiya Circles, Qur’an Classes and Tajweed Classes. The notice boards in each of the rooms will help keep you informed about upcoming events both in ISoc and on campus, as well off campus Islamic Events. What about Juma (The Friday Prayer)? The Friday Prayer is held in the LSE Badminton Court (basement of Old Building) every Friday at 1.15pm. Both Brothers and Sisters are all welcome to offer their Friday Prayers together. What can I do? Brothers volunteering to help prepare the prayer mats etc to set up for Friday prayer is most appreciated, please get in touch if you are interested. Mosques close by include… - London Central Mosque, a short walk from Baker Street Underground Station. - East London Mosque between Whitechapel and Aldgate East stations. - The Muslim World League near Goodge St Station.

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Prayer Room: Rules and Regulations Wait… “Rules?!”… Booooooring! Okay, so being dictated a set of rules may seem tyrannical, but we assure you, you’ll see the need as you begin to spend more time in the PR - it is the place to be. Where else could you sink into a pile of cushions whilst reading up on Islamic history or the latest copy of The Beaver ? Only 10 Golden Rules. So pretty please….

1. BE QUIET WHEN SOMEONE IS PRAYING! – That includes being quite in the corridor too! When others forget kindly remind each other. The PR is first and foremost a prayer room.

2. Rota – Maintaining the rooms is a collective responsibility. Please find sign up sheets in the PR, we

would like weekly volunteers to hover and tidy up the shelves. Easy!

3. Storage - Leaving something for a few hours is fine, but any longer and the room looks cluttered. Items will be removed if left lying around for too long. (If you need to store something important, please contact us).

4. Food - Providing no mess is left behind, you are allowed to snack in the PRs. Hoorah! But if we feel

too much mess is being made, we will ban food in the PR. No one wants to make sujood (prostration) on crumbs! (Brothers have banned food completely).

5. Rubbish/Recycling - Always ensure you take your rubbish with you. Waste and recycling bins are at

the foot of the stairs so leaves no excuse for not throwing rubbish away on your way out.

6. Saving electricity - If you are the last one out please switch off all plugs, switch off all lights and make sure the door is locked.

7. Shoes - go on the shoe racks. Simple as – no compromises!

8. Wudhu’ (Ablution) Area – Mop up after yourself, the floor can get very wet after heavy usage.

9. Door Codes – Sometimes the PR doors are

locked so memorize them. They are written in the PRs – or contact us.

10. Security - The L Building main entrance shuts

at 6pm, after which time you can only get in with a validated card. Ask the security desk in the LSE main (old) building reception to activiate your ID card for entrance. The PR is also used by office workers and non-students. Please stay vigilant and report anything suspicious to LSE Estates/Security.

The PR is the heart of the Muslim community at

LSE - let’s treat it with RESPECT!

'Surely God loves those who repent and He loves those who are always clean and pure.' (2:222)

What can I do? Busy places often get messy, so volunteers that can give the odd hoover would be greatly appreciated!

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Education and Da’wa Circles and Tarbiya

Often described as the bread and butter of what we do, seeking knowledge is a duty upon on all Muslims. So here at the LSE ISoc we encourage our members to seek knowledge, teach and learn from each other. Weekly Brothers’ and Sisters’ Circles and the weekly Tarbiya Circle provide a vehicle where the practices and principles of Islam are taught and discussed in a welcoming, friendly and understanding environment. Tarbiya is held every week in the brother’s prayer room, and both brothers and sisters are welcome. Usually those who attend are lucky enough to eat our special ‘Tarbiya Breakfasts’- hot, home cooked breakfasts courtesy of our generous attendees! Some of the famous ones included the American Breakfast, a Somali Breakfast and a Bengali Breakfast to name but a few - mmmmmmm. Tarbiya Circles are presented by fellow undergraduate and postgraduate students (i.e. anyone!) who have researched their topics thoroughly, taking turns in leading topics which they find particularly interesting. Circles are often given by qualified students and they are posted up on the ISoc website so that people can consolidate their notes or catch up on missed lessons. What can I do? We are constantly looking for people to volunteer in giving Tarbiyas, whether by yourself or with a friend, to preparing the breakfasts on rotas, or simply just turning up nice and early at 9am on a Friday morning and joining in!


As University serves as a platform to engage with students from every corner of the world, it is incumbent on us to take this opportunity in an aim to increase awareness about the teachings of Islam and to help others gain a greater understanding of Muslims. We therefore host a weekly Da’wa (Outreach) Stall on Houghton Street. As well as providing introductory literature and free Qur’ans, the Da’wa Stall aims to encourage dialogue between Muslims and non-Muslims, and creates a means through which we can answer people’s questions regarding Islam. In recent months, the Da’wa Stall has become increasingly popular for the delicious coffee and free biscuits and nibbles we offer to our patrons! So make sure you get there before it all runs out!

What can I do? Volunteer! Once a week there will be separate slots available for both Brothers and Sisters to sign up to help at the Dawa Stall by answering questions and encouraging dialogue. We’re always looking to improve the way we run, and any unique ideas and involvement is much sought after!

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Events The Islamic Society is one of the most active societies on campus Alhamdulillah (all praise be to God). Our committee and members work tirelessly throughout the year to bring you a range of events. Some of the highlights from last year’s events;

• The Annual Dinner – Over 100 people dressed in their best attire to celebrate the end of another amazing ISoc year. A lively charity auction/friendly bidding war between Brothers and Sisters over exquisite items from around the world and delicious Asian food made this a night to remember, and never ever to be missed!

• Discover Islam Week – This annual week-long event is an opportunity for Non Muslims and Muslims alike to find out more on Islam. This years DIW featured talks on Can Liberalism Tolerate Islam? By Professor Abdul Hakim Murad and The Quran: Language & History by Hamza Andreas Tzortzis, alongside the groundbreaking ‘Big Picture’ Launch, a week-long Muslim Inventions Exhibition held in the Quad and of course, our annual Mosque Trip!

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‘Can You Last A Muslim Fast’ was also awarded the LSE SU Best Society Event 2010 having invited Howard Davies, the Director of LSE, and over 100 LSE students to participate, this spectacular event provided a unique and valuable insight into a key Muslim practice.

• Islamic Finance: A Way OUT... A joint event with the LSESU Investment Society brought Mr. Iqbal Khan, founding CEO of HSBC Amanah (Islamic Finance) to come to talk about how the Islamic Finance model could have helped banks avoid ever getting into the Credit Crunch. And perhaps more importantly, how Islamic Finance can actually offer a way out of this current crisis!

• Muslims and the Media Journalists from The Guardian and the Muslim Lifestyle Magazine, Emel, came to give a talk on how Muslims are presented in the media. It was followed by a workshop and advice on how to write interesting and eloquent articles to newspapers and magazines.

• ULU ISOC Fresher's Football Cup (Brother's Event)

Inter-ISoc tournament in which various other ISoc's participate at the beginning of the year. Organised by a dedicated LSE Brother mashaAllah (by the Will of Allah), this is a great icebreaker event for the new brothers in the LSE ISoc and also gives the chance to meet other people from other ISoc's, as well as letting loose some serious skill.

• ULU ISOC Fresher's Cricket Cup (Brother's Event)

This event happened at the end of the year, and after weeks of training, the LSE ISoc competed against Kings College and Warwick ISoc to win the title of best ISoc Cricket Team. Unfortunately we came 2

nd, but alhumdulliah it was an amazing event and an experience to meet Muslim brothers from

other universities.

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Some of our other previous events include:

• Simmons and Simmons Muslim Student Recruitment Workshop

• CVBoosters Event • Basic Life Support Training Workshop

• Dawa Workshop

Some of our previous speakers have included: - Prof. Tariq Ramadan - Prof Abdal Hakim Murad - Prof. Norman Finklestein - Rageh Omar - Sarah Joseph - Abdur Rahman Malik - Luqman Ali - Peter Sanders - Mizan Raja - Imam Ajmal Masroor - Dr. Jesser Auda - Zahid Abu Ghudda

- Moez Masud - Tarek El Diwany - Jamal Badawi - Dr. Usama Hasan - Dr. Kemal Helbawy - Dr. Umar Abdullah - Shk. Idris Tawfiq - Shk. Haitham Al-Haddad - Shk. Hasan Ali - Shk. Hasan Al-Banna - Shk. Muhammad Al-Shareef - Shk. Faraz Rabbani

Joint Events We also do a variety of joint events with other societies and SU themed weeks, whether they are interfaith events with the Christian Union or Jewish Society, or our previous Islam and the Environment – Faith in the Planet? event as part of the SU Environment and Ethics week. What’s more, last year we held our first ever ‘Hijab Day’ where female students were given the opportunity to try on the Hijab for a whole day, with snacks after! Upcoming Events The year begins with our own Al-Freshers Week, where you’ll have ample Meet ‘N’ Greets. Our Al-Freshers Welcome Dinner is certainly not to be missed – just check your weekly ISoc email for details. And be sure to come to our AGM so you can vote for your new committee! Needless to say, as a member of the ISoc you will always find something interesting to get involved in for the whole year! Socials But it’s not all work and no play - even Muslims like to relax with friends now and again! The ISoc also hosts some great social events; often fortnightly, from dinners, theatre trips, bowling, Pro-Evo and Wii tournaments and outdoor ice-skating. Alhamdulillah, there are soo soo many brothers socials. Ranging from the weekly Orange Wednesday to Paintballing to trekking across London to get the legendary burger meal another brother told you about. You’ll just have to wait and see, for it’s a great perk of being in the ISoc, the friendships you make, and the wonderful socials that will stay with you for the rest of your life. What can I do? Charity Week and Discover Islam Week are our biggest events to look out for, which without your help would be impossible to do, so for those interested in being a part of our Marketing, Events Organising or Publicity teams, or the various other roles on offer, make sure you tell us about your interest and look out for the sign up sheets!

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Charity Giving sadaqah or charity is one of the most important teachings in Islam and we at the ISoc ensure that this is a priority. The majority of our fundraising occurs during the Friday prayers, so make sure you have your wallet with you! However, we often have themed Charity Week as part of ULU ISoc Charity Week, and the LSE SU RAG (Raising and Giving) Week, as well as hosting charity auctions at some of our bigger events. Some of last year’s campaigns:

ULU ISoc Charity Week for Orphans around the World [Islamic Relief]: £7052 Weekly Juma’ah Bucket collections £13,000+

Miscellaneous Fundraisers/Collections

Grand Total- £22,000 approx ALHAMDULILLAH! (All praise be to God!)

Somalia Crisis: £1859 Sind Medical Camp: £1347 Haiti Earthquake: £1196 Gaza Crisis: £1590 Micro-finance in Bangladesh: £506 Kyrgyzstan Appeal: £695

HIV/AIDS Million Penny Drive: £309 Cyclone Nargis: £562 Global Food Crisis: £457 Build A Well Campaign: £1749.06 Muslim Community Fund: £1814 Schools in Dhaka: £632

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"Whosoever follows a path to seek knowledge, Allah will make a path to paradise easy for him” [Muslim]

Being at one of the best academic institutions in the world is a blessing from Allah that requires us to be thankful and to make good use of this blessing - by excellence and hard work. The ISoc mentoring scheme is here to help you fulfil your potential at LSE, by giving a ‘heads up’ on the road ahead of your next 3 years here. We help you do your best by providing the information and advice that you might otherwise not have had - and motivating you along the way too!

What we offer: 1) Mentoring Sessions

Whether regular Weekly Sessions or whenever the Mentee requests them, these Sessions are given by experienced second and third years, to help, guide and motivate the Mentees throughout the year on their degree. They are usually based on topics that the Mentee requests and therefore offer a level of flexibility. 2) Mentoring Events Previous events include… � Crash Course in IT – Doesn’t turn you into a computer

geek but does what it says on the tin. Essential for every student wanting to survive LSE – where everything runs by e-mail and computer.

� How To Write Good Essays – Does what it says on the tin (de ja vu?)

� The Buzan Et. Al Method Of Study – So much to do, so little time! How do we become efficient and

studious? What is the most effective way of studying? This event reveals all. 3) Mentoring Reminder E-mails Whether they are motivational reminder emails or humorous ones, these are sent to all Mentors and Mentees to keep them going throughout the year. 4) An Opportunity To make new friends on your course from all years as well as the chance to gain advice and support, which will inshaAllah (God willing) help you have a stable and enjoyable year!

SEIZE THE OPPORTUNITY TO EXCEL AT LSE! What can I do? Join now by emailing with your name, year, degree and modules to be studied once you have selected them.

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Committee Headed by the ‘Executive Committee’, the ISoc Committee is the engine that keeps the society moving. The ISoc Exec, elected at the AGM, steers the society and are responsible for maintaining the administrative side of the society.

Who does what? President: The big cheese. If you manage to track him down he should be busy steering the ISoc ship, as he’s responsible for the overall running of the society. General Secretary: The Gen. Sec is the brains behind this operation. Duties include managing the day-to-day running of the ISoc, dealing with all emails and keeping the other Committee members on the straight and narrow.

Treasurer: A true professional, the treasurer finds creative ways to fund ISoc adventures and charity projects. He/she is most often found repeating the phrase, ‘No, we can’t possibly afford that’, but has been known to put together an Eid dinner on a shoe-string.

Head Sister: The role of the Head Sister is to maintain the Sisters’ Prayer Room, organize the weekly Sisters’ circles and ensure that the sisters’ needs are met! AD/DIW Head; the role of this individual is to help and manage the Discover Islam Week and the Annual Dinner. this is an incredibly important role as both events take months of planning.

The Rest of the Committee

The Committee includes other important posts including Charity Officers, Publicity, Officer, Events Officers and External Liaison Officer. We hold weekly committee meetings where we discuss our direction and events, and everyone is welcome to make suggestions.

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Who’s who in the World of the LSE Islamic Society? Brothers Profiles Mushood Ullah The notorious Mushood packs on hell of a punch, don’t let his height fool you. Hes always benching something. One of the ultimate

Nabeel Van Moosa Nabeel

Sharafath Khandoker Sharafath is a great and helpful member within the ISoc. Other than being a key part in the organisation of events, he is also rumoured to be the creator of the legendary Curry Crawl which takes place once a year, so watch out Fresher’s. Furthermore, he’s always a laugh and is always in the prayer room ready for a good chat. So he should be avoided if you’ve got a lecture in the next couple of hours, but is known as a hall of fame ISoc Chiller.

Ikmal Nordin Ikmal is always smiling, but don’t let that fool you, I’ve not heard of this guy miss a single lecture, so its a track record for all ISoccers to go by. If you’re lucky, you might see the Blackberry firmly held in his left hand fully packed of notes and Quranic verses.

Mashud Ullah Last year’s Treasurer, Mashud is a keen member of the ISoc. Don’t let his height fool you, Mashud is one tough brother and is always up for chilling. The best thing about him is he is always accompanied by his proper Old school Bengali Comedy, amongst other things. But don’t worry; this promising law student is always up for a laugh. Nabeel Van Moosa The one and only. He is our very own LSE Haffiz. After spending the whole summer in Syria pretending to learn Arabic, this brother is eager to get back to some serious chilling this year. There’s more to this brother, he’ll spin rings around you at the weekly football event and then bat you for 6 at cricket. This energetic brother is always up for watching a good football match with the brothers. Probably one of the easiest people to get along with and one cool brother.

Anjm Shahbaz Anjm is our resident cricket expert, after organising the inter-ISoc cricket and football event; he’s always on the lookout for fresh talent. If you love cricket, you’re gonna love Anjm. Moreover, he is also incredibly funny and friendly and can always bring a smile to your face whatever your mood. Everyone needs a bit of Anjm.

Imran Khan What can we say. Legendary. This guy is always on top of what is happening in the ISoc. Being last years ISoc mentor, he’s the guy to hang around if you need advice before exams and if you get the chance you can witness him take hours to finish his neatly packed lunch. This guy can speak forever, but keep your ears open you might actually learn something.

Nizam Hussein This guy does nothing but chill. AVOID AT ALL COSTS if you value your degree. One of the friendliest and funniest people you’ll come across. Nizam is the one to know in the ISoc. With his random comments he will always keep you laughing and coming back for more. This guy has been a part of some of the great socials we’ve had in the ISoc, so he’s one to watch out for in Fresher’s week.

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Talha Ghannam Last year’s President, this guy developed another definition for the word organised. After being snapped up for interviews by BBC News and Radio 4, he still finds the time to watch the Apprentice and beat you at a bit of Pro, not FIFA. A keen basketball player, Talha is on rare occasions very chilled, but watch out this driven brother will make sure you get all five of your prayers done.

Dilwar Islam This guy is epically cool. With his academy winning grin, this guy is always on the scene setting up stalls and making sure all the brothers are there. But, this guy will always be the one who decides to go for a meal at three in the morning, especially when you’ve got a lecture the next day. He also holds the award of Arm Wrestling Champ 2009 (not for long).Hopefully next year he will have a bigger beard to match the size of his massive grin. FYI, this guy is one amazing cook.

Khalil Imran Also known as the Malaysian Don, this guy knows how to make an entrance. Always friendly and always up for a chat, he out did himself in organising last year’s wonderful annual dinner. With his neatly trimmed beard and his broad smile, you can always depend on Khalil.

Mohammed Sarodia Sarodia is one amazing chap, he does incredible amount for the ISoc and for his local mosque. This guy is always primed with a Hadith but don’t trust him to tell you a good joke. This eager Geography student is always working and you’ll never catch him sitting down.

Hassan Raza This guy loves his economics. If your struggling in the old EC102 (freshers if your don’t know what that is, don’t fret, you soon will be hahaha). This guy knows his econ very well so all you Econ Freshers are in good hands. Moreover, he’s organising the fresher’s dinner, something to watch out for. But this brother is really down to earth and is great brother to know because of his wild jokes and his cheeky grin.

Mohammed Najmul Morley One of the funniest people you’ll meet at LSE. Having won Best ISoc Beard 2009 effortlessly, this guy is always up for doing anything. Being an LSE SU Trustee, he’s still got time on his hands to hang out with the brothers. Furthermore, don’t let the massive beard confuse you, you can always trust him to crack you up cos this guy is TOO MUCH

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The Sisters MIRA: Quite possibly the most notorious activist on campus, you will most probably know of Mira before you even meet her. Well known for her passion, confidence and courage, you will find her in one of three places; the prayer room, the UGM or Houghton street, however rumour has it that this visionary zealot has retired from her flyering and megaphone calling duties and has now retired to the safe confines of the library...or so she says. Alongside upholding justice, Mira also enjoys listening to audio stories by P.G. Wodehouse and making animal costumes, so do not be alarmed by her tough and strong willled exterior, as she also has a kind and considerate interior, indeed this pure hearted scouser will happily befriend anyone who offers her a ginger beer (halal!). TASNIM: This previous General Secretary also doubles up as ISoc's resident mother hen. Aside from the prayer room, the only other place you can find Tasnim is lurking in the Hs under the dictionary definition of "hilarious"- don't worry freshers, the side splitting laughter ensuing from Tasnim's company makes up for any necessity to speedily switch conversation topics when confronted with piercing questions regarding your inexcusably lax attitude towards form filling and general organisation. CAUTION: Those who regularly commune with our Iron Lady find their political views leaning inexplicably in a distinct right-ward direction. SORAYA: Unbelievably sunny natured and warm hearted this former Discover Islam Week Head and Annual Dinner Head may be, but mixed in with the fluffy marshmallow lies the streak of competitiveness that would leave Usain Bolt floundering in the blocks. Make a beeline to this girl when you're in trouble and there will be no one more delightfully helpful and sympathetic; but find yourself unwisely enrolled in the same egg and spoon competition and you may as well throw in the towel before Soraya throws it at you. SHAHIMA: She may be small but this former Discover Islam Week Head, Charity Week Head and general ISOC worker bee sure packs a punch when it comes to getting things done. This human coffee bean's relentless enthusiasm may produce headaches if your lecture happens to fall on the wrong side of 10am, but definitely renders the prayer room one fun place to be. As long as you steer clear of Harry Potter related conversation.

MIZHA: Thought you were productive? Think again. This former ISoc Events officer makes Richard Branson look lazier than a sleeping sloth and still manages to attend more ISoc socials than... well.. she goes to a lot of them anyway. With a smile that's as constant as it is wide, spending time with this girl is like ordering whipped cream with your hot chocolate- you're left feeling guilty about your lack of activity but also warm and fuzzy inside. MAIRA: The ISoc's very own Hilary Clinton, this political powerhouse was not only involved in organising Discover Islam Week last year but also in pretty much every other event on campus. Unlike Hilary Clinton, however, this girl is also the ultimate queen of the social scene. More eager to chill out than a melting Callipo, Maira's readiness to have fun anywhere and anytime render her the perfect antidote to the stresses of LSE. After spending an hour with this girl, you will forget that you were ever doing a degree. FAHMIDA: This poised, chic and elegant mini-lawyer may look like she has just left the catwalk but has probably been busy chatting in the prayer room instead. Don't let the immaculate look fool you, this former member of the Discover Islam Week team is as ready to chew the fat in Chicken Cottage as the best of us and may leave you with a desire to hit Oxford Street immediately but will definitely supply enough laughs to make you forget the ensuing hole in your pocket. FARAH: This Mancunian John Nash does not simply render the purchase of a pocket calculator unnecessary; she also supplies enough Northern wit to stuff a cottage pie. After managing to fit organising sister outings, being on the Annual Dinner team and general ISOC worker-beeness around maintaining the world's mathematical equilibrium (or whatever else it is that Economics students do) this genius likes to relax by... you've guessed it, calculating the bill at sister socials.

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A Day in the Life of a Random ISoc Sister…

Trying to wrap a head scarf and make breakfast at the same time, while adding a conclusion to that essay that you had promised yourself you would not leave to the last minute is no mean feat. I should know, I invariably end up performing it and today was no exception. Having finally slunk into class ten minutes late, avoiding the teacher's inevitably well-aimed pellets of sarcasm and daydreamed my way to 11am, I was finally ready to begin my day in earnest. First stop: the SU photocopy shop to get posters done for tonight's Palestine Society event. Unfortunately, due to my late arrival on Houghton Street, all the good poster spaces are already busy advertising everything from commercial law open days to free salsa classes, so some creative poster manoeuvring is required but, after having put up enough posters to paper the great wall of China since my arrival at the LSE, I am more than up to the challenge. Making sure to check out the stalls on Houghton Street, sign some of the ubiquitous political petitions and pick up any freebies from the investment banking promoters that are a constant presence at the LSE, I go the long way round to the library (having stopped to pick up coffee number 2) and spend an hour and a half making notes from a book that is as long as the M6 and twice as dull. Finally, feeling virtuous and wearing my intellectual face, I emerge from the torture chamber and head for the prayer room, picking up a halal chicken panini, some crisps and --yes, you guessed it-- coffee from the Quad on the way. As readily discernible from the jackdaw nest noise level the girls are already littering the PR in various attitudes of repose and, after praying Duhr, we squash together for the weekly world-wide renowned, and undeniably brilliant LSE Sister Circle, where we hear a presentation on and discuss a given topic in Islam, on this occasion "Ikhlas" or "sincerity". Having been spiritually uplifted, I spend a pleasant hour chilling out with the girls in the PR before trudging grudgingly off to my two hour lecture, the majority of which I spend chatting in the back row (tip for freshers: the 5 minute bathroom break in those things is extremely useful when it comes to Asr prayer sprints- it may seem like not enough time but those professors' bladders are slow). After the lecture there is just enough time to attend a quick SU meeting before I start panicking about attendance at tonight's event and get out onto Houghton St to bully unsuspecting passers-by into coming, using a cunning combination of leaflets and menacing glares. It turns out that my bullying (while exceedingly enjoyable) was utterly unnecessary because the event is packed when I get there, and a couple of logistical chair deficiency hiccups and a good event later we set off for Chicken Cottage, for a late night dinner and laughs. When I finally get home (finally because of my sudden craving for ice cream and our subsequent detour) my extremely persevering conscience suggests that perhaps it would be wise to do tomorrow's reading sometime prior to breakfast. My better self prevails, however, and, Isha done, I hit the sack immediately, promising myself that tomorrow will be the day when organisation and work ethic defeat spontaneity and procrastination.

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A Day in the Life of a Random ISoc Brother… So by now you know how busy the ISoc is. So what is life really like for a Muslim student on campus? Dear Diary, What a crazy day. It began rather unceremoniously, with my face immersed in the armpit of a middle-aged man for the greater part of the morning rush hour tube journey to Holborn- rats, that certainly spoilt my appetite for Tarbiyyah breakfast. And today was Belgian Waffles too! As I was already late to Tarbiyyah, I tried to cause as little distraction as possible when I walked into the Brothers Prayer Room. So, I took a seat at the first empty space I could find. Excellent- subtle as a ninja! Unfortunately, the group of Sisters next to me seemed to feel that this position was not exactly appropriate, and I was forced to scurry off into the far corner of the Prayer Room while trying to ignore the not-so-repressed snickers of everyone else. The lecture actually proved to be very useful. We learnt about the importance of fasting and of the five daily prayers. In fact, I might be one step closer to throwing out my copy of the Pussycat Dolls’ new album. A class and a hand cramp later, I was relieved to be able to meet my Mentor Mamnoon – I mean, things were simple in the first week then it all went downhill! Sure, Mamnoon won’t ever give me the answers, but he has some damn good advice - over one heck of a cup of coffee too! Then it was already time for Friday Jumu’ah prayers. This meant anarchy in the Prayer Room area, with about a million people wanting to do ablution at the same time, whilst dozens of prayer mats are being transported to the badminton courts and soon enough I’m given the task of carrying two huge prayer mat rolls. I attempted to maintain a graceful yet masculine aura, yet somehow ended up striking an innocent bystander to the ground. Oops. I turned around to apologies, only to realize that it was only Omar, the ISoc President! He didn’t look too happy, but he’s probably still annoyed about his sore loss in the Pro Evo Competition last week. The badminton court was packed to the brim, which provided perfect opportunity for the speaker to talk some sense into all of us. He talked about the blessings of Ramadan, and how we should make the most of every single day. That Pussycat Dolls album is definitely in the bin now… heck, maybe next week I’ll burn my Spice Girls poster too… After prayers, it was time for lunch- perfect timing, as my stomach was on the verge of consuming itself. Some of the guys suggested the Halal food in the Brunch Bowl, or the huge portions available in the Underground Bar. But in reality, there was only ever going to be one outcome, and that was Chicken Cottage. The greasiest, yet tastiest food in town, and all within a five-minute walk from campus. Who could ask for more? As we made our way there, we passed the ISoc Dawah and Charity Stalls, set up on their usual place on Houghton Street. They’re a bit hard to miss, seeing as they’re nearly always surrounded by vast numbers of pashmina-clad Muslim girls. They seem to be pulling in a good crowd- no surprises there, since we’ve become one of the most active societies on campus, and not to mention in the Student Union. Chicken Cottage was par excellence, which is nothing out of the ordinary. The fifteen guys in the small space behind the counter might not have a Michelin Star between them, or a Visa for that matter, but they have my respect. On my way out I managed to have a short encounter with a gaggle of glammed up girls on their way to Crush. My mate Johnny is with them, and calls me over. He asks if I want to go with them- d’oh! How can I get out of this one? I’ve always managed to squeeze my way out of it using the general excuses: ‘I’m allergic to sweat’ or ‘I have severe lactose intolerance which accumulates and manifests itself specifically on Friday nights’. Yeah I think I’ve been pretty tactful. One of these days I’ll get around to telling him about the evils of alcohol. Or maybe I’ll just direct him towards the Da’wah stall. Now I’m sitting outside the library, and all I have lined up for the weekend was the weekly shopping and laundry chores back in my halls. Then again, I hear the ISoc are planning a paintballing trip…muahaha- Omar, watch out!

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Student’s Union

The ISoc is one of the societies that make up the larger Student Union body. The SU is a fully democratic institution aimed at representing and advancing students’ interests, welfare and social life. If you want to get involved in student life, make changes and voice your views, then the SU is where it’s at!

The SU holds a weekly UGM (Union General Meeting) where students’ issues are discussed, changes are proposed through ‘motions’ and matters are voted on. All LSE students are welcome, and everyone’s vote matters because this is where SU policies and direction are decided. The UGM takes place at 1pm in the Old Theatre every Thursday.

Four Sabbatical Officers and one Part Time Postgraduate Officer run the SU, alongside ten Executive Officers. Sabbatical Officers are elected each year in the Lent Term (Postgraduate Officer is elected in Michaelmas Term). They are employed full time for a year to run the Union on a day-to-day basis. Committee members are elected in week five of the Michaelmas term. All representatives are either current or former students, and some of the representatives that were elected last year were either ISoc committee members or highly-active members of our ISoc.

The Beaver, a free weekly student newspaper, is also run by the SU. It is produced by a collective of students each term, and last year one of our committee members gained a place on the editorial staff! Copies of the newspaper can be found in the LSE SU, in the Brunch Bowl, library foyer and around campus.

For more information, visit the SU website:

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Now the important stuff – FOOD! When our forefathers came to setup home in London, fortunate for you and I, they brought with them their kebab skewers, clay ovens, woks, spice racks and butter chickens. Today, outside of the Muslim World, London offers you the most extensive restaurant choice for Halal eating. Since you might want to eat some food whilst at LSE, we’ve complied for you a quick restaurant guide.

KEY (for a main meal and drink) £ = £5ish, ££ = £10ish, £££ = £10-15ish, £££ = £15+ On campus

• Wrights Bar -£ Lovely folks which we want to adopt, but watch how they serve your chips, sometimes they mix the utensils. Next to the Old Building main entrance. And Hot Chocolate for 60p – mmmm.

• 4th

Floor Restaurant – £ Previously ‘Brunch Bowl’ - on the 4

th floor of the Old Building, some Halal options.

• 4th

Floor Café Bar – £ opposite 4th Floor restaurant

• Cafe Pepe - £ In Clement House (D building), which serves up great Panini’s.

• Quad Cafe -£ Basement of East Building, host to good food and great atmosphere. And they do a mean Halal Caesar salad, as well as some great veggie options, and sushi!

• Garrick – ££Café that serves some really nice pastries, and also contains a downstairs restaurant

• Plaza Cafe – £ Some Halal options and conveniently outside the library for those studious postgrads!

• Mezzanine Café –£ located in NAB serving coffee and freshly made smoothies

• Café 54 – £Lots of grab and eat options Walking distance from LSE

• Chicken Cottage – £ - A classic. “One who has not eaten at the cottage has not lived “. It’s your regular Halal fried chicken and chips located on High Holborn, opposite Sainsbury’s. 10% discount for students! – Just show your LSE ID card. £

• Subway – £ - Along Kingsway. Not Halal but the tuna or veggie fillings are delicious.

• Sticklers - £ At the bottom end of Kingsway, cross the road and walk briefly along Aldwych to arrive. Halal samosas, pastries, biryani and spring rolls- hot, cheap and delightfully greasy.

• Cafe Amici - £On the opposite side of Kingsway to LSE. Great Customer Service! Not Halal but they serve great Jacket potatoes and pasta.

• Ola Café and Bistro -££ Located at the end of Shaftesbury Avenue and around the corner from High Holborn halls. A bit pricier, but good food.

• Sushi Hiroba - ££Located between LSE and Holborn station, this place is good for a change from the usual. They serve a variety of sushi dishes and hand rolls

• Safadi (Lebanese) ££

• Nandos *

Restaurants near LSE

• Eccos (Covent Garden) Great Cheap Pizza, only Halal Chicken though ££

• Bali Bali (High Holborn/Indonesian, Malaysian) ££

• Sofra (Covent Garden/ Turkish) £££

• Just Falafs (Covent Garden/Veggie) £

• Scoop (Covent Garden/Italian Ice-cream) £

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• Souk Medina (Covent Garden/ Moroccan) £££ !CAUTION! Avoid Friday evening disturbing belly dancer

• Chutney Raj (Chancery Lane/Bangladeshi) £££

• Melati (Piccadilly Circus/Malaysian) £££Typical friendly Malaysian service & worth a visit just to see the nice bathroom.

• Hare and Tortoise (Russell Sq/ Japanese) ££ Wonderfully hearty portions of great food!

• Icco (Goodge St/Italian) £ Huge thin crust pizzas for a couple of quid

• Tinsel Town (Farringdon/ American Style Diner) ££

• Jerk City (Tottenham Court Road/Caribbean) ££

• Grand Bazaar (Bond St/Turkish) £££ A bit further out by train… Edgware Rd - Also called “Little Arabia”, you can find many Halal Arabic and Persian restaurants. It’s a short walk from Marble Arch station, on the Central line, and a stone’s throw from the lively Oxford Street

• Al Arez ££ Free baklava, excellent food

• Patogh ££ Big portions, decent priced Iranian fare

• Al Dar ££

• Beirut Express £ - excellent shawarma and always busy!

• Abu Zad - £ - lovely people, Syrian and Moroccan dishes • Restaurant with the green neon lights ££ - extremely cool interior, includes Egyptian dishes! Bayswater

• Lagenda (Malaysian) £££ Go eat some food in Malaysia and then try Legenda, it’s almost as authentic! Buffet, Friday and Saturday evenings

• Al-Waha (Lebanese) £££

• Alounak (Iranian) £££

• Khans (Indian) £££ Popular restaurant with top reviews

• Ginger Restaurant (Bagladeshi) £££

• Oscars (Mexican) £££

• Nando’s * see below (Portugese) ££ Ladbroke Grove

• Maramia Cafe (Palestinian) ££ It’s Palestinian. Go give the brother some business!

Shepherds Bush • Abu Zaad (Syrian) ££ Some of the best Arab food and tea in London

• Blue Ocean (Somali) ££ Quality Somali fare, with even more legendary Somali tea!

• Red Sea (Somali/Yemeni/Eritrean/Ethiopian) ££ Same as above London Bridge

• Georgetown (Malaysian) £££ Camden

• Anwar (Indian/ Warren St Station) ££ Really tasty Halal Indian food, popular with students

• Zamzama (Indian/Euston Sq)

• Drummond Street – Behind Euston Station, A range of Halal restaurants and kebab houses including Ambala Sweet Shop

• Icco- Pizza Place next to Carr-Saunders halls, great food

• Subway - there is a halal subway next to Goodge street station

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• Mehdi (Iranian) £££ Knightsbridge

• Masgouf (Iraqi) ££££ !STAR! Central London, but not a bottle of wine in sight! Excellent food and the mint tea will knock you out.

• Ishbilia (Lebanese) £££ East London - There are lots of Halal Indian Restaurants and fried chicken shops, and it is very cheap as well! All you need to do is hop on the District line at Temple station to Whitechapel or take the Bus No.25 from High Holborn.

• Brick Lane - Take your pick from a host of curry houses (Cafe Naz is quite popular) but our faves are two restaurants a few roads away from Brick lane...

• Tayyabs (Pakistani)_ ££ Arguably some of the best curry in London (see the reviews in Time Out), decently priced but huge queues! CAUTION!

• Maeedah Grill (Turkish) £££You actually feel as if you’re in Turkey, before the secularist fundamentalists came in, and spacious cubicles for private dining

• Maida (Asian) ££

• Baraka Eatery (Indian, Arab and Mediterranean Cuisine) £££ Stoke Newington: • Yum Yum (Thai) ££££ So this place is nowhere near LSE, but for special occasions, few restaurants can

beat its decor and cuisine! Some websites which provide a list of halal restaurants: The Small Print

• Note on Subway: Various Halal Subways have also opened shop (Edgware Road/Walthamstow...)

• * = Contact Nandos and their suppliers to find out which branches serve Halal meat.

• Please note we are in no way suggesting the restaurants themselves are “Halal”, just that they do serve some Halal meat options

• General Note: Always ask beforehand if the meat is Halal. In some of the restaurants only a few selected meat dishes on the menu will be Halal.

• Say Bismillah (In The Name of Allah), and tuck in ☺

Contact Us Without your help, the ISoc would not be able to convey the message of Islam, cater for LSE Muslims needs or be an active contributor to LSE student life! How do I get involved?

1) Vote for your representatives at the AGM. 2) Become a volunteer – join our volunteers’ mailing list to find out what needs to be done, from events,

publicity, dawa or charity. 3) Contact any of the ISoc representatives to make suggestions – we read ALL the emails we receive!

If you have any ideas or wish to get involved, please contact: Or have a look at our recently relaunched website, for more information about the ISoc, upcoming events, prayer times and more!

So Join Us!

In joining the Islamic Society you will be introduced to many positive and welcoming people from all around the world, make many fulfilling friendships and learn new and exciting things, essentially what the university experience is all about! So sign up and make the most of your student experience here at LSE!

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Friday Prayers are located in the

basement of the Old building

(2 Entrances)

PRAYER ROOM Lincoln’s Inn
