LRI Strategy Booklet - Leadership Resources · Biblical exposition. These are hermeneutical...


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LRI Strategy Booklet

An outline of our core beliefs


An Expository God: The Word at Work

We deeply believe both the church and the world need one thing above all: the living Word of God (Hebrews 4:12). By this we mean that this word is breathed out by God and the Holy Spirit uses it to give life.

God shows himself to be an expository God, a God who speaks. His speech brings action and life. Creation shows this: God spoke, and creation came into being (Genesis 1:1-3). Divine interaction shows this: God spoke, and this created covenants (Isaiah 59:21). God spoke, and this caused Mary to carry the Son of God (Luke 1:35). Even the figurative language of the Psalms reflects this: God speaks, and the cedars break, the wilderness shakes and the deer give birth (Psalm 29:5-9).

How does this Word bring life? God’s breath itself. Both the Hebrew word and the Greek word for ‘spirit’ can also mean ‘wind’ and ‘breath.’ So ‘the Spirit of God’ could often be accurately translated ‘the breath of God.’ John Woodhouse, in The preacher and the living word, posits that “in biblical thought the Spirit of God is as closely connected to the Word of God as breath is connected to speech” (55). Put in the actual book title God speaks, and the Spirit carries along the Word.

Creation responds to this Word. The human heart responds to this Word. It affects change, and brings people to God.

An Expository Ministry Seeing how God works through his Spirit-driven Word forms the rationale for what we are laboring to achieve: transformation through the life-giving Word of God. The pulpit is the primary place within the church where exposition is modeled. From there, all other ministries of the Word flow.

A Movement of the Word We seek to teach and train pastors to understand, proclaim and explain the word of God. We work to shepherd and develop the pastor himself, under God’s Word. Our goal is to see the effect on both the pastor and the church and eventually beyond. We desire lasting transformation, and we are confident that the Word, conveyed through the Spirit, will accomplish this. Change occurs in the pulpit, spreads to the church, and then to the world. At the same time, we recognize that preaching is not the only means of ministering the Word of God in churches. The pastor can affect the whole church with God’s Word in multiple ways, including training elders, training ministry apprentices, and training disciples to be disciple-makers.1

                                                                                                               1  We partner with Matthias Media, an organization that specializes in materials for use in discipleship and training in the Bible.  

The Living Word of God

An Expository God


Our Goal: A Movement of the Word

In each place of ministry, we ask for God’s Spirit to nurture a movement of the Word. This involves teaching, with a shepherd’s heart, the revealed Word of God. This Word comes with power through the Spirit. In faith, we expect it to do three things: transform those who are exposed to it, multiply to others, and deepen and expand the lives and spiritual work of all involved. We long for the kind of ministry that Paul describes in I Thessalonians 1:5 which comes “not only in word,

but also in power and in the Holy Spirit and with full conviction.”

A Guiding Principle

We desire a movement of the Word of God. We place the importance of The Word above all else. This priority comes from God. As such, we are looking to develop an expository pulpit and expository disciples taking the Word out. We want to invest training and shepherding resources into pastors and their churches, since teachers of the Word are charged with being the ones to take the living Word of God to the church and the world.

Transform  Multiply  

Deepen  &  Expand  

A Movement of the Word

A Movement of the Word leads the participant to:

All  Developed  within  Partnership  


A Movement of the Word in Acts: The Story

This pattern of an expository2 pulpit leading to expository disciples spreading the Word of God can be clearly seen in the book of Acts.

Acts is a thrilling record of God’s work to take the gospel to the nations. It opens with a resurrected Jesus speaking to his disciples. Just before Jesus ascended into heaven, his last words to his disciples were that they would receive power when the Holy Spirit had come upon them. This comes to pass in the very next chapter, where things happen just as Jesus had said they would. The Holy Spirit comes upon them, and they speak the Word of God.

In this same scene, Peter raises his voice and he quotes and explains God’s Word as recorded in Joel and Psalms. Again, this Spirit-empowered word goes out and produces life, amazing life. Three thousand people received the Word and were baptized that very day.

A few chapters later, in Acts 4, we see Peter and John teaching and proclaiming Jesus’ resurrection from the dead to the people, the priests and the captain of the temple. As a result, they are arrested and put in custody until the following day. But the Word of God cannot be suppressed, for “many of those who had heard the word believed, and the number of the men came to about five thousand (v 4).” Again, the Word prevails and brings life.

Acts 6:7 demonstrates this truth again, saying, “and the word of God continued to increase, and the number of the disciples multiplied greatly in Jerusalem, and a great many of the priests became obedient to the faith.”

Acts 12:24 declares that “the word of God increased and multiplied,” against a backdrop of Herod being struck down because he did not give God the glory due to him. Later, when Paul and Barnabas are speaking the word of God to the Gentiles, Acts 13:48-49 states that those who heard it “began rejoicing and glorifying the word of the Lord...and the word of the Lord was spreading throughout the whole region.”

Furthermore, in Acts 19, after the power of God over evil spirits is demonstrated, and masses of magic arts books are burned, the truth is shown: “so the word of the Lord continued to increase and prevail mightily (v 20).” Nothing can stand in opposition to the Word of God! Where it is proclaimed, it brings life.

This life that results is extraordinary: it has an unprecedented depth and quality to it. We see people repenting and believing. Once begun, this movement becomes an unstoppable force. This was God’s plan from the beginning, and was carried out by the power of the Spirit through his Word. These are the results we joyously expect from a movement of the Word.

                                                                                                               2 Exposition: an explanation of the text in the light of the author’s intention as it was divinely directed to the original audience, and as it is meant to be applied today

A Movement of the Word in Acts: The



A Movement of the Word in Acts: The Principles

The Word, carried along by the Spirit, will always do its work, as Acts displays. It does not depend on the people who are spreading the Word. God uses imperfect people to do his perfect work, and it is always his power that accomplishes his end. This removes the heavy burden from the person who is laboring to spread God’s word. It allows great joy and delight in its place.

Those who hear and receive the Word are transformed. They then carry this same Word to others, and thus multiply. And through continued exposure to the Spirit-empowered Word, they deepen and expand God’s work in their own lives and the lives of others.

A Guiding Principle

Transform  Multiply  

Deepen  &  Expand  

A Movement of the Word in Acts: The


A Movement of the Word leads the participant to:

All  Developed  within  Partnership  


Our Work


Partnership is our lifeblood; all of our work takes place within the context of partnership. It is a deep joy for us to work in this manner, as members of God’s body working together. We desire to catalyze others to embrace the vision of movements of the Word.

Through prayer, we partner with an indigenous organization. This partner would have a strong leader and existing structure. They also share our common vision and strategy, and have the people and financial resources to make the work possible.

This system of partnership also means that, right from the first day, we are working with locals who have an established presence and network in the area. They are responsible for identifying the men who are ripe for training and shepherding in the Word of God.

Once contacts have been made, and the decision has been taken to proceed in a given area, these local partners are the leaders throughout, who will not only participate in the workshops, but also be on the ground to guide and encourage the pastors, and to walk with them in the many months that our teams are not there. We never seek to do a work like this on our own, and we gratefully acknowledge that God’s Spirit has already been active in each area long before our arrival.

The partnerships may be drawn from several places: from churches, from denominations, and from missions, both western and indigenous.

The Work

Our partners look for strong leaders within a region with a heart and passion for God’s Word, and with the ability to start a training movement. We want them to be transformed by the living Word of God, and so to reach their own churches and the unreached pastors in their region.

The  Trained  Pastor  

Other  pastors  

Other  churches  

Other  leaders  

The  Trained  Pastor  

bridges  to  other  pastors  and  leaders  

who  then  bridge  again  to  others  


We spend concentrated time with a group of pastors who have been identified as men who desire transformation and have leadership potential, with twice-yearly visits. This is a multi-year process.

The visits consist of a small team of our trainers spending time with the pastors, teaching and training them not only to be

expositors of the Word of God in their pulpits, but also to absorb what they are learning into their hearts, affecting their whole selves and those around them. The emphasis is on conscientious Biblical training, combined with the love, care and affection of a shepherd for his flock. The deep desire is, by God’s grace, to work toward creating movements of the Word.

How do we do this? The two keys are (1) immersion in books of the Bible, and (2) an interactive approach. By immersion we mean taking a deep dive into a single book of the Bible in each week of the training, seeking to understand the main idea and aim of the author, the transformation he intends for our lives. By interactive approach, we mean that we rest our training on the concept of a three-legged stool: first we demonstrate an expository sermon that moves from content to intent. Second, we give the participants training in using tools for Biblical exposition. These are hermeneutical principles, found in our Eight Principles booklet. And thirdly, we give them an opportunity to demonstrate their understanding of using the hermeneutical principles.

Simultaneous to being trained himself, the pastor is training others. Each training he gives, then comes back to enrich all future training he receives. The pastors who have just completed their own training become trainers themselves: trainers of other pastors in their church and area, other leaders in their church, other lay people in their church and sphere. Thus, the work multiplies. Leaders continue to deepen in the Word and in their faith, and the living Word advances. This process means the continued movement of the Word becomes increasingly indigenous.

The progress that is made moves from training to development. Participants begin with training, where information is conveyed. This includes the content of books of the Bible, and hermeneutical skills – how to think and read, and how to see a text contextually. The emphasis is to discover the transformational intent of the author, and to be changed by it. This is a discipleship approach, through the context of a shepherding model.

They progress through this time and move towards development, when the information is being absorbed and causing transformation. At this point, our role is focused on developing people, as we work towards shepherding the pastors through their transformation.

As the participants move down the continuum from training to development, our control over the process lessens, and our influence in developing people increases.

The Work


Moving from Training towards Development: A Continuum

Training: greater control, less



•   conveying information

moving towards

Development:  less control, more


•   shepherding people for transformation


Looking at Results of Movements of the Word

The pattern established in Acts shows God speaking his Word through his people, leading those who believe to transform, to multiply and to deepen and expand.

A Guiding Principle

Ezekiel 37 paints the unforgettable picture of God animating dry bones simply by breathing on them. Colossians 1:1-15 states that the gospel produces fruit. The Word of God, alive with the Spirit, brings life and change. We are excited to have witnessed these transformations in pastors who have been exposed to, trained, and shepherded in the living Word.

The following pages examine what it means to transform, to multiply, and to deepen & expand.

Transform  Multiply  

Deepen  &  Expand  

A Movement of the Word leads the participant to:

All  Developed  within  Partnership  


To transform is, by definition, to change and alter; to leave behind what was, and to move forward to something different. This is what happens when a person is exposed to and shepherded in the living Word of God. Talk about looking for the ‘blokes worth watching’ during the transformation period, and then using them

in a strategic way as we enter the multiplication period in years 3 and 4. (Add the timing – “largely characterized by” predominantly years 1 and 2 transformation, 3 and 4 multiplication, 5 plus deepen and expand ) These men will form an in-country mentor team.

It was time to open the book of Jonah. A small group of pastors in St. Louis sat down together with a few of our trainers, and for a week, plumbed the depths of Jonah. They studied its historical context, its author’s intent, its message for its modern readers. And the sword that pierced the pastor’s soul was the central message: God’s heart of compassion as demonstrated through the story of Jonah.

Overwhelmed with this truth, he prepared his sermon at home for his own congregation. With joy, he opened the same story to them, with

the burning compassion of God at its centre.

Later that week, two women were engaged in a deep, emotional exchange. One had just discovered an unwelcome pregnancy, and was planning to have an abortion. The other woman listened to her, and was able to pour out to her what she had just heard in church from her Pastor the past Sunday: God’s heart of compassion. God’s love for Nineveh, and in turn for this woman and her unborn baby, washed over her. She overturned her decision, and kept her baby. Such is the transforming power of the Word of God. Tell this story backwards? Contact Bill Mills for details

The setting was Vietnam. James was sitting across from his interrogators, and as a Calvinist, hoping that they were damned to hell.

Six months later, he participated in the same training in the book of Jonah. At the end of the week, one of the trainers asked this question: “How has God been at work in your life through Jonah?”

James’ answer shocked even himself: we’ve been stingy with the Gospel! The same man who had been hating his interrogators determined that it was time to have compassion on all those around him, just as God does. He arranged for teams to go out, bearing the Gospel. Soon more than eighty-five people had turned to Christ, and five churches had been started. James also arranged for a rice delivery program. God’s compassion for the Ninevites fueled James’ compassion for his own people and persecutors. Talk with Tim regarding this story

Note: want to give at least one example for multiplication and deepen & expand – need to collect stories here

What It Means to Transform

Transformation Up Close: The Story of a Life


Transformation Up Close: The Story of a Life Turned Upside



Pastoral Transformation: Ministry and Pastoral Life

•  Secondly,  the  life  of  his  church  is  transformed.  Given  the  new  ways  in  which  the  pastor  now  sees  himself,  partnership  and  training  become  key  in  church  life.    

•  Thirdly,  his  joint  ministry  is  changed.  He  views  training  and  partnering  with  others  in  his  region  and  country,  as  well  as  other  countries,  as  key.    Denomination  and  organizations  are  also  being  changed.  

•  Pastoral  Ministry:  •  He  now  sees  himself  as    •  ❏    a  trainer    •  ❏    an  expositor    •  ❏    as  a  leadership  team  developer    •  ❏    as  a  pastor/shepherd    

•  This  involves  a  shift  in  both  his  heart  and  his  mind.  The  Word  of  God  has  caused  him  to  think,  feel,  and  approach  life  differently.    

Personal  Life   Pastoral  Life  

Life  of  the  Church  

Organization  Collegial  



The Word of God does not operate in a vacuum. As the Word begins to transform a person, the effect is not contained. It flows over to those around.

As the transformed pastor preaches, trains and builds partnerships, he is multiplying the effect to others. All of this is done within the spirit of partnership in which the training

began. This is a collegial model of working as we join with our partners and seek their input and leadership. The partners carry on the work and provide a supportive environment from which the pastors can work, be transformed, and begin to multiply.

The Word, carried along by the Spirit, takes root in those who are hearing the preaching, receiving the training and forming the partnerships. Often, this takes place first in other pastors of the church, then spreads to other leadership and lay people within the church. Our desire and expectation is that the movement radiate out to other churches both near and far.

In this way, a pastor who is being transformed by the living Word of God affects many around him, and those people affect many others. It is so exciting to see the blossoming of God’s Word. Nothing else has this life-giving power.

A Movement of the Word Multiplies Outward

The  Movement  spreads  to  many  others  

Other  Pastors,  Leaders,  Churches    

A  Movement  of  the  Word  

A  Transforming  Pastor,  within  a  partnership  

What It Means to Multiply


The Word-centered, Spirit-empowered life in Christ is never static. The immense depth of God means that we will never plumb his depths, but that there is always movement forward. C.S. Lewis referred to this spiritual truth as moving “further in and higher up.”

Psalm chapter 1 gives us the image of one who delights and meditates on the law of the Lord. He is a tree planted by streams of water who bears fruit, does not wither, and prospers. Here we see both the deepening and expanding that comes from a movement of the Word. The pastor becomes deeply rooted, and evidences this by bearing fruit and spreading his influence.

In seeking to develop a movement of the Word, we now turn our attention to our key leaders for the future. Out of the in-country mentor team you have been working with, you will ask one, two, or more, you will become mentor-trainers (MTs). MTs are drawn from the in-country mentor team who will become leaders of this movement of the Word.

To add:

The end goal is to see an indigenous movement of the Word that goes beyond and outlasts us. This Mentor-Trainer stage will help us to do just that. In this stage, we work with MTs in an intensive, and to establish new first-generation sites. Eventually, this work will lead to a phase where we step back even further, and we are helping this group of MTs to train other MTs, and out of this to establish this indigenous movement of the Word.

1. Seeing leaders of the movement rise up 2. Working it out through establishing an indigenous organization to carry on the

movement of the word, or working it out through an existing one

For an indigenous movement to really take hold, it needs to have an organizational structure with the accompanying people and financial resources to carry out the vision and strategy of that movement.

What does it actually take to see this indigenous movement of the Word be successful? What comes next? Right now, we are just at a phase where all we can do is point the way.

What does success look like? The broad brushstrokes of success look like this: to see the evidences of a vibrant movement of the Word (one of the key evidences would be (1) that an indigenous organization is taking up the concerns of this movement to carry out its vision and strategy, OR a new one has formed to specifically address it, and (2) then that this organization has the critical mass of people and support from within country to maintain its course

They need to have local church support, and could be individual donors, as well as the personnel. If we’ve done our work properly, we’ve created a pool of personnel, and a group of people who believe in it and are willing to give resources to it

What It Means to Deepen and Expand


To add:

1. Tim’s stories for movement:

• Get story from Philippines about the lady who has cancer and supports a whole group of pastors – non-Christian husband wants to give money to it because he sees how his wife has changed

• Prison release who is going into ministry??

2. One strategy page and one manual page for in-country mentor teams (see one-page notes I wrote to Todd)
