LPW Independent School Prospectus 2017-18 Our learner ......City & Guilds OCR Science progress...


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LPW Independent School Prospectus 2017-18

Our learner, parent and carer pack! “Pupils trust staff and feel safe and secure in school” – OFSTED 2016

Our school vision

Our vision for the LPW Independent School (Bristol), through a network of small ‘urban village’

schools based in city communities, is to be a centre of excellence for innovative practice. This will

help young people to focus on their personal and social development, re-engage with their

education, gain qualifications and move forward into further education, training or employment. We

aim is to be creative in all we do.

Our values

• Tolerance, kindness and respect

• Relationships

• Collaboration and partnership

• Resilience

• Learner-centred approach and practice

• Democracy and voice

• Community

• Professional development and support

• Challenge when learning

• Creativity in all we do

• Attachment and wellbeing

What we hold as important and believe in deeply – our educational philosophy

and ethos is based on 4 key propositions:

• The importance of relationships in the education of young people

• The importance of a student-centred approach to the education of young people

• The importance of building resilience in young people

• The importance of responding to needs and aspirations of young people

Welcome to LPW Independent School

Over the past ten years, we have been improving the achievements of young people who engage

in our alternative learning provision. We are committed to improving personal, emotional & social

development, helping young people to re-engage with their learning, achieve qualifications, and

ensure transition into further education, training or employment whilst the young person develops

into a positive citizen in the communities where you live.

LPW is an independent school that runs an alternative learning programme for year 10 and 11

students who have become disengaged with their ‘school’ mainstream education for a wide variety

of reasons. Every student has the potential to excel and it is our job to find the talent that lies

within each individual. With our support, our aim is for every learner will develop great

relationships, enabling them to learn and succeed.

It is our belief that through high quality experiences based on project-based learning, learners will

develop creative, technological, vocational and enterprising skills to assist them to be independent

and successful in the future.

Young people are allocated to small learning centres to meet their learning needs where they are

offered a varied and interesting education programme from premises in north central (City

Learning Centre near Broadmead) and south central (Bedminster Learning Centre near Asda).

This includes an offer of GCSE’s in English, mathematics and ICT. We offer a pre-GCSE Science

course as well. In addition, we see Personal and Social Education, citizenship, health and fitness,

and arts education as important for our learners. We offer a range of vocational programmes

where we balance formal classroom-based learning with project-based learning. The sessions are

a mix of arts, health and fitness, work placements, citizenship projects, work related learning, fund

raising for charity and Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE). We have links with a boxing

programme offering a sports leadership award, Rocksteady Training offering a BTEC in

Construction, Urban Pursuits and a partnership with The Wheels project to offering mechanics-

based training. There is also the chance to go on a residential trip or extended day trips. We liaise

with local schools to continue courses already started, if practical, where Child Development has

been offered in this way.

Our aim is to provide a versatile, tailored and interesting programme in which young people will

gain qualifications and have a positive learning experience. We will support the family and your

child throughout the year to overcome the barriers that have prevented the young person from

attending or achieving at school in the past.

A parent’s or carer’s role is to support us to do this

This means that we need those of you with parental responsibility to be open and honest with us

about issues that a child may be facing regarding the programme, engagement and attendance.

It also means parents recognising the importance of good attendance and completion of work we

set. We need parents and carers to play a part in motivating their sons and daughters, and to

emphasise the importance of this opportunity to progress. We will be holding carers’/parents’

events throughout the year, celebrating your child’s great work and achievements.

We look forward to meeting you. David Simons Head Teacher

What makes us different and what can you expect in

our provision?

Small learning communities

Deeper relationships with adults supporting each learner

Greater engagement in learning

Improved outcomes for next steps such as college places and apprenticeships

Lots of communication with families and supporting agencies

Home visits on referral and throughout the programme when needed

Bus travel paid for with a daily bus pass, in the Bristol area

A personalised timetable and approach

Greater focus on social and emotional development

Mobile phone numbers of key workers issued

Broad and balanced curriculum

GCSE’s in English and maths where appropriate

Food and drinks supplied

Opportunity for a work placement and a work-related curriculum

Opportunity to go on a residential trip

Staff attending college interviews if needed

Huge focus on safeguarding for all learners

College enrolments and bursary applications at one of our schools to make transition easier

Chance to visit many Bristol locations as part of ‘knowing’ the whole city

Regular learner reports and parents’ meetings

Therapeutic approach to our work through Thrive and Attachment-based approaches

An attachment-aware school

Overseen by OFSTED

Newly-refurbished premises

A kind, caring staff who are relentless in getting the best from every learner in their care – fun, fair,


2 grey T-shirts and 1 grey sweatshirt with the school logo provided for uniform on a normal day –

please wear dark jeans or black trousers and sensible footwear – ask the staff if unsure as we

have a kitchen, garden, go on visits, mend things, make things, do health & fitness activities, walk

to key places, art activities, comfort for sitting and using a computer. If there is an occasion to

need to be smarter, then we will discuss this in advance and give you some warning.

Qualifications and Learning

Students will be given the opportunity and encouragement to achieve a number of qualifications.

The qualifications we offer are maths, English, Functional Skills, ICT, science, creative arts, first

aid, food hygiene, PSHE, citizenship, ASDAN Citizenship and Employability. We continue to

introduce new qualifications over time.

These qualifications are nationally-recognised and help progression into further education or

employment. All students need to fully participate to gain qualifications that they are entered for.

Easiest Entry level 1 Entry level 2 Entry level 3 Level 1 Level 2 Hardest

Shortest Award Certificate Diploma GCSE Longest

A range of LPW Independent School qualifications on offer depending on suitability

AQA English GCSE

Edexcel Maths GCSE

ICT GCSE through ECDL and the British Computing Society and ITQ for IT users through City & Guilds

OCR Science progress towards GCSE – entry level

City & Guilds Functional Skills maths Level 2 to entry level 1

City & Guilds Functional Skills English Level 2 to entry level 1

Edexcel Art & Design BTEC – GCSE equivalent

Sports Leadership awards GCSE equivalent – done externally through boxing programme

ASDAN employability award or certificate, level 1 or 2

ASDAN Citizenship and PSHE short courses

BTEC Construction through Rocksteady Training

First aid qualifications

Money management qualification – award with AQA

The programme also includes sessions called:

Wider World including a PHSE / Citizenship


Health & Fitness, including sports leadership and Urban Pursuits

Creative Arts and onward routes and work-related learning

Social & Emotional Development - Thrive

Start Right, first aid and food hygiene is sometimes offered

Positive enrichment activities, including rewards

Food and gardening sessions

What we expect from parents and carers

The most successful LPW Independent School students have the highest attendance and the

more they put in, they more they’ll get out of their time with us. Parents and carers have a legal

responsibility to do everything you can to make sure your son or daughter attends school. We are

here to support you in doing this and if you have any concerns at any point, do not hesitate to

contact us. We expect all parents/carers to:

Make sure your son or daughter is in at a reasonable hour the night before school

Encourage them to get up in good time so they do not miss their bus or arrive later than

8:45am to their learning centre

Call us if your son or daughter is ill, running late or unable to attend. A text is not enough.

Do not plan any holidays during school term

Call us if you have any worries or questions about your son or daughter’s progress or


Support us getting your son or daughter to all scheduled exams so that we do not have to

ask you to contribute to the exam costs to re-sit them

Attend ‘Action Planning’ meetings where asked – these are held to ensure your son or

daughter is on track. It is important that you are aware of any issues happening in school

Important: If your son or daughter does not attend the amount of time at school that is needed

legally, without a valid reason or we cannot get hold of you, we will refer the case to the Education

Welfare Service as a case of ‘Persistent Absence’. Education Welfare may then decide to issue a

fine or take other legal proceedings.

Examples of an authorised absence are:

Being too ill to leave the house

Having an infectious medical condition

A family crisis or bereavement

A medical or dental appointment (we will require to see the appointment card and if your

son or daughter is ill for 5 consecutive days, we will require a doctor’s note)

Examples of an unauthorised absence are:

Being too tired to get up

Missing the bus or losing a bus pass

Birthdays, going on a trip or treat day out

What we expect from your son or daughter

On starting the programme, we will ask students and

parents to agree jointly and sign a behaviour contract which will include the following expectations.

This is not an exhaustive list and will be completed as part of the student’s induction programme:

• To be on time

• To respect myself, others, and the environment I am in

• Listen to and follow instructions of all staff and activity providers linked to the school

• To speak to staff if you have any worries, questions or concerns

• No violent, threatening behaviour or bullying to staff or other students

• Not to be intoxicated or bring any alcohol or drugs to sessions, and there must be no

smoking on the premises

We expect all young people to attend school on time, every day and to follow these basic rules of

respect and participation. We have a zero tolerance stance on drugs and, should we deem it

necessary, will involve the police.

We require our students to wear a very simple school T-Shirt and sweat shirt and to develop a

pride in being a student at LPW.

Our Behaviour Policy

To ensure our students are as successful with us as possible we make very clear to each of them the importance of the boundaries we set for them. We make sure that there are consequences for each individual learner based on the choices they make about their own behaviour. Whilst our behaviour management policy seeks to bring out the best in our students through approval and rewards if a student’s behaviour does not improve then we may send a student home as a fixed term exclusion.

If this was to happen, parents/carers will be contacted to come and pick them up or to be made

aware that they are on their way home by public transport. If the student refuses to leave the

session, you will be asked to collect them, but if they still refuse to leave, we will act accordingly.

Parents will then be asked to attend a meeting at the LPW office or learning centre with your son

or daughter to put in place an ‘Action Plan’ which supports their needs and aims to get them back

in the group.

If behaviour does not improve after this or your son/daughter is involved in a particularly serious

misbehaviour, we will be working with you in the following way:

1. Letters will be sent home to parents/carers

2. Isolation from the group followed by a meeting with you, your child and a manager before

they can return to the group

3. Your child may be put on a temporary part-time timetable

4. Moving groups or learning centre or an altered timetable

If a student is not behaving or partaking in any of their sessions, we will try to unpick the reasons

for this and make the necessary changes to help them. If your son or daughter has an exclusion

for any reason, you will be involved as we want to work with you and you can challenge this

through the correct channels but we don’t exclude a learner lightly.

We reserve the right to charge for damage to our

premises caused by your son or daughter as we pride

ourselves on having fantastic premises that we want the learners to be proud of.

What you can expect from us

We want to ensure that all of our students feel safe, cared for and valued whilst in our care. This

will give them the best chance of success and encourage them to engage with us. You can expect

us to:

• Give exceptional guidance and support to improve confidence, employability skills and

motivation for the learners in our care

• Assign your young person a keyworker who will act as first point of contact for you and your

son or daughter if you have any concerns or worries throughout the year

• Small class sizes with an average of 1 staff member to 5 learners

• Monitor your young person’s progress using an Individual Learning Plan

• Give you regular feedback on how your young person is progressing

• Provide termly written reports to you outlining progress made and targets met

• Reward your young person for meeting targets and making improvements

• Always be willing to meet and discuss any issues or ideas for how to better support your


• Create a learning pathway that reflects your young person’s interests and ambitions

• Help your young person find work experience, placement and apply for college or training

• Help your young person gain valuable qualifications and raise their aspirations

• An objective review of any complaints received in line with our complaints policy. We are

pleased to note that we have had no complaints made to during the academic years

2014/15 and 2015/16.

• Privacy, confidentiality and sensitivity but safeguarding concerns will always be shared

where the young person is at potential risk of harm. We take safeguarding very seriously

and cover essential topics in PSHE and during key worker time to ensure that every young

person is safe. We will make referrals to First Response and inform parent or carers where

we have genuine concerns. We will ask you to sign up to e-Safety agreements to safeguard

you son or daughter.

The centres will be open from 8.45am every day, where breakfast will be provided for those

who would like it as long as this is before the start of the school sessions. Sessions will

begin promptly. Young people will be given the opportunity to take part in a range of health

& fitness activities to encourage an active lifestyle. There will also be a focus on

independent living skills such as handling money, travel and cooking.

Education success rates and feedback

Quotes from learners

“My biggest achievement was not getting kicked out and achieving my qualifications”.

“I am more confident and I now know how to just get my head down and do work”.

“I have realised that it is not all about me!”

Quotes from parents and family members

“I would strongly agree that this school was the best thing for my grandson”.

“We feel that the staff have gone beyond the call of duty”.

Quotes from OFSTED

“Pupils trust staff, and feel safe and secure in school. Bullying is rare”.

“Those pupils who are the most vulnerable, due to their circumstances make equal progress to

their class mates because of the good quality support they receive”.

Surveys say…

“You have a great team. Thank you for your patience”.


All learners achieved an English qualification in 2014-15, with 100% of learners making the

expected level of progress, or more, in line with national expectations. 9.7% of learners made 2

levels of progress.


All learners achieved a maths qualification in 2014-15, with 93.5% of learners making the

expected level of progress, or more, in line with national expectations. 41.9% of learners made 1

level of progress above that expected of them.

Certificate of Personal Education

100% of our learners achieved this qualification whilst learning with us

Wider Key Skills

100% of our learners achieved this qualification whilst learning with us


76% learners improved their attendance after starting with us and the average improvement was


Onward Routes to colleges or apprenticeships

100% of learners had 1 or more positive offers for college or apprenticeships by the end of year 11


We have started a GCSE programme and are waiting for our first set of results in August 2016

Behavioural progress and attitudes to learning

quotes -

“I am most proud of being in for 3 weeks without any days off”.

“I wouldn’t have come this far if I didn’t attend this school”.

“I’m not getting kicked out of lessons and not giving the teachers any attitude”.


The following policies or documents are on our website or stored at school and updated annually,

or more frequently if any law or situation changes for us to need to do that: www.lpw.org.uk

• Admissions

• Attendance

• Behaviour, rewards and sanctions, including discipline and exclusions

• Child Protection and Safeguarding

• Complaints

• Curriculum

• Data protection

• Drugs Education and substance misuse

• Equalities

• E-safety

• First aid and medical needs

• Health & Safety, including fire safety

• Induction

• Lone working policy

• Positive handling and de-escalation

• Prospectus – this document!

• Prevent

• Prevention of Bullying

• Safer Recruitment

• SEND (Special Educational Needs)

• Sex Education

• Teaching, Learning and Assessment

• Use of photographic or media images

• Whistleblowing

Term dates for 2017/2018 – the same as Bristol City

Council schools

The school will also be closed on the following dates for INSET days: These will be confirmed in

advance by text or phone call.

4th September, 2017

8th September, 2017

30th October, 2017

2nd January, 2018

19th February, 2018

Any other INSET days are at the discretion of the school governance committee as we are an

independent school.

The school will also be closed for any bank holidays that are within these term dates above.

Referral process Referrals to the school will be handled as efficiently as time allows. These are made by schools referring learners to our provision or through the Bristol Inclusion Panel run by Bristol City Council. We work closely with them and ensure that all information is transferred appropriately and professionally. We find out about professionals working alongside your son or daughter but it is also helpful if you communicate this to the key worker you communicate with about school.

Term Start Finish

Term 1 4th September, 2017 (4th / 8th are INSET) 20th October, 2017

Term 2 30th October, 2017 15th December, 2017

Term 3 2rd January, 2018 9th February, 2018

Term 4 19th February, 2018 23rd March, 2018

Term 5 9th April, 2018 25th May, 2018

Term 6 4th June, 2018 24th July, 2018

Safeguarding, Health & Safety, welfare, academic &


The Designated Safeguarding Lead is David Simons.

The Deputy Designated Leads are Menize Donatien and Kate Baynham.

The SENCo is Tracy Kemp.

The Designated Teacher for Looked-After-Children is Sarah Dunsford.

The e-Safety co-ordinator is David Simons.

The External Visits co-ordinator is Jake Mensah.

The English co-ordinator is Kirstin Chadwick.

The maths co-ordinator is David Simons.

The science co-ordinator is Kieron Quigley.

The ICT co-ordinator is David Simons.

The Wider World (PSHE and citizenship) co-ordinator is Menize Donatien.

The Creative Arts co-ordinator is Kate Baynham.

The Health & Fitness co-ordinator is Jake Mensah.

The Employability coordinator is Lyza Axford.

Project-based learning is coordinated by HLTA’s.

The Onward Routes coordinators are Menize Donatien and Kate Baynham.

Work-related Learning co-ordination is done by key workers and Sarah Dunsford.

The person responsible for managing new learners is Sarah Dunsford.

The Start Right coordinator is Norhan Nabeeh.

The Thrive co-ordinators are Menize Donatien and Jake Mensah.

The Attachment Leads are Kate Baynham and Sarah Dunsford.

The School Data Manager is Colin Coles.

The School Exams officer is Colin Coles and Sarah Dunsford, supported by Nicola Ingerfield.

The School Education and Engagement Administrator is Nicola Ingerfield.

The Outdoor Pursuits leaders are from Urban Pursuits.

The construction team is from Rocksteady Training.

The mechanics training is provided by the Wheels Project.

The school nurse is Sharon Newell.

The school PCs are PC Paul Giddings and PC Sarah Bond.

Staff working with part time learners is co-ordinated by the outreach worker.


The numbers you should be using for phoning in

absences are below - for Kate Baynham (City) or Menize Donatien (Bedminster) or the

administrator, Nicola Ingerfield, or outreach worker.

For any other queries or concerns you can contact the key workers at the learning centre

attended, or the appropriate person on the staffing list.

Staffing plan

Chair of School Governance Committee Chair of Care & Guidance Committee

James Wetz

Chair of Standards & Achievement Committee Karen Evans

Community Governors – Anthea Bruges, Phil Castang, Sadie Harries, Joanna Ford

Clerk to the School Governance Committee Nicola Ingerfield

Head Teacher David Simons

dsimons@lpw.org.uk 07717816860

Deputy Head Teacher Sarah Dunsford

sdunsford@lpw.org.uk 07824 550 654 0117 9074423

South Central Bedminster Learning Centre

Assistant Head Teacher Menize Donatien

mdonatien@lpw.org.uk 07771 773 249

North Central City Learning Centre

Assistant Head Teacher Kate Baynham

kbaynham@lpw.org.uk 07776 465 181

Teacher Kieron Quigley 07917013240

Teacher Lyza Axford

07717 816 839

Teacher Kirstin Chadwick


Teacher Norhan Nabeeh


Ella Edwards HLTA



Jake Mensah HLTA

07795 780 714


Outreach worker To be confirmed

School Engagement and Education Administrator Nicola Ingerfield

Colin Coles - Data Manager Tracy Kemp - SENCo

Donna Smith Careers team adviser from NEWS Urban Pursuits staff

Rocksteady Training staff Bristol Drugs Project staff

Speech, Language and Communication specialist

How can we be contacted?

Our main office is in Bedminster and the company phone

number is 0117 9873700. Please ask for a member of school staff. This office is open even during

school holidays.

The school land line phone number is 0117 9074500 where messages can be left or these will be

picked up by the administrator.

Please note, that it is usual for these numbers to only be accessible during office hours. In the

case of any emergency, please contact First Response on 0117 9036444 for safeguarding

concerns or the local police.

Other contact information

LPW Independent School Proprietor - LPW 0117 987 3700 – available term time and holidays.

LPW direct school number – 0117 9074500

LPW Independent School Governance Committee – Chair, James Wetz, c/o Learning Partnership

West CIC, 0117 987 3700

LPW Independent School – Bedminster Learning Centre, LPW House, Princess Street,

Bedminster, BS3 4AG

LPW Independent School – City Learning Centre, Silver Street, Broadmead, Bristol, BS1 2AG

You can find all our key information on: www.lpw.co.uk

Quality Assurance processes

We follow all quality assurance processes that any school is required to have and we are happy to

share these with you in detail of requested.

Duties of the school governance committee – to oversee all aspects of the school in conjunction

with LPW company Board and safeguarding committee. There is also a Standards & Achievement

committee chaired by Karen Evans. The 5 key areas are outlined in OFSTED requirements 2015.

Transport and food

All young people who need transport to the centre or live more than 2 miles away will be provided

with a daily bus pass by us. If your young person is ill the day before when they are handed out,

and you buy them a ticket, we will refund this cost the next day provided the illness is authorised.

However, we will not do so for unauthorised absences detailed above or if the learner has walked

off without permission, for example, before finishing a reasonable amount of work. Please note:

young people will need to sign for their passes and any attempt to alter the date will invalidate the

pass and risk the good relationship we have with the bus company.

Lunches are provided and we can meet the full range of dietary needs. Please ensure that you ask

if you feel we are not doing this to the required standard.

If you have any queries at all, please contact us. Thank you and we look forward to working

with you. The LPW Independent School staff team…Sarah, David, Kate, Menize, Norhan,

Donna, Colin, Lyza, Jake, Jayvon, Leonora, Nicola, Ella, Karen, Tracy, Kirstin, Kieron, Karen

and James
