Lower gastrointestinal tract



Lower gastrointestinal tractHepatobiliarysystemBlood and nerve supplies of abdominal organs

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  • Lower gastrointestinal tractHepatobiliary system

    Blood and nerve supplies of abdominal organs

    BMES310 Human Gastrointestinal System and Nutrition

    Kittikun Viwatpinyo, Ph.D.

  • Lower GI tract

    From duodenojejunaljunction to anal canal

    Jejunum and ileum of small intestine

    Large intestine Rectum and anal


  • Jejunum and Ileum

    Major parts of small intestine (6-7 m.) IntraperitonealMesentery

  • Jejunum and Ileum

    Different features between jejunum and ileum Arterial arcades and vasa recta Fat in mesentery Plicae circulares

  • Large intestine

    Three prominent features of large intestine

    Teniae coli Omental



  • Large intestine

    Cecum and vermiform appendix Ileocecal orifice and valve Appendix with mesoappendix

  • Large intestine

    Parts of colon Ascending colon Transverse colon Descending colon Sigmoid colon

  • Rectum and anal canal

    Position of rectum and anal canal in pelvic cavity

  • Rectum and anal canal

    Transverse rectal folds Vascular plexus hemorrhoids

  • Rectum and anal canal

    Parts and internal features of anal canal

  • Rectum and anal canal

    Pectinate line : boundary between somatic and visceral neurovascular supplies

    Autonomic nerves

    Somatic nerves

    Internal iliac lymph nodes

    Superficial inguinal lymph nodes

    Inf mesenteric a. Hepatic portal v.

    Internal iliac a. Inferior vena cava

    Pectinate line

    Hindgut endoderm


  • Rectum and anal canal

    Anorectal flexure : tonic contraction of puborectalis muscle

    Control of fecal incontinence

  • Rectum and anal canal

    Sphincters of anal canal Internal anal sphincter : autonomic control External anal sphincter : somatic control

  • Hepatobiliary system

    Passage of biliary tract Liver Gallbladder and bile duct Pancreas

  • Liver

    Surface relationship with ribs Right ribs 5-10 Shifts inferiorly during full inspiration

  • Liver

    Covered by peritoneum except for bare area Subphrenic recess Hepatorenal recess

  • Liver

    Ligaments holding liver in place

    Falciform ligament Triangular ligament Coronary ligament

  • Liver

    Lesser omentum holds visceral surface of liver with stomach and duodenum

    Hepatogastric ligament Hepatoduodenal ligament

  • Liver

    Lobes and segments

  • Liver

    Lobes and segments

  • Liver

    Structures in the porta hepatis Hepatic portal vein Hepatic artery proper Bile duct

  • Liver

    Functional lobes of liver

  • Gallbladder

    Parts : Fundus, body and neck Outflow tract : cystic duct

  • Biliary tract

  • Pancreas

    Retroperitoneal organ in the stomach bed

    Head, uncinated process, neck, body and tail

  • Pancreas

    Main pancreatic duct Joins common bile duct at hepatopancreatic ampulla

  • Arterial supply

    Arterial system of abdomen is derived from abdominal aorta

  • Arterial supply

    Unpaired branches of abdominal aorta supply each parts of GI tract

    Celiac trunk : foregut Superior mesenteric artery :


    Inferior mesenteric artery : hindgut

  • Celiac trunk

    Three major arteries from celiac trunk Left gastric artery Splenic artery Common hepatic


  • Celiac trunk

    Left gastric a. Esophageal


    Splenic a. Pancreatic


    Left gastro-omental artery

    Short gastric artery

  • Celiac trunk

    Common hepatic a. Gastro-duodenal a. Right gastric a. Hepatic artery


  • Superior mesenteric artery

    SMA supplies midgut from duodenum to proximal 2/3 of transverse colon

    Inf pancreatico-duodenal a. Jejunal and ileal aa. Middle colic a. Right colic a. Ileocolic a.

  • Inferior mesenteric artery

    IMA supplies hindgut from distal 1/3 of transverse colon to anal canal

    Left colic a. Sigmoid a. Superior rectal a.

  • Arterial supply

    Anastomoses between celiac trunk, SMA and IMA

    Pancreatico-duodenal Marginal artery of


    Rectal plexus

  • Venous drainage

    Hepatic portal vein Splenic v. Superior

    mesenteric v.

  • Venous drainage

    Portocaval anastomosis : Portal hypertension

  • Lymphatic drainage

    Preaortic lymph nodes

    Celiac lymph nodes

    Gastric/Gastro-omental/Pyloric nodes

    Pancreaticosplenic/Pancreticoduodenal nodes

    Hepatic/Cystic nodes

    Superior mesenteric lymph nodes

    Inferior mesenteric lymph nodes

    Mesenteric/Colic nodes

    Intestinal lymph trunk

    Cisterna chyli

  • Nerve supply of abdominal organs

    Autonomic nervous system of abdomen Sympathetic : Splanchnic nerves from thoracic to

    sacral levels

    Parasympathetic : Vagus nerve and Pelvic splanchnic nerves

    Autonomic periarterial plexuses

  • Nerve supply of abdominal organs

  • Sympathetic division

    Splanchnic nerves Greater, lesser, least Lumbar Sacral

    Postganglionic neurons in prevertebral ganglia

    Celiac Superior mesenteric Inferior mesenteric

  • Parasympathetic division

    Vagus nerve : foregut and midgut

    Pelvic splanchnic nerves : hindgut

  • Autonomic plexuses

  • Visceral referred pain

    Brain interprets visceral pain as it comes from related dermatomes

  • Visceral referred pain

  • References Drake RL, Wayne V, Mitchell AWM. Grays Anatomy for Students. 1st

    edition. Elsevier Inc. 2005; 274-311, 397.

    Drake RL, Wayne V, Mitchell AWM, Tibbits R and Richardson R. Grays Atlas of Anatomy. 1st edition. Churchill Livingstone. 2007; 156-172.

    Moore KL, Dalley AF and Agur AMR. Clinically Oriented Anatomy. 6thedition. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 2010; 265-307, 429-432, 446-449.

    Moore KL, Dalley AF and Agur AMR. Essential Clinical Anatomy. 4thedition. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 2011; 152-174, 180-185, 245-248, 259-260.

    Morton DA, Peterson KD and Albertine KH. Grays Dissection Guide for Human Anatomy. 2nd edition. Churchill Livingstone. 2006; 157-181.

    Schuenke M., Schulte, E and Schumacher, U. Thieme Atlas of Anatomy: Neck and Internal Organs. 1st edition. Thieme. 2006; 190-216, 262-279, 306-315.
