Lower Bloodpressure



foods to lower blood pressure

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Foods to lower Blood Pressure& Diuretic Foods

Lemon or Lime

adding lemon/lime to your water doesn’t just make it taste better, it can help

you if you have high blood pressure, and is often one of the first foods

recommended to those suffering from certain medical conditions. It’s easy

enough to start getting more lemon into your life, because it’s the juice that

does the trick, just add the juice to water or other foods and you’ll get the

benefits. It is also used to help treat cases of urinary tract infection.


GingerIt’s not easy to eat a lot of ginger, and luckily you don’t have to. Using it to zestup your meal, or adding a bit of ginger root to a glass of water will give you the benefits you need from it. It has a nice cleansing effect on the body It also serves as a diuretic, and will help your body get rid of any built up fluid it may have.


Cabbage is a healthy food no matter how you cut it, and part of the benefits it

provides is being a diuretic food. It’s also been shown to be helpful in

preventing cancer, and is a vegetable that can help reduce the risk of heart

disease. One great way to eat cabbage is in soup form. This entails chopping

or shredding the cabbage so it’s easier to eat, and also cooking it until it’s very

tender. The key is not to use too much salt when you make your cabbage soup,

as that will reduce the diuretic effect of helping the body release stored up




Eggplant acts as a natural diuretic. You can consume these a side dish to

just about any meal and experience the side effects a diuretic provides.

Tea, Green Tea and Coffee

Any caffeinated beverage will serve as a diuretic, including coffee and tea.

Coffee will raise the blood pressure, tea is more mild, but a lot of sugar is not

good and will keep water in your body. Best is Green tea.



Even though it might sound strange, drinking water actually helps your body

rid itself of excess fluid. Conversely, not drinking enough water can lead to your

body retaining the water it has. If you want to increase its diuretic effect try

squeezing the juice of a lemon into it, or drinking hot water with slices of ginger

in it for a sort of ginger tea.


For the diuretic effect you’ll want to eat tomatoes raw. The best way to do this

is on a salad, or blending them up for fresh tomato juice. If you don’t like the

taste of plain tomato juice consider adding carrots or watermelon to it to

increase the effect and improve the flavor. Tomatoes are also one of the

healthiest foods you can eat, with their large amounts of the antioxidant

lycopene they’ve been shown to help battle cancer and prevent heart disease.



Cucumbers are made up mostly of water and are a very hydrating vegetable.

This is why you’ll typically see them being used in detox recipes. They’ll get

your urinary system going as well, and they are a food that can be used to help

with diabetes, weight loss, and even cancer. That’s because cucumbers contain

antioxidants as well as minerals the body needs daily to keep functioning at its



Watermelon is aptly named and contains a lot of water, and also gets you to go

more, so you’ll be helping to flush your body of excessive water and salt. You’ll

want to be careful not to each too much watermelon in one sitting, as it can be

hard to stop eating this sweet fruit, but its sweetness can cause your blood

glucose levels to spike and can negate the healthy benefits of this

antioxidant-laden fruit.


CarrotsCarrots are often thought of for their benefit to eyesight, but they do have a host of other benefits, and being a natural diuretic is one of them. Carrots are great because they come in a few different varieties depending on how you want to use them. Regular sized carrots can get sliced and chopped for use in recipes or cooked up as a side dish to a meal. No matter how you go about eating them, you’ll still get all of the nutrients as well as the diuretic effect theyprovide.

GarlicGarlic provides a cleansing effect, and also acts as a diuretic, which is all the more reason to use it in more of your cooking. You don’t have to eat clove afterclove of garlic to reap the benefits, and just using it as part of the cooking process should be enough to see results.



Asparagus is one of the healthier vegetables around, so you’ll be getting plenty

of nutrients in addition to the diuretic properties it has. Many have noted that

eating asparagus makes their urine smell, and this is one way to see the

connection between this veggie and your urinary system. The smell is caused

by an acid found within the asparagus that is not harmful to the body, and in

fact the antioxidants found in asparagus is going to benefit you in countless



Natural diuretics are natural foods or herbs that allow increased flow of urine

and thereby aid removal of fluids from the body. .

Foods like salt and sugar cause the body to retain fluids. They may lead to

bloating and water retention. Insufficient amount of proteins in the diet can

lead to fluid retention. When the body does not get enough amino acids or

B-vitamins, it may develop edema.

Diuretics are medicaments prescribed for people suffering from edema. People

suffering from high blood pressure or heart diseases may be prescribed

diuretics as well. If taken carelessly, diuretics can lead to serious consequences

such as dehydration and potassium deficiency.


Natural diuretics in short:

More and more people are eating natural foods and herbs that have diuretic

properties instead of taking diuretic pills. Natural diuretics can aid in removal

of too much fluids from the body and aid in treating of kidney stone,

lymphatic swelling, PMS, liver disorders and high blood pressure.

Benefits of Diuretics Foods:

They help you to get rid of too much water in your body.

They stimulate your metabolism and clean your body.

It is very important that you don't eat a lot of salt and fish paste or soy sauce

or sugar!

It is also important that you eat enough proteins (egg, fish, meats).

