Love+on+Purpose+Revolution Marilyn+Harper


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Love On Purpose Revolution Marilyn Harper

[Intro Music]

Orna Walters: Hi, I'm Orna Walters.

Matthew Walters: And I'm Matthew Walters.

Orna: We are your hosts for the Love On Purpose Revolution.

Matthew: Our goal is to bust the myth that love is supposed to happen by accident.

Orna: We have brought together top experts to guide you to the process of creating love on purpose.

Matthew: And tonight we are so thrilled, we are so excited to have with us Marilyn Harper. Now Marilyn Harper has been a divine link and a clear channel for Adironnda. A multi-dimensional spokes-being for over a decade together with grace, ease and laughter. They bring messages from the masters and Archangels that help people find and live in their highest joy.

Orna: Marilyn facilitates monthly, annual and international retreats for individuals, couples and families to break through generational barriers and get in touch with their true happiness. She utilizes her gift of guiding people through the Akashic Records to see the past, future and present lives so that they may release anything not serving their highest good.

Matthew: Marilyn is an intuitive coach, an award winning speaker, a co-creator of dozens of guided meditations including the series "The Labyrinth of Love, Navigating the Heart of Love." She hosts a monthly channeled message for her subscribers throughout the US and a piece of information that we are just really thrilled to give. First off, Marilyn was introduced to us through a mutual friend who declared Marilyn as the next Esther Hicks and so we went online and we did some research and it turns out that Marilyn and I know each other from college. And it was one of those crazy coincidences. And having known you from college, we were both in theater, I never would have thought that you'd be now travelling the country facilitating spiritual retreats, bringing channeled messages and all the work that you do. So tell us what happened?

Marilyn Harper: That's a great, it's nice to be here. That's a great introduction. How the heck did I get here from college what used to be Southwest Missouri State University, 20 years ago. It has been a journey for the past 20 years. I experienced a major transformation in '93 and some people might call that a walk-in, some people might call it an exchange, I call it a transformation. And I kind of woke up to a whole new world and realize that I have other talents and skills and that I didn't really have before, or when you knew me in college. And I began exploring those skills and realize that there's a whole world out there that many people are seeking.


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Organize, not a religion, but many people are seeking other things, other ways of personal empowerment. I call what I do really more personal empowerment or coaching in that capacity. I believe that we all have the capability to do and be anything that we are, that God gave us the talent and skills to follow through on any of our desires and I have a desire to make a difference in the world.

To help the world evolve into... So people would be inspired to live their best lives. And people would be inspired to live their authenticity and that brought me into kind of a metaphysical in alternative healing, alternative health work with Reiki and several of the alternative techniques and through that process, I realize that I had a gift. I believe from God, from source energy of connecting with beings that are not in physical form and so that...

I mean, I didn't even know that was even possible when I knew you. And so from that, it has just evolved and I developed series of spiritual retreats and seminars that help couples, help single people become couples, help people become better people. And that's basically the work that I do.

And yes, I believe my training in theatre kind of helped me be comfortable standing in front of people and teaching and also helped me know how to get out of the way of higher messenger that is coming here to help people evolve. And so that's pretty, it was a pretty wild ride for the past 10 or 12, 15 years. And I never thought that ever thought that this is what I would be doing.

But it's working out very well. The messages that are coming through are powerful plus I have a whole additional career as a speaker. I speak at many different conferences and connect with churches and many different groups of people to speak about their own personal empowerment and how they can develop and live their true desires. Does that answer the question?

Orna: Yes, absolutely. And we are just really excited to have you secretly with that link. It just made it that more special and we are absolutely delighted to host you tonight and share your gifts with our audience and with the whole theme of busting the myth that love is supposed to happen by accident because that's what really this whole seminar is about. We are all raised with this ridiculous myth that everything in life worth having, we can work at it except love. Just one day it's going to land in your lap and magically happen and we are here to tell people that actually is not the case. There are actually are things that you can do to really create what's on the inside out and so Marilyn I'd like to ask you, what would you say the one thing that a person can do to bring more love into their relationships?

Marilyn: Well, you know that is a great question Orna. And it would, the one thing is you have to love yourself first. I know that the people, your listeners have heard this over and over but that's truly the key when you say love from the inside out, like the facilitator retreat, healing from the inside out that addresses that specific thing. It's about going deep within to say OK, love isn't really like it is in the movies. I mean it would be great but the kismet that happens does happen however you get the opportunity to learn, to be the best


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person that you can be and therefore you will attract one of the universal laws, is the law of attraction. And you will attract another person that would match that same energy just like you and Matthew have.

I mean, you are wonderful and with that you truly have to start the one thing that you can do is to love yourself and learn what that means. I think so many times people say, Oh well you have to love yourself first and love this and love that but love yourself but then they never really help you learn how to do that.

I think that's a really, that's kind of a buzz word now. Be authentic, love yourself, and yet give me some good strong practical tools that I can do to help me learn if I don't love myself, why? And I think that's one of the things that I believe that people can start with.

Whereas you said inside, start with your core, start with your... a list of relationship, start with what happened in the past. Now, you don't want to dredge up the whole past and go through all of the trauma drama that was created then. However look at relationships that you've had in the past, be they with romantic or intimate relationships, or even all of your relationships because what I have found is without loving yourself, all of your relationships with your past, with your friends, with your mom, with your dad, with your family.

All relationships are challenged if you don't start loving yourself first. And that's kind of what I teach is just to go inside and... It's not about the appearances, you can answer all the, be on all of the websites, you can be on all the dating services, you can be on all of those. However, if you are not willing and able to do the sole work prior to that, then you will just keep attracting the same kinds of people.

Matthew: I just love that message and I love sort of what you are saying about how we really have to look inward. And when you started talking about this idea, you mentioned tools right? And one of the things we love to do on these calls is to give people tools, give them something to work with. So when somebody is looking at their past, looking at their pattern and their story. What's a useful tool for them to work through that? Or to move through that?

Marilyn: Well I think it's to look, first of all I'm a big journaler. So write it down because the heart kind of speaks to the mind and the mind speaks to the hand and the thoughts really, a surprising amount of thoughts kind of thoughts come out through journaling process and you know when I say to look at past relationships, you know I recommend just making a list of them. Even relationships that you may have had with people that you are intimate with or that you are intimate with or you never got that far, and see what, describe in your journal what went wrong, or what soured or what you didn't care for or how the relationship ended. And then ask yourself emotionally what that felt like. And write that down, because what you would do then is look through your listing and look for the commonalities.

Look for maybe you have attracted people that drank too much, that partied too much, or had addictions that were some sort of another. Even if it's an addiction to work that is still not leading a balance life. I think that when you see through the journaling process that


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you are going through. Once you see commonalities and there are commonalities, you may have to look a little deeper but they are drawing people to you that all have something in common, realize that it's not the situation or the partner or the beloved as I call them.

It's their pattern or the things that happened during the relationship and while it was ending that truly is the trigger point. In other words you want to dismiss the messenger or the messenger being the relationship itself but to look at the emotional core of the energy or the specific point and the emotional energy that you are feeling or the person is feeling when that relationship ends and see where - every relationship, every emotion, everything that is ever happen to a person actually believe it or not happens in the first seven years of life.

And not the same situation of course, but the emotion so when you are triggered by emotion as an adult by that somebody broke up with you or somebody that you attracted that you broke up with or whatever. You can always go back to something that happen in your childhood that kind of set up that pattern of drawing that into your life. And then once you learn from that, Oh, well that's why. Once you get that, then somehow mystically it kind of dissipates the pattern.

Awareness is half the battle, you are aware of the pattern. So then the next relationship that you go in to, you will then attract somebody that would be more in alignment with you or more within that frequency. Does that make sense? Does that answer your question?

Matthew: Totally. That makes great sense. You know, we have a saying in the work that we do that the common denominator and all your relationships is you and I think that is part of what you are saying. It's like we are the ones manifesting these relationships to reveal these parts of ourselves.

Marilyn: Yes, and I think the hardest thing in relationships, be it any relationship is the fact that all relationships are brought to us to reflect something within us that we get the opportunity to learn from. And sometimes that can be very difficult. Sometimes at situations in our lives that can be very traumatic and very difficult, very hard. I know I've experienced some, everyone's got a story. But I think that the trick is to not to live in that story. Is to not continue or to return to the trauma drama around, "Wow this happened in someone..." So I was speaking with a friend of mine the other day, she was telling me, she knew that this tele-seminar is coming up so she wanted to explore her past relationships like I'm suddenly her therapist and which it happens. But she was telling me about this relationship and she was getting all worked up about it and this happened, and that happened and all of this stuff. And I am like, "Wow! That's amazing."

My first question was what does that reflect in you? What do you get the opportunity to learn from? And so she explored that a little bit and then I say, when was the last time you felt this way? And she said two weeks ago. Well that's good information and she went back in to - and I said when was the first time you ever felt this way?


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And she brought up a situation that was totally, it didn't have anything to do with the break up and it had to do with her dad when she was a little girl traveled on his job and she had a very good dad, very good provider, but every time he left, she would go through this whole abandonment thing.

And so with her mother, it's that generational thing, and so I think it's about finding those course when she realized that, then she saw that it could be something "Oh well, that's where this pattern stems from so then I can control it and heal it, or release it or integrate it." Of course then I asked her, how long ago did this relationship break up? And then she says, six years. OK, so you need to move on. It's time to relax and it's time to heal that past so you can move on in your relationships.

Matthew: You know I think we heard that phrase in some point in our lives. Why don't you just move on from that relationship? It's time to just move on and yet some of these things seems so difficult for us. It's difficult for people to achieve. What is about that search for love that it seems so difficult all the time?

Marilyn: You know I think that's a really great question and I really think, I really believe that we search for this Cary Grant Doris day, idealize, that shows my age, doesn't it? This idealized movie, sitcom version, Meg Ryan, You've Got Mail, all of those. This idealized situation that we feel like it's got to have a great story behind it. And the great story that is happening, the great story is that two people can come together and share their energy, share their information, share their hopes and dreams, their desires, their fears, their traumas, their past present and future. And it may not be pretty all the time. It may be, I think true love is the loving and understanding when you are really angry or really frustrated or really expressing a lot of emotion and you may not even know why.

I think true love can say well, let's step back and take a deep breath and look at this and figure this out and see, that's not what you see in any movies. I think that we are so desensitized by the idealism that's presented in the media. And in movies, and I'm a movie watcher, I love them.

However I've learned that when I have dating relationships, they are not like that. The ones that are like that, I need to run the other way because it's triggering all those past paradigms that I get the opportunity to heal from. I mean I always say when you meet somebody across a crowded room and you lock on their signals and it's like the chemistry goes haywire and the two eyes meet, the closer you get the better they look.

I think that's when you need to turn around and run because they are triggering all the things from your past, which that's the movie version of your lifestyle. Instead of sitting down and communicating in an honest effective way with who you are and they are and finding the things that you have in common and the things that you share and conversation is so much a part of a committed relationship. And I believe that a lot of the first dates that I've gone on, they want to do anything other than communicate. And that doesn't work so well for me.

Orna: I'm laughing because I felt like that a lot, that used to crack me up when somebody wants to take me on a movie for a first date and I always thought, we can't


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really get to know somebody at a movie because you are sitting in the dark and you are not talking to each other, you don't really learn a lot about that - you don't learn a whole lot about that person you are sitting next to.

Marilyn: Exactly. Or they want to take you to a bar that's got a big band playing. So you can't talk there either. Or concert, or you go to a concert, wait a second, let's have a cup of coffee. Let's have a cup of tea and communicate first and I'll decide if I want to go to a movie with you.

Orna: Exactly. So Marilyn, why don't you share with us, what is this idea of love and purpose mean to you and why is it that you agree with us? That we are putting on a revolution here.

Marilyn: That's truly, I believe in living deliberately. I believe that we are the co-creator of our universe. And if nothing happens by accident, as you say, nothing does. It's all masterly planned and I am the most creative driving force in my universe. So by the very token of that, that's totally different then the way people thought 20 years ago, 30 years ago, 40 years ago. And that is where the revolution is coming. That is where the new thought, people get caught up in new thought and new terminologies. And it's like "thought, shmought, whatever." The thing is that we are in evolutionary time, this planet, the people on this planet are evolving now faster than they ever have before in the history of this planet. So that's where people like you and Matthew and other people, other great teachers that you had on your panels, have come in with the new thought, the new idea, the new plan. There's a new way of working and the old ways are not working. And that's why you are right on your evolution. Right on with your revolution.

And a revolution is rebelling against the status quo, rebelling something that was. So well pretty soft rebelling if it's love yet love must be brought back to this world. Otherwise, it's going to get a little rougher than better as we are moving forward in the next few years.

And that's why I think that with that loving on purpose is so important, it goes right in with living deliberately, loving deliberately. Holding that intention that every relationship, whether it is your beloved or your family that you are creating a relationship that is deliberate and that is on purpose and that's where humanity is moving and that is the evolution of that revolution.

And so I congratulate you all for truly picking up the baton and running with it because that is exactly what is necessary for our own revolutionary time. I hear all the time, people are whining and complaining, where is my partner? Where is my beloved? I do all the right things, I take all the right courses and yet their doing something that is separate from their own being-ness.

And the only place that we are going to find that beloved is in their own personal being-ness and that's kind of an evolutionary or revolutionary thought. I don't believe, I mean you can correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't believe that we've been doing that for that long. Exploring what is on the inside to create better relationships on the outside.


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Matthew: Yeah, I agree completely. We definitely feel that this is a mission of ours and we are really doing everything we can to get the word out and you mention this idea of loving deliberately. Living and loving deliberately. I think that's a really great idea and there's another part of me that goes OK, so what does that look like? How does that show up in a relationship? When I am in a fight with my partner when my hearts broken or whatever all those things that happen. How does loving deliberately look to you?

Marilyn: That's a great question. I think I have to go back to the basics for that answer. I have to go to - if you are going to love deliberately, live deliberately, if you are going to create something deliberately, I think you have to go back to what I call the four C's of love or the four C's of living. Which first I think you have to be very clear, you have to have total clarity as to who you are, how you respond or react to life, I think you have to see a wide variety of relationships and then see what you love about this one and what didn't quite work about that one. And I call it, this sounds a little tacky but I call it a smorgasbord of relationship or smorgasbord of dating.

I'm single so dating is part of my life and so when you have that connection then you can see it. If you don't really, some of the people that I talk to, they don't even know what they want. They have this idealized possibility but they don't have the clarity that truly, they know who they are and they have the clarity that connects with that. I also think that you have to just flat out communicate.

When you say I have an argument with my beloved, or boyfriend, or girlfriend, my heart is broken, what do I do? First of all if you have an argument, probably communication may stop because once you escalate to an argument now that doesn't mean that you are not going to feel passionately about your point of view, you do! But to argue about it, you have to be sure that you are communicating.

I always tell people that I can argue with or can get into a passionate discussion with. Wait, wait I feel myself being triggered so let me just sit with this a minute and relax and see what is really I'm dealing with. I think so many times when we get our hearts broken, it's not really about the situation at all. But it's about something that triggered us from deep within our past.

And you have to be able to communicate with yourself. And in that communication with yourself is to ask yourself what this means? How this happened? Why did I feel this way? Why did I create this? What do I need to learn from this? How do I achieve more clarity? So then the next relationship I attract will be as we all call the one or will be the relationship that I am in will be more loving.

And it comes with the clarity and communication and really this third C is commitment. You have to be willing to commit. There's a lot of different definitions for commitment. I have a friend and his fiancè, they have been engaged for 17 years. You have a little trouble committing here or what? I think if that works for them, that's fine.

They still live separately, they still date but there's no true commitment in their relationship. Other than to not date other people or not becoming engaged to someone else. And if that works for them that's fine, but I think that I think we are looking for a


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commitment or we are looking for a commitment to our self. And to our wants, needs, desires, our avenues that are met and then a commitment to working on a relationship and when I say working on a relationship, I really feel it has got to be the most honest communication style that you have and that's what you commit to.

When you have a broken heart, you mention a broken heart - when you have a broken heart, it's really not broken. It's not possible for it to be broken. It's just may be bent a little bit. It may hurt and if you can breathe through that hurt, if you can look at OK so - more in the relationship I mean, don't get me wrong, when a relationship ends, mourn it emotionally if that's what you need to do. However at some point, you get the opportunity to say OK, I've mourned this for three days I'm done, I've mourned this for three weeks I'm done.

If you mourned it for three months, you might look at that and say, why am I hanging on to this relationship? And then communicate, make a commitment to yourself to see what the commonalities were with that relationship and how it relates to other relationships that you have had.

Whether it's been a divorce, I find if you then married and divorced, there's some pattern in that divorce that relates to almost all your relationships. Whether they are family, whether they are professional or whether they are past dating relationships.

There are some quality there that you are missing that is a pattern that will set up eons ago that once you get to that core and forgive yourself, then make that commitment, then you can truly connect. That is the 4th C. And then you can truly connect with people on a higher level and that's where the bliss is and I believe that it truly starts within.

A person has absolutely everything within them to help them learn, to help them attract to the perfect partner. I have to say I quit sending out my purchase order to the universe to attract the perfect partner because I wrote it all out. My purchase order to the universe, you know what I mean by that right?

Orna: Yes, I love that.

Matthew: You know actually we might take a moment because we may know but.

Orna: We know but you know what, actually I would love for you to explain on that for everybody listening because maybe not everybody listening has heard that before.

Marilyn: Well, my purchase order to the universe is where I just make a list of every quality that I believe that I want in a partner, everything that I want in a relationship. And I always end it with this or something better. When I wrote out my first order purchase to the universe for a partner, I got one. I got a great business partner. So know I write it out for my beloved. It's a terminology, but that comes with the clarity. You have to be clear of what you want. And good heavens, I don't certainly know what is best for me. And I don't think anybody really does. But I think we can have an idea and go through some examples and some exercises in my retreats and things to help you learn what you do like in relationships and what does work for you in relationships.


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So then you would include that in your list or your purchase order. That I'd like to feel this way. I think so many times people get so caught up in the physical appearance that they don't even go farther. They get so caught up, "I love red heads." And they don't even get past the point that they are not a natural red head.

They don't get to that point. And really the communication happens on such a cellular level that it moves more deeply than what the physical appearances are. Does that make sense?

Orna: Yes, and I'd like...

Marilyn: Purchase order to the universe I kind of wandered around a little bit.

Orna: No, I love them. I love how you shared this or something better. I know personally felt so broken really and unlovable for a long time that in my list I sort of left space, sort of this or something better. Sort of my own way of doing it, I left space for God, God as universe, for source to really fill in the blanks. You know better than me, you know what I really need so I'm going to leave the space where you fill in some things. I am not going to assume that I know everything that I - I just really, what's having - at that point I've been through so much that I really felt like my ticker was broken and I didn't feel like I was giving completely capable of making the list right so I let source sort of make the list for me.

Marilyn: Well exactly and I think that that's an important people because I mean you don't really get to be adults without having some broken relationships and they can be so detrimental to your self esteem. I think the core of almost any challenge or as I call it an opportunity to grow is that self-esteem that fear of picking I know in my past relationships. I mean in my past marriage, I mean good grief when that ended up, I am never picking another man again. I'm not ever going through anything like that again. And it stopped me for a long time until I realized that provided me great feedback. I eliminated the word failure. The marriage failed, the relationship failed, the business failed, whatever. I've eliminated the word failure from my vocabulary because there's no such thing as a failed relationship. It's all just feedback. It's all just about learning from that and seeing what you can do differently.

What I did differently after I made my purchase order to the universe, purchase order with the God or source and I used multiple terms depending on what situation I am in. And that is when I started calling my beloved, my beloved because that's the type of relationship that I truly wanted. And I'm with you Orna, I mean I don't know. I was afraid to pick so therefore I said this is something better and you know me better than me God so please help make that match for an equal commitment of divine partnership or divine beloved energy and I think that's what a person can do with their purchase order.

I think we get, I had people say in one of my retreats that is couple oriented. Relationship enrichment retreat, we do a thing about what is - which with single people as well as married. And we do a thing called what is your perfect relationship and it's like who is this person? I mean do they exist? You have to - not that you are settling for anything but you have to become that beloved and become those qualities within you and that's when


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you are attracting someone of like nature and then you have to just simply let go of the control, let go of the expectations, let go of the, well I think it ought to be this way.

Let go of the "well he asked me to move in the first day, I'm not going to another date with him." Maybe he is nervous, maybe they don't know what to do. Which is when that communication comes in really well but I think you just get the opportunity to fill out your purchase order as completely as possible. And say this is something better at the end. And then give thanks as though it's already happened. And then get off with the sofa.

You know I have a client that complains and complains about where is my beloved. You told me to call him my beloved so now I am. Now where is my beloved? And I said, what have you done to actually meet anybody? The dating sites that's the new way of doing it. The mixers, the speed dating, all of those. They are at there. Get off with the sofa and open the front door. And some of my work we say, divine order starts when you get out of the sofa and open the front door. Normally, in reality the guy that installs your cable, you are not going to fall in love with. So unless they come knocking on your door, that you may have a difficult time meeting them. So get out of the house.

Matthew: Unless cable guy is on your list.

Orna: And he is on the purchase order. So Marilyn I want to ask with you, you mentioned this a little earlier about your workshop called healing from the inside out and I really want to ask you, what is this idea of healing really have to do with love?

Marilyn: You know that's a great question and healing is a difficult time within itself. It's really integrating. I don't have the capability to heal, when you use the word healing first off, that's automatically assumed that something is broken. And that may not be the case. But integrating from the inside out doesn't sit as well on a bush. But to me the best way to help all your relationships be stronger is to be a stronger yourself. Is to be a complete person yourself. Is to hold within your divinity that truth of source or that truth of God that is within each of us and so many times I see in relationship coaching that people are responding or reacting to the relationships from old patterns, old habits, old programs that they learned when they were very small. And in healing from the inside out in a very safe, loving and fun environment, I mean we do a little exercise that people think, "I don't see how this can help." That at the end they think, wow I feel so different.

That the key is when you are shifting those ancient triggers that are within you. The little girl that her dad traveled and so therefore she went through abandonment issues and she had abandonment issues with each of her dating relationships. So she would almost be so possessive of them that she would almost force them away. So those are the kind of issues that I say we get the opportunities to heal from that healing or integrating from the inside out and once you do all of your relationships gets stronger.

I've had people that go through the retreat, “Healing From the Inside Out,” and they come back and say, that saved my marriage. Or have had people come and they say through the things that I learned there, the things that I did, I left there and I went to my class reunion and I met somebody that I broke up with in high school and we are still married.


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And it truly starts with those core issues. It truly starts with that core healing, that forgiving, Kali. Whenever I talk about forgiving I - in a group setting when I am speaking somewhere I see the eyes just roll, "Oh yeah, yeah yeah." They kind of glazed over a little bit. But we do get the opportunity forgive everything of everyone and that is healing from the inside is.

That's why it is loving on purpose because you are looking to yourself to be a better person and therefore you are free to make a commitment to another because you've healed or integrated those past patterns, and those past programs that really don't serve your highest good or highest joy any longer.

I mean if you are having abandonment issues because your dad was a traveling salesmen, you need to look at that and that feedback and help yourself move beyond that so you can have loving relationships and I think until you do go inside and see your own personal authenticity, see your own personal patterns and your own personal programs that who knows where they started. They can be something totally innocent, completely innocent.

Until you go back there and heal those and integrate them then all of your relationships are going to be a reaction to that program. I was in Berkeley California, a few months ago and we were stopped in Berkeley and it ran a traffic light and we looked over and there was a whole group of they looked like kindergarten or something, they may be first grade but they were five or six years old.

Little kids and there were like six or seven teachers and they were obviously on a field trip. They had all their red t-shirts out there and there was just one little couple, obviously when you are five or six years old, you are told hold your neighbors hand when you are going on a bus, or going on a bus stop. So there were these two little kids and one was a little boy and one was a little girl.

And the little girl was just the cutest thing, and she was obviously trying to hold the hand of this little boy. And he was pulling and yanking away. It became a game. He was not going to hold her hand and she actually got in trouble because she was trying really hard to hold his hand because that's what the teacher told her to do, hold his hand.

And he was not having anything to do with this little girl. And that was totally innocent and totally children, no big deal. However, that created an imprint on this little girl that may follow her for a life time until she says, wait a second, the reason that I don't feel worthy like anybody wants to touch me is because of a program that I don't even remember consciously.

It happened to me when I was five years old. Those are the kind of programs that I deal with in my retreats in my workshops and things that those - who knows how they got started? Who cares? That doesn't mean that we have to go back and relive all that trauma just viewing the situation like it is a movie, miraculously shifts your consciousness about it. And what I mean by healing from the inside out, that is affects all your loving relationship.


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Matthew: That is so powerful Marilyn. You know there is an idea in there I want to just take a moment to explore. You talked about forgiveness right? You talked about forgiving from the past and forgiving those people and all that and Orna and I, we believe in forgiveness so much that we had it in our vows, right? That always in forgiveness is how we move through relationship. And I think this is an idea that people can get stuck on right? This person cheated on me, this person beat me, this person stole from me, whatever it was. If I forgive them, am I absolving them? am I saying that what they did was OK, I think we hear a lot of people getting stuck in that place. I would love to hear what you have to say about that.

Marilyn: You know that's great question because that's true. May people do get stuck into that forgiving. I'm not saying if you forgive somebody that you are going to saddle up their side and have a cup of tea. I'm saying you are forgiving them so they are no longer controlling your decisions. In my labyrinth of love, the segment CD, we deal with forgiveness issue and it's truly about how that connection, that reaction affects you if you - no matter what somebody has done to you, you still get the opportunity to forgive yourself in your relationship within someone else. You get the opportunity to forgive a situation but that doesn't mean that you're absolving them of the wrong that was done. That just means that it, that you are not going to allow that wrong to control your decision making process now because I mean, you know so many times in past relationships, abusive relationships, molested relationships, robbery, all of that.

That's a huge trauma yet until you forgive that situation and let it go, that program is going to control the way you make your decisions in moving forward in relationships. That's why the labyrinth of love we do a whole segment on forgiveness and forgiving and how do we do that. And after we go through that segment, then we go into illumination which is eliminating the truth that you are eliminating your true goodness and that good parts because so many times when you go through a relationship with a lot of forgiveness is necessary, it just makes it difficult to find the good parts of yourself.

To help you move forward because you are the one that chose that relationship and it is true. So that's why you get the opportunity to forgive yourself. I think it's Hawaiian, Ho'oponopono, a Hawaiian chant that you can do with relationship that just takes the forgiveness energy but doesn't mean that you are going to saddle up with the person and be good friends, ever.

That is not necessary but you can still unconditionally love someone because that's kind of the words of most of the masters that we get the opportunity to love others.

Orna: So, wow! That was really powerful and for those who had been along on the summit, actually Marci Shimoff actually shared the whole Ho'oponopono on our summit. We had a lot of common themes, the theme of forgiveness I think really does play an important role around our hearts. And one of the things that Matthew and I always say about heart break is you know your heart really doesn't break but when you experience heartache, it actually breaks open so that you can hold more love and so just expand your capacity to love and I think that's sort of the same idea that you were sharing and I love how we all get to express our peace.


Property of Moving Light Media, Inc. © Moving Light Media, Inc. 2011

And that's really where I am headed is if the idea, we sort of talked around and I was wondering if you could really share with everybody. Who is Adironnda and the company? We sort of introduced you and we talked about Adironnda, it's everywhere, we mentioned your name, we talked about Adironnda. So why don't you share with everybody listening. Who is Adironnda?

Marilyn: Well being a strong church going person I had no idea what was happening when I experienced my transformation in the 90's and I'm actually having a conference, a walk-in conference in Phoenix in October about this transformation and Adironnda came from as a result of part of that transformation. Adironnda is a multi dimensional being that is a spokes being for a council, a company of beings that are no longer in physical form. I don't consider myself a psychic, I don't consider myself a medium or anything like that. I consider myself a channel of source and Adironnda was sent here as a messenger from source from God and those on the council: Archangels, Michael, Raphael, Gabrielle, Mother Mary, Kwan nien, Jesus, Master Jesus, Lord, Buddha, Isis, Osiris, many masters of many ages.

And somehow, I mean it was the darnest thing, Matthew and Orna. When this came about at 1999 somehow through some connection or some divine purpose that I had, I was able to step aside and allow higher messages to come through. And Adironnda is the spokes being, as a matter of fact in my labyrinth of love set, Adironnda does the final CD and I was writing the companion book and writing out the introduction and on this eight channel, eight CD's that are guided meditation on music meditation but I couldn't get how we are going to end it.

I couldn't figure it all out. I'm like, how do we close it down? And they said, get out of the way and Adironnda came in and just kind of wrapped it all up and tied it with a bow and brought in the four C's of love and really brought in higher vibration of information and it's so amazing to me how I - I was just a regular person working in a country western radio station. It's on advertising when all this came about in the 90's. Yes, after I got my masters in theater, I started selling advertising for a country western radio station. Someone's got to make a living.

But when this came about Adironnda, can get two dimensional get to information about your past, the persons past that helps them get into that information. That they can truly find those cellular trigger points that the little girl is trying to hold hands with the little boy so therefore she doesn't have any relationship successful after that because she doesn't feel she is worthy to have somebody even hold her hand. You don't remember that. Adironnda helps take you back into that energy so that you can look at those situations, so you can look at those avenues and heal them, integrate them so they are no longer in control. And then you can have your loving on purpose relationship.

Orna: Right! Wow! That's amazing. I love that you shared your story and I think this is so powerful. I want to let everybody know because you mentioned it a few times so this Marilyn's product, the labyrinth of love which is part Marilyn, part Adironnda. I guess they all come together. It's and 8-hour downloadable audio series and that is a special offer that Marilyn has put together for all of you, all of our revolutionaries, we evolution.


Property of Moving Light Media, Inc. © Moving Light Media, Inc. 2011

We are part of this evolution together and so you can actually get this product, again it's an eight part downloadable audio series.

The retail price is regularly $160 but just for you, if you are hearing my voice, that means that you get to go get it for only $97 and you get that at which I will spell for you. It's A-D-I-R-O-N as in Nancy N-as in Nancy D-A. A-D-I-R-O-N-N-D-A.

Matthew: So this is really, just looking at what Marilyn has put together it's pretty amazing, these are different guided meditations that leads you to letting go, leading you to pushing through the past, creation, living authentically, your divine partnership. Everything that we have been talking about today, she is going to lead you through all of those and even on that last, the last program, the four C's of infinite love. Clarity, communication, commitment and connection. And Marilyn, this is a really amazing program. Why don't you tell us a little bit more of the end of it. What ended this?

Marilyn: It's kind of we teach what we know. And it's kind of a part of my journey and I'm a journaler so there's a companion book that goes along with it. And I looked at all past relationships and started with forgiving. And then with that, we use a lot of meditation. We use a lot of integration activities. We use a lot of confident building activities. During the process of this eight recorded session and it can be done in eight days, which I don't recommend, eight weeks or eight months. Depending on the individual. It takes us through a step-by-step process of learning to unconditionally love yourself and therefore brings strength to all of your relationships whether they are in a dating beloved marriage relationship or your family or professional relationship.

Matthew: So everybody can go find that at, A-D-I-R-O-N-N-D-A and Marilyn we talked about this before we started the call whether or not we would do this, but one I feel strongly to ask you is maybe there's a message of love that Adironnda has for all of us that we can end the call with.

Marilyn: Oh well, take a deep breath. So good to you. Understand and know that you are the love that you are. You are the connected force of your universe. You are the energy, you are the focal point of who you are now and who you are becoming. You bring force that energy of commitment, clarity, communication and therefore you can connect with those energies that are around you. With that connection, everything is a part of the re-evolution of humanity which is what you are doing and we are honored for your connection there. Namaste.

Orna: Namaste.

Matthew: Thank you so much Adironnda. Thank you Marilyn. This is really been, such a wonderful hour that we spent together. Just thank you so much.

Orna: And thank you for everybody listening, it's our joy to bring to you the love on purpose revolution. You can make this your summer of love.

[Outro music]
