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Our Beliefs:

Excellence in quality teaching and learning

Technology and innovation

Caring secure environment


Community connectedness

Respect and responsibility

Creativity and diverse opportunity

We have a number of students who have life threatening anaphylactic allergic reactions to all nuts and peanut products. We would like to encourage families not to send these products to school with their children. These include peanut butter, nutella, sesame seeds, loose nuts, muesli, nut or chocolate bars or any products containing any type of nuts. We also encourage children NOT to share food at school.

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Newsletter Edgeworth Public School

Tuesday 11 June 2013

Minmi Road Edgeworth 2285

T 49581831 F 49508174 edgeworth-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au

Term 2 Week 7

“Quality learning in an innovative, caring environment”

We have a number of students who have life threatening anaphylactic allergic reactions to all nuts and peanut products. We would like to encourage families not to send these products to school with their children. These include peanut butter, nutella, sesame seeds, loose nuts, muesli, nut or chocolate bars or any products containing any type of nuts. We also encourage children NOT to share food at school.

This week... WEDNESDAY 12 June Starstruck Zone Rugby Grials Knights & Jets Rail Safety talks Stages 2 & 3 THURSDAY 13 June Raw Art 4S, 5B, 3P Cup Cake Day: 6G and 2M Starstruck FRIDAY 14 June Raw Art 2E, Kindergarten Green Starstruck Stage Assemblies LAST DAY FOR PIZZA ORDERS DATES TO REMEMBER Raw Art 17, 19 June Pizza Day Wednesday 19 June NAIDOC Day Wednesday 26 June PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE Welcome to Week 7. This term has flown and we now have only three weeks until the next school holidays! The teachers have been busy preparing reports to go home in week 9 to share with you all the wonderful achievements of our students.

Welcome back Mrs Chapman. Thanks to Mrs Clinton for her work over the past weeks with 3/4C. STARSTRUCK We wish the Edgeworth Starstruck team the all the very best as they head off to their performances at the end of this week. A huge thankyou to Mrs O’Neill for her hard work coordinating our dancers and providing the opportunity for our students to perform in such an amazing production. Another massive thankyou to our team of “behind the scenes” workers who have been madly cutting patterns, sewing and decorating the costumes for our students. Your work and commitment to our students is very much appreciated and welcomed. Finally, congratulations to our performance team who have been rehearsing ready for the show. Perform proudly and have fun! REGIONAL NAIDOC CEREMONY The National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee (NAIDOC) and the Australian Government are encouraging communities across the country to embrace the theme of NAIDOC Week 2013 – “We value the vision: Yirrkala Bark Petitions 1963”. This year the Hunter Central Coast Regional NAIDOC Week Ceremony will be held in the Theatre at the Hunter School of the Performing Arts, 109 Lambton Rd, Broadmeadow on

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Tuesday 18th June 2013 commencing at 9.00 am. Guests are most welcome to stay for morning tea. NAIDOC Week provides an opportunity for all Australians to join together to recognise the valuable contributions Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have made to this country. As this day is an important occasion I would like to encourage as many students, parents and carers as possible to join with us in this special celebration. If you would like to attend and celebrate the Department of Education and Communities Hunter Central Coast Region’s NAIDOC Week ceremony, please indicate your intention to attend via the school front office by Friday June 14 on 4958 1831. Students will require private transport to attend this event. ADHD IN LAKE MAC In conjunction with The Canopy and the Cameron Park Community Centre, a new group has formed to offer support for families of children diagnosed with ADHD. The first group meeting is tomorrow, Wednesday 12 June, 11am at the Cameron Park Community Centre – 107 Northlakes Drive Cameron Park. Children are welcome and tea and coffee will be provided. It is expected that meetings will continue on a monthly basis. For further information, see business card attached.

RAIL SAFETY TALKS Children will be given a short talk about safety around rail lines tomorrow. The talks are supported by the Knights and Jets football clubs and sponsored by Aurion, (previously QR Rail). There is no cost. Have a safe and happy week everyone and remember – “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams” ― Eleanor Roosevelt

Mrs Van Egmond FROM THE DEPUTY Kids and phone bills Ever seen the monthly phone or internet account and felt sick? It's called "bill shock", and there are many new ways families accidentally rack up hundreds of dollars in costs each month.

Find out more: http://www.schoolatoz.nsw.edu.au/technology/using-technology/avoiding-bill-shock Figures of speech How do you explain the difference between metaphors, similes and other literary devices? Is "pigs might fly" an example of an oxymoron, sarcasm, hyperbole....or something else? Here's a cheat sheet for when your kids need help with English homework. https://www.det.nsw.edu.au/eppcontent/glossary/app/resource/factsheet/4090.pdf What makes a good book? Books with vivid imagery, exciting stories and strong characters will not only entertain your child but set them up to enjoy reading for the rest of their life. Find out more: http://www.schoolatoz.nsw.edu.au/zh/homework-and-study/english/my-book-club/what-makes-a-good-book-for-young-kids Making friends If children are happy socially they tend to be more engaged in their learning. Teaching your child about the importance of making friends is as vital as learning their ABCs. Find out more: http://www.schoolatoz.nsw.edu.au/wellbeing/development/how-friendships-boost-your-childs-learning GREAT AUSSIE BUSH CAMP The due date for expression of interest and $50 deposit for the Great Aussie Bush Camp has passed. If you would still like for your child to attend, please contact the office ASAP to notify us of your intentions. Payments towards the remaining balance of $200 can be made at any time at the office. Mrs Baird SPOTLIGHT AWARDS Congratulations to the following students: Early Stage: Sienna Kirkland, Cooper Hibbs, Tayla Spicer, Koen Hinds, Kane Dean, Olleira O’Kane, Sean Weston, Callum Cousin, Brock Ramplin Stage 1: Riley chapman, sophie Appleby, Damien Cox, Mia Dzananovic, Ruby Rose, Khalid Shafie, Pattrick Morris, Jorja Russon-Hill, Alex Morrison, Cailin McIntosh, Kayleisha Aboott-Gaddes, Cooper Lewis Stage 2: Jerone Weatherall, Angel-Star Gian, Abbey Emerson, Jayley West, Logan Roxby, Grace Randall, Libby McGovern Stage 3: Dylan Hugo, Ethan Hudson, Liam Adamson, Brianna Connolly, Mikayla Halliday-Norrie, Joshua Robinson, Bayley Marks, Azmina Shafie, Sam Smith, Ryan Marriott

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DANCE GROUPS In Semester 2 we will continue to have 3 dance groups: Junior – K and Year 1 Middle – Years 2 -3 Senior – Years 4, 5 & 6 Each group will have a maximum of 25 places. The cost for each student is $90. A dance group enrolment form will be in the newsletter in week 8. If you would like your child to be in the dance group please complete the enrolment note and return to front office with payment of $90.00 by the end of the term. SPORT Netball On Friday 7 June 2013, the netball teams travelled to Upper Reserve to play Elermore Vale Public School. Our junior team won 12-4 with all players shining. The girls in the junior team worked super hard to be the best they can be in every quarter and do whatever they had to do to win the game. The senior team had a draw, 5-5. All of the girls should be commended as they played an amazing game and were leading the game until the last minute. Our defence was tight with Megan Clarke and Taylah Farrell stopping most of the other teams balls from even reaching the circle and our attacks were on fire working the ball back up to our end of the court. Emily Griffith and Sharis Hicks both had outstanding games. Well done girls! Miss McGrath CUP CAKE DAY THURSDAY 30 MAY Host classes 6G and 2M. Students from these classes will be bringing in a range of tasty, nut-free cakes, slices and biscuits. These will be available to purchase at recess under the primary cola (6H) and the infants cola (2E) Prices 50c - $1.00 ENTERTAINMENT BOOKS We still have some Entertainment Books for sale. $60 each. Please call at the office to purchase one of these great books!

DRUMMING GROUP The Drumming group will be performing at our assembly on Friday 21 June. INTERNATIONAL COMPETITIONS AND ASSESSMENTS FOR SCHOOLS




English Wednesday 26 June

Wednesday 31 July

Mathematics Wednesday 26 June

Tuesday 13 August

............................................................................................ PERMISSION NOTE


I give permission for my child __________________________

of class ____________ to participate in the following 2013

International Competitions and Assessments for Schools


English $8.00

Mathematics $8.00

Please find enclosed $________ entry fee.

Parent/Guardian Signature: __________________________

Date: ___________________

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ROSTER: We have places available very day of the week. If you are able to volunteer your time, please phone the school or call into the canteen and see Jenny. The roster works on a four weekly cycle. Roster for week beginning: 17 June

Monday 17 June Tuesday 18 June Wednesday 19 June Thursday 20 June Friday 21 June

K McCafferty, Karen Coulin

J Egge, D Parker

L Mistelbauer, A Bergquist

K Campbell, M Burns, K Nupier

S Gian, M Chapman

Roster for week beginning: 24 June

Monday 24 June Tuesday 25 June Wednesday 26 June Thursday 27 June Friday 28 June

A West C Judge

K Austin B Jarvis

L Towers J Berbatovci

D Walsh S Millington

L Mistelbauer J Hepworth A McIntosh

MILO IS BACK…….. Available in the morning for $1. If required for lunch and recess it MUST BE ORDERED and picked

up by your child. LUNCH BAGS - available for purchase from the canteen - 20 for $1.00 REMINDER………………if your child orders sauce with a pie or sausage roll, hash browns, nuggets, etc. it is 30 cents. LATE ORDERS……….please remind your child to place their lunch/recess orders in the morning. The canteen opens at 8:45 am, when the first bell rings. Ordering in the norming, ensure your child gets what they want. The wonderful canteen ladies have a variety of baked goods (cookies, mini pizzas etc) available at recess. These goodies cannot be ordered as the ladies bake different things each day. Only items on the menu can be ordered.

WOOLWORTH’S EARN AND LEARN Woolworth’s stickers are still going. Sheets to place your stickers on are at the office. The more stickers we have the more resources the school can purchase for our students. The cut-off date is 14 June.

Our NitStuff fundraiser notes were sent home last week and spare copies are available from the office if required. Orders and money are due back to the school office by Wednesday 26 June and the products will be sent home in Week 1 of Term 3. NitStuff is a natural based Head Lice preventative and nourishing detangler in one easy mist spray bottle. Let’s try and get our school head lice free! Thank you for your support!

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Knights Knockout On Thursday June 6, the Edgeworth PS senior rugby league team competed in the Knights Knockout gala day, looking to defend the

title they won last year at Hunter Stadium. The team was drawn in Pool F and played their pool matches at Bower Field at Glendale.

Edgeworth opened the day against New Lambton PS. The boys controlled the match from the outset, with most of the game played in

New Lambton’s half. A cross field kick from Kai saw Jake open the scoring, before Kai scored himself to open up an 8-0 lead. Josh

sealed the game with a late try to round out a 12-0 victory. The team met Singleton PS in their second match, and produced some

great rugby league, running away with a 16-0 victory. Ryan scored two tries and Nathan H and Byron one each.

After a break, Edgeworth then met Grahamstown PS. The boys produced some strong tackling and running, earning themselves an 8-

0 victory, with Jake grabbing both tries. The boys final pool match was against Telarah PS. Edgeworth played some scintillating

football, running in 4 tries to record a 16-4 win. Beau and Sam scored great tries, while Nathan H scored two, with his second try one

of the best you’ll see on a football field, a team effort that covered almost the whole field and went through 9 sets of hands. This result

saw Edgeworth top their pool and move onto the competitions quarter finals to be played at Windale Oval.

Edgeworth met St Brigid’s Raymond Terrace in their quarter final, who topped Pool B. Edgeworth began in dominant fashion, with

Josh making a great run from the kick off, and great play from Kai, Sam, James and Jimmy leading to Jake scoring to open a 4-0 lead.

St Brigid’s hit back before Edgeworth really kicked into gear. With Broden, Andrew, Byron and Brady also playing well, Jake scored

his second and Nathan H a try as Edgeworth moved into the semi-finals with a 12-4 victory.

Edgeworth met Jewells PS in the semi-final, just as they did last year. Jewells got the jump early, scoring first to lead 4-0. Edgeworth

then began to get some ascendency, with Josh, James, Jake and Broden doing some wonderful tough work in the forwards, and Kai

and Sam getting the backline going. Unfortunately a few dropped balls and missed opportunities hurt Edgeworth, as Jewells scored

their second try. Edgeworth didn’t give up, and continued to threaten Jewells tryline, but just couldn’t get over. A late try against the

run of play saw the score finish 12-0 to Jewells, however it wasn’t a true reflection of the match.

Despite the disappointment of coming so close to playing in the final at Hunter Stadium, the boys can be extremely proud of their

efforts. They continue to get better and better as a team, and their sportsmanship, camaraderie and team work are second to none, and

they are a privilege to take away.

However as always, these days do not happen without the continued support of our fabulous families! We had dozens of parents and

family members cheer the boys on throughout the day. Special thanks again to Ryan’s dad for running the water and assisting with

warm ups, and to Sam’s mum and Nathan F’s dad for taking some wonderful photos. Days like these aren’t the success they are

without all of your support and help.

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