Look to the Future and Become Energized about Fund Development



Look to the Future and Become Energized about Fund Development. Nancy Beard, CFRE. Outline. Introduction to Fund Development Statistics and Definitions Mechanics of Development Resources Questions and Answers. Introduction. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Look to the Future and Become Energized about Fund Development

Nancy Beard, CFRE

Nancy Beard, CFRE | uchas.org

OutlineIntroduction to Fund DevelopmentStatistics and DefinitionsMechanics of DevelopmentResourcesQuestions and Answers

Nancy Beard, CFRE | uchas.org

IntroductionWhat is your individual role in the non-

profit ornot-for-profit sector?

Are you responsible for philanthropy within your organization?

Nancy Beard, CFRE | uchas.org

PHILANTHROPYThe love of humankind

Altruistic concern for human welfare and advancement, usually manifested by donations of money, property, or work to needy persons

Nancy Beard, CFRE | uchas.org

ThoughtFaith-based organizations must offer

philanthropic training and opportunities for people to live out their faith and their love of humankind.

Practicing faith through volunteerism.

Nancy Beard, CFRE | uchas.org

Think AboutPhilanthropists and how

they share their faith and gratitude

Philanthropy as giving and sharing beyond the family

Motivations and Rewards

Nancy Beard, CFRE | uchas.org

Total Giving $316.23 billion

Top CategoriesReligion 32%Human Services

13%Health 9%









Source: GivingUSA 2013

Nancy Beard, CFRE | uchas.org

Philanthropy is Strong

Source: GivingUSA 2013

2000 2007 2012 2018 (est)0









$334.48 $316.23$344.00

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Nancy Beard, CFRE | uchas.org

Non-Profits in United States1.5 million non-profit organizations in

the United States (does not count organizations with income of less than $25,000)

Source: Foundation Center

Nancy Beard, CFRE | uchas.org

Charitable Giving Statistics88% of households give to charityThe average annual household contribution is $2,213

The majority of gifts go to religion

Source: National Philanthropic Trust

Nancy Beard, CFRE | uchas.org

ThoughtIt is every man’s

obligationto put back in the

worldat least the equivalentof what he takes out of


–Albert Einstein

Nancy Beard, CFRE | uchas.org

TerminologyPhilanthropyFund RaisingDevelopmentAdvancement

Nancy Beard, CFRE | uchas.org

Aspects of DevelopmentAnnual FundGrant WritingSpecial EventsLegacy GivingCapital Campaigns

Nancy Beard, CFRE | uchas.org


Key to effective fundraisingis a strong cultureof philanthropywithin an organization. –Bill McGinly, PresidentAssociation for Healthcare Philanthropy

Nancy Beard, CFRE | uchas.org

Say No To:Hit them upEntitlement


Say Yes To:Offering

OpportunitiesProving Your Value

Nancy Beard, CFRE | uchas.org

Founding Community—UCCTell Your Story and Develop a Loyalty

Provide a way for UCC members to live out their faith

Relationship of mutual respect

Sources of Funding:UCC Church and Members

Nancy Beard, CFRE | uchas.org

Sources of Funding:Community Served By OrganizationIndividualsCorporationsFoundationsOther Faith Communities

Nancy Beard, CFRE | uchas.org

Sources of Funding:Those Closest To The MissionBoard of Directors Committee

Members Employees VolunteersConsumers of

Services Family Members of


Nancy Beard, CFRE | uchas.org

StewardshipListen to donorsThank donors

within 48 hoursTell donors how

you used their giftInvolve donors in

the mission

Nancy Beard, CFRE | uchas.org

Development StepsGet StartedGather Historical Information and Tell

YOUR StoryGather Historical Data of Donors and GiftsSet Measurable Goals and Expect

AccountabilityCreate a 12-Month Development Plan

Nancy Beard, CFRE | uchas.org

Development StepsCreate a Truthful Budget that Includes All

ExpensesGet Board and Volunteers Involved

(but plan to do most of the work yourself)Have Fun, Offer Opportunities and Raise

Financial GiftsThank Your Donors

Nancy Beard, CFRE | uchas.org

ResourcesAssociation of Fundraising Professionals - afpnet.orgFoundation Center – foundationcenter.orgGiving USA – givingusareports.orgGuideStar – guidestar.orgCenter on Philanthropy at Indiana University –

philanthropy.iupui.eduLeave a Legacy – leavealegacy.orgNational Philanthropic Trust - nptrust.orgNational Study on American Religious Giving

Nancy Beard, CFRE | uchas.org


Thank You!Nancy Beard, CFRE

President, United Church Homes and Services Foundationnbeard@uchas.org
