LOGO 10 Text Message Marketing Tips for Your Local Business Presented by: Your Name 555-555-5555...


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10 Text Message Marketing Tips for

Your Local Business

Presented by: Your Name555-555-5555


Add your company slogan


Tip #1

Don’t Spam Your List With Offers

Send helpful, entertaining, and informative messages to your mobile list

Do not over-promote as can cause subscribers to opt-out of your list

Add your company slogan


Tip #2

Target Your Efforts for Best Response

Narrow down “who” you want to join your list and then create special messages and offers specifically for that group

Take a step further and create separate lists based on separate products and services

Add your company slogan


Tip #3

Keep Your Messages Short

Shorter is better when it comes to marketing messages due to short attention spans

Text messages only allow 160 characters per message so keep them within those limits

Add your company slogan


Tip #4

Make Your Opt-in Offers Extremely Valuable

Make your opt-in offer “top-notch” in order to get subscribers

Figure out what your target audience craves and create offers surrounding those ideas

Add your company slogan


Tip #5

Include a Strong Call-to-Action in Every Message

Include a strong call-to-action on every single message

Tell them what you want them to do whether it’s call or come into your establishment

Add your company slogan


Tip #6

Make it Easy for Them to Opt-Out

If they have problems opting out, they may flag your messages as spam

Make the option to opt-out clearly visible in every message you send out

Add your company slogan


Tip #7

Use Text Messages to Get Customer Feedback

Polls are a great way to get feedback from your customers

Use the feedback to enhance your products and services

Offer a prize drawing for those who participate

Add your company slogan


Tip #8

Include Links to Digital Media in Your Messages

Include links to your other online properties, such as your website, photos, videos, and social media sites

Add your company slogan


Tip #9

Encourage Sign-ups Across the Board

Put a call-to-action on your website inviting people to join your mobile list

Ask your social media followers to join

Put a call-to-action on all of your printed materials

Add your company slogan


Tip #10

Don’t Forget About Branding

Include your business name in every text message you send out

This lets them know who you are and helps build your brand


Presented by: Your Name555-555-5555


If you would like more information about Text Message Marketing, contact me at 555-555-5555

For a FREE Consultation
