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The Bartonian-issue 58

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Please support your local shops and businesses

The Festival will take place on Saturday 24th November and comprise Craft Stalls in The Salvation Army Citadel and Wilderspin National School, stalls on George Street and High Street ; children’s rides in King Street. A performance stage will be on the High Street with various acts from 1pm to 8pm, all introduced by Viking FM.

Please note to facilitate the event the following roads will be closed to traffic from 8am until 10pm: George Street, King Street and High Street from Burgate to Junction Square.

The Community Parade leaves from The Ropewalk at 3pm led as usual by the team of 6 reindeer pulling Father Christmas on his sleigh. The Lantern Parade will also leave The Ropewalk at 5pm . There is a Carol Service at the Christmas tree on High Street, led by the Salvation Army with the Christmas lights switched on at 6.15pm by the Mayor Councillor Paul Vickers and the winners of a local schools competition.

I hope you will be pleased with the event and if you aren’t, come and tell me because the event is put on for your entertainment.

All that remains is for me to thank Councillor John Oxley, the members of the Community Regeneration Committee and the Town Clerk and Deputy Clerk for all their hard work and of course yourselves for attending.

Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Councillor Alan Todd Chairman of the Community Regeneration Committee


Barton-upon-Humber Town Council is again presenting its annual Town Award to a resident within the community for work or action of merit. This will be a small thank you to the people who have helped our community or

members of it, without expectation of reward or thanks. The Award is a silver cup to be held for one year, together with a certificate and a keepsake to be presented by the

Mayor of Barton. Barton-upon-Humber Town Council is looking for nominations for this award, from anyone who knows of a person they think deserves recognition. All Barton residents are eligible, apart from town councillors & staff. If you know

someone, who has served the community in some way, for example:- Service within an organisation for many years, action over and above the call of duty, helping the aged, or infirm, guiding and helping youth and children, actions of courage, or, any relevant

contribution to our community or persons within it. Nomination forms can be obtained from Barton Town Council Office, TO BE RETURNED BY 1st February 2013.

Lantern pictures

by Simon Vickers

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Central Surgery 01652 636600 West Town Surgery (Dr. Muralee) 01652 660041

Barton Police Station 101 Local Link Office 01724 296800

Barton Town Council 01652 633598 Baysgarth Leisure Centre 01652 632511

Visitor Centres

Far Ings Nature Reserve 01652 637055 Waters Edge Country Park 01652 631500

Baysgarth Museum 01652 637568 & Visitors Centre

The Ropewalk 01652 660380 Wilderspin National School Museum 01652 635172


Bus Timetable 08456050605 Train Times 08457 484950

Planning 01724 297420

Environmental Health 01724 297827 North Lincolnshire Homes 01724 279900

Patient Forum – Central Surgery

The Central Surgery now has a further two new Doctors. Doctor Rauf took up her duties on 1st September and Doctor Littlewood joined the practice on 29th October. There has also been the appointment of a new nurse, Sandra Cawood, who took up her duties on 11th October. In order to widen our representation we have asked a Sixth Form student from Baysgarth School to join us and we are seeking to recruit a Parent Governor from Bowmandale School. As a result of the questionnaire that was sent out to one thousand randomly selected patients some time ago we have asked three further people to join us. We had a great response to the request for volunteers and the choice of new members was, consequently, very difficult. We would like to publicly thank all those who took the trouble to write to us.

The Forum continues to meet every two months and if any patient wishes to raise an issue they can contact me through the Surgery. The Senior Partner, Dr Jaggs-Fowler and the Practice Manager, Mr Hunter attend all our meetings. We will attempt to provide feedback if the individual concerned gives us their contact details. If anonymity is requested then we will comply with

that request. Robert Lyden


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BARTON CIVIC SOCIETY Barton Tourism Partnership sets out a stall every second Saturday of the month at the Farmers’ Market and passers-by sometimes stop to enquire what exactly Barton Civic Society is and what it does. A perfectly

reasonable enquiry, so what is the answer?

The purpose of the Society is to provide a focus for those concerned to ensure that Barton remains a pleasant and civilised place to live in: that what is best in the town is retained and properly cared for, and that new

development is sympathetic and in keeping with Barton`s character.

And what do we do? Among other things, we: recognize and encourage positive contributions to the town by

awarding `good marks`, `green marks` and annual awards and plaques; work with other bodies, including Barton Town Council, to help make improvements to the town`s environment (e.g. at the rail-bus interchange, the Beck, Fleetgate); carry out public works (e.g. tree planting); devise and publish town trails and walks; vet

planning applications; organize public talks (monthly at the Assembly Rooms); organize public events (e.g. Victorian Day); look after Barton's oldest house (51, Fleetgate), opening it to the public on at least twenty days a year, as well as to parties or individuals on request; organize an annual schools` competition; produce an annual

newsletter; maintain a website and keep it up to date with news of events.

While endeavouring to influence the policies of our unitary body, North Lincolnshire Council, we also recognize

that much of what happens in towns and cities in the land is determined by central government, and that a way needs to be found to make our voice heard there. To that end, it was decided at last July`s AGM that the Society join Civic Voice, a charitable trust that is an umbrella organization for all the nations` civic societies. The aims of

Civic Voice are broadly: to showcase local campaigns; to mount national campaigns based on local initiatives; to enable civic societies to share knowledge and expertise; to lobby ministers in order to promote the concerns of the organization, where appropriate in conjunction with other bodies, such as English Heritage and CPRE. We

feel that this wider dimension is particularly important at the present time, when the Government is determined to shake-up the planning system and seems intent on an apparently head-long drive to promote business at the expense of social and environmental considerations.

Perhaps this goes a little way to answering the questions posed by those who ask about the Society - and may even help allay doubts expressed by sceptics.

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Smith and Walker Optometrists

16 High St,

Barton-Upon-Humber Tel: 01652 632315

Winter Eye Check at Smith & Walker Optometrists We all know how important it is to maintain our cars in the extremes of Winter: lights, tyres, fluids etc. Just as importantly shouldn’t you MOT your eyes? As the nights draw in and the light becomes dimmer so many of us struggle with reading, or more importantly driving, street lighting and headlights all of a sudden seem to become more of an issue. Glare and dazzle, especially in wet rainy conditions is more apparent. Often we can be a little long or short sighted and not be aware and it is only in certain conditions, or critical distances, that we notice there is a problem. At Smith & Walker we are here to help. We offer a comprehensive Eye Examination checking both vision, and of course the eye health. We can offer re-assurance and advice whatever the outcome of the examination. Zeiss have been offering optical solutions for over a century and have always been at the forefront in lens design and have teamed up with Smith & Walker Optometrists to bring this latest technology to Barton upon Humber. LOTU TEC, an extremely tough hard anti- reflection coating can be the answer. This tremendous treatment has the added benefit of being water repellent, dirt repellent and oil repellent meaning your lenses stay clearer and cleaner longer and is designed specifically for night driving. Throughout October, November and December Zeiss have agreed to run a promotion with Smith & Walker Optometrists offering their LOTU TEC treatment free of charge on their lens range saving approximately £40.

For information, a demonstration or advice call into the High Street practice, or

telephone 01652 632315 or 01652 635397. Appointments are available

throughout the week and late on Monday evenings.

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Collection of bulky items: 01724 297000

Flytipping: 01724 297000

Household waste disposal/

recycling centres: 01724 297000

Litter: 01724 297000

Pest Control : 01724 297626/7

Waste commercial/trade: 01724 297806

Barton refuse site on Gravel Pit Lane

Summer opening hours: 10.00am to 6.00pm

(1 March to 31 October)

Winter opening hours: 10.00am to 4.00pm

(1 November to 28/29 February)

Closed all day Wednesday and Thursday

Asbestos disposal at Cottage Beck Road,

Scunthorpe only

1 March to 31 October 10am - 4pm,

1 November to 28/29 Feb 10am - 2pm

The Potty Panto Players had a very successful

"ComedyNite" and supper in May and raised the magnificent

sum of £855.17! This money (as usual) paid the rent for the

storage of scenery and has enabled the group to buy new

equipment in time for this year’s charity Pantomime.

Supporters of the popular panto group are well aware that

monies raised from their annual pantomime is always donated

to worthwhile causes. Past recipients have been Bowmandale

School, Fieldview Nursery, Candlelighters, Wish Upon A Star,

Goxhill School and always The Lindsey Lodge Hospice.

Following on the success of last years production "Knight

Fever" rehearsals are well under way for this years panto, the

ever popular "JACK AND THE BEANSTALK" by TLC

Creative. A tale of love, adventure and some magic beans!

A gruesome giant, a wicked witch, a fabulous fairy, a brave

hero, the obligatory village idiot and of course a cute and

cuddly cow help to make up the cast of this tried and tested

script, jam-packed with jokes, slapstick, gunge, and all the

magic of traditional pantomime with enough audience

participation to leave you hoarse by the end of the show. Oh yes

it will!

Tickets will be going on sale at the Lindsey Lodge Hospice

shop in Barton mid November and ever aware of the economic

climate the group are once again offering the family ticket

which proved to be a hit last year. For details of dates and

times etc be on the look out for the brightly coloured posters

around the towns and villages and of course the advertising

boards as you enter Barton.

The Potty Panto Players will be once again joining the Barton

Town Christmas Festival parade. They are easy to spot: they

are the noisy, singing, chanting, bizarrely dressed group tucked

in between the dogs and the reindeer poo cart!!...... Such is life!

The Bartonian-issue 58

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Plumbing & Heating 01652 652013 / 07949103918

New Heating Systems

Boiler Changes,Repair & Service Bathroom & Shower Room

Installations General Plumbing, Power Flushing

No Call Out Charge Free Estimates

Reg No 225615

All articles intended for inclusion in the Bartonian must be checked for accuracy eg dates etc before submission to

the Editor. No responsibility will be taken for inaccurate information published. All articles must include a contact

name and address.

Advertisers views are their views only and not necessarily the views of the Town Council.

Comments and services offered may not always be endorsed by

the Council. No information to be reproduced from the Bartonian, without prior consent from the town council

Melody Movement (2-4yrs)- Introduces young children to dance and movement with the aid of Melody and Milligan Bear using picture cards, storytelling and characterisation.

Little Bear Feet (from 18mths) - Introduces young children to dance and movement with Melody and Milligan Bear through a journey to Nursery Rhyme Land.

Adult Dance Classes Dance Exam Classes One to One Music or

Dance Tuition Dancewear/Shoe Sales

For all enquiries please contact us on: Tel: 01652 649164 or Mob: 07937 962323 (Text/Answerphone only)

Email: dance.musicdancingfeet@gmail.com Visit our website at - www.musicdancingfeet.co.uk

Barton Upon Humber Allotment Society

Thanks to all you Bartonians the Horticultural Show was a

great success and the feedback from both the exhibitors and the

public was “see you next year”.

The quality and the amount of exhibits was outstanding after

the terrible weather we experienced this year.

I would like to thank all the Committee who helped on the day

especially our Treasurer and Secretary, Mrs Belinda Lant and

Miss Sandra Reed-Jennings, because the work they put into the

organising and printing of show cards, record sheets, marking

sheets and most importantly because of their efforts they were

able to pay out prize money on show day.

I seem to be saying a lot of thank yous so let’s not forget the

Lions, the Rotary, and our main sponsor Bakkavor Primebake

as well as most of all the local shops and stores who are going

through difficult times due to the current economic situation.

At the show, I was pleased to see a lot more plot holders

entered this year and more have promised next year, but the

downside was the lack of children from local schools and local

families, I do hope this improves next year even if it means

putting extra classes for them.

Down on the Allotments we are trying to step into the 21st

century by putting down hardcore on the central road so we are

more wheelchair and mobility scooter friendly.

I also hope at the AGM in January 2013 we can vote to make it

an all year round road for cars, which plotholders have been

after for years. The next big step is to make the site more

secure as we have had a little more vandalism than usual this


The weather has been a little up and down this year and when I

harvested my crops I didn’t think it had been as bad as some

people thought, with cabbages, cauliflowers, broad beans,

runner beans, peas, beetroot, blackcurrants, gooseberries and

raspberries, not forgetting my rhubarb of which there has been

an abundance. The marrows and squashes are just a little late

but plenty of them.

Now starts the hard work of turning over the soil for next

year’s crops so if you were a little unfit before you will soon

feel the benefits as my wife keeps telling me. Many plotholders

sow green manure for example: mustard, which can be dug in

before flowering. This puts all the nutrients back into the soil

you need for a good crop next year.

On September 13th the Town Council invited 2 members of the

Allotment Committee to the presentation evening of the Best

Kept Gardens and Hanging Baskets Competition which was

followed by a question and answer debate on plants and shrubs.

One lady asked about her new gooseberry bush which had lost

all of its leaves and the reason was it had been attacked by the

Saw Fly. These are all the kinds of questions that are asked on

the allotments all the time.

Now if you are interested in growing your own fruit and

vegetables the waiting list for an allotment is not very long, so

all you need to do is ring our Secretary on 01652 635663 and

she will tell you what to do.

Here are some of the winners at

this years Show

Top Tray – Hazel Hare,

Top Vase – Elaine

Sampson, Best in Show –

Mr R. May

Best Full Allotment –

Penny Thornton, Best

Half Allotment Marion


Below Mayor of Barton making

presentation to one of the winners

The Bartonian-issue 58

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We offer free Home Visits as part of

our Will, Probate and Elderly Client services available to all clients

in Barton and the surrounding areas.


today for a no obligation


3-4 Market Place, Barton upon Humber, DN18 5DD

01652 632215

mail@keithready.co.uk www.keithreadyco.co.uk

As we write this article, the adult group will have just finished their recent play “Hello, Is There Any Body There?” by Ian Hornby. A

full length comedy, murder, mystery all rolled into one. With characters such as Mr Vic Tim, Miss Marbles, a delicious young female

PC and Smalls the Butler, how can anyone take things too seriously. Directed this time by Alun Friend the group had much fun in

rehearsals getting to grips with their characters to put the show on. Thank you to all our loyal supporters for coming along to watch,

we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.

The group have had a busy year with the All England Theatre Festival back in March, another evening of plays performed by all the groups, the youth group who performed The Wacky World of Café Panto and the adults performing another of David Tristram’s plays – “When the Fat Lady Sings In Little Grimley”. The younger members of the group enjoyed their annual red carpet, Oscar style awards presentation, with this year’s awards as follows: “Best Actress Seniors” – Kate Jackson, “Best Actress Juniors” – Amy Guy, “Best Actor Seniors” – George Thomson, “Best Actor Juniors” – Alex Raithby, “Most Improved Seniors” – Emily Leaning, “Most Improved Juniors” – Isabelle Golden, and for “Outstanding Service to the Group” – Alex Raithby. A huge congratulations to all our younger members for all their hard work and effort this year. The group now look forward to their spooky season as we once more take to the streets of Barton for the Ghost Walk which traditionally starts again on Wednesday 31st October. Dare you walk the streets of Barton so very late at night….? Wrap up warm and bring a torch and a friend – if you dare!! For a “frightfully” good evening, join us outside Baysgarth Museum at 7.15pm for a 7.30pm start. Tickets are £4/£3 and are available in advance from Dennis Bloor (see below for contact details) or alternatively purchase on the night. We are currently working on our annual Pantomime – Beauty and the Beast. This will be held at Ropery Hall, The Ropewalk on Thursday 10th, Friday 11th and Saturday 12th January 2013. We are delighted to report that Thursday night has already sold out. Tickets will be released late November/early December and can be obtained from The Ropewalk on 01652 660380 or by calling the Chairman – Dennis Bloor on 01469 531003. Please note there will be evening performances each night starting at 7.30pm with a matinee on the Saturday afternoon. A licenced bar will be available to purchase refreshments prior to the performance and during the interval. For more information on any of our events or to join the group – new members are always welcome! Please check out our website at www.southbankplayers.weebly.com where you can contact us via the “Contact Us” page, alternatively email us at southbankplayers@yahoo.co.uk and ask to be added to the mailing list of upcoming events by the group. Finally, on behalf of all members of the South Bank Players, we would like to thank you for your continued support and we wish you

and your families a very merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year 2013.

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Martin Vickers MP will be holding surgeries at the following times and venues:

Cleethorpes Library Barton Library Alexandra Road, Cleethorpes. Holydyke, Barton Upon Humber.

1st Saturday of the month 3rd Friday of the month 9am-11am 1pm-3pm

Waltham Library Immingham Civic Centre High Street, Waltham. Pelham Road, Immingham.

2nd Saturday of the month 3rd Friday of the month 11.30am-1.30pm 4pm-6pm

To book an appointment, please ring: 01472 603554 or e-mail: mvickersmp@gmail.com


Once again Baysgarth House Museum will be hosting a Christmas Fayre at Baysgarth

House, on Saturday 1st December 2012 from 11am to 4pm.

The fayre will feature a wide range of local craft stalls including jewellery, toys, festive

food, hand made Christmas cards and more. Deliciously tempting food and drinks will be available and Santa will be snoozing in his

rocking chair, by the fire, waiting, with a sack full of presents.

Baysgarth House Museum will also be open to the public.

For further information please contact Baysgarth House Museum on 01652 637568

or email at info@champltd.org.

Janice and Jim Taylor, Secretary and Chairman of the Barton

Wheelers Cycling Club with Herbert and Beryl Dent when Herbert was presented with a souvenir cycling jacket. Herbert

having just celebrated his 100th birthday was, with Dave Farmery, co-founder of the Barton Wheelers in 1933.

Alzheimer’s Society North & North East Lincolnshire

The Alzheimer’s Society provides information, support and local services for people with dementia, their carers and family. There are over 800,000 people with dementia in the UK and numbers are expected to rise to over a million in the next 10 years. We are delighted that our local services in North Lincolnshire have expanded over the last few months. We now offer a Carers Information and Support programme (CrISP), new memory cafes and social groups and a Dementia Adviser service.

From October 2012 our new services are:

Scunthorpe Memory Café – first Friday of the month 10 -12 at the Baptist Church, Ashby Road, Scunthorpe

Musical Memory Café featuring Lost Chord – fourth Friday of the month, 10 -12 at the Baptist Church, Ashby Road.

Alzheimer’s Society Tea Dance – second Thursday of the month, 2.30-4.30pm Crowle Community Hall, Crowle

Barton Memory Café - third Tuesday of the month, 10.30-12 noon, Wilderspin School, Queen Street, Barton

Brigg Memory Café - last Wednesday of the month, 1.30-3.30pm, St Mary’s Catholic Church, Barnard Ave, Brigg

If you, or someone you know, is experiencing dementia please come along and join in our activities. Jill Cockett is our Dementia Support Manager and she provides a support service for people with dementia and their carers, including the memory cafes and CrISP information courses. Lisa Hickman is our Dementia Adviser and provides an information and signposting Service. Jill and Lisa can be contacted at our local office in

Elsham on 01652 680474 The Society is grateful for the help and support of a dedicated band of volunteers to enable us to deliver our services, but we always need more! If you could spare just a few hours a month to help people with dementia to enjoy social activities and companionship we would be delighted to hear from you. Or if you prefer helping with events or fundraising, or assisting with information provision, please let us know. To find out more about volunteering, call Rosemary on 01482 211255, email volseastyorkshire@alzheimers.org.uk or

contact Jill or Lisa as above.

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E1W the local youth group based at St. Mary’s Church (meetings Fridays 5pm to

7pm for children 11 to 18) would like to say a huge THANK YOU to all who helped them reach their dream. The dream was to attend an Olympic event and after 2 years of hard fundraising they achieved the target. Fundraising began and with support and kindness shown by the congregation of the church we progressed well.

Tickets were bought in the first round (lucky) then accommodation was found. We managed to sleep in walking distance from the Cutty Sark; a local church in the area offered us a place to stay. Then with T-shirts designed by Chris Catley, hats knitted by grandma Brown (sorry mum) and an amazing banner designed by M D Signs (Barton) off we went. What an adventure 3 days away, a full day in the stadium, 160,000 people milling around and there was no sign of trouble. We didn’t even lose any of the 15 children we took. The whole event was exceptional and it was a definite WOW moment in our lives.

Lots of local people and businesses helped the group along the way and the last sponsored event the town got behind the group wonderfully………SPAR, FRENCHY’S (thanks Juliet), MICKY B’S, REGAL FISH, DENTAL SURGERY, CV’S, KEITH READY, COACH AND HORSES, CORN EXCHANGE INCLUDING THE DARTS TEAM, BARTON TOWN BAND, MATHEW EVISON BUILDER.

A special mention needs to go the Barton Lions because of their ongoing support we managed to get all the group a lifetime souvenir for each of us to remember what a fantastic event we attended.

The group of children we took were a credit to Barton and to St Mary’s Church, they did you all proud and I would like to say thanks to them as they show respect, kindness and teamwork throughout the 2 years of fundraising. Well done.

Thank you for reading Amanda Alliss

For more details of the youth group please ring Amanda Alliss one of the E1W leaders on 634093

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Calling All Younger


News of School or Out of School

Activities/ Events needed for

our Junior Pages in the


Contact Details see Back Page

Ten Scouts and five volunteer adults spent a week in London during the Olympic games The following are the Scouts' experiences in their own words edited to protect the guilty: The troop of 3rd Barton Scouts had a very enjoyable time in London during our Summer holidays. Obviously the most enjoyable bit of our trip was the Olympics. The events we saw during our week in London were; Basketball, Taekwondo and freestyle wrestling. Our favourite was the wrestling because we saw the medals being presented. Some of the other stuff we did while in London: posing for photos outside Buckingham Palace, next to a lion in Trafalgar square and on the Abbey Road zebra crossing, visits to London Zoo, Madame Tussards (more posing for photos with the stars), the Science Museum, Speakers’ Corner in Hyde Park not forgetting a ride on the London Eye. We also went shopping in Hamleys toy shop and found time to see the Lion King in the West End! The highlight of the trip was exploring the Olympic park and having lunch in the world's largest McDonalds before spending lots of money in the Olympic shop. We travelled from Barton on the train to Brentwood in Essex were we stayed at the Thriftwood Scout centre. It was great as we had showers and proper loos!

The trip was made possible by the generous financial support of the following organisations: Cooperative Membership community fund Smile Foundation Barclays Bank North Lincolnshire Council

Patrons & Staff of Volunteer Arms, Whitecross Street,


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NHS Vacancies at South Cave Dental Surgery

We are pleased to announce local dentists Terry Wilson (from Beverley) and Bernadette Dillon (from

Grimsby) have come to join our surgery. This will yet again strengthen our dental team.

We have NHS, Private and Denplan appointments available and are able to offer late night and Saturday

morning appointments. Additionally we provide implant, whitening, botox and dermal fillers and

hygienist services.

Special Christmas Offer

Whitening only £200

Gift Vouchers Available

Please call 01430 423826 to arrange an appointment or pop in to see us at 40-44 Church Street,

South Cave, HU15 2EP

Wilderspin National School Museum The School will be open from 10am as part of the Barton Christmas Festival on Saturday 24th November. As usual we will be providing somewhere to sit and enjoy some refreshments in Scholars Coffee Shop but we will be staying open longer this year until 8pm.

From 11am there will be Traditional Christmas Craft Fair and a chance for children to have a go making cards, jewellery and more under expert guidance. Come along and see our brilliant display of "Awesome Angels" which involves the work of our local schools, nurseries and young people’s groups, and have a go at making a "Guardian Angel" to hang on our Christmas Tree in remembrance of a loved one.

Winners of the 2012 Schools Handwriting Competition receiving their certificates and prizes at the Wilderspin National School. As part of the awards presentation the

children had a go at handwriting techniques from the past using sand trays, slates and dip pens. The School is grateful to Barton Lions for supporting the competition in 2012. The winning entries are on display throughout the autumn.

2012 has been another successful year at the School Museum. We have provided a record number of teaching sessions with schools from around the region and both sides if the Humber, and 20,000 people visited the School or used its facilities which

was our target when the Queen Street School Preservation Trust sought grant support for restoring the listed building.

We have had to make a couple of changes to our events programme; Regrettably, due to

technical problems, our Dickens film shows on 7th and 8th December have had to be cancelled, and we shall be announcing the rescheduled date for An Evening with Gervase Phinn as soon as possible.

In readiness for new exhibitions in 2013 and 2014 we are asking past pupils, parents and staff to get in touch to share their memories of the Church School on Queen Street. We are also keen to get everyone’s recollections of childhood games and play. Details of both projects are available from our website (www.wilderspinschool.org.uk) and from the School.

All our activities are run by volunteers who get involved in a number of ways including planning events, building maintenance, gardening, working in the shop, giving guided tours, looking after our collections and working on exhibitions. Others help with fundraising to continue the work of the Queen Street School Preservation Trust to maintain the building as a museum and a community venue. All our volunteers enjoy being part of a team and getting to meet new friends – so please get in touch if you’d like to be involved as we always welcome new members. Our schools programme is delivered by paid staff and we need to expand our team of session leaders to keep pace with the growing demand from schools. If this sort of work interests please get in touch – it helps to have a background in teaching or drama but it’s not essential although you do need to agree to be CRB checked.

Ian Wolseley Wilderspin National School, Queen Street, Barton (Tel. 01652 635172) Queen Street School Preservation Trust Registered Charity 1047187

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Barton Events 2012/13

Above are just some of the events taking place in Barton this year. Details of all events can be found on www.barton-upon-humber.org.uk If your event isn’t listed contact the Barton Tourism Partnership on

btp@the-ropewalk.co.uk and we’ll get your event listed. Barton Tourism Partnership www.barton-upon-humber.org.uk

Event Date Time Description Price

Barton Christmas Festival

24th November 1pm onwards

Organised by Barton Town Council, with support from Barton Chamber of Trade.


Barton branch of Goole Nuro. Rehab. Centre

24th November 10am - 1pm

Venue: St Mary’s Church Hall. Fundraising coffee morning for the Rehabilitation Centre

51 Fleetgate Open Day 24th November 10am -8.30pm

Visit 51 Fleetgate on the day of the Christmas Festival.


Barton Ghost Walk

28th Nov, 30th Jan, 27th Feb, 20th March

7:30pm Venue: Baysgarth House Museum. For more information please phone 01469 531003


The Ropewalk Christmas Art Market

1st & 2nd Dec 10am – 4pm

Venue: The Ropewalk. The perfect place to find gifts, cards and art work at prices to suit everyone’s pocket. 01652 660380


Barton Salvation Army Corps

4th December Venue: Methodist Church. Charity Concert. £4/£3 U16s


Photography Exhibition

5th – 16th December

During Centre opening hours

Venue: Far Ings Nature Reserve Visitors Centre. Come along to Far Ings to view and buy fantastic images by a local wildlife photographer Geoff Trinder.


Barton Farmers’ Market 8th December 9am – 1pm Venue: King Street. Your last chance to buy at the Farmers’ Market before Christmas


Boxing Day Ramble 26th Dec 10.30am Venue: Waters’ Edge Visitor Centre. Seven mile ramble with pub stop to blow off the cobwebs


New Year’s Day Ramble 1st Jan 10.30am Venue: Waters’ Edge Visitor Centre. Contact 01652 631500 for more details


Barton Farmers’ Market 12th Jan, 9th Feb, 9th Mar

9am – 1pm Venue: King Street. Offers delicious quality local produce direct from the producers.


Paul Jones & Dave Kelly 17th Jan 8pm Venue: Ropery Hall £17/£19otd

Comedy Club Night 25th Jan, 22nd Feb, 29th Mar

8pm Venue: Ropery Hall £10/£12 otd

Craft Fair 2nd & 3rd Feb 10am - 4pm

Venue: Waters’ Edge Visitor Centre. More than 40 stalls across 2 floors.


Gigspanner 23rd Feb 8pm Venue: Ropery Hall £12/£14 otd

Boothby Graffoe 9th March 8pm Venue: Ropery Hall £12/£14 otd

Craft Fair

30th, 31st Mar & 1st April

10am - 4pm

Venue: Waters’ Edge Visitor Centre. More than 40 stalls across 2 floors.


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3.00pm – Community Parade led by Reindeer leaves The Ropewalk

5.00pm Lantern Parade leaves The Ropewalk Starting from their premises in Tesco’s car park. The lantern parade will wend its way up Fleetgate, along High Street through Junction Square to the stage at the Junction of King Street and High Street.. All of the lanterns have been produced by the young people involved in the parade during a series of workshops at The Ropewalk, Goxhill & Scawby.

5.30pm Salvation Army Band begin the Carol Service, followed by the Christmas tree lights being switched on at 6.15pm by the Town Mayor, Councillor Paul Vickers, assisted by two local Primary School Christmas Festival Competition Winners.

Stage entertainment 1pm - 8pm



CITADEL (plus coffe morming) & CRAFT FAIR




Face painting available at 35 High Street

Also Coffee morning 10am-1pm in St Mary’s Church Hall, Burgate in aid of

Goole Neurological Rehabilitation Centre

Barton Town Council would like

to Thank

The Community Regeneration


Barton Chamber of Trade;

Barton Local Policing Team;

The Ropewalk;

Barton Area Local Neighbourhood

Services Team;

St John Ambulance;

North Lincolnshire Council;

Viking FM;

R & J Leisure;


Plus anyone else not known when

going to press....

Christmas Festival Late

Night Shopping

Shops known to be open, at time of

going to print:

Sergeants' Ice Cream

Co-operative Food

The Place

Corn Exchange Club

Martins newsagents

Best Training (Lincs) Ltd

Evangelical Church

Roxz Jewellery

Lindsey Relay

Taz’s Fish Bar

Cooplands Bakery

Handel House

Reincarnate Safety

Day’s Menswear

Knitting Box

Rosie & Tilly

Helios Tanning Studio

Frankie’s Bar (including Face Painting)

The Raj

Age UK North Lincs

Pizza Jim

The Surma

Humber Fisheries


Barton Shopping Centre

Partners Tea Room

Water Margin

Sally Anna’s Tearoom &Charity Shop Carlton Education & The Knotted Note


51 Fleetgate

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WORD SEARCH Can you find all the letters to spell a Christmas word ?

There is a letter located in 6 members’ shop windows. Find the letter, write down the

name of the shop where the letter is to be found and re-arrange the letters to spell a

Christmas word. Complete the entry form below for your chance to win a money

voucher to spend in any of the shops of Barton Chamber members.

CLOSING DATE: Friday 30th November 2012

The letters will be found in one of these members premises that trade within the vicinity of the Christmas Festival

Market Place George St/King St High Street Area Fleetgate area Corn Exchange Althams Travel Smith & Walker Carlton Education

Best Wishes Central Surgery Barton Dental Surgery Fleetgate Glass His & Hairs Cooke & Webster Barton Veterinary Centre Spice Lounge Smailes Goldie Lindsey Relay Frankie’s Bar The Ropewalk

Sargent’s ice cream Taz’s Fish Bar WA Clarke Rushby Dance Centre Barton Co-op Crisp n’ Fresh Helios Tanning Studio Frocks Barton Shopping Centre Holydyke

Hair by Sylini Wilderspin National School H & HJ Huteson & Sons DDM Residential Barton Windows

Please post your entries into the boxes provided in the foyer of Barton Co-op or Euronics

Winners will be drawn at random on Saturday 1st December from the correct entries received

All winners will be notified by telephone or in person on the same day

Christmas word is………………………………………….

The Bartonian-issue 58

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Serving you on North Lincolnshire Council If you have a council related problem, then telephone us on any of the above numbers or call into our Surgery on the 3rd Friday of the month at Tesco, Barton 10am – 12 midday

The above councillors will make home visits to constituents – please tele-

phone them on the above numbers to arrange an appointment.


Councillor Jon Evison

07976276895 jonathan.evison@googlemail.com

Councillor Keith Vickers

01652 633951 keithvickers@btinternet.com

Councillor Paul Vickers

01652 637622 jpvickers@btinternet.com

Principal: Miss Kirsty L. Skelton BA (Hons), LRAD,


RAD Ballet – ISTD Modern – ISTD Tap

Ages 3 and above



Telephone: 01652 660411 / Mobile: 07932 076134

Also incorporates the S.S.C.B. Shop which can supply

all your dance requirements








Hello, I wonder if any of your readers can help me?

I am looking for an old friend of mine that I used to work

with. Her name was Kathy Batty, and we worked together

at a boarding school in Giggleswick, back in about 1969.

My name then was June Maciver, and I would love to catch

up with her, but all I knew was that she lived in Barton.

If she would like to get in touch,

My address is, June Tasker, 19, Seagran Ave, Hessle,

HU13 9ER. Tel 01482 647695 / 07929468328

The application by RWE Npower to install 18 wind turbines

(known as the Saxby Wold Wind Farm) on land to the south west

of Barton has been refused (twice) by North Lincolnshire

Council. The Applicant has appealed and the details are as


Planning Appeal location: Elsham Hall

Planning Appeal hearing commences: 19 February 2013

Anticipated duration: 10 days

In May 2013, report to be forwarded for consideration by the

Secretary of State. Duration for decision unknown at this time.

Members of the public are encouraged and welcome to attend. If

disabled and need assistance, contact North Lincolnshire Council

(01724 297309)

The Bartonian-issue 58

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UPDATE --- September 2012

We have now been open to help people for just over seven

months. Help has continued to pour in from individuals and

various church and community groups.

FOOD COLLECTIONS. These continue in all the churches

in Barton and some of the villages, together with community

groups. Each month we have donations and enquiries from

new groups. The supermarket collections have gone well. In

addition to designated days at Tesco and Co-op, we have

collection bins permanently in their stores, together with one

at Heron. All these are to be found near the check-out tills.

On collection days, many shoppers are beginning to get used

to our presence and willingly take one of our shopping lists,

requesting tinned and dried food, petfood, nappies, toilet rolls,

toothpaste etc. This has also proved a useful way of recruiting

new helpers. Last month we had two consecutive days at

Tesco, and we are extending our collection hours, as it has

been noted that whilst there is a dip in trade between 4 and

5pm, shoppers begin to come out again to do their week-end

shop. We collected 700kgs of food. The rotas for these are

somewhat stretched, but we manage. I’m always keen to

welcome new volunteers to help in this way. It is amazing

how quickly the food can go down, and it is important to keep

ahead of supply and demand. Please just ring me on 01652

632512 if you would like to help.

Now the new school term is underway I have written to our

local schools to ask them to consider us for any items which

they may receive in their Harvest Celebrations.

WAREHOUSE/ STORAGE Penny Phillips’s team has

been especially busy on distribution days. There are usually 2

people there, making up extra parcels, often as clients wait.

Friday is the busier of the 2 days, as it is often clear by the

end of the week that benefits have not arrived in time. We

only help as a short term measure for those in crisis, not as

some people assume for everyone. Some people are refused

vouchers by our agencies, as we will not support lifestyles

e.g. funding drinking and smoking, where food has not been a

priority. (Most of the reasons for needing help are due to

benefit cuts, delays or reviews, but we do see other often sad

and distressing reasons for people seeking our help)

Our space is still somewhat limited, but the Trinity Methodist

Church has been kind enough to allow us some storage space

for made-up parcels.

DISTRIBUTION Captain Anita Cotterill of the Salvation

Army now has a few more helpers in her team, but like Penny

and myself, we can always welcome more to share the load.

At the end of July, Diana Mingaye came in to give us the

figures for the month, and also since we started. Between 19th

June and 27th July , we had dealt with 44 vouchers,

representing 59 adults and 51 children, plus dogs and cats.

This is now up to date, with August and the first half of

September being busy. In total from opening on 31st January,

and the first voucher coming in on 10th February, until 18th

September, there have been over 180 vouchers, representing

307 adults and 218 children. This is a bittersweet success in

that the Food bank is working well, but it is a sad reflection

on our times that it should be so badly needed.

One more rather nice piece of news to mention, is that whilst

collecting at the Coop in June, the owner of the Jubilee Sweet

Shop on Holydyke approached me to offer help. As a result,

we now are able to give a £1 voucher to families with children

coming in to Food Bank, for a bag of sweets. This was a

lovely gesture and is much appreciated.

PARTNER AGENCIES Diana is kept busy supplying the

agencies with the red vouchers, and answering their queries.

We now also have the Barton Health Visitors, Winterton

Resource Centre and North Lincolnshire Homes on board.

The leaflet mentioned in the last update is now available

thanks to Diana, who has distributed them in surgeries, Link

offices etc.

FUNDING We still continue to receive the occasional

financial donation, although most of our donations are in

goods. Both are much appreciated, as there are times when we

have to buy items which are expensive and in short supply

such as nappies, toilet rolls and female hygiene products. We

do try to source these in other ways, but it is not easy. Our

continued thanks must go to Trinity Methodist Church for the

free use of their premises, without which we would have the

extra burden of constant fund-raising. Other churches help in

other ways as they are able to do so. In relation to fund-

raising, Wendy Fowler is organising a Coffee Morning in

St.Mary’s Church Hall, Barton, in the next few weeks. Details

will be advertised around the area. We look forward to your


AND FINALLY…..! There are a few items which do not

come under the above headings.

We have had enquiries from other groups of churches in the

last few months, requesting help in setting up their own

independent food banks. One is in Kent, a second in Somerset

and nearer to home a group in Barnsley. Steve Bennett put

together a Powerpoint presentation to give to the Barnsley

churches on September 20th. We feel that we have been given

so much help by Scunthorpe Food Bank (the Baptist Church)

that it is now our turn to help others—no, we are not setting

up as consultants…..!!! Just to let everyone know that the

presentation was well received.

And the very last item is to advise of the A.G.M which was

held on Tuesday 23rd October in St.Mary’s Church Hall,

Barton. This was the occasion to formally constitute the

Barton Area Food Bank and to move on from a Steering

Group to an officially elected committee with a new


Please accept my thanks to the Steering Group, all the helpers

and donors, who have made this first year a success—it really

has been teamwork!




Margaret Sidell General and Collections Coordinator.

The Bartonian-issue 58

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Barton Town Council

Suggestions/Comments Box—Have your say!

Please use the form below if you have an enquiry, complaint or any Suggestions - let us know your thoughts. Please make sure you give us your contact details as

we cannot deal with anonymous correspondence.


Name ………………………………………………………………………………….. Address…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Telephone …………………………………………………………………. Email ………………………………………………………………………...

Enquiry/complaint/suggestion ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. * I consent / I do not consent to my details being passed to a third party. * Please delete as appropriate


B.A.D.A.O.S. Dates for your diary:-

Coffee & Carols - Trinity Methodist Church Hall, 8 December 10am til 12pm Christmas concert - Wootton church, 8 December at 7.30pm

HIGH SOCIETY - Baysgarth School

Tuesday 19 to Saturday 23 February 2013 at 7.15pm. Tickets £10 available from Euronics on Thursday, Friday & Saturdays from 24 January 2013 or contact box office 07551714249 Email: badaos@live.co.uk Website: www.badaos.co.uk/6.html

Do you have a Vision Impairment, want to know



Josephine on 01652 633164 - volunteer speaker for the Macular


ROTARY CLUB OF BARTON UPON HUMBER 2012 Attention Senior Citizens !

You are most welcome as our guest at the Rotary, BADAOS & Barton Town Band

Christmas Concert which will take place this year at 7.00pm on Sunday 9 December at Baysgarth School, accompanied by the usual refreshments & raffle.

For transport assistance, phone David Witter on 632675

On your own over Christmas? Difficulty in preparing your Christmas Dinner?

Then don’t hesitate to contact us, and we will deliver one to your home on Christmas Day

Turkey and all the trimmings! Contact David Witter on 632675 with your name and address, by Saturday 8 December,

so that one of our members can contact you beforehand to make delivery arrangements.

The Bartonian-issue 58

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NO. 20160








TEL: 01652 635619

MOBILE: 07767 690 136





MA BSC Dip. Counselling


Phone 01652 635574 Mobile 07847 661629

E-mail jan.keable@hotmail.co.uk Barton on Humber

The Bartonian-issue 58

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Barton Arts 2012

This popular art and cultural programme was financially supported by Barton Town Council, Smith & Walker (Optometrists) Ltd, Barton Lions, Fleetgate Glass, North Lincolnshire Council and The Spice Lounge.

Poetry and Folk at the Assembly Rooms. An affiliated group of BA is Barton Muse, a poetry group meeting at Frankie’s, 35, High Street every 4th Sunday at 1900. We combined with Stitchwort Poets and Driftnet Poets from Grimsby to put on a celebration of performance poetry with folk and traditional music performed by the entertaining and diverse Cara and guitar performances from Muse’s Steve Brailsford. An open-mic session produced many original writings

Exhibition of School Artwork at St Mary’s Parish Church. The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee and the Cultural Olympiad were natural themes as they were for our events overall and attractive displays were created by G o x h i l l P r i m a r y , Bowmandale, St Peter’s, South Ferriby and County. Meanwhile the young people from Barton Youth Centre had been creating a wall hanging (shown right) to commemorate the Jubilee and this also had pride of place at the Exhibition.

Music Fit for a King (or Queen). Celebrated lecturer and BA Chairman, Graham Saunders presented an illustrated talk on music for State Occasions throughout the ages to a packed audience at Wilderspin National School.

Nostalgia Exhibition at Wilderspin National School. With pupils of Sir John Nelthorpe School, Wilderspin and Barton Arts collected Coronation 1950s memorabilia including historical pictures of the Coronation which configured into a colourful Jubilee Band Party A welcome return was made to Queens by Paula Baldwin’s Shiny Stockings supported by Vintage Dance Troupe, Jump Jive Alive, Gary (Mr Sinatra) Grace (right), Sara Blair Manning and Christine Scott. A Pie and Pea supper contributed to the inner man and woman.

Jubilee Nostalgia Tea. Billed as an open air event, intermittent rain drove us into the Wilderspin Hall. A s e l e c t i o n o f sandwiches, enticing

cakes, scones with cream and jam, jelly and trifle were served by pupils from Sir John Nelthorpe School to the enjoyment of all. Art At the Mill Our first event was Breakfast with Barney where we discussed the way forward to celebrate the life, work and times of Ted (Edward) Lewis (Lew), author of Jack’s Return Home which was the basis of the seminal noir film, Get Carter, starring Michael Caine

For Barnfest Unplugged, June and Barney were again our hosts. Initially outside in the car park but driven in by the lashing rain a crowded pub listened with enjoyment to the acoustic s ounds of musicians who gave their performances free and for which we thank them: Dean Birkett, Steve Brailsford, Dave Elf, Mike Wright, Tom Lee, Daz Bramley, Tom and Melissa, 13 Veils and Missing Time.

Much Ado about Nothing was presented at St Peter’s School Field, a spellbinding p r o d u c t i o n b y Heartbreak Open Air Theatre. The audience picnicked in delightful surroundings and were inspired by a very individual production of William Shakespeare’s well-known comedy.

Art, A Mirror on the World was an excellent illustrated talk by Bob Ward at Wilderspin, again to a packed audience.

Lindsey Chamber Orchestra gave only their second concert and the first orchestral concert that could be remembered in Barton. Hosted at St Mary’s Parish Church, a swift invitation to return was issued after a memorable night.

A Celebration of Movement was BA’s contribution to the local Cultural Olympiad. Hosted by an enthusiastic and helpful Waters’ Edge, there were exhibitions of dance, sloops, heritage cycles and cars as well as face painting and bell ringing.

Wall hanging presentation from

Barton Youth Centre, (right)

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Horrible Histories Trip

This is the second year that the school has organised a trip to

Hull New Theatre to watch Horrible Histories Live. This year

was all about the Terrible Tudors, beheadings and burning at

the stake and the gruesome events of the period were acted out

to a packed theatre.

A sell out trip again; with a full coach of Year 8 students and

the catchy tune of the fate of Henry VIII’s wives, ‘Died,

beheaded, divorced, died, beheaded, survived’ ringing

through the aisles on the journey home; proving that live

theatre can reach the minds of an audience of any age.

Charlie Dickenson from Ancholme 4 recalls the experience:

‘We left school at 5pm and took the coach to McDonalds. Mrs

Gardner, Mr Bee, Mr Barker and Miss Austen gave us an

hour to eat our dinner.

When we left we went straight to Hull New Theatre and

watched the show. It had actors in the first half, and 3D in the

second half, I would recommend it to anyone ..... It was


Mr Barker, who organised the trip, praised the behaviour of

the students and added that ‘the experience of a live

performance at a theatre is fantastic and if the entertainment

is educational then that just adds to the experience.’

Roll on next year and who knows what period in history we

will have the pleasure of witnessing.

To get a taste of what the school has on offer, we asked

new Year 7 students, Natalie White and Abigail

Standerline to give us an account of their experience

during their first half term here.

Diary of a Baysgarth Year 7 student

By Abigail Standerline and Natalie White.

We’re a few weeks into the school term and thoroughly

enjoying every minute of Baysgarth School life. Firstly, the

lessons are really interesting and the teachers are generously

offering all the support we need. There is a wide range of after

school activities including rugby, girls’ and boys’ football,

badminton, cheerleading, netball, and hockey, amongst other

things. There is plenty to keep you occupied during lunchtime

too; science club on a Tuesday and a different activity in the

LRC every day ensure a full and active life at the school.

We love the two canteens at the school, one located in the art

block and the other located near the main hall. The food they

offer at break and lunchtimes is delicious. Toasties, teacakes

and sandwiches can be bought at break; with hot meals like

pasta, jacket potatoes, curry and meat with two vegetables on

offer at lunchtime.

During our first week we were getting to know our way

around the place, learning the teachers’ names and getting to

know them. All of the Year 7 students had a shock when they

realised how big the school was; we would say that we all had

an adventure trying to find our way around.

A few more weeks in and it feels like we have been here

forever. We think that we will have an awesome time going

on school trips and generally through the year; all the way

through to the 6th form.

Grand Designs

A visit to Baysgarth School is becoming a much more

interesting and pleasing experience. Collages, pictures and

plaques of the students, participating in everyday school

activities, are on display throughout the school.

The identity and high expectations of the school is illustrated

in a pictorial journey from the main reception through to the

main hall.

Natalie White and Abigail Standerline.

Baysgarth Specialist Technology College

For further information about Baysgarth School, A Specialist Technology College, please contact Colin Saywell, Headteacher, on 01652 632576 Visit us now at our new website on www.baysgarthschool.co.uk

The Bartonian-issue 58

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Barton Rotary Club

Members of Barton Rotary club are preparing for another very busy Christmas period. Beginning at the Christmas Festival, the popular “Photos With Santa” will again see youngsters receiving a gift as well as a picture.

Senior Citizens are again invited to a free Christmas Concert to be held in Baysgarth School Hall on Sunday December 9th at 7.00pm. Entertainment is again by Barton and District Amateur Operatic Society and Barton Town Band. They will perform a selection of seasonal music and, at the interval supper will be served. Transport can be provided by telephoning David Witter on 01652 632675.

During the weeks before Christmas, Barton Rotary Club members will be touring the streets of Barton and the villages escorting Santa on his sleigh. This is a very popular, traditional part of Christmas in Barton, with many parents bringing their children out to see Santa. Money raised helps to pay for some of the events for the elderly over the festive season.

Rotary Club President, Mike Knapton said “We share this event with our friends in Barton Lions, touring on alternate weeks. We enjoy going round with Santa and also collecting outside the Supermarkets; people are so generous with their donations, knowing that they are helping other people in our town. With Rotary and Lions, nothing is deducted for administration.”

On Christmas Day, Barton Rotary Club members will be cooking about 50 Christmas lunches and then delivering them to elderly people who will be spending Christmas on their own. This is a full Christmas Dinner, including turkey with all the trimmings, followed by trifle, mince pies and fruit. To arrange to have this delivered, please contact David Witter on 01652 632675. A member will then call round to check the delivery arrangements.

This all follows a busy summer

for Barton Rotary Club. A “Royal” Garden was held and a cheque

for over £2,000 was presented to Lindsey Lodge Hospice at

Scunthorpe. Barton Town Band entertained and the many guests enjoyed a “Royal” afternoon tea.

A cheque for £500 was also handed over to Barton Town Band to help them with the

transport costs to take part in the final of the British Brass Band

competition at the Royal Albert Hall.

At the end of the school summer term, Barton Rotary Club members attended final assemblies at ten Junior Schools in Barton and the villages to present each of the pupils who would be leaving and moving up to secondary education, with an Usbourne Illustrated Dictionary. A total of 234 were handed out in the hope that it will help the children in their future education. Also, four children from Bowmandale School were provided with a weeklong holiday at Castleton Camp in Derbyshire, paid for by Barton Rotary Club. The camp is run by Sheffield Rotary Club and the children took part in many activities and visits to entertainment parks. Club members transported the children to and from Sheffield at the beginning and end of the holiday.

Internationally, Barton Rotary Club has donated £500 to the Barton branch of Toc H, to add to their collections in the Barton area aimed at providing a well to supply water to a village in Ghana. £100 has also been donated each to 1st Barton Guides and the Army Cadets following their help at the Rotary Humber Bridge Half Marathon.

Barton Rotary Club – doing great things in Barton and the villages since 1977

Castledyke Primary School Bowmandale Primary School St Peters Primary School

Mayor of Barton, Councillor Paul Vickers presenting cheque

to Barton Town Band on behalf of Barton Rotary Club

Picture from the Royal Garden Party

See page 21 for details

See page 21 for details

The Bartonian-issue 58

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St Mary’s Bellringers,


The Tower Open Day in July was a great success

and there are four new learners currently being

taught, Alison Cressey, Marianne Mosey, Darren

Stockdale and John Hodson. They are all doing very

well and will soon be at a stage when they could

ring for Sunday Service.

The bells at St Peter’s have been rung for practice

nights on the last Tuesday of the each month

throughout the summer, September 25th being the

final practice there for 2012. It is hoped that this

will continue to be possible during 2013.

Ringing has continued for the 0900 Sunday

Services, some particular other services, weddings

and to mark special events.

Lincoln Diocesan Guild Barton-upon-Humber, North Lincolnshire

St. Mary

Friday 27 July 2012 (16cwt)

1 hour of ringing 1 Robert N. Petherbridge 5 Daniel Young

2 Sue Thompson 6 K. Joan Barton

3 Jenny Bennett 7 Andy Bennett (C)

4 Linda Howden 8 George A. Thompson

An hour of ringing to mark the opening of the 30th

Games of the Modern Olympiad, London 2012,

commencing with increasing rounds followed by

touches of Plain Bob Triples and ending with

decreasing rounds and the tenor striking the hour at


Well done George for being spot on with the tenor!

Geoff Bryant reached another milestone in his

ringing career in September – he rang his 1000th

Quarter Peal and did so in style with six of the

pupils he had taught to ring over the years. Many

congratulations Geoff from all the St. Mary’s

ringers. Congratulations also to Robert Petherbridge

who rang his first Quarter Peal on 8 bells.

Lincoln Diocesan Guild

St. Mary’s, Barton-upon-Humber, North


Sunday 16 September 2012 (16cwt)

1260 Plain Bob Triples 1 Robert Petherbridge 5 George Thompson

2 Jenny Bennett 6 Daniel Young

3 Geoff Bryant 7 Richard Hopper(C)

4 Linda Howden 8 Neil Jacques

First on 8 – 1

Geoff Bryant's 1000th Quarter Peal rung with

Barton friends most of whom he has taught to ring.

Ringers have continued to take part in various

activities of the Lincoln Diocesan Guild of

Bellringers where they recently entered a striking

competition coming 4th out of nine in one section

and 4th out of seven in another. Everyone is looking

forward to a day of ringing in York in November.

Joan Barton

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The story so far:

We funded two local fifteen year olds - Arron Finnis and Jazz Cox to go along and take part in a youth leadership course. Twenty five youngsters visit the Rotary Club of Sheffield's thirty acre site known at Castleton camp, where they take part in many tasks, have fun creating challenges for each other and engage in problem solving.

With a sponsored walk, we collected sponsorship to help “When You Wish Upon A Star” children's charity. We started our walk at the Barrow Haven Inn (pictured

right), where Paul & Jill supported and made us very welcome – (thanks Paul & Jill). We walked from Barrow to Barton and returned to Barrow for a late lunch. We raised in excess of £3,000 including Gift Aid. The generosity of the people of Barrow and Barton is truly great.

Lindsey Lodge Charity Walk. Again, Barrow Haven Inn to Barton and return to the Haven Inn. We had good support and lots of fun. This event raised £2,000 including Gift Aid - much needed funds for the hospice. Again, many thanks to all involved.

Barton Bike Night went roaring ahead despite the rain. We had a barbecue selling Roger Sergeant’s burgers to the hungry bikers and raised funds for our local projects. We also did a bucket collection for the charity Afghan Heroes to help injured soldiers. We also helped marshal the event and although we were stretched Barrow Rotarians turned out in good number. Many thanks for the help from Ben and Sarah Sergeant who were cooking the food.

Three of our Rotarians visited a Rotary Club in Luneburg, near Hamburg whilst their town was hosting and celebrating the Hanseatic festival (six hundred years since the last celebration in the town of the festival). Our members were truly spoilt!

We hosted a GSE team from Brazil for a long week end in mid September. They are here in England, for a month staying in L i ncolnsh i re & Yorkshire. Visitors from Brazil & Club members at Hull City

The highlights of the visit were:-

Pizza Party at one of our Rotarian’s house - they have an outside Pizza Oven - the pizzas were delicious Bus to Hull over the Humber Bridge Trip around the ground & pitch at Hull City – then watched Hull City beat Millwall Four 0ne. Guided walk around Barrow - led by a local historian Keith Miller - who was very good - communicated well with the team A cross country walk to the Haven Inn for a traditional Sunday Lunch Open Mike night at the Six Bells - really good singers - the GSE team enjoyed the music - being Brazilian! A visit to Castledyke School Barton – the children, staff & Mrs Pugh (Head) did us proud The GSE team, the various people we met and helped and of course ourselves had a great week end, explaining about the UK, our area and our culture and vice versa.

First Annual Charity Fishing Match The Biggest Fish winner had a huge surprise when he was awarded the prize for his catch. Mr Brightmore (pictured right) received a gift voucher and a ‘fish’ cake for his efforts. An unusual b i g g e s t f i sh t a l e !

Forty two anglers from Yorkshire, Humber and North Lincolnshire had turned out to support the first Annual Charity Fishing Match organised by Colin Finnis, Barrow Meridian Rotarian. The funds raised were in aid of Lindsey Lodge Hospice and local charitable causes. Local businesses sponsored the event by donating prizes, vouchers and sponsoring pegs. Members of the Rotary Club arrived early in the morning, to prepare hot beverages and bacon buns for everyone, for a small donation. All anglers were winners on the day with a prize given for each peg number drawn. Sponsors each paid £10.00 toward the fishing peg number, largest of which being Stoneacre, a representative of which have said “we are happy to work with the Barrow Meridian Rotary Club in the future”. Overall, the event was a huge success raising a total of £994.32 for the designated charities and great cash up to the value of £420 were awarded on the day, to the eight lucky winners. Future events:[ALL EVENTS TO BE ADVERTISED LOCALLY]

November -

Men’s health awareness No shaving for the whole month December 15th -

Christmas Carol Concert, Everyone Welcome December 21st - Barton Lions & Barrow Meridian Comedy Night,Tickets £10 December 26th -

Boxing Day Football Match, Auction and Quiz, Barrow Playing Fields If you are considering joining us or require more information, contact a member on 07966 261143 or drop a letter to The Rotary Club of Barrow Meridian, Barrow Sports & Fitness Center, Thorngarth Lane, Barrow upon Humber, North Lincolnshire DN19 7AW

The Rotary Club of Barrow Meridian

Cheque presentation above to Lindsey Lodge

The Bartonian-issue 58

Page 29




DN18 5BA

01652 637287

MMMMMM— Homemade Steak & Kidney Suet Pudding!!

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Sunday Roast with Homemade Yorkshire Puddings and Real Gravy!!

Children`s Menu

Delicious Hand Pulled Real Ales. Good Beer Guide 2005-2012

Open 7 Days a Week ( No food served Mondays except Bank Holidays )

Dave, Jenny Family and Staff welcome all ...........Even your pet dog!!





The Bartonian-issue 58

Page 30


Please contact a member of our team who can provide an

affordable, efficient and friendly service in relation to all legal

matters including;







If you live in Barton or the surrounding areas we may be able to

offer you a FREE home visit service in relation to some of our


CONTACT Your LOCAL specialist solicitors - Emma Bell or

Laurence Kirkby to discuss your requirements on 01724 281616

The Bartonian-issue 58

Page 31

In case of need the contact details of Barton Churches

Together are:-

Anglican St Mary’s Burgate DN18 5EZ

Tel 01652 632202

Web www.stmarysbarton.org.uk

Methodist Trinity Chapel Lane DN18 5PJ

Tel 01652 632148

Web www.bartoncircuit.btinternet.co.uk

New Life Church 2pm Sun

Baysgarth Leisure Centre

Tel 01724 280340

Web www.newlifechurch.co.uk

Roman St Augustine’s Whitecross St. DN18 5DF

Catholic Tel 01652 652221

Web www.staugweb.co.uk

Salvation The Citadel Queen St. DN18 5QP

Army Tel 01652 632666

Web www.bartonsalvationarmy.co.uk

Any advertising queries please contact the town

council office on 01652 633598

Full page (185mm x 265mm) £120.00

Half page (185mm x 130mm) £60.00

1/3 page (185mm x 90mm) £40.00

Quarter page (90mm x 130mm) £30.00

1/8 page (90mm x 65mm) £20.00

Sizes in between quoted on request.

If you would like to advertise in the newsletter, please

send an email to bartontownclerk@btconnect.com



3rd Prize Mr H Clayton, Nicholson Drive 2nd Prize Mr P Dent, Far Ings Road 1st Prize Mr P Whittington, Bowmandale


3rd Prize Mr H Clayton, Nicholson Drive 2nd Prize Mr P Dent, Far Ings Road 1st Prize Mr P Whittington, Bowmandale


3rd Prize The Old Mill, Market Lane 2nd Prize H & HJ Huteson, Holydyke 1st Prize The George Inn, George Street

All entrants received a certificate of merit at the Presentation Evening held in September 2012

Further details in the April 2013 Bartonian


The Bartonian-issue 58

Page 32

Letters, Articles, Comments, Praise, Blame, Adverts, all these—and anything YOU want to see or hear

about in the next issue of the Bartonian should be sent (by the 1st March 2013) to: The Council Office,

Assembly Rooms, Queen Street, Barton-upon-Humber, DN18 5QP. Tel: 01652 633598 Fax: 01652 637763

email bartontownclerk@btconnect.com


Barton Town Council Members

If you think that they can help you with anything then please contact one of your Town Councillors:

Bridge Ward

P M Adams 40 Horkstow Road Tel. 07704-645176 T Chant [L] 11 Bowmandale Tel. 01652-636335

Mrs A C Clark [I] 10 Western Drive Tel. 01652-634152

C H F Coulsey [C] 28 Pitman Ave Tel. 01652-632999

Ms E Donaldson [L] 2 Church View Tel. 07824-829598 Mrs J D M Mason 3 Barrow Road Tel: 01652-632949

L J D Oxley [I] 17 Warrendale Tel. 01652-632064

Mrs J E Oxley [I] 17 Warrendale Tel. 01652-632064

A Rye 5 High Street Tel: 01652-660555 P Shearer [I] 66 Millfields Tel. 07724-382275

K Vickers [C] Horkstow Road Tel. 01652-633951

Park Ward

Mrs D Adlard 40 Queens Avenue Tel. 07922-560941

J R Austin 14a George Street Tel. 07738-591126 S T Dear 20 Eastfield Road Tel. 01652-633726

J Evison 11 Beck Hill Tel. 07976-276895

M J Martin 1 Soutergate Tel. 01652-637924

Ms A McCourt 47 Whitecross Street Tel: 07957-336982 M W S Osgerby[L] 6 Church View Tel. 07939-416905

Mrs D Pearson [I] 16 Barrow Road Tel 01652-632249

A Todd 8 Orchard Close Tel. 01652-634539

J P Vickers [C] 17 Nightingale Close Tel. 01652-637622 Mrs W Witter [I] 6 The Bridges Tel 01652-632675

C = Conservative. I = Independent. L = Labour

Members serving on North Lincolnshire Council

Cllrs J Evison, JP Vickers, K Vickers.

You can also write to the Town Clerk at:

Council Office, Assembly Rooms, Queen Street,

Barton-upon-Humber. DN18 5QP.

Tel. 01652 633598 Fax. 01652 637763

email bartontownclerk@btconnect.com



Why not hire the Assembly Rooms for your next event or meeting. Facilities

include a large main hall with a unique sprung dance floor, public address

system and committee room for smaller meetings and events.

Catering for:- - Activities and meetings

- Regular classes - Social functions - Private parties and receptions - Corporate bookings

♦ Fully facilitated kitchen available ♦ Tariffs are quoted at an hourly rate



We are looking for volunteers to join the Assembly Rooms

Steering Group

The Steering Group work to provide new and exciting events at the Assembly Rooms.

As a volunteer you would help with a variety

of community events at the Assembly Rooms and help with fundraising activities.

Volunteering with us is a great opportunity to meet new people and make a real difference

in your local community.

For further information or booking enquiries please contact:

CHAMP LTD, Baysgarth House Museum, Caistor Road, Barton on Humber, North Lincolnshire

DN18 6AH. Tel: 01652 637568, Email: info@champltd.org

Register Charity No: 1114978, Company No: 581893


Full Council Meetings at 7.30pm Planning Committee at 7.00pm in Baysgarth House in The Assembly Rooms (1st Wednesday of each month) (alternate Mondays)

7 November 12 & 26 November

5 December 10 & 24 December (TBC)

2 January 7 & 21 January

6 February (Precept) 4 & 18 February

6 March 4 & 18 March

3 April 1(TBC), 15 & 29 April

Committee Meetings at 7.30pm in The Assembly Rooms

(3rd Monday of each month)

19 November (Budget) Environmental Regen Committee

17 December (Budget) Community Regeneration Committee

21 January (Budget) Finance & General Purposes Committee

18 February Environmental Regeneration Committee

18 March Community Regeneration Committee

15 April Finance & General Purposes Committee
