Local Green Party members vote to cooperate with Liberal Candidate Stephen Fuhr



20150716 Press release

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July 16, 2015

For Immediate Release:

Local Green Party members vote to cooperate with local Liberals

KELOWNA, BC On Thursdayevening, local federal Green Party members voted to cooperate with the federal Liberals in the KelownaLake Country riding. The Liberal candidate, retired Major Stephen Fuhr, welcomed the proposal to cooperate with local Greens when he was approached with the idea several months ago.

Now Fuhr has committed to a partnership that would incorporate key planks of the Green platform in both his campaign and his activities in parliament. As theMP for KelownaLake Country, he would work with both Justin Trudeau and Elizabeth May, as well as with both Liberal and Green local riding associations.

Fuhr's intention to cooperate had been given the go ahead from the Liberal leadershipprior to the local Green vote on the issue, and the partnership details will now go forward to the national Green Party office for approval. The national office has been following the local process. The position of the Green Party leader, Elizabeth May, has been that she would support the decision reached by the local Green riding association.

Both parties to the cooperation agreement point out that it does not constitute Green support for the Liberal platform, or Liberal support for the Green platform.Instead, they say, its purpose is to achieve the common goals that Fuhr and Green Party members share. Fuhr explained, We both want to see democratic reform, a transition to a more energy efficient and low carbon emissions economy, and a return to governing with evidence-based policy. He added, None of that is going to happen if Harper stays in power.

The new low-whipping policy from the Liberals there will be more free votes gives Fuhr flexibility to support Green policies, he says. In case of platform conflicts, he says,Ill often be in a position to consult both my Liberal and Green partners, receive input from my constituency, and come to an evidence-based decision."

Gary Adams, the long-time Green who brought the proposal to a vote, remarks Our common goals on climate change, restoring our democracy, and diversifying our economy have been dramatically undermined in the last ten years under Harper. Adams feels that a broad coalition of voters would be willing to support Fuhr in order to unseat MP Ron Cannan, the Conservative incumbent.

The local Liberals and Greens hope that their pioneering grassroots efforts at inter-party cooperation will inspire other riding associations to do the same. Dan Ryder, the Green Party member who proposed the cooperation idea locally said, "It's Green Party policy to cooperate with other parties, but implementing that is easier said than done. But our efforts here show that it is possible.

From left to right.

Professor Dan Ryder, Green Party of Canada in Kelowna-Lake Country CEO elect Zena Ryder,

Green Party of Canada Candidate Gary Adams, Liberal Party of Canada Candidate Stephen Fuhr, Lance Greenberg President, Liberal Party of Canada in Kelowna-Lake Country
