LNG Processes.pptx


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  • 5/19/2018 LNG Processes.pptx


    IV B. Tech. I Sem Petroleum Engineerin

    LNG: Processes, Transportation & Storag

    Uniersit! "ollege o# Engineering $%'a(ina)a*ept. o# Petroleum Engineering & PetrochemicalEngineering

    LNG +e#rigeration & "r!ogenicProcesses

    a-aharlal Nehru TechnologicalUniersit! 'a(ina)a

    Pro#. '. V. +aoProgramme DirectorPetroleum Courses


  • 5/19/2018 LNG Processes.pptx


    Liue/n Process:

    %pplication:Natural gas liquefaction (LNG) process.*escription: Liue/n processDr natural gas (!) enters t"

    train#s pre$cooling section (%) &"ere it is coole' et&een *+,C +,/ an' %%+,/). T"e "eat is e0c"ange' &it" a mi0e' refrigeranra2e' aluminum plate$3n "eat e0c"angers (P/45s).

    T"e coole' fee' stream is t"en sent outsi'e t"e liquefacfractionator (6) for con'ensate remo7al. T"e gas returns to te0c"anger an' enters t"e crogenic section (8) &"ere it is lique0c"ange in compact9 energ$e:cient P/45s &it" a secon' mi0ean' lea7es t"e crogenic e0c"anger as LNG (;).

    Pre0cooling re#rigerant s!stem (

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    "r!ogenic re#rigeration s!stem $)T"e mi0e' refrigerant ga

    pre$cooling section is completel con'ense' t"e time it lea7essection &it"out using separation equipment. !fter lea7ing t"e crot"e refrigerant is e0pan'e' (=) an' re$enters t"e crogenic sectprocess gas an' crogenic refrigerant are con'ense'.

    Using t&o mi0e'$refrigerant sstems an' mo'ular P/45s in a lar"as lo&er in7estment an' operating costs t"an sstems in7

    component refrigerants or multiple cooling trains fee'ing a comme0c"anger.

    ;ecause t"e precooling an' liquefaction sections comprise semo'ules9 single trains of an si2ee.g.9 - million tpcan ee0tensi7el9 t"e P/45s are a7ailale from se7eral 7en'ors9 &"ic

    positi7e e>ect on price an' 'eli7er time.

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    Economics:Detaile' stu'ies international petroleum an' 5?comparing con7entional

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    LNG *ual E1pan)er "!cle

    %pplication:LNG pro'uction for eit"er o>s"ore or

    *escription: Pretreate' an' 'e"'rate' natural coole' in col' o0 (6) an' t"en e0pan'e' to lo&7ia an e0pansion 7al7e or liqui' e0pan'er (8) anstorage as LNG.

    Fefrigeration for liquefaction is otaine' ce0pansion of gases t"roug" t&o in'epen'ent cusing met"ane (

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    2perating con)itions: /ee' gas s"oul' e ao7e -++ psig. /ogases9 LPG an' con'ensate reco7er is integrate' &it" t"e saLNG is pro'uce' at 6+,/.

    E3cienc!: Depen'ing on gas composition9 energ consumet&een %%% 1ton LNG'a.

    Licensor: Fan'all Gas Tec"nologies9 !;; Lummus Gloal Bnc9

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    Process Technolog! #or Pea(0Shae Si5e LNG plants

    %pplication:Liquefaction of natural gas for plant capacitfrom small pea1 s"a7ing applications9 up to mi'$si2e pla

    tp'9 %.< million tpa) using a mi0e' refrigerant ccle.

    Pro)ucts: Lique3e' natural gas (LNG) at atmosp"ericNatural gas liqui's (NGL) on larger facilities.

    *escription: Pretreate' natural gas is coole' an' con'multi$stage mi0e'$refrigerant ccle. T"e refrigerant colen' of nitrogen an' "'rocarons from met"ane t"roug"

    T"e refrigerant is compresse' a t&o$stage mac"ine (%) gas turine$'ri7en centrifugal tpe 'epen'ing upon plant c

  • 5/19/2018 LNG Processes.pptx


    Process Technolog! #or Pea(0Shae to LNG plants "ont).

    T"e "ig" pressure mi0e' refrigerant is coole' (6) ine0c"anger (8)9 &"ic" normall consists of multipaluminum plate$3n "eat e0c"angers9 against retupressure mi0e' refrigerant (

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    T"e natural gas is coole' () in t"e main e0c"angentering a "'rocaron 1noc1out pot (=) to remo7e c&"ic" &oul' ot"er&ise free2e in t"e 'o&nstream large plants9 t"e 1noc1out pot ma e repla

    'emet"ani2er column.

    NGLs reco7ere' at t"is stage ma e processe' apro7i'e refrigerant ma1eup. T"e natural gas l1noc1out pot re$enters (-) t"e main e0c"ang

    con'ense' an' su$coole' against lo&$pressure refri

    T"e su$coole' LNG t"en enters a t&o$stage as"&"ere it is let 'o&n in pressure efore eing pumpe'at near atmosp"eric pressure. T"e LNG as" gas is fe

    gas compressor sstem to e use' as fuel.

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    Economics:T"e mi0e' refrigerant ccle is often t"e most process for LNG pro'uction9 comining reasonale initial cpo&er requirements. T"e use of plate$3n "eat e0c"angers allto e 'esigne' &it" "ig" e:cienc.

    /or a %.< million tp$facilit9 a total installe' cost of 8+feasile. /or small (pea1$s"a7ing) installations9 e0pan'er nitrogen or met"ane ma e cost$e>ecti7e. 50pan'er cclet"e tec"nolog of c"oice for o>s"ore applications.

    /or "ig" e:cienc on ase$loa' installations9 t"e casca'e

    uses multiple le7els of pure refrigerants9 can e t"e optimum

    +e#erence: /inn9 !. J.9 G. L. Jo"nson an' T. F. Tomlinson9 De7natural gas liquefaction9E Hydrocarbon Processing, !pril %OO5uropean patent No. ++O+%+-.

    Licensor:Costain Mil9 Gas ? Process Lt'.

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    %pplication: To pro'uce lique3e' natural gas for transtorage. T"e process is a'equate for ase$loa' facilities9 a

    pea1 s"a7ing units.

    T"e 'esign is "ig"l mo'ulari2e'9 ma1ing it appropriate for reo>s"ore applications. Bt is also a 7iale option to moneti2e reser7es.

    *escription: T"is process uses a "ri' tec"nical apprliquefaction of natural gas. peci3call9 it is a propane pre$e0pan'er ccle. !fter eing treate' to remo7e contaminant"at &ill a>ect t"e crogenic process con'itions9 t"e fee' gain a col' o0.

    ! si'e stream of t"e inlet gas is e0pan'e' to lo& pressure

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    Bt is t"en reccle' to t"e front en' of t"e plant. T"gas stream is e0pan'e' in a as" 7essel or seri7essels9 'epen'ing on pro'uct speci3cations.

    T"e liqui' pro'uct is LNG9 &"ic" is sent to storage. Tgas is sent ac1 to pro7i'e refrigeration9 an' is t"eto t"e front en' of unit 7ia reccle compression.

    T"is reccle stream ecomes a supplementar re


    T"is process sc"eme ac"ie7es energ cocomparale &it" t"e &orl'$class ase loa' facilities.

    5nerg usage is &it"in +.%O to +.6* "pl of LN

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    2perating con)itions: !mple range of pressures9 tempercompositions. Depen'ing on t"e inlet gas pressure9 an inlet gas coul' e require'9 ut its inuence is minor on energ consump

    +e#erence: U Patent *Licensors: Fan'all Gas!;; Lummus Gloal Bnc

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    LPG recoer!

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    LPG recoer!

    %pplication:Feco7er of propane an' "ea7ier cofrom 7arious re3ner o> gas streams an' from lo&associate' natural gas. Propane reco7er le7els ap

    %++A are tpical.

    *escription:Lo&$pressure "'rocaron gas is compresse'efore eing c"ille' cross$e0c"ange an' propane refrigc"ille' fee' stream is t"en contacte' &it" a reccle' liqstream in t"e propane asorer. T"e asorer ottoms is t"e 'e$et"ani2er9 &"ic" operates at "ig"er pressure t"an t"eT"e to&er o7er"ea' is con'ense' &it" propane refrigeranreu0 stream compose' primaril of et"ane. ! slip stream ois &it"'ra&n an' reccle' ac1 to t"e propane asorer.

    T"e 'eet"ani2er ottoms stream contains t"e 7aluale pr"ea7ier com onents &"ic" ma e furt"er rocesse' as r

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    Economics: Compare' to ot"er popular LPG reco7er proces@!Q tpicall requires %+6*A less refrigeration "orsepo&er.Installation: /irst unit un'er construction for Pertamina.

    +e#erence: U Patent 9

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    Phillips optimi5e) casca)e LNG process

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    Phillips optimi5e) casca)e LNG process

    %pplication: Large ase$loa' natural gas liquefacfacilities &it" optional capailit for "ig" et"ane9 pmi0e' LPG reco7er.

    6ee)stoc(: Naturall occurring "'rocaron gas preremo7e contaminants suc" as moisture9 469 CM69 m

    an' mercur.

    *escription: T"e process uses t"ree pre'omincomponent refrigerantsS propane9 et"lene an' met"T"e 3rst refrigerant is a multiple$stage close'$loosstem (%). T"e secon' is a close'$loop et"lene consisting of t&o or more stages.

    5t"ane ma e sustitute' for et"lene. ! com

    /ee' is route' successi7el t"roug" eac"

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    /ee' is route' successi7el t"roug" eac" propane an' et"lene.

    %ir or cooling -ater remoes process h

    con)enses propane, -hile propane rheat an) con)enses eth!lene.

    4ea7ier pro'ucts are tpicall remo7e' (8) aft

    more stages of et"lene refrigeration. /rac'esign is "ig"l 'epen'ant on fee' compos'esire' pro'uct reco7er.

    E3cient )esigns -ith high ethane an)

    $789 recoer are aaila;le. The r

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    @et"ane refrigeration (ers a &ell$estalis"e'9 e:cient an' lo&$cost LNG solution.

    Thermal e3cienc! o# the process is high -ith )esie1cee) 8?, inclu)ing utilities, #ee) pretreatment

    remaining #acilit!.

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    Installations: T"e 3rst installation &as t"e !las1a facilit9 roug"t online in June %OO. T"e"as 'emonstrate' o7er 8< ears of uninterrupte' LNG suppl. 5>orts to commercia

    tec"nolog egan in %OO8.

    ince t"at time9 t"ree trains using t"e tec"nologeen successfull roug"t online in Trini'a' fourt" in construction. !''itional licenses "a7

    signe' for t&o trains in B'1u9 5gpt9 one train in !ustralia9 an' one train for a con3'ential LNG pro

    Mt"er proects are in 7arious stages of com'e7elopment.

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    P+I"2 $LNG

    %pplication: Con7ert natural gas to lique3e' natural gas (LNtransportation an'or storage using t"e PFBCM mi0e' refrigera!pplications range from large ase loa' LNG units to small p


    Pro)uct: LNG is pro'uce' at process pressure to e store' at atmosp"eric pressure. !''itional pro'ucts9 suc" as et"anpetroleum gas (LPG) an' gasoline ma e reco7ere' in liqui' present in t"e fee' gas.

    *escription:T"e process is a 7er simple9 e:cient9 reliale>ecti7e mi0e'$refrigerant ccle. ! single mi0e'$refrigerant9 cnitrogen an' lig"t "'rocarons from met"ane t"roug" circulate' in a close' refrigeration loop. Proportions of in'i7i'uacomponents are a'uste' to matc" t"e processe' gas. T"is loopcompressor (%)9 a partial con'enser (6)9 an accumulator (8)9 a

    "eat e0c"anger (

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    !ccumulator liqui's are 'irecte' to t"e refrigerant "eat e0&it" a lo& "ea' centrifugal pump (=). ! single case centa0ial o& compressor can e use' &it" or &it"out interco

    T"e refrigerant "eat e0c"anger (

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    Installations: 5ig"t pea1$s"a7ing units up to % scf' eac" are no& eing successfull operate'. %-+ million scf' ase loa' plants &it" et"an

    "ea7ier "'rocarons e0traction as separate pralso use t"e process.

    +e#erences: Price9 ;. C.9 mall cale LNG /De7elopment9E Hydrocarbon Processing, Januar

    Price9 ;. C.9 ;igger ;aseloa's9E Hydro

    T"e NGLs ma t"en e separate' sufractionation into 'esire' pro'ucts. Nitrogen natural gas fee' is 'ealt &it" accor'ing to tpro'uct speci3cation requirements a'ust

    liquefaction con'itions. T"e process matc"es &gas turine9 steam turine or electric motcompression sstems.

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    T"an1 ou
