LL.B Hons LL.B Hons with Foundation · 2015-08-26 · you off on that path with the same...


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LL.B Hons

LL.B Hons with Foundation

Pre-course Information

Academic Year 2015 – 2016

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Table of Contents

Welcome Note ……………………………………………………… 3 Introduction from Course Leader…………………………………. 4 Introduction to the Student Law Society ........………………... 5 What will I Study …..................................................................... 6 Other information ……………………………………..…………… 8 Reading Lists ………………………………………………………. 11

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Welcome to the Ealing Law School at the University of West London

Dear Student,

Welcome to the Ealing Law School at the University of West London. We’re glad that you have chosen to study the varied and interesting area of law which has been offered as a discipline of study here since the 1960’s!

The Law School appeals to a wide variety of students with differing interests and career destinations. Our reputation, strong links with the legal and related professions, and our success at preparing you for the legal profession means we can provide you with an LL.B Hons degree geared towards helping your progress towards entering the legal profession as a solicitor or barrister or its related professions, such as legal executives, paralegal or company secretary.

Here at the Law School you will meet fellow students from all walks of life, backgrounds, cultures and different countries. The Law School celebrates its diversity and we hope you will take full advantage, both socially and academically, of what the Law School offers. Past events have included socials, careers fairs, mooting, debating, overseas study trips and pro-bono work.

The point of this pre-course information is to answer some of the FAQ’s (frequently asked questions) that you may have, please take time to read this carefully.

We hope that you will be successful in your studies with the full support of all Academic and Administrative Staff at Ealing Law School.

We look forward to meeting you!

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Introduction from the Course Leader Hello and welcome to the Law School. I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself to you. My name is Mr. Khalid Butt. I am the Course Leader of the LL.B (Honours) and LL.B (Honours) with Foundation degrees at the UWL. I am also a practicing solicitor and have been in legal practice for over 25 years. My role as a Course Leader is to ensure that the Law School is able to provide you with the education you expect but in return I expect you to fulfill your student obligations. We will get to know each other well and I will be there to support you if there are any issues. Your first port of call is your module leader for subject related matters. I will become involved if the matter remains unresolved. If I cannot help then the Head of the Law School will have the last word. I will be friendly and reasonable with you but also expect me to treat all of you the same and be consistent but firm. We are preparing you for a profession which expects its members to be honest, act with integrity and uphold professional standards of conduct. We hope to start you off on that path with the same expectations in the law school.

This pre-course information booklet introduces you to the structure of the LL.B [ Hons] and LL.B [ Hons] with Foundation degrees.

If you have any further questions or need more information about the course or the University, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I wish you every success.

Mr Khalid Butt MA LLB (Hons) FHEA Solicitor Senior Lecturer Course Leader LLB (Hons) and LLB (Hons) with Foundation Ealing Law School e: khalid.butt@uwl.ac.uk t: 0208 231 2370 skype: jurischambers@hotmail.com

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Every University has a Student Law Society. Each year, usually during May, current first and second years e l e c t L a w S o c i e t y O f f i c e r s – notably President, Vice President, Treasurer and Social Secretary.

As a new LL.B student you will automatically become a member of the Law Society. The Society is responsible for organising a programme of events and activities that will help increase t h e enjoyment of your t i m e a t Ealing Law School. Students take full control of the running of the Law Society with occasional help from staff. Typical activities organised by the Society in the past have included: Trips to the Inner Temple, Lincolns Inn, Grays Inn and Middle Temple as well as trips to Prisons, Courts, fun days out (legal walks, staff student quiz night) and Fund Raising Events (e.g. Book Sales, charity car washes, and mock auctions). Mooting & Debating Competitions (these are rather like 'mock trials') are actively encouraged to hone and sharpen your intellectual and advocacy skills. Our University co m p e t e s a gainst other Universities in national competitions. Indeed some years ago we reached the final only narrowly losing to Kings College London University. Many successful lawyers cut their teeth in mooting at University. Guest Speakers from the judiciary, legal and other professions as well as media celebrities will come along and share their life experiences with you. The highlight of the year is the Law Society Annual Ball or Party, which may be as formal or as informal as the Society decides. In the last few years it has been organised as a boat party on the River Thames.

As a result of having joined the Society, many students have met people on their visits that have been useful in providing work experience. The UWL Law Society is also on Facebook so make sure you join (Denning Lord). Finally our links with Ealing Equality Council and its award winning Community Action Program provide clinical paralegal training for our students. More information will be available when you arrive at the Law School.

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What will you study? LLB [Honours] Law Full-time

Year 1

Criminal Law and Process

Contract Law

English Legal System

Constitutional and Administrative Law

Year 2

The Law of Torts

Property Law

European Union Law

Equity and Trusts

Year 3



Option Option

Option Option

The 6 options will be selected from the following: Evidence Public International Law Family Law Company Law Sentencing Community Legal Advice Program Company Law International Human Rights Civil Litigation and Practice Commercial and Consumer Law

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LLB [Honours] Law with Foundation Full-time Year 0

Law Making 1

Law Making 2

Introduction to Mooting

Introduction to Liability

Researching and Presenting Information and Individual and

Group Skills

Critical Thinking in Research and

Study in HE

Year 1

Criminal Law and Process

Contract Law

English Legal System

Constitutional and Administrative Law

Year 2

The Law of Torts

Property Law

European Union Law

Equity and Trusts

Year 3



Option Option

Option Option

And six options (as per page 6).

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Other Information The academic year is divided into two semesters: semester 1 runs from September to December and Semester 2 runs from January to May. The course is taught through lectures and tutorials. All lectures last at least one hour and some lecturers will allow you to record their lectures but always ask the lecturer before recording. Tutorials are designed to reinforce what was covered in lectures with practical exercises, discussion and solutions. They can be one or two hours depending on the subject.

Your module (subject) leader will have set a number of questions which you have to prepare for your tutorial. It is not always possible to take questions in the lecture so this is your chance to clarify any matters. Please don't be afraid to ask questions that is why we are here. Be warned some lecturers have been known to eject those who have not prepared for tutorials. If for some reason you have not been able to prepare for the tutorial talk to your tutor. This will avoid potential embarrassment!

The timetable You will be able to download your timetable from the Student Portal – you will be taught how to do this during Induction. You will note the days you are required to be on campus and will have worked out that this adds up to a commitment of at least 12 hours per week i.e. 3 modules per semester. However you will be expected to put in at least a further 12 hours preparing tutorials and researching. Research and experience has taught us that those who regularly attend perform better than those who don’t – attendance is monitored electronically and is compulsory. Non-attendance can lead to withdrawal from the course. Some tutors will not allow students to enter the classroom if late. Be warned!

Course Representatives Shortly after the course begins you will have the opportunity to either stand as a representative or vote for a colleague. The role of the representative is to pass on your views at course meetings with the Course Leader, which are usually held once a semester. However if you are experiencing problems at any t ime then inform your personal tutor.

Personal Tutors Each of you will be allocated a personal tutor. This person is here to check you are coping with the demands of the course and to provide any help you may need. Every discussion with your personal tutor is treated in confidence. Your tutor is equipped to deal with a wide range of problems from the academic to personal. The University itself has a wide range of advisors to assist you.

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Disability Support Support for disabled students is available. If you believe that you have a disability which needs support then it is your responsibility to bring it to the attention of the University. Your privacy will be respected and protected at all t imes and the University will endeavor to agree an Individual Support Plan with you which will help you achieve your potential as a student. P lease discuss this further with your personal tutor.


The student handbook The handbook and it supplements explain in painstaking detail matters like course regulations, disciplinary codes, registration etc. Regrettably few students read this. It tends to get buried with all the other information you get in the first few weeks. Please take time to cast your eye over it. You should particularly note the sections on cheating and plagiarism, assessments, complaints and appeals. All University policies are available on the website.

Module study guides and learning materials Each module leader will provide you with a module study guide (MSG) this will be available only to download using B lackboard, the virtual learning environment. This contains vital information about the module. Within this you will find the module leaders contact information – email, phone. It will also provide you with a week by week guide to the module topics to be studied and the tutorials. Crucially the method of assessing the module will be there (see later).

You will also be provided with learning materials once again available only to download via blackboard. These vary from module to module. Some are very detailed others simply provide an overview of topics you will be covering. In addition to these you should note that you’re required to read the relevant text books and prepare seminar questions in advance of your class. The learning materials are no substitute for reading Law books.

Books Each module leader will provide you with a list of recommended text books. These are to be found in the module study guide. You are required to purchase recommended texts. Although Law books are expensive, it is possible to purchase second hand books from some book-shops, although you must check with your lecturer to ensure that they are not out of date. The second and third year students may have books to sell. There will be a book fair organised by the Law Society in the first few weeks of Semester 1.

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Blackboard and University Email The LL.B is supported online using the Blackboard Virtual Learning Environment. This is used for course documents and information, videos, links, pod-casts, discussion boards (subject specific) and past exam papers etc.

You will be provided with a University email address which will be used to communicate with you i.e. events, class changes, moots etc. Therefore you are required to log onto Blackboard and check your University email at the very least once a day. It is your responsibility to receive announcements from staff which are posted on Blackboard.

Assessments Each module will be assessed in different ways. At the law school we will assess you using compulsory formative (assessments intended to provide you with practice and with critical feedback from module tutors) and summative assessments (assessments which count towards your grade for that module). So for e x a m p l e i n C r i m i n a l L a w a n d P r o c e s s (Semester 1 and 2) you have to do 4 assessments over the year. One practice piece of work, two summative course works and 1 exam.

Each summative assessment is weighted b y a p e r c e n t a g e o f 1 0 0 % towards your final mark. Other assessments known as formative carry no weighting. Most modules will require you to log onto blackboard and complete a weekly formative assessment, you should note that these are compulsory and if you do not complete these you will not be eligible to pass the module even if you have completed all summative assessments.

When you are given your assessment there will be a hand in date e.g. November

30th 5 pm, or midnight. All assessments are submitted electronically and therefore you will be required to submit your assessment via Turnitin (plagiarism detection software). On submission the system will generate your receipt. Always keep a backup copy of your work.

We appreciate that occasionally personal problems may prevent you from handing in an assessment on time. In such case contact the Course Leader at least 48 hours before the deadline , who may agree to give you a short extension – however this is only granted in exceptional circumstances and you must provide evidence in support, for example, a medical certificate accompanied by a letter from your Doctor, Surgeon etc. and fill out the Extension Form and get it signed by the course leader. The extension form will be available on Blackboard. If an extension is granted it will be for 5 calendar days initially and may be extended if reasons are acceptable for another 5 calendar days. No further extensions are permitted. If you cannot submit within this period you will have to apply for mitigation. If you do not get an extension but submit late then your mark is capped at a maximum of 40%, if up to 5 days late, and zero if between 5 and 10 days late. Outside the 10 day period no mark is given and you

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have failed that assessment.

It may be that you have attempted an assessment – an exam, for example, but on the run up to this there were a number of factors which you believed hindered your performance i.e. close family bereavement. This may count as a mitigating circumstance a n d you may t h e n be allowed to resubmit the assessment or in the case of an examination resit the exam at the next available date. Once again this is only granted in exceptional cases and requires evidence in support to be submitted before the assessment/exam, if the information is available or within 10 working days of any assessment.

You should be aware, however, that when employers request academic references this information will include student progress i.e. instances o f mitigation and/or extensions.

End note: We hope this guide has been useful. Please access the University Website for more information about the Law School, our staff and students. Please feel free to ask any questions. Above all enjoy your years with us at UWL.

Reading Lists To help you settle into University study life we have included the following reading list. The sources included are seen as being the essential texts that you will be expected to read during your study within the university.

All texts can be found within the Library located on the St Mary’s Road campus. If you require any help locating these sources the staff on hand in the library and will be happy to help you.

Please check on the Publishers website for the latest editions before a decision to purchase or wait until you receive your MSG for each module which will have details of the current editions of all books in this list.

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Criminal Law and Process Smith and Hogan - Criminal Law: Text, Cases and Materials, Oxford University Press. Davies, Croall and Tyrer - Criminal Justice Pearson- Harlow.

Contract Law McKendrick, E., (Contract Law ) Hants. Palgrave Publishers Ltd.

Professional Legal Skills and Advocacy Mcleod, I. - Legal Method Palgrave Macmillan Bradney, A. - How to study Law Sweet & Maxwell, Cownie, F. & Bradney, A. - English Legal System in Context Oxford University Press Finch, E. & Fafinski, S. - Legal Skills, Oxford University Press Ingman, T. - The English Legal Process Oxford University Press Partington, M. - Introduction to the English Legal System Oxford University Press

The English Legal System Slapper and Kelly - The English Legal System, Oxford University Press. The Law of Torts Deakin, A., and Markesinis, B. Markesinis and Deakin’s - TORT LAW Oxford University Press.

Property Law MacKenzie, J-A., and Phillips, M. - Text Book on Land Law Oxford University Press. Constitutional and Administrative Law Carroll, A., - Constitutional and Administrative Law Pearson Education Civil Litigation and Practice Sime, S. - Civil Litigation Inns of Court School of Law

Commercial and Consumer Law Dobson P & Stokes R - Commercial Law.London. Sweet & Maxwell Atiyah PS, Adams JN, MacQueen H - The Sale of Goods London. Longman Macleod JK - Consumer Sales Law. London. Routledge .Cavendish Equity and Trusts Ramjohn, M. - Cases and Materials on Trusts, Cavendish Publishing EU Law John Fairhurst - Law of the European Union Longman Horspool & Humphreys - European Union Law OUP,

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Kaczorowska - European Union Law, Routledge-Cavendish European Union Law, Berry and Hargreaves, OUP European Union Legislation, ed. DG Cracknell, Routledge-Cavendish, Core EU legislation, Busby & Smith, Palgrave Macmillan, Employment Law Norman Selwyn - Selwyn’s Law of Employment, Oxford University Press Singh, C. and Guth, J. - Employment Law Question and Answer (Revision Guide). Pearson Education. Blackstone's Statutes on Employment Law, Edited by R Kidner,

Sentencing Davies, Croall and Tyrer - Criminal Justice Pearsoned- Harlow.

Evidence Cross and Tapper - The Law of Evidence, Oxford University Press Landa C. S. and M. Ramjohn - Unlocking Evidence. Taylor Francis. Singh, C. - Beginning Evidence. Taylor Francis. Murphy - Evidence - Oxford University Press

Keane - Evidence - Oxford University Press Company Law Keenan, D., Smith and Keenan’s - Company Law Longman
