LKON MICHEL GAMBETTA. aKTTI-TvS FROMTHE BAYED FROM … · towoatRdgar,sowewereobliged to let...


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  • lint In p.-o-n- rous .-:IO ''I. Wc-I -.1 1 'I.I:


    fQl'Al.oit \M> l'lTlH ti.iv l \' lUN-.iH Kin: Alii'N-

    PABCB ANO BOBRS1 LABOB.KMi'im M l.s Ofm vv roan hiu>bbu tn rai wi si -a pbsci*

    CAI. MS iH'U' OS CHARI1 V.p.uiie ne,.unit ls niven below of the disposition of

    each of the children sent to BpriBgVille. iowa, OB.January Li*, by Mi. I.< d. 11 rs Ut alee sobfmn of ike rooeptuo accorded lo the party thatstarted aa February 10 for Ottawa, Kan.

    UH*. IOWA mt "ii I,, UH IDVASTACKS

    or tm i iii-,...-PBAlBl*.

    (»n Jiiniiiiv 20 ;. part) r thirty-five cbil-rtreU tefl H.I. 'itv tl le, lOWW. li!¦ 'lt.. .eight wen boys and *ev< wei arl rbeb

    ¦1 ibetr dlstrll ut on In I

    brief!. ti.iiti sr., a bat of tbemen aad woll.elieand i.. m. vi)'.-cn iel '! l|

    to ii ayknown, i itou'hillj whal

    ol tin membei . ni the t-m v nptillie'el. ,fi' Mi:K! i I I IC ll !.! e il

    or tlieit gu in ii hIiort tune full rep.lie SJtVcBl.|.r.Boocan an. AiJUtUi na* twelve, a native

    i- ,i ¦

    a omni i ..'icu. >m-li , s -

    VI tl b>w ,.Coon . ,si ii ., n »iiteen.

    He H.- isWilli |l .. -,

    .,.! ...:,; lo,- VV «. uudWilli i,.v ] alu liVlUK WltO a voiiav: lion i ¦'

    < tbi a tl, i ¦. 1arm ol i'.o.uri.. ti u w bat* 150bead ul t

    lt A Hu tw»] bul.oil

    Fi vs v v w ,« lion, mnut i . latani. His

    pavrwui l two ri ...*ano. af i bli lt tim. :-j nestlt.- eu i He i- wuii Benjamin Meuaer, Paralla,low,,.

    Oot.tKis. i:i iiaro, .¦ fltteen, hu tm rican boy, whoiiv u ..: Philadelphia, Heading, Paterson ind

    b'e» Yi .. ind bad fuar Hara Dora lo sra. Helawuii J, v. .'ms v, gp ii,., v l . lown De writes,lahrasri lt): . I aa Roms tu sebo^l hi present, ai tlnke tile c alni!> Brat-raw. 1 sa snout one aila Imalon n. Mr. Wann ilej ba« * u bor .- and twentjbend ol sa ile, i wo deas and i v* o eats."

    Joii>su\. , ii vi,ia «, bom sixteen, aa urpbaa for lomrears, bal lived on Bergen Hui. N .!., umi¦ tho RivingtonStreet*LodglDg Hens*. H> > w mWilliam |. \V'|s,,n. Bprhlgrllie. wini write*. !.'.-nroary 17: " Ctaarles ls a vi > likelv tsey, ami idesat" beal to learn, lt is univ mallei I ae, Ithink, aim lu-will lie u vt-r.i bandi boy llt'« silt. anti M-etti- Ui ie very well satlsnod.'1( nai les i te timi bc is v., v it ippi

    Lorri l. Hi.siii. a young Ame; n> n. norn in Chicago,aad ase iw 'Ive Bis lal be i led i rears a_bli grandmother brought bun tu Now ¥ ndpased bia in tbs Juvenile Ar 'lum. He retained to( a in." to lu* motlier.

    LAwr.t v. :i tai en, was boro in Lbud Cllv. He ia an orpbuu, and lived tor som I meat lae Rivington B bim kingbaota. rn la Ike Si v time, and attending uigoi». bool I'' me ev, ia c. ile 1- WiLb < (.. iS'iillli.HaOlSia I lilli, and willes, January BS " 1 lia vc I fondli >nie on Farm. Mr. Hmilta n- ISO acres ol ii,twenty th [¦ oi thirty head of 'Mlle, sn bones, i bigBreve of pies, a good doa, I wo oats ami Bve iii -:s.

    ¦:.,.: tu start io school in \t wi eft. . . . ' jet be boya saown I am loins well."

    *McC ;. few montbs old, ind bli mother mairied agata. Ile had earned ronuej by opelBages. running errand* and la ever? wa.Hi* ile pfallier i.ii'i a f'-u mouibs agu, abd .-looiher wa* sent to Black d ss a vagrant,lie wm u. noaa tn¦ami*, ll- is vxi-n 'f.oiii.- K ll'..j..-,i tu vibe,Iowa. Mrs, ll I. v.ii.i I iruarj -.warne* iu tn tell yon taai ;.. ia verv tiappi ia bisnsw home, and bo does seem ipiiie eouteuled. lie

    eco 'V .' di. v up lit na it evenSrtvlng them tn tbi BeMla tbeaim

    lax. We think a are*! des] ol bun, r. ,¦:Wv , 0S h: vv toget al mg « llHe ta teaming dis learning lo wiass name I ihtokhelaadi I tike a¦wat deal of interest In bim. He lakes bis uWitta us, and ls treated as oin if the family. IndusUric is n.i langer Inn -w;Hi us nulli bc rs gr iwa, ii his life i- sn ... .. II isi-ei.v hai ,:.. i' mut thc n,ii»cr. and eas do almost anytaino n undertakes. Bm wdi go tn achoo! le-x-Willi.-!."

    BaOOS, ARNIK. aco Ufteen. is a CiiiadlHti. Her fatherdieu some Has tao, leaving bel motber waa sevenchildren.] foi work,bul waatun vitv successful; and hearing beraoiherwaaBah waa noxious to retain to b r. She tefl tue partyat liol'.,., tu go to ...-I ii .i burne, about forty mil, afrom ,i.r. ;¦¦ sn bs

    ¦¦wv, ions n kastrtoaa. ats twelve, leal bis¦basil twu roars ago, and nit inn nome hooaase ni-sneit.rr «¦'. drunk *M abased lim. Hr lem it ..Bightcowl li Si reel Lodging il »'... and Dieted np ahvusgon the street* Be was wits W P.HsiaietiBrnasvUle; bul Mia lloag wrote, rYbraarj B, thalks was wiluual -u.

    Scits«i v. a i. vi: iee, an Intelligent &medeas boy olIWrteen, ru Jersey City. Ii;- lg. bul a

    ii. ci: eu tm t in s. and >\i hIu-:' i i- onin-- i fal II.- ¦ with 'I W

    Willi'.-. S|l !1-, le*a.Bena'ni. Hagar.a German Jew, burn al

    (V.ieo'.v. Poland. Ill- :u''aad be live.1 for a long lime li lin dgiug-lKo ",7 Hi were,making « ti of dvinahoot* a d kelling oewapspors. Hs seemed brlgblaad Intelligent, but appears to ''.¦!% :.i..».Ito write*. Febrnary 19 :*'1 have no place a a Itaave tried Iwo plaeeai tbe ilr-u I quit on aeout I ilbad irestmrnt. The oilier I liked well monga,bot I Waa aol allie lo du Hie work. Hudlir M-nt nie Pick. I don't IlLe fa: tn Work Hillway li could met a place ai anything eb*I wosUd like lt. Mr. Ctn iberlaln say* be will

    ii m. beard lons; if Ids pol get a plaei be.til send 11. fl io-i nie place el»e I do ii itknoa whatte do. Plea* tell Mr. Trott to send m i Bible aa Ibale in.ii'v nf tun. lo read." .Vis Racbel 1 Im...wrillnit a'i ut ber inn, l liiii.s Me antiwini t'.i'-ii u .v homes G vein-, kindest regards toMr. Trott. 1 vvi-h io thant; bia tor tne Inejiipv synpat li r mau., sled toward ,ur. I wiau to be reasab. ;.-d liv li'lti."

    BriTit.i.K. Kix^.vii ut.d PUgBiaiCBi two orphan brothers,ages sixteen hd'1 elev, i i . ,i adaoaimm.ev it ii hiker'* abop; Prederiek imo b eu in th"¦brw-Tork Orphan A«y.uui. i'ev wera le t v-uii i.C. Brown, Manon, Iowa, Mt Bruwa writes, lr', iouarylT: .* Tho bora au well gto tbool.We k -p: thoa bots tm a rn eel oi s". No noe nto woat Rdgar, so we were obliged to let Freddy go,tor it v.i< impossible to keep tbea together; the;qtt.iiielleit mid fussed all thc time when they wen tugetiicr. Mr. Beecrwtt, nus ol on :; ar ni gbSeek Freddy on tri ti. Thev .u' Bm folks and w.utreat him well. Aa for Edgar, I .uu-.iv know wnatwaar, il- bi very indolent, very i nw. We bara sboy ii"di i:ii... -1. md Edgar seems to hick t! iiought to help him iii bia Work Tni« i» the ureattrmihle la om ondrrtaklug to kce() film, \\ewiiaaad bia to ac ool till opting,. nd then perhapi i smone w t .k' nini." (ahu'I, age tiiirteeTi, u brother of the shove*,bau ii' ta and served In a grocery store lsKew Yiik ll" ia wu t. a. BL Williams, Springvibe,Iowa, wbe boa alao one of the childi a whoa* namesit wa* thongbl beat not to pubbi In full. Ile -write*,Feiiru " < i "< doug Oral ute. Georgs

    bal u'h winn we nt bia: he la betternow. Carlos, or Carl, as we eau bim, that being tbaname wm;', a Iq ll BibilIn the hou a They have everything to basra, aadtheir Ignorance nt farm life l* vi ry amusing, nn UkiIhsss very aaab. My sbrter teaches tbenr ai inane,amt tbog au laatralng very tost." Carl writes: "ihave a very ile. pla* e, ai d h very ales Boas * * * Iam veri glad that I heard of n.>.u*- West, fm I Uk,;the C' tinily very u.ucb, and I would but nke to ^oback."

    TBomas.\r p.. sn Intelligent boy, born at Sprtrij;-;i aa.,of Oeraaaparentage,ag< fourteen , Hispan um r. I. th dead. He ia With C. B. Abbott,tlpringvil'.e, Ijws, and writea, February Bi "I HlBJmy new Ilunja very well. The folks all tn ,.t !..weil, and Mr. and Mr*. Abbott, las penlive with, treal me like their owu eblld. 1 like tbscountry very maota, aad as for farming, I Uko thalvery niiirh. 1 can go to church every (SundHy onhor*e-t>a -k. and 1 do co. I um ti ymg ti) do uv hen,and tbeie is un danger of in, leaving my SBpl¦OMtOOMade wail to leave, as tarasUingl go tiow.Tell Mr. Tro.tthat I thank hliu ,t thousand tun s forbringing me to Iowa and getting me mich u good

    I 11,auk you fur your j{on.i advice."Wistky. Iiiomas, a German lad, age SUCtsea, Wbe fog

    the pa«t nve year* bas supported t,inis,-it. it,, bj ,,grest ndtnle, stng* soiigsaud recite* ooatc iii ilogaes, aiier tho stuo ot variety performers. Hewaa with B. J. Churoh.BprlngviUe. hal tuc latterwrites. February 12, that, a.* his farm was email,he dhl nm need a bur. and h fiieuu, WilllaaP.Briggs, of central Citr, had tak"n hun. Mr. Cnurchaddst " He ha* a laia'e tm in and ito buy ol ti;* own,

    5nd ls s ronni.-man. I think lt i* a nice pines TorIm. Tbe war he came to u* wa* this: Our -to se* tbeehlidreu eos* toto town, and tin- boyaaoaebaw took a fancy le Bash other and came humetogether."

    THK NAMF.I.lss WSIBS,n the aexount that wa* paSSbtbsd in Tm: TBUUBI o'

    the slatting of i'd* p.'fy for las Weat, WV ¦teeasSttbIrcu were mcuuuuod only hy mo initial letter* of their

    ui,e», uni m annie instance* it WM tli.-ngltt beet nut IOve evil |lie«e enriertlv. '1 hey callie Hie caren: lil«lety tbronrh tbe Courts, 'mm drank-u ordlis"lnteneats, amt ;t wa- thought then akgb| b daogei thai

    aid be tinide tu o-et them back, again Inciseey wen traosd ni tue futon. All thiie ebfldnn have.oj mn"!, and (avocahh accounts hsvsnm nu,*' ot the nambi r.i: nh. of Walker, Iowa, writes: ".¦ is a lively

    ri; we ul 'j' to ,.ni |ikingoul adoption tapers,: rt f tb

    vihi-ii. mri wini ii..\. asked ma it any

    .. tows Wipe* .. | WOO'. ',- li III

    n- i- a vi iv tuart ir ri. and think .¦lt lo mil wa) ¦

    i tn be very w-vv tileuda.¦ 01 these lt'!, -i,

    ri Will le lp u

    i , Iowa,

    If our ownih i* ii ronni!

    .I mu own... v W« WOl

    I let ns know ilI like

    ..Oarhui i id-.v In .v ., roe i \

    ¦j' hisiot md we

    iini nj' to bring lilia U] o I* a i ul man

    Til i''-,, 1I,,: m ii, i" ci !-i i«»! inn v 'I-.

    Mr. Reid's fifth p wry 10.

    ni vi. Jami ip BiBoeitty, and four fnmil

    Iren rite teli: 1 l"f v | . I I III,t tied to obtain nploi un nt, ai -: seemed to

    ,, m. ind ¦¦> b '"- li idilron than tbe

    ::i d.ra waa made a sal

    »rty arrived al noon of tbi IBU. The local newspaper,KrpubHemn. ol the aa i.

    nm ol be receptionI, 'on .rai!) from Ihe t: isl arti vi d v it' id: y,

    uard, asper acreement, Mi .1 I*. Il ire. wreniI. '» Aid (society. Nev Turk, with lui Skw

    OkK :.!¦ nev v>. '.-lcd to Hm * Oiwra Hun

    nw et applie mt ^. re Inbonn -i

    0, as e. '. |)| ., 'HUS ]| |,|cia legistered. The oommitfee bad tbomiiably i-v;ma a tl the manuel ot dlstriiuulna tb I !¦¦ et.looto,t wini gi -ai eautlon.w ie bri

    ,.,1 lie .' ci Ult III I

    ,1 sn I, ii .>-. i hi . all¦. 'I ,'..!¦ a Ui .' : sii-M with '

    MMe. V.i, many gund peoole were ,:,-.,i g- Klug a bov. for : na supp j v. .ni i ted 11.-- sltuai onlr. Brace inform. : s Beimblitan repoi .: ilia i i>in.ante i: iel he will bring auotbei parti here soon.uii'i n to -ii inni. ital s ir o ii i ic Irom .- yt i o .- -ialied si c lui s of be couti ry luat Ino send thi boys on nilen tim - aakespecial reusal iini in- taken tn pta es named. However, Mr.Iraoe baa hrnugbl ouiubei ol Ijoroagblng little chaps, who will make franklin Countya . ' . : in-ill ot ne - tu.i days.

    Mr. mace Mat. .1 tu a iiaciNr reportei thairi g v eight applieauta, aa Ibm mi v were .: .

    ppolllled Ol lleeensltv, aad I lie Cillll lill! ti'. Wi* ali!" IIii homes fm the cid uren with great ear* A

    ' loo boys was taken lo the same town early In Jan ary, imv eg iie-n *ei t by Mn John Jacob Asl r. li good impression wbirb wai created ny lb bu irty whit ii ,u.-' I mi groat a dea a i foi tb

    ¦¦it i-v M. Reid. Me. Brace ian that areal surpriseaa everywhere expressed at the inlet lb* III.- w.i.:- t1 Vak street*, and Ibc qmek urnlei

    .'ir new life which waa geoerall)following report ol an Interview with Mr

    ra ... le a 81 bottle reportei is published in rb* UailgomtU l I- lu ii ii v |0ea P. Brace, of tba Children's Aid Borlely ..(

    w York .u: v d al the Lin t I Hutt rt day,, k ii- i, woore bi has located anm.'inn. gitber d up in New york. Tbt» pasty wa*

    ll po .1 nf boVS atilt Cir* w ii v,,i,. -,..,! (Mp n,,'. ii .v !:¦ !. ot Thk Ni:w YniiK 'limn Nt. witta fundslaced in his hand tbla chainy, a blai ry of whichraa given In rae Otoh*-BcMoeral several week* ago, Mr.

    ,i ¦¦ v s:, nl.iv Hun lilsu wa, Kansas, ¦.¦. - ,i very sottaasiasi e noe., toe lo

    a;,.HM!-, having eighty-eight apod aUvm fur ebilren on his arrival, aud aoou ail of them were In a odnines. A lng" numil, r nf the lio.v.i WbO wi.ciki n there ni January ea ^.i boob bia, re-ned iii.i: Hov c. re well eased with their new

    Mid tba) Ihe.v w uil'l uni go D ik In ,N. wtoy eoiis'ii-i anon. (Some ottbea bad been

    aecesaiullj rsUlng pies and chickens, aud em nf them.ul n '. i c. v, n a nail o. mu - i'v bis empmyei On*ac ,- lo Mr ll nee Unit the liol" Ink. n liv l.t.,

    ad really ailed a a sn's place aa the farm, ai d wi al, receive i gular wages. Several of the faraers rem.i il ; hat tl eu i v. ii a be "> ia Ihej

    ice i lath bal ta,e;v iini elved hundred, ol appliesHun* from all

    M url .on! K ¦' .... 'or nov*, bul ti,ut bai ih] un. tl I ieee*** v tor Hieiraers lu lunn parties of Bfteen oi twenty, with s

    . committee in makes formal application to Ibctuen Hillel- co.ul If Bllad.

    A a-' of tBe ellison* ,,: Ottawa .I vi univ willihom tbi obiWren found homes ba* boen received, aa111 bs puliUabed ss soon aa lt can be accompanied hy

    ;".it o' i,ii young eaigrauti in th- ir imw ile.t is not usual for Hie children thus aral mil oi fornell new una id tn* tu w ruc tu ar. Ruld ot io the oli. ,s ,u ii,, bddreu'a Aid Moolelj usa til tbej bariai tv. uni ii. wi" g. in w hull to i.Be aoquaintedrub each ol ar and wlU Huh aew suriuundlOneoftna towt le*har*yet reported bm ali strived.fiiv ;.t nie poni* fnuu whick iinv wen le branchtl from toe party which they ....ipamcd tu reaebbe I'la'.' I w lu re Hwy exp.- ted lu timi WiST* and huliii *.


    ir.gnxoe cv workmbn uv oirrnRKxi traobst\p..\ >'K iilK < I I I I Its ITRINWAV'S MKN CM-iir.iit'Ki'.

    sting of wnrkingmi d "I did'ereul trade*vere he'd in this city yesterday, either to effect or-canizatioua preliminary to demands for an advanced vva^. s or to consult concermugotrikosalreadya^uii A boge anas-meeting of m,u employed inbe turtiiiun- faetoriee of New-York was heh! atiJoocordia Hall, ia Avenue A, m lbs morning. Tbsank.nK enpuiv e.^ ni lieiti | ll.ri in um eompeeed therreatei part ol theMteodanoe,though several Cab!-ietin.1,.1 iV Unions woes represented.A man iiaincd lt. Kautliirui advised ibu workmen

    ii furniture of tho necessity during the presentdraggle ol making an alliance with otbei tradeinion.*, and aeenrtng aasfaitanea from them, llode-.lared nt favor oi haitian the boura ol labor to¦iglit houmeach day, and urged tbs necessitj olurmony ot action ami union among the men, oshe oi,iv way of iug' Manufacturers. JohnMueller declared (nat tbs organisation would here-ifter be known as " Tbe Piooeors of Kluan ipalmnii Winn- Slavery." If to oppose such a ttstc is sociallam, then be honored it. Otbetpeahen continued m substantiallj the Hame attain,l he strongest nth ranees we ic those mewl ravorabijreceived, the meeting iHik boaotioa beyond ap¬plauding tbe advice bi (Ierrmaua'a men to insistniMiii their drmondaAbout300cation wots present at tbe moating

    held yesterday afternoon ut Oornuais Hall, inTbird-ave.. for tbe purpose ol forming a clothing-cutlets' union. Representatives bom forty shops,wbo had been instructed at a previous meeting to., - ci un the leel mg ot theil fellow-workmen as tot ie proposed unlou, made theil report*. Nearlj allul thc men, it sppesred, favored tbe anion, althoughsumo wanted to know winn ita i.ui at ti i «-.,«. n in- baton the* Joined it. Ii was determinedthat each shop should have on organisation ol Itsown, iiiul iHat it should bc represented Ut tbs gene¬ral erganizaUon by oi e a more deli gate* and tbatthe de., gatos from tbs dub rent simps should select(Been tm tbs naloo, ta be presented tor Bpi

    nt the noxl meeting, rho meeting wea then ad¬journed lot one week.A mee: ii c. d t ulois waa bold yesterday afternoon,

    at Na 46 Aveuue-A, to protest again** tbs lowwages which ure being paul to ptsee-workenin the trade, ami tu organise them-serves a protective union m ordei io secureau laereasa troa employers. It wa* urged by adelegate from Williamsburg that th- presentniuo afforded tue most favorable opportunitytm a eitiknj that the trade wa* brisk, and thatthere vv.,s an ineieased demand lor the bet leiol work. The majority}, however, pronounced themvive, adverse t 9 .- oi T li * Tbs folios Itali based

    .' v by ii Pori danw io held an important position under tho

    'Dictator'4 during; tho war if l870-*71,#and who *itillon friendly terms with the I of tho

    of D Tni



    ,.: nea ami m.Mr. int rna ¦. cdav bork.

    JM. -! IPR IN I Ul. ill.Vis It'll

    \ c, (UL un. .i> AND I ::-i .in .. ABD BOLDAsl, .. ITATBSMAK.

    a wa* licrn>iu 18.18 at,; nt the Department* ol

    tat: of , tie " d I1' i itb of. ii: , om] " 'Vl'' !""

    ir collei re town. Os unI aw

    however,tpposed :.' Iieucs iin.l

    very diffioalt for tbslining law to pay his way al Paris.Hut. thanks lo tba ilevoi ion uf bli n ithi :'.

    tflle. M ms i warotid une In the lal, a luxury

    im dism .: li '¦ ind for! irn lodgiug-h. us.» ni' ie, i. bj the s av.

    wi>rn accent, lu irina ol bel nephew's trouble with

    ige in the eu virom olahorn, Pat iud I

    ivith bini. " I am .linne..

    : ese lted by (Jain'.et ta in tin-(,'h a tu¬ber ; ('ctn ral I li I b d. a graduBU "I lt I'yr. tbs Ws«l

    nt c, i ir, a fine ipaakor and aDghterwho did good service during tbs war i Carlat, the poet and di n utshed photographer j Pro.lessor Gavorret, of tbs Pans Medical School; Dr.

    Fienial. (Jambetta's physician ar^d su jV. friend oflils youth; and several others of less Bebb Gilpurely political and oft! lal friends seldom appear atthe*,' Sunday breakfasts, bnt dine with lila obother divs nf t'ae week.OamhsSts is a food connoisienr of paintings. Hs

    likes to talk ob art, ead has a larg* knowledge of!thosnbjeet, He kno-ws s great deal about. Italy,which be hu vlaited MVera] t;'nǤ. I haye oftenheard him *peak with admirarton of Venice and lt*galleries. I am snro that what plmisei hint most Inthe Palais Bourbon sn th? beautiful paintings withwhich ll ls Lei orated In the Latin QnArtsc he hadbu o art, a bronas figure of Mirabeau.."Hird ii i : k together,"I uidto bin < sin those early days, pointing to this i si

    Another ohm ol'...; ics ii Viol ir Rogo, II.- used to re-

    rd i tressing.ran OPtUIO.X v a mn i"."r:;: s.

    [r the beg hut oareer, Gemlittle alu -ii drem, In fa . hs **- ii ratl si sit von n

    Wi eu n po. r law studei t, his cheapid buen fastetied carelessly in the

    tig vriti, a plo, would be sad v isksw ut,.'vsr, Le is mora oareful aboul Iis found that greatueas has ito annoy-

    ¦. hu*Mid tba' the homme .'-.-¦ it Ire** lin.

    ieli '. i(iluka ir should bs i li tbs'"ti't'ii-. To-daj Iii* pen .¦.. appears

    i ti not in the least rtftected, but i' ¦¦/",: iv ti ;'. m -v ho an on Inti¬

    mate im;:!- with b..:. lu bli¦o graj r'ibi itt 'ii

    and a Grecian caji "fa : biro-

    on ev iviinw.,

    bow to listen, readi f bcd pts a it' hisin Iga a,' tel . :. best, iveu though il ;-'

    reel ¦ tmpulu. never contra-.: s -i im ¦-. mcor

    nu aceiates m irki ut' -¦...-. ¦.:,. iv, and . v. v ruc in li i

    i, Hi \a rei firstfriend

    . .;,! ai:,' tied j asa polil ions and faith in

    orator it" warm, niin:\ ga.ipili "-i irv leader Im possesses a superior uv

    I of tn legislative bodies,"i h.i* never ie en neb. When bs

    ihip oi I rai after tin war withmy tm -v ss "v. ii.. tor ol Hie hotelhe had been living mani weeks' leard. 1

    Il hasnbettai n -¦' '.- lol

    me Arnaud, tbs wealthy v»-.i'iw ol the Islese Arnaud de I' Arlene, wi ru hi rtsihs n,.::: t al the at, ss

    ls many years the si r olhis friends de v t!:. it, rv. "

    i- I ia-arv. and herein perhaps lies ll a founds

    i to esp roi biati lend. It i< tn journalism thai i

    f ir the little he posscs>ea. lineb he

    b . i i:, I -.' 1I

    I, s77.



    i i swaggi ri n*.

    .kl.' Cou

    il ti


    rho were ina :

    ,. .i thc

    igtil eve In 1807, Gr. I'm us il, thc i

    t,a. thusIII!-firm manner, ba-a large hut weU-sboped mouth,

    '. ti ere

    In ni and full ol bri. All Ins fi ¦....m-m- "ni h. lie i nf t

    Hunk, rood chest, and mot e*....

    li. :. m.. i. ..

    Ul ia.i ..

    from Pans se in wnp inj with a fr.ini iel li was lum mg In be eui iron,

    .» Maluirti*.>i .vhile the Paris newspapers had Idaiii L union.

    t: -ii iimei , ;,t \ nle-d'Av ra.', alittle sb ml tiftcen hundred luhabitau's,

    tween St. Cloud ami Varan Ileai um neort tor Fans,mis vt ho

    int th* city every day, and during th "..nuer Hs population ls doubled. Gambet * occu¬

    lt ii! Bil lOl B habitu! bj H. /.ir.,. i" cot ipn number

    ¦in inscription once informed tin touristtill, be then ihsl ho ln>jsc foi m-

    ii 1. in h.noe.: io thc ed story-teller, ldre,amid arasay lswt sr th* shade of fine trace.

    t la reefs 'mri the fatigues of the capitalIle rei eives bul few vialtore, ami i* not troubled bi',tiis ilia faithful Francois forward* averymorning from Pans whatever « orreapondenoa it iiabs .lu;ely nei casar) t .1 he should see.Such ka Uauibetta. In km rica, you wonW call

    luina Sell nude man. In Frame, tue OriatOcratSpionouuoa him a parrroM, bul the people bad him

    * giand npreaeniative ol modern FrenchrUmoerovy. ______________



    ni tenement-house itt No.fin'.j Baxter-it.swarms with Italian ng-plckers ami organ-grind-crs. Bach room contain! ;it least uno family, andnome ol the rooms contain two cr three familiesea.ii. In wann weather the inmate* are fund oflounging in the small court-yard wbieb Mparatesth,, trout [rom nar baUdings. Thu coori wa* tilledlas! evening, and, alter drinking utah) bier lor saIn,ur, thc men and women Joined in BOBBI ItalianKaines, dancing aud singing to the alleged music ofa hand organ.Tba sport waa interrupted by a quarrel between

    Joseph \'l'b zn', an inmate nf thc building, and ait Italian named fohn Zuckarello, who na*

    nfieii} slept in the court wi.en the weatherwa* ind too e.lill. Before tho nut ure nttho quarrel oould be understood by theother Italians, Addeah/a wifs undertookthc part ni a peacemaker, md pulling bax bus-hand iiv the sleeve, sin- led bim to th.ur room in i. a

    the second story, Znokarallo followedmuttering thrash*, The singing and dancing wentun tn the court tor a few minuti i longer, suddenlyn pistol-ebot wu beard in the direction ol Addexio smum. and the Italian ami hu wife ran thr< nub theeulin ai al into tba street together, li" nan was

    revolver, and thc woman seemedviv uiui-b terrified. Un the tl>.-i the Fourteenth Pre-uni, ' i. ung for A»l

    euing md aaiii they foll certain thal ne couldBAt escape, His wifs was believed to hew un Lim.



    tn roan nut laeosja^vrona mi:um;i.v bavobbbby PBOMIBJUVT cni/.rNS-FXiiii MOMB op gp,PBOVAL raOM ii!.- ntv, ult. BBUnsjPJ am, uh.WU.I.lilli r.M.KI.K.

    S t 'it K li tor of The Tribune.Sn:: The bill to eularjre thc friLito Board ol

    bantlei, bv adding two BhyatsSBUB ami one lawyer touid to trtsBsfet te it lbsanibally now vested

    i a sinai! OoatsdsshBBBC hi Laaaoy, ha* boob hrvacaali.uoried bf tbs boaoably CoamMue os .state enan-I'lii: HisiitiiiiotH.of wbieh Mr. BradJ >..¦.¦

    ¦'. Tbs c. inmit- S BpBStBbM* nf the!a.i;, WOO ortglSated this measure, sra in rp-

    ¦eat cordially approvtag B i.ev. lu raj

    BBW-YOBK, 1-'Ii. 1 7. lx-o:¦ '< lt, ClmirtMH

    (tatton o/ u Lu iep (Asmmission *,uiAit -:it: lau, rwy mack laataaod with Itoaonera-

    iplici y .iini wisdom. Il will in ItUei wu* yi, aoi ni. .tii.aie conservative*; but Ul

    lill ililli! Illili III a.ilte-iilM. -. ip .1, .. a| If.!l '.


    t. be ii moog ruin la ol aure i . !, ir -' ,., rint-

    :¦.-¦ lou,


    Bony ..- pis ,ate

    '..-I .: ami :.v '";¦. p 111 ml tn

    ad Judgment, it:yiv.' .«sken i" cancel Interest iqultably pail duo, oast tbs

    Will itrnw inter'rt mull ilie end ot lu.' r, ir.'ian,ie: li SI,OOO vv.r baaed un January 1,

    B870, st ii rr cc-1. nd on Julj 1. IsT'i, i paytasuliftB40wereniade,no int.-r ito ,- squitiwiydae, theStOWOUId draw miere«u until Juiiiiarr 1,1871. Th!nt,nun ii ibc payment, tP-U 'Jo. would bc u.-ducted fr.m

    tbeu d il on lae mite, and there-ir, 11880, would hui,, merest i-quii.iiiiv

    nie nut uni .tal. If ni, .Iil.v 1. 1S71. a pnyiuent otKl Ui .,,..,. m., ii tbe Tis; so would b deducted, md tn-

    .i puted un Hie r. uuilnd. r. SMI '.'0. nulli J nm.l, j,;-, prom me umuuui, StISS 64. de ut t th*luti resl tuen uue, BOO, sod lbs resubaar, BBSBB4, will.,, t r, duos th! i' melpal.

    it ii .* .unit.d in be citric: that "Interest san In-twost ls extortion," tbe I ooneoibwi Bale, I sa uttsBsa,ll roi reel, and sbOU d liave lie, n adopted, tlinti nd af th!

    , Rule, Dy Goeaceltor Kent ami by tbaUnitedStateiCourt*. CC. Bayi.kT.Stw-Tork.mb. IS, issn


    BALLOT-BOX SAFEGUARDS.X o l b e gditor of 1 li e 1 r i b u n *.

    Bm: The folded ballot, designed ss protecth* Fi-rinr Hain .-eviilny. I* soiuetliiic* usml by bsdnen s* ii coyer or BSOOa SS c,i*t I wu or more votes.such Illegal vote* make nie tutsi number of vols*

    ....a tbs Beabea Ol cj.'ctor* recorded in the polli. .i-e n,e present law requires ihe ballot*

    u ba pu! back Into tbe imi sad leakes up, and the sunpim vnt.s ii awn om bf nan e aid .l.'suoye.l. Hy ititi

    iwful VOUS are Hallie to ns orawu out instead,t tbe illegal votu gtvaa. isuch lujuotiee ought to bsu- uV. :foo .,. gmt) tbat sll lieual votes shall tis itetectnl

    tad thrown ou', li put all tb* votes or.-I, ;ti any election. Ut* mia

    leg il em u Hie pull- cloieut* count iii envelopes aud discard .mr

    nu p ns til ic (it .. nv. the number ol electors, asmil Hu n pion ed in open the:inv ii-'uii each

    iii rem lound, lu Hu* way tb*. aad i i bad -. i

    yd.I \o 'UH

    ugh to ri i «nurtb lin f ny. ;

    rpaper inila viL. U. i'uui.Ji.talina, A. J'.. F. h. D, USO.
