Living Our Spiritual Values November 19, 2017 Music Ministry


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November 19, 2017

Living Our Spiritual Values

Music Ministry

Spiritual Talk “The Grateful Heart”

Reverend Lani Howard

Spiritual Mind Treatment

Lori Stitt


Practitioner: Lori Stitt

Congregational Song “I’m So Grateful” by Karen Drucker

Welcome and Announcements

Meditation Lori Stitt

Chant “O Great Spirit” Native American Chant

Special Music

Jeff Wright, Guitar and Vocals

Rick Kirkpatrick, Guitar Jon Fox, Bass

Julie Chiarelli, Congas

Jill Fox and Juanita Bratton, Vocals

Welcome Music

“ We Are” by Wright/Chiarelli

“I Trust in God” by Rickie Byars Beckwith

Closing Song “I Release” by Rickie Byars Beckwith

This week’s affirmation: “I am grateful every day for all the good

in my life.”

Spiritual Movie Night Event “TOMORROW” Friday, Nov. 17th, 7:00 pm

Hosted by Rev. Lani for a Love Donation

“Over the course of a century, our dream of progress com-

monly called "the American Dream", fundamentally changed

the way we live and continues to inspire many developing

countries. We are now aware of the setbacks and limits of

such development policies. We urgently need to focus our

efforts on changing our dreams before something irreversible

happens to our planet.

The documentary TOMORROW sets out to showcase alter-

native and creative ways of viewing agriculture, economics,

energy and education. It offers constructive solutions to act

on a local level to make a difference on a global level. TO-

MORROW is not just a film, it is the beginning of a move-

ment seeking to encourage local communities around the

world to change the way they live for the sake of our planet.”


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Announcements (continued)

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Please be mindful that some people are sensitive to fragrances.

Let’s keep SCSL a Fragrance-Free Zone, so everyone can breathe easily.

Sunday, Nov. 19 at 11:30 am


Join Lori Stitt, R.Sc.P. as she


this powerful exercise.

Offered at no cost

Join us for our annual

Thanksgiving Eve Service Wed., Nov. 22, at 6 pm

Please bring: Something for the altar that represents what you are grateful

for, and Your favorite bread and spread or finger food.

We will sing, share our

gratitude, and hear an inspiring

message from

Rev. Lani Howard.

We will set our intentions for in

the coming year, and then we’ll

break bread together in


Sign up at the Events table for set up or clean up.

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Announcements (continued)

Special Thanks this week to: Jivan Swann for volunteering to interview our members for a monthly feature in our e-blast and on-line Sunday Bulletin to

deepen our community connection.

The book Rev. Lani is teaching from

in November is

The Path to Wealth

by May McCarthy

Available in the bookstore




For just $20.00 you can help Interfaith Food Ministry give food for a full holiday meal for an average family of four.

$40.00 provides both Thanksgiving and Christmas meals.

Place your check

or cash in the

IFM mug on the


Shop for everyone on your gift list this holiday at

and Amazon donates to SCSL.

Announcements (continued)



ANIMAL KINSHIP MINISTRY This Circle is about pets, and the people who love them. If you love pets and are willing to pray and care for them, and also to pray for the people who love them, then this circle is for you. It just takes a willingness to pray and participate. For more information, please contact Rev. Lorie at 530-268-1031.

SACRED DANCE CIRCLE We will continue to dance on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays from 9:30-11:00 am, moving indoors to SCSL, and also on the 2nd Wednesday from 4:30– 6:00 pm at SCSL. All the dances are simple, and taught with a focus on connection and being centered. Call Judy if you have any questions. (798-0385)

THEATRE TROTTERS Monday, November 20, 7:30 we will be attending Roger & Hammerstein’s CINDERELLA, at The Harris Center in Folsom. Tickets for this show are $59. Carpooling is available. Wednesday, December 6, 2017, 12:30 PM, THEATRE TROTTERS will meet at Tofanelli's, 302 West Main Street for our care circle and sharing in holiday cheer. We will be looking at fun possibilities for December and beyond! For more information regarding THEATRE TROTTERS activities, you can call Kathy Mann at 530-802-3509.

UPLIFT, People Serving People Sandi Schilling leads a circle of friends who are interested in bringing a little sunshine into someone else’s day. This could involve taking a meal, giving a ride, or sending a card; doing a favor for someone who needs a hand up. If you are interested in this sacred circle, please contact circle leader Sandi Schilling at 477-8532.

VISUAL ARTS CIRCLE For all levels of visual artists. Activities include painting and drawing “en plein aire” (outdoors) and viewing various galleries and shows. To sign up, call Tom Devine at 530-265-3104 or Farley Fallon at 530-955-1153.

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Announcements (continued) Scheduled Events and Classes at SCSL

Recurring Gatherings at SCSL!

Tuesdays & Thursdays 1:00-2:00 pm, Medical Qigong for Health and Wellness with Sue Steger.

Thursdays 6:00-8:00 pm, Drumming Circle with Michael DiMartino

Our drumming circle champion, Farley Fallon, is looking to share his position on alternate Thursdays. Please contact

Farley or the office if interested.

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Wed., Dec. 13th, 4:30 – 6:00 pm, Sacred Dance Circle, SCSL

Fri., Dec. 15th, 7:00 pm, Spiritual Movie Night Event, TBD

Wed., Dec. 6th, 9:30 –11:00 am, Sacred Dance Circle, SCSL

Wed., Nov. 22nd, 6:00 pm, Thanksgiving Eve Service

Sun., Dec. 10, 11:30 am, Deck the Halls with Rev. Lani.

Wed., Dec. 20th, 9:30 –11:00 am, Sacred Dance Circle, SCSL

Mon., Nov. 20th, 7:30 pm, Theatre Trotters attend “Cinderella”

New Raffle to support “Manifest My Minister” costs ~ just in time for the holidays!

Beautiful limited-edition giclée

“The Splendors of Spring”

by the Filipino painter, Sergon.

Tickets are $1 each or 6 for $5

Winning ticket will be drawn

Sunday, Dec 3rd!

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Announcements (continued)

Practitioners Are Available To Meet With You!

Do you have concerns or issues that are weighing on your mind?

Would you appreciate having prayer support for knowing the highest and best outcome?

There are spiritual advisors available to meet with you briefly after Sunday services for no fee. You may also place Prayer Requests in the Prayer Request Box on the Practitioner table next to the front entrance. Each Monday the Practitioners gather to hold consciousness for the perfect healing of all situations and conditions. Spirit is all there is and we recognize your wholeness, prosperity, health, loving relationships and divine self expression.

You may also call a Licensed Practitioner to schedule an appointment with them during the week for a fee. Licensed Practitioners are:

Shera Banbury 477-8085 Lori Stitt 852-7588

Julia Robles Scott 575-2966

Spiritual Mind Treatment / Affirmative Prayer works!! Take advantage of this healing service!!

Compassion Corner and Prayer Requests

If you have a gratitude, a prayer request, or a request for support of any kind that you’d like to share, please call the office and we’ll be happy to list it in the bulletin for two


Prayer for Peg Vielbig and Patrice Kyle for Perfect Wholeness

Peace and Harmony in our Country and in our World

If you need a ride or meals during an illness or following a surgery, or know of someone in the congregation who does, please contact Sandi Schilling, leader of the Uplift Circle, at 477-8532. She and her circle of caring people will be happy to help in whatever ways they are able.

Save the Date!

DECK THE HALLS with Rev. Lani!

Sunday, December 10th after service
